This article rankles a few feathers. My suggestion is to keep an open mind to the possibility that history is largely smoke and mirrors. War for profit sometimes requires the creation and appearance of alternate institutions or sides.

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If anyone is curious about the dedication to Richard Stanley, his thoughts on this topic can be found at our old website, postflaviana.org, at this link:


Richard was fascinated with the evidence that Hitler and much of the elite of Nazi Germany survived the war, and went on to become highly influential in the modern West. I believe this topic should be coming to the forefront, in view of the obvious reincarnation of overtly Nazi ideology and symbolism in today's Ukraine.

I am sorry that Postflaviana has gone largely dormant since Richard's untimely death in 2020.

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This article is mind blowing! A large portion of evidence comes from Anton Chaitkin’s article. I have 2 questions about this:

1) Why would an insider spill the beans like that?

2) For anyone reading said spilt beans, would they not shout the evidence from the rooftops

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Have you ever taken a stand on a historical psyop?

Prepare to have people come at you from all directions.

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Don’t get me wrong, I’m 100% with your assessment, which is excellent & eye opening!

I’m genuinely curious for my own understanding, why would he have done that? To unburden, to reveal “the method” as some people have said is the modus op of satanists?

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You're asking why people would act as educators for important topics?

To make the world better.

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Apologies, going back & re-reading I committed a very shoddy parsing error with “the individual [that] Chaitkin identifies as a “satanic Theosophist…”

LaRouche & it’s researchers are an excellent organisation! The Palmerston Zoo is especially brilliant

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I'm glad to read this again in a clear format, I feel like I need to read it several more times to get all the implications. Thank you for reprinting Joe's essay in its entirety. It's so dense and detailed, and turns everything we think we know on its head. It seems like it would have been impossible to summarize and do it justice.

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Here is a link to a Bolshevik banknote with the swastika.


This is blowing my mind in several directions.

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Thank you for this observation. Saved.

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From what little I have read, it was the Provisional Government that put it on there and the Boksheviks "didn't have the ability to remove it" until 1922.


Also, Alice Bailey who started the Lucis Trust was a Blavastky protégé if you have not stumbled across that yet.

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I had not. It seems profoundly unnatural how quickly theosophy spread. Almost like the secret societies considered themselves the meitrayas and pushing it out to create their own religion to give a foundation for competition over global cobtrol.

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This is a wild nexus and it basically involves everything. I wish I could devote my time to piecing this together.

The acting principle is the art of creating micro-cultures and macro-cultures.

MK-Ultra wasn't the beginning of this, it was the advancement of it, getting all the fields under one roof.

Mind Kontrol Ultra. Trauma based mind control. What can be learned from the individual can be transposed onto society.

Psychiatry, propaganda and advertising all have the same root. Was Jung weaponized or in on it? Because the cataloging of culture and myth and beliefs provided a blueprint on what chords to strike deep in the human, in society, not only all through culture, but as the needle and thread of culture.

I'm getting lost in my own thoughts...

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A popular ideology cycled through the upper echelon through pre-existing channels.

In a way, the way these things are written and explained, can make the average intellect confused, left to nodding in agreement rather than appear the fool for not understanding what can not be understood but lacking the reason to dissect its falsehoods.

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While I agree with the concept that you're describing, it should be noted, in 2023, that the Masonic brotherhood is nothing like you describe. It was, but it isn't. Looking at the history of secret societies — not going back to biblical times, but just starting with the Templars — there has been a concerted effort to ditch one iteration and found another, so as to keep the secret societies secret. As on mafioso was reported to have said, "two men can keep a secret, as long as one of them is dead." A secret society can only be secret for just so long.

The Templars were banned by the Pope and most were executed, including the legendary DeMolay whom the Masons continue to revere. The surviving Templars created the Rosicrucian Society, with the thinly veiled Rose Cross being an obvious homage to the Templars red cross on their shields. While the Rosicrucians still exist, they're no longer the secret society, having been replaced by an organization whose title escapes me at the moment. Along the way, the Freemasons held that "honor" for a while but I can assure you, as someone who joined and then left the Masons, they're not the Big Kahunas anymore.

Priory of Sion, Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commision, WEF... who knows what they're calling themselves these days or under what rock they're hiding. But indeed, the skulduggery is ongoing.

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The notion that people cannot keep secrets is demonstrably false.

That said, I hear you. Yes, things have changed, and so have the natures of secret societies. I do not think we are Identifying the nature of today so much as where the ball got rolling.

The bankers are still their own society, however.

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The difference is that today, groups of powerful people tell lies. We all know their lying; they know they're lying, and they know that we know. But the lies are so valuable to those in power that they go unpunished, unacknowledged (publicly) and so it goes. As Churchill said, men often stumble upon the truth, but most pick themselves up and go on as if nothing had happened.

In today's world, we all know what's true, but most don't dare to voice it.

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Simply compartmentalizing any op is the safeguard against those that can not keep secrets.

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According to my mother, I led a sit-down strike at St. Paul's nursery school when I was four years old. I wouldn't stand up to say the Pledge of Allegiance. Soon the whole class of 4-year olds was sitting down. Perhaps my young soul knew something that I have forgotten. The Pledge still makes me extremely uncomfortable. It would be valuable to create a group course/exploration of history so that we can replace the war paradigm with a peace paradigm. Perhaps a project of an un-college experience that I'd love to build...

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Interesting. When I was reading the article, it reminded me of when I was a Jehovah's Witness and we would not say the pledge, but stand respectfully when it was recited.

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Theosophy seems to be a reiteration of the old gnostic secret societies. So since the dawn of time, there have been a handful of Malthusians who hold (or pretend to hold) the secrets of god and use that gnosis to enslave humanity? New Moloch same as the old Moloch.

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Atwill has done some good work on Burning Man as well.

Edit: also Manufacturing the Deadhead.

He has done some solid work.

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I'll be talking with him next week, and I look forward to it.

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Here are some verses of the most theosophical song I know:

"The snake was pale gold

Glazed and shrunken

We were afraid to touch it

The sheets were hot dead prisons

And she was beside me

Old, she's no, young

Her dark white hair

The white soft skin"

Celebration of the Lizard, by Jim Morrison and The Doors

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Once you start recognizing it, you realize that a lot of the music of that era seems to be embedded with Theosophical/New Age messaging that reached people searching for something to fill the void of what they were giving up on.

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Interestingly, Blavastky and Jung are both credited as foreparents of "New Age" however Jung dismissed her.

What can be drawn from that? Certainly a schism at inception.


Scroll down to "History"

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Is it meant to be disheartening to find that not only is the current-day political maneuvrings orchestrated, but that maybe all through history were also? Smoke and mirrors, yeah. Does it always seem to remain in the same families also? Can such a system be dismantled?

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I have personally found it heartening. Perhaps this is because I've always fought against the many inherent contradictions, trying to make sense of them. Having grown up in a poisonous new age cult, finding the roots of the nonsense is cathartic.

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Yes, understanding helps peace-of-mind. Information like this should be spread widely, but even then it gets twisted or tweaked to the teller's bias or belief to some degree. So, the Freemasons are the root of it all, or were they co-opted by the Khazarian chews..........?????

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Dec 27, 2023
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yep, read him for a few years now. I'm an engineer and his destruction of the base of physics is mind boggling and shows not only the perversion of political-socio-economics but science, has been a long term project.

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As a Christian, my perspective is that "freemasonry" will always be with us because it answers the question "can we be good without God" in the affirmative: You are smart... so join us in our secret society as we set aside the bad old superstitions of yesterday and worship real truth as we understand it today as never before, and together we shall work to free man (starting with us) from the slavery of not following his passions, etcetera.

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It will be with us until we figure out how to explain to those smart people that such hubris is the real Malthusian threat. It is the population of unbridled kunlangeta who threaten us all.

But perhaps there is always a hawks and doves equilibrium from which we must learn to evolve through like a Red Queen's race

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One possibly interesting aspect of this is QAnon. This has been swept under electronic carpet as complete BS. Since that is the standard procedures for hiding truths, this article leads to some interesting conclusions. While it is certainly easy to prove the Democrats in particular, and Elitest in general, have a pedo thing, the other aspect of occult/devil has been treated as too crazy to think about. I believe I remember reading some where that penultimate Democrat insider John Podesta's email included an invite to some form of satanic ritual. My memory on this is fuzzy so I could well be wrong, but it would be interesting in light of the prior article.

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I plan to cover QAnon in relation to Scientology and the plandemonium.

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I look forward to it. When I was in college my roommate was dating a witch and asked me to double date with her roommate who he neglected to mention was also a witch. I went along mainly for a learning experience. When we got there, instead of going out we stayed in and the two girls did a fully satanic ritually thing. While I ran like a dog at the end of the night, it was both fascinating to watch and it was very clear that both girls truly believed in what they were doing. It made reading your article very real.

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Someone from one of my signal groups shared this less than a week ago, and then you share this article.



I managed to get about 2 hours through it, and the first 10-15 minutes is really painful to push through because of the style. Very much that cult/repetitive phrasing that instantly puts my hackles up, but also fits the content. I will also admit that it does tend to push my conspiracy theory junkie buttons which is why I managed even the 2 hours of listening, and even with recognizing that there's quite a bit of truthiness in it, I can't buy into the whole thing. And this may just be my normal person reaction to refusing to believe in such large scale, long term conspiracies.

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I am also staying away from drawing conclusions like, "Masonry is where the power lies." Given the way that Crowley infiltrated and took over multiple lodges, it stands to reason that at least a lot of Freemasonry might simplly be mindslaved/botslaved much as the rest of humanity. Why should we think that Orwell's estimation of 80% gramophone minds applies less to them?

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Joe also held throughout covid that it had never been isolated and proven to exist, which is to say that viruses don't exist, because the same techniques and people isolating SARS-CoV-2 also isolate and work with many viruses.

Thus, similarly, this article is bullshit in a cloud of smoke.

Searching for refutation on current national socialist sites I found:






The article founders on two big incoheriencies:

1) Hitler was doing 4th degree chess when he closed the lodges to conceal that he was controlled by them

2) that a highly Jewish outfit (masons) was secretly running the Nazis

It's just plain silly. Erudite and littered with rabbit trails, but silly.

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Dec 27, 2023
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150,000 German WW2 soldiers were at least 25% jewish, many officers, per Ron Unz. https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-the-nakba-and-the-holocaust/

And Goering was significantly jewish on both his mother's and father's sides. (same source)

I did a quick search on a nazi forum I follow, and came up with the following. (TLDR - don't bet your life on Miles Mathis)

One commenter went so far as to say "miles mathis is a retard" ... but those young nazi guys are kinda mean, I guess.

Why Pi = 4


Looks like Donald Trump is Jewish


Bill Gates Jewish Aristocrat


Was Napoleon Jewish ?


Henry VII another Jewish Invasion of England


Looks like Nicklaus, Palmer, and Player are Jewish






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Dec 29, 2023
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Seriously, Miles Mathis wrote an article saying pi=4.

That should be all you need to hear to evaluate his physics expertise.

Why not instead take the disposition of discounting all glib guys who write as experts on many subjects? Or all glib guys?

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Can you link to the pi=4 article. I tend to read one crank math paper a year, and some are hand written and mailed to me. It's a curious phenomenon.

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Just stumbled across: https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-michael-collins-piper-miles-mathis-and-proving-pi-4/


his 1,500 or so lengthy articles, the equivalent of many dozens of thick non-fiction books, are obviously far too much work to have merely constituted some sort of practical joke, especially a joke that has now gone on since 2007 or 2008.

LinkBookmark▲▼Mathis might also be a genuine lunatic, though his meticulous capitalization, spelling, punctuation, and grammar strongly argues against that, as does the careful tone of his writing.

The only remaining possibility that comes to mind is my original assumption that Mathis was simply a disinformation agent, seeking to disrupt the activities of sincere conspiracy-researchers by seeding their community with enormous quantities of discrediting nonsense.

If so, then it seems almost certain that Mathis is merely the front-man and figure-head for a team of professional disinformation specialists who have together produced the vast quantity of material published under his name over the last fifteen-odd years. A staff of perhaps 10-15 paid writers and researchers would certainly be a much more plausible source for the vast quantity of his output than merely the 24/7/365 efforts of a single eccentric former artist.

It is also interesting to note that nearly all of his earliest conspiracy-writings seem to have been mathematical and scientific articles, highlighted by his alleged proof that Pi=4. Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911) had only just been founded a year or two earlier and that organization was beginning to gain considerable traction for its claims that the official 9/11 story was scientifically impossible from an engineering perspective, so perhaps a Cass Sunstein-type project of “cognitive infiltration” was launched in hopes of infecting that conspiracy-community with total scientific nonsense. Then the disinformation project was later expanded to include the dissemination of huge numbers of historical conspiracy theories.

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MC, do you use AI to write these Substack articles?

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Dear lord, no. I do male some images that way for the sake of having a representative thumb nail sometimes, or telling a better story once every few articles. But I can't fathom giving A.I. the responsibility of analysis at this level.

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