I suspect, if we survive this, the only thing that people will agree about looking back was trusting "authorities" to record, process and analyze the raw data for us was probably the biggest mistake we ever made.

Everyone passes the buck, and nobody takes responsibility since it's someone else's department and they are just using "X" numbers published by "Y" authority. Something is wrong about having to beg for a simple time series without censored data and without aggregation and arbitrary binning and partitioning.

Yet, this is where we are. The data we pay our governments to collect and share cannot be collected or shared. And people's and entire planet's immediate future is being decided based on not even knowing simple things like if reinfections happen, what is the vaccination status and dose date. We will get a "rate" instead calculated with a fake denominator.

Thank you for keeping up the fight against this complete and utter failure of the system in every single country.

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"I suspect, if we survive this, the only thing that people will agree about looking back was trusting "authorities" to record, process and analyze the raw data for us was probably the biggest mistake we ever made."

Oh, I think this moment will select for people who did not trust government on many levels, including that of educating their children.

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With due respect to your comment here. This is not our government. We do not pay them to do things. They steal from us in the form of taxation. We are currently paying for this jab-fest. We are being lied to. They have never stopped lying to us. If we are ever going to survive this we need to understand that this is a war on us. It is not about a virus. Early treatment, multiple collaborations between men like Peter McCullough, Jay Bhattacharya could have ended this (whatever it is...still unsure to most) but the Ministry of Health featuring Dr. Tony was and is the only path. What is that path? Doesn't make sense does it? Nothing they have done and continue to do (as pointed out by Matthew with his expertise) makes sense. This is a total transformation of everything that they controlled before, to the future that they will also control. BC = before covid / AC = After covide. Covid will be used as an excuse to do whatever they want to do no matter how abusive or totalitarian. It is about keeping us all safe while systematically destroying everything around us over a ?virus? that is 99.75 % survivable. Our history is a lie, our present is a lie and the future is the only thing we can control.

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We should dodge all victim mentality.

We are not paying for the jab. It is paid for with freshly printed dollars. Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's.

On the other hand, we have the freedom to choose other methods of economic transaction. Prepare for it.

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There are no victims, only volunteers

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Dec 20, 2021
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The gvt doesn't rely on our money to 'fund' their programs - they print it, as Mathew said. It's un-intuitive for us normal folk, but it's the reality of a 'fiat currency'. Look into "Modern Monetary Theory" if you're curious :)

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This freshly printed money devalues everything the serfs own.

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I don't think that's true. Some things like land and gold are far more stable. Economic feedback loops that are dollar dependent are all devalued as well as financial instruments based on the dollar. I don't know what proportion of world wealth that is, but it could be 20%? However, it's a lower percentage of the wealth of the elites than it is of the serfs. And jerking that valuation around creates a volatility that makes it easier for a few elites to reach out and grab onto new pools of wealth. Tax codes do that, too.

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Dec 21, 2021
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Thanks for the links, I will check them out. If I'm remembering correctly, the MMT notion is that taxes are essentially just a way to pull money back out of the system, to prevent inflation - they don't actually need that money to 'pay for' things, though.

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With all due respect: it IS, unfortunately, very much your government that set this in motion, although I get what you mean. And: we control the PRESENT (as much as we do) to influence the future.

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I agree it’s due to players IN government but I don’t think it’s THE government’s doing.

There’s an agenda driving this above the level of any single government...

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Agreed. I am working, as we speak, on another post on this subject. Due to the enormous amount of information to cover, it will cover the mind control aspect, and not from a conspiracy angle of view but hard facts. The following article will be closer to the Mr. Global himself.

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Yes, the gof research that led us to this point has its origins in the United States...but many other countries and NGOs are also involved...in the mucking with viruses and the push towards global totalitarian control. There is no Republican or Democrat, Left or Right, Liberal or Conservative, borders or nationalities. The good guys are fighting the bad guys.

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Dec 20, 2021
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Wow, Jan. 6, 2021! Aged well, this clip!

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Dec 20, 2021
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True, a revelation! And now this one, fast-forward to Dec. 17, 2021: https://www.iono.fm/e/1138422

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Do you know where I can listen to "https://home.solari.com/coming-thursday-who-is-mr-global-with-dr-joseph-p-farrell/"? 2 parts, apparently, 2 hours long altogether.

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Is this it? Only 1 part/30 minutes:

Wake Up! Who is the true "Mr. Global" which Catherine Austin Fitts is talking about...


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Dec 21, 2021
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It's not "a failure of the system", it's its greatest success. "The system" has been singularly focused on pulling this off, and they are doing this with flying colours.

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Perhaps you are right. However, keep an eye on Denmark, watch how the case fatality rates change in January when the real pandemic starts. "The system" will be tested.

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The real pandemic is the pandemic of the "vaccine"-induced mortality, and it will get worse, but will only be seen in excess mortality as it will be impossible to prove. For Covid-19 attributed deaths, they shuffle the numbers and flood all channels with outrageous lies.

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I agree but I promise you it will be seen in recorded covid-19 deaths. Look at ONS's all cause mortality data they released today. In their own words they say the people in "poor" and "Poorer health" died with the vaccine. This process does not have endless toxicity, like all Pharma, the first few batches kills the people sensitive to that drug and the ones who can tolerate it are no longer severely affected by it. In case of the vaccines, Moderna is banned everywhere but the US. Pfizer's shot isn't working for 2-5 year olds they have to increase the dosage. The vaccines just selected for immune systems that can tolerate and intercept it before it can enter the cell and create the spike protein. What we will have left are basically healthy people who didn't die of covid or the vaccine and won't die of it now. But they will be putting pressure on the innate immunity of Children they have not jabbed yet. We are still in selection phase of the pandemic, the selection phase will end when there is no selection pressure anymore. Which is when neither the vaccines, the adaptive or the innate immune system will work anymore. If you think this won't happen, I'm willing to believe you. I hope you are right. But keep an eye on the partially vaccinated figure in Denmark and their case and death rates (currently highest in 80+).

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There are mid- and long-term effects that you do not take into account, like cancers, dementia and autoimmune disorders down the road. And as they move to jab4+, who is there to oversee what they will inject? Right... So, the depopulation agenda will be rolled out with less and less resistance and more and more deadly outcomes faster, not less deadly. In the EU for sure. Unless they fail in the US now and get their ass whooped 1st, and necks broken 2nd.

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I'm afraid we will never reach long-term to check its effects at the rate we are progressing. We are spiraling at a breakneck speed and the only reason we don't know it because we already killed the all the vulnerable people with vaccines that either gave them covid or killed them before they could get covid. So it's not easy to notice that we have more viral copies being generated per second than ever before, more virus mimicking vaccine doses being administered than ever before. More infections in people who were previously immune and more people carrying an immune response that's aimed at a virus that doesn't even exist. While we isolate parts of the population and stock up others making each isolated group more vulnerable. As you said, there will be less and less resistance and more and more deadly outcomes but it won't be because someone is in control, it will be because nobody is in control. Which is a harder pill to swallow.

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Source for "Poorer Health" being labelled by UK government in Vaccine Mortality.

To be clear, I didn't meant to downplay the vaccine injuries, it's just that like any toxic ingestible, it can't kill more people than it already has at a continuously higher rate. A virus can change but a vial of LNP remains the same and a decent adaptive immune system catches it before it can even be expressed.


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You might want to take a look at this:


"There are huge number of reports in VAERS. What he has done is that …the guy must have a lot of time on his hands because VAERS is a pain in the ass to use normally. There’s almost a million reports now on the Covid injections….from this guy I learned there are 20,200 batches. That includes all 3— Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen. He has done an analysis by batch number.....These companies are working in concert so they did not interfere with each other’s results. The toxicities are very specific, and they come sequentially."

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Dec 20, 2021
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Even though statistics in some nations are not well collected, the processes are consistent, so relative changes are still meaningful to observe.

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Dec 20, 2021
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Let's say that a nation manages to collect statistics on half its people. One year they find that 1 million died, and the next year they find that 1.2 million people died. We can guess pretty well that mortality went up 20%.

Precision and accuracy are two different beasts, always in varying degrees, but we can manage to make sense when we understand them at a basic level.

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None of this should be a surprise to anyone paying attention. They lie about everything. Why would Covid be any different. This is what they do. Why do you think that “official govt data” on things like CPI, PPI, inflation, M1, M2, unemployment, etc always get revised in arrears? And that the revisions never make any of those markers look better. They knowingly lie about all of it in order to minimize the sting. And the quietly revise what they previously lied about. Generally on Friday afternoons when nobody is paying attention. The entire system is corrupt beyond all reason. And corrupt beyond repair. And a massive percentage of the people in the system know it and choose to perpetrate and perpetuate the corruption. May they all rot in hell. I’m thinking that most of them will.

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It's not really beyond all reason and it's not really 'corrupt' when you take into account the CDC is financed by big pharma and it's raison d'etre is to promote vaccine use.

Done a pretty good job so far hasn't it?

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Matthew, I just want to say how very grateful I am for your posts.

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Beautiful work, what you are doing here Matthew. They are living in opposite day. Are you sitting? Take a deep breathe and repeat after me "This entire covid thing has never been about a virus...it is the cover story for something else much bigger and more malicious". This is why nothing that they have done or said from the beginning of this makes sense. The bad response or the incompetence or being gripped by fear is (with all due respect to Dr. Pete / Scott Atlas ) completely wrong, wrong and did I mention wrong? This has been, and continues to be a complete and total purposeful and destructive overreaction. It is the ongoing permanent emergency (or war) on an invisible enemy. I assure you that it is a very visible enemy, an enemy so easy to see that all one has to do is look in a mirror. We are the enemy that this war has been declared upon. The target is your left/right arm. If this is not realized in mass we are done like dinner. Matthew: If you have not scheduled another video conversation or update with Steve, please do.

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If one were to speculate what this forebodes, taken together with the other tidbits of positive or rather: less negative news all things Covid-and-vaccines, what about this rambling line of thinking?

The wind is changing, ever so slightly, away from lockdowns, mandatory injections and so on. Since we all know that (s)elected officials and their appointed (or rather: anointed) never do anything wrong, the heads and public faces of one policy cannot remain if that policy has failed. Especially not if it will be subject to change (albeit á la "We have always been at war with Eurasia").

So how to clean slate? Insert, admit or 'discover' flaws and faults and let the old guard peacefully retire without prosecution, investigation or loss privileges. We all know the drill: "Mistakes were regretfully made, but we should not not let that mar the memory of NN who did so much good, and who has declined to participate in todays ceremony, and will instead be spending more time eith their family". Even a parking ticket is more personal.

And then it's 'Meet the new boss, same as the old boss'. Cynical? Yes, but with the chance that the new boss will actually be somewhat competent and will have a period of grace to rig things their way. And some - any - chance of improvement is better than known corruption or incompetence.

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I think we're over a critical precipice. Moloch will die.

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I’m afraid you’re missing a crucial point.

The entire raisin d’etre for this global fraud is to take over liberal democracies & subject everyone to totalitarian tyranny using vaccine passports. That’s Step 1 of 3.

Step 2 is global financial Reset to CBDCs driven off digital ID (aka VaxPass)

Step 3 is population reduction using dangerous vaccines & obligations due to VaxPass

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Dr, this is their plan, of course, and before the virus, "climate change" was the vehicle. However, in the US at least, it seems Omicron is an inflection point, the true believers are asking why their three shots didn't protect them, the CDC stats are a sham, that a lot more of us remain unvaxxed than they've been promised, the mandates lose popularity and lose in court, and the Covidians are just starting to see what we see, a bunch of naked emperors.

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Just because I don't mention it doesn't mean I'm ignorant of the hypothesis! (storms off in a huff) :) Joking, of course.

Incoming essay (or diatribe...)

But seriously, if you want to study the underlying ideas of the WEF, the EU and so on, the keyword is "synarchy". It's an old french idea spawned as an alternatvie to anarchism and democracy, democracy beeing seen in that time (mid 1800s) as a radical extremist position since it was the rallying cry of various european peoples long subjugated by different larger states and empires (Austria-Hungary to name one).

Synarchy is basically an idealised alliance between state (as in administration of territory, nothing more), capital as in industry, trade and banking, unions, church, and military/police. People may well be allowed to vote, but the system is set up so that it doesn't matter since the system self-selects its mebers from how well they embody the synarchistic ideal: a stable, predicatble structure of permanent bureaucratic and technocratic rule no matter what the political or ideological window dressing of the time may be. (Don't bother with the Wikipedia article except from the refrences.)

The perinent point is "liberal democracies", which I would call "western nations" instead due to cultural confusion re: the term "liberal". In whose interest is the transitioning of western nations into corporatist autocracies?

The very rich, with various modernist utopian idea(l)s.

The unelected bureaucrats like the IMF, the WEF et c.

The policitians since the electorate is such a bother between elections.

However, it is also in the interest of the nations of the Middle East and China. For a century, the West has held itself as the moral paragon of statehood, much to the chagrin of the ME and China seeing as to them we are uncouth barbarians and upstarts upsetting the divine mandate, be it moslem or (red) chinese.

Even worse, for more than a century our cultures and values have affected (or infected from their point of view) their societies. Cultural values, the role of religion, our individualism, et c. All anathema to their cultures. Especially when their intellectuals and the young again and again clamours for the same freedoms we enjoy.

What to do? Can't invade militarliy. They know full well that despite the US ability to lose wars by winning battles, if or when britons, germans, french or (heavens forfend) eastern euorpeans and russians fight them, well... they fight to win. Can't crush us financially - that'd be cutting their own throat. Can't entice our young with their culture the way the US does - ME and China does not (yet?) view culture as a commodity.

So, what to do? Two things. For the islamic world, migration (hijrah) works wonders. Let people migrate to the West and settle there. They won't be assimilated, but will without any nefaious plots colonise their areas of residence. Give it a century or two and hey presto, result. Because the westerners think in 'clock time': the oriental doesn't, to their cultures time is open-ended. The Great Game simply doesn't end, it's just the players that are switched out.

For China: discredit western democracies in two ways. One, by enticing them to move their production to China/Asia. This creates dependance and undemines any attempts to critices China. It also disarms western governemtns of the argument that they care about people - apparently not "faraway yellow people" working as slaves for asian proxies for western companies, which leads neatly to step two:

Continously point out, to your own populace and globally when western policies re: freedom of speech et c. are violated in the west by our governemnts. No lies required. Use pre-existing conditions in western media and academia to achieve this as a state of normalcy.

You see, both the ME regimes and China closely studied how Russia was treated after 1991, and what effect the various demands made upon it resulted in. They also took notes on how the west reacted to Putin.

That's my two cents anyway.

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And mind control and monitoring. Turning the remaining humans into autonotoms.

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Mathew! You da man! Thank you for shining a light on this. I scrape down the jab uptake data daily, and I would routinely see them "rolling back" huge numbers (1.3m), then seemingly give it back to themselves plus a little more within a day or two? That's what my videos of this phenomena are all about! I also have a lot of un-published video documentation of their shenanigans. I'm saving those for Nuremberg 2.0. lol

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You're both awesome! Thanks so much for your diligence.

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CDC uses Dominion?

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it's a DATAstrophe

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I am the last person to want any kind of vaccine registry, but when people were heading to the local drugstore/mobile vaccine clinic/supermarket pharmacy (and in many cases apparently lying in order to get vaccinated-- whether fudging birthdates, pre-existing conditions, whether or not they'd already been vaccinated and thus were eligible for a booster), it became clear that all statistics regarding vaccinated should be taken with a massive grain of salt. Thanks for probing.

Would random sampling work in this scenario to try to get non-governmental estimates of the % vaccinated, or not so much? (Apologies if this is the stupid question of not-a-scientist.)

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Amazing!- how do we get this story on the front page of the NYT? Lol. The fact that it will never be published in the mainstream anywhere is the bleakest fact of our times. But I’m probably wrong about that too!

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It sounds like we are flying blind from a statistical standpoint. It is astounding that insufficient effort was spent to gather and organize data in a quality way.

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Shows what's of value just like the Pentagon who can't find $34 trillion in spending. It's rampant w toxic chemicals the testing is never done to reveal risk, don't look - don't find problems. It's looking much the same with Covid data collection. https://web.archive.org/web/20120917041002/http://scorecard.goodguide.com/chemical-profiles/chems-profile-descriptions.tcl#safety_assessment

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Reminds me of a conversation I had with the top doc from Aberdeen Proving Ground. He could not get them to be careful with heavy metal exposure from depleted uranium.

I was also stunned with burn pits in Iraq instead of having incinerators. The military is a health disaster.

They also hide a lot of the military cost by putting veteran's health care ($270 B) outside of DoD funding.

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It's a nightmare, the old bases with rusting containers and seeping waste. Everything about weapons history & war makers is filled w total disregard for human life.

The Burn Pits are a special level of tragedy I learned about from Joseph Hickman who was the whistleblower from GITMO who exposed CIA murder & cover up. He got mail from a bazillion Vets asking him to investigate & Burn Pits is a masterpiece but brutal.


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A Tale of Two Former Grad Students (Friends for Life)

Both of Us, Higher End of the Risk Profile

He: 2 Vax shots, 1 booster shot, 2 Covid infections (1 Verified/1 not tested)

Me: 0 Vax shots, 0 booster shots, 0 Covid infections

Startling admission about vax efficiency by DrRWMalone on GBTV (posted on YT Dec 19,2021)


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I once thought this would all blow up soon. But as long as the media runs interference for the public health industrial complex I don’t think anything will happen except possibly dialing down coverage gradually and letting the pandemic fade away with no accountability.

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Hence why Austrians can overrun their police but nothing still changes (yet). It is the media that needs to be overturned.

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Again, great article! I pray their lies and fraud blow up in their face. You can only sweep dirt under a rug for so long until you trip on the lumpy rug.

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It's not really that surprising that the figures are over-high. The self-reported unvaccinated American middle-aged and elderly in substack comments alone suggest it's not ultra-rare. There's a community of them down where I am, as well. And the booster fraud has been ongoing since August, when the official figures finished climbing above 90.

For this reason, I've argued that it is actually plausible that the unvaccinated *are* driving most of the deaths in the US since the summer (https://unglossed.substack.com/p/invisible-apocalypse#footnote-anchor-12), though certainly not at the absurd rates (1924%!) suggested by the media/state. This additionally accords with the flood of anecdotes about the unvaccinated being shoved into separate wards where they are promptly killed off with Remdesivir and ventilators to produce a Covid death payout.

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I've lost the reference to the virulence of Remdesivir that I think I saw on a substack comments somewhere. Can you help me find it or similar?

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Remdesivir is a nucleoside analogue. They are all poison. But since it has only been tested on Ebola and SARS-CoV-2, the trials cannot show a good signal of harm (summary way down in https://www.drugs.com/monograph/remdesivir.html - "Phase 3, randomized, open-label trial in hospitalized adults with severe COVID-19 (NCT04292899; GS-US-540-5773; SIMPLE-Severe): Adverse events reported in 70 or 74% of patients who received a 5- or 10-day remdesivir regimen, respectively; serious adverse events (e.g., respiratory distress or failure, septic shock) reported in 21 or 35%, respectively, and grade 3 or greater adverse events reported in 30 or 43%, respectively." - but less events for the "moderate" trial. At best, Remdesivir kills by substituting for the effective early treatments that should be used instead. At worst, it adds percentage points to the CFR for hospitalized cases).

You might be thinking of the Bryan Ardis interview where he claims it causes universal kidney failure and was pulled during the Ebola trial for killing patients (https://www.bitchute.com/video/jv3GSOcoIGCP/) - but if you look up the trial, it was pulled for non-improvement. I think the harm is scattershot due to the short course of treatment.

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Hmm, that bitchute vid seems a bit extreme at first glance.

Thanks for the textual info. Good stuff.

I'm thinking perhaps I saw it in that 'covid revealed' series of 9 vids. Might have come out of the mouth of RFK perhaps. There's no index into it though and no transcript that I know of. And it might not even have been that. It might have been Dr Malone. It was somewhere pretty trustworthy and quite shocked me into believing. Now I need to back up my belief with some evidence else I'm no better than the rest am I.

Whoever it was was going on about Fauci having criminally mandated Remdesivir had to be used and nothing else!

Sounds more like RFK's 'The Real Anthony Fauci' doesn't it? I'll look there.

Thanks. I'll keep looking. Might have to sit through all those vids again. Price of not being organised enough to file and index immediately. :)

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I'm missing the point perhaps here.. what is being said is that with less people actually vaccinated, and more deaths in the vaccinated, that makes the jabs worse than they are? Wouldn't deaths of vaccinated be adjusted down to compensate as well? sorry everyone, I can generally well follow what's being said, but not understanding this one.

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What I'm saying is that after risk-adjusting, we should have expected the actual pool of the unvaccinated to die twice as often as was the CDC's expectation, so any efficacy claims they made off said data dramatically overstated efficacy.

Of course, I'm just playing by their rules. I think there is far more to this story than just these numbers.

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Still don't get it.

If after adjusting we find the elderly death rate should always have been twice what was assumed then the efficacy ( of the vax I suppose you mean ) surely should have always been understated?

i..e.: In the past they were expected to die at 10 per hundred.

But they died at 8 per hundred.

so they claimed 20% efficiency.

But really they should have died at 20 per hundred.

But they died at 8 per hundred.

So surely there's now an improvement from 20% to 8% ? Rather than 10% to 8%?

So it looks like in the past they were doing better than they claimed.

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Excellent point.

Simplistically, looking at my own state's vaccinated and unvaccinated death rates from a time series perspective it appears the vaccine is somewhere around 50 to 75 percent effective at reducing death rates. Once you have had COVID it looks like you have a 50% lower death rate than the vaccinated group. I am sure this differs significantly by age group and preexisting conditions, but I don't see a way to parse the data here.

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"Pandemic of fabricated statistics" is the best description I've heard.

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