Dec 29, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Matthew, The Feds have used people like this to undermine movements since the founding of the FBI, if not before. Though they pretend to be part of the opposition they are working for the government. It's great that you have identified some of them. Hopefully you can find a way to get the other reputable community members to see them for what they are.

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Keep going Mathew, I and many others greatly appreciate all you have and continue to do. Shame that opportunistic parasites like “Sage Hana” try to get a desperate slice of the evil, mandarin pie, but it’s a flaw of human nature unfortunately I guess, some more drawn to the grift than others 🙏

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Matthew, I am honored to be a (small) supporter of your work. I tell everyone who will listen about your Substack. Thank you for your tireless, unselfish work toward pulling back the curtain.

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Some people are simply intimidated by maths and data... they switch off... for others like you...it’s our first language...

At least a part of the problem communicating what happened is that problem... some very close to me simply cannot hear the maths, the dynamics and interactions, they have no locus to compare...

But it’s those who hold integrity high..who understand systems fluxes and data integrity... it’s a different story...

But it’s crucial to get the data right..and thanks for your contribution...

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I trust integrity. I see that in you and your data. I've been wary since the beginning of this, calls to violence that would destroy us all. There is no purpose either taking down one clique manipulating data to replace it with a different clique that manipulates data.

There is a civilizational psycho-drama here to, underlying, a pure destructive instinct, which energizes a lot of the woke folk as well as a few in the MFM.

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

It is remarkable how easy it is to manipulate educated people. We are trained to trust at all levels of our education. In my time, we who were cannon-fodder spoke out against the madness of what LBJ was doing to Viet Nam (but I now wonder if we were being manipulated--probably so). But it seems the college students of today are docile sheep. I may be wrong about this, but something seems very different than it was in the '60's.

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This is a war like none other in the history of our species. It is demanding something new from us, something creative. The power structure knows how to control humanity 1.0. It does not have a clue how to handle humanity 2.0. How do we make the jump? I don't think the path is clear to any of us right now, but there is one thing I think we can really make progress on if we set our minds to it - we must begin to challenge all of the deeply embedded 1.0 characteristics within ourselves. Some traits we will find worth keeping, some will need to be modified in some way, others will need to be sacrificed. It's going to be a painful process. I appreciate this substack so much because it does seem to be a small sanctuary where we can examine ourselves in relation to humanity 1.0 and begin to dream of possibilities for humanity 2.0.

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

I spent most of 2021 working with the AL MFM group, Concerned Doctors, and also some other local political/MFM groups. One of the founders of Concerned Doctors is Dr. Calderwood from Huntsville. He was one of the original group of America's Frontline Doctors in DC when they held their press conference promoting HCQ and opposing lockdowns/masks. Dr. Calderwood disagreed with the direction Simone Gold wanted to take the group, so he formed his own group which was later absorbed by Concerned Doctors. You are right, these fallings out are very small in the big scheme of things. Most people are completely oblivious to them. Dedicated people, like you and Calderwood and others, who find themselves surrounded by people with different goals or worse, grifters, move on and start their own group or start working with other groups who want to better utilize their skills.

Renz, in your excerpts, admitted his goal is to 'wake people up'. Imho, we're way beyond the waking people up stage. The goal now should be holding people accountable so that this doesn't happen again. I don't know if that's possible, but other lawyers who seem to have this as their goal are Robert Barnes and also Jeff Childers (Cofeeandcovid substack). I agree that your exposure of Chaos Agents is important at least so that more prominent members of MFM (like Ron Johnson) can be made aware and end their association with these grifters and agent provocateurs.

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Hello Mathew.

I'm a new subscriber. I'm here to learn. I still don't understand your DMED commentary after listening to your rumble shows several times.

I'm a big fan Sage Hana, who now I imagine looking like a 1980 Olympic DDR shot put thrower thanks to your reveleation.

I've had great fun on Sage's substack for a few months. She's been a great help for me. Great community there, very good people in the comments section. And I know there are also very good people who dislike Derrick's extreme, violent and absurdist sense of humor. It's not for everybody.

The origin of my moniker (which I change sometimes) are that I had a "fight" with her in the comments. (Or him.) You see, I'm mostly a not-a-virus kind of man. I came to this conclusion only recently. I used to believe there was a very weak virus around until I investigated the views and writings of the denialists (I assume you dislike Cowan and the Baileys almost as much as Sage Hana hates them.) Sage didn't like my insistence. Also, I defended Christine Massey, who was attacked by Sage Hana a little bit too hard for my taste.

I sometimes make demoralizing remarks, so "she" started calling me a FED, which I am not, obviously. I continued the joke, because I'm mostly a clown.

I will read all previous 9 parts of this series, and I will read more of your voluminous material. I was already a subscriber a few months ago, but I got sidetracked with other readings. The first time I heard from you was on that debatem a year ago, with Yuri Deigin. That was quite a show. An misinformed defender of fascism vs real scientists. I also listened for the first time Aditi Bhargava (she ended the debate with only one phrasem, before you connected there, she said: "where is the control group?" and Deigin was rolled over belly up) and Marc Girardot, and James Lyons-Weiler, and Jessica Rose. I only kept listening because I saw Mike Yeadon there and Stephanie Senef too, and I already knew them and liked them. Steve Kirsch was quite emotional.

Very informative debate for me. Very lopsided, but towards the end you try your best effort to tend a hand for Yuri. That gesture made me think "this Crawford guy is very serious about teaching the ignorant, and he is not a random bullshit artist from the podcasting era of the internet like so many new people I'm finding.")


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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Mat, how about using someone you actually have faith in to go after Unnisant? How about Aaron Siri? We obviously cant depend on these clowns, we need another avenue.

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

I hope I remain a Rounding-the-Earth subscriber in good standing now that I admit I had never heard of Blanton nor Hana, nor do I care to find out more about him/her/them/whatever.

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Dec 30, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Mathew: Another thought occurred to me: Since the clown show was a DoD+HHS operation, and surely they (pharma) knew the gene-therapy rollout would cause far too many injuries and deaths to be swept under the rug for long, wouldn't DoD have anticipated a need to fiddle with the data given the military mandate, or am I giving them too much credit for competence? They waited until the military signal was obvious.

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Thanks Mathew for all the work you do. This substack gave me the needed background to come to some conclusions.

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"Call this "infighting" if you like. I call it 'being fully truthful and accurate' about an extremely important matter."

THIS! Thank you, Matthew!

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Dec 29, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Chaos agents also encourage tribalism …

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Another most helpful article. I agree with

> any opposition (MFM) "win" is likely a controlled narrative, and that it will come only with an acceptance of U.S. control of a global military-banking complex. But the larger win will involve bankruptcy of the whole scheme, which I root for even if it means going through great pains (or perishing myself…I'd rather my species move forward with better lives).

Except that calling the controlling entity "U.S." avoids identifying the men(?) behind the curtain.

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