“Sage Hana” is a real bitch and I am so grateful you posted this, Mathew. “She” is hateful and has quite a following, which tells you something. “She” is calling for people like John Campbell and Aseem Malhotra to “hang” since they originally pushed the shots. If you disagree with her and talk about grace, or how decent Campbell is as a person, “she” attacks you viciously, wishing you death, injury, and on and on. “She’s” a hateful little turd in the Substack punch bowl. And, no, I won’t be reading “her” crap anymore. I encourage others to unsubscribe, of course. This isn’t the kind of discourse our “not a movement” needs. Poison Derrick. More poisonous than a lemon-mRNA-aid jab as Dr. Dr. McHonk Honk calls them.
Thing is Mel,he deserves everything he (Campbell) gets.
He deserves no grace.
In his hard pushing vaxx era on youtube,I showed my father(PhD immunologist,microbiologist and haematologist) them. He was horrified by the malfeasance.
From the moment mrna tech was pushed,my father recommended avoiding the jabs like the plague. He was so angry that someone as unqualified as Campbell,was pushing the shots hard. And using a platform that reached out to people that would take him as a voice of authority.
Campbell is an unqualified clown when it came to the complexity of this matter and if anyone has been damaged by his pushing of the shots,he deserves treated like every other pusher.
Wish I could have said it as well as you. Campbell set himself up as an expert and gave people terrible advice, may have cost some people their lives. If the man had any dignity he would never speak out on public health matters again.
Until those seeing the truth reach critical mass, anyone who begins publicly aspousing truth, and especially if they were visibly and publicly supporting the narrative some time ago is valuable.
I agree with another poster in a different thread that Campbells slow realization of the awfulness of the truth and the level of corruption is both fascinating and I imaging effective in drawing many people along with him.
Similarly, Malhotra appears to have had a noticeable effect on others (eg Andrew Bridgen).
If there is no hope of redemption, then nobody could ever afford to open their eyes or turn away from evil after an initial wrong decision. Please bear that in mind when asking for those who repent for being fooled to be treated the same as those who do not, or those who instigated this or who control it.
Malhotra probably reached a larger audience with his appearances on TV, and he definitely and directly persuaded some people to get vaxxed IIUC.
Don't get me wrong; both of them almost certainly caused quite a lot of harm where their individual voice swung the balance.
At this point, they have the ability to swing the balance the other way, and IMO their former position and now their reversal makes it easier for others to see where they were misled, or to believe that the truth is not just believed in by people who believe any crazy theory.
Assuming that such things could be counted reliably, does saving 10 lives or preventing 10 injuries cancel out causing 10? If not 1:1, then does any ratio provide redress or expiate the guilt? If you think not, then by your code I think we would all be condemned irredeemably.
Is causing one death and saving 1000 worse than standing by and doing nothing at all? Does that equation change depending on what the protagonist knows and when they know it?
In my view, the real issue is whether the Kulangeta can be exposed enough to prevent the next operation, or to weaken them really significantly. Cases like Campbell and Malhotra should IMO be viewed as tactical issues in that larger war.
Why this person has attracted "followers" is a sign 'o' the times in that they pose as "edgy hipster" who postures at arms length using 'snark' as their primary mode of communication. This has been normalized in today's media landscape and elsewhere.
If you take a look at the volume this person posts, examine the percentage of substance produced you are looking at an extremely low batting average. For the most part the script is one of constant manipulations combined with oscillations of attacks on anyone who disagrees and "charms" towards the groupies that lavish attention. Somehow "the followers" at present seem to be unaware or are overlooking how they are being engineered. It's all paper thin and tedious.
I don't think I've ever seen this individual engage at length and in any detail on matters of evidence. That is because he can't. So he gets attention in other ways (mainly via sandbox thrashing)which is quite a bit easier than slogging through history and reading papers.
Sure question everything, even do it irascibly if you like- but provide some evidence and some substantial refutations along the way. Base mudslinging has a short shelf life and can only serve one purpose.
I found value in "her" work at first, because "she" was picking out the important bits and distilled some of the more lengthy and convoluted posts of others. But I unsubscribed after a while, as "she" was posting a lot of crap.
“She” was posting as if she was always discovering something new that others could never have thought of. But they could have and they did, way before she ever did.
I will never trust the judgment of John Campbell or Aseem Malhotra as they ignored masses of evidence very early that the vax was a joke. I will give them credit for coming around. Better late than never and JC was pro early treatment and gave Ivermectin a fair review when it was verboten to do so.
I'll save the "Dead Pool" entries for those who openly advocated for war crimes on the unvaxxed like Gene Simmons etc.
John Campbell's slow motion red pilling has been one of the more interesting arcs of the last few years.
Seeing an earnest, good faith man who served the medical-education system his whole life realise all the dysfunction and corruption endemic to it, and then keep going has been nice to see, it'd be much easier for a man of his age to look the other way.
He's also someone I'd be comfortable pointing normies to, like Jeffrey Sachs and the lab leak issue.
I don't give two shits about JC but Aseem Malhotra's truth journey seems quite genuine. And for the cause of stopping the shots very useful to the normies. Prove that Malhotra knew earlier that the shots were bad but still promoted them and I'm willing to listen but for now realizing his very healthy father did not have chronic heart disease so it must have been the injections makes good sense.
The evidence was there in early 2021 for anyone who wanted to see it. Singapore was the first government to throw in the towel in June when they had 84% shot up and still had a huge outbreak. Delta blew through the "vaccine" easily. Of course they kept the vax passport cause control freaks gonna control freak. Israel, Gibraltar & Seychelles all bombed badly early on. Iceland was so proud of themselves and bragged about achieving herd immunity via vaccination in June of 2021 only to have Delta blow them away in July. The minister of health in a moment of depression induced honesty said that "The idea you can get rid of a virus like this with a vaccine is a myth".
Anyone watching the canaries in the coal mine could see they were deader than the parrot in the Monty Python skit. Wishful thinking and "hope" (Brix) were all they had at that point.
I'm glad both came around and like I said "better late than never" but I'm not impressed and will not trust their judgment.
Yeah, but how/where could normies see the canaries? They couldn't. The level of censorship from the get go was immense. It is one of the obvious & early huge red flags, But people can't know what they don't know- that is the whole point of censorship. .
The CDC admitted in May of 2020 that the IFR (Infection Fatality Rate) was 0.3% which is similar to the Asian flu of the late 1950's and the Hong Kong flu of the late 1960's. After that none of the interventions was warranted. Yet they went along with masks and injection mandates.
The fear porn got to them and they didn't want to know. This VENN diagram from the "bad catitude" substack sums up the problem. About 10-20% will pass any one of these "tests" and all 3 at once was just too much for most people.
*A strange man appears from nowhere and hugs you swiftly then retracts suddenly*
*Gasps and signals out his woolen jacket drenched with rain*
Now, how would one spell 'toodaloo''. Heh, it always had such a resonating charm that I've never really questioned its origins before. Would I stop saying it when those perfect moments arose knowing the cyntax now hinders those moments?
If you keep upping the ante those statements don’t apply. ‘Can we all be gentlemen here?’ ‘Yes I promise to be.’ Fair enough. But if you aren’t one then the other person doesn’t have to be either.
It’s wise, however, to pre-empt the muckrakers. Now they have NOTHING on Mathew with one T. (And the Bible Camp liquor store confession tells me we could be friends.)
Well said .. I tried to write a few responses to "Sage", the second may have been misunderstood, as seems "she" is an expert in misunderstanding. But really, your one sentence says it all - anyone who can't tell Mathew is a good dude just isn't a particularly astute judge of character!
I only discovered RTE recently. What hooked me was Mathew's refreshing frankness in a world of weaponized, gubmint-sponsored fakery. And since, I've learned so much, so much biology I was unaware of. I've long been in the fight against medical quackery, and despite the great tragedy of so many lives lost and damaged, the pharmafia has truly shot itself in the foot this time, and red-pilled an astonishing number of people in a mere three years.
"You can't be neutral on a moving train" is something the proto-wokesters would point out when trying to wedge people across various issues. The problem with this phrase isn't that it's wrong, but rather that people often can't agree what train they're on. Often if you don't take sides, people will very quickly sort into "sides" and de-facto leave you on one.
I think the real reason people in the MFM / "Not a movement" (or whatever we'll call it) are turning on each other is anger and frustration over creeping realization that "we've" lost:
1) Nobody has been held criminally responsible for any of the harms from lockdowns, mandates, and vaccine injuries.
2) Hardly anything has been done to prevent the very same measures being put into place for the "next pandemic"
It was easy for people to go along and get along when the carrot of some kind of justice hung over people's heads. Now that it's fading, very little is left to bind people who would otherwise disagree together. How many things will people ignore (bad data, shady histories, mistakes, ect) happily ignore and deflect from as long as "victory" is near?
I think the only way for people to be properly motivated to discuss mistakes and problems is to acknowledge that victory isn't close at all. Can anyone really say we're further away from new lockdowns and coercion than 2018 was? If anything these things have been effectively normalized.
"But what about all the people who woke up?" Yeah they've all been purged from positions of authority.
If there is a "round 2", as things currently stand we will be measurably worse off despite people "waking up".
Dr Yeadon called it. They planned for this and planned for resistance. What we're seeing is the outcome of hardly anything outside the plan taking place. I think you Mathew have an eye for many of the correct solutions (decentralized actions that scale well), but I'm not seeing how this series helps.
I was looking forward to more cases like the original post, with iron clad proof of sabotage. Instead I just see the same in-fighting that I've been prone to ignore this entire time. Corbett says "the moment it's about the people and not the ideas it's over, because it becomes a soap opera" and that's effectively what much of this looks like.
I don't think it's really many people's fault individually. As a whole people are having a hard time accepting (and apparently responding to) criticism without taking it as an attack. I don't know to what degree fanbases inflame this, but I estimate quite a bit. I don't really have answers, but it's clear something has gone very, very wrong.
I don't think anger over losing is the reason people are turning.
Some of us have not stopped to call out the dishonesty of others. And within that are stories of how movements are sabotaged with prior planning. Read article 2 from this series again.
"Some of us have not stopped to call out the dishonesty of others."
I'm talking about the other side of the equation. The people "making compromises" getting defensive when called out. I'm 100% with you on the details mattering, and I don't think you're wrong to feel mistreated.
On the other hand flamewars over the details don't seem to improve things.
How many people got caught up in the "are viruses even real?" fight?
How many people are fighting over died suddenly?
How many people are fighting over the Malone lawsuit?
All of these things can be seen creating more flamewars in the comments of various blogs/videos and *shudders* telegram chats.
This doesn't mean that content like died suddenly shouldn't get criticized, I think the mistake is when people get dragged into fights with no real win condition. I doubt Stew P would ever concede and take down or rework the film in the best case scenario.
If you believe these people are chaos agents what is there to gain in brawling with them?
Some of the places online devoted to documenting crazy or aggressive people online have a firm: "document but don't engage" policy.
Gabe, this isn't a flame war. Ultimately, this ties in to the whole lesson: how the influencers are created.
Also, please respect that I've been engaged. I've had my home destroyed, and been assaulted. I've had my email hacked, and been tailed both in Texas and in Puerto Rico. We're dealing with violent people, and that needs to be understood and respected.
Who do you think destroyed your home? Who assaulted you? Who tailed you?
What "violent people" are we dealing with? If it isn't Sage Hana, are you accusing Stew Peters? Pfizer and Moderna? The WHO and WEF?? CIA, FBI?
If it isn't a flame war, then why are you attacking Stew Peters and Tom Renz and calling them "Chaos Agents"? By "Chaos Agents", you mean people who are actually on some government or industrial payroll, and deliberately lying to damage the MFM movement, if indeed there is such a thing?
Isn't it possible that they're just thinking differently than you?
If you're asking all these questions, you haven't yet read the articles. If you haven't yet read the articles, why are you so excited?
"What "violent people" are we dealing with?"
Unfortunately, I can't answer that with certainty, but I've written about people with well-established histories that involve violence and people sort of dying because of it.
Maybe Thomas Renz is not a liar. Maybe he's just somebody who repeatedly forgot or misinterpretted every conversation he and I had about the data, or kept forgetting to post a notice that the statistician that he entrusted the data job with found his prior findings entirely invalid. I dunno, you tell me.
Instead of focusing on the label Chaos Agents in a way that I have not applied, I recommend sticking to base facts.
I did read each and every article in the "Chaos Agents" series. Including the first one, referring to the Themis Report, which I also read.
The Themis Report was very meticulous in stating that their concern was "the dangers of getting infiltrated by government agents or proxies for forces opposing the health freedom movement." And they did a very thorough job of documenting that "Carolina Bonita" behaves in a way that fits the description.
Are you using "Chaos Agent" in a different sense, to mean anyone who prefers a strategy of trying to radicalize the public and drive them to anger, rather than taking a solid, data-driven and calm approach?
I did not read all fourteen articles in your DMED series, but I did read #8, #9, #10 and a random smattering of others. I understand that there was some sort of manipulation or corruption of the data from 2016-2020 which occurred sometime between April 2021 and February 2022, when you noticed a discrepancy between older and newer reports of what should have been the same information.
I still can't understand whether you think there's something wrong with the data as it was reported initially; and if so, why.
I'm sure you spend many hundreds and thousands of hours researching and writing this substack. It's not that easy to follow, even with a reasonably diligent effort. If Tom Renz calls you with a question, and you tell him to come back after he reads two dozen articles, I can see why he'd eventually throw up his hands.
It's not "are viruses even real?" Get it straight: There is NO EVIDENCE of viruses. No "virus" has EVER BEEN ISOLATED. Period. I think that matters. How could it NOT matter?
So when you want answer as a grownup and not as a child, I'll listen to you.
And yeah, chaos agents matter, traitors matter, liars and thieves and killers MATTER.
A disquieting take, but I fear this, too. I've had rueful thoughts that I will end up in a hippy, off-grid commune as my only recourse to escaping the juggernaut. And have newfound admiration for those who have elected to do the same in the past - who have opted out of an unwinnable fight. There is a sad realisation that we may be doomed to similar ignominy and "crank" sidelining.
That's the spirit! Yes, despite my occasional dips into despair, I do tend to hold on to that golden thread of optimism. Hope springs eternal. We do, simply, have to believe that the human spirit will prevail.
I like to fantasise, too, that even the sheep will start going "wtf?", once they realise that their farmer has gone rogue and is eating all the turnips himself. Ok, my metaphor broke down there - but I couldn't quite envisage the farmer grazing all the lucerne.... 😂😂😂
Tell ya what... I've been hearing, over the past months, that the USA was actually turned into a CORPORATION, illegally, of course, back in the Civil War era... 1861, I believe...
Well, if there's one thing that could rally ALL THE PEOPLE, regardless of what we think about a damn "virus" --- Maybe THAT would be it. I bloody well hope so!!! Lookit this vid:
I agree. In spite of our foolishness, we are. Because we DO have truth on our side, and we DO have some good people on our side, and we DO have Righteousness on our side, and the Bad Guys are just vile. ;)
Few parents are getting their kids boosted, which many on this side of the debate are viewing as a victory. To the extent that it's a victory, we'll have to wait and see, but it's not nothing.
Never paid much attention to Sage comments and thrilled to know I've been spared another mean spirited fraud littering my thoughts. Thanks for the fraud laid bare.. always fun to see schemers caught up in their own lies even w/o preceding drama it's a popcorn moment... nom nom! :~)
Holy crap, finally another human being who knows about the Chinese College Paper Mills.
When I tutored grad school classes I was approached by "tutoring agencies" that would do bait-and-switch interviews that would end with asking for on-demand papers. Same with individual, wealthy students, who would usually become angry or feign some kind of cultural misunderstanding and then ask me, well, if it was "completely unethical" to write your research paper (and fake your results), how much MORE would it cost to make it ethical?
They were universally Chinese-run academic programs or the wealthy children of Chinese parents still overseas doing MBA or social sciences.
I love that we have more in common than I imagined. Whodathunk potato cannons would be that thing? 😉
Btw, my biker radar tells me Derrick the spiceboy is a provocateur, used for stirring up the low iq crowd. He/She uses classic “stir the pot” techniques. It does make his stack a great way for people (with at least half a brain) who are new to chaos or agent provacateur behavior to study the clearly obvious techniques he utilizes. Consider it a remedial/sub 101 course.
I agree that the goal (whether or not he fully understands it) is to stir a largely low IQ crowd. Others will be mixed in because, yes, we do all have our entertainment depots. Hopefully the ones who don't want to handle reality as a stoner show when the stakes are this serious will get it and leave now.
Potato cannons rock! Really, they're a lot like model rockets. You scratch an itch for "wow" while taking a step forward in the basic discipline of engineering. And weeee fun.
Derrick told me to fuck off three months ago when I mentioned that his snarky schtick was total yawn. 🥱 He came sniffing in my stack but I don’t think I was of much interest. You, on the other hand, were too much of an attractive ‘whale’. Too bad for Ahab.
Now, is it possible that you airing out your fallibility makes me love you even more? Your humanness is showing. I wish I had gotten an opportunity to potato cannon like you guys.
Maybe there’s no cohesive movement and maybe we can’t even define what it ought to be. But I’ll forever be a collaborative anarchist and being a part of a community that defines itself, self-corrects and grows while exiting the oppressive systems that spurred it in the first place is just fine. We in it now.
The perceptive kid sees school for what it is and secretly wishes for its demise. Very akin to the accelerationists who don't wish to reform the system, but burn it to the ground so something new can emerge.
Punk rock used to be what's cool. Rebellion was an attractive quality. Now, it would appear that it's 'compliance' that's desired. Barf. Potato cannons for everybody!
I agree, and that was the way I approached it/she/he. But the study is over now, and the results are conclusive. "Sage" and his ilk are at best wounded souls. At worst? Well, let's just say I smell something quite foul cooking.
Sadly, that's not what I was saying, and that's why I was so surprised (shocked) by the ban. I just thought that, on that particular topic (which I frankly don't remember) comments from everyone (not just paid subscribers) might be beneficial. I don't expect you to work for free, but on some issues, I only hoped you might allow everyone to weigh in. No worries; I can live with the ban. You are correct, though - I am a good dude. :)
Wow how many of us are there? Edgy but 'banny' i guess is Hana's schtick. Or is the proper gender term just stick now? I got banned with no warning after 'they' politely conversed with me for a dozen or so comments, without warning or reason. The super sleuths that all think they are the bees knees deduced that because i was crapping on about viruses not existing, and the fact that i had 70 subscriptions on substack, that this was proof positive that i am a cointel operative. Thats some good sleuthing that is!
I'm so sorry you have to go through this Mathew. This kind of smearing and attacking while ignoring the truth seems to be the way a significant number of people (and I'm including certain corporate leaders and politicians) work these days. Keep on keeping on. Truth WILL win out. It's just a question of when.
He/she was a one-trick-pony at best. Perhaps a year or so ago he/she had some early insight, albeit, nothing that was too difficult to discover for oneself. Since he/she has gained a bit of a following, I could no longer stand the increasing amount of sanctimonious whining because he/she didn’t have a credentialed street cred from which to shout from. He/she then early on became desperate for attention/ paying subscribers, too desperate. I suspect plagiarism has played a part in he/she’s increased following but it is only a suspicion, not an indictment.
In summary, he/she is a glorified troll hiding behind a female persona for victim points if/when questioned or attacked. Your headline couldn’t be more perfect. I sincerely appreciate your work Mr. Crawford. Your SBF and Stew Peters analysis has been much appreciated by your fellow non DRS subscribers.
That begs another question: what is Substack? I've been treating it as a place for freelance journalists to ask important questions, publish important facts and share helpful patterns of thought. I credit Chris Bray, Mary Beth Pfeifer, Naked Emperor and Mathew for leading me to think so. Is all Substack just a stage for cosplayers to strut and spam with posts and comments signifying nothing? I hope this episode doesn't lead me to such a pessimistic conclusion.
Hana, I mean Derrick, showed his true colours early on to me. Here is a juicy quote for you:
Sage Hana 29TH SEPT 2022
"It is my prerogative. I exercised it. I like the video. I like the discussion about the video.
To be clear. I don't like you, Frances. I've been willing to indulge you a little bit, b/c I suspect that you are a lonely bitter old bat of human being and this is what passed for engagement in your life.
I don't want to ban you. I think some people may like to engage with you here.
I was nothing but kind to you from the minute you came around here, but that will be no more. If you think this is snarling, thank your not a virus higher power that we are not face to face."
The only person you nailed was yourself, Derrick. You were so far off base it was painful to witness. You were also revealing precisely who you are and it is ugly, with bad manners as the icing on that rotten cake.
Internet Badass Syndrome cranked to 11, is what that is. Sage's ugliness is revealed to all outside the Not A Cult trip this person is on. I guess that's the most "normie" thing about "her," when all is said and done.
Al I was saying is the schtick (not a slang word, at least not anymore) does not by any means imply originality. Quite the opposite.
And I get why you don't like Sage's schtick, especially when it is aimed at you personally. Frankly, it's not all that clever. But it's just meant to be mildly amusing and not to be taken that seriously, like a class clown. Does that make sense to you?
Look pal. I don't give a flying fuck what YOU want to call it. It was not 'mildly amusing' nor typical of a 'class clown'! It was deliberately mean and nasty. Does that make sense to YOU?
I am a Brit - not some half educated hick chump who tolerates rudeness and bad manners. You should note that I consider your interjection and attempt to placate extremely lacking in empathy or grace.
Santa is a fraud. I know some elves. Mrs Claus runs that show. Santa is too drunk on milk and cookies, he has a dairy allergy, to even deliver toys 1/4 of rhe way through the night. They’ve been covering for him for years.
Not speaking for Mathew but adding #my2c from watching similar situations in assorted activist movements over the years. Ankle biters and snipers never really go away and they stockpile distracting BS to be deployed as disruption in other situations.
It is invaluable to have a one time, air it all out, fact based account to link to rather than waste time & energy for every dust up... trolling dirtbags never retire they get funding! :~)
Great point. Unuseful posts; is that even a word?) are not worth the time. Best ignored. I subscribe to quite a lot of substackers but I read only probably about 5%., if that.
You're welcome to subscribe to and not read my stack. It is about 35% valuable content.
Responding to personal attacks basically never seems worth it unless it's in some low-stakes place like a comment section and you just feel like a cheerfully low-class bar fight that you're not actually expecting to accomplish anything with- which I have DEFINITELY enjoyed from time to time, but I sure as hell wouldn't burn a single brain cell on or think it matters.
This whole pointing and screaming "controlled opposition" stuff is getting kind of annoying. And yet I do actually worry about the concept, in theory.
I bounced off of Sage Hana/Derrick early in pandemic blogging, I could never put my finger on why.
Sage Hana wasted about thirty minutes of my time this year before I started scrolling past all his comments, months ago. Good to have confirmation of my bias. Scrolling through the comments on his post about Mathew, I found some other commenters in the same category.
I have to apologize for that comment, Sage Hana. It wasn't necessary or upbuilding, people know how to use time wisely on forums. It was rude. And, in fact, I recall I did read a few of your comments earlier this month though my general habit is to scroll on. You left me with more questions than answers and I felt more of my time had been wasted. But that's true of much of what I've read on Substack in the last few months.
He actually had an interesting style. If he wasn’t nasty he could have had a good gig going. But he also needed good material which ran out fast. He should start over, adjust the style, and be more of a moderator, rather than a content creator.
I'm sad to see the devolution happening - was enjoying the notion of a robust and occasionally fiesty substack world - chock full of the varieties of personalities one would expect of creative, intelligent people.
Hi Kathleen. Feel happy, if you can. Dumping vicious, trash-talking filled rants is really good for your sweet spirit. “She” attacked “A Midwestern Doctor” the other day, too, just because AMD didn’t call for hanging by the neck until dead, people who are coming around to the side that these genetic biologics maim and kill all too often. “Her” response to AMD, all caps lock on, raging maniacally against anyone “she” perceives as “her” betters, was quite a spectacle. Just before I was banned, lol, I’d told “her”- “Mental wellness isn’t your strong suit.”
I hear ya. And I certainly didn't like that either. The 'blowing stuff up' thing while obviously disproportionate, felt to me, nonetheless sincere - sincere as in something was getting triggered that felt raw - and which I felt she understood about herself. I give a lot of room if I sense sincerity. Of course maybe my notion of Sage, was just that, a notion. Sigh.
I provided some feedback over there to call out a post whose only goal appeared to be malicious, and got flamed as a reward. It seems clear that Sagerrick prefers a bubble of adulating followers to any real feedback. I don’t hold malicious attacks and spats as having any value to the rest of us - regardless of the source.
“Sage Hana” is a real bitch and I am so grateful you posted this, Mathew. “She” is hateful and has quite a following, which tells you something. “She” is calling for people like John Campbell and Aseem Malhotra to “hang” since they originally pushed the shots. If you disagree with her and talk about grace, or how decent Campbell is as a person, “she” attacks you viciously, wishing you death, injury, and on and on. “She’s” a hateful little turd in the Substack punch bowl. And, no, I won’t be reading “her” crap anymore. I encourage others to unsubscribe, of course. This isn’t the kind of discourse our “not a movement” needs. Poison Derrick. More poisonous than a lemon-mRNA-aid jab as Dr. Dr. McHonk Honk calls them.
"“Sage Hana” is a real bitch"
Now now. Meatballs, no lady.
Lol. Just callin’ em as I see ‘em.
Thing is Mel,he deserves everything he (Campbell) gets.
He deserves no grace.
In his hard pushing vaxx era on youtube,I showed my father(PhD immunologist,microbiologist and haematologist) them. He was horrified by the malfeasance.
From the moment mrna tech was pushed,my father recommended avoiding the jabs like the plague. He was so angry that someone as unqualified as Campbell,was pushing the shots hard. And using a platform that reached out to people that would take him as a voice of authority.
Campbell is an unqualified clown when it came to the complexity of this matter and if anyone has been damaged by his pushing of the shots,he deserves treated like every other pusher.
Wish I could have said it as well as you. Campbell set himself up as an expert and gave people terrible advice, may have cost some people their lives. If the man had any dignity he would never speak out on public health matters again.
Until those seeing the truth reach critical mass, anyone who begins publicly aspousing truth, and especially if they were visibly and publicly supporting the narrative some time ago is valuable.
I agree with another poster in a different thread that Campbells slow realization of the awfulness of the truth and the level of corruption is both fascinating and I imaging effective in drawing many people along with him.
Similarly, Malhotra appears to have had a noticeable effect on others (eg Andrew Bridgen).
If there is no hope of redemption, then nobody could ever afford to open their eyes or turn away from evil after an initial wrong decision. Please bear that in mind when asking for those who repent for being fooled to be treated the same as those who do not, or those who instigated this or who control it.
Nope,completely disagree.
Campbell reached out to a vast audience via his channel,assuming a position of authority over matters he had no right to take.
He carries the weight of every soul he maimed or killed,while he was renumerated healthily by youtube for those videos.
Let's see him stump up for the funerals of those his malfeasance caused to be damaged first.
There has been no mea culpa,no contrition, no apology, no admitting his errors and has no shame.
Malhotra probably reached a larger audience with his appearances on TV, and he definitely and directly persuaded some people to get vaxxed IIUC.
Don't get me wrong; both of them almost certainly caused quite a lot of harm where their individual voice swung the balance.
At this point, they have the ability to swing the balance the other way, and IMO their former position and now their reversal makes it easier for others to see where they were misled, or to believe that the truth is not just believed in by people who believe any crazy theory.
Assuming that such things could be counted reliably, does saving 10 lives or preventing 10 injuries cancel out causing 10? If not 1:1, then does any ratio provide redress or expiate the guilt? If you think not, then by your code I think we would all be condemned irredeemably.
Is causing one death and saving 1000 worse than standing by and doing nothing at all? Does that equation change depending on what the protagonist knows and when they know it?
In my view, the real issue is whether the Kulangeta can be exposed enough to prevent the next operation, or to weaken them really significantly. Cases like Campbell and Malhotra should IMO be viewed as tactical issues in that larger war.
Why this person has attracted "followers" is a sign 'o' the times in that they pose as "edgy hipster" who postures at arms length using 'snark' as their primary mode of communication. This has been normalized in today's media landscape and elsewhere.
If you take a look at the volume this person posts, examine the percentage of substance produced you are looking at an extremely low batting average. For the most part the script is one of constant manipulations combined with oscillations of attacks on anyone who disagrees and "charms" towards the groupies that lavish attention. Somehow "the followers" at present seem to be unaware or are overlooking how they are being engineered. It's all paper thin and tedious.
I don't think I've ever seen this individual engage at length and in any detail on matters of evidence. That is because he can't. So he gets attention in other ways (mainly via sandbox thrashing)which is quite a bit easier than slogging through history and reading papers.
Sure question everything, even do it irascibly if you like- but provide some evidence and some substantial refutations along the way. Base mudslinging has a short shelf life and can only serve one purpose.
In my view, it's not "edgy hipster" at all, it's more like skanky wannabe jerkweed...
Word Herder...excellent usage of vernacular . Of course, I agree with your assessment, so I may be biased...but there ya are!
I've won awards in the Kennel... ;)
Of this I have no doubt 🙃
I found value in "her" work at first, because "she" was picking out the important bits and distilled some of the more lengthy and convoluted posts of others. But I unsubscribed after a while, as "she" was posting a lot of crap.
“She” was posting as if she was always discovering something new that others could never have thought of. But they could have and they did, way before she ever did.
Yes and I hope that purpose soon finds itself burning down in flames.
They almost always do. ;)
And hey, Allen, I meant to say Happy Boxing Day.
I'm sending you a box... ;)
The cat will be pleased (with the box). Just make sure it is empty.
A very unfavourable signal to noise ratio.
Irascible is a word I need to herd more often.
Um.... they're squirrels?
I will never trust the judgment of John Campbell or Aseem Malhotra as they ignored masses of evidence very early that the vax was a joke. I will give them credit for coming around. Better late than never and JC was pro early treatment and gave Ivermectin a fair review when it was verboten to do so.
I'll save the "Dead Pool" entries for those who openly advocated for war crimes on the unvaxxed like Gene Simmons etc.
John Campbell's slow motion red pilling has been one of the more interesting arcs of the last few years.
Seeing an earnest, good faith man who served the medical-education system his whole life realise all the dysfunction and corruption endemic to it, and then keep going has been nice to see, it'd be much easier for a man of his age to look the other way.
He's also someone I'd be comfortable pointing normies to, like Jeffrey Sachs and the lab leak issue.
I don't give two shits about JC but Aseem Malhotra's truth journey seems quite genuine. And for the cause of stopping the shots very useful to the normies. Prove that Malhotra knew earlier that the shots were bad but still promoted them and I'm willing to listen but for now realizing his very healthy father did not have chronic heart disease so it must have been the injections makes good sense.
The evidence was there in early 2021 for anyone who wanted to see it. Singapore was the first government to throw in the towel in June when they had 84% shot up and still had a huge outbreak. Delta blew through the "vaccine" easily. Of course they kept the vax passport cause control freaks gonna control freak. Israel, Gibraltar & Seychelles all bombed badly early on. Iceland was so proud of themselves and bragged about achieving herd immunity via vaccination in June of 2021 only to have Delta blow them away in July. The minister of health in a moment of depression induced honesty said that "The idea you can get rid of a virus like this with a vaccine is a myth".
Anyone watching the canaries in the coal mine could see they were deader than the parrot in the Monty Python skit. Wishful thinking and "hope" (Brix) were all they had at that point.
I'm glad both came around and like I said "better late than never" but I'm not impressed and will not trust their judgment.
Yeah, but how/where could normies see the canaries? They couldn't. The level of censorship from the get go was immense. It is one of the obvious & early huge red flags, But people can't know what they don't know- that is the whole point of censorship. .
The CDC admitted in May of 2020 that the IFR (Infection Fatality Rate) was 0.3% which is similar to the Asian flu of the late 1950's and the Hong Kong flu of the late 1960's. After that none of the interventions was warranted. Yet they went along with masks and injection mandates.
The fear porn got to them and they didn't want to know. This VENN diagram from the "bad catitude" substack sums up the problem. About 10-20% will pass any one of these "tests" and all 3 at once was just too much for most people.
Can I have a hug?
Derrick, I hope you are doing well. I don't approve of using female name, but I hope you are ok. And I think MC is a good guy.
I think we can think about this and come out better. I think you hate cult and deathvax.
Ask Blessed Virgin Mary for help
*A strange man appears from nowhere and hugs you swiftly then retracts suddenly*
*Gasps and signals out his woolen jacket drenched with rain*
Now, how would one spell 'toodaloo''. Heh, it always had such a resonating charm that I've never really questioned its origins before. Would I stop saying it when those perfect moments arose knowing the cyntax now hinders those moments?
Probably not :)
*Hugs you for the fifth time
Yeah, really sorry.
“She” is also really mean in the comments sections of other people’s substacks....
I agree. I'll have a talk with Sage to curb the meanness.
I get a very strong odor of narcissism from Sage.
Of course, even narcissists have insight worth sharing some times... but things inevitably devolve into unproductive conflict like this.
Narcissism has never been isolated or purified.
Now, seriously, Sage Hana is a writer. Writers create controversy and fights to have something to write about. Some call it self-preservation.
You mean, ‘monkey boy’ honk honk
You didn't owe any of this to anybody. Anyone who can't tell you're a good dude just isn't a particularly astute judge of character.
He is not a reliable when he pledges to "absolutely respect your anonymity", now is he Grant?
I missed this before.
Good layering, except the failure to distinguish between the noun/adverb/adjective placement of absolute.
I respect a lot of people and their rights. When I see one raise an axe at a family in a park, I'm going to find a clean shot and open fire.
You f'd around and found out, didn't you? Just like a good detective.
Why do you LARP as a woman? How very Gorski of you
If you keep upping the ante those statements don’t apply. ‘Can we all be gentlemen here?’ ‘Yes I promise to be.’ Fair enough. But if you aren’t one then the other person doesn’t have to be either.
It’s wise, however, to pre-empt the muckrakers. Now they have NOTHING on Mathew with one T. (And the Bible Camp liquor store confession tells me we could be friends.)
Laughing at Vacation Bible School at a liquor store in Alabama really makes a great filter.
Even a good dude does not help all the time. He sometimes makes mistakes. Even those hard to repair.
Well said .. I tried to write a few responses to "Sage", the second may have been misunderstood, as seems "she" is an expert in misunderstanding. But really, your one sentence says it all - anyone who can't tell Mathew is a good dude just isn't a particularly astute judge of character!
I only discovered RTE recently. What hooked me was Mathew's refreshing frankness in a world of weaponized, gubmint-sponsored fakery. And since, I've learned so much, so much biology I was unaware of. I've long been in the fight against medical quackery, and despite the great tragedy of so many lives lost and damaged, the pharmafia has truly shot itself in the foot this time, and red-pilled an astonishing number of people in a mere three years.
Pretty much what he said.
"You can't be neutral on a moving train" is something the proto-wokesters would point out when trying to wedge people across various issues. The problem with this phrase isn't that it's wrong, but rather that people often can't agree what train they're on. Often if you don't take sides, people will very quickly sort into "sides" and de-facto leave you on one.
I think the real reason people in the MFM / "Not a movement" (or whatever we'll call it) are turning on each other is anger and frustration over creeping realization that "we've" lost:
1) Nobody has been held criminally responsible for any of the harms from lockdowns, mandates, and vaccine injuries.
2) Hardly anything has been done to prevent the very same measures being put into place for the "next pandemic"
It was easy for people to go along and get along when the carrot of some kind of justice hung over people's heads. Now that it's fading, very little is left to bind people who would otherwise disagree together. How many things will people ignore (bad data, shady histories, mistakes, ect) happily ignore and deflect from as long as "victory" is near?
I think the only way for people to be properly motivated to discuss mistakes and problems is to acknowledge that victory isn't close at all. Can anyone really say we're further away from new lockdowns and coercion than 2018 was? If anything these things have been effectively normalized.
"But what about all the people who woke up?" Yeah they've all been purged from positions of authority.
If there is a "round 2", as things currently stand we will be measurably worse off despite people "waking up".
Dr Yeadon called it. They planned for this and planned for resistance. What we're seeing is the outcome of hardly anything outside the plan taking place. I think you Mathew have an eye for many of the correct solutions (decentralized actions that scale well), but I'm not seeing how this series helps.
I was looking forward to more cases like the original post, with iron clad proof of sabotage. Instead I just see the same in-fighting that I've been prone to ignore this entire time. Corbett says "the moment it's about the people and not the ideas it's over, because it becomes a soap opera" and that's effectively what much of this looks like.
I don't think it's really many people's fault individually. As a whole people are having a hard time accepting (and apparently responding to) criticism without taking it as an attack. I don't know to what degree fanbases inflame this, but I estimate quite a bit. I don't really have answers, but it's clear something has gone very, very wrong.
I don't think anger over losing is the reason people are turning.
Some of us have not stopped to call out the dishonesty of others. And within that are stories of how movements are sabotaged with prior planning. Read article 2 from this series again.
"Some of us have not stopped to call out the dishonesty of others."
I'm talking about the other side of the equation. The people "making compromises" getting defensive when called out. I'm 100% with you on the details mattering, and I don't think you're wrong to feel mistreated.
On the other hand flamewars over the details don't seem to improve things.
How many people got caught up in the "are viruses even real?" fight?
How many people are fighting over died suddenly?
How many people are fighting over the Malone lawsuit?
All of these things can be seen creating more flamewars in the comments of various blogs/videos and *shudders* telegram chats.
This doesn't mean that content like died suddenly shouldn't get criticized, I think the mistake is when people get dragged into fights with no real win condition. I doubt Stew P would ever concede and take down or rework the film in the best case scenario.
If you believe these people are chaos agents what is there to gain in brawling with them?
Some of the places online devoted to documenting crazy or aggressive people online have a firm: "document but don't engage" policy.
Gabe, this isn't a flame war. Ultimately, this ties in to the whole lesson: how the influencers are created.
Also, please respect that I've been engaged. I've had my home destroyed, and been assaulted. I've had my email hacked, and been tailed both in Texas and in Puerto Rico. We're dealing with violent people, and that needs to be understood and respected.
Who do you think destroyed your home? Who assaulted you? Who tailed you?
What "violent people" are we dealing with? If it isn't Sage Hana, are you accusing Stew Peters? Pfizer and Moderna? The WHO and WEF?? CIA, FBI?
If it isn't a flame war, then why are you attacking Stew Peters and Tom Renz and calling them "Chaos Agents"? By "Chaos Agents", you mean people who are actually on some government or industrial payroll, and deliberately lying to damage the MFM movement, if indeed there is such a thing?
Isn't it possible that they're just thinking differently than you?
If you're asking all these questions, you haven't yet read the articles. If you haven't yet read the articles, why are you so excited?
"What "violent people" are we dealing with?"
Unfortunately, I can't answer that with certainty, but I've written about people with well-established histories that involve violence and people sort of dying because of it.
Maybe Thomas Renz is not a liar. Maybe he's just somebody who repeatedly forgot or misinterpretted every conversation he and I had about the data, or kept forgetting to post a notice that the statistician that he entrusted the data job with found his prior findings entirely invalid. I dunno, you tell me.
Instead of focusing on the label Chaos Agents in a way that I have not applied, I recommend sticking to base facts.
I did read each and every article in the "Chaos Agents" series. Including the first one, referring to the Themis Report, which I also read.
The Themis Report was very meticulous in stating that their concern was "the dangers of getting infiltrated by government agents or proxies for forces opposing the health freedom movement." And they did a very thorough job of documenting that "Carolina Bonita" behaves in a way that fits the description.
Are you using "Chaos Agent" in a different sense, to mean anyone who prefers a strategy of trying to radicalize the public and drive them to anger, rather than taking a solid, data-driven and calm approach?
I did not read all fourteen articles in your DMED series, but I did read #8, #9, #10 and a random smattering of others. I understand that there was some sort of manipulation or corruption of the data from 2016-2020 which occurred sometime between April 2021 and February 2022, when you noticed a discrepancy between older and newer reports of what should have been the same information.
I still can't understand whether you think there's something wrong with the data as it was reported initially; and if so, why.
I'm sure you spend many hundreds and thousands of hours researching and writing this substack. It's not that easy to follow, even with a reasonably diligent effort. If Tom Renz calls you with a question, and you tell him to come back after he reads two dozen articles, I can see why he'd eventually throw up his hands.
Uh... have you considered that it's not people you KNOW OF?
Maybe the Deep State has some participants?
Maybe the globulists have some agents of hell?
CIA, FBI, WHO, WEF, yeah. uh, YEAH. Did you think this is a fricken game?
Globulist is a great word. I may have to steal it.
It's not "are viruses even real?" Get it straight: There is NO EVIDENCE of viruses. No "virus" has EVER BEEN ISOLATED. Period. I think that matters. How could it NOT matter?
So when you want answer as a grownup and not as a child, I'll listen to you.
And yeah, chaos agents matter, traitors matter, liars and thieves and killers MATTER.
My wife has isolated viruses in a lab. Lots of people have. I'm not sure why anyone would claim with certainty that it's never been done.
Ahhhhh, your WIFE. Well, that explains it.
Right. The psyop isn't going to go far here.
It ain't over. It's FAR from over.
It aint over
A disquieting take, but I fear this, too. I've had rueful thoughts that I will end up in a hippy, off-grid commune as my only recourse to escaping the juggernaut. And have newfound admiration for those who have elected to do the same in the past - who have opted out of an unwinnable fight. There is a sad realisation that we may be doomed to similar ignominy and "crank" sidelining.
And we may NOT be "doomed" at all.
The future is not yet written.
I absolutely believe they are going down.
In the end my Immaculate Heart Wii Triumph
Yep, I agree. Hope you had a nice Christmas, JR.
Merry Christmas!!😎
That's the spirit! Yes, despite my occasional dips into despair, I do tend to hold on to that golden thread of optimism. Hope springs eternal. We do, simply, have to believe that the human spirit will prevail.
I like to fantasise, too, that even the sheep will start going "wtf?", once they realise that their farmer has gone rogue and is eating all the turnips himself. Ok, my metaphor broke down there - but I couldn't quite envisage the farmer grazing all the lucerne.... 😂😂😂
Tell ya what... I've been hearing, over the past months, that the USA was actually turned into a CORPORATION, illegally, of course, back in the Civil War era... 1861, I believe...
Well, if there's one thing that could rally ALL THE PEOPLE, regardless of what we think about a damn "virus" --- Maybe THAT would be it. I bloody well hope so!!! Lookit this vid:
Slight error... This happened in 1871, not 61.
And here's a very good explanation of how it works:
No, it's happening because we're winning actually.
I agree. In spite of our foolishness, we are. Because we DO have truth on our side, and we DO have some good people on our side, and we DO have Righteousness on our side, and the Bad Guys are just vile. ;)
How are we winning? They're killing children
Few parents are getting their kids boosted, which many on this side of the debate are viewing as a victory. To the extent that it's a victory, we'll have to wait and see, but it's not nothing.
It's not nothing. I agree
Gabriel, I'm not turning on anyone. I have nasty local fights, but am over them in 48 hours. (I am sure they ARE NEVER OVER THEM. 😂😂😂 generally.
Very fearful, angry, but hope. Not a Kumbaya moment... Ill be in another fight within a day.
Never paid much attention to Sage comments and thrilled to know I've been spared another mean spirited fraud littering my thoughts. Thanks for the fraud laid bare.. always fun to see schemers caught up in their own lies even w/o preceding drama it's a popcorn moment... nom nom! :~)
Some are very funny, IMO.
But comedy is in the eye of the beholder.
odd URL.. kinda fitting if nom nom reply was phishing, eh?
Ummm.... try this one? Got there via Matthew's link?
Not "phishing".
Researching. Due diligence etc...
It's Derrick's you tube upload of a Cyndi Lauper 80's classic?
No idea what you're talking about otherwise Pam.
Holy crap, finally another human being who knows about the Chinese College Paper Mills.
When I tutored grad school classes I was approached by "tutoring agencies" that would do bait-and-switch interviews that would end with asking for on-demand papers. Same with individual, wealthy students, who would usually become angry or feign some kind of cultural misunderstanding and then ask me, well, if it was "completely unethical" to write your research paper (and fake your results), how much MORE would it cost to make it ethical?
They were universally Chinese-run academic programs or the wealthy children of Chinese parents still overseas doing MBA or social sciences.
I seriously thought most people knew about the “mills”….
I've always gotten a skeptical, baffled, or disinterested stare when I've complained about it.
But it is apparently also a verboten subject in much of academia because of the parties it reflects badly on.
I love that we have more in common than I imagined. Whodathunk potato cannons would be that thing? 😉
Btw, my biker radar tells me Derrick the spiceboy is a provocateur, used for stirring up the low iq crowd. He/She uses classic “stir the pot” techniques. It does make his stack a great way for people (with at least half a brain) who are new to chaos or agent provacateur behavior to study the clearly obvious techniques he utilizes. Consider it a remedial/sub 101 course.
I agree that the goal (whether or not he fully understands it) is to stir a largely low IQ crowd. Others will be mixed in because, yes, we do all have our entertainment depots. Hopefully the ones who don't want to handle reality as a stoner show when the stakes are this serious will get it and leave now.
Potato cannons rock! Really, they're a lot like model rockets. You scratch an itch for "wow" while taking a step forward in the basic discipline of engineering. And weeee fun.
Derrick told me to fuck off three months ago when I mentioned that his snarky schtick was total yawn. 🥱 He came sniffing in my stack but I don’t think I was of much interest. You, on the other hand, were too much of an attractive ‘whale’. Too bad for Ahab.
Now, is it possible that you airing out your fallibility makes me love you even more? Your humanness is showing. I wish I had gotten an opportunity to potato cannon like you guys.
Maybe there’s no cohesive movement and maybe we can’t even define what it ought to be. But I’ll forever be a collaborative anarchist and being a part of a community that defines itself, self-corrects and grows while exiting the oppressive systems that spurred it in the first place is just fine. We in it now.
Note: the best potato cannon we had got help from a naughty parent. You have a few years to take your kids to a field to test one?
Some things are easier further from a metropolis.
At some point I realized that my punk youth was the rats in a cage effect, so sharing it felt like shedding light on the problem.
I do skip over the early years in a post like this because it's so much darker.
The perceptive kid sees school for what it is and secretly wishes for its demise. Very akin to the accelerationists who don't wish to reform the system, but burn it to the ground so something new can emerge.
Punk rock used to be what's cool. Rebellion was an attractive quality. Now, it would appear that it's 'compliance' that's desired. Barf. Potato cannons for everybody!
Just consider me the wacko aunt/grandma type who is more than happy to pick you and kids up for a weekend of potato cannon fun!
If you put this together, I'd love to, and I'd see if we could bring an engineer or two along.
We may want to describe a planning process. The cutting amd fitting of PVC is the larger process.
Oh sweetie - we have welders and thick walled metal pipe and black powder & such. Some bikers do not mess around. ;-)
I bet Rebecca already has the tools for that in her back pocket.
You know I do.
Oh gawd, don't tease. I've got three boys.
I raised 3 boys. I am well versed in anything gross or loud or destructive is cool.
I can’t top either of you, but I offer this: raising my youngest daughter was like having triplet boys with severe ADD….lol
(And I seriously consider now that the problem may have started after her 2nd round of vaccines……)
I agree, and that was the way I approached it/she/he. But the study is over now, and the results are conclusive. "Sage" and his ilk are at best wounded souls. At worst? Well, let's just say I smell something quite foul cooking.
Here I thought I was the only one banned from Sage. Congratulations. Thanks for revealing the "man" behind the curtain, as well.
Joe, I kind of regret banning you. You probably didn't deserve it. You are a good dude.
You were saying that I should offer up all of my content for free, and it really bothered me.
Sadly, that's not what I was saying, and that's why I was so surprised (shocked) by the ban. I just thought that, on that particular topic (which I frankly don't remember) comments from everyone (not just paid subscribers) might be beneficial. I don't expect you to work for free, but on some issues, I only hoped you might allow everyone to weigh in. No worries; I can live with the ban. You are correct, though - I am a good dude. :)
Wow how many of us are there? Edgy but 'banny' i guess is Hana's schtick. Or is the proper gender term just stick now? I got banned with no warning after 'they' politely conversed with me for a dozen or so comments, without warning or reason. The super sleuths that all think they are the bees knees deduced that because i was crapping on about viruses not existing, and the fact that i had 70 subscriptions on substack, that this was proof positive that i am a cointel operative. Thats some good sleuthing that is!
I'm so sorry you have to go through this Mathew. This kind of smearing and attacking while ignoring the truth seems to be the way a significant number of people (and I'm including certain corporate leaders and politicians) work these days. Keep on keeping on. Truth WILL win out. It's just a question of when.
He/she was a one-trick-pony at best. Perhaps a year or so ago he/she had some early insight, albeit, nothing that was too difficult to discover for oneself. Since he/she has gained a bit of a following, I could no longer stand the increasing amount of sanctimonious whining because he/she didn’t have a credentialed street cred from which to shout from. He/she then early on became desperate for attention/ paying subscribers, too desperate. I suspect plagiarism has played a part in he/she’s increased following but it is only a suspicion, not an indictment.
In summary, he/she is a glorified troll hiding behind a female persona for victim points if/when questioned or attacked. Your headline couldn’t be more perfect. I sincerely appreciate your work Mr. Crawford. Your SBF and Stew Peters analysis has been much appreciated by your fellow non DRS subscribers.
Why not just say he?
Why not just say "she"?
Character versus actor.
That begs another question: what is Substack? I've been treating it as a place for freelance journalists to ask important questions, publish important facts and share helpful patterns of thought. I credit Chris Bray, Mary Beth Pfeifer, Naked Emperor and Mathew for leading me to think so. Is all Substack just a stage for cosplayers to strut and spam with posts and comments signifying nothing? I hope this episode doesn't lead me to such a pessimistic conclusion.
It's a platform for writers who hope to make a buck, of course. It's just filling out its genre portfolio as it grows. Perfectly natural.
If you don't like the newcomers, don't subscribe. Easy! Well... it will be easier when the comment system here evolves better filtering.
Brand recognition is always a poor substitute for discernment.
Loved the confessions. A little bit of us all in there.
Hana, I mean Derrick, showed his true colours early on to me. Here is a juicy quote for you:
Sage Hana 29TH SEPT 2022
"It is my prerogative. I exercised it. I like the video. I like the discussion about the video.
To be clear. I don't like you, Frances. I've been willing to indulge you a little bit, b/c I suspect that you are a lonely bitter old bat of human being and this is what passed for engagement in your life.
I don't want to ban you. I think some people may like to engage with you here.
I was nothing but kind to you from the minute you came around here, but that will be no more. If you think this is snarling, thank your not a virus higher power that we are not face to face."
Delightful character? lmfao!
SH is nasty. I enjoyed the Stack for a bit, but he is the dark side of social media. I’m surprised one by one he hasn’t lost his whole readership.
I am nailing it in that comment!
The only person you nailed was yourself, Derrick. You were so far off base it was painful to witness. You were also revealing precisely who you are and it is ugly, with bad manners as the icing on that rotten cake.
Are you a childless male? That comment reeks of childless male.
Internet Badass Syndrome cranked to 11, is what that is. Sage's ugliness is revealed to all outside the Not A Cult trip this person is on. I guess that's the most "normie" thing about "her," when all is said and done.
It's schtick. Either you get it or you don't. If you don't, don't read it.
I get that. Sort of like Don Rickles, but not funny.
You actually believe that was an original remark? Goodness me.....
You actually don't know the definition of schtick? Goodness me.....
Now you claim superiority for understanding the use of a slang word?
Are you for real?
Or are you Sage Hana?
Al I was saying is the schtick (not a slang word, at least not anymore) does not by any means imply originality. Quite the opposite.
And I get why you don't like Sage's schtick, especially when it is aimed at you personally. Frankly, it's not all that clever. But it's just meant to be mildly amusing and not to be taken that seriously, like a class clown. Does that make sense to you?
Look pal. I don't give a flying fuck what YOU want to call it. It was not 'mildly amusing' nor typical of a 'class clown'! It was deliberately mean and nasty. Does that make sense to YOU?
I am a Brit - not some half educated hick chump who tolerates rudeness and bad manners. You should note that I consider your interjection and attempt to placate extremely lacking in empathy or grace.
It is oafish.
First Santa Claus and now Sage Hana? All my heroes are zeroes?
Say it isn't so, Joe!
Santa's not a chick, either, no. I'm sorry.
(S)He may be in some households. Don't be sorry!
In some libraries.
Santa is a fraud. I know some elves. Mrs Claus runs that show. Santa is too drunk on milk and cookies, he has a dairy allergy, to even deliver toys 1/4 of rhe way through the night. They’ve been covering for him for years.
You don’t know that, Matthew. Has he/she declared his pronouns yet?
Her pronouns? Their pronouns? I have my doubts about Rudolph. That’s for sure. A little light in the loafers if you ask me.
Most of this (not your writing, which was fuckin hilarious) is simply weird and boring and doesn't seem very important to adults.
Why even acknowledge it?
Not speaking for Mathew but adding #my2c from watching similar situations in assorted activist movements over the years. Ankle biters and snipers never really go away and they stockpile distracting BS to be deployed as disruption in other situations.
It is invaluable to have a one time, air it all out, fact based account to link to rather than waste time & energy for every dust up... trolling dirtbags never retire they get funding! :~)
Astute observations…I didn’t really pay much attention to this until it became nasty …and then it was obvious who the adult was….
Miss you girl!
Miss you too!! <3
Great point. Unuseful posts; is that even a word?) are not worth the time. Best ignored. I subscribe to quite a lot of substackers but I read only probably about 5%., if that.
You're welcome to subscribe to and not read my stack. It is about 35% valuable content.
Responding to personal attacks basically never seems worth it unless it's in some low-stakes place like a comment section and you just feel like a cheerfully low-class bar fight that you're not actually expecting to accomplish anything with- which I have DEFINITELY enjoyed from time to time, but I sure as hell wouldn't burn a single brain cell on or think it matters.
This whole pointing and screaming "controlled opposition" stuff is getting kind of annoying. And yet I do actually worry about the concept, in theory.
I bounced off of Sage Hana/Derrick early in pandemic blogging, I could never put my finger on why.
Sage Hana wasted about thirty minutes of my time this year before I started scrolling past all his comments, months ago. Good to have confirmation of my bias. Scrolling through the comments on his post about Mathew, I found some other commenters in the same category.
Consider becoming a Founding Member!
Y'know, I don't even need an email from you. I can just use the "Gift a subscription" feature if you first sign up for free here at RTE.
I think it would be good for you. You might learn some math or some self-control. It would help clear the air.
I have to apologize for that comment, Sage Hana. It wasn't necessary or upbuilding, people know how to use time wisely on forums. It was rude. And, in fact, I recall I did read a few of your comments earlier this month though my general habit is to scroll on. You left me with more questions than answers and I felt more of my time had been wasted. But that's true of much of what I've read on Substack in the last few months.
He actually had an interesting style. If he wasn’t nasty he could have had a good gig going. But he also needed good material which ran out fast. He should start over, adjust the style, and be more of a moderator, rather than a content creator.
Lol. Didn’t know the name but that Sage Hana was a dude was clear after about 5 minutes on the stack. A dude with a need for followers.
Is this for certain - Sage is Derrick?
I'm sad to see the devolution happening - was enjoying the notion of a robust and occasionally fiesty substack world - chock full of the varieties of personalities one would expect of creative, intelligent people.
This is now feeling, sad.
Hi Kathleen. Feel happy, if you can. Dumping vicious, trash-talking filled rants is really good for your sweet spirit. “She” attacked “A Midwestern Doctor” the other day, too, just because AMD didn’t call for hanging by the neck until dead, people who are coming around to the side that these genetic biologics maim and kill all too often. “Her” response to AMD, all caps lock on, raging maniacally against anyone “she” perceives as “her” betters, was quite a spectacle. Just before I was banned, lol, I’d told “her”- “Mental wellness isn’t your strong suit.”
I hear ya. And I certainly didn't like that either. The 'blowing stuff up' thing while obviously disproportionate, felt to me, nonetheless sincere - sincere as in something was getting triggered that felt raw - and which I felt she understood about herself. I give a lot of room if I sense sincerity. Of course maybe my notion of Sage, was just that, a notion. Sigh.
Sage as cipher- we all had our "vision" of who "she " was -
Would you have treated ‘her’ as you did if the Sub had been ‘Sage Derrick’?
There's so much out there, not just substack...
James Corbett.
I know. Love Corbett.
Corbett has a substack now, too. I subscribe and it's at least useful to keep more of my media feed in one vacuumed folder.
Maybe this will chear you up 😀
Finkle is Einhorn...Einhorn is Finkle
ha! and that's my first laugh of the day - TY
I provided some feedback over there to call out a post whose only goal appeared to be malicious, and got flamed as a reward. It seems clear that Sagerrick prefers a bubble of adulating followers to any real feedback. I don’t hold malicious attacks and spats as having any value to the rest of us - regardless of the source.
Sagerrick, lol. Is he a brother to Baldrick? (for Black Adder fans only...)
Maybe some day Acorns TV will pick up that series.
Yes. One of the better exemplars of British TV comedy for sure!
Haven’t seen it but looks good. One of my faves is Fawlty Towers.
Black Adder is in the same league as Fawlty Towers. Acerbic, witty, and eccentrically hilarious. Skewering the British class system perfectly.