I haven't had the chance yet, but I was a top college debater. Finals at my first NDT event, national Brady Garrison winner, and state champion (parliamentary) without a coach. I have two modes: one is the quiet working mode. The other is throw you in the mud face down until you cry mode. I just don't bring out the latter very often. I l…
I haven't had the chance yet, but I was a top college debater. Finals at my first NDT event, national Brady Garrison winner, and state champion (parliamentary) without a coach. I have two modes: one is the quiet working mode. The other is throw you in the mud face down until you cry mode. I just don't bring out the latter very often. I like people. It takes a very special psychopath to motivate me. If I get to cross-examine, I hurt people. Irreperably. And then I face the difficult task of sorting out that I enjoyed it, but under what conditions was it right.
I haven't had the chance yet, but I was a top college debater. Finals at my first NDT event, national Brady Garrison winner, and state champion (parliamentary) without a coach. I have two modes: one is the quiet working mode. The other is throw you in the mud face down until you cry mode. I just don't bring out the latter very often. I like people. It takes a very special psychopath to motivate me. If I get to cross-examine, I hurt people. Irreperably. And then I face the difficult task of sorting out that I enjoyed it, but under what conditions was it right.