Delaying disabled veterans' claims so that they can't pursue them, or die before an award has been made, has been going on probably since there was a VA to do it.

My dad was a WWII Navy vet who came down with systemic lupus while in the South Pacific. A sharp-eyed doctor recognized the disease in 1945 (!) and started helping him build his case that it was service connected. I still have all the old paperwork.

Fast forward 23 years to 1968 and my dad had his first lupus-connected heart attack; his doctor recommended that he retire from work. It was time to claim service-connected disability benefits. I'll leave it to you to guess what the VA did.

The case dragged on until 1970, after the VA instructed my father that he would have to travel to the agency's highest administrative court... in Washington DC. I'm sure they were hoping he'd be too sick or tired to travel. Thank God (and my dad's innate good health and stamina underlying the lupus) that he was not. I went with him and my mom to DC - I still remember the plane trip and the hotel.

Apparently the hearing examiner was of the Old School AND credited my dad's account as well as the evidence he'd carefully compiled, because his benefits were granted. Good thing, too, because any salary my mom would have made on her own in 1970 as a secretary would not have covered our family expenses very well.

That's a happy story. I wonder how many hundreds of thousands of stories don't end up with an award of benefits.

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Most stories do not end well.

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There are fucktons of consultants in Silly Valley who can fix this shit post haste.

Yes, they're expensive.

Yes, they can fix it.

Uncle Sam, hello??

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I'll ask Steve how long it would take him to put together a small team to fix it.

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Good luck with getting accurate documentation, build scripts, etc.

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When have we _ever_ had a job with that?

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It literally doesn't matter: if you aren't a gov't contractor or a subcontractor of one already, you're SOL.

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The military has been experimenting on our men/women for decades. Then they want to treat them like crap. Many don’t realize the amount of vaccines they have to take that then harms their family members. Military has a higher rate of special needs children over the civilian population.

There is a forever war & it’s on the American service men/women & their families.

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What is your conception of the Forever War? I've heard the term used, and there is a sense in which I think it is true, but I'm curious as to the perspectives of others.

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All young people considering joining the military ought to first read General Smedley Butler’s “War is a Racket”! Contrary to what you may believe you aren’t really serving your country. Regardless, current military and vets should be treated like human beings. They, like the rest of us, deserve better.

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You should add that Butler was, at the time of his death, the most decorated Marine in U.S. history.

There is much more to Butler, but the point remains- http://mileswmathis.com/butler.pdf

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It is possible that it was an engineered event, but I think less likely than the author wants us to believe. My reading of history is that opposition to FDR was more real than this paper implies. FDR did ultimately save the capitalist system, but some of the programs he sets in motion were good for the people, as well. The Capitalist system started fighting those from the very beginning and never rested until it eliminate them all (a process still in progress). Separation of regular banking from investment banking was a good thing; just see what has happened since it’s elimination. The same could be said about his sentiments on British Empire; his opposition was real. With his death, the British Empire pretty much took over the US. The imperial parasite has killed the US republic. The US is now behaving, not like the US Republic would have, but like the British Empire would. FDR stood in the way of the British Empire.

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And more news in the category of What Is Going On!?!: Jet fuel leaks into USS Nimitz’s drinking water system


“The water onboard the ship is safe for use and the health and wellbeing of all of our Sailors is a top priority,”....even though the sailors are complaining the problem is NOT resolved and the water remains contaminated (from a different article) "While there have been some crew complaints about the water situation aboard Nimitz, Demeter said “there have been no confirmed cases of illness related to contaminated water aboard the ship.”

Incompetence or planned incremental controlled destruction?

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Our entire government is malice aforethought parading under the plausible deniability of "incompetence."

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Reading the description of the problem, I doubt it's an issue with the oracle database - that's probably patched and up to date.

There's application development tools called "Oracle Forms" that they may have developed the application in - and there's something called "Oracle Access Manager" that provided single-sign-on capability for forms applications.

My guess is some component the software relies on - like a specific java jdk version - reached end of life and was removed from the network.

It would probably be simple to fix, updating a config file or something like that. However, working for a federal contractor, every decent programmer I know didn't want the jabs and got religious exemptions. I don't think that was an option for people working directly for biden's administration, so they probably lost anyone who knows what the eff is going on.

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I was thinking along the same lines. Sounds like a thick client, with an locally installed Oracle ODBC to connect to the database. Sometimes security patches or group policy updates can remove such components and the sys admins don't catch the consequence beforehand.

But if that were the case, the fix would likely be something like pushing out the new driver. Their story does sound fish, like the diseappearing data..

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This is Building 7 but for veterans! (Take it down, oops, lost it, sorry, no back up copies...!) Controlled demolition, this is just the expedited version 2.0. Hadda good friend whose husband got Gulf War syndrome--left for deployment as a hulking 6'3" 220 lb weight lifting healthy guy, came back 135 lbs and sick as heck, unable to work. VA told him it was in his head and gave him "psychiatric" meds. Another dear friend (WWII vet) who died on a vent here in NY under "standard of care" for years got no help from the VA for his war-related back injuries (and this was a very persistent guy!) so he always paid outta pocket and said to heck with the VA. So this is just uppin' the ante.. (SAD). Peacenik here too.

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Shameful neglect & abuse of Veterans and active duty.. always has been contrary to the star spangled patriotic endorsements. As far as verification for portal problems it should probably work to call and ask.. sometimes simple old fashioned methods still work. :~)

If you're experiencing issues with your records or information in the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal, submit an Enterprise Service Desk ticket by calling 1-800-600-9332. For issues logging onto the system, contact the Defense Manpower Data Center at 1-800-538-9552.

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Bravo, Mathew. With you 100%. Though not a vet myself, I support 100% their access to all promised benefits (though not excess benefits that were never promised). They were big boys and girls when they enlisted, knew what they were promised and what they were not. Give them what was promised, no excuses!

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My feelings since Biden took office is that the military is being cleaned out of anyone who might find moral reasons to not fire on their fellow citizens if ordered to do so.

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This did not begin recently. Biden is a compromised old dirtbag, but he is just one of the puppets steered over decades.

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Up in Soviet Canuckistan a vet asking for help with his PTSD was told that "assisted suicide was an option he could consider". I kid you not.

You are NOT serving your country. You are what Smedley Butler described in "War Is A Racket". A hired thug for large business and you will be disposed of when you are no longer useful. You deserve better.

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"𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘚𝘓𝘐𝘗𝘗𝘌𝘙𝘠 𝘚𝘭𝘰𝘱𝘦" by WhatsHerFace https://youtu.be/7992qeElaM8

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If you are not crazy before you deal with the VA, you will be crazy AFTER dealing with them.

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If I'm not mistaken, this is one of many ancient IT systems that must be maintained while a new replacement is being built and tested. The code is old, likely documentation is not up to date and is no longer accurate, and compatibility issues exist with operating system upgrades and other system links.

Whether this instance is intentional or nefarious, I have no idea and that is not the point of my comment. But I will tell you beyond any shadow of doubt that these old systems rely on a few programmers who are familiar with their idiosyncrasies and no one new could step in and just fix something if the old-timer is no longer available.

This is true for administrative systems as well as weapons systems. Expect more failures along these lines, although some will be easier to hide.

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Totally agree, having worked most of my career in Silly Valley with many different DB systems and programmers. Eventually only trusted my husband to figure out what the eff was going on, fix it, and document it properly. And Yuval Harari et al thinks they can control everything and everyone with AI? What a joke they all are.

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Yes the sales pitch on AI is a laugh!

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This is true as well, particularly for old systems built in house. Usually the achilles heel is it utilizes some technology component that reaches end of life and gets removed. Sounds like something like that happened here.

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On the tangential topic of HCQ:

Imagine HCQ had been freely and abundantly distributed (through government subsidy and supply chain) to all US residents everywhere during the pandemic. Further, imagine everyone in America had used it, more or less as directed.

How many would this mass distribution of HCQ have killed? How many would it have saved from Covid 19? How do we carry out this (rather oversimplified) cost/benefit analysis?

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Seems poor treatment of those who have served is not limited to just Australia unfortunately. Not only does the wars too often break people then they make it hard for them to get what they have earned? It’s appalling. I can’t believe that the home of tech has a problem with programming.

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The military evaluates a soldier's value at their direct training cost, thinking there's plenty more where they came from, making the raw material cost zero. Disability payments would be an indirect cost to be minimized and ignored.

On the other hand, the Pentagon overvalues Mission, of such great supposed importance as to make soldiers expendable. How much of that great importance is ensuring profitability for the military-industrial complex? Is that their primary Mission? A rationalization would be they have to keep their suppliers fed with current conflicts to be prepared for future conflict. Since 1776 the US has been at War 93% of the time.

Since disability claims decrease the profitability of War, willful neglect is a standard component of mission planning.

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