Nooo! How long do we have to wait for more brilliant writing?

And, thank you.

I had covid this week. Grateful I got the new, old variant.

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And to think our state media with a budget of 8 500 000 000:- (roughly $930 000 000) annually cannot produce even 1/10th of what you are doing!

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They can. But they won't.

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Most of what happens in the Covid universe feels a bit like slight of hand to me... Focus on this while the real trick is happening off to the side. Soooo much distraction, because something else is the endgame. Happy to admit that this could be categorised a conspiracy theory, but I have seen it happen too many times over the past two years (probably always been the case, but I finally see it).

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Whether or not this was a "plandemic", those interested in reorganizing the monetary/financial world are busy taking advantage of it. No doubt about it. You don't even have to climb down that rabbit hole...there are work crews going in and out of that hole hourly, it's cordoned off with yellow tape, and there is a sign there that says, "Pardon our progress while we build back better."

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Cliff hanger ! Great writing!

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I like where your heading on this.

Did you happen to see the anonymous leaked text from GISAID, about 6mths ago (maybe more, the last couple of years are all starting to bleed together!)? Couldn't verify source beyond being individual that sequenced for a living.They had been tracking all the sequences from around the world uploaded to GISAID since BC (before covid), and painstakingly tracing each sequence from origin to airplane flights moving around the world. Very long document way too technical for my level of viral sequencing understanding- practically zero, but the gist was that there were variant discrepancies in how they moved through the world based on the data. Some origin mismatches, sequenced before it was evolutionary possible, disappearing and reappearing sequences, showing up in places at times when it sho uikd have been impossible and a whole bunch of stuff. The writer said they hoped someone who understood what they were trying to share, would see it and know what they were looking at. Any way i thought i had digitally filed it but i haven't been able to find it since, but your article reminded me of it.

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If you (or anyone else) find that, please forward it to me.

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It's helpful for me to sort of retrace my thinking process to make a blurry continuum into a timeline & excess stable reasoning make you a good constant.<- note math term! :~)

Anyway the hint of a leak perked my ears & went hunting for GISAID leak but my grasp only good enough to know what's dirtbag adjacent & doesn't qualify but check this our from BMGF funded GAVI- vaccines work section ..


Are there any ongoing initiatives to try and strengthen global disease surveillance?

CEPI’s partners are trying to put some of the necessary capabilities in place. For example, The Gates Foundation has provided funding to help set up the Pathogen Genomics Initiative, which aims to boost laboratory networks, disease surveillance and emergency response capacity in Africa and South Asia. The Rockefeller Foundation has a great interest in setting up a global early warning system, which would use AI to detect the signs of outbreaks and share that information globally. We’re also working with the new WHO Hub for Pandemic and Epidemic Intelligence, which is trying to improve data sharing and to develop technologies that would enable better decisions to be made about future threats.

We too have been leading on a programme to advance global surveillance and ensure this feeds into vaccine development. Over the past 18 months, we’ve worked with GISAID and a couple of UK health and science agencies to create a system that not only monitors new COVID-19 variants but also then tests to see if antibodies (part of the immune response generated following infection or vaccination) are still able to neutralise the strain. This information then gets shared with vaccine developers – and it’s this piecing together of real-time viral changes that is proving to be really influential for COVID-19 vaccine programmes.

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If Mathew Crawford tells me to just keep reading, I will be glued to my seat until the last word.

Can't wait for the next installment!

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I think there is a whole crew of us (or football stadium of us) who feel the same way.

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There is a stadium of people helping with the work.

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Bang on! It's like a real-time murder-mystery - thrilling, horrible and so very addictive. Going to make a incredible movie one day.

Anthony Fauchi = Anthony Hopkins?

Rand Paul = Matthew McConaughey?

Directed by Spielberg (illuminatus tho?) and music by John Williams (of course)

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TES (whom I enjoy reading and have learned plenty) and I are in near complete agreement on these facts, but in Part 2 I will be putting together the big picture in a way I haven't seen TES explore yet.

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Matt, awesome. I look very much forward to reading it. Enjoyed this piece very much as well. Keep up the good work.

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Outstanding work, waiting for more! Thanks.

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in his website piece

cited above by Cheryl

he shows a phylogenetic tree

inclusive of Omi in Exhibit 7.7

he later posted this revision on Tw

it's significant


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Thank You for calling it to my attention👍

It will be THE go-to reference

to my mind this tree is central to understanding the entirety of the 'pandemic' and all of its attendant disruptions

Thanks again!

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I just had TWITTER BIG LETTERS thrown at me for the first time on Substack.

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I threw the below at Prof Griffin:

Dear Professor,

Were you correctly quoted that " other vaccines were completely safe and effective"?

Paul Griffin, the director of infectious diseases at Mater Health, was the principal investigator in early Novavax trials.

He said while other vaccines were completely safe and effective, providing more choice to people who had not taken them was the right thing to do.


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oi! They were not meant for you, interloper.

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in his website piece

cited above by Cheryl

he shows a phylogenetic tree

inclusive of Omi in Exhibit 7.7

he later posted this revision on Tw

it's significant


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Yeah different origin, different players, different vaccine I guess.

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Matthew - check this out -- deep investigation from Ethical Skeptic (Data guy like you) into Covid origins/timing using all sorts of data sources -- pegs Omicron as 2018 variant - https://theethicalskeptic.com/2021/11/15/chinas-ccp-concealed-sars-cov-2-presence-in-china-as-far-back-as-march-2018/

Recommend you read - very long - but it might shape the direction you are going / add heft to your theory.

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skimming that piece

he shows a phylogenetic tree

inclusive of Omi in Exhibit 7.7

he later posted this revision on Tw

it's significant


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S-gene-target-dropout does not pass the BS detector. Ramp up the false positives for the last push to make the control group as small as possible before the calculated ending of the plandemic by ramping PCR down or changing the assay panel to make nearly no positives. Omicron is the long planned end game to shut down the virus before the mid-terms.

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June 17, 2021 is the date of the deleted entry, hmm...looking at that and your penultimate paragraph particularly closely as I try to solve this puzzle. In my reading life I often fall prey to red herrings, though, so I'm looking forward to seeing what I missed in Part 2. Thanks for giving us the chance to put on our own thinking caps.

(By the way...pretty sure your recent bout with covid left you with the opposite of brain fog. I needed an extra cup of coffee for this one.)

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I am a pretty perceptive guy.

I did NOT see the gorilla.

I love the human brain!!!

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I'm a pretty dumb guy. I didn't see anything else. I mean the antics of the people bemused and bored me within seconds, the gorilla was - to me - the only thing of interest.

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My girlfriend Sam (who has a Masters Degree in Information) managed to see the gorilla AND accurately count the passes. 🤯

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Outstanding. Illustrates the extent of my 'dumbness', too, I didn't even realise they were making 'passes'. I just thought they were aimlessly milling around and bouncing a ball. :)

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Just reviewing a January 11 tweet from Gates that says "Omicron will create a lot of immunity at least for the next year. @trvrb tracks the genetics really well. We may have to take yearly shots for Covid for some time."


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I follow Trevor.

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I follow my conscience.

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I hope you also get into the 'flu', testing for Omicron, Delta, and the 'flu'.

I got covid in Dec 2020, and figured I could wait for a very long time to take the jab, as at that point studies said natural immunity was good so far for 8 months...more and more studies confirmed, but politics.

I got sick this week, but not covid, haven't tested at all. But nothing like covid I had prior, and exactly like 'flu' I have had many times in my 55 years. But we all know the complete disappearance of the 'flu' in 2020 and most of 2021 turned into Omiflu, or Fluicron, whatever stupid names people were calling it. As a layman, something is really odd. Sure, I read up on how delta could've just been stronger than flu, but still doesn't explain how Omicron symptoms are exactly like flu for 90+% of the people. I'm sure there is a better explanation than 'our tests suck so badly we can't tell delta from omicron to some known flu variant, right? Anyway, can't wait for the next chapter!

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Occam's razor says that viruses don't make sense at all and all of the proof is based on isolation that ignores other factors and leftover chemicals in the soup.

The computations on the genetic samples are purely virtual. I'm even becoming skeptical of genetics as I recall that DNA testing can have false matches in court cases... It's not the exact science that they say it is.


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I may cover related topics down the road, but do not have time at the moment.

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Just finished OVERCOMING THE COVID DARKNESS a must read, Congrats

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All I can say is, "wow"! Thanks for this, Matthew.

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