I suspect, if we survive this, the only thing that people will agree about looking back was trusting "authorities" to record, process and analyze the raw data for us was probably the biggest mistake we ever made.

Everyone passes the buck, and nobody takes responsibility since it's someone else's department and they are just using "X" numbers published by "Y" authority. Something is wrong about having to beg for a simple time series without censored data and without aggregation and arbitrary binning and partitioning.

Yet, this is where we are. The data we pay our governments to collect and share cannot be collected or shared. And people's and entire planet's immediate future is being decided based on not even knowing simple things like if reinfections happen, what is the vaccination status and dose date. We will get a "rate" instead calculated with a fake denominator.

Thank you for keeping up the fight against this complete and utter failure of the system in every single country.

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None of this should be a surprise to anyone paying attention. They lie about everything. Why would Covid be any different. This is what they do. Why do you think that “official govt data” on things like CPI, PPI, inflation, M1, M2, unemployment, etc always get revised in arrears? And that the revisions never make any of those markers look better. They knowingly lie about all of it in order to minimize the sting. And the quietly revise what they previously lied about. Generally on Friday afternoons when nobody is paying attention. The entire system is corrupt beyond all reason. And corrupt beyond repair. And a massive percentage of the people in the system know it and choose to perpetrate and perpetuate the corruption. May they all rot in hell. I’m thinking that most of them will.

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Matthew, I just want to say how very grateful I am for your posts.

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Beautiful work, what you are doing here Matthew. They are living in opposite day. Are you sitting? Take a deep breathe and repeat after me "This entire covid thing has never been about a virus...it is the cover story for something else much bigger and more malicious". This is why nothing that they have done or said from the beginning of this makes sense. The bad response or the incompetence or being gripped by fear is (with all due respect to Dr. Pete / Scott Atlas ) completely wrong, wrong and did I mention wrong? This has been, and continues to be a complete and total purposeful and destructive overreaction. It is the ongoing permanent emergency (or war) on an invisible enemy. I assure you that it is a very visible enemy, an enemy so easy to see that all one has to do is look in a mirror. We are the enemy that this war has been declared upon. The target is your left/right arm. If this is not realized in mass we are done like dinner. Matthew: If you have not scheduled another video conversation or update with Steve, please do.

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Dec 20, 2021·edited Dec 20, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

If one were to speculate what this forebodes, taken together with the other tidbits of positive or rather: less negative news all things Covid-and-vaccines, what about this rambling line of thinking?

The wind is changing, ever so slightly, away from lockdowns, mandatory injections and so on. Since we all know that (s)elected officials and their appointed (or rather: anointed) never do anything wrong, the heads and public faces of one policy cannot remain if that policy has failed. Especially not if it will be subject to change (albeit á la "We have always been at war with Eurasia").

So how to clean slate? Insert, admit or 'discover' flaws and faults and let the old guard peacefully retire without prosecution, investigation or loss privileges. We all know the drill: "Mistakes were regretfully made, but we should not not let that mar the memory of NN who did so much good, and who has declined to participate in todays ceremony, and will instead be spending more time eith their family". Even a parking ticket is more personal.

And then it's 'Meet the new boss, same as the old boss'. Cynical? Yes, but with the chance that the new boss will actually be somewhat competent and will have a period of grace to rig things their way. And some - any - chance of improvement is better than known corruption or incompetence.

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Mathew! You da man! Thank you for shining a light on this. I scrape down the jab uptake data daily, and I would routinely see them "rolling back" huge numbers (1.3m), then seemingly give it back to themselves plus a little more within a day or two? That's what my videos of this phenomena are all about! I also have a lot of un-published video documentation of their shenanigans. I'm saving those for Nuremberg 2.0. lol

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it's a DATAstrophe

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I am the last person to want any kind of vaccine registry, but when people were heading to the local drugstore/mobile vaccine clinic/supermarket pharmacy (and in many cases apparently lying in order to get vaccinated-- whether fudging birthdates, pre-existing conditions, whether or not they'd already been vaccinated and thus were eligible for a booster), it became clear that all statistics regarding vaccinated should be taken with a massive grain of salt. Thanks for probing.

Would random sampling work in this scenario to try to get non-governmental estimates of the % vaccinated, or not so much? (Apologies if this is the stupid question of not-a-scientist.)

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Amazing!- how do we get this story on the front page of the NYT? Lol. The fact that it will never be published in the mainstream anywhere is the bleakest fact of our times. But I’m probably wrong about that too!

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It sounds like we are flying blind from a statistical standpoint. It is astounding that insufficient effort was spent to gather and organize data in a quality way.

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A Tale of Two Former Grad Students (Friends for Life)

Both of Us, Higher End of the Risk Profile

He: 2 Vax shots, 1 booster shot, 2 Covid infections (1 Verified/1 not tested)

Me: 0 Vax shots, 0 booster shots, 0 Covid infections

Startling admission about vax efficiency by DrRWMalone on GBTV (posted on YT Dec 19,2021)


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I once thought this would all blow up soon. But as long as the media runs interference for the public health industrial complex I don’t think anything will happen except possibly dialing down coverage gradually and letting the pandemic fade away with no accountability.

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Again, great article! I pray their lies and fraud blow up in their face. You can only sweep dirt under a rug for so long until you trip on the lumpy rug.

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It's not really that surprising that the figures are over-high. The self-reported unvaccinated American middle-aged and elderly in substack comments alone suggest it's not ultra-rare. There's a community of them down where I am, as well. And the booster fraud has been ongoing since August, when the official figures finished climbing above 90.

For this reason, I've argued that it is actually plausible that the unvaccinated *are* driving most of the deaths in the US since the summer (https://unglossed.substack.com/p/invisible-apocalypse#footnote-anchor-12), though certainly not at the absurd rates (1924%!) suggested by the media/state. This additionally accords with the flood of anecdotes about the unvaccinated being shoved into separate wards where they are promptly killed off with Remdesivir and ventilators to produce a Covid death payout.

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I'm missing the point perhaps here.. what is being said is that with less people actually vaccinated, and more deaths in the vaccinated, that makes the jabs worse than they are? Wouldn't deaths of vaccinated be adjusted down to compensate as well? sorry everyone, I can generally well follow what's being said, but not understanding this one.

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"Pandemic of fabricated statistics" is the best description I've heard.

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