Look at the comments to the story. There were only two (by the same person) so far at the time I wrote this comment but they certainly question the entire premise of the article based on what they claim is the experience of a friend of theirs with el centro regional (being left in a bed and basically not being seen.... and having doctors consider putting him on a ventilator) with Dr Tyson (the medical centre sent back Dr tyson's treatment without informing the patient apparently; patient left the hospital, went to Dr Tyson and was able to have treatment done at home). You are right that the American medical Kunlangeta only despise the people and aren't fooling enough people. I think this applies to quite a few doctors across the globe actually.

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Thank you noticing that and pointing it out. I will make it an addendum tomorrow.

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This is disgusting because I remember days past when I would have read an article like this uncritically and simply believed it. The media are complicit in deceiving people and have blood on their hands.

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All of these doctors and people are heroes. Thanks for sharing. Makes this morning easier to bear (blue state resident).

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I can't wait to read their book. Courageous men. Definitely worth asking oneself, when one reads these articles: What could doctors who speak up about covid treatment and share their clinical findings possibly have to personally gain from it? What do they have to lose?

Ask yourself the same thing about the doctors who don't speak up or who go along with the narrative and it paints a picture of who you might want to trust.

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Fuck it, i'm done with these hacks. Roll out the gallows already

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I was just thinking that despite my advanced age, I am still a bloodthirsty little cossack inside like when I was seven years old. You hurt my pet or another defenseless human being I went ballistic and literally would beat the crap out of them. I have learned to restrain myself somewhat, but I still feel like I could happily slap the shit out of all those bureaucrats behind the podium......I am with you. Roll out the gallows already.

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I get it. Fully. The feelings of violence when not used for self-defense must be completely mastered. Strength of wisdom and character must always be kept stronger than the urge for violence.

Not that I am some sort of zen master myself at all this, but I try to remind myself that you can either become the monster or slay it. If you cannot control it in your first, slaying it only means becoming it.

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Next lesson for the anger and violence inside is to harness it so that it doesn't overwhelm my intellect, so my intellect can be the true master. I will be using the law instead of my fists. Wish me luck.

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You make me think of this: “Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness.”

― Terry Pratchett, Men at Arms: The Play

I got so utterly overwhelmed with rage about that demonic Carl Malden clone CEO saying the unvaxxed are criminals (yawn worthy trite big lie), that the only thing I could do to tame it was to pray for him, and I don't believe in god, nor am I religious or really even very spiritual. Oddly enough prayer helps with rage ("may the best possible outcome prevail", the Larry Dossey prayer). The Sauronic really are weak, but they will escalate when their crack- addiction- like power is threatened. I'm sure they are gratified by how so many are reacting to almost two years of this like people kept in solitary 23 hours a day in maximum security prisons, and how the Cornelius Fudge cult of leaders and MSM has gained more power over derealized, grief-stricken people filled with dread and fear. But they are addicts filled with craving, like camp guards at Auschwitz tripping starving people for the pleasure, and that is their weakness. They are ring wraiths: https://blog.politics.ox.ac.uk/neurochemistry-power-implications-political-change/ The people who fought the nazis most effectively were often communities of love and belief in whom all aspects of being, like metal shavings to a magnet, aligned with a higher principle.

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They are ringwraiths...the Cornelius Fudge cult of leaders...The Sauronic....my word, I will never forget your words here....and you have tied together all the great works on good vs. evil...those choices we all face now to which side do you belong....Love it. Keeping it if I may?

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PS. I think I will adopt that motto....even if mine is very small...Better to light a small flamethrower, than curse the darkness. Many many thanks...love it.

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Not only are Dr. Fareed and Dr. Tyson true heroes in the present battle, they are also the *true experts* on early treatments for Covid.

Their reputations were staked on the choices they made with their patients. Show me even *one* so-called “expert” at El Centro Medical Center who can say the same. I guarantee that any bad outcome there was met with a shrug and “well, we did our best using the *expert* advice of the CDC, FDA, etc.” Just passing the buck...

We need more people like Fareed and Tyson with the guts to “stand in the gap” and protect patients in spite of the risk to their careers. And this statement goes beyond just medicine.

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Excellent piece.

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To be fair to the council members, the Q & A section after the doctors' prepared talks showed that at least a few and probably most of them were supportive of Drs Fareed and Tyson. It was also clear from the conversation that the county health department was also supportive. One council member even floated the idea of the health department fund a clinical trial of their treatment protocol. Dr. Tyson correctly pointed out that it would have to be a retrospective trial comparing their patients to a similar cohort treated (or more accurately not treated) by other clinics. A randomized trial would be unethical given the strong data already supporting their protocol.

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Then wonderful. Good for them for recognizing the good done in their communities. I will respect that.

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I wrote a piece about how I felt the Gift of Fire folks were gaslighting you and Kirsch. Given the greek mythology them, you and Kirsch played the part of Cassandra. But I was thinking the only difference between Cassandra and Promethues is that while Cassandra is ignored, man certainly made use of the gift of fire.

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The censorship on social media is supposed to be legal because they are private companies, right? Yet, we know that gov't officials are coordinating with them to suppress misinformation. If the head of the NIH has openly called for a silencing of scientists and social media obliges, that sure seems to me like a 1st Amendment violation.

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So Cal has some mean Politicians, I live in San Diego and confront their stupidity every day!!

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Do you have a copy of the slide series that both doctors used in this presentation? Cheers, Peter

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This DIABOLICAL agenda is not about a virus . They will not stop lying, gaslighting injecting people with a bioweapon, locking down entire countries until the Real goal is accomplished:The Corona End Game https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-corona-end-game In 1992 and 2012 the entire Corona Pandemic scenario was presented to the public during The Olympics opening rituals The Corona End Game. Addendum https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-corona-end-game-addendum

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So it would be nice to have that Take Hom Treatment defined here, wouldn' t it?

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Just look up FLCCC protocols

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By which I take you mean the protocol in question there was the FLCCC protocols?

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