Holy cow. That was quite a ride. I LOVE Substack!

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Dec 28, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Truthfully, if the vaccines are as poisonous as some are alleging, the perpetrators may never be safe again, no international criminal court needed.

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For me, this is your best post so far. Perhaps because I've learned so much from it. Thanks for sharing.

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Dec 28, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Another awesome book recommendation:

Playing Fair; Game Theory and Social Contract by Ken Binmore. It shows what disadvantage truth tellers have in society... liars can hold many open or hidden agendas in "social gameplay." They gain false loyalty and/or avoid appropriate justice for bad deeds. They abuse the hopes fears and desires of genuinely sincere (yet ignorant) people. The sad part is that the only way for the truth tellers to win the game is to compete by the same dishonest tactics. Obviously you can see the paradox and the moral hazards in this process. it's a fascinating read.

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As a Gen Xer, I appreciated the nostalgic (and apropos) “War Games” reference :-)

And “Moral Calculations” looks fascinating! Thanks for the PDF link.

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Dec 28, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Unfortunately in this case, if you don't play the game you definitely lose, because we have a system run by a few individuals, those heads of agencies and big companies who are fanatically focused on a now obviously unachievable goal. Any time those people, the Lysenkos, are in positions of power, and it's probably been most of human history, not playing means they win.

Obviously you can end up in a place where the tyranny is so embedded that playing means certain death, but we are far from that place. The tide of public opinion is turning too quickly for totalitarianism to really take root. Hitler needed six years to start a war and nine to properly start the mass murder of Jews and others. These clowns don't have anything like that amount of time to play with. A year, two at most.

Some of these modellers, directors of high up government research bureaucracies etc, have been held in check before by collapsing narratives (HIV, swine flu, foot/mouth, BSE) but held on to their high positions, only to manage to pull the scam successfully this time. Some of them don't see it as a scam, or at least did not at the beginning. Like the endgame in Hitler's bunker there are fanatics who still believe in victory and in the righteousness of the cause, people who know the game will be up sooner or later and the world will judge them harshly, so would like it to be later, and those making plans to somehow get out alive (and rich). It's not possible to predict at this point which individual actors are in which camp because it is in all their interests to buy as much time as possible. Some of them know they will be in prison (or lynched, which is a worse game theoretical outcome) in a few years.

Not playing against these people, as hard, vocally, and logically as you can is always a losing hand. At least until you end up in the Stalin/Hitler scenario where it is a rapid one way ticket to execution, As the ones with the power, it is their choice how far this escalates - and we have seen how much they have escalated, so the escalation has to come back at them, or we lose. Everything.

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Dec 28, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Fantastic read.

Perfectly points to where we are & how we got there. As an Australian I feel as though we are not in play but merely spectators being taken along for the ride, and when the big guns call the shots we obliging follow suit.

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Dec 28, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Thank you, a most heartfelt thank you! Well explained with kitchen table metaphors without any loss of content - if you aren't a teacher at uni, you really should consider it because you clearly have the ability to explain and convey what's complex and intricate without making it complicated or convoluted.

(Having taught, among other things, political theory, myself for some 20+ years I've time and again wrestled with the dilemma of how to keep it simple without loss of content.)

If I may suggest, perhaps publications such as The Spectator or similar would be interested in publishing a version of this article? I bring it up since you want it spread, and while spreading is good, the Game is not only played with pennies on the dollar so to speak, but with reputation and credibility: "if well-reknowned publication NN prints your words, why then clearly you have a point" is an all too common phenomenon, sp why not endeavour to take advantage of that?

A hobo offering to sell a dollar to esteemed academics, businessmen and other posh types hobnobbing it wouldn't get a wooden cent after all, if you see what I mean.

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Dec 29, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

This is brilliant. But I don't love the dismount. Yes, systems, yes game theory, yes structures. But there is an entire field called transitional justice that figures out how to respond to massive human rights violations. There are all sorts of different models. Nuremberg is my preferred approach. I see no reason why we have to re-incorporate the psychopaths back into society instead of prosecuting them. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transitional_justice

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Dec 29, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Very interesting read. There isn't any way those of us who are trapped in the game can get out of the game. This is a lot like the short lived TV series - The Net. A lot of times it seems to others that being able to see the pieces of the puzzle come together brands you as a conspiracy theorist rather than just being able to actually see what is going on even if you are powerless to alter its course. The history lesson shows the USSR and the costs that a couple hundred million people suffered through as Stalin reigned through terror. After we saw the world begin to emerge from that long term societal cancer of sociology it is shocking that people today are wanting to reactivate those ideas. However, no one interested in socialism wants to be part of the "ruled class". They jokingly believe that they will be the rulers and get duped into service to their masters.

Back to the virus - anyone who has been watching what is going on and not be aware that it is a totally manipulated situation clearly belongs in a society where they are the oppressed. None of the leaders you see are calling the shots. So, back to the game theory - we know we are in a game but have not idea who the opponent is. In most competitions you see your opponent but not in this game. None of the current leaders in the world are smart enough to actually pull any of this off. They may not even be smart enough to realize that they are pawns. They let the title they have bestowed on them delude them into thinking they are in charge. So, is it possible to learn who is calling the shots? Where are they? Are they the bankers, military generals, a super rich coalition of people forming a global oligarchy? I would think that would be the first challenge - know your enemy.

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Dec 28, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

“Institutional narcissism is a heavy burden to shed” Well put..

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Dec 28, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

It all comes down to money. Pure and simple. If you require money to live then you will do whatever to get that money. And all the moreso if you have a family to support. Honest hippies don't have the money printing press.

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Brilliant! Spreading far and wide.

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Dec 28, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Biden is turning out to be quite the gift when it comes to exposing the truth. His bumbling mouth diarrhea reveals much of the game. Yesterday's meeting with the governors in which he all but said that 'the Feds are worthless and the States need to figure it out', should have been eye opening for many. Any time the White House staff shut off his mic, quickly usher him out or kick the press out of the room- something is being revealed.

My biggest concern is waking up the Blue Pilled. Even if they are a mere 30-ish%, there are still far too many of them in positions of power, and who are being used by the sociopaths. To me, that is the key to unraveling this mess.

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Dec 28, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Now I see why the machinery is digging deeper holes for itself now.

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The divide and rule game is multifaceted. The dollar game is designed to divide and rule, destroying communication and cooperation and forcing factions beyond the common sense $1 limit. Besides early treatment vs vaccine, we have partisan Democrat vs partisan Republican; Trumpista vs TDSer; globalist vs US imperialist; intersectional marginalized vs the cis-gendered, heterosexual, white patriarchy. The rhetoric of each group is DESIGNED to provoke a reaction in the opposition group that in turn validates the position of the first group. The rhetoric of Covid fanatics -- irresponsible, uncaring granny-killers -- is similarly designed to harden positions and prevent communications. We must discourage divisive over-reactions among a targeted group that will only serve to increase polarization.

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