The 1% AE's after vaccination is very worrying. Do you have any indication in what timespan after vaccination those AE's occur? It could even be worse than this as an AE seveal months after the vaccination often will not be related to the vaccin. The Guardian wrote a few days back about the increase in people on social security in the UK from long term sickness. The accompanying graph showed it starting to increase since last July/August. If this is from AE we might be looking at a public health disaster.
You can see similar reports of disturbing rises from insurance companies in Q4 2021 of short and long term disability claims/injury claims; along with an up to 40% increase in all-cause mortality and subsequent payouts in the under 65 age bracket. This despite only ~18% of deaths from covid-19 being under 65 and the total quality of covid-deaths in some of these regions having halved in Q4 2022. Thus, making it ~9% the covid deaths versus Q4 2020 while all-cause mortality shot up 40%. There's no way the whole 40% is due to covid-19 so something else seems to be killing, young, healthy, under 65 aged people.
It'll be interesting to see how this number plays out into Q1 2022..... whenever these actuaries arrive. I'm guessing April. You know, post boosters for all! boosters for all!
The insurance companies would fire any actuary who opens the kimono. Hopefully we'll be graced by some retiring actuary or executive who will blow the whistle.
It does not do much for the vaccine authoritarians that the insurance companies aren't opening the books. There is too much interdependence between the industries and they've waited so long to step up that whoever comes through the door first takes the shotgun blast.
This is another source here. It's a "free-version" of an Epoch Times article stating according to CDC Death Certificate data, all-cause mortality in prime age is up 40%. "Deaths among people aged 18 to 49 increased more than 40 percent in the 12 months ending October 2021 compared to the same period in 2018–2019, before the pandemic, based on death certificate data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)."
Based on my calculations of numbers from , there was an increase in working age deaths in 2021 over 2020 of 137,500. Deaths in the 85+ y.o. group declined 150,000, so it was easy to miss.
With the decline in the 85+ deaths, the working age had to make up the diff in the cardiac, cancer, and stroke categories.
"Deaths in the 85+ y.o. group declined 150,000, so it was easy to miss." This makes some sense. Covid-19 had like .... what? 65-70% of it's very large death count over 80. It probably wiped out most of the ill or sick 85+ year olds. Anyone with 2-3 comorbidities and 85+ at least. When year-two came around, most of the most ill had probably already passed leaving only the semi-strong // strongest.
Those that died from "Covid-19" in the aged category w/comorbidities did not die from a viral pathogen they died from medical slaughter via remdesivir/vancomyacin/midozolam and ventilators/fentanyl as well as other medical practices that killed these people.
Neglect and isolation also killed extraordinary numbers.
Wesley, Matthew wrote a brilliant substack article about One America story. In fact,I'm pretty sure that Kirsch uses Matthews statistics work in his related substack you're referring to. ✌️
Yeah he didn't really "blow the lid." He spent half his presentation blaming the unvaccinated and he made up a diagnosis to explain the deaths: People get covid and then later on get sick and die -- it was something to that extent -- he blamed covid with his made-up medical diagnosis he pulled out of the thin blue aether. They won't be able to keep the lid on the kettle much longer.
Section “7. Exosomes and MicroRNAs” is fully consistent with my theory that the induced immune response is almost purely against the toxicity of the spike protein, that the immune suppression is a necessary requirement in their operation and the possibility that the antibody production only exists as long as there are cells expressing the spike proteins. Ie no B cell memory, just a toxicity response.
Reference 118 in the paper shows that the level of antibodies in the bloodstream is DIRECTLY correlated to the exosomes with spike proteins so it's natural that the "immunity" fades as the number of cells expressing spike proteins due off. The mechanism behind the "protection" afforded by the gene therapy spike "vaccines" is far from the cartoons presented by the vaccine manufacturers and health authorities.
Stephanie are her colleagues are doing great work. I have read many papers over the past couple of years, and learned an enormous amount of more detailed biology than I suspected I would need to in this life, but I'm still not yet expert enough to understand what is going on with exosomes even after talking with her personally about them. I don't know if my scaffolding of expertise is 40% erected or 80% erected to engage the topic.
I can see this is getting buried already so here's the short form.
1. The gene therapy spike protein vaccines do not elicit a B cell memory response.
2. The adjuvants suppress the innate immune response to prevent a cytokine storm in response to the vast number of spike proteins generated by the transformer cells.
3. The immune response is not mainly against the spike proteins on the surface of the cells expressing them but against those on exosomes in the bloodstream since the exosome outers are formed from the cell outers (where the spike proteins migrate to after being produced).
4. The antibodies are formed by the immune system as a response to the toxicity of the spike proteins in the bloodstream. The "protection" afforded is by these swamping an infection through binding and neutralization as they are already present before an infection takes place.
5. As the immune system does not respond to the spike proteins on cell outers to any great degree, these keep producing spike proteins and expressing them via exosomes to keep the antibody response in effect. The mRNA does not break down quickly but stays in effect for weeks or even a few minutes. [should be months, not minutes - thanks TerdFergesun]
6. The cells expressing the spike proteins eventually die off or the mRNA breaks down leading to falling levels of exosome with spike proteins which in turn leads to falling antibody levels.
7. Due to #1 & #6, boosters are needed at regular and probably decreasing intervals to keep antibodies in production so that #4 provides efficacy.
8. The suppression of the innate response to the toxicity of the spike protein also provides a sneaky side benefit against infection in that the inflammatory cytokine response is reduced lowering the possibility of the immune response damaging organs. The issue is that this occurs at the expense of response against other health threats (toxins, bacteria, viruses, fungi, cancer…) - the reason why steroids were initially discouraged for Covid treatment.
This “benefit” is only valid if the antibodies are present in sufficient numbers and effectiveness else the immune system is left weakened against Covid (on top of everything else). The reduction in binding and, more importantly, neutralisation is almost certainly why the omicron variant(s) seem to infect the vaccinated more than the control group and allow even the recently vaccinated (& boostered) to be continually reinfected - something that was already observed with the Delta variant.
"5. As the immune system does not respond to the spike proteins on cell outers to any great degree, these keep producing spike proteins and expressing them via exosomes to keep the antibody response in effect. The mRNA does not break down quickly but stays in effect for weeks or even a few minutes."
Can you pass on my theory to her and the other experts you are in contact with? I've tried posting on Jessica's substack and Steve Kirsch's with no result.
No one has looked at the quasi vaccines operating in the manner I'm proposing and the legal ramifications are vast, on top of the health effects. I'm more than happy to link together the information from the various medical papers that I've read (like you I've submersed myself in biology in the past 2 years).
Everyone is time crunched in the extreme. I have gone without sleep 3 of the past 8 nights. Please do link it. If nothing else, information spreads...virally. I am committed to a major project with most of my waking hours now, so I likely won't read it today, but others might and if there is merit it will be further passed around.
But know that Steve and I are not biologists. I might qualify as a first year graduate student minus the bench work. I'm more of a statistician who doesn't mind learning new domains when it seems important. But I'm not qualified to go deep on bleeding edge biology topics outside of the mathematical modeling aspects [of pieces].
That's why I was hoping for you to pass it on to those with the proper background to assess its possibility - just my first comment will be enough to introduce the concept. I have no contact with anyone with that sort of background. It will just get lost here like everywhere else I've tried to bring it up. I posted on Steve's site for the same purpose - I never expected him to assess it himself.
The theory explains why boosters are absolutely necessary and could not have been a surprise to the manufacturers and possibly the health authorities.
I'm not sure what it means for boosters to be necessary. There's no evidence that the vaccines work at all. The trials are black boxes that excluded all the important data, and the retrospectives were clearly statistical sieves. Even worse, the vaccines may have painted the target for omicron and we aren't certain what that means yet. Immune exhaustion may leave people immunologically defenseless soon. I'm not sure why we need a theory of booster necessity, except that it seems obvious they were planning a meandering path toward them from the start. Booster doses were sold contractually to numerous nations monthly before the first rollout in Israel.
The boosters are necessary to maintain antibody levels, which underpins the "protection" provided by the quasi vaccines, since there is no B cell memory induced and T cell response training appears weak (Alex Berenson has linked to a paper showing even the Chinese dead virus vaccines do much better for T cell response).
I never said they worked beyond the sledgehammer approach of swamping infection with antibodies (which get progressively less effective as vaccine selection pressure forces the spike proteins to evolve further from the template Wuhan variant)
The immune suppression traded off against the antibodies binding and neutralizing the virions but with succeeding variants, they provide less and less benefit. Meanwhile, the immune suppression is still in effect so infections become relatively more serious for the vaccinate vs the control group even if overall seriousness lessens as the virus attenuates. And this gets worse as the cells transformed by the mRNA into spike protein producers die off and antibody levels fall.
Yes, immune exhaustion is a real concern as expressed in Marc Giradot's substack article on the death zone. Antibody levels are not supposed to be maintained like a standing army, waiting for the next infection. Memory B cells should allow antibodies to be produced AFTER infection has been detected but my theory is that this next occurs. The recent Cell paper linked by Dr Robert Malone showing longish persistence of mRNA and spike proteins in the lymph nodes further supports my theory
Over the coming weeks, I'll be writing about the personal and institutional power struggles that led to early 20th century industrialists elevating radiation therapy over Coley's toxins.
Both therapies work and have their place. Kinda like mRNA vaccines could or should have their place in treating high risk diseases, but not at the expense of everything else.
Who's to blame? The bamboozled industrialists or the fraudulent scientists? The brainwashers are often themselves brainwashed.
James Douglas' (of Phelps-Dodge Corporation) daughter died of breast cancer under Ewing's care. She was treated with radium. Douglas remained enthusiastic about radium. He went on to make hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations to Sloan-Kettering on condition that Ewing be made medical director (over Coley).
In fact, Douglas was so enthusiastic about radium that he drank radium water most of his life and applied radium ointments to his skin. He later died of pernicious anemia.
Modern day equivalent: doctors getting their kids vexed for covid-19, landing them in the ER with myocarditis, and posting selfies on FB about how it was all worth it. And you should get your kids vaxxed too! Then the vaxxed doctor dad dies of a heart attack or a blood clot.
The psychosis is real.
Radium: one of the cane toads of Big Oil medicine from the 20th century (great metaphor by Substacker "Lies are Unbekoming", if I remember correctly).
mRNA vaccines: one of the cane toads of Big Tech medicine from the 21st.
You can't fix stupid.
But it’s worse now because these “miracles” are forced.
Just thinking, as a former soldier, that military members tend to be much more healthy than average, with daily exercise, not much smoking, etc. Not that stress and other negative factors don't factor in, but this cohort is not really representative, more supra-representative (if that's a word.)
The adjustment of previous year mortality in response to the figures released by the 3 whistleblower doctors would suggest that the US military members and their families are substantially less healthy than the general population. Total BS, of course, but it shows the desperation of the controlling ranks that they attempt to cover up in this manner. It worthy of the Climate Science community in the brazen revisionism.
Excellent analysis, Mathew, the evidence is growing more and more damning as each day passes. Given your past connections to the Wall Street circle, are you aware of any big firms that started to notice that something fishy is going on with the vaccines and the trials' data? Edward Dowd (who's an ex-Blackrock analyst and a friend of Dr. Malone) recently mentioned on Alex Jones that some Wall Street firms have invited Brook Jackson, the lady who blew the whistle on Ventavia's Pfizer vaccine trial on BMJ, to speak to a conference of thousands of money managers, and they're starting to dig into the fraud conducted by Pfizer and Moderna, preparing to position themselves into a short position against the incoming downfall of pharma stocks. It's quite exhilarating to know about the fact that some big money is involved in blowing the lid off this corruption, would you share your perspective on this? Much aprreciated!
The video where Edward spoke about this can be found here:
I have heard a lot from Wall Street contacts, but I don't share a lot of it because that level of hearsay can become burdensome to back up.
One that I felt comfortable sharing was that a friend who is a prominent financial "director" between Western banks and India told me that the banks basically told India that they'd be financially flattened and destroyed if they resisted mass vaccination. This is far beyond what we even usually think of as "big money". It's world domination.
Wow, that's extraordinary! But pardon my nativity, as I'm left wondering whether this type of actions undertaken by such "presumably" independent private institutions were organized by some nefarious power entities, or was it just an emergent phenomenon where those dim-witted corporate leaders voluntarily going along with the prevailing political ideology, like how JP Morgan and Microsoft kowtowed to the postmodern woke ideology, the bank that you mentioned maybe thought they were doing good by coercing Indian government into mass vaccination?
However, if it's the former, where these financial institutions are just pawns executing commands coming from secret cabals with enormous global power, I'm curious as to whether there are clear enough indications that this Kunlangeta entity is actually the World Economic Forum (WEF)? Dr. Malone seems to be quite convinced of this hypothesis. Although I greatly respect his epistemic acumen, this Great Reset hypothesis fell apart for me when he mentioned on his substack of the Young Global Leaders program, purportedly ran by Klaus Schwab to infiltrate global positions of power, where surprisingly, Elon Musk was one of the trainees who participated in that program. This has gone too absurd for me, it's simply unfathomable that Elon was in fact a controlled opposition installed by Klaus Schwab, or is this hypothesis gonna add an ad hoc explanation asserting that Elon's in fact an WEF alumnus who happens to have gone rogue?
Moreover, for a person as skeptical as Steve Kirsh, he somehow doesn't seem to be bothered much by this Great Reset hypothesis? My interpretation of that is, for a person of his stature who has the experience of serial entrepreneurship, he's much more familiar than the average person regarding how the self-serving interest of various private and public entities work, he perhaps intuitively knew that WEF has never been taken seriously by those in the positions of power around the world, and never would be, despite we found ourselves in this serendipitous space and time, where all the absurdities that has unfolded in the past two years can be conveniently explained by the evil plot of Klaus Schwab.
Can anyone who knew more about the Great Reset plot please educate me on how I've misjudged the plausibility of it?
NEW — A clinical trial regional director filed a $2 billion lawsuit against Pfizer & BioNTech alleging the pharmaceutical companies fabricated & falsified their covid-19 vaccine trial data.
The military does a very good job with receipts for bodies. If a living body leaves active duty, the military issues a DD214. If a dead body leaves active duty, the military issues a DD1300. Follow the DD1300's. How many were issued in 2021? What is the temporal association with vaccination?
There was a Nature article published Feb 2022 by Xu, et. al. that had some interesting data about myocarditis in the vaccinated and unvaxxed tucked away in its Supplementary Appendix. Clare Craig wrote about it in dailysceptic--"Heart Problems After Covid Are Much Worse for the Vaccinated, Nature Study Shows – But It’s Hidden in the Appendix." Craig calculated the numbers and you should verify them.
Myocarditis risk for elderly men: unvaxxed 0.00037....vaxxed 0.00058 .
Thanks for the heads up. I found a similar comparison in some data just recently, and supportive publication will be nice for a project I'm working on...
You mention below in a back-and-forth that you've gone without sleep 3 days out of 8. Don't do that to yourself. You and others do tremendously important work, but it's better and update comes a day later than you burn yourself to a crisp metaphorically speaking.
TPTB are destroying the US from withing and killing off american military via bioweapn attack. WEF stated in one of their videos that the US will not be a super power within next few years. All according to the plan for ushering in the NWO.
Does anyone remember hearing that the day Biden announced a vax mandate for the military, the Chinese military cheered?? I wonder if that was true... I can see why the Chinese military would be supportive of Biden’s mandates on his own people.
This means we need to put in a Freedom of Information Act Request to the Soldiers Group Life Insurance (SGLI) and Federal Group Life Insurance (FGLI) to see if the number of deaths among service members in 2021 is higher than 2016-2020 (much like the DMED database released by Renz during the Senator Johnson hearings). The life insurance industry is the true test of all cause deaths, and there have already been a number of articles about massive spikes in pay outs by life insurance companies. SGLI is for active duty and reservist military personnel, and FGLI is for the federal workforce, many of whom are veterans also in that over 40 age range. The DoD has seen a large spike in military and federal civilian deaths since the vaccines rolled out. I personally know of 2 Majors, a Lt Col, 2 senior Sergeants and 4 DoD civilians that have died since May. Some just never woke up one morning, a bunch had heart attacks. I know a 51 year old contractor with no heart issues that had a heart attack right after Thanksgiving and had to leave for a lower stress job. I know another 59 year old veteran and DoD civilian employee that had an aneurism and then a heart attack and died. Something is going on and no one wants to look at the vaccines, they dismiss it as natural causes.
All in a cohort that literally has no risk of dying from COVID. Assuming most in the military are not morbidly obese. Remember, they were forced to take the vaccine or be dishonorably discharged. My son, age 24, in near perfect physical condition, was forced to take the vaccination or face dishonorable discharge. The "leaders" at the top of the military, are the most incompetent we have ever had. Yes, we need to turn over virtually all of HHS, but we need to do the same with the top military brass.
The pseudonymous German physicist Archi.medes did a correlation of excess deaths and vaccination rates in Germany based on public health data. He attributes 1 death per 2.300 vaccine doses.
If I want to take a longevity treatment, you can be damn sure I'd be doing it at my own risk and not expect a global experiment on coerced humans to take any bullets for me.
The 1% AE's after vaccination is very worrying. Do you have any indication in what timespan after vaccination those AE's occur? It could even be worse than this as an AE seveal months after the vaccination often will not be related to the vaccin. The Guardian wrote a few days back about the increase in people on social security in the UK from long term sickness. The accompanying graph showed it starting to increase since last July/August. If this is from AE we might be looking at a public health disaster.
(The article is here and you have to scroll down a bit)
Thanks for sharing that datapoint Jeroen.
You can see similar reports of disturbing rises from insurance companies in Q4 2021 of short and long term disability claims/injury claims; along with an up to 40% increase in all-cause mortality and subsequent payouts in the under 65 age bracket. This despite only ~18% of deaths from covid-19 being under 65 and the total quality of covid-deaths in some of these regions having halved in Q4 2022. Thus, making it ~9% the covid deaths versus Q4 2020 while all-cause mortality shot up 40%. There's no way the whole 40% is due to covid-19 so something else seems to be killing, young, healthy, under 65 aged people.
It'll be interesting to see how this number plays out into Q1 2022..... whenever these actuaries arrive. I'm guessing April. You know, post boosters for all! boosters for all!
The insurance companies would fire any actuary who opens the kimono. Hopefully we'll be graced by some retiring actuary or executive who will blow the whistle.
It does not do much for the vaccine authoritarians that the insurance companies aren't opening the books. There is too much interdependence between the industries and they've waited so long to step up that whoever comes through the door first takes the shotgun blast.
This is another source here. It's a "free-version" of an Epoch Times article stating according to CDC Death Certificate data, all-cause mortality in prime age is up 40%. "Deaths among people aged 18 to 49 increased more than 40 percent in the 12 months ending October 2021 compared to the same period in 2018–2019, before the pandemic, based on death certificate data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)."
I'm aware. I know a lot of actuaries. I was one of them when I was in college.
Based on my calculations of numbers from , there was an increase in working age deaths in 2021 over 2020 of 137,500. Deaths in the 85+ y.o. group declined 150,000, so it was easy to miss.
With the decline in the 85+ deaths, the working age had to make up the diff in the cardiac, cancer, and stroke categories.
"Deaths in the 85+ y.o. group declined 150,000, so it was easy to miss." This makes some sense. Covid-19 had like .... what? 65-70% of it's very large death count over 80. It probably wiped out most of the ill or sick 85+ year olds. Anyone with 2-3 comorbidities and 85+ at least. When year-two came around, most of the most ill had probably already passed leaving only the semi-strong // strongest.
Those that died from "Covid-19" in the aged category w/comorbidities did not die from a viral pathogen they died from medical slaughter via remdesivir/vancomyacin/midozolam and ventilators/fentanyl as well as other medical practices that killed these people.
Neglect and isolation also killed extraordinary numbers.
Not so much Mathew. There's been two insurance CEOs who have already blown the lid. One was Indiana's OneAmerica Life Insurance CEO:
Steve Kirsch substack goes into it a bit more in depth if you wish to read a well-written analysis with some additional fact-finding.
I think he did try to slide some information into the conversation, but wasn't willing to do more than that. My own thoughts here.
Wesley, Matthew wrote a brilliant substack article about One America story. In fact,I'm pretty sure that Kirsch uses Matthews statistics work in his related substack you're referring to. ✌️
Yeah he didn't really "blow the lid." He spent half his presentation blaming the unvaccinated and he made up a diagnosis to explain the deaths: People get covid and then later on get sick and die -- it was something to that extent -- he blamed covid with his made-up medical diagnosis he pulled out of the thin blue aether. They won't be able to keep the lid on the kettle much longer.
This sounds like a job for Project Veritas!
"I'm not worried 'bout a thing,
'Cause I know nuthin's goin' to be all right"
Song by jazz singer Mose Allison
I think you mean voila
I think she's making a funny.
One of Jessica's endearing qualities is to invent new ways to say things. She coined "foof le poof" if I recall correctly.
Here’s a paper detailing a raft of immune suppression mechanisms and effects wrought by the mRNA gene therapy spike protein “vaccines”.
Section “7. Exosomes and MicroRNAs” is fully consistent with my theory that the induced immune response is almost purely against the toxicity of the spike protein, that the immune suppression is a necessary requirement in their operation and the possibility that the antibody production only exists as long as there are cells expressing the spike proteins. Ie no B cell memory, just a toxicity response.
Reference 118 in the paper shows that the level of antibodies in the bloodstream is DIRECTLY correlated to the exosomes with spike proteins so it's natural that the "immunity" fades as the number of cells expressing spike proteins due off. The mechanism behind the "protection" afforded by the gene therapy spike "vaccines" is far from the cartoons presented by the vaccine manufacturers and health authorities.
Stephanie are her colleagues are doing great work. I have read many papers over the past couple of years, and learned an enormous amount of more detailed biology than I suspected I would need to in this life, but I'm still not yet expert enough to understand what is going on with exosomes even after talking with her personally about them. I don't know if my scaffolding of expertise is 40% erected or 80% erected to engage the topic.
I can see this is getting buried already so here's the short form.
1. The gene therapy spike protein vaccines do not elicit a B cell memory response.
2. The adjuvants suppress the innate immune response to prevent a cytokine storm in response to the vast number of spike proteins generated by the transformer cells.
3. The immune response is not mainly against the spike proteins on the surface of the cells expressing them but against those on exosomes in the bloodstream since the exosome outers are formed from the cell outers (where the spike proteins migrate to after being produced).
4. The antibodies are formed by the immune system as a response to the toxicity of the spike proteins in the bloodstream. The "protection" afforded is by these swamping an infection through binding and neutralization as they are already present before an infection takes place.
5. As the immune system does not respond to the spike proteins on cell outers to any great degree, these keep producing spike proteins and expressing them via exosomes to keep the antibody response in effect. The mRNA does not break down quickly but stays in effect for weeks or even a few minutes. [should be months, not minutes - thanks TerdFergesun]
6. The cells expressing the spike proteins eventually die off or the mRNA breaks down leading to falling levels of exosome with spike proteins which in turn leads to falling antibody levels.
7. Due to #1 & #6, boosters are needed at regular and probably decreasing intervals to keep antibodies in production so that #4 provides efficacy.
I should have added that
8. The suppression of the innate response to the toxicity of the spike protein also provides a sneaky side benefit against infection in that the inflammatory cytokine response is reduced lowering the possibility of the immune response damaging organs. The issue is that this occurs at the expense of response against other health threats (toxins, bacteria, viruses, fungi, cancer…) - the reason why steroids were initially discouraged for Covid treatment.
This “benefit” is only valid if the antibodies are present in sufficient numbers and effectiveness else the immune system is left weakened against Covid (on top of everything else). The reduction in binding and, more importantly, neutralisation is almost certainly why the omicron variant(s) seem to infect the vaccinated more than the control group and allow even the recently vaccinated (& boostered) to be continually reinfected - something that was already observed with the Delta variant.
"5. As the immune system does not respond to the spike proteins on cell outers to any great degree, these keep producing spike proteins and expressing them via exosomes to keep the antibody response in effect. The mRNA does not break down quickly but stays in effect for weeks or even a few minutes."
Stays in effect for weeks or even a few minutes?
Thanks. I'm leaving it wrong to highlight your correction of my mistyping
Thank you.
Can you pass on my theory to her and the other experts you are in contact with? I've tried posting on Jessica's substack and Steve Kirsch's with no result.
No one has looked at the quasi vaccines operating in the manner I'm proposing and the legal ramifications are vast, on top of the health effects. I'm more than happy to link together the information from the various medical papers that I've read (like you I've submersed myself in biology in the past 2 years).
Everyone is time crunched in the extreme. I have gone without sleep 3 of the past 8 nights. Please do link it. If nothing else, information spreads...virally. I am committed to a major project with most of my waking hours now, so I likely won't read it today, but others might and if there is merit it will be further passed around.
But know that Steve and I are not biologists. I might qualify as a first year graduate student minus the bench work. I'm more of a statistician who doesn't mind learning new domains when it seems important. But I'm not qualified to go deep on bleeding edge biology topics outside of the mathematical modeling aspects [of pieces].
That's why I was hoping for you to pass it on to those with the proper background to assess its possibility - just my first comment will be enough to introduce the concept. I have no contact with anyone with that sort of background. It will just get lost here like everywhere else I've tried to bring it up. I posted on Steve's site for the same purpose - I never expected him to assess it himself.
The theory explains why boosters are absolutely necessary and could not have been a surprise to the manufacturers and possibly the health authorities.
I'm not sure what it means for boosters to be necessary. There's no evidence that the vaccines work at all. The trials are black boxes that excluded all the important data, and the retrospectives were clearly statistical sieves. Even worse, the vaccines may have painted the target for omicron and we aren't certain what that means yet. Immune exhaustion may leave people immunologically defenseless soon. I'm not sure why we need a theory of booster necessity, except that it seems obvious they were planning a meandering path toward them from the start. Booster doses were sold contractually to numerous nations monthly before the first rollout in Israel.
The boosters are necessary to maintain antibody levels, which underpins the "protection" provided by the quasi vaccines, since there is no B cell memory induced and T cell response training appears weak (Alex Berenson has linked to a paper showing even the Chinese dead virus vaccines do much better for T cell response).
I never said they worked beyond the sledgehammer approach of swamping infection with antibodies (which get progressively less effective as vaccine selection pressure forces the spike proteins to evolve further from the template Wuhan variant)
The immune suppression traded off against the antibodies binding and neutralizing the virions but with succeeding variants, they provide less and less benefit. Meanwhile, the immune suppression is still in effect so infections become relatively more serious for the vaccinate vs the control group even if overall seriousness lessens as the virus attenuates. And this gets worse as the cells transformed by the mRNA into spike protein producers die off and antibody levels fall.
Yes, immune exhaustion is a real concern as expressed in Marc Giradot's substack article on the death zone. Antibody levels are not supposed to be maintained like a standing army, waiting for the next infection. Memory B cells should allow antibodies to be produced AFTER infection has been detected but my theory is that this next occurs. The recent Cell paper linked by Dr Robert Malone showing longish persistence of mRNA and spike proteins in the lymph nodes further supports my theory
Is that really helpful, though... the concept of crunch time is kinda bogus. Results in more errors and less done effectively.
Lack of sleep has a bad impact on the immune system as well, according to Matt Walker.
The last sentence made me chuckle.
This is where my fatalism kicks in.
Nothing ever changes.
Over the coming weeks, I'll be writing about the personal and institutional power struggles that led to early 20th century industrialists elevating radiation therapy over Coley's toxins.
Both therapies work and have their place. Kinda like mRNA vaccines could or should have their place in treating high risk diseases, but not at the expense of everything else.
Who's to blame? The bamboozled industrialists or the fraudulent scientists? The brainwashers are often themselves brainwashed.
James Douglas' (of Phelps-Dodge Corporation) daughter died of breast cancer under Ewing's care. She was treated with radium. Douglas remained enthusiastic about radium. He went on to make hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations to Sloan-Kettering on condition that Ewing be made medical director (over Coley).
In fact, Douglas was so enthusiastic about radium that he drank radium water most of his life and applied radium ointments to his skin. He later died of pernicious anemia.
Modern day equivalent: doctors getting their kids vexed for covid-19, landing them in the ER with myocarditis, and posting selfies on FB about how it was all worth it. And you should get your kids vaxxed too! Then the vaxxed doctor dad dies of a heart attack or a blood clot.
The psychosis is real.
Radium: one of the cane toads of Big Oil medicine from the 20th century (great metaphor by Substacker "Lies are Unbekoming", if I remember correctly).
mRNA vaccines: one of the cane toads of Big Tech medicine from the 21st.
You can't fix stupid.
But it’s worse now because these “miracles” are forced.
Just thinking, as a former soldier, that military members tend to be much more healthy than average, with daily exercise, not much smoking, etc. Not that stress and other negative factors don't factor in, but this cohort is not really representative, more supra-representative (if that's a word.)
The adjustment of previous year mortality in response to the figures released by the 3 whistleblower doctors would suggest that the US military members and their families are substantially less healthy than the general population. Total BS, of course, but it shows the desperation of the controlling ranks that they attempt to cover up in this manner. It worthy of the Climate Science community in the brazen revisionism.
Excellent analysis, Mathew, the evidence is growing more and more damning as each day passes. Given your past connections to the Wall Street circle, are you aware of any big firms that started to notice that something fishy is going on with the vaccines and the trials' data? Edward Dowd (who's an ex-Blackrock analyst and a friend of Dr. Malone) recently mentioned on Alex Jones that some Wall Street firms have invited Brook Jackson, the lady who blew the whistle on Ventavia's Pfizer vaccine trial on BMJ, to speak to a conference of thousands of money managers, and they're starting to dig into the fraud conducted by Pfizer and Moderna, preparing to position themselves into a short position against the incoming downfall of pharma stocks. It's quite exhilarating to know about the fact that some big money is involved in blowing the lid off this corruption, would you share your perspective on this? Much aprreciated!
The video where Edward spoke about this can be found here:
I have heard a lot from Wall Street contacts, but I don't share a lot of it because that level of hearsay can become burdensome to back up.
One that I felt comfortable sharing was that a friend who is a prominent financial "director" between Western banks and India told me that the banks basically told India that they'd be financially flattened and destroyed if they resisted mass vaccination. This is far beyond what we even usually think of as "big money". It's world domination.
Wow, that's extraordinary! But pardon my nativity, as I'm left wondering whether this type of actions undertaken by such "presumably" independent private institutions were organized by some nefarious power entities, or was it just an emergent phenomenon where those dim-witted corporate leaders voluntarily going along with the prevailing political ideology, like how JP Morgan and Microsoft kowtowed to the postmodern woke ideology, the bank that you mentioned maybe thought they were doing good by coercing Indian government into mass vaccination?
However, if it's the former, where these financial institutions are just pawns executing commands coming from secret cabals with enormous global power, I'm curious as to whether there are clear enough indications that this Kunlangeta entity is actually the World Economic Forum (WEF)? Dr. Malone seems to be quite convinced of this hypothesis. Although I greatly respect his epistemic acumen, this Great Reset hypothesis fell apart for me when he mentioned on his substack of the Young Global Leaders program, purportedly ran by Klaus Schwab to infiltrate global positions of power, where surprisingly, Elon Musk was one of the trainees who participated in that program. This has gone too absurd for me, it's simply unfathomable that Elon was in fact a controlled opposition installed by Klaus Schwab, or is this hypothesis gonna add an ad hoc explanation asserting that Elon's in fact an WEF alumnus who happens to have gone rogue?
Moreover, for a person as skeptical as Steve Kirsh, he somehow doesn't seem to be bothered much by this Great Reset hypothesis? My interpretation of that is, for a person of his stature who has the experience of serial entrepreneurship, he's much more familiar than the average person regarding how the self-serving interest of various private and public entities work, he perhaps intuitively knew that WEF has never been taken seriously by those in the positions of power around the world, and never would be, despite we found ourselves in this serendipitous space and time, where all the absurdities that has unfolded in the past two years can be conveniently explained by the evil plot of Klaus Schwab.
Can anyone who knew more about the Great Reset plot please educate me on how I've misjudged the plausibility of it?
See if this helps:
Thank you, I'll have a look!
This came out:
NEW — A clinical trial regional director filed a $2 billion lawsuit against Pfizer & BioNTech alleging the pharmaceutical companies fabricated & falsified their covid-19 vaccine trial data.
The military does a very good job with receipts for bodies. If a living body leaves active duty, the military issues a DD214. If a dead body leaves active duty, the military issues a DD1300. Follow the DD1300's. How many were issued in 2021? What is the temporal association with vaccination?
There was a Nature article published Feb 2022 by Xu, et. al. that had some interesting data about myocarditis in the vaccinated and unvaxxed tucked away in its Supplementary Appendix. Clare Craig wrote about it in dailysceptic--"Heart Problems After Covid Are Much Worse for the Vaccinated, Nature Study Shows – But It’s Hidden in the Appendix." Craig calculated the numbers and you should verify them.
Myocarditis risk for elderly men: unvaxxed 0.00037....vaxxed 0.00058 .
Thanks for the heads up. I found a similar comparison in some data just recently, and supportive publication will be nice for a project I'm working on...
You mention below in a back-and-forth that you've gone without sleep 3 days out of 8. Don't do that to yourself. You and others do tremendously important work, but it's better and update comes a day later than you burn yourself to a crisp metaphorically speaking.
TPTB are destroying the US from withing and killing off american military via bioweapn attack. WEF stated in one of their videos that the US will not be a super power within next few years. All according to the plan for ushering in the NWO.
Pfizer Documents Show FDA Knew of Death Risk
Scientists: It is Imperative That Worldwide Administration Of The mRNA Vaccinations Be Stopped Immediately
Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations
😢 I feel like crying every day.
Does anyone remember hearing that the day Biden announced a vax mandate for the military, the Chinese military cheered?? I wonder if that was true... I can see why the Chinese military would be supportive of Biden’s mandates on his own people.
This means we need to put in a Freedom of Information Act Request to the Soldiers Group Life Insurance (SGLI) and Federal Group Life Insurance (FGLI) to see if the number of deaths among service members in 2021 is higher than 2016-2020 (much like the DMED database released by Renz during the Senator Johnson hearings). The life insurance industry is the true test of all cause deaths, and there have already been a number of articles about massive spikes in pay outs by life insurance companies. SGLI is for active duty and reservist military personnel, and FGLI is for the federal workforce, many of whom are veterans also in that over 40 age range. The DoD has seen a large spike in military and federal civilian deaths since the vaccines rolled out. I personally know of 2 Majors, a Lt Col, 2 senior Sergeants and 4 DoD civilians that have died since May. Some just never woke up one morning, a bunch had heart attacks. I know a 51 year old contractor with no heart issues that had a heart attack right after Thanksgiving and had to leave for a lower stress job. I know another 59 year old veteran and DoD civilian employee that had an aneurism and then a heart attack and died. Something is going on and no one wants to look at the vaccines, they dismiss it as natural causes.
All in a cohort that literally has no risk of dying from COVID. Assuming most in the military are not morbidly obese. Remember, they were forced to take the vaccine or be dishonorably discharged. My son, age 24, in near perfect physical condition, was forced to take the vaccination or face dishonorable discharge. The "leaders" at the top of the military, are the most incompetent we have ever had. Yes, we need to turn over virtually all of HHS, but we need to do the same with the top military brass.
No one has any risk of dying from "Covid."
It's all fraud.
And the reduced lifespans due to earlier than expected heart & vessel issues, cancer, immune issues, won't light up in that system at all.
The pseudonymous German physicist Archi.medes did a correlation of excess deaths and vaccination rates in Germany based on public health data. He attributes 1 death per 2.300 vaccine doses.
More information (in German):
If I want to take a longevity treatment, you can be damn sure I'd be doing it at my own risk and not expect a global experiment on coerced humans to take any bullets for me.
Fucking coward elites.