You have stumbled upon the hiddle middle of vaccine damage. Here is why I call it that.

The most common and easily acknowledged injuries from vaccines are the swelling around the injection site and sickness behavior. On the other end of the spectrum are the cases of paralysis and death. They are grudgingly acknowledged, too, but at least they are acknowledged.

But what of everything in between? In the non-covid vaccines, these cause life-threatening allergies, deadly autoimmune diseases and neurological damage by harming either the gut or the nervous system directly.

The cause of these is officially unknown—but it's definitely not the vaccines, we are told.

The cause is the vaccines, both the effects that show up early and those that show up years later. The collection of chronic diseases that are plaguing us is the "hidden middle" of vaccine damage.

And these covid vaccines are about to add a whole lot more to it.

André Angelantoni

Founder and Project Lead, The Vaccine Course

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Much as I hate and see the political weaponization of equating SARS-CoV-2 with "Covid 19," I am not sure I would agree that harms induced by the vaccines should be lumped in.

For one, the "toxicity" of the spike protein is possibly generic to all coronaviruses. The more I research, the more I realize that all vascular and neurological receptor proteins have a pathway that a corresponding genre of routine viruses could exploit. ACE-2 is an open door for any coronavirus for both entry and cross-cellular fusion, as far as I can tell.

For another, the inflammation / infection enhancement that leads up to Severe Covid 19 seems to be based something unrelated to the spike's "toxicity" - superfluous epitopes in the S2 portion? In other words, there's some kind of signal for priming / ADE that isn't being looked at enough, or really at all. Again, the "toxicity" needs to basically be discarded as noise and the question of why some individuals undergo enhancement / inflammation during infection, which makes widespread viremia that leads to the other harms, should be the focus.

Lastly, the Covid vaccines alter the etiology of harms from the spike protein because they take immediate cellular destruction out of the equation, and change the timing and scale of spike-exposure. The first implies different hazards for immunodeficiency and autoimmunity (tolerance to the spike? IgE sensitization because of lack of toll receptor engagement? etc etc - with an infection, the immune system realizes it's dealing with a virus), carcinogenicity (if it takes a long time for the cells that get turned into spike protein factories to be destroyed, they might be undergoing metaplasia into secreting phenotypes in order to expel the spike, and this is leading to later conversion to carcinogenic tissue, at least that is my pet theory). The second implies potentially higher knock-out of cellular immunity, again a possible route to increased cancer and generic viral infection.

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Mattew you’ve mentioned myocarditis again. I’m confused. Is there such a thing as mild myocarditis? Is there a difference between vaccine induced myocarditis and the one that supposedly results from infection?

Also I see that Denmark has said they will

use Pfizer and not Moderna because the Moderna vaccine is causing some young people to have Myocarditis.

But I first learnt about this condition happening in the Israeli vaccinated who use exclusively Pfizer!

I have tried to figure out some of my questions on the Mayo clinic website but it seems to me to be sketchy.

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The Malaysian MOH data set on deaths is comprehensive. I've taken your idea to un-lag deaths to find a correlation between infection rates and the date each deceased got their vaccine dose. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

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2019-nCoV -> SARS-CoV-2 -> COVID-19

Note the novel(n) disappears. I do small govt reports at a state level, and I routinely write "positive cases of SARS-CoV-2" or "the novel coronavirus pandemic" just on principle.

This seems to give some rationale for the naming: https://www.news-medical.net/health/The-Naming-System-Behind-SARS-CoV-2.aspx

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This person, Tim Spectre, now jointly runs the ZOE COVID data app. Prior to his Zoe updates on YouTube and receiving a few million from the UK government, he questioned on another channel interview, why we weren’t talking about natural immunity. We had many studies that had already taken place, you could even go back to the initial primate studies from the beginning, but his app even recently stated they didn’t know about natural immunity, which I’m going to say was a lie. While I see some data shown looks better with prior covid and vaccine, better than just no covid and vaccination, which personally annoys me that this gets lumped in with vaccination as I guess it would inflate the data, I’m wondering what to make of this - basically I’m thinking it’s to avoid the I’ve got natural immunity thanks, so they are coming out with the no still get vaccinated to get even more protection….


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Mathew, have you seen this study? Is it as damning as people are claiming?


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Note, the opening line should be about the article series, not the single article. I had to break it into many pieces and went out of town prior to completion, but wanted to reveal the first illusion. It gets more data driven from here.

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