Nice work. Right now I'm trying to track which experimental vaccines were given and what pathogen(s) were in them in 1918, as compared to what was found in the 1980s study of what people had actually had died from. What we know from the study, it was a bacterial pneumonia and the CDC with Fauci as one of the co-authors tried to cover this up by saying it was a bacterial induced virus that was the real killer. They obviously don't want a correlative link between the vaccines given to all the military personnel at induction and the specific bacteria in the experimental vaccines and the influenza and pneumonia they are causing. Then we need to check with what the WHO is approving every year for the annual influenza vaccines and see if there is any correlation there as well.

Between the childhood, travel, war and flu vaccines Big pharma and the Fasci as I like to call them, those who make their living selling goods and services to the various Governments and NGOs, have literally made a fortune, of course placing even the liabilities for any harm they do, also on the taxpayers. (YJCMTSU). You Just Can't Make This Shit Up, yet there are literally tons of historical data and evidence now that proves it's the vaccines and our bodies naturally ability to shed the various pathogens and infect others. You know they've knew about this for decades, because they have tried so very very hard to cover it up.

Under all the fascist programs, they have now bankrupted much of the civilian populations around the world, with all their centralized planning by the central bankers and NGOs, like the U.N. and NATO that the fiat currency system is now effectively broken and they are trying to implement a period of social chaos, so they can have time to implement their proposed CBDCs. This appears to be their goals, and I am of the opinion that they will not be able to pull this off without substantial pushback from the people. We've seen their experiments with Austria, Australia and now Canada with gun control, as well as the push in the U.S. The problem with CBDCs is pricing just like the fiats and they don't want a bi-metallic system because of the restrictions it placing on their agendas. We are in the war(s) of our lives and even truth is part of it.

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Concerning the Spanish flu, in 1918, among other, we had the research with first 64, and later 32 marine soldiers, who hevely were infected by sick persons laying in hospitals, but they were not hit by the flu, or was it not hit by the Rockefeller in 1917 produced vaccine?

As a sideremark, an Amerikan doctor then wrote that all of his patients were cured by vitamin C.

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Do you have a link to the Vitamin C piece? I'm curious. That's been a heck of a topic, historically.


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Sorry I can't help you conceerning Vitamin C, the case I recall only mentioned in a book read around 10 years ago. Two reasons: Back in1974 skull fracture, before which I was exceptional, good in remenbering anything, including names - one time heard or read then stored in brain - after the acciden't with the side in the brain destroid, the exceptional bad in remembering names and forgot 4 languages. Besides from child studis alone, about nearly any thing, while not meting parallel children, persons, (first now by persons who rearly knows much concerbning the Covid case).

I own 100 meter science books and other writings, around 600 / 700 doctor books, (400 mathematics) but persons, and doctors they say: "You are not a doctor so you don't know nothing). And as I study alone, and have no discussion with anybody, therefore I only seldom write down referrels.

13 years agoI started my own medical lexicon, now 500 A4 sides, including my Autocad drawings, as the result of Thai doctors failures and their knowing too litle, but in this I only put in few names (exeptional persons as Hoffer) and no references, as only used for myself. Use speedmarks in the books, but as result of Thai doctor failures, I pre warned them about, I can't use my right hand and arm, and therefore it's awful for me to start searching in books and maps concerning searching after the 1918 Vitamin C doctor. Owing all of the books read during now 20 years here in Thailand, as no library to visit. Ps in Denmark I was number 1 library vistitor, and My wife read a book a day. Ps. educated engineer. It was a long writing.

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I didn't say it directly but the flu symptoms are just the result of the bacterial pathogens in the vaccines, people shedding them and infecting others. They all started with upper respiratory bacterial infections, culminating in the flu, pneumonia and death. Good to know Vitamin C worked for some. I'm now pretty convinced the various pathogens are primarily being passed by the childhood., travel, military, DTaP, and annual influenza vaccines with perspiration shedding being the dominant transmitter. Just looking at the drug store shelves full of various cold, sinus, anti-histamines, and allergy meds is impressive especially when factoring in all the pharmaceuticals behind the counters. Some of the antibiotics may even be killing our systems ability to fight the many funguses and molds reeking havoc on or respiratory system causing lots of COPD and other problems.

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Yes you are right.

And as a remark, back in the 1960s it was discovered that Polio vaccines had been tranferred into newborn children. And concernig Covid-19, it has been found that women first vaccinatet after giviing bearth, by mothermilk then transferred vaccine to the childs.

And concerning military, we got cases with newborn children without arms or legs, as the results of the soldiers being vaccinated before send to war i Arabia.

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To say Australia or NZ didn’t have covid early due to rapid lockdown makes little sense... we are so close to China and had traffic from there and all over the world through the six months prior...

yet despite the most stringent lock down across the world and two weeks quarantined on entry, Omicron spread around the world in 3-5 weeks?

It simply does not stack up...

Covid testing through out 2020 and much of 2021 was characterised by spasmodic testing of “hotspots” with massive media coverage to hype up the threat.. and many who had respiratory illness elsewhere were negative for covid.... giving the impression it was “under control” which is ludicrous..

There is reasonable evidence that work from home orders did reduce spread..in that part of the population but that does stack up broadly because plenty of people got “other” respiratory illness through that time especially around cold snaps ..

Omicron spread throughout 2022 but it was associated with unusually cloudy wet conditions from January to now and another cold snap in June..under more normal dry sunny conditions it wouldn’t have persisted or penetrated the population as much..

The most obvious answer is the test kits and the panic style testing of hot spots were set up for covid alone and they simply ignored flu..and the myriad of other respiratory bugs..

Covid was a con from day one... it is pointless looking at it any other way

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Bacterial pneumonia incident to idiotic mask wearing and far less sanitary times.

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Just some loose thoughts since there's nothing to critique about your overall approach to the topic -

Flu was never assumed to be annual before PCR. If you told any flu researcher before PCR that flu "mysteriously" disappeared for two years, they would say, "What do you mean, mysterious?" Here is Andrewes in 1953, 20 years after helping to nurse the first human-to-ferret passage: "The behaviour of influenza has seemed so erratic as regards its occurrence in both time and space that it has fascinated epidemiologists for many years. ... Since about 1933 influenza A has come to many countries in out- breaks every two or three years, with a tendency as time has passed for the peaks to come less frequently and to attain lesser heights." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2554199/ In the pre-PCR way of thinking, if it wasn't an "epidemic" year (lots of observed simultaneous flu), you weren't likely to succeed in passaging anything to ferret / egg and the virus wasn't actually around.

Even up to the 90s it was understood that flu is ephemeral and strange. In fact viral interference (one virus boosts cellular anti-viral immunity) was a dominant theory for why strains sporadically die out. Webster, to whom more understanding about flu is owed than any other human: "Why Do Some Strains Die Out? ... The reasons for the sudden disappearance of previously circulating human strains are unknown. ... Virus disappearance may be explained by a mechanism for systematic interference between competing strains; i.e., infection with one subtype of virus elicits cross-protection against a different subtype." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC372859/

Since viruses reflect network effects it wouldn't matter if some vulnerables still exist. The raising of the alarm in the population after one virus makes a break-in leaves the other virus unable to do same. Meanwhile sporadic transmission may still occur but not observed simultaneous illness as with an "epidemic" year.

So the only mystery in 2020/21 is why PCR stopped lighting up, not why the virus as an agent of observed waves of illness disappeared.

This might all lend to a theory of a "non-PCR-targeted" release but the argument against that is, see above, flu = mysterious. I don't think anyone is capable of intentionally displacing PCR-targeted flu with a non-target strain because we don't even understand how the flu's genes survive from one wave to the next. It is like if trees somehow grew without seeds - then we obviously wouldn't have a clue how to intentionally "seed" a different tree.

RE testing rate changes, a review was recently published https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.03.31.22273236v5 - a pretty big drop in tests in the US, aligning with anecdotes, but not elsewhere.

Triple spikes and "immunology 101 wave" defiance are not so strange for flu. The arrival of H3N2 in UK in 1968 was very lumpy https://unglossed.substack.com/i/44779108/case-study-influenza-uk 2018/19 isn't actually that different from 19/20 in shape, just has a hump in the place of the third spike, which still defies wave.

So overall I think the conservative approach to the "flu mystery" is to realize that flu has always been a mystery.

RE the excess deaths in Australia, percentage will make things a bit wonky since baseline is getting lower in Regular Human Winter and higher in Regular Human Summer.

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It was interesting that in the US at least in January of 2020 every newscast and informational TV shows (i.e. morning news shows, talk shows) were showing all red flu maps of the US and encouraging everyone to get their flu shot. The CDC even had an extra color on their tracking charts to show the severity and reported 4,000 deaths a week from "P&I" before Covid came into the mainstream scene initially that March and then in April (the second week of memory serves) all the flu tracking went to zero, in almost every country in the world simultaneously.

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Yesterday, and again13 hours ago, after reading you, in wain I searched in Goole after the registrated number of persons, in Denmark, who yearly have died by flu, but found only bad informations. Around 1 year ago I then in Google found some facts which showed that before Covid-19 came then around 1,600 died by fly (5.6 million citisens in Denmark) but then it fallen to only 17. So I went searching after how many dead by flu in the past 2021/2022 winter. But in wain, as now I only could read from Danish statistic and Health ministry, that during 2015 - 2022, yearly 1,000 - 2,000 ded by flu. How does this fit together that two years ago written that then only 17 dead by flu? And why couldn't I get a number for the past winter?

I found that in week 42 then 5,837 tested, and 32 hit by flu A, and 9 by flu B.

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You are using https://www.ssi.dk/Aktuelt/Nyhedsbreve/INFLUENZA-NYT ? That seems to be where the Danish MiBa surveillance has been reported since 2012. The oldest reports still up shows 2009 - 2015 but only reports consultations, not PCRs https://www.ssi.dk/aktuelt/nyhedsbreve/influenza-nyt/2014-2015/uge-49---2014. Based on consultations there was virtually nothing happening in 2011 or 2013, those were classic off seasons - though in later reports it shows hospitalizations as spike-y for the same years, so who knows. But I really haven't looked at a lot of flu statistics from the modern era. My main point is that influenza is not historically an annual driver of observed simultaneous illness, it is periodic. Now, 2009-2019 might not obey the "historic" precedent anyway since it's the first time there have been three A strains in co-circulation; but even in that case we shouldn't regard the sudden cessation in 2020 as remarkable but a return to a lost norm (regardless of PCR-based trends).

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Thanks for your information.

I the privious days among other were at the by you mentioned places, and more searching, but actually it was at other places, in Google, I 1 - 1½ years ago that found statistics telling about numbers of Danish persons dead by influenza, and then there found about that from 2015/2016 to 2021, and there told that normaly 1,600+ dead, until when Covid-19 and then suddently only 17.

When I back then 1 - 1½ yeas, then I wroute about it in my diary. But I daily put in around 1½ sides, so hard to seaerch. Some weeks ago I then in the diary started to used thicker letters for words as for example flu, for later then having better help in searching. I did not put it into my private A4 Doctor lexion, as with around 500 sides, taking care not to put in too much.

Now again I looked in my Statisk Årsbog 1999, statistic yearbook, just to see it there anything about flu, bot only number about totally dead persons. This just to see if there were other places to search in Google.

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In summer Jan 2020 I had an a weird case of something. I was freezing using a hot pack but it was summer. I went to a Dr thinking could it be Covid. Couldn’t get a test because I hadn’t been overseas. It wasn’t that bad, was a bit breathless. Ive had killer flu before, this wasn’t that.

We had a few sporadic outbreaks of Covid reported but we did close borders early, some people still got in.

I can say with certainty that Aus doesn’t really test for flu. I never had a flu test in my life, despite going to the Dr with bad flu like symptoms & even getting a puffer.

There is still the do not come to the Dr if you have flu symptoms here which was only bought in since Covid, so I highly doubt that Aus has accurate flu records.

Brazil got the “ Darwin “ flu in Dec 2021 as the WHO called it from here, which is our summer so there was definitely flu circulating.

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Also a weird case happened to me. 75 years old, not vaccinated, old, and now for 20 years living in Thailand, and when hit by flu, so week that nearly not to reconize. Then March month with my wife to hospital for her headace, and she got number 358, and then during 4 hours sitting between hundreds of patients. Then next day I had awfull pain in the left leg, knee hit when 15 old and then pain, but never later, except by sudden cold weather. I newer before had had so awful pain, and then the following day pain, like bone pain, all ower the body. Took 2 Astaxanthin, which each time helped a bit for 5 hours. And I could only lay on the couch and try to read. And then after 2 weeks totally fresh again. Never before anything like this hay happened to me; very strange.

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Be aware that pneumonia is a disease process, not a specific pathogen. I listened to JC’s long podcast of a few weeks ago, and it struck me that he does not appreciate this fact. There are viral pneumonias, there are bacterial pneumonias, and there are viral pneumonias that have a secondary bacterial infection. This 3rd is what cause most influenza deaths.

There IS a different pathogen circulating, as the disease process with COVID has been a profound d inflammatory disease with associated clotting. The early pathology out of Italy in Feb-Mar 2020 did not show the typical signs of bacterial pneumonia. When Paul Marik began using Medrol (steroid for inflammation) & heparin (anticoagulant), AND didn’t use ventilators (which cause baro trauma - over-pressure - in the lungs), people got better. Ivermectin helps with multiple facets of this disease as well.

Spanish flu ... interesting idea. It would NOT surprise me that someone would engineer this. I will listen to some of your guests interviews & examine his evidence.

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JC above = J J Couey, “JC on a Bike”

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Even as a layperson it drives me crazy when people speak of pneumonia like it’s a specific disease. Pneumonia just means fluid in the lungs. Could be from heart failure, environmental factors, bacteria, viruses, or a combination thereof. Saying someone died of pneumonia speaks to the effect not the cause.

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Here's yet another hypothesis, from a French statistician:

- There were both a SARS-Cov2 pandemic and a usual flu pandemic. (As well as all the usual respiratory viruses.) None of them was an unusual threat to health if they were given the usual medical attention, with early treatments, for instance.

- Lockdowns and official instructions such as "don't see a doctor if you have symptoms and only call an ambulance when you can't breathe" led normal flus and respiratory illnesses to aggravate and to kill many people who could have been cured if they had seen a doctor as usual.

- Hospitals needed to declare patients they received with any respiratorial symptoms as "Covid patients" because they got extra public fundings for Covid patients. (It was the case in France, was it the same in other Western countries?) Hence the apparent disappearance of the flu.

- As a conclusion, the *official response* to the pandemic (which very well may have been sincerely thought as the best they could do) was responsible for most of the extra deaths and made things *look like* there was a deadly pandemic going on, caused by only one respiratory virus, and other usual respiratory viruses had disappeared.

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So, why were respiratory illnesses at a recent low?

What is the explaination for the reason the flu disappeared from surveillance? This is one of the two primary features of the story John presents that isn't adequately explained to my knowledge.

I agree that neglect can cause pneumonia to blow up. I think that happened. As I pointed out during the interview, the pneumonia numbers collapsed 70% in Turkey using antibiotics along with HCQ.

Is there anything about the data the French statistician presents that allows for us to choose one hypothesis over several others? Which of the hypotheses that I mentioned can he rule out, and why?

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I think the flu cases were converted to COVID cases by dishonest people. There were some cases where a person signed up to get a COVID test, never showed up, and they get an email showing they got a positive test. Here are even more cases of data fraud. https://wordsalad.info/tag-coronavirusdatafraud.html

And still more general fraud. 1379+ examples of Co.vid fraud with source links. Suspicious things and outright fraud. People who don't even show up for a test still get a positive test, a lab is double reporting positive lab tests. People die from cancer or something else but it's still counted as a coronavirus death, death certificates are changed to COVID after being filled out to inflate the numbers. Fruit and goat also test positive, but the test does not work on them. Hospitals get paid $77,000 for each Covid patient admitted so politicians can shift the blame to hospitals. The inventor of the PCR test said it is not to be used to diagnose whether a person has a disease. HTML: http://wordsalad.info/tag-coronavirusfraud.html

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Now see, I think I got COVID in the first month of 2020. The doctor said there’s no way it was COVID because it wasn’t in the states yet. It was the worst illness I’ve ever had, outside some wild shit I caught in east Africa that almost killed me.

Doctor said it was walking pneumonia, gave me mucinex, an antibiotic, aspirin, and some vitamin c, and I sweated it out in my room for 3 days…

My neighbor got pneumonia from COVID, the outpatient place gave him a Zpak and sent him home..

Could be that in 2020-2022 pneumonia just ain’t a big deal for most people anymore. An urgent care just writes you a scrip and you’re out the door…

Maybe it doesn’t even pop on the radar.

In 1920, both our cases would’ve probably been fatal however.

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Especially if they over prescribed aspirin, which was a novel treatment at the time

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I don't think I can answer for him, as I'm not so familiar with the data he used.

But what I understand is the reason he claims flu disappeared is because nobody was labelling and reporting flu cases as "flu cases" any more: family doctors were instructed not to see patients, and hospitals labelled flu patients as "Covid cases" because it was more profitable (in France at least, the funding of public hospitals depends on what they declare they actually do: each medical act is associated to an amount they'll recieve; and they seriously lack money; so, since "Covid patients" were better funded than flu patients, checking the "covid" box rather than the "flu" box on a patient record was the most reasonable thing to do for hospital managers if they wanted to make their hospitals work more correctly.)

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Here is a video where the statistician I mentioned explains this part of his theory:

https://youtu.be/ceG8dd80JJU?t=368 (It's extremely in French, I must say :-) )

Another important thing he explains in other videos (which has nothing to do with this entry of your Substack, Mathew) is that an important part of the "overmortality" observed in 2020 could be explained by population aging : there were a lot more old people alive at the beginning of 2020 than at the beginning of 2019 or of previous years. (In France: 300.000 extra people aged 75 or more in 2020 than in 2019.)

Following his idea, I calculated that, in France, 30.000 extra deaths were expected in 2020 compared to 2019 if each age's mortality rate was exactly the same in 2020 as in 2019. The overall overmortality in France in 2020 was 60.000, so it was higher than expected; but when all the media claimed "Covid killed 60.000 in 2020" they definitely were wrong.

If we add that it was expected that 2020 death rate would be higher in 2020 than in 2019 in elderly people, because death rates were extraordinarily low in 2019 (no big flu, no heat wave etc.) and a number of frail people who were likely to die in 2019 had survived till 2020... the real excess mortality due to Covid and Covid policy was even lower.

The statistician did the same with all european countries, using official databases, and he found out that if you take people's aging in consideration, mortality in 2020 was "about normal" compared to previous years. In some countries (Finland, Norway...) 2020 had the lowest mortality rates ever. In many other, 2020 was the second lowest rate in history, right after 2019.

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In Swedish analysis, that was attributed to a "dry tinder" effect after a very low "PNI" mortality rate in the 2018-19 flu season.

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We saw this at my work. Flu cases were labeled COVID if the flu cases tested negative for flu. When testing became available, if you tested positive for COVID, it was always positive. If you popped positive, and took a hundred tests that came back negative for COVID, it didn’t matter, it was COVID because if that one test.

They did this to one of my guys who ended up having stage 3 lung cancer.

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"Flu cases were labeled COVID if the flu cases tested negative for flu."

What does this mean? Why would you want to call it a flu case if the test was negative?

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We had a flu outbreak at the beginning of the pandemic. People got fevers and ILI symptoms (influenza like illness), but they were testing negative on the flu tests we had, so it was labeled COVID.

It took something like 3 days of symptoms before the sick started showing flu positivity on the test kits we had.

They were labeled COVID anyway, “because it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

But they were exempted from the excessive quarantines because it was flu.

It was a shit show.

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Can you give me some sort of citation or discussion of this. I'd like to understand better. Thank you.

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Does this support a theory that flu testing was rigged to show negatives, prior to being stopped altogether, in order to advance the plandemic?

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Interesting. I’m trawling through site below at the moment might be something there, found a chart sort of supporting what your saying, still getting my head around it. Might be nothing, but It kind of looks (at first glance) like they just stopped looking or worrying about flu.


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Weird. Australia did the opposite. Every thing was considered Covid until you had a neg Covid test. Then they just assumed the flu, without a flu test as never test for flu, maybe extremely rarely.

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Here are the military surveillance numbers of flu & Covid of active duty & beneficiaries:


Assuming the data is accurate (!), it seems like they also saw a "suppressive" effect (page 1 chart).

I see what Malignant is suggesting, but I would think the military used a better approach that eliminated those possibilities.

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I am suspicious of those data.

1) The DMED was revised, I think before that summary.

2) The military had competitors at the World Military Games in Wuhan in fall, 2019. There were reports of ILI after the teams returned.

3) I had my first Covid episode in early Dec., 2019. My wife had hers in late Jan., 2020. With no testing available, diagnosis was clinical, but well-matched, and I did have one patient tested in Dec. with positive virology.

4)The flat line Covid in late 2019- early 2020 is suspect.

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Holy synchronous world flu disappearance Batman! I think the Joker might be behind it. To the Bat(virus) mobile.

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Lengthy but comprehensive interview on no-virus:


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The U.S. with 4.7% of the worlds population, has over 16% of the cases and deaths. It just shows you what many high ranking bureaucrats are willing to do to keep their cushy jobs and pensions.

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Since when has a doctor helped with flu? People were scared to death and murdered with protocols

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Novel flu would affect kids and young adults as well as the elderly. Plus we have all kinds of serological evidence showing there was a novel coronavirus circulating early in 2020 and test positivity for flu dropped as it should at end of the flu season. Lots of metagenomic sequencing was being conducted and would have picked up something as well

The treatment protocols for COVID caused many of the COVID deaths, and many were deaths caused by other diseases that were wrongly attributed to COVID

As to the lack of flu after the first wave, I think viral interference is very plausible. CDC denied this early on because they wanted to make a case it was masks and social distancing that was the reason, which is BS

Anyways, carry on

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"I think viral interference is very plausible."

I've been asking for literature for weeks from friends with any example in history of viral interference happening like this, and nobody knows of another example. This pushes as the limits of "plausibility" toward "non-zero, but epsilonic". All the people who say "viral interference" toss the term out like it's normal, but viral interference nearly always means increased numeracy of viral "species" during infection.

Any story that simply ignores the disappearance of the flu, or stops at "technically possible", isn't particularly interesting. At some point the probability seems low enough that other low probability events compete as possibilities. That said, I still lean toward a novel CoV, and most likely not a novel influenza. But I'd like to know what the pair is impossible or unlikely.

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Viral interference is a separate argument not related to if there was a novel CoV or not. Clearly there was a novel CoV and there is ZERO evidence there was a novel inflenza. Zip. None. Nada. 沒有

Back to viral inference explaining the lack of flu. Heterologous Viral interference is well known. LEV against influenza virus, parainfluenza virus, RSV, HRV, and human adenovirus for example. RSV was less frequently detected during influenza epidemics in a study from Norway.

We know from a DoD study that flu vaccination increases the risk of coronavirus infection, why not the reverse. A plausible explanation is persistent elevation of IFN I or IFN III after COVID that may protect against influenza infection. Unfortunately, because CDC /NIH is married to the idea that sanitary effect from masks and social distancing are to be credited funding to investigate other reasons no doubt is hard to get

Before we get too caught up in “we have never seen such a thing” at this scale one has to understand how short the history of virology is. Its under 100 years. Only in recent decades have we had the tools to sequence and determine virus ID from clinical specimens at scale. Also, immunology is only just past an infantile understanding of the immune system. There is much that is not known. Plus both sciences are now corrupted by politics and business interests

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"efore we get too caught up in “we have never seen such a thing” at this scale"

I'm not sure what "get too caught up in" means given that my thesis was that the data interpretations can be large enough that a wide number of hypotheses must be left open.

"Clearly there was a novel CoV"

If we're being as careful as we can, this is not a true statement. Technically, we have waste samples that test positive for the "novel" strain from many months before the outbreak, and on multiple continents. We even have viral detection from Antarctica. What proof do we have that this strain was never before part of the viral swarm. After all, the history of virology is short. It's under 100 years. I read that.

Much of my motivation was to be as plain as possible about not making logical leaps that are really subjective statements about conditional statistical observations. I think that's crucial for sorting things out. Every unnecessarily absolute statement shuts off unexplored terrain.

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Waste water samples and seropositive blood samples in late 2019 are not inconsistent with a novel corona virus which was only sequenced in January 2020 with dx tests developed after.

As for what proof do we have that it was not part of the viral swarm. Proof and Science aren't compatible. We have a lot of data on viruses that have been in circulation for 40 years, and many stored blood samples. No evidence of any such virus and no serological evidence of Sars-Cov-2 antibodies earlier than late 2019

The preponderance of evidence is that Sars-Cov-2 exists. There is none that a novel influenza virus exists.

I have no objection to exploring new terrain. Just bringing my flashlight along so you all don't fall into a rabbit hole as deep as the Virus Deniers have fallen into. Cheers

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"don't fall into a rabbit hole..."

And don't denigrate people before you've bothered to do the science. Your statement of "No evidence" is merely a statement of "we haven't looked", so what you're really doing is suggesting that we not perform science. You can wrap it up in whatever words you like, but that's the hill you're choosing.

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No evidence means just what it says. Don’t put words in my mouth. I don't know what you mean by doing the science, but I have certainly done my share of reading the science and the mortality data, and neither support a novel pathogenic virus before late 2019. Thats all I got to say

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Here's a paper that suggests SARS-Cov2 was found in Spain March 2019. There are issues with this paper but how many have even looked for SARS-Cov2 before late 2019 given that everyone was told it was novel?


Ethical Skeptic has suggested that SARS-Cov2 was around in 2018 and offered some evidence for his theory. I haven't looked at the data presented but the point is that one should just not rule out the possibility that SARS-Cov2 was around earlier than late 2019 because who even looked for it before that moment when everyone on the planet was told there was a novel coronavirus killing people in Wuhan? Normally one does not find what one does not look for.

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The Spanish data looks like a False Positive. They tested samples before and after the positive test and that was the only positive. Plus no other country has found similar, and blood bank samples don't show any positives going back that far. Its very weak evidence IMO

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Might want to consult Eugyppius on the viral interference hypothesis. He's using German surveillance data:


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Eugyppius is great. But he makes numerous false leaps in logic here. They're hard to avoid on this topic, which is why my article took so long to produce. Example:

"Young kids saw their doctors at vastly lower rates during the pandemic because influenza wasn’t around to infect them."

He doesn't consider that a new influenza strain may have a markedly different symptom profile, and this may result in an age-demographic curve shift in relative harm.

The whole point of this exercise is that something changed. He makes an assumption. Why do I need to consult on his assumptions?

"and many viruses simply can’t surge if others are active"

Here he contradicts the literature on viral interference, which shows influenza/CoV infections to encourage one another, historically.

I'm leaving room open for his preferred hypotheses to be correct. But his logic is incorrect.

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My work had a flu outbreak at the early start of the pandemic. There wasn’t a PCR test for COVID available yet. The flu tests came back negative and they called it COVID and locked the sick down. Testing was done daily for flu and other diseases. It took something like 3 days with the flu before it would test positive on the tests we had. Finally started showing up as influenza A.

We were an exception due to the nature of our work, we had to be constantly tested, it how many people early on got the flu, and they just called it COVID?

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Is it normal to test a patient for influenza over and over and over when they're testing negative?

This story sounds strange to me, but that might be because such procedure is not ordinarily documented. If that's the reason, I think you should write it up in a blog post.

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I don’t know what’s normal. I’m not in the medical field. We had sickbay handle the situation. I think the reason they kept testing was wishful thinking, not wanting it to really be covid, since every test was negative, they kept throwing the flu test at it, hoping for that positive result.

Nothing we did was normal. Nothing.

We weren’t even allowed to wash our own clothes for nine months.

Edit to add… I’m considering a way to write it up on my Substack, but I’ve got navigate different NDAs.

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Steve, I'd like to point you to an article that I authored early in the pandemic and reissued with updates, demonstrating that virtually no one died of covid; virtually all deaths were due to malpractice (forbidding early treatment) and the jabs. e.g., ZERO deaths in Cambodia until the jabs came in, and far superior performance in malaria countries in general, due to HCQ. https://www.fittrimimmortal.com/blog/covid-statistical-hijinx

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Just wondering, what if chemicals have been spread in the atmosphere instead. People would get sick easily and it would look like a pandemic. I think it's very easy to execute a chemical attack through air nowadays.

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Yes, but then why not kids.

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What if it was virus + radiation?

And the kids were largely free from effects of the virus, so the cumulative effect (disease) could not be reached?


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The talk in early 2020 was about binary toxins; the question is what are the elements in the equation. Yours is a theoretical possibility, yet there will be a number of others.

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Sure - but to me, at least, that seems harder to pull off than intentionally engineering an FCS-equipped human receptor binding bat coronavirus and fabricating an innocuous Ecohealth-follies leak story.

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Do you think it is possible or likely that the pathogen was released directly in multiple locations?

Bergamo, NYC, maybe?

Or all spread via infectious travel?

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I am about 75/25 in favor of multi-release. If the Italy 2019 Measles paper didn't find evidence of early evolution to B.1 in 2019 I would be a lot more willing to say that Wuhan was basically a giant exercise in "outbreak theatre" to provide cover for discrete, worldwide seeding of B.1 in Jan / Feb. Well, maybe Wuhan was the outbreak (but it started in 2019 in areas that had heavy travel from China, ie Italy and California), but there is really nothing that can account for a natural origin for the late 2020 "greek letter" variants. They all just parachute into recorded sequences in different places in October, 2020, based off of a B.1 backbone. Even Trevor Bedford flagged them as not following the background NS/S ratio and mutation rates. And since the 2020 greek letter VOCs all have a different landing point, it suggests a global release infrastructure. OTOH it seems like things got more loosey-goosey with Omicron's October 2021 release; and nothing has dropped this year yet. So it could all just be me doing "Humans Like to See Patterns."

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Infectious travel you say; it may have been infectious travel with intent. I always recall George Webb in his heyday, with references to NATO couriers. The Russian MoD has made allegations about covid being connected to the biolabs in Ukraine.

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Okay, so pathogen only as vector for illness.

The GOF virus, the "Smart Bomb" of infectivity per DARPA Doc Michael Callahan.

Made some sick, no excess mortality per Rancourt.

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Right, either no excess mortality or excess is all driven by iatrogenic means, as discussed in this post, as well as in Engler's work (https://pandauncut.substack.com/p/were-the-unprecedented-excess-deaths). But even if it requires hospital harm-care or lockdown indirect harms to create statistically observed mortality, that doesn't require tossing out virus as agent of illness. Viruses have always left epistemic messes in their wake. The only difference now is we can imagine Men in Black as an alternate explanation for these mysteries; folks in the 1800s didn't have the luxury.

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"But even if it requires hospital harm-care or lockdown indirect harms to create statistically observed mortality, that doesn't require tossing out virus as agent of illness. "


🥇 This is what I am trying to sort out with Yeadon's theory rooted in Rancourt ACM, and he seems to be leaning hard into, "people didn't get sick, if they did, it was fear/immune suppression" , and Rancourt seems to just say, Poverty! Crowding!

"Did people get sick from anything novel?" (and just not die?)

Like there still could have been a non-lethal pathogen, yes?

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Because they are at a different phase in their immunological life cycle. Still building their self-non-self library. Lots of open books still out on the reading tables. But non-fatal allergic reactions may be a signal to look for. Have you noticed any trends in rates of childhood allergies?

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I would say that kids didn't get affected because they are more healthier than the general population. And also, healthy population hardly had any symptoms.

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What matters whether covid, cold, or flu? Certainly not to the corporate medical complex and big pharma it's all U07.1 They care about the bottom line; they care about the almighty dollar. Further the narrative and fear at all costs. Saving lives is secondary. Early treatment be damned.

With a bogus covid test, being told we're sick when we have no symptoms, and telling people they can transmit a deadly disease without even knowing they have it, they have created the perfect fear mongering, money making machine. Print trillions to throw at the contrived, controlled, and captured, conspirators. Print trillions more to "bail out" those impacted by the conspiracy. Their blood money won't bring back the dead and injured.

"What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun." https://www.biblegateway.com/quicksearch/?quicksearch=all+is+vanity&version=RSV

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I'm glad you ask the difficult questions about details. Details matter.

"Pneumonia" means nothing in this context. It can be caused by a virus or bacteria. And doctors normally don't test for which one so that data is not available. I'm not sure but this might involve an invasive procedure to get a sample of sputum from the lungs.

My doctor told me 70% of bronchitis (not pneumonia) is viral in nature, and that's why I only ask her for something to treat the symptoms. If I go to the doctor for this my over the counter meds have not worked. I get lots of rest, drink lots of water, and take vitamins to support the immune system.

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4! Remember P and I was changed to PIC to include Covid at the onset of the Plandemonium. This perfectly illustrates the rebranding of P and I into a new phantom menace backstopped by iatrogenocidal protocols and financially incentivized murder.


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Thinking outside of the box here. What testing mechanisms do all of those labs use for fluA/B? I know that PCR is basically looking for specific sequences in a sample based on an extremely specific primer. Is there a limited set of known primers used? Would it be possible for a govt/ngo funded lab to tweak a flu strain to replace the specific sequences that are tested for by all known labs intentionally such that the existing tests don’t pick them up? Then if that flu strain wins out, people still have flu (some comment said 40% of tests come back with unknown), but it doesn’t get recorded in the flu column because no test recognizes it and it can’t be traced back to your lab. It’s no secret that tons of orgs would love to engineer a virus that acts as a vaccine and are probably doing this, and many are doing gof. Would it not also make sense while you’re tweaking a virus to also take steps to make it evade current detection? All evidence I’ve seen points to the coof release being accidental because they didn’t even bother to remove specific markers from it that clearly show it was edited in a lab, because the “easy” edit areas are well known. What if the 2020 flu strain that won out was an exceedingly infectious (but not deadly) manmade virus that completed production where all the markers were removed, and then after a year it evolved/merged with other strains to resurface the hallmark sequences? Would be a pretty sneaky way to run a global test under the radar, where of course your testing methods look for your frankenvirus parts but everyone else is unaware and focused on coof.

Another idea is the flu strain the year before was mostly immunizing (whether manmade or not), then what flu escaped evolved to get past the new immunity two years later. Not married to this hypothesis, should be disprovable.

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Okay, very interesting interview. The “zero flu” was also due to the cross reactivity on high-cycle test runs. 1918 re-release ... a new & updated remake of an old classic - sounds like Hollywood remaking movies. Wouldn’t surprise me.

The conflation of influenza (specific viral illness) & pneumonia (a “final common pathway” for infectious disease in the lungs) needs clarification. I honestly don’t pay much attention to databases as the sources are not necessarily trustworthy. I will have a look at this.

There definitely was some unique pathology with Covid. If the 1918 flu caused massive inflammation & clotting , it might look very much the same. The “pre-Covid influenza deaths” were far greater than I realized.

The entire narrative just gets more questionable. At least there is now widespread knowledge of antiviral properties of IVM, chloroquine derivatives, and other meds. And “awake” docs are much better prepared to ‘think through’ future diseases in the same way Marik, McCullough, Zelenko, Urso, and others have done.

I confess I was shocked that JC now doesn’t even think there was a ‘new virus’ from a lab. He was one of the first sources I found in early 2020 making the case that it WAS from the lab. I think it was from him that I found “NerdHasPower” in which the lab origins were proven in my mind.

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I've examined all the available CDC surveillance data on ILI, and a bunch of available state-level data. Even built a custom predictive model that out-performed a bunch of "cutting-edge" machine-learning garbage... long story. This was in 2016... happy to share if you're interested. Anyway, we do see a few prior odd dislocations in seasonality, the biggest being H1N1. But I've never seen a skipped season like this before.

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Oh, and the current season is unusually severe and early... if the data can still be believed. Since following the Ethical Skeptic's reverse-engineering of CDC's covid fraud machine, I'm starting to run out of grains of salt with this agency.

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Follow the injections.

1) The immune response is "stunned" for two weeks post shot. That is why the definition of "vaccinated" is delayed for two weeks after the second shot.

2) "Delta" to me looked like a perfect example of vaxx injury, when the time sequence was noted. My former colleagues were not even able to entertain that thought.

3) "Boosting" with an obsolete antigen recipe did not save the 8 mice, even with the zoomy new flavour added.

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Yikes. That chart comparing 2020 and 2022 CDC specimen testing for flu looks exactly like they were told to "stop testing for flu" and not because "there's no further reason to test for flu."

Did flu jump, or was it pushed?

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Such an excellent term, "cognitive dissonance shielding" Like learning "deja vu" or "anomie" Cool.

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That also jumped out for me.

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