I am in the Chiang Mai region in the north of Thailand. I also noticed, with alarm, the massive increase in deaths and serious cases post vaccination rollout. If I remember correctly Chiang Mai went from 2 deaths in the first year to 192 in the second. Understanding that this number may be the result of variables, but still...

I pointed out this rather interesting issue with the number on numerous spots online only to be roundly laughed at. I no longer bother pointing it out.

Though Chiang Mai, as usual, feels fairly relaxed in spite of almost everyone wearing masks outside, inside and what have you, I was down in Bangkok a few weeks ago and was quite startled by the truly fearful looks on many of the, of course fully masked up, people I walked by on the street.

My understanding is that doctors here have been able to doctor as they see fit, using a number of early treatments out side the western demanded forms, including HCQ, CQ, IVM as well as traditional herbal treatments. I do not believe that any doctors have lost their licence to practice on account of using early treatments.

All in all (and I being originally from the People's Republic of Canada/Canucklandia) though coming in and out of Thailand has apparently been tricky, actually being here, I believe, has been much better than many other places in the world. I am grateful to have been able to ride this mess out over here.

I practice kendo and we stopped our practice for a month only, early on. Some kendo friends in Canada were not allowed to practice for over a year.

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In regards to the video above about the protest movement during the western summertime. Though I wasn't following the protests from last year all that closely, I do remember seeing and reading, on a number of occasions, the protesters demanding that the country bring in Pfizer. (Like the Americans have, perhaps) As mentioned above the available 'vaccines' were mostly Astra and Sinovac. I do believe that at one point American expats were able to get the Pfizer from the embassy. I don't think it was available to Canadians likewise, not that I cared.

I distinctly remember thinking that, with this demand for Pfizer up front and centre with the protesters, that this all seemed a little fishy to me and decided that it might be a good idea to look upon the protests with my eyes a tad squinty. (Mind you, this whole bloody corona thing has seemed fishy to me from the get go). It was interesting that the prime minister was reluctant to sign on to a cross-ASEAN vaccine agreement. It was also interesting that it did take a fair while for the Pfiz-ball to get going here. Much longer than many countries.

When we consider reports of the rather appalling deal that countries must sign on with Pfizer in order to have it come in, I couldn't help but wonder if the Thai gov't was reluctant to take that nauseating step. Of course, I will mostly likely never know what sort of machinations were going on in this regard, but I do often wonder about it.

Of course, the big Pf did come in eventually and the case and death rates continued to increase (I'm sure there is no connection) and a good deal of the population was, and is, scared shitless like most of the rest of the world.

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Also, meant to mention. Not vax'd. I have been using IVM as prophylaxis since last June. It is available here without a prescription, though somewhat expensive, so I don't purchase mine here but from a source a couple countries over to the west.

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darn... also meant to mention, Mathew, thanks so very much for the stellar work that you have been doing. I try to read everything you put out into the world. <3

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First now I read here, after in last week hit by Flu or Covid, which resulted in awfull knee and backpain, old cases waking up, the worst night only sleeping 1 hour, and the past night 4 time 1 hour, as the result of theese pains. Actually I also live in Chiang Mai, and a clouse living friend have told that daily in Ching Mai 4 persons die by trafic accidents.

I often have told how we in the news until 12 - 13 months ago, it was shown how many who the past day had died by Coved, but stated out if they besides also suffered from other of 3 mentioned diseases, and until the detailailed sending stopped, as the total went over 20, then of the dead persons only 5 - 10% not sufferring from more tha Covid.

Last week my wife some days was screaming that I would die if I did not visit hospital, but I was frish and reading, except the awfull body pains. And what could a doctor do, actually they knows too litle. I am hard.

Concerning not many have died in Thailand, I during years have tried to explain the Thais that they don't realise when hit by Flu, because they get so much sun, that is 70-80 ng/ml in the blood then around 100% not to die by Flu/Covid, while lest the 20, the nearly 100% chance in dying if hit.

Actually concerning vaccines, it never has been proved that vacines have helped against any disease! Besides it has nver been proved that pandemic virusses exist, opposit to non pandemic virusses of which at least 300 have "ben cut out, cut free". That is, it has never been proved that for the HIV, maesles, smalpox and so on, their virusses actually exist!!!!!

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As side remarks: Compared to Covid-19, in Google we see that yearly in Thailand 20,000 pearsons die by air polution. And during the past 3 years as often coughing I am afraid of this, not Covid-19. Last year when the each hour shown measured pm 2.5 result came, then for a few days then the pm 2.5 showed 1,000, as the censors not build to go higher. And where for healthy it aught to only be 25.

Besides, when 11 months ago visited Bangkok, for renewing my pasport, then impossibly to visit friends as living in closed part of the city. And when home again then 2 weeks in quarantine as comming from another city.

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I am in the UK and am regarded as being vulnerable due to age, being 77 years old. Never worn a mask, never been tested, never social distanced, have ignored lockdowns and have regularly socialised in bars etc when it was possible. I have been totally unvaxxed for nearly sixty years. Have not been ill, other than a two day cold during the whole Covid period. It seems very uncertain to me, that there ever was an illness known as Covid-19. However there is little doubt that all of the Covid-19 vaccines are exceedingly dangerous. Worse still to come, these dangers are gathering pace.

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Fascinating. Dr.Zelenko treated 3,000 of his pts with hcq at the beginning of the covid scamdemic, with great success.

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shockingly clear evidence isn't it? am I wrong? someone tell me. It can be pinned down to the actual day - June 4th 2021. Vaccine rates begin to rise and 'covid deaths' (so called) begin to rise at the same rate but with an appropriate time lag - looks to me, a layman observer.

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The countries with low infection rates are excellent examples to show the patterns of mass infections & deaths after the vaccine rollout as it can’t simply be explained away using Covid. Singapore is another good example, tiny death rate of about 50 prior to vaccines. Exactly what happened in Australia too & now happening in NZ. I wish I could have bought more time but mandates kicked in & it was comply or basically lose your life, even though I knew that people like Geert Vanden Bossche were correct we were left with no choice realistically. Now we have a huge mess & im not convinced it’s going to get better.

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Nations with previously low infection rates was a method for isolating the variable in my second mortality analysis.


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Australia and New Zealand had the benefit of being able to assess the safety and efficacy of the gene therapy spike protein vaccines due to our isolation policies. This should have been the payoff for the heavy price of detaching our societies from the rest of the world yet we totally failed to heed the data and contributed to embrace the narrative. What a gullible lot we are down under

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It was shocking to watch OZ and NZ go full on Crazy.

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You can be forgiven for being fooled once, next time there will be no excuse for you. This is just the beginning.

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I love Thailand and have been 6 times, but if they keep demanding proof of stabbing I will not return. Ever.

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I've never been, but wow the river deltas and jungles by the beach look like epic exploration.

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Same. My friends from the UK just visited Thailand and said they were having to test several times in order to be there. But I'm so stubborn. I stopped flying last May due to the masks. I will not mask, test or vax to travel anywhere.

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Take a cargo ship, enjoy the night sky. Stubborn is good!

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"Our" ABC is a source of shame for those of us Australians who see past the narrative. As with the climate change hoax, it is one of the prime disseminators of disinformation on the behalf of leftist globalists which is why naive Aussies are amongst the most woke, green and shot up. Our taxes at work

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We are Royally screwed if Albo gets in, worse than what we already are. He will also flood the ABC with our tax dollars whilst ordinary Australia struggle to pay the rent.

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There really are no good choices for this coming election. Least bad is all we can hope for. The only party I really agree overall with is One Nation (I'm of Asian descent, btw) and they have no hope of any real influence.

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You shouldn’t have to defend your position on who you vote for or explain anything. I am not the type to automatically assume, unlike some other Australians ( generally the looney left ), the fact you feel you need to shows just how toxic we have allowed a difference of opinion to become in society. I’ll be putting one nation ahead of Labor & the Greens for sure.

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We need to put every other party at the top and the 4 major parties at the bottom. Preferences can work in our favour! 👍

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Gee, what could possibly account for such tremendous success before vaccination contrasted with abject failure after vaccination commenced? I notice Mathew draws no conclusions, leaving it up to the uneducated, unscientific reader. Thus, his reporting is beyond reproach.

We definitely need to collect more data through RCTs and allow statistical experts from institutions captured by Big Pharma to analyze what is clearly a very complicated data record.


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I have been watching South Korea with a similar thought process. What few COVID control success stories there were collapsing after vaccination takes place.

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Curious, did people stop using HCQ after the vaccinations started or did the vaccines render HCQ ineffective? When the case rate skyrocketed after vaccination I myself would go back to whatever worked before.

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If I understand correctly, doctors can still recommend CQ/HCQ and pharmacies sell it. But that doesn't mean the people steered by messaging understand all that.

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Thank you. I know there are many studies that show vaccinated people are 3 or more times more likely to get Omicron. They believe this is possibly what is referred to original antigenic sin (OAS). I’d hate to think it has rendered treatments ineffective also.

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> "Those who can’t dance blame it on the flute and the drum.” -Thai proverb

There is a similar Russian saying: "A bad dancer is hampered by his legs"

Which has a less polite makeover: "A bad dancer is hampered by his balls"

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Another amazing analysis of a country that started out with a simple fix and got f-cked by the pharma industry with vaxx. Thank you

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What a fantastic real world study, a real slam dunk if facts could get by the Pfact checkers! :~)

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I have essentially one acquaintance outside of the house that I regularly communicate with regarding all things Covidian. We currently have a certain bet pertaining to a deadline for certain consequences of a particular prominent figure with dinner for 4 on the line - Brutus' Christ Brontosaurus steaks on the line. At various incremental victory junctures, ie: ending mask mandates, court injection mandate repeals, etc, we swap optimism for pessimism. Most recently the Rhode Island bill proposing double the state income tax for the uninjected.

When do we think the obvious empirical data will finally overwhelm the public health stupidity? What will it take? I sure wonder what others think about this. I remain convinced that there will be some awakening and possibly some reckoning for certain stalwarts of the worst public health policy debacle in moder times.

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Not happening! They'll double down. Check out Shanghai. People starving in their locked down Apts. Police killing pets. We're next!

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There's something like 100 million gun owners in America - per Pew, "Four-in-ten U.S. adults say they live in a household with a gun, including 30% who say they personally own one".

Maybe the stupidest blue-est (most Democrat/LibTard) cities can be Shanghai'd - but I doubt it, they're full of *illegal* gun owners. Any other areas - I just don't see it.

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Very informative and interesting, thanks!

I summed up the Dr. Naomi Wolf + Ed Dowd thesis, you might be interested in it.


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More irrefutable evidence. The life saving CQ/HCQ and the poison vaccines. Yet the former is discredited and the later is pushed and mandated in many cases. I mean, what the hell? If you think only Mathew is aware of all these numbers he publishes ... wisen up. Something stinks to high hell.

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Excellent summary, thanks Mathew!

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