I forgot to point out that Steve Kirsch's mentor, Douglas Engelbart, was a Naval tech genius.

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I wonder if he's the guy who invented the optical mouse? Peace. Oops - it appears that he did invent it. Thanks.

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Don't Scientologists dress up in a Naval like costume and mince about with importance?

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Some do (Sea Org). But they may actually have some importance as an invisible arm of military intelligence.

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You should listen to Kirsch's VSRF interview with Mike Yeadon from last night. Mike details the biology of viral spread and states unequivocally there was no novel cause of death due to spread because the volume of infectious particles needed to spread illness is only produced from progressed illness.. it is impossible for a coronavirus to pandemic regardless of GoF claims it is not biologically possible for respiratory virus to pandemic.. there is NO such thing as asymptomatic transmission & data from Denis Rancourt etc show there wasn't excess death prior to lockdowns & protocol changes. He states quite aggressively, deaths attributed to novel virus were murders.


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Dr. Mike is correct. Here is another view from 30,000 feet:



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Always appreciate links & love Dr. McCullough can't wait to watch thanks! :~)

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I watched that this morning. Highly recommend.

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I'm struggling to wrap my head around all the twists and turns. But pneumonia has me intrigued because in the 1918 pandemic it was the major cause of death. A gram negative bacteria called Pfeiffer's bacillus was thought to be the causal of "influenza" at the time. They vaccinated soldiers for pneumonia (and many other things) to try to prevent deaths. Point being they targeted pneumonia, not "Pfeiffer's bacillus". Curiously US soldiers preparing to go to war were worse hit (higher mortality) from "influenza" than those on the battle field, or the citizens.

I'm working on writing some stacks on my findings but other projects have my attention ATM. As far as I can tell "COVID-19" is a repeat of 1918 flu in way too many aspects, and the pathogen is the scapegoat.

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Just call me Jack: Those soldiers were also mustered in a hurry, housed in hurriedly-built, crowded, claptrap barracks (at Ft. Riley), then shipped on crowded steamers to Europe. A significant percentage were so ill upon arrival that they were shipped right back home.

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While I have read their full paper and think it’s great, they have one glaring omission. Taiwan. Here’s my comment to them. “ Great article. Something to consider. On Dec. 31, 2019 Taiwan reported to the WHO multiple cases of a strange pneumonia originating in Wuhan. The Taiwanese also said the disease was transmittable person to person. The WHO, in the bag for ChiComs, ignored it, including sitting on declaring "Covid" transmittable for weeks. The ChiComs didn't. On Dec 31 2019 and Jan 1 2020, they order destruction of all "Covid" samples, cultures, genetic information, medical reports, information of any kind, etc, in both civilian and military hospitals and made it illegally for Chinese doctors to post on the subject. Covid started as pneumonia.

Nikkei ASIA. “Taiwan's battle against coronavirus began in late 2019"

"But medics insist island needs to keep its guard up to prevent second wave

Taiwan's CDC has been on high alert since the end of last year (2019), issuing its first warning to the World Health Organization and alerting the public of a mysterious pneumonia outbreak in China on Dec. 31,(2019) weeks before Beijing locked down Wuhan"

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An interesting question is what sort of experiment took place that could distinguish transmission from colocality during the release of a viral clone or bacterial agent?

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True. Perhaps the diagnostics on the original 8 (if memory serves) Taiwanese patients reported to the WHO may give insights to JJ clone theories. Since the patients reported on had travelled to Wuhan, returned, got sick enough to get pneumonia and had presumably been tested (possibly extensively), and had been bureaucratically approved before being reported to the WHO, that may answer or at least provide insight into the clone question. Firstly, the tests to identify pneumonia could/should prove bacterial causality. The tests may have some viral insights as they may have gone beyond “standard” testing protocols since Taiwan referred to it as a novel pneumonia they were going to report globally. Secondly, it takes some period of time to progress to pneumonia, and speculatively the Taiwan travelers may have limited mutual overlapping time windows in Wuhan, if there was a single clone released on a single day, the travelers data may pinpoint or at least narrow the date of release. Lots of speculation here but given Taiwan’s ChiCom/WHO censorship status, their data may not, probably was not, looked at from a swarm perspective.

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As I look at my comment, to make it clearer I would modify it such “ Covid started as pneumonia, and the ChiComs knew it and destroyed the evidence to sell the Covid scam to the world. Since the CDC has also destroyed genetic data, did the ChiComs destroy data on their own or with inputs from Fauxi (I.e. Covid Mafia?)?”

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Nice piece, Matthew. I always assumed ground glass lungs were from micro-clots. I’ll have to read up on the syncytia angle.

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My ground glass pneumonia was accompanied by elevated D-dimer & troponin. That certainly implicates micro-clots. I take aspirin regularly now as the d-dimer is still slightly elevated. Took a bit of convincing but my cardiologist reluctantly agrees the risk of a clot is much greater than the risk of a bleed in my case.

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One thing that really struck me in the Fenton, et al article was the phrase "pin-point pandemic," as a clue favoring the ICH.

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Great point on true information as a decoy.

When my mom's SNF announced a huge Covid outbreak around Thanksgiving 2020, she continued to test negative despite being surrounded. My daughters and I had gone there because just prior, they'd opened to visitors again. Needless to say, that didn't happen. When I arrived back home, they called to tell me she had bacterial pneumonia that they were treating with antibiotics. She didn't recover. Her death was treated as a Covid death, stuffed into a body bag, closed casket. The funeral home had never had as many deaths at one time. So one more data point for your theory.

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Personal anecdote: I had a bad lingering "cold" in late 2019. Went to the doctor and he did a PCR swab - this test pre-dated the Cov PCR test and tested for about 2 dozen viruses including 4 coronaviruses, multiple influenza types, RSV, and others. My test came back 100% of one of the 2 human coronaviruses.

Fast forward 2 years to Jan 2022 - after a holiday visit of a house full of multiply-jabbed family (myself the only unjab'd), my husband came down with a short intense bout of Cov. As an EMT, he was tested regularly. Two days later, it struck me. First the coffee tasted like burnt cinders. Then high fever, deep cough but little congestion, followed by severe SVT. Went to the ER due to weakness after 4 hours of 170 heart rate. There I tested + for Cov, elevated D-dimer & troponin. Chest CT showed bilateral ground glass pneumonia. I was hospitalized by the cardiologist (not for the pneumonia, which was ignored). I suffered vertigo and could not walk, no saliva so could not eat solid food. The only treatment I received was stomach shots for blood clots, and mucinex. Fortunately my spO2 was consistently 93 so I did not get "treated". Five days later I went home, able to eat a little and used a walker. After a couple of weeks most symptoms resolved.

In my experience the ground-glass pneumonia was strange. I had the deep and painful cough and low oxygen with extreme fatigue, but no significant congestion.

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I, and many others in Central Calif Valley where sick and had severe flu starting in sept 2019. Since, having Covid 4 times now, I know it was covid. Recently a Calif BIO lab was discovered less than 60 miles from out location. Early spreading for sure. ....

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Hi Mathew, I thought you and the RTE community might like this video of Dr. Peter McCullough giving a speech at The Mises Institute. I think it his best to date.


Thanks for all the great posts. Peace.

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It's just another andy guff-style lab-leak routine but without a FBI shootout yarn. Didn't say a word about murderous hospital treatment protocols.

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He did not cover the hospital murders, I agree. I think he did a great job showing the roots of the fraud. Peace.

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Thanks. It was a very good concise presentation, 30 mts.

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I heard somewhere the Rochelle Wolenski is cousin to Albert Bourla and Scott Gotten? I apologize for putting this here...just trying to get confirmation.

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Go find confirmation and report back.

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