HOLY-FREAKING-GUACAMOLE, Mathew! That Big Picture model looks *amazing*! I'm on my way to bed but will be saving this for closer inspection when time permits. Congratulations on this massive achievement! 👏

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Congratulations on a better bed time. ;-p

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😆 It'll last about a day ;-)

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PROTOCOLS OF THE MEETINGS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION . . . Protocol X – Preparing for Power . . . (((SARS-CoV2)))

❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissention, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases. by want, so that the “Goyim” see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and in all else.❞


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All of our systems have been corrupted. No one trusts systems of government, media, food, medicine, academia, voting, or even science anymore. This is the most important solvable problem on Earth. Here is how we can fix corrupt government it in 3 simple steps: https://open.substack.com/pub/joshketry/p/how-to-fix-corrupt-government-in?r=7oa9d&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcome=true

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Ilhan Omar (D-MN) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) have every right to say what they like about Israel and the genocide of Palestinians as elected members of the US House of Representatives; they never took an oath to serve Israel . . .

I voted for Ron Desantis (R-FL) to be governor of Florida, not ambassador to Israel.

The recently ousted Speaker of the US House of Representatives, Congressman Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), who took at least a dozen votes to get elected speaker, traveled to Israel immediately upon his election, declaring to the Israeli Knesset that the USA is steadfastly committed to supporting Ukraine in their war against Russia . . .

Was he running for speaker of the Israeli Knesset too?

Following his ouster . . . McCarthy (R-CA) traveled abroad again, this time to England, and expressed his open contempt for the white Republicans who make up the majority of the GOP and praised Democrats for their diversity during a debate at Oxford in the wake of his ouster as House Speaker . . .

Is he now running for the Prime Minister of the U.K.?

Nevertheless, he is free to go on media tours bashing white people and lobbying for Israel, because he has now resigned from the US House of Representatives . . . I can only conclude that the collective RINO butthurt over former Speaker McCarthy is all about the Israelis who have hijacked the American deep state war machine.

It has become so painfully obvious, especially where you have someone like Nikki Haley wagging her finger and shouting down Vivek Ramaswamy in a presidential debate on live national television when the questions of this Ukrainian war against Russia and any mention of Israel are concerned, that the United States government has become a wholly owned subsidiary of the American Israeli Political Action Committee.


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One thing seems to be certain, the controllers of the game are playing both ends against the middle

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Often, in many fractals of the Bigger Picture.

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When you have faith and you closely read scripture especially in the New Testament it is amazing how the truth is so accurately laid out and is happening in real time all around us!

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Rape is the main weapon of Jihad . . . Jews and Muslims have similar roots and customs . . .


“You shall put all of the males to the sword. You may, however, take as your booty the women, the children and the livestock, and everything in the town – all of its spoil – and enjoy the use of the spoil of your enemy which the Lord gives unto you.” — Deuteronomy 20:13-14


“The Messenger said, ‘If the disbelievers do not accept Islam, kill them, loot them and rape their women.’ And thus, advance Islam and strengthen Islam.” — Al-Bukhaari, Vol. 4, Book 54, Hadith 464


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What we see playing out is Deuteronomy. Why Netanahu has even called Palestinians Amalek.

If Rape is someone sticking something into somebody that they do not want, then forced jabs are just that.

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Another great overview of some deep research. In particular the plandemonium and mindwar chronicles brought some clarity to a foggy notion that something strange us going on. A strangeness that many of the takes out there got some things right but didnt seem to have a grasp on the big picture(or were intentionally dispersing an incomplete or polluted outlook).

I am noticing a widening gaps in outlook between two groups of my friends, family, and peers. Those that are generally distrustful and perhaps have "gone down the rabbit hole" on one or more areas, but remain unafilliated with any group or team in the "fight". Then there are those who have been alligned with a team(or political party, religion, etc.), but that used to be open minded enough to see across idealogical boundaries to the common ground. A lot of these folks are ever more estranged in their "camp". For example, how does a so called "democratic socialist" friend of mine justify forced injections of Aboriginees? How does a "libertarian anarchist" glorify Trump as a wildcard savior of America? Meanwhile other so called anti establishment individuals increasingly plead that we follow the recommendations of centralized, corrupted institutions?

Those of us without a team, or who are at least free from a fanatic cultist mentality, are continuously astounded by the shifting identities and notions of these so calles parties, groups, and cults.

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I've seen what you're talking about: bizarrely contradictory actions vs. ideals. I hope to have time to write on that phenomenon specifically, but I have a large pile of priorities.

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“Oh how fond they are of the book of Esther, which is so beautifully attuned to their bloodthirsty, vengeful, murderous yearning and hope.” — Martin Luther


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Good points. This is just my two cents, but I have seen what you describe in all my circles to varying degrees. Few are philosophically consistent in their positions, a hallmark of engineered beliefs. Of course, this is by design. It seems to me, these contradictions are brought about by the war on words. By that I mean what is signified by the sign, like "libertarian" has been transvaluated, made malleable or fluid. Often being replaced all together, creating in essence a simulacrum. Other clear examples can be words like "fascist" or "racist" which are often used without an established meaning in common parlance. Political terms are affected by this same process, especially considering most of the words we commonly use to describe political phenomenon are antiquated as the system has evolved far beyond their original meanings (free market, socialism, communism, capitalism) and are also absent any acknowledgement of "public-private partnership" as it is now known or any acknowledgement that our economy (and more) is managed by the national security state. It goes beyond "state capitalism". Of course, this is all used to engineer people into tribal limbic groups (political parties, particularly the uniparty) with evolving non power theatening platforms that are based upon a shifting agenda/ideology instead of a core philosophy. It will only get worse until people recaim words and understand their meanings. Until then, everything, including cybernetic engineering, relies on the masses to remain ignorant, unaware of the "mindwar" and remaining unable to communicate with a common language. If we cannot communicate we have little hope of seeing through the fog and fomenting any form of renaissance.

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I would also highly recommend Magic - An Occult Primer by David Conway. Conway was the lead civil servant in charge of the EU Brussels delegation in 72. He's a wonderful writer - which is helpful - and often says blood sacrifice is unnecessary for positive results - which is great to know.

I wrote about the book here: https://walkingwithgoats.substack.com/p/sheep-against-satan

My father's Godmother was involved with both Orwell and Crowley. It was in her library.

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In what the late Saddam Hussein once dubbed “the great Satan,” roughly two-thirds of the United States enlisted military corps is white . . . The fat, bulbous, U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin once confirmed in a 93-2 vote of the U.S. Senate, immediately embarked on a whirlwind media tour of duty, telling the pseudo-secular sycophants in the state-controlled tabloid press and state-controlled television talk show circuit about how the U.S. Army is full of bad racist white men.

Senior Defense Department leaders celebrating yet another Pride Month at the Pentagon sounding the alarm about the rising number of state laws they say target the LGBTQ+ community, warned the trend is hurting the feelings of the armed forces . . . “LGBTQ plus and other diverse communities are under attack, just because they are different. Hate for hate’s sake,” said Gil Cisneros, the Pentagon’s undersecretary for personnel and readiness, who also serves as DoD’s chief diversity and inclusion officer.

And now the U.S. Army is doing ads begging for more young white males?

What happened?

Even with a full-on declaration of war from Congress, and even if Gavin Newsome could be cheated into the Oval Office by ZOG somehow, while Globohomo diversity brigades go door-to-door looking to impress American children into military service, they will be met with armed, well-trained opposition, the invasion at the Southern border is going full tilt, and the drugs are flowing in like never before . . .

With the borders of Europe and the USA wide open, civil warfare within the USA, Britain, and most of Europe is a certainty if foreign wars are initiated. Nobody is going to fight a war for Biden, he is dumber than Bush . . . Nobody is going to fight a war for that kikesucking Zionist ass-whore Nikki Haley, and I mean nobody.

Get ready for it . . . the fat old devil worshipping fags on Capitol Hill, on Wall Street, in Whitehall, and in Brussels are in no shape to fight a war themselves, and most Americans are armed to the teeth with their own guns . . . NATO hates heterosexual white men . . . they said so themselves . . .


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I'd like to share with you some interesting historical writings that I believe integrate well with what you share in this work, and add context, help weave together a set of common threads. That if one were predisposed to certain conspiracy theories would make infinite sense, even portend to be "Aha" moments.

This is one of my most interesting obscure finds to date.. A New York Times story from 1913. With many familiar names and characters from history, who's subsequent work in many fields, primarily medicine, banking, propaganda, industry, clergy, politics and academia are bound together by their underlying core belief in and support of eugenics.

Choosing Audience for Brieux Play

J. D. Rockefeller Suggests Those Who Have Aided White Slave Investigation

Social Workers Approve

The New York Times, page 13, February 23, 1913


It's a story about a play that develops notions of eugenics, social control by elites needing to protect their gene pools. It introduces germ theory as it was first coming into vogue

It describes a play that was shown to the powerful and connected, "Damaged Goods." Prominent attendees who also just so happened to be eugenicists. About men of high society who sleep around with prostitutes and lesser women, bringing back disease like syphilis to families, deforming children, etc. It uses the term "White Slavery" to describe the sex trade. It advances the idea of infectious disease as it was still a relatively novel understanding of them at the time.

The article describes attendees from the American Society of Medical Sociology, an organization and movement that you'll discover is in concert with "Marxist conflict theory," that medical sociologists adhere to which explains hows how the ruling classes can assert their power through medicine. I discovered that tidbit when looking up the term after I first learned of it in this NYT article.

The names listed as invitees and on the hosting committee are a veritable who's who of the early 20th century. Including:

- John D. Rockefeller, father of allopathic western medicine, based in petrochemicals, products of his Standard Oil.

- Edward Bernays, the father of propaganda, advertising, marketing. And who popularized the term "quacks" to describe natural healers like homeopaths, while helping allopathic medicine educational and practice secure monopolies by outlawing and replacing natural healing, substituting petrochemical-based allopathy as the business model for health care.

- Simon and Abraham Flexner, who's Flexner Report was the notorious #FakeScience used to outlaw natural healers for Rockefeller's petrochemical business model of medicine.

- State Senator Franklin D. Roosevelt.

A network of prominent socialists, communists with ties to Karl Marx, names like:

- William Jay Schleffilin, descendant of the first Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Jay, ran the largest pharmaceutical company giant and Big Pharma trade association head for decades

- Abraham Jacobl, the first leading pediatrician, president of the American Medical Association.

And a great many more names that when you search out you'll find were leaders across many industries and disciplines, all aligned with socialism/humanism values. And all eugenicists. Most of the other names listed as invited are easily located in internet searches, no doubt they left their mark in the bigger picture you paint.

And it also mentions how six unnamed students from the Yale University Civics Club would be attending. Note: Prescott Bush (patriarch to the Bush political dynasty and who went on to become known as "Hitler's Banker" while he did business with that regime for two years after the US entered WWII before the Trading With the Enemies Act shut him down) was a politically connected student at Yale in 1913. I don't have enough info to know if Prescott Bush was one of the six, but considering his later work relationship with Rockefeller, including his support of Hitler, eugenics and his son's infamous "New World Order" speech that echos the Fascists and Marxists of the era, I wouldn't be surprised if he was there, too.

And I wouldn't be surprised if many of those names in the NYT story went on to be a part of the formation of the American Council on Foreign Relations in 1919. And a great many of the other organizations that you identify. Another rabbit hole. Of many rabbit holes. That meet up in the underworld.

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Syphilis isn't what they said or say it is. Interesting information. Thank you.

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Rape is the main weapon of Jihad . . . Jews and Muslims have similar roots and customs . . .


“You shall put all of the males to the sword. You may, however, take as your booty the women, the children and the livestock, and everything in the town – all of its spoil – and enjoy the use of the spoil of your enemy which the Lord gives unto you.” — Deuteronomy 20:13-14


“The Messenger said, ‘If the disbelievers do not accept Islam, kill them, loot them and rape their women.’ And thus, advance Islam and strengthen Islam.” — Al-Bukhaari, Vol. 4, Book 54, Hadith 464


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I'm busy trying to teach my kids to mistrust authority. I blame myself, my Dad taught me to question authority, he saw the last of British empire in Cyprus...

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Any relation to Alex Christoforou if the Duran?

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No, I have read his work though, he's a clever chap. Whilst visiting relatives in Cyprus I checked our surname in the phone book, Christoforou is the Cypriot version of Smith! It's Christ this and Christ that, Christianity really took off there. It's surprising that such a small amount of Greeks retained their identity over the centuries. I suppose they invented Xenophobia...

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Agree. It's a sad truth, but I'm also having to teach my grandchildren to question what they ate being taught at school. The 10 year old gets it. She is smart and can see the hypocrisy in climate change education. CoVid vaccination was her introduction to her new outlook. Fortunately, all family members were on board with the lie and inhumane treatment of those who chose not to be vaccinated. May God continue to guide us and keep us positive and be focused on his ultimate plan to reveal the deceivers.

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Regarding your statement about Rockefeller money funding resistance movements; some channeled through cults: Hugo Talks did a good video (30 minutes) on the New Age aspect of many involved, and pointed to the organizations funding them. https://rumble.com/v11jksv-trumps-new-age-doctor-network-hugo-talks.html

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Thank you. I learned a few new connections. This dovetails perfectly with my research.

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Many very Christian and many Mormon in this movement. Christiane Northrup threw me for a loop as many of them with the alien speak and offer absolutely zero evidence at all just like Greer offers ZERO evidence. I'm having trouble believing they would be part of some subversive conspiracy to herd us into a UN Lucis One World Religion however. Hugo's other videos seem strangely focused on religion in general. Oh what to think?

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Greer was sent by David Rockefeller who was a trustee of Lucis Trust. Think it through.

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I look forward to reading your results!

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It’s probably a good thing that you don’t have any of the 800lbs gorillas propping you up. It will just ruin your credibility.

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May God help us.

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We should look for all the ways we can help ourselves within the realm God is for us. Let it be an adventure, not a loss of hope.

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Amen, brother. Thank you for the reminder!

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Completely agree. Next year and perhaps the year after is going to be epic!!

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I'm quoting you Matthew!

Well Said

Thank you

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Only God can, and He will if we ask Him! 1 John 5:20 - We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true by being in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life.

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Excellent article. Truly, you laid that out very well. I wrote a book back in 2021 that came to the very similar positions. You articulated better here than I did in 100k words. I went through a crazy path over the past 6 years that brought be to the same conclusion, rather, general evolving understanding. I have been humbled many times, I think i have learned to not be so certain. But, essentially, what you are saying, as wild as it would have sounded to me a decade ago...is real. I like hegelian pinball, i just called it a hegelian generational plan, adding time as a factor, but it always read silly. Pinball it is. It seems they have perfected the best way to protect power, hide it in plain sight. Oh, during my time studying Alice Baily and the Lucis trust, which I think was going to be lucifer trust but they changed it, I came across Nicholas Roerich. Interesting character. His relationship with FDR is an interesting. And those Macy Conferences, yikes.

Keep up the great writing!

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Once you (and I, and anyone) have been humbled a few times, "Hegelian pinball" begins to make more sense. Many false leads and dead ends were presented, probably often through convenience, so frazzle the mind who might try to take it all on.

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Well stated. I certainly have felt like that little metal ball getting bounced around, but after 25 years of political dodgeball I see the paddles now, at least some of them. However, as it relates to this matrix, it is far easier to say what is not true than it is to say what is. The design is quite brilliant, I will give them that. Unfortunately, while it does appear that there are people catching on to what has/is transpiring, the next phase appears to be lost on most. That phase of course being that of Mindwar you have mentioned. I am not sure when it really lifted off of the ground, but it certainly has roots in the Macy Conferences. The field is now so very dynamic, and beyond my particular level of expertise. Augmented reality games like QAnon, Human terrain systems, swarm intelligence. It is one hell of a bio hacking apparatus.

I found you on Rumble, and as time permits I will read more of your work and catch some of your videos. Keep up the good work, it is appreciate by those of us who care to hear the informed opinions of thinking adults in a society of infantilized golems.

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Seems I usually need about ten minutes after each article to let my mind absorb what you’ve laid out. Thank heaven for coffee. I have some ideas for resistance plays, but they involve some amount of discomfort for the whole to be effective.

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Overall people have been systematically and purposefully softened up, but I know that the intrinsic life force/id/chi/will to survive and thrive is omnipotent. It is literally a piece of divinity given to each and everyone one of us. So things may get harder than ever known before, but as the saying goes, hard time create strong people....😉

#wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #getnoisy #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Working with chi is huge. I was licensed in acupuncture but only really discovered the power of chi through self-healing practices later. One of the things Rockefeller medicine does is weaken the chi by muting pain, which cuts off an essential loop of life-strengthening feedback - as well as creating addiction to the idea of pain free living. I have rarely taken even an ibuprofen in the last 40 years, and this is one of the reasons I have been able to heal from very serious labor injuries completely. I now teach qigong which I love because it is such a simple and yet powerful practice, and unlike acupuncture enlists the person directly in their own active participation in their healing process. Activity matters.

And ACTIVISM is activity. I always find it hard to say what I mean in English even though it is my native language - but beyond health, chi is one important door into effective agency in the world. Part of the grand psyop is that even our language and capacity to think are dumbed down by endless small talk and competition and violence and debt-based coercion, so that basic realities - like Life Energy - get obscured. But it is there available within every breath. That is why I don't worry too much about centralization of silicon chip manufacturing and such. Getting outside with a group of people to breathe and move in rhythm for half an hour is more what I am investing in.

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I am writing a fictional book about the birth of Bitcoin. My protagonist is Satoshi Nakamoto, a software engineer working in SF.

However recently I read Hijacking Bitcoin, a book which talks about how bankers hijacked Satoshi’s vision and changed it into a harmless gold-like asset.

Bitcoin may as well have started out as a military project. Only time will tell.

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I believe that you will find that the term "new world order" predates the founding of the Theosophical society by two years. It was written in 1873 by Baha'u'llah in the Kitab-i-Aqdas or "The Most Holy Book":


"The world’s equilibrium hath been upset through the vibrating influence of this most great, this new World Order. Mankind’s ordered life hath been revolutionized through the agency of this unique, this wondrous System—the like of which mortal eyes have never witnessed."

I think it was intended to have a much more positive meaning.

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Thank you. Funny, just today I found that Baha'u'llah reference, and mentioned it on the podcast with Matt Ehret tonight. but I'm glad I have readers here to help correct.

Matt mentions an early reference, through translation, but I need to look it up.


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Having watched your discussion above, I think that members of the Baha'i religion would reverse the order of your commentary on the rise of religious orders in the 1800s as an intentional means of eroding Christianity and creating division; that it was rather a time when God chose to renew the spirit of religion.

On an unrelated issue, from your mention of the Grateful Dead and the Doors as creations of the CIA/MK Ultra, I think that you would find the writing of Miles Mathis to be very interesting; are you familiar with his work? Of course, his "proof" that Pi equals 4 is hilariously wrong, but his ability to tell stories in large part based on geneological connections about fake events, faked deaths, psy-ops, and the like is fascinating.


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I have sometimes viewed Miles Mathis's work. Sometimes he ferrets out better connections than other times. It is what we can make of it.

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MM is better at discrediting conspiracy studies, by his example, than even Alex Jones.

He's renders himself a grasping bigot with a sophomoric capacity for pattern recognition, no ability to fact check.

While Dave McGowan possessed a slightly flawed model of family dynamics and intention as a function of family legacies - particularly as it relates to the artistic temperament - it was only a fractional problem effecting his analysis; MM takes that flaw to stratospheric heights and stakes his entire reputation on it.

As a believer in figurative art, classicism in the arts, etc. myself - meaning I can sympathize and support such efforts in principle - I can confidently assert that the mediocrity of MM's craft at painting is coherent with his craft as a scholar and a sleuth. It is dreadful and very unhelpful to attaining proportion, excellence and beauty.

If I were betting, I'd say that like Jones, he's tolerated and promoted as a pied piper.

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Well yes, but I still find it fascinating; perhaps it's a personal failing of mine. It's a reminder that making valid connections is a challenging task.

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Where is he promoted? I have only randomly found MM in searches.

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Perhaps that was a poor choice of words to say 'promoted.' The cult (I use the term in the anthropological sense to indicate devotion) that finds MM compelling is the only source of promotion I have in mind.

I only got to know of him through recommendations promoted by his fans to study his work found in comments sections across the interwebs. They're a slightly evangelical bunch, not unlike, say, the devotees of Bob Dobbs (not the church of the subgenius guy, but the other one, who sells supplements and claims to be very old.)

Given the way that MM's work seems to take advantage of impressionable tweekers and novice, undiscerning conspiracy folks, his lumping of legit conspiracy reality with absurdist and deranged narratives, and his soiling of anti-establishement sciences with his dreck, in my estimation, basically means that he functions to give skepticism-of-power a major discredit, leading anyone who takes the bait well off the golden path. Kind of like a one man Qanon. To an uncritical mind, his work kind of undoes the excellent work of Dave McGowan by drowning it in a never ending run-on sentence and 'the jews did it' sort of reductionism.

So yeah, no legit promotion by anyone but his readers, but he's like a stagnating eddy of quicksand waiting for the unwitting to stumble by and thus trap their imagination and critical thinking.

[I just reviewed his art work for the first time in years, and I must revise my assessment. It's much better than I remember it. He should stick with that.]

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Sidenote: How is Whitney's son? (I've not heard of late, or followed her recent work [tut tut])

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That we do. Educate ourselves, and especially talk to people. Figuring out how to talk to people, what words to use, without making them too uncomfortable and shutting down. For me, one key is to maintain a sunny disposition.

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The book The Sovereign Individual, published in 1997, argues that technologies are one of the primary drivers of human organization/how sovereignty manifests (I am paraphrasing heavily) and that the microchip marked the transition from the industrial age to the information age. The authors consider "the logic of violence" as the basis of sovereignty--naturally, in the industrial age with the centralization of production, the nation-state emerged as sovereign, in the agricultural age it was local lords etc. The authors argue that in the information age individuals will be able to cryptographically secure wealth such that it cannot be seized (at least as easily) through governments via conventional force and, eventually, sovereignty will manifest in individuals because of this new "logic of violence" predicated (primarily but not entirely) on technology. I read this and thought wow they're talking about Bitcoin and the book was published in 1997. The authors are perhaps more optimistic than me, my gut reaction to their model is that sovereignty would fracture into corporations, not individuals (but corporations are individuals according to law or something idk.) Anyway, your concern about the centralization of mining or the production of silicon chips points to a general issue I contend with all the time in thinking about the future--how can we possibly decentralize from where we are? Your final point about the importance of local connections is where I land as well, but how can we do this while relying on centralized production? Are we going to transition to local production and if so, how? You can grow your own food but are you going to produce your own computer? Bitcoin is the only thing that has provided me any optimism about the future--like somehow it could help foster localism in an information age. Maybe production could get decentralized when fewer people are worried about their wealth getting inflated away and can invest their capital locally? I'm just spitballin' here. Should I be more skeptical of Bitcoin? The internet was also a military project but there's some cool stuff here.

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I hope Mathew responds to the interesting questions you raise.

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👏👏👏👏👏🎩🎩🎩🎩💥 nice piece Matthew.🎩🙏

A succinct, essentially accurate overview of the situation. A little still focused on the Bitcoin distraction

But respectfully, I know you really dug into that one, and our biases are hard shake, even when we know we should know better.😉 Sorry, that sounded pompous!🤷‍♀️

I'm glad you'll be open to adding to it, you more than anyone one else, I believe has a better grip on the long game we have/are being set up to play. Probably because your mad skills in big system analysis (aka able to read the room😉🤣😂). So many can only see a small slice, there a few who can zoom out rather than just in.😉 Keep using those skills and your integrity to alert your readers to the patterns that are being created (faster) every week, but also keep reminding them that life goes on as you said so they should take time beneath the frantic stresses to FEEL life. Also gently remind them that no one in this universe, can take their innate humanity away from them, without their authentic permission. That's why humanity IS the goal...the ultimate power source.😉🤗

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"Also gently remind them that no one in this universe, can take their innate humanity away from them, without their authentic permission. That's why humanity IS the goal...the ultimate power source."

The game theory of prisoner's dilemmas means acting in this way isn't simple. The first people who resist face total risk of annihilation. It's a deep sacrifice. It will be easier for people to make that sacrifice if the current system crumbles, but while it operates, bucking the system is an existential gamble.

"our biases are hard shake, even when we know we should know better.😉 Sorry, that sounded pompous!"

This is not the way to approach the discussion. While there are problems in the Bitcoin ecosystem, what Bitcoin represents is the solution to the optimization problem, "How do we most efficiently operate a money ledger." Proof of work is really proof of energy. That's not a trivial thing to disregard, particularly in a world of finite resources. In my view, the problems that exist *must* be dealt with if we will ever get back to a world in which markets operate as signals for where to invest (such as in energy supply expansion, or efficient technologies).

All this points back to education, but education is sabotaged in order for global Mindwar to work its magik. Nobody with power anywhere seems to give two shits about unraveling the system that dumbs down the world (and America in particularly). Bitcoin aligns interests on that level because by Metcalf's law, the value of the money-network improves as nodes (people banked) increase, meaning the number of people who can create and store wealth.

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There are plenty of us willing to buck the system and take existential gambles, but want to make it count.

As far as the prisoner's dilemma goes, I am sure you know it is based entirely on the input values assigned to cooperation versus competition. These are not static, despite what darwinian anthropology would assert, but entirely dependent upon a society's values. It is those values which have been altered by the coercive debt-based money system, hierarchy, and outright violence. There have been plenty of societies based in cooperation and abundance in human experience, even though it is hard for our current mindsets to accept.

Small group organizing is a direct way to begin nonviolent campaigns to alter the inputs/ conditions, first intra-group and then within larger spheres, but calls for a solidarity few in mainstream society seem to understand anymore. However once one has an experience of radical transformation of oppressive structures, there is no going back. Nothing finer. It is not without sacrifice, but well-organized campaigns allow people to choose what they wish to offer.

Going it alone is tougher, and it is amazing how much you have been able to offer Mathew. I hope you are getting support and finding allies. And taking time for self-care - simple stuff like yoga and qigong and walks outside are powerful aids to well-being. It also helps us recalibrate to see the limits of how far the psyop has really penetrated. I do organic farm work which keeps me sane. Blessings!

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I love learning. But the educational system has given rise to nothing but contempt in me. It is clear to me that education rewards the ignorant while compartmentalizing the intelligent. Broad knowledge is dismissed as useless or worse, dangerous. They ingrain the first part of the quote and bury the second which is its actual point… “Jack of all trades yet master of none, but often times better than a master of one.”

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Do you have any thoughts on the education of the elites? I have seen fairly high level private schools in Canada, one friend graduated from Phillips Exeter; the World College system with International baccalaureate grads, and the elite universities could be sources of education for the controllers of the New World Order. With the recent exposure of Harvard, the Stanford censorship institute and Penn State, where are they hiding the few real controllers and their heirs? Is the WEF actually an advanced finishing school for the next tier down. the visible agents of the real powers?

As you state, the visible education system is not producing supermen!

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You may be quite correct. My mom was born in 1920. She graduated from the same HS as me albeit almost 40yrs prior.

The stories she’d tell of the rigors of her education were shocking to me. No doubt they’d exceed college Master’s Degree level today.

Undoubtedly mass education has been dumbed down to a tremendous degree.

But they still need people capable enough to design robots, write code, design structures, fly the planes, etc.

Those people have been dumbed down via specialization. The fields are splintered, compartmentalized and narrowed to the point they cannot see the big picture from their little boxed-in corner.

And, as long as they’re paid above average they don’t care. They’ll wear their blinders with glee.

Medicine is a top-down dictatorial business model. Also splintered into specialties whose purveyors are easily captured by the threat of loss of license. Career down the toilet.

Meanwhile, as you noticed, the “real” schools teaching the broad strokes are reserved for the special people.

Money is power. Knowledge is power, good health is power, Decision making is power. The ability to say, no is power. All are being taken from us. Usurped as we’re too dumbed down, compartmentalized and powerless to stop it.

Will it turn around? Will there be an awakening? I don’t know. Maybe… https://start9.com/

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Thanks for this example. It's particularly useful to me.

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Yeah but really, what IS wealth?🤨

"How do we most efficiently operate a a money ledger..." is not going to be the burning question. THAT will be decided by might, and might will be decided by who has access to the most health as a nation. It was decided long ago that "wellth" was the new currency. 😉 #bitcoinissolastyear #wellthisthenewblack #ifyoudonthaveyourhealth....

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Ps your completely right about the education issue, but I think we are about to experience a "dark age" in retaliation to all this academia "science knows best" garbage that has been forced down peoples throats (arms) in the last few years. Perfectly, on plan for those that wish to keep the "serfs" in their place and their wealth secure.😉

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Here's where The Great Taking shows it's worth: The "all-knowing" oligarchs trying to "keep...their wealth secure" by expropriating real assets, not gossamer fiat currency.

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