HOLY-FREAKING-GUACAMOLE, Mathew! That Big Picture model looks *amazing*! I'm on my way to bed but will be saving this for closer inspection when time permits. Congratulations on this massive achievement! 👏

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One thing seems to be certain, the controllers of the game are playing both ends against the middle

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I would also highly recommend Magic - An Occult Primer by David Conway. Conway was the lead civil servant in charge of the EU Brussels delegation in 72. He's a wonderful writer - which is helpful - and often says blood sacrifice is unnecessary for positive results - which is great to know.

I wrote about the book here: https://walkingwithgoats.substack.com/p/sheep-against-satan

My father's Godmother was involved with both Orwell and Crowley. It was in her library.

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Dec 21, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

Another great overview of some deep research. In particular the plandemonium and mindwar chronicles brought some clarity to a foggy notion that something strange us going on. A strangeness that many of the takes out there got some things right but didnt seem to have a grasp on the big picture(or were intentionally dispersing an incomplete or polluted outlook).

I am noticing a widening gaps in outlook between two groups of my friends, family, and peers. Those that are generally distrustful and perhaps have "gone down the rabbit hole" on one or more areas, but remain unafilliated with any group or team in the "fight". Then there are those who have been alligned with a team(or political party, religion, etc.), but that used to be open minded enough to see across idealogical boundaries to the common ground. A lot of these folks are ever more estranged in their "camp". For example, how does a so called "democratic socialist" friend of mine justify forced injections of Aboriginees? How does a "libertarian anarchist" glorify Trump as a wildcard savior of America? Meanwhile other so called anti establishment individuals increasingly plead that we follow the recommendations of centralized, corrupted institutions?

Those of us without a team, or who are at least free from a fanatic cultist mentality, are continuously astounded by the shifting identities and notions of these so calles parties, groups, and cults.

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Dec 22, 2023·edited Feb 2Liked by Mathew Crawford

I'd like to share with you some interesting historical writings that I believe integrate well with what you share in this work, and add context, help weave together a set of common threads. That if one were predisposed to certain conspiracy theories would make infinite sense, even portend to be "Aha" moments.

This is one of my most interesting obscure finds to date.. A New York Times story from 1913. With many familiar names and characters from history, who's subsequent work in many fields, primarily medicine, banking, propaganda, industry, clergy, politics and academia are bound together by their underlying core belief in and support of eugenics.

Choosing Audience for Brieux Play

J. D. Rockefeller Suggests Those Who Have Aided White Slave Investigation

Social Workers Approve

The New York Times, page 13, February 23, 1913


It's a story about a play that develops notions of eugenics, social control by elites needing to protect their gene pools. It introduces germ theory as it was first coming into vogue

It describes a play that was shown to the powerful and connected, "Damaged Goods." Prominent attendees who also just so happened to be eugenicists. About men of high society who sleep around with prostitutes and lesser women, bringing back disease like syphilis to families, deforming children, etc. It uses the term "White Slavery" to describe the sex trade. It advances the idea of infectious disease as it was still a relatively novel understanding of them at the time.

The article describes attendees from the American Society of Medical Sociology, an organization and movement that you'll discover is in concert with "Marxist conflict theory," that medical sociologists adhere to which explains hows how the ruling classes can assert their power through medicine. I discovered that tidbit when looking up the term after I first learned of it in this NYT article.

The names listed as invitees and on the hosting committee are a veritable who's who of the early 20th century. Including:

- John D. Rockefeller, father of allopathic western medicine, based in petrochemicals, products of his Standard Oil.

- Edward Bernays, the father of propaganda, advertising, marketing. And who popularized the term "quacks" to describe natural healers like homeopaths, while helping allopathic medicine educational and practice secure monopolies by outlawing and replacing natural healing, substituting petrochemical-based allopathy as the business model for health care.

- Simon and Abraham Flexner, who's Flexner Report was the notorious #FakeScience used to outlaw natural healers for Rockefeller's petrochemical business model of medicine.

- State Senator Franklin D. Roosevelt.

A network of prominent socialists, communists with ties to Karl Marx, names like:

- William Jay Schleffilin, descendant of the first Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Jay, ran the largest pharmaceutical company giant and Big Pharma trade association head for decades

- Abraham Jacobl, the first leading pediatrician, president of the American Medical Association.

And a great many more names that when you search out you'll find were leaders across many industries and disciplines, all aligned with socialism/humanism values. And all eugenicists. Most of the other names listed as invited are easily located in internet searches, no doubt they left their mark in the bigger picture you paint.

And it also mentions how six unnamed students from the Yale University Civics Club would be attending. Note: Prescott Bush (patriarch to the Bush political dynasty and who went on to become known as "Hitler's Banker" while he did business with that regime for two years after the US entered WWII before the Trading With the Enemies Act shut him down) was a politically connected student at Yale in 1913. I don't have enough info to know if Prescott Bush was one of the six, but considering his later work relationship with Rockefeller, including his support of Hitler, eugenics and his son's infamous "New World Order" speech that echos the Fascists and Marxists of the era, I wouldn't be surprised if he was there, too.

And I wouldn't be surprised if many of those names in the NYT story went on to be a part of the formation of the American Council on Foreign Relations in 1919. And a great many of the other organizations that you identify. Another rabbit hole. Of many rabbit holes. That meet up in the underworld.

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I'm busy trying to teach my kids to mistrust authority. I blame myself, my Dad taught me to question authority, he saw the last of British empire in Cyprus...

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It’s probably a good thing that you don’t have any of the 800lbs gorillas propping you up. It will just ruin your credibility.

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May God help us.

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Regarding your statement about Rockefeller money funding resistance movements; some channeled through cults: Hugo Talks did a good video (30 minutes) on the New Age aspect of many involved, and pointed to the organizations funding them. https://rumble.com/v11jksv-trumps-new-age-doctor-network-hugo-talks.html

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Seems I usually need about ten minutes after each article to let my mind absorb what you’ve laid out. Thank heaven for coffee. I have some ideas for resistance plays, but they involve some amount of discomfort for the whole to be effective.

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Jan 29·edited Jan 29Liked by Mathew Crawford

Excellent article. Truly, you laid that out very well. I wrote a book back in 2021 that came to the very similar positions. You articulated better here than I did in 100k words. I went through a crazy path over the past 6 years that brought be to the same conclusion, rather, general evolving understanding. I have been humbled many times, I think i have learned to not be so certain. But, essentially, what you are saying, as wild as it would have sounded to me a decade ago...is real. I like hegelian pinball, i just called it a hegelian generational plan, adding time as a factor, but it always read silly. Pinball it is. It seems they have perfected the best way to protect power, hide it in plain sight. Oh, during my time studying Alice Baily and the Lucis trust, which I think was going to be lucifer trust but they changed it, I came across Nicholas Roerich. Interesting character. His relationship with FDR is an interesting. And those Macy Conferences, yikes.

Keep up the great writing!

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Dec 19, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

There seem to be many hundreds of writers and hundreds of thousands of individuals that understandably want solutions to this mess.

I have been very critical of most of these peoples' solutions because they have not understood the bigger picture as you have laid it out. Most people can at times offer insights but offering complex solutions but in an infinite and exponentially expanding information swamp?

I believe we need to have dreams and plans and hopes to manifest a future, but without the understanding that solution seeking that, as you wrote " presupposes societal stability" is a waste of energy better spent on survival preparation. (And prepping for what exactly? Is hard enough)

Thankyou for not wavering in your search for some truth!

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Dec 19, 2023·edited Dec 19, 2023Liked by Mathew Crawford

I believe that you will find that the term "new world order" predates the founding of the Theosophical society by two years. It was written in 1873 by Baha'u'llah in the Kitab-i-Aqdas or "The Most Holy Book":


"The world’s equilibrium hath been upset through the vibrating influence of this most great, this new World Order. Mankind’s ordered life hath been revolutionized through the agency of this unique, this wondrous System—the like of which mortal eyes have never witnessed."

I think it was intended to have a much more positive meaning.

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That we do. Educate ourselves, and especially talk to people. Figuring out how to talk to people, what words to use, without making them too uncomfortable and shutting down. For me, one key is to maintain a sunny disposition.

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The book The Sovereign Individual, published in 1997, argues that technologies are one of the primary drivers of human organization/how sovereignty manifests (I am paraphrasing heavily) and that the microchip marked the transition from the industrial age to the information age. The authors consider "the logic of violence" as the basis of sovereignty--naturally, in the industrial age with the centralization of production, the nation-state emerged as sovereign, in the agricultural age it was local lords etc. The authors argue that in the information age individuals will be able to cryptographically secure wealth such that it cannot be seized (at least as easily) through governments via conventional force and, eventually, sovereignty will manifest in individuals because of this new "logic of violence" predicated (primarily but not entirely) on technology. I read this and thought wow they're talking about Bitcoin and the book was published in 1997. The authors are perhaps more optimistic than me, my gut reaction to their model is that sovereignty would fracture into corporations, not individuals (but corporations are individuals according to law or something idk.) Anyway, your concern about the centralization of mining or the production of silicon chips points to a general issue I contend with all the time in thinking about the future--how can we possibly decentralize from where we are? Your final point about the importance of local connections is where I land as well, but how can we do this while relying on centralized production? Are we going to transition to local production and if so, how? You can grow your own food but are you going to produce your own computer? Bitcoin is the only thing that has provided me any optimism about the future--like somehow it could help foster localism in an information age. Maybe production could get decentralized when fewer people are worried about their wealth getting inflated away and can invest their capital locally? I'm just spitballin' here. Should I be more skeptical of Bitcoin? The internet was also a military project but there's some cool stuff here.

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👏👏👏👏👏🎩🎩🎩🎩💥 nice piece Matthew.🎩🙏

A succinct, essentially accurate overview of the situation. A little still focused on the Bitcoin distraction

But respectfully, I know you really dug into that one, and our biases are hard shake, even when we know we should know better.😉 Sorry, that sounded pompous!🤷‍♀️

I'm glad you'll be open to adding to it, you more than anyone one else, I believe has a better grip on the long game we have/are being set up to play. Probably because your mad skills in big system analysis (aka able to read the room😉🤣😂). So many can only see a small slice, there a few who can zoom out rather than just in.😉 Keep using those skills and your integrity to alert your readers to the patterns that are being created (faster) every week, but also keep reminding them that life goes on as you said so they should take time beneath the frantic stresses to FEEL life. Also gently remind them that no one in this universe, can take their innate humanity away from them, without their authentic permission. That's why humanity IS the goal...the ultimate power source.😉🤗

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