Dear Mathew

I am happy you appreciated the apology.

You didn’t need to look me up on google to find out who I am, you could’ve just emailed me directly as my email is on your subscriber log.


Joseph Fraiman

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Nice to meet you, Joseph. And thank you for speaking.

I stopped memorizing the subscriber log when it hit 13,000. ;-p

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I figured that much. I just wanted to let you know I am subscriber of yours and a fan of your writings, they have been insightful and excellent all around.

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This might be my favorite Substack moment.

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I'd like to thank you also, Dr. Fraiman. I'm sure millions would, and will when all is said and done.

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The first lowers the resistance of the rest. May the floodgates open.

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Maybe we can create a #imsorry trend going on Twitter

Some examples:

#Imsorry I initiall supported closing schools to stop the spread now I know we only harmed kids, and helped few.

#imsorry I’m sorry I used to think large groups of people socializing outdoors were crazy, now I know that was fine and I was the crazy one.

#imsorry I thought COVID zero was possible and if we only lockdown harder, now I realize that was an awful plan

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That's not a bad idea.

I think that Fauci should start with, "I'm sorry about those beagle experiments."


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I very much appreciated not just your apology, but the life path you chose as a doctor so that when it came time to be honest about what has happened, you had more freedom to do that than a lot of others who have taken a more institutional path. I cannot imagine the cognitive dissonance that is required by many of those doctors who know if they speak up they could lose their license. I listened to you and wished I had such a doctor for a friend.

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Dr. Fraiman, you are a brave man in our state. Thank you for participating in yesterdays conference and for your testimony. Please get in contact with Health Freedom Louisiana (specifically- Jill Hines) and see how you can help our state. We are in an all out war with LDH and the Governor who are bond and determined to harm our children. The states position on COVID vaccines for children is the worse in the nation. We need all the support we can get to stop their damage.

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Joseph, I'd love to write up your journey. I'm sure you're insanely busy, but if that interests you, I'd be honored to speak with you!



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I'm sorry for at first - and for too long - being more dismissive than curious about things that are obvious now (viral patents, plans for vaccine passports and mandates, global agendas far worse than pharma $ greed cutting some corners).

I'm sorry for ever - ever - checking Snopes or Media Bias Fact Check while thinking they probably have (some) bias but are at least worth looking at - not realizing how disgustingly corrupt those places are.  I also thought that the more that's said about things like there might be tech in the vaccines / the connection to global agendas, would feed the "fact checkers" to dismiss anyone with any doubts about official narratives or vaccine safety.  I now know the "fact checkers" feed like maggots on Anything contrary to the narrative, even heroic Dr's like Bridle, McCullough, Marik.  They would have done it anyway. 

I'm sorry for misunderstanding the claims that the *Response* to covid is a hoax, and was planned, to mean the virus itself doesn't exist, or was with certainty planned.  (Maybe it was planned, but some seemed so certain so soon about a lot of pieces, like viral patents and pandemic "preparedness" coordination. Maybe because they had been following the corrupt threads of NIAID, Fauci, Moderna, WEF, etc, for a long time, and I read a few articles from google and snopes.)

I'm sorry for not looking deeper into hydroxychloroquine when Democracy Now equated it with Trump, Bolsonaro, and "unproven treatment".   

My trust of most mainstream media was already low, but I'm sorry for thinking that Democracy Now was not mainstream media, that if there was something as important as the disease they keep saying is so dangerous and is overwhelming health care workers is actually treatable, that they would be honest enough to say so.  I feel an icky feeling now to think of Amy Goodman, like someone I once trusted who betrayed.   

I'm sorry to the people who tried to warn, who I didn't listen to about things more dark than I thought was possible to pull off beyond the wishful thinking of some sociopaths I doubted would have enough support to make it happen.  Some I have expressed this to, others I need to reach out to.  

I'm sorry I assumed anyone who had anything good to say about Trump didn't have anything else worthwhile to say.  What an ignorant assumption.

And most of all, a regret I'll carry always, perhaps for lifetimes, I'm sorry that - even with all my too-critical skepticism of "conspiracy" narratives, I didn't do more to share my skepticism of "safe and effective", and warn much sooner that there's something wrong, there is no informed consent, don't trust these injections.  I'm sorry for letting the words of hate, or complete misunderstanding, I received when I did put a lot of effort into writing things, slow me down even more.  

If I'd listened more to those I dismissed, I would have realized much sooner that these injections (they were right to insist they not be called "vaccines") were way worse than I thought.  I would have realized this disease could be treated, and not felt a weird guilt from having the ability to mostly step back from the world that many don't have.  (The low mortality rate figures have always been missing the point that many end up with long covid, and seems to ignore those of us not in good health.) But early treatment would make that much less likely. It was a huge mistake to not take the time to research this from the beginning.

I'm sorry for not finding the brilliant, necessary work of Mathew, and Dr Meryl Nass, and the FLCCC, and now.an overwhelming amount of good solid voices on Substack much sooner than I did.  

To those who put yourselves out there to warn others all along .. thank you ...

Much more to say that I don't know how to put into words ...

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Be glad that you have joined the club of truth and light, be glad that you have cut through the game of the spineless illusionist, be glad that you realize the future now is yours and not the thin, flashy, glamorous veneer of publicity and marketing...jump around, kiss the flowers, the lamppost, the bus, hug the janitor, the cashier, the trucker and be gratefull that you now know the tinfoil hat sits on the head of the elite...you have awoken...!


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Thank you for what you said, Dr Fraiman. I have had my trust in doctors shaken to the core after the first injection, administered under duress. I couldn't believe that doctors weren't speaking up. That they were actively coercing me to do it. That our university - the so-called premier university in Africa - had conscripted a pharma-paid doctor to bulldoze a mandate through the system and force it down our throats. That we, the coerced subjects and patients, we're having to do our own medical research, and being villified for wanting to make our own decisions. I couldn't believe that there was no doctor at the vaccination centre who would let me have a consent form on which I could sign that I didn't want this, that I knew exactly why I didn't want this, and that I was perfectly sane and rational and informed. That there wasn't a doctor there who would then say - you're right, this is wrong, and I support your choice not to do this and you should go back to your university and tell them you don't have to do this, and that we doctors are here to ensure that you don't have to - we've got your back. Instead, there was just a public health nurse who thought I was being silly. Who didn't know what to make of the fact that I stated I was doing it under duress. Who didn't seem perturbed that I still had covid symptoms ("oh, that doesn't matter"). Who didn't seem concerned that I was worried about my kids ("oh, nothing will happen to you"). Just get the damned thing in her arm and send her on her way with all the false platitudes and gratitudes.

No. No-one had my back.

And they are still trying to force me to go back for more. I am still poised to lose everything, despite all of that.

So now I have had to find the courage to resist, actively. And mobilise. And risk losing so much more than just my job. It has cost me my marriage, too. My life as I knew and loved it. Yet, there is no other way for me, as there is no point in saving any of that and completely obliterating myself and sense of self in the process. Our battle is not yet won. Here, in South Africa, it feels as though it's just starting. You see, we went and got massive pre-vaccine exposure and our stats look too good for the vaccinators. And the WHO and pharma don't like it. Not one bit. They are not done with us yet.

So, to get back to why I am trying to appreciate your apology. It has allowed me to try and see and recognise that many doctors had their attentions diverted. I do know that your profession is hard and that the initial waves were gutting. I will try to make allowances for that. I can't say that I'm there yet, because I still think you all need to rise up and defend your turf more rigourously. Remember what you signed up for. Put your patients full centre and tell the pharma and government to stay in their lanes and that YOU are the ones who are trained to look after your patients, and who will decide and discuss WITH them what is the best way for them to manage their health, and that each person will ALWAYS have a final say over what happens to their bodies, no matter what. I hope that other doctors will find their courage, and the right path again. I do hope that you, and the others who have been speaking up, will commit fully to this fight and stand with us, and not with those who just seek to harm and profit from us.

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I have such great respect for you, Dr. Fraiman!

I remember listening to you last year when the FDA was making decisions about the shot (if I remember correctly) ... you were talking about how the nurses were hesitant about getting the shot and saying they were not wrong. I remembered your voice from then and at that time you sounded as though you had so many questions, as so many of us did, and your words made me pause.

Thank you, thank you for your honesty and your integrity

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I can't say for sure if I'm just traumatized by the actions of my (Canadian) government, but I don't believe this is the end of covid. Nobody has been held accountable and in fact they have successfully implanted the idea to the public that these were "acceptable measures in difficult times". I fully expect more mandates and more impositions as the public has showed that they don't really care about liberty or even having rights.

As someone with a huge passion for tools and technology it has really made me face the stark realty that the culture matters, and it much harder to change than simply adopting a brand new solution. I am still trying to learn what that means in terms of what I should do about what is going on.

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Perfectly understandable.

I'm not sure what needs to be done, either.

I know that we need to get children out the public education system where they are brainwashed, but that requires educating parents on how to direct the education of their kids, individually or in coops.

I know that we need to replace a large subset of leaders, and hopefully punish criminals along the way.

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We’re in for a true Global Reset - not the premeditated one though - we’re postcreating that with the intuition of truth...we have been duped to think it smart to lie - truth and honesty always looks through the lie. They succeeded to blindfold us...for a time....soon they will look down at their empty hands and the karma that awaits them, their arrogance plainly shows that natural law is not in their book....

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I hear you Gabriel. We still can't get on a plane, train or ferry, domestically or for international flights, I still am not allowed on my campus to get into my office, my daughter remains barred from her university campus, (despite Dr. Moore, Ont. "chief" medical doc saying all colleges/universities "may" lift restrictions, they didn't where we live and we have 0 in hospital here "from" C19), my local school board where I supply teach occasionally (between semesters) still requires a re-education video on "vaccines" (I've not done it yet so I can't supply teach), and 2 rapid tests per week, and my husband is still on leave w/o pay from his "work from home" government job. The union took a knee to the government, and they are sitting on the group grievance "for now." We still have indoor mask policies in Ontario and Dr. Tam has said all restrictions might be back in the fall. Every week, with another breakthrough into the "news," I hope that, "this is it." Hope springs eternal.

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Yes, I am traumatized too by my Canadian government and my BC Dr. Henry government. Today I received phone call from my department management saying my exemption request got rejected and I have to get second dose within 14 days otherwise I will be fired. I am experiencing heart issues which is not severe enough to go to hospital ER but still frightening to me. I am a healthcare worker and working at a big hospital in Vancouver. Too scared to get second shot. Stressed out traumatized! A lot of my coworkers working in hospital got sick after booster shot. I don’t understand what is government purpose? Is there really agenda for them ? Apparently vaccination doesn’t stop transmission or infection. It’s proven now in our hospital department. Period! Then why they mandate vaccine so much? Other provinces are dropping mandates but why in BC they do opposite things? Totally confused!

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Know that Trudeau is Klaus schwabs favourite, they will try anything in Canada just to see how far they can go - no gloves - Young global leaders and all the rest of that elite live in their own warped bubble of what “career” can do for them. They might also know or at least sense (but of that one cannot even be certain) the peril they’ll face when taken down by the common folk - look at the hate that oozes out of them behind their facade....theiy and their agenda is truly evil...!

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Don't get that second shot, whatever else you do! Your health is worth more than your job.

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The idea that no exemptions are allowed after a reaction serious enough to cause you heart issues, shows us that there is nothing benevolent or normal about the push for these shots. I hope you can find an alternative to risking your health with another shot.

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Your point about technology is spot on. I think many think the latest technology will "save us" (whatever that means..). This is evident with these mRNA transfections. They are a testament to scientific hubris (if not worse).

I had the 'luxury' of avoiding a covid-19 shot and did what I could to boost my immune system. I got covid and it was very unpleasant despite my excellent health (genetic predispositions? lack of cross-immunity). I was able to get some medical help to prevent it from lingering but it took me 6 weeks to get over it.

Nevertheless, I don't regret it as I made peace with my decision some time ago. I don't fault the person who gave it to me (in all likelihood vaxxed and masked here in CA) and I don't expect others to take medical procedures for my benefit/risk. That's the philosophical difference between many of us and the masses that think of themselves as part of some society (like covidians).

I guess I don't respect society. Any respect I muster goes to individuals. To me, society will always be the product of the interaction of individuals. Of course, that doesn't mean it will be easy because the interplay between individuals is constantly fraught with the dangers of tyranny and authoritarianism but it gets even worse when you're dealing with broader/larger entities (i.e. governments etc.) or the masses.

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Dr. Fraiman was so moving, his apology was so incredibly gracious and he inspires hope to imagine others can see differently in time too. Don't tell Steve and spoil the energy but he's got a hedge; it's archived at Wayback for those who prefer not to play beat the clock with the content police! :~)

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Glad to know I'm not the only person who has 7 browser windows and 200 tabs open. What we need is an intelligent filing markup language for web pages, emails etc. A system where when you click add to favourites it organizes the entry within a fully classified path and shows you where it has been put. This could be smart in that it within trees it would only create and move content to sub folders as enough entries accumulated.

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That's a good idea.

My hope is that campfire.wiki will grow in participation, and be a good enough resource and information/link storage location.

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You don't quite get what I'm suggesting. In web pages you include a meta tag as below the * is being used as the item delimiter.

<meta name="FML" content="Computers*Computer Hardware*HDD/SSD Controllers*RAID Controllers*MegaRAID SAS 9341-4i">

OK so say you are using a new browser and you're putting a PC together. You find a raid card and click add to favourites. Because you only have one entry it is displayed just as the item 'MegaRAID SAS 9341-4i'. However as you might add more items to the list at a certain point your browser would look at the FML and ask if you want to create a 'RAID Controllers' folder to put all your links together. The more research you do the more folders would be created for you. This would be a very important tool in terms of research and personal management as we never get around to filing this stuff correctly. Maybe Steve would be interested.

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Yes the apology was outstanding.

I wish I can shake his hand one day. We need more people like that.

Was also delighted to to hear from so many experts that are new to me.

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Why has WEF taken down Putin as former Young Global Leader?

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Did they? Damn -these people are frickin evil

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... and fickle!

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Maybe it’s time for all of us to check out our local charitees and grassroots benefactors and the like, to get a Broader outlook on the Real deal....check out this video from Canada,


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It's easy for those of us in the US to lose perspective on the nature and reality of "war". It must be pointed out that Russia has not done any of the things which the US would do, such as destroy the civilian infrastructure from the air, then roll in and mop up. Since the coup the US staged in Ukraine 8 years ago, where they used actual neo-Nazi insurgents, then installed an actor (portraying a president) under the same party name used in his television show https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3305952/?ref_=fn_al_nm_1 , the US has used Ukraine to move weapons right up against the Russian border, and the Ukr government has been perpetrating nonstop violence against ethnic Russians. If the roles were reversed, under no circumstances would the US be expected to allow what Russia is now expected to allow.

"Rolling Along, Russia Loses Every Battle" by Linh Dinh- https://linhdinh.substack.com/p/rolling-along-russia-loses-every

Some interesting videos by novelist Gonzalo Lira, holed up in a Ukrainian hotel- https://www.youtube.com/c/CoachRedPill/videos

Independent journalist Vanessa Beeley, who has traveled Ukraine, has some good interviews- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqySDfPcmKYq6oUeC03y57A/videos

"I sometimes ponder the notion that the world leaders might all have gotten together, shared their ugly war simulations, agreed about the utter chaos and destruction the next conflict would entail" <- this, exactly, and that includes both the West *and* Putin.

This "invasion" is merely another in a string of engineered pretexts to cover the collapse of the US Dollar economy. Ice Age Farmer does excellent analysis on the food and supply chain aspect- https://youtu.be/_F6ilTV3rpY

This is what has been happening in Ukraine for the last 8 years- https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/ukraine-mall-displays-nazi-swastika-on-staircase-581065

And this is the response of the "good" guys- https://www.sydneycriminallawyers.com.au/blog/us-votes-against-un-adopted-anti-nazi-resolution-while-australia-abstains/

And just to make sure the situation is as perverse as humanly possible (SOP), it's all been financed by Jewish billionaire oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi.

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The full details are likely obscured by layers of disinformation, but there is certainly a lot that stinks in the story. I may or may not have the correct facts as I stated them in my article, though it's unclear how anyone could obtain them with fidelity. It's good to keep my hypotheses open, but to construct theoretical frameworks to see where the knowledge best fits.

There are a lot of people in the vicinity of bombs who aren't angels, and a few drone controllers, for certain.

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A useful path of inquiry, in conjunction with covid-1984, would be the U.S. biolabs sprinkled all over the Ukraine. As for the 12,000 figure, over 13,000 residents of Donbass were killed during the media-quiet war following Maidan, and some two million took refuge in Russia.

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Yevhen Karas, leader of Ukraine's neo-Nazi gang C14 https://youtu.be/4Ox7Pqkg1-8

"We were now given so much weaponry, not because as some say "West is helping us," not because they want the best for us, but because we perform the tasks set by the West. Because we are the only ones who are ready to do them."

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I also find it funny, well actually disgusting, that we are bombing Somalia and Syria the same day we’re condemning Russia.

Get those kids before the become terrorists seems to be our MO

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It’s dismaying to me how many people saw through the Covid narrative but immediately fall for the anti-Russia narrative.

I simply can’t understand this

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Frankly, I was completely expecting it. They'll fall for the next thing too.

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It's not so much that they are falling for the war propaganda as much as the fact that about half the Republican party are died in the wool neocons who grudgingly pretended to be populists for the past six years. That crowd never saw a war they didn't like. The crazier part is that the progressive wing of the Democratic Party has been reliably antiwar for decades and they have now done a complete 180. Clearly, it was never about the principle of peace. It was always about the choice of enemies. Remember how Barack Obama used to refer to Afghanistan as the "good war?"

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"As a result, Russia is said to have lost 12,000 troops and a hefty pile of war machinery from a military force of 230,000."

Really? Do you believe even half this number? Please, do some analysis here. How many servicemembers did we lose in our 20 year engagement in Iraq and Afghanistan? While numbers vary on the interwebs they all come to less than 10,000. And we're expected to believe that Russia has lost 1200 per day? The propaganda around this conflict is unlike anything I have ever seen, heard or read about in modern military history.

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> The propaganda around this conflict is unlike anything I have ever seen, heard or read about in modern military history.


Also the entire response of the West is imo unprecedented in its magnitude and perhaps even more importantly, speed.

It's just like it was with COVID. Someone flipped a switch and multinational corporations left a large market willy-nilly in a couple of days.

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And with that, has given China, Iran and India all the information they need to firm up their economic defenses if they were to someday die anything to upset the west and threaten the post Breton Woods order of the world.

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> 12,000 troops dead

> Russia cut off from the internet

Also, yes, the Ghost of Kiev destroyed 100 Russian planes and Russia blew up 2 nuclear reactors just because.

Jesus, Mathew, you should know better after the past 2 years than to believe everything you hear on the news.

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You should know better after the past 2 years to think that I trust anything on the news without going to the source. And if you're going to put words in my mouth, that's a projection of you, not me.

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And yet here we are.

No, I did not put words in your mouth, that's called 'sarcasm'.

What's your source for 12,000 dead?

As to the internet, "the internet has been shut off in much of Russia" is a lie.

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"What's your source for 12,000 dead?"

A former student currently serving in the Russian military. Could be wrong. What's your source that says otherwise, and what's your estimate?

"As to the internet, "the internet has been shut off in much of Russia" is a lie."

Okay, so correct the record. What do you know and how do you know it?

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So that was an anecdote, huh. I don't have a source, and I don't have an estimate.

What I do have is Zelensky government claims of 3K, then 6K, and most recently 9K dead. So far, pardon the pun, they were dead wrong about everything else, whether deliberately or not.

As to the matter of internet, none of the Russian social media or large telegram channels are talking about any of it -- and they would be if that were the case.

None of my friends in Russia have heard anything to that effect either.

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"So that was an anecdote, huh. I don't have a source, and I don't have an estimate."

So...disputing information with non-information, and telling me that I should know better than to trust your non-information of which I wasn't aware. Weird, but whatever tickles your fancy.

But please, please help me research. With...information. Or something that isn't non-information. I don't get enough sleep as it is. Because...it takes time to gather information.

Thanks in advance.

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You used the typical disgusting tricks the MSM employ.

1) YOU said 12,000 without any reference. The onus was on YOU to prove it.

Also, no, a single personal communication is not a source unless said person is in a position to know this information.

Also information from an official source known to spread misinformation is actually valuable. Have you heard of inference?

2) Completely avoided the issue where you were clearly in the wrong.

Just fabulous.

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Wait! We know the Covid narrative was a lie but we believe the media regarding the situation in Ukraine?

You realize if Russia were to have lost 12,000 troops that would be 2.5 times the amount we lost at Normandy.

What’s the likelihood of that ?

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During the Winter War, the finns killed more than 170 000 soviet soldiers, while losing 25 000 themselves.

So it is by no means inconceivable that Russia has lost 12 000 men.

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Wait until Mathew gets to you with a sarcastic reply, attack YOU for not providing evidence, ignore inconvenient points you've made and accuse you of putting words in his mouth.

I am shocked how different Mathew's attitude is when people are actually -- rightfully -- disagreeing with him.

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Dearest, you're the one who first claimed to be being sarcastic. From your second comment:

No, I did not put words in your mouth, that's called 'sarcasm'.

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Sure, and? Dearest, please do not ignore the rest, which is arguably most important: "attack YOU for not providing evidence, ignore inconvenient points you've made and accuse you of putting words in his mouth"

There's plenty to go 'round.

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New Zealand police smashed up the Freedom protests with brutality, violence and lots of pepper spray. The New Zealand police did this the day after the Police + Military won in court to have enforced mandates repealed - they are the only sector to win in against mandates in a New Zealand court.

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I believe that these crises are all planned by faceless shadowy beings pulling the strings of all the world's 'leaders'. The aims are massive depopulation and complete control of those 'humans' that remain.

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I don’t think too many humans (monsters)!! Will remain because once they call an evacuation so many will fall for it not realising they are to be taken to the gas chambers in the fema camps and prisons they are building.

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Dr. Fraiman is a brave man. He is in Louisiana which has worse laws then California when it comes to Covid vaccines in children. The people in this state are fighting tooth and nail to protect our children but the Governor and state public health department are ramming this shot thru our state. We need a lot more doctors like him to refuse to harm our children. Pray for Louisiana please.

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I subscribed for Covid-19 information, not for Russian politics. Goodbye, I am unsubscribing.

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That sucks. I hate it when I read a book and there are parts that weren't what I would have written.

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Well, I subscribed for whatever Mathew wants to write about.

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I feel the same - Mathew has given his readers so much thorough information, that when he goes to a topic that's not covid, I trust it's a topic that's relevant to living in this world at this time. I find his perspective valuable, on anything he feels is relevant to write about.

And this - brief - part about Russia / Ukraine (which we certainly can't trust the media to get right), is a hypothesis that - if true, or even if part of the complex system - connects with global takeovers similar to and connected with what's being done in the name of Covid-19 and "keeping us safe".

This talk with Tessa and Riley Waggaman (who lives in Russia and writes about, well, Covid Russia), says that Russia hasn't had much success in implementing a mass QR code program .. But, creepy things are happening with being used to using biometrics in children. https://tessa.substack.com/p/russia-covid?s=

(Tessa says -

"The unusually tight relationship between Russian everything and the World Economic Forum puzzled me for some time, which is to say that when I discovered Riley’s work, I was thrilled to dig in.

In our interview, Riley went in great detail into the ties between the Russian elite and the WEF, as well as funny connections to various pharma companies."

Russia / Covid-19 / pharma / WEF / digital dystopia - very much related.

But even if they weren't, the guy working at super human pace since the very beginning of the pandemic to distill information and make it available to all, has sure earned the right to talk about other subjects too!

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That's actually my favorite Tessa interview to date, and I should have thought to link it.

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Careful with the screen door.

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I don't understand the first paragraph regarding Ukraine. Are you saying that 12000 Russian soldiers have deserted/surrendered? If by lost you mean killed or injured, then isn't that exactly what you would expect if Russia is able to continue the practice of the Soviet Union of throwing it's soldiers into a meat grinder?

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