What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun. Is there a thing of which it is said, “See, this is new”? It has been already in the ages before us. There is no remembrance of former things, nor will there be any remembrance of later things yet to be among those who come after. Eccl 1:9-11

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There are new things, but those who seek power in sharp hierarchies are too arrogant not to stumble over them. Technology exists and is real, and is grossly misunderstood by the Kunlangeta.


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"How much of the difference is in the belief of the influence of community as technology..." This, as old as Cain and Abel, and the mark we'll always live with.

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You ask if anything fits with "See, this is new". You're in luck! I've been curating a list;

- a rapid, global, coordinated response to a perceived threat

- the Evergreen blocking Suez

- the closure of Shanghai (the world's largest port) for 5-6 weeks

- crude oil plunging to minus $38 a barrel (April 2021)

- crude oil approaching positive $200 a barrel (2022)

- super-fast development and rollout of novel "vaccines"

- massive tax safety signals ignored for two years

- multiple crashed and crashing economies around the world

- a global shortage of micro-chips

I'm sure I've missed some, but you get the point.

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What we are dealing with is the greatest betrayal of trust that has ever happened in human history. Short overview of what happened, how it happened, and possible directions where things might progress into.


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We can identify betrayals, but the questions that will help more open their eyes, and also the questions as to how to rebuild more securely, must be asked, and may not be simple to answer. We are still at the beginning.

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The answer is in fact simple. You cannot single-handedly defend against a danger into which everyone else will willingly walk.

Protection against similar future events will come from survivors and their descendants cultivating an awareness of what once occurred. It will come from keeping the lesson alive through stories and histories. It could even come from occasional reenactments, "Gullibility Games" that teach the mindset necessary to recognize and avoid these types of events.

To the extent such awareness is not practiced, we cannot prevent such events from reoccurring, in the same way that we can't prevent our descendants from being eaten by bears. We simply must teach them how to recognize and avoid bears, and hope they will teach their descendants.

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I like the idea of "Gullibility Games", more wholesome than "Hunger Games" and would make for educational reality TV instead of the vanity seeking trash that is promoted these days.

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Personally, I think it is more important to prevent what is emerging around us than to know or understand how to rebuild more secure and create more robust systems for our existence on this planet. If our enemies accomplish their goals, there will be no power around to counteract their actions.

Knowledge takes years and decades to develop. We cannot expect to teach people the things they never understood or cared about in the first place. To get their attention, they need to be provided with a narrative that will open their eyes wide enough, so they will be willing to be steered in a direction that will benefit the entire society and humanity in general. And yes, on paper, this sounds awfully similar to what our enemies did, but the intent and goals are different.

Freedom and inalienable human rights need to be preserved by any means necessary. Even if it means introducing some inevitable chaos and destruction as a consequence. We can always accept less perfect leaders and governance and perhaps move to some less destructive and corrupted systems in the future. What we cannot accept, though, are leaders and elites that are interconnected with each other to such a degree through corruption, greed, and delusions of grandeur.

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I'm not certain why this is an either-or proposition.

I also worry that action with shallow understanding simply means war without proper direction. I worry that accomplishes the goals of those who profit from chaos.

What if the better answer is stepping back while the Kunlangeta eat each other as may happen as the dollar fails? What if a more productive path is to be rebuilding civilization beneath and askew from that which is crumbling?

I have a hard time meeting the chaos of those who believe in action without philosophy by taking action without philosophy.

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I was speaking in a broad sense. We both know that things are never simple, and many complex systems are involved here. War is not the solution that I was hinting at. It is unnecessary, and there is a way to do this and collapse the entire system and powers that currently dictate the fate and direction of where the world and humanity is going, with minimal damage to society. I hinted at this in this article:


As for the tactic of waiting, doing nothing, and observing what happens, I'm quite critical of that approach, which I also touched on and explained my reasoning in the article above. The same goes for the parallel society approach. I don't see that working out, especially when we consider that what they are designing is a planetary scale approach. Their agenda does not allow for any dissidence to exist outside of the system they are trying to create. This means they will tolerate dissenters only up to a certain point.

And by accepting chaos, I mean the lesser evil. An attempt to consciously influence a change and not wait and hope that it somehow works out in the end for our own benefit. This is the right thing to do for a responsible human being who wants to be free. Trying to create your own path, trying to achieve and fight for what is right and important, instead of doing nothing and forever hoping that someone will do that for us.

Violence, pain, death, suffering, and sacrifices in life are inevitable, they are an intrinsic part of our lives and our entire existence. We cannot escape them, nor should we try to. This is what some people engaging in practical but also in philosophical musings sometimes tend to forget. They cling too much to the idea of existence instead of the idea of living on their own terms. Taking risks is part of life. It literally defines not only humanity but every living creature on this planet. There are no certainties in life. This is why there is beauty in both life and the chaos itself. Risks, unknowns, and uncertainties.

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I appreciate seeing you two in conversation. This kind of dialogue between those of us who are relatively awake appears necessary if we are to avoid the fate our victimizers have planned for us, ha ha.

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Wow. A very thoughtful essay on Trust And Betrayal, Mellob33. All should take time out to read it, and people might also take a look at my short comment on Mathew's "My Early Treatment Testimonial, Part 2," where I discussed my difficulty "to accept that the entire medical establishment is corrupt and trying to kill you...."

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It’s tough to figure out what’s really going on, huh?

Whether intentional or not (never underestimate the incompetence of technocratic geeks who fancy themselves "experts"), the vaccines seem to result in

1) massive immune dysregulation, leading to even a short-term increase in cancers, autoimmune disease, and reactivation of latent retroviruses such as EBV and herpesviruses

2) fertility issues

3) blood clots leading to strokes and other problems

4) myocarditis and heart attacks

5) neurological problems


So is this a massive depopulation program or is it transhumanism gone wrong? Or just a result of the idiocy and corruption endemic in western medicine for decades?

The more I look at it the more I have no clue.

If it’s depopulation, they should have just made the saline shots to get everyone on the digital ID control systems. Then they could have rolled out the next pandemic and 95% (or more, since trust would have been established) would have willingly rolled up their sleeves next time, when they could have brought in the kill shots. heh.

Maybe I should offer my consulting services to BMGF as new “director of strategy”. 🤣

Seriously, though, if population control is what they want, why not just be honest? A good proportion of the west believes that overpopulation is a problem, so it’s an easy sell, really. Offer mRNA therapy to increase your telomeres, up-regulate your NAD, produce sirtuins, etc. Very attractive. Life extension in a shot. Get everyone hooked on that a la Windows subscription model and then make them promise that they will no longer reproduce if they take it (or outright sterilize people in exchange). Problem solved, no overpopulation, and they have us all hooked to a continuous mRNA therapy so they’re making hundreds of billions.

I would sign up for that. Not immediately, of course, I’d let the Silicon Valley techbros go first to see how it works, but as soon as I noticed signs of senescence and decay, I’d be there. 🤣

We know the elites look at us like the homeless, and a more basic subscription model could be offered to the actual homeless. No life extension, but welfare for life if they agree to be sterilized and to move away from San Francisco and LA. They get their drugs and everything.

I’m kidding of course.

But the more I think about the elites, the more I think that they’re just unaware of how powerless they are in the face of nature. Biology is very complex. People go for the depopulation hypothesis because it’s obviously easier to kill someone with an injection than to help them live forever. But maybe it’s really the latter they were after and they’ve just been so drunk on their own hubris and delusions that they actual thought it was possible. (I don't think it is. I've never been much into life extension research as the proof is in the pudding.)

Nothing adds up and I trust nothing but I’m not so sure anymore what’s really going on. (But that’s OK.)

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I was just on a group call discussing economics.

If you're Global Corp Inc. and want to increase your share of world wealth...

* In the West, you shake money out of people's pockets by stopping them from running their little businesses.

* In the East, you don't lock down...there is still domestic economy to be invested in for long term exponential growth.

Now the investment bankers can go back to not having to think hard.

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Anyway, this is yet another really brilliant piece and you touched on so many things that I just pulled out the immortality aspirations. These mega-billionaires are quite literally crazy, and they're such a sad, boring lot, honestly. The G'oaould from the original Stargate series were far more interesting. sigh

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Q: "Are obtuse Western leaders largely some forms of drones of production similar to hashashim design?"

A: Yes, considering the extent and reach of the WEF Young Global Leaders programming.

On a related note, all of our heads of state have begun to look and sound like newsreaders on the evening news.

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Check out Andy Lee, a reporter in Canada who is diving deep into Trudeau’s hidden ties to China. She’s on Twitter (@hannah_bananaz)

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We all have a shelf life. No one gets out alive. The people behind this are fossils. The bugs will be eating them long before they force us to eat bugs. They believe in nothing, and they are terrified of death. Also, whatever Klaus uploads to the cloud when he leaves this mortal coil will not be him. Seriously, they are pathetic old men without faith who see the sand slipping through the hour glass and are terrified. Unfortunately, for us, they are doing a lot of damage.

Have you watched the movie Greenland? After I watched it, I had some questions that I wanted to ask my covidian relatives. Do you think the government has an emergency plan in the event of a catastrophic global event (a giant asteroid impact, for example)? Do you think they have a list of essential personnel who will continue the government? Do you think they have a group of people designated to re-populate the planet after the asteroid hits? Do you think there is global coordination?

Do you think you're on that list? I know I'm not.

If they can make that kind of list...decide who lives or dies, decide who is essential and who is not...why do you think they are incapable of making those determinations now? Have you heard of the Georgia Guidestones? Who put them there?

Have the Kunlangeta (globalists) secured the services of the Hashishin (too many to count) to achieve their evil plans? I believe Stalin called them useful idiots, although, to your point, maybe the Kunlangeta are the actual idiots.

Regardless, they are a danger to the rest of us, and they need to be stopped.

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So much coordination/direction and unnatural illogic. Too much to be a group of men. Ephesians 6:12 the most rational fit.

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Since you included a disclaimer about historical fine points it seems fair to add some details to one reference that is a focus are for me and very sore spot disregarding Rule of Law.

Mathew: "It is noteworthy that the U.S. interrogation program centered around Guantanamo Bay detainees continued long after CIA agents administered techniques most people (not adhering to a legal playbook) describe as torture continued after the CIA admits they did not believe such interrogation produced true or actionable intelligence."

Bush-Cheney NeoCons calling torture 'enhanced interrogation' was all about PR there was never any question it was torture and all the methods employed are specifically detailed in prohibitions under domestic and international law.

These post 9-11 war crimes that have never been prosecuted. Worse yet, John Kiriakou the CIA whistleblower who exposed the crimes is the only one prosecuted and jailed. Julian Assange who published evidence of those war crimes & more, endures ongoing torture at the behest of the criminal cabal in Washington in a farce that rolls back Common Law about 800 years.

There was never any doubt inside CIA about torture being both unlawful and worthless as an information gathering technique. Torture gets the subject to say whatever it takes to stop the pain and the bogus info the CIA needed was from paid informant Curveball.

This is pure evil that is allowed to thrive in darkness with NatSec as the blanket that hides everything and help from Congress who gave us a white washed torture report and voted torture loving, Bloody Gina Haspel to CIA Director. As Nils Meltzer, UN Rapporteur on Torture describes it, A murderous system is being created before our very eyes.




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I still think the “quest for immortality” via CRISPR (etc.) is the motive for many individuals near the top of this mountain of Evil.

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I put some thoughts down earlier that echo yours.


Yes, the testing by batch may have been much more nuanced that what we know, some one in a underground lab KNOWS which batches has which ingredients. They could have been and quite possibly were testing hundreds of different products and techniques. Once you know the threshold for adverse events you can reduce the dose to below this and keep testing for other features. Sometimes I dislike my vivid imagination, it proposes nasty scenarios.

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I know what you mean by “vivid imagination proposing nasty scenarios.”


The thread is still up:


I have more…

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Good stuff to focus on the psychopaths. There should be an empathy test for any position of authority! Let's have empathy passports jk

I questioned the Uyghurs narrative because I have friends in a neighboring country that told me that they actually never imposed the one child policy on them, and China that was encouraging education to prevent extremism, as they have had terrorism in China.

The videos that we saw of the torture turned out to be from porn.


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Yeah the one child policy was for Han ethnicity to avoid charges of genocide. That's not related to what is going on with the Uighurs. Yes there were some terrorist events which they used to justify the Uighur re-education camps.

VICE is a CIA outlet but so far they have done the best undercover reporting on this: https://youtu.be/v7AYyUqrMuQ

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It’s what I’ve been saying, is that they need a pretext to test out these lipid nanoparticles on billions of human guinea pigs so they can find out whether they’re safe to later use for other treatments such as CRISPR and maybe chromosome transplants for transgender people or whatever. However it was stupid of them to test it using a potentially dangerous viral protein and now we can’t tell which of the vaccine’s dangers are due to the spike protein and which are due to the delivery mechanism; the pseudourylated mRNA, the proprietary cationic lipids, whether Pfizer’s lipid is safer than Moderna’s, and so on.

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I put some thoughts down earlier that echo yours.


Yes, the testing by batch may have been much more nuanced that what we know, some one in a underground lab KNOWS which batches has which ingredients. They could have been and quite possibly were testing hundreds of different products and techniques. Once you know the threshold for adverse events you can reduce the dose to below this and keep testing for other features. Sometimes I dislike my vivid imagination, it proposes nasty scenarios.

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Concerning these issues, the questions are more important than any definite answers: that is the abject and object failure of modern western humanist philosophy that it adopted the perverse amalgamation of french post-structuralism (Derrida, Sartre, Foucault to pick the most prominent), american post-modernism (or moral relativism if you prefer) and italian pragmatic corporativism (Adorno et al).

The questions are like an axe: whether it is a tool for construction or a weapon for destruction lies in the hand of the user.

Edit: oh, uhm, apologies. Should have led with "Excellent post! This is the kind of stuff humanist journals and papers used to print last millenium!"

If you are looking for inspiring reads re: other systems of ethics and morals I'd recommend the nordic Sagas and the Kalevala. Non-Abrahamic systems of thought but still from the same sphere of races and cultures are far better tools, seeing as they never created churches and didn't teach obisance, obedience and submission. Rather, they taught to stand up straight and meet even certain Doom eye to eye and give as good as you got. Take the myth of Abraham and the sacrifice: only in a culture and among a race where submission and compliance with god was taught ould that take place. If a norse god would have tried that on my ancestors, the father of the sacrifice would have put iron to the gods neck.

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If you are going to include a message from Twitter, please do a screen grab (get FastStone Capture) of the Twitter, because it may not be there tomorrow. Just sayin'!

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Similar thoughts.

I heard Fauci scare-mongered HIV into the much less at-risk heterosexual world/everyone in order to significantly increase fundraising for cures. At a fundraising level it was hugely successful.

Let's assume that's true, it then could be that he's scare-mongered Covid into the much less at-risk younger world/everyone in order to significantly increase fundraising for mRNA.

Not as a cure for covid, but as a cure for death.

I parodied this out with him as Jack Nicholson A Few Good Men:


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Aubrey De Grey predicting 16 years until defeating all diseases that cause death. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLyrf9W6r3E

Can Fauci/Pelosi speed this up enough to save themselves? Is it worth breaking a few thousand eggs to make their forever omlette?

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I have little trust for Aubrey De Grey. I have watched him over the years and seen him shrug off or simply not follow his own predictions that did not turn out to be true. In 2012, I was at a convention with him in which he expressed that life extension was on a Moore's law curve now. Hmmm...certainly not in the U.S., it's not. But to the extent that it might have been, that seems like an expression of the effects of *all technology* (all economics) on making the human condition better. The implication would be that life extension doesn't require the study of life extension. He seems full of basic technological and philosophical contradictions---a great deal of fluff.

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Yes he mentioned his prediction failure since the nineties... something like "I predicted 20 years in 1995, 20 years in 2005, 20 years in 2015, but now, for the first time I'm predicting 16 years." Anyway Grey aside, it's clear mRNA can do a lot (everything?) and it's here already in it's crude, rudimentary, nascent form.

It's a philosophical conundrum, it's likely true that in the physical world our species could tinker to be longer-lived via technology. Even more likely we'll get out-stripped in every way by AI-bots. Everything is dizzyingly fast these days. Do I not enjoy chess because a computer can beat me every time? I don't think it's bothered me much. Will that be the case if we have inter-stellar bots beating us in every facet? Will they spare their creators? Will they compete for resources? Life-extension immediately open these questions larger and wider.

Is there something in a spiritual realm we're disrupting with our technology? Or is anything within the rules of physics OK?

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The big problem with life extension is that not everyone can have it and still keep having children. Either you reduce growth a lot, reduce population to 10% and let it grow again. War, famine and pestilence are the popular means and we have all of them shouted by the media and eventually may happen. They are very blunt tools though and could backfire so it is stupid to rely on them for everything.


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I'll delete this comment later, if I come back and see it.

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The meaning of this sentence eludes me and I think it is important. Are the commas missing, was something deleted in editing, autocorrect, is the italics a distraction? I would love clarification.

"The many repeated cycles of history demonstrate that they do not—or that those who cannot rise to those positions of total influence."

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