People say "P-U" or "pee yoo" when they smell something stinky and flatulent.
This is a mispronunciation of "PEW" which is a bench for sitting in a church.
The congregation would say "pew" or "P-U" when the priest busted ass during a sermon and the greenhouse gas would drift into the church pews, causing the parishioners to experience olfactory distress and a feeling of "warmth".
This is how the pseudoscience of man-made global warming was first conceived, by the Pope at St Peters Basilica
Let's not lose sleep over methane, or carbon dioxide, as neither has any effect whatsoever on global warming, despite what they say and despite both being technical greenhouse gasses.
Both being such minor atmospheric trace gases, they have zero effect. Methane is at 1.7 ppm and CO2 is at 415 ppm. That's 0.00017% of the atmosphere for methane and 0.04% for CO2. You could quadruple either with no warming effect.
Methane absorbs 80 times the infrared spectra compared to CO2, so it's said to be a more potent greenhouse gas. But not really: 1.7 ppm x 80 = 136. Due to the low CH4 ppm concentration it's effect is about 32% of the effect of CO2. Since CO2's effect on warming is zero, methane's effect is less than zero.
Also, both so-called greenhouse gasses are saturated in the atmosphere (CO2 more so than CH4), so any quadrupling will have zero effect, like trying to add more water to a fully saturated sponge.
Additionally, there's zero historical correlation between concentrations of either gas in the atmosphere and global warming going back thousands of years, according to the Greenland ice core data.
Next they will say we should lose sleep over people, because they breathe out 40,000 ppm CO2 with every breath.
I would add to that, if I may: participate in joyful and fun things; make art, sing together, create for creation sake. Because to be perfectly honest, I don’t want to just survive. Even if we’re amongst the survivors, what a terrible and unfun life that would be if the things worth remembering aren’t around.
Ultimately, if we focus on expanding our own consciousness, we won’t need to war with anyone. We can exponentially rebuild; we aren’t even aware of our capabilities in that regard. It’s not just about survival, but also about thrival. I’ll keep my sword sheathed and only raise it to protect, that’s a promise.
“ Step up and manage a business in your community if you're not doing that already.
Take business from the monopolists and aggregators, then don't sell out.”
If you can’t manage a local business, be a consumer who utilizes the ones near you.
As I said to the grocery cashier this weekend, “What if all of us gave up shopping at Amaz0n and bought directly from the smaller companies? Used other sources?” Our family has reduced our Amaz0n spending by at least 80% over the last two years. Yeah, occasionally we have to wait a few more days, or we don’t get free shipping, or whatever. But what if by yielding to fast and free shipping we are actually forging our own handcuffs?
I have been driving a bit out of my way to buy local beef, eggs, and butter. It’s similar cost to the organic stuff in there big box store but I know it’s legit pastured and organic. And even better is knowing it is supporting families in my community and state.
Everyone wants convenience. Well, it wasn’t convenient for the Patriots to wear homespun cloth or drink whatever they drank instead of tea. But they did it because they understood what was at stake. We must do likewise.
I love all your articles, thank you for this hard, extremely detailed work... I think you've pieced everything together so comprehensively since this debacle started... With your reference to the huge East India corporations of the Dutch and English as a model for modern corporations, I think on point (I've thought this for a while... Slave labour, massive profits, owning government favours and having your own army... Corporations in the 20th century have made moves to reinstate such "glory" days and have gone above and beyond even).
Can I put a theory out there for which I have little proof... The elites own China... China is a corporation... They made a deal saying we will locate all our industries here, as we want slave labour. In return the government leaders were made wealthy beyond their dreams, and China saw massive development. Through the China slush fund the elites were able to grab more power at the WHO, by making it look like it was a "country" investing. Via corrupt government in USA UK etc the elites have armies to do their bidding when they can make it look legit, and China's army if they need it to do unpopular things... Without forgetting the UN is at their disposal too.
Much like East India Company UK and Dutch East India company had their own armies (and slave labour), now the elites have China as their slave labour and army ?
Two major WEF events each year Davos Switzerland, where the finance hubs of the elites are, and China at Tianjin and Dalian (alternating each year)... Chinese meeting is called "WEF Annual Meeting of the New Champions"...
Anyway my theory... Only small amount of proof... But thinking about it, fits with everything...
China is WEF and elites stronghold... It is the corporation of China, not a country anymore (much like our countries are probably in name only at this stage)...
Elites have crashed all industry in the West as has been planned for years, moved it offshore to (mainly China and other cheap countries they can own), pharmaceuticals, manufacturing etc. Leaving west weaker and weaker, especially middle class... Now the deliberate economy destruction, blowing vast amounts of money on Covid, destroying independent businesses, making even more unemployment (unecessary deviation from previous pandemic models), medical treatments that harm rather than help... Spending big on Ukraine there is no limit as to how much they pump into this cause, Environment, pushing up energy so high people in Europe may freeze over winter... Restrictions on food production, despite a crisis and shortage all for "climate emissions", seems deliberate...
All over the west, and other countries except for their corporation country of China...
Why? They say it's a developing country...
The country that makes almost everything? The country that has its own space program? The country with many billionaires? The country with one of the most advanced military on earth? The country leading the way in computer technology? Yeah right... Developing...
Oh they also do not have to watch their emissions at all, so it doesn't matter how many coal power stations they build because they're "developing", so they need all the cheap energy and reliable base load to compete... Compete against who? They make everything..?? They make everything for the elites and their businesses... Slave labour, cheap power...
There's no way sensitive co-operative biological research would be going on if it was truly considered a threat to the west, nor would there be factories of the oligarchs there if there was a threat that they could be taken away.
Just a theory, that departs a little from other narratives I've read... Yours is the closest substack I've come across that really opens this up, and has made me think along these lines (despite my theory just being and observational one, not backed by any hard facts).
I'm not necessarily as well researched as all the other commenters on here, and apologies to all for my lack of knowledge, this has been a real game of catch up, as I fear I've been asleep for far too long... Hoping to wake a few up around me.
That said, I absolutely believe that local power centers have developed in China, and China could "pop" at any moment.
This is all the more reason to build business locally, and be prepared to invest in those things that were shipped to China, like manufacture antibiotics.
And the World Bank and Kissinger were the organizers of new industrial development in the early 70's; also responsible for China's one child policy.
Let us remember to listen when people tell us who they are: many of these western power brokers over recent years have stopped their pretense of western loyalty as they repeatedly and very publicly state their admiration of China's efficient control.
That all fits together neatly now knowing that... Kissinger, anything he's touched is suspicious... and yes, no criticism of China... All in admiration, despite any failings on human rights, pandemic management, the acolytes all praise the place... Fits neatly in place.
Boy, I'm so confused about China...hear/read positives from likes of Pepe Escobar, Jerry's take on China, Arnaud Bertrand, Matthew Ehret to scary/immoral opposite from Political Moonshine + some doctor/researchers re CoV origin.
You mention a number of points that I coincidentally ran with in a discussion last night. Notably, the slave labor and unbridled environmental degradation upon which the newly greenwashed and allegedly woke and unracist economy is based. Including by recent players descended from slaves, making boatloads of money, and vociferously in favor of all the current PC slogans and candidates, whilst simultaneously profiting off the current slavery-based system of production. Just an aside. Odd coincidence.
They tried to own China (largely through Taiwan). They made every possible effort to subvert China through a flood of dollars and nearly succeeded. If China’s actions over the past couple of years seem bizarre, it’s because China has been fighting a war within. I believe Xi will succeed in cutting the cord and war with Taiwan will follow.
The “invisible” approach probably wont defeat the present and coming tyranny. It might buy individuals or individual communities time, but our society is interlocked regarding material needs. No individual or community can be totally self sufficient, unless you plan living at a 19th century level (not pleasant for today's softies). But even then they will come after you. With todays technology there is literally no place to hide
You have to understand, they plan to track and tag all life and resources, everything is either natural capital, social capital or natural capital. They will own all and control all.
Plus, to succeed in their quest to remake civilization, which is what they are after, they must eliminate all knowledge of the the past and our present. Pockets of communities containing this knowledge are like a virus that they will need to eradicate. They know full well isolation is never 100% effective. Eradication is the only solution
Tyranny never surrenders its power voluntarily, it must be defeated. The Allies defeated the tyrants we call Fascists in WW II, only to give birth to a new tyranny which they cloaked with a Flag while playing lip service to Democracy. Nobody is left to defeat these Tyrants but other Tyrants in the East (Russia,China). But more likely they will form a coalition for a World Government and Global Tyranny, albeit with regional flavors.
The reality is bleak, and changing it might not be possible, as we slept through too many wakeup calls, 1963, Vietnam, Iran-Contra, 9/11, 2008, and most are still sleeping through COVID but as Yogi said , “it ain't over until its over”
Old enough that I probably wont see it play out so its easier for me to face I guess. Good luck.
The Tyrants are the ones who develop technology. Who do you think invented and funded the development of the internet, Google, Facebook, satellite surveillance, etc? Silicon Valley is part of the Military Industrial Complex and most of the startups got funding from DARPA,IARPA or In-Q-Tel
The Tyrants cant go bankrupt since they print the money. They can bankrupt everyone else though and thats exactly what they are doing now and frankly, have been doing since at least 2008 . Some believe earlier as standard of living in the West has declined since the late 70’s when they decided Democracy must be weakened following the 1975 Trilateral Commission’s Crisis in Democracy conference .
"The Tyrants are the ones who develop technology. Who do you think invented and funded the development of the internet, Google, Facebook, satellite surveillance, etc?"
By siphoning the capital from symmetric tech development, they invest in asymmetric tech development.
"The Tyrants cant go bankrupt since they print the money. They can bankrupt everyone else though and thats exactly what they are doing now"
When their dollar network contracts, the value of their dollar denominated assets will finally fall, and printing money will do what it's always done for banana republics that don't have a military-banking global hegemony.
Well yeah, Eisenhower tried to warn us in 1961, but remember before there was the government funding there were the Rockefeller's and Jp Morgan, and they weren’t going to fund cures for cancer or free energy.
Those who control the USD are the Global Banking Cartel (Fed is a shareholder in BIS) . The Tyrants know whats coming, they will have a safe haven in natural resources , hard assets and currency hedges.
They may very well ditch the dollar to go to a CBDC and impoverish the rest of us but they will still be in control. The problem for the dollar ditchers is when someone owes 30 trillion they become too big to fail . Like they say if you owe a bank a million they own you, owe them 1 billion you own them
Of course, much of that 30 trillion debt is owed to USG or US entities, and its owed in USD and not other currencies, so the dollar pump can continue without much worry, unless they decide to blow it all up and Build Back Better with CBDC, and that might be coming soon
Hubris is even bigger now. They will make mistakes.
Some of us will be savvy enough to sabotage their control infrastructure. Others, not as technologically advanced, can muck up the works a bit by providing bad data.
"can muck up the works a bit by providing bad data" - I've been using the extension from for years to be the "GI" in "GIGO". And of course "USE CASH" as much as possible.
Nuremberg 1.0 was a charade because world war II in its entirety was engineered and scripted. Defeating the New world order will take nothing less than massive armed rebellion and a well coordinated Cyber attack on all the centers of power, the whole bureaucratic technocratic apparatus.
Before you dismiss my next comment, I'll add a disclaimer that it's not the cornerstone of my analysis, it's just an interesting observation that seems to fit. Both Daniel and Revelation list the empires of the world until Christ's millenial kingdom: Persia, Greece, and Rome. There's nothing after Rome. Therefore, I suspect that neither China nor Russia will ever supplant Rome per this model. Rome = Europe and the Anglo-American countries. None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen, Wall St. and the Bolshevik Revolution by Antony Sutton, The Globalists by Dennis Cuddy, and many other books proved conclusively that Communism (USSR, China, and all the others) was created by the USA, the UK, and Europe. What you create you control. The West appears to be under attack by the domestic Left and international socialism and the UN, but that is only a charade for public consumption to play out the scenario for building a world government, in which, per point 10a. of The Earth Charter, wealth is equalized not just within but also BETWEEN nations. Picture the Masonic slogan Ordo Ab Chao (order out of chaos) and the legend of the Phoenix, as pictured in the January 1988 cover of The Economist. The Phoenix rises from the ashes of war and economic destruction to become the world government, the New World Order. Wars are engineered to bring that to pass. Alfred Lord Tennyson's poem Locksley Hall partially describes the plan, how wars will finally cease when "the federation of the world" is formed. The losers of wars are only the people; the elite always win and consolidate their power further. Who's the head hydra? Picture a pyramid structure. Near the top are the visible political leaders and think tank intellectuals, above them are the wealthy bankers and royal families who are members of secret societies like Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Theosophy, Lucis Trust, the Jesuits, the Vatican, Ordo Templi Orientis, Illuminati, etc. Above them are the occult channelers like Helena Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, Manly P. Hall, Albert Pike, etc., who receive The Plan via automatic writing from Lucifer or his fallen angels who serve him, whom these occultists regard as the liberator, thus explaining their desire to totally exterminate Judaism and Christianity. The conspirators want to replace the idea of inalienable rights, free markets, the rule of law, and God as the highest authority, with a socialist technocracy conceived and managed by the elite and their scientific and propaganda technocrats. They believe that once Judaism and Christianity and Islam are destroyed - the three monotheistic religions which believe man is a separate creation of God, then man will finally understand that he is not separate from God - he is god, or at least part of god, and he will be able to take an evolutionary leap to Homo Noeticus (or some similar name meaning new man), leave the Age of Pisces and enter the Age of Aquarius. This explains Nazism, which was a project to kill the Jews and Christians as part of this evolutionary advance. The next few projects will be to kill more Jews and more Christians, Muslims, and other freedom-loving truth-tellers who hate the new technocracy being set up, until all resistance is vanquished. This is the rebuilding of the Tower of Babel, and installation of a New World Order, New World Religion, led by a New World Leader (the Antichrist). That is the victory condition. We know they will partially succeed since "no man will be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast", which means the CBDC's are inevitable (the beast is not a person, but the all-powerful state being setup). They won't succeed in destroying Judaism, Israel, or Christianity, because their survival is a promise from God. But many will die. When the NWO makes a royal mess of the planet and humanity, Jesus will return to keep mankind from destroying itself. He'll destroy the NWO, and install himself as king. Matthew 24 and following, as well as Daniel, Revelation, Zechariah, Ezekiel, and many other Biblical prophetic books describe what is sure to happen. It's the job of the followers of Jesus Christ to become fervent in their faith and their love, and become powerful evangelists of the gospel, which is starting to happen as the persecution on them is turned up, which persecution has been happening continuously in other parts of the world for centuries. The Church will no longer be lukewarm, but fervent, genuine. The Great Commission to carry the gospel everywhere will be completed (it nearly is already), the Jews will be jealous of the love relationship and fruits of the spirit that Christians have with their God - the God of their ancestors: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They will also see their desperate need for a redeemer, their Messiah, due to the existential threat they will face from wars waged against them by the countries surrounding Israel. These developments will cause them to finally believe in Jesus en masse. Then Jesus will descend again on the Mount of Olives where he ascended after his resurrection (Zechariah 14). My confidence in the foregoing is around 95% regarding the geopolitical aspects which have already taken place. My confidence in future events is considerably lower, so I'm speculating based on what I've learned. It's an educated guess. But it's more than a wild guess because of the past track record of past Biblical prophecies which have been fulfilled and the presence of other ones in the Bible which have yet to be fulfilled but seem to dovetail nicely with the progression of current events. Our goal to turn back this scenario would be to restore the constitutional republic so it closely aligns with what we had 230 years ago. That will take a massive educational effort, massive nullification of all unconstitutional laws and programs and agencies at the state and county level, willingness for freedom-fighters to suffer being shut out of the economy and for many to die until the control system is defeated. Even then, the precondition for success is national repentance in the Church - another Great Awakening like that during the 1730's or so led by George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, John and Charles Wesley, etc. And, of course, it will require the church to call out to God to save us, to believe that he can and will help us, and then for the providential intervention of Almighty God, which Washington and Franklin, among others, believed happened during the birth of our country. I hope that happens and we have a reprieve of another century or so of freedom. It could be that I'm a pessimist by nature, or lacking in faith, but I think we will continue to slide towards the New World Order, albeit with great works of the Holy Spirit along the way.
Tehre is a lot of common ground for conversation here. I agree that the West created communism, and Western leaders used it to shape the incapacity of most of the serious rivals for power since.
I believe that those in control, despite being at peak wealth, are about to suffer a massive reversal of fortune and begin to veer toward bankruptcy. Unfortunately, this isn't a simple story to type out that I'll have to arrange articles for many more months to reach.
Very interesting. I pray you're wrong about NWO. There's a book out The Antichrist and A Cup of Tea by Tim Cohen who gives very strong evidence that King Charles will be the Antichrist. From what I've observed it's quite likely. The 2022 UK Commonwealth Games intro w KC presiding is most disturbing. It was on YT.
It's all just so overwhelming after a while, but I've been somewhat ahead of the curve and backed away from most of the insanity a while ago. Still hard to come to grips w the fact that even w all the truth and positivity on a personal level that this is the state of the world today.
I think that if the mid to upper level hydras, whose cooperation the elites must have, see their *peers losing things they want to keep, they may decide they don't want to play anymore.
Caution: The following question comes from a non bitcoin user who is on board with community building (along lines of what each person/family is already involved in, and expanding to learn new skills, especially of a hands on nature). To me cash is so physical and it's a shame that I really don't carry it about, preferring to use my card to digitally transact. I mean I learned to count change backwards when I worked retail as a kid. It is rather a point of pride (forgive me such a silly thing) that I can tell most clerks these days the amount they owe me if I pay with cash, while they must read from the machine.
What is the currency (you mentioned a non-national replacement for what we have now, which, though national, is still tied to US $) that would not become global?or globally controllable by aggressive people who want to reduce any exposure to loss? Is bitcoin truly adaptogenic enough to work in small communities and yet be easily usable as an inter-community exchange token?
It sure seems that some form or forms of physical exchange tokens would be more truly local. They have lots of security risks, of course, but if we stay local, maybe that is overcome in the community through group recourse.
People should read the "Brown Book" published in the GDR. The vast majority of Nazis, Nazi affiliated corporations, Wehrmacht officers, etc, were fully incorporated in the West German apparatus. That is, those who weren't incorporated into the US apparatus. Gehlen Org. for example - becoming a key component of the CIA. The majority of Adehauer's cabinet were "former" Nazis. Heusinger - top Nazi general on the Eastern Front became NATO Chief of Staff.
I greatly appreciate this post and the previous in this series. History certainly isn't my area, and I've seen this topic come up a lot. The most consistent theme I've come across is that to a lot of people it does communicate the severity and seriousness of what should be done.
I'm a big fan of trying to generalize the CAPA (Corrective Action Preventative Action) process across society. At minimum governments should be accountable to them for corruption and overreach. "CAPA it" is a lot easier to say than "Nuremberg 2" anyways, and In my opinion it's closer to what we're trying to aim for.
I'm not great at branding, but that's my 2c.
Thanks for adding clarity to what is inevitably going to be a very emotional discussion for a long time.
Prescott Bush funded the Nazi Party as a representative of Harriman Bank. Instead of being punished, he was allowed to slip into Congress, grow his power, and set the stage for his son and grandson to run the CIA and become president.
Wifey of Railroad baron and banker E.H. Harriman also funded Cold Springs Harbor Eugenics Records Office. One of their sons Averell Harriman would go on to be NY State Guv and run the Carter Administration, along with Trilateral Commission slug Zbig Brzezinski. Averell coauthored the Global 2000 Report calling for eliminating 2 Billion useless eaters. And now here we are.
Thank you for the additional info. This further supports my belief that the Nazis were an American invention, for which there is a shocking amount of evidence for a theory that rarely gets discussed.
So much evidence. It defies so swiftly the 'we were the good guys dontchya know' star spangled narrative. As Norm Macdonald once joked, "It says here in this history book that luckily, the good guys have won every single war. What are the odds?"
Flippin love & adore Antony Sutton who was an economics chair at Stanford.. his research is meticulous w rigorous academic standards & lots of primary source documents make it as close as we can get to accurate... He authored 35 books & I have only read about six but they all hold up after decades still poking away at the material in them.
That's just the start. Once you start tracing forward the people who ran that era's war circuses, you find them all over the pool of global leadership: Governments, banks, military, intelligence, corporations, and even churches.
Okay well then it would be extremely valuable for you to start building out that evidence for us newbies. You're narrating a completely alternative history of the last 100 years (or longer?). It sounds spot on. But literally I know none of it and I imagine that's true for most people. We've got to have the right theory of the case if we are to survive what is happening right now. And it very well may be that you have the right theory of the case. You cannot assume that everyone knows this because we just plain don't. And Google won't get us there either.
And the evidence is clear that Prescott Bush was laundering money for Fritz Thyssen who owned the largest steel and coal company in Germany and funded Hitler throughout the 1930s. So if this is the publicly available story in the Guardian just imagine how bad the actual story is.
I'm grateful to you for asking these important questions and starting many of us on this deeper journey.
(First Time Reader, got here via a link posted in Unreported Truths SubStack comment section) This whole discussion dovetails nicely with my recent reading of Talbot's stunning The Devil's Chessboard detailing Allen Dulles's CIA career. Same cast of shady characters. But let's not leave out the media/propaganda owners like Henry Luce. Which leads me to suggest to folks the other book I am currently reading, The Grey Lady Winked (2021), about the terrible reporting of the NYT and its impact on world events. A bunch of Nazi-enthusiasts, so they were.
Lovely. As they say..."and the rest is history". Is it possible that that family has damaged our country more than any other? From CIA, to JFK to 911. I do hope they're all dirtnapping as reported.
And yes it's such an incredible bummer that we are not invisible. I'm so jealous of el gato malo and eugyppius. They figured out the stakes from the beginning.
Figured them out, or were part of one of the warring factions? I'm not making a claim, but asking. Given that they're anonymous, we cannot know from a distance. El Gato Malo in particular has been unnecessarily uncooperative with me.
I don't think it would be too hard to figure out who Eugyppius and EGM are. There is enough information in their Substacks. I am too lazy to pursue this, and have no need or benefit, but subscribe to both (not just for the cat memes.) Spartacus on ICENI looks a little more challenging for an amateur Sherlock.
I don't believe for a nanosecond that the NSA through their servers do not have them identified.
Spartacus isn't very secret there were two group calls I can recall where a name was said but like you it makes no difference to me what irl names are only the quality of content. Since they all have paid subscribers it means there is banking info attached to their Substacks so FEDs just need to request user info they don't even need fancy surveillance.
"All is not lost, however, and there are things we, the people these institutions are supposed to serve, can still do to prevent ourselves falling into dystopia.
I believe that awareness, calm resistance to the directions our institutions are pushing us in, and (self)-knowledge are key.
By becoming trauma aware, we can learn to spot the signs of defensive nervous systems at play. We can learn to recognize the Survival Styles in people, and stop electing, rewarding and idolizing the folks who clearly display them.
We can refuse to live in fear, and become aware of the fear mongering for what it is. We can read up on the “science” of Nudging, and learn how the magic is trick done. This makes it much harder for us to be fooled or tricked into fear.
Most of all, we can stop consuming the news media. Indeed, this is the number one recommendation I give to people with chronic illnesses who want to reduce their symptoms. I guarantee this will not only make us less fearful, but will also improve our quality of life.
We can also resist the divide and conquer tactics emanating from out institutions, which seek to get us to dehumanize, other and blame each other.
We can identify and attend to our addictions.
We can avoid the junk, and prevent the need for pharmaceuticals.
We can help other people who are still stuck in chronic defensive nervous system states to wake up, and come back to a calm place. This cannot be achieved simply by argumentation with facts and logic, because this just feeds the defensiveness, so must be done by appealing to the right brain hemisphere via re-connection to love and common humanity, through metaphor, comedy, poetry, music, awe and beauty."
Fitting post on Holocaust Rememberence weekend. As a 3rd generation survivor thanks for this topic. In a deepstated situation of heavy employees, not named Peter Daszak, we must understand the prophetic and legal recourses available. I asked the L○rd why the Holocaust, after I relived my Grandfather's amazing story¹ and was led down a profit patent path². The goød news is WHO the 'm' messenger in mRNA was revealed as imminently Messianic. I'll be speaking with CHD and world renowned doctors in the coming weeks³ to explain further.
From what I understand from insiders in the Biden administration (yes, they are legit) is that Biden is surrounded by climate lunatics that have zero real-world experience. All they care about is the end of fossil fuels and fast.
These people can not see beyond their noses; they are not system thinkers but one issue minded; nothing else matters but the end of oil.
They are pushing for war with Russia to break it up since most of Russia's GDP is oil. The Neocons are behind them and certainly not complaining; it's their dream come true; someone else is pushing for war.
The climate nuts also can't seem to understand how many nukes Russia has. If Russia is broken into chunks, it will result in numerous small regions, all having nukes and all uncontrollable. The result will be like Iraq as factions take up old arguments, this time with nuclear weapons.
There is no sanity in DC. There is no one saving the day. The US wants war just as FDR wanted to be in Europe. We are so screwed.
"From what I understand from insiders in the Biden administration (yes, they are legit) is that Biden is surrounded by climate lunatics that have zero real-world experience. All they care about is the end of fossil fuels and fast."
This is why the Saudis (1) consolidated power (King Salman makes no bones about saying "energy security first is impossible to avoid"), and (2) just began the ending of the petrodollar system. It's game on.
Suddenly we hear a lot about “ The Great Reset”. Oh yes, the geniuses are quick on the draw. They’re going to thwart it. Because they’re so brilliant. Such Brave sleuths.
This may seem cynical. Who am I but a mere unwashed, nameless, faceless, non-Ivy League commoner? What the hell would a simpleton citizen taxpayer who once believed in America’s “ vaunted elected government” and impartial justice system having the back of “ We The People” know?
I know that NOBODY has our back and we better get it together. We are not each other’s enemies. We’ve been manipulated to hate each other. The enemy resides within our duplicitous, sold out globalist technocracy. The Great Reset is already at the helm. “ transhumans’r’ Us”
The last notation of you extraordinarily insightful essay named the the holy grail sought by the megalomaniacal cabal.
The ultimate power. Immortality, and not euphemistically, metaphorical or as hyperbole. Literally. The Fourth Reich. Transhumanism.
For those using the term “ Nuremberg 2.0”, it’s a false analogy. Nobody was held accountabale because so many were complicit. Many elites the world over abetted , were of the same mindset . But the real goal was to unluck the secret of life eternal.
Dr. Zev Zelenko, the Orthodox Jewish doctor who created the HCQ/Zithromax/Zinc/Vitamin D Covid therapy may have best summed up the Plandemonium and the many tentacles. “ This is a Holocaust, but everybody is a Jew. The created virus is less toxic than the forced lockdowns, masking,Social distancing, censorship, humiliation, divide, federalized policing, loss of freedom, assets, businesses, injustice and now forced genetic manipulation under the guise of reward for good behavior. I can tell you about those “ rewards”. My family can’t”
I am guilty of using Nuremberg 2.0 as it is basically self explanatory. And no it didn't really work well the first time but hopefully we learn from our mistakes. Thank you for the quote by Dr. Z. What a wonderful man and a tragic loss and end to his life.
I wonder if the military industrial complex, the narco banking complex and the tech medical complex take turns to agitate some scuttlebutt at just the right time to take our eye off the one beginning to be outed for their crimes. Seems like just as news about one of the endless scandals begins to break free, viola, a drone drops some payload somewhere or a big crypto scam is busted and our attention shifts, and the almost exposed scandal is forgotten.
Apologies for the brain fart that led me to publish before the usual formatting of sections.
Don't do too many of those. Methane is a very potent greenhouse gas after all :)
Not like a cow fart. Little fart. Like a one cheek sneak in church. Is the church getting warmer, yet?
People say "P-U" or "pee yoo" when they smell something stinky and flatulent.
This is a mispronunciation of "PEW" which is a bench for sitting in a church.
The congregation would say "pew" or "P-U" when the priest busted ass during a sermon and the greenhouse gas would drift into the church pews, causing the parishioners to experience olfactory distress and a feeling of "warmth".
This is how the pseudoscience of man-made global warming was first conceived, by the Pope at St Peters Basilica
Let's not lose sleep over methane, or carbon dioxide, as neither has any effect whatsoever on global warming, despite what they say and despite both being technical greenhouse gasses.
Both being such minor atmospheric trace gases, they have zero effect. Methane is at 1.7 ppm and CO2 is at 415 ppm. That's 0.00017% of the atmosphere for methane and 0.04% for CO2. You could quadruple either with no warming effect.
Methane absorbs 80 times the infrared spectra compared to CO2, so it's said to be a more potent greenhouse gas. But not really: 1.7 ppm x 80 = 136. Due to the low CH4 ppm concentration it's effect is about 32% of the effect of CO2. Since CO2's effect on warming is zero, methane's effect is less than zero.
Also, both so-called greenhouse gasses are saturated in the atmosphere (CO2 more so than CH4), so any quadrupling will have zero effect, like trying to add more water to a fully saturated sponge.
See pp 18 - 22:
Additionally, there's zero historical correlation between concentrations of either gas in the atmosphere and global warming going back thousands of years, according to the Greenland ice core data.
Next they will say we should lose sleep over people, because they breathe out 40,000 ppm CO2 with every breath.
LOL. Okay I forgot the /sarc tag, my bad. I thought the smiley face at the end would convey the meaning.
I am sure everyone realized that. How could they not? My "Let's not lose sleep over methane" was also dryly sarcastic.
I would add to that, if I may: participate in joyful and fun things; make art, sing together, create for creation sake. Because to be perfectly honest, I don’t want to just survive. Even if we’re amongst the survivors, what a terrible and unfun life that would be if the things worth remembering aren’t around.
Ultimately, if we focus on expanding our own consciousness, we won’t need to war with anyone. We can exponentially rebuild; we aren’t even aware of our capabilities in that regard. It’s not just about survival, but also about thrival. I’ll keep my sword sheathed and only raise it to protect, that’s a promise.
“ Step up and manage a business in your community if you're not doing that already.
Take business from the monopolists and aggregators, then don't sell out.”
If you can’t manage a local business, be a consumer who utilizes the ones near you.
As I said to the grocery cashier this weekend, “What if all of us gave up shopping at Amaz0n and bought directly from the smaller companies? Used other sources?” Our family has reduced our Amaz0n spending by at least 80% over the last two years. Yeah, occasionally we have to wait a few more days, or we don’t get free shipping, or whatever. But what if by yielding to fast and free shipping we are actually forging our own handcuffs?
I have been driving a bit out of my way to buy local beef, eggs, and butter. It’s similar cost to the organic stuff in there big box store but I know it’s legit pastured and organic. And even better is knowing it is supporting families in my community and state.
Everyone wants convenience. Well, it wasn’t convenient for the Patriots to wear homespun cloth or drink whatever they drank instead of tea. But they did it because they understood what was at stake. We must do likewise.
Yep, that's a good start Copernicus.
I love all your articles, thank you for this hard, extremely detailed work... I think you've pieced everything together so comprehensively since this debacle started... With your reference to the huge East India corporations of the Dutch and English as a model for modern corporations, I think on point (I've thought this for a while... Slave labour, massive profits, owning government favours and having your own army... Corporations in the 20th century have made moves to reinstate such "glory" days and have gone above and beyond even).
Can I put a theory out there for which I have little proof... The elites own China... China is a corporation... They made a deal saying we will locate all our industries here, as we want slave labour. In return the government leaders were made wealthy beyond their dreams, and China saw massive development. Through the China slush fund the elites were able to grab more power at the WHO, by making it look like it was a "country" investing. Via corrupt government in USA UK etc the elites have armies to do their bidding when they can make it look legit, and China's army if they need it to do unpopular things... Without forgetting the UN is at their disposal too.
Much like East India Company UK and Dutch East India company had their own armies (and slave labour), now the elites have China as their slave labour and army ?
Two major WEF events each year Davos Switzerland, where the finance hubs of the elites are, and China at Tianjin and Dalian (alternating each year)... Chinese meeting is called "WEF Annual Meeting of the New Champions"...
Anyway my theory... Only small amount of proof... But thinking about it, fits with everything...
China is WEF and elites stronghold... It is the corporation of China, not a country anymore (much like our countries are probably in name only at this stage)...
Elites have crashed all industry in the West as has been planned for years, moved it offshore to (mainly China and other cheap countries they can own), pharmaceuticals, manufacturing etc. Leaving west weaker and weaker, especially middle class... Now the deliberate economy destruction, blowing vast amounts of money on Covid, destroying independent businesses, making even more unemployment (unecessary deviation from previous pandemic models), medical treatments that harm rather than help... Spending big on Ukraine there is no limit as to how much they pump into this cause, Environment, pushing up energy so high people in Europe may freeze over winter... Restrictions on food production, despite a crisis and shortage all for "climate emissions", seems deliberate...
All over the west, and other countries except for their corporation country of China...
Why? They say it's a developing country...
The country that makes almost everything? The country that has its own space program? The country with many billionaires? The country with one of the most advanced military on earth? The country leading the way in computer technology? Yeah right... Developing...
Oh they also do not have to watch their emissions at all, so it doesn't matter how many coal power stations they build because they're "developing", so they need all the cheap energy and reliable base load to compete... Compete against who? They make everything..?? They make everything for the elites and their businesses... Slave labour, cheap power...
There's no way sensitive co-operative biological research would be going on if it was truly considered a threat to the west, nor would there be factories of the oligarchs there if there was a threat that they could be taken away.
Just a theory, that departs a little from other narratives I've read... Yours is the closest substack I've come across that really opens this up, and has made me think along these lines (despite my theory just being and observational one, not backed by any hard facts).
I'm not necessarily as well researched as all the other commenters on here, and apologies to all for my lack of knowledge, this has been a real game of catch up, as I fear I've been asleep for far too long... Hoping to wake a few up around me.
"The elites own China... China is a corporation... They made a deal saying we will locate all our industries here, as we want slave labour."
Yes, this is my model of China also. Mao was funded through the U.S. State Department, then the cigarette companies and likely elsewhere.
I've only written a brief bit of it.
That said, I absolutely believe that local power centers have developed in China, and China could "pop" at any moment.
This is all the more reason to build business locally, and be prepared to invest in those things that were shipped to China, like manufacture antibiotics.
And the World Bank and Kissinger were the organizers of new industrial development in the early 70's; also responsible for China's one child policy.
Let us remember to listen when people tell us who they are: many of these western power brokers over recent years have stopped their pretense of western loyalty as they repeatedly and very publicly state their admiration of China's efficient control.
That all fits together neatly now knowing that... Kissinger, anything he's touched is suspicious... and yes, no criticism of China... All in admiration, despite any failings on human rights, pandemic management, the acolytes all praise the place... Fits neatly in place.
Thanks Matthew, I haven't read this one... I look forward to it! Cheers
Boy, I'm so confused about China...hear/read positives from likes of Pepe Escobar, Jerry's take on China, Arnaud Bertrand, Matthew Ehret to scary/immoral opposite from Political Moonshine + some doctor/researchers re CoV origin.
Enjoy your Mathew. Take care + thank you.
You mention a number of points that I coincidentally ran with in a discussion last night. Notably, the slave labor and unbridled environmental degradation upon which the newly greenwashed and allegedly woke and unracist economy is based. Including by recent players descended from slaves, making boatloads of money, and vociferously in favor of all the current PC slogans and candidates, whilst simultaneously profiting off the current slavery-based system of production. Just an aside. Odd coincidence.
They tried to own China (largely through Taiwan). They made every possible effort to subvert China through a flood of dollars and nearly succeeded. If China’s actions over the past couple of years seem bizarre, it’s because China has been fighting a war within. I believe Xi will succeed in cutting the cord and war with Taiwan will follow.
The “invisible” approach probably wont defeat the present and coming tyranny. It might buy individuals or individual communities time, but our society is interlocked regarding material needs. No individual or community can be totally self sufficient, unless you plan living at a 19th century level (not pleasant for today's softies). But even then they will come after you. With todays technology there is literally no place to hide
You have to understand, they plan to track and tag all life and resources, everything is either natural capital, social capital or natural capital. They will own all and control all.
Plus, to succeed in their quest to remake civilization, which is what they are after, they must eliminate all knowledge of the the past and our present. Pockets of communities containing this knowledge are like a virus that they will need to eradicate. They know full well isolation is never 100% effective. Eradication is the only solution
Tyranny never surrenders its power voluntarily, it must be defeated. The Allies defeated the tyrants we call Fascists in WW II, only to give birth to a new tyranny which they cloaked with a Flag while playing lip service to Democracy. Nobody is left to defeat these Tyrants but other Tyrants in the East (Russia,China). But more likely they will form a coalition for a World Government and Global Tyranny, albeit with regional flavors.
The reality is bleak, and changing it might not be possible, as we slept through too many wakeup calls, 1963, Vietnam, Iran-Contra, 9/11, 2008, and most are still sleeping through COVID but as Yogi said , “it ain't over until its over”
Old enough that I probably wont see it play out so its easier for me to face I guess. Good luck.
Tyranny halts technology, which halts profit. Tyranny bankrupts itself.
The Tyrants are the ones who develop technology. Who do you think invented and funded the development of the internet, Google, Facebook, satellite surveillance, etc? Silicon Valley is part of the Military Industrial Complex and most of the startups got funding from DARPA,IARPA or In-Q-Tel
The Tyrants cant go bankrupt since they print the money. They can bankrupt everyone else though and thats exactly what they are doing now and frankly, have been doing since at least 2008 . Some believe earlier as standard of living in the West has declined since the late 70’s when they decided Democracy must be weakened following the 1975 Trilateral Commission’s Crisis in Democracy conference .
"The Tyrants are the ones who develop technology. Who do you think invented and funded the development of the internet, Google, Facebook, satellite surveillance, etc?"
By siphoning the capital from symmetric tech development, they invest in asymmetric tech development.
"The Tyrants cant go bankrupt since they print the money. They can bankrupt everyone else though and thats exactly what they are doing now"
When their dollar network contracts, the value of their dollar denominated assets will finally fall, and printing money will do what it's always done for banana republics that don't have a military-banking global hegemony.
Search “ Aldous Huxley/ Mike Wallace Interview 1958”. Be prepared for the validation that there are no coincidences
Well yeah, Eisenhower tried to warn us in 1961, but remember before there was the government funding there were the Rockefeller's and Jp Morgan, and they weren’t going to fund cures for cancer or free energy.
Those who control the USD are the Global Banking Cartel (Fed is a shareholder in BIS) . The Tyrants know whats coming, they will have a safe haven in natural resources , hard assets and currency hedges.
They may very well ditch the dollar to go to a CBDC and impoverish the rest of us but they will still be in control. The problem for the dollar ditchers is when someone owes 30 trillion they become too big to fail . Like they say if you owe a bank a million they own you, owe them 1 billion you own them
Of course, much of that 30 trillion debt is owed to USG or US entities, and its owed in USD and not other currencies, so the dollar pump can continue without much worry, unless they decide to blow it all up and Build Back Better with CBDC, and that might be coming soon
Hubris is even bigger now. They will make mistakes.
Some of us will be savvy enough to sabotage their control infrastructure. Others, not as technologically advanced, can muck up the works a bit by providing bad data.
Be inconsistent.
"can muck up the works a bit by providing bad data" - I've been using the extension from for years to be the "GI" in "GIGO". And of course "USE CASH" as much as possible.
Nuremberg 1.0 was a charade because world war II in its entirety was engineered and scripted. Defeating the New world order will take nothing less than massive armed rebellion and a well coordinated Cyber attack on all the centers of power, the whole bureaucratic technocratic apparatus.
I believe that war is a bait that helps them build power back after eating 49% of their own.
Suppose we went to war with them,
(1) Who is the head hydra? Or is there one?
(2) What is the victory condition?
The only way to win is by having a system that fully replaces theirs. This means a nonnational currency at the very least.
Before you dismiss my next comment, I'll add a disclaimer that it's not the cornerstone of my analysis, it's just an interesting observation that seems to fit. Both Daniel and Revelation list the empires of the world until Christ's millenial kingdom: Persia, Greece, and Rome. There's nothing after Rome. Therefore, I suspect that neither China nor Russia will ever supplant Rome per this model. Rome = Europe and the Anglo-American countries. None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen, Wall St. and the Bolshevik Revolution by Antony Sutton, The Globalists by Dennis Cuddy, and many other books proved conclusively that Communism (USSR, China, and all the others) was created by the USA, the UK, and Europe. What you create you control. The West appears to be under attack by the domestic Left and international socialism and the UN, but that is only a charade for public consumption to play out the scenario for building a world government, in which, per point 10a. of The Earth Charter, wealth is equalized not just within but also BETWEEN nations. Picture the Masonic slogan Ordo Ab Chao (order out of chaos) and the legend of the Phoenix, as pictured in the January 1988 cover of The Economist. The Phoenix rises from the ashes of war and economic destruction to become the world government, the New World Order. Wars are engineered to bring that to pass. Alfred Lord Tennyson's poem Locksley Hall partially describes the plan, how wars will finally cease when "the federation of the world" is formed. The losers of wars are only the people; the elite always win and consolidate their power further. Who's the head hydra? Picture a pyramid structure. Near the top are the visible political leaders and think tank intellectuals, above them are the wealthy bankers and royal families who are members of secret societies like Freemasons, Rosicrucians, Theosophy, Lucis Trust, the Jesuits, the Vatican, Ordo Templi Orientis, Illuminati, etc. Above them are the occult channelers like Helena Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, Manly P. Hall, Albert Pike, etc., who receive The Plan via automatic writing from Lucifer or his fallen angels who serve him, whom these occultists regard as the liberator, thus explaining their desire to totally exterminate Judaism and Christianity. The conspirators want to replace the idea of inalienable rights, free markets, the rule of law, and God as the highest authority, with a socialist technocracy conceived and managed by the elite and their scientific and propaganda technocrats. They believe that once Judaism and Christianity and Islam are destroyed - the three monotheistic religions which believe man is a separate creation of God, then man will finally understand that he is not separate from God - he is god, or at least part of god, and he will be able to take an evolutionary leap to Homo Noeticus (or some similar name meaning new man), leave the Age of Pisces and enter the Age of Aquarius. This explains Nazism, which was a project to kill the Jews and Christians as part of this evolutionary advance. The next few projects will be to kill more Jews and more Christians, Muslims, and other freedom-loving truth-tellers who hate the new technocracy being set up, until all resistance is vanquished. This is the rebuilding of the Tower of Babel, and installation of a New World Order, New World Religion, led by a New World Leader (the Antichrist). That is the victory condition. We know they will partially succeed since "no man will be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast", which means the CBDC's are inevitable (the beast is not a person, but the all-powerful state being setup). They won't succeed in destroying Judaism, Israel, or Christianity, because their survival is a promise from God. But many will die. When the NWO makes a royal mess of the planet and humanity, Jesus will return to keep mankind from destroying itself. He'll destroy the NWO, and install himself as king. Matthew 24 and following, as well as Daniel, Revelation, Zechariah, Ezekiel, and many other Biblical prophetic books describe what is sure to happen. It's the job of the followers of Jesus Christ to become fervent in their faith and their love, and become powerful evangelists of the gospel, which is starting to happen as the persecution on them is turned up, which persecution has been happening continuously in other parts of the world for centuries. The Church will no longer be lukewarm, but fervent, genuine. The Great Commission to carry the gospel everywhere will be completed (it nearly is already), the Jews will be jealous of the love relationship and fruits of the spirit that Christians have with their God - the God of their ancestors: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They will also see their desperate need for a redeemer, their Messiah, due to the existential threat they will face from wars waged against them by the countries surrounding Israel. These developments will cause them to finally believe in Jesus en masse. Then Jesus will descend again on the Mount of Olives where he ascended after his resurrection (Zechariah 14). My confidence in the foregoing is around 95% regarding the geopolitical aspects which have already taken place. My confidence in future events is considerably lower, so I'm speculating based on what I've learned. It's an educated guess. But it's more than a wild guess because of the past track record of past Biblical prophecies which have been fulfilled and the presence of other ones in the Bible which have yet to be fulfilled but seem to dovetail nicely with the progression of current events. Our goal to turn back this scenario would be to restore the constitutional republic so it closely aligns with what we had 230 years ago. That will take a massive educational effort, massive nullification of all unconstitutional laws and programs and agencies at the state and county level, willingness for freedom-fighters to suffer being shut out of the economy and for many to die until the control system is defeated. Even then, the precondition for success is national repentance in the Church - another Great Awakening like that during the 1730's or so led by George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, John and Charles Wesley, etc. And, of course, it will require the church to call out to God to save us, to believe that he can and will help us, and then for the providential intervention of Almighty God, which Washington and Franklin, among others, believed happened during the birth of our country. I hope that happens and we have a reprieve of another century or so of freedom. It could be that I'm a pessimist by nature, or lacking in faith, but I think we will continue to slide towards the New World Order, albeit with great works of the Holy Spirit along the way.
Tehre is a lot of common ground for conversation here. I agree that the West created communism, and Western leaders used it to shape the incapacity of most of the serious rivals for power since.
I believe that those in control, despite being at peak wealth, are about to suffer a massive reversal of fortune and begin to veer toward bankruptcy. Unfortunately, this isn't a simple story to type out that I'll have to arrange articles for many more months to reach.
Very interesting. I pray you're wrong about NWO. There's a book out The Antichrist and A Cup of Tea by Tim Cohen who gives very strong evidence that King Charles will be the Antichrist. From what I've observed it's quite likely. The 2022 UK Commonwealth Games intro w KC presiding is most disturbing. It was on YT.
It's all just so overwhelming after a while, but I've been somewhat ahead of the curve and backed away from most of the insanity a while ago. Still hard to come to grips w the fact that even w all the truth and positivity on a personal level that this is the state of the world today.
I have read things that suggest KC.
I think that if the mid to upper level hydras, whose cooperation the elites must have, see their *peers losing things they want to keep, they may decide they don't want to play anymore.
Psychopathy is not a tameable force. Parallel systems are the only option but surely a reckoning will be inevitable at some point
Psychopathy must be tamed within communities. A localized government focused approach allows for this.
Caution: The following question comes from a non bitcoin user who is on board with community building (along lines of what each person/family is already involved in, and expanding to learn new skills, especially of a hands on nature). To me cash is so physical and it's a shame that I really don't carry it about, preferring to use my card to digitally transact. I mean I learned to count change backwards when I worked retail as a kid. It is rather a point of pride (forgive me such a silly thing) that I can tell most clerks these days the amount they owe me if I pay with cash, while they must read from the machine.
What is the currency (you mentioned a non-national replacement for what we have now, which, though national, is still tied to US $) that would not become global?or globally controllable by aggressive people who want to reduce any exposure to loss? Is bitcoin truly adaptogenic enough to work in small communities and yet be easily usable as an inter-community exchange token?
It sure seems that some form or forms of physical exchange tokens would be more truly local. They have lots of security risks, of course, but if we stay local, maybe that is overcome in the community through group recourse.
People should read the "Brown Book" published in the GDR. The vast majority of Nazis, Nazi affiliated corporations, Wehrmacht officers, etc, were fully incorporated in the West German apparatus. That is, those who weren't incorporated into the US apparatus. Gehlen Org. for example - becoming a key component of the CIA. The majority of Adehauer's cabinet were "former" Nazis. Heusinger - top Nazi general on the Eastern Front became NATO Chief of Staff.
Here is the outstanding study of Nazi "rehabilitation" -
A fairly good synopsis here -
I greatly appreciate this post and the previous in this series. History certainly isn't my area, and I've seen this topic come up a lot. The most consistent theme I've come across is that to a lot of people it does communicate the severity and seriousness of what should be done.
I'm a big fan of trying to generalize the CAPA (Corrective Action Preventative Action) process across society. At minimum governments should be accountable to them for corruption and overreach. "CAPA it" is a lot easier to say than "Nuremberg 2" anyways, and In my opinion it's closer to what we're trying to aim for.
I'm not great at branding, but that's my 2c.
Thanks for adding clarity to what is inevitably going to be a very emotional discussion for a long time.
Can you please explain this reference in your reply to my comment on your last article?
"No letting Harriman the hook...only to elect future presidents and dismantle our rule of law!"
Sorry to be dense -- I searched Harriman Bank on Google and I'm still not clear on your meaning here.
Prescott Bush funded the Nazi Party as a representative of Harriman Bank. Instead of being punished, he was allowed to slip into Congress, grow his power, and set the stage for his son and grandson to run the CIA and become president.
Wifey of Railroad baron and banker E.H. Harriman also funded Cold Springs Harbor Eugenics Records Office. One of their sons Averell Harriman would go on to be NY State Guv and run the Carter Administration, along with Trilateral Commission slug Zbig Brzezinski. Averell coauthored the Global 2000 Report calling for eliminating 2 Billion useless eaters. And now here we are.
Thank you for the additional info. This further supports my belief that the Nazis were an American invention, for which there is a shocking amount of evidence for a theory that rarely gets discussed.
Cold Spring Harbor & Eugenics connections are in the wiki :~)
Grateful! We need more people willing to document in the
So much evidence. It defies so swiftly the 'we were the good guys dontchya know' star spangled narrative. As Norm Macdonald once joked, "It says here in this history book that luckily, the good guys have won every single war. What are the odds?"
Norm was one of my favs.
What do you think of Anthony Sutton's "Wall Street and ..." trilogy?
Flippin love & adore Antony Sutton who was an economics chair at Stanford.. his research is meticulous w rigorous academic standards & lots of primary source documents make it as close as we can get to accurate... He authored 35 books & I have only read about six but they all hold up after decades still poking away at the material in them.
Don't know. Haven't read it.
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution.
Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler.
Wall Street and FDR.
Same group of international financiers backing all 3.
I think we imported them.
Holy sh*t. Yes, that's a big deal.
That's just the start. Once you start tracing forward the people who ran that era's war circuses, you find them all over the pool of global leadership: Governments, banks, military, intelligence, corporations, and even churches.
Okay well then it would be extremely valuable for you to start building out that evidence for us newbies. You're narrating a completely alternative history of the last 100 years (or longer?). It sounds spot on. But literally I know none of it and I imagine that's true for most people. We've got to have the right theory of the case if we are to survive what is happening right now. And it very well may be that you have the right theory of the case. You cannot assume that everyone knows this because we just plain don't. And Google won't get us there either.
We try to recruit to fill out the, but it's a long task.
I started down the rabbit hole on this today and whoa it's already bad. This is the Guardian in 2004:
"How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power"
And the evidence is clear that Prescott Bush was laundering money for Fritz Thyssen who owned the largest steel and coal company in Germany and funded Hitler throughout the 1930s. So if this is the publicly available story in the Guardian just imagine how bad the actual story is.
I'm grateful to you for asking these important questions and starting many of us on this deeper journey.
how about thousands??
(First Time Reader, got here via a link posted in Unreported Truths SubStack comment section) This whole discussion dovetails nicely with my recent reading of Talbot's stunning The Devil's Chessboard detailing Allen Dulles's CIA career. Same cast of shady characters. But let's not leave out the media/propaganda owners like Henry Luce. Which leads me to suggest to folks the other book I am currently reading, The Grey Lady Winked (2021), about the terrible reporting of the NYT and its impact on world events. A bunch of Nazi-enthusiasts, so they were.
Fleshing Out Skull & Bones has a fab chapter on Prescott Bush & Union Banking
Thank you, Pamela!
Horrified to read about the three million dollars that was stowed away for the Nazis.
And, thank you, Matthew, for reminding people that Operation Paper Clip was a dark. ceaselessly growing, Nuremberg tendril.
P.S. Pamela, we are also mutual J C Couey fans!
Lovely. As they say..."and the rest is history". Is it possible that that family has damaged our country more than any other? From CIA, to JFK to 911. I do hope they're all dirtnapping as reported.
And yes it's such an incredible bummer that we are not invisible. I'm so jealous of el gato malo and eugyppius. They figured out the stakes from the beginning.
Figured them out, or were part of one of the warring factions? I'm not making a claim, but asking. Given that they're anonymous, we cannot know from a distance. El Gato Malo in particular has been unnecessarily uncooperative with me.
He's a cat. You expect a cat to be cooperative? LOL.
I don't think it would be too hard to figure out who Eugyppius and EGM are. There is enough information in their Substacks. I am too lazy to pursue this, and have no need or benefit, but subscribe to both (not just for the cat memes.) Spartacus on ICENI looks a little more challenging for an amateur Sherlock.
I don't believe for a nanosecond that the NSA through their servers do not have them identified.
Spartacus isn't very secret there were two group calls I can recall where a name was said but like you it makes no difference to me what irl names are only the quality of content. Since they all have paid subscribers it means there is banking info attached to their Substacks so FEDs just need to request user info they don't even need fancy surveillance.
Think it was Brown Brothers Harriman
Sort of gels with my suggestions in :
"All is not lost, however, and there are things we, the people these institutions are supposed to serve, can still do to prevent ourselves falling into dystopia.
I believe that awareness, calm resistance to the directions our institutions are pushing us in, and (self)-knowledge are key.
By becoming trauma aware, we can learn to spot the signs of defensive nervous systems at play. We can learn to recognize the Survival Styles in people, and stop electing, rewarding and idolizing the folks who clearly display them.
We can refuse to live in fear, and become aware of the fear mongering for what it is. We can read up on the “science” of Nudging, and learn how the magic is trick done. This makes it much harder for us to be fooled or tricked into fear.
Most of all, we can stop consuming the news media. Indeed, this is the number one recommendation I give to people with chronic illnesses who want to reduce their symptoms. I guarantee this will not only make us less fearful, but will also improve our quality of life.
We can also resist the divide and conquer tactics emanating from out institutions, which seek to get us to dehumanize, other and blame each other.
We can identify and attend to our addictions.
We can avoid the junk, and prevent the need for pharmaceuticals.
We can help other people who are still stuck in chronic defensive nervous system states to wake up, and come back to a calm place. This cannot be achieved simply by argumentation with facts and logic, because this just feeds the defensiveness, so must be done by appealing to the right brain hemisphere via re-connection to love and common humanity, through metaphor, comedy, poetry, music, awe and beauty."
Fitting post on Holocaust Rememberence weekend. As a 3rd generation survivor thanks for this topic. In a deepstated situation of heavy employees, not named Peter Daszak, we must understand the prophetic and legal recourses available. I asked the L○rd why the Holocaust, after I relived my Grandfather's amazing story¹ and was led down a profit patent path². The goød news is WHO the 'm' messenger in mRNA was revealed as imminently Messianic. I'll be speaking with CHD and world renowned doctors in the coming weeks³ to explain further.
From what I understand from insiders in the Biden administration (yes, they are legit) is that Biden is surrounded by climate lunatics that have zero real-world experience. All they care about is the end of fossil fuels and fast.
These people can not see beyond their noses; they are not system thinkers but one issue minded; nothing else matters but the end of oil.
They are pushing for war with Russia to break it up since most of Russia's GDP is oil. The Neocons are behind them and certainly not complaining; it's their dream come true; someone else is pushing for war.
The climate nuts also can't seem to understand how many nukes Russia has. If Russia is broken into chunks, it will result in numerous small regions, all having nukes and all uncontrollable. The result will be like Iraq as factions take up old arguments, this time with nuclear weapons.
There is no sanity in DC. There is no one saving the day. The US wants war just as FDR wanted to be in Europe. We are so screwed.
"From what I understand from insiders in the Biden administration (yes, they are legit) is that Biden is surrounded by climate lunatics that have zero real-world experience. All they care about is the end of fossil fuels and fast."
This is why the Saudis (1) consolidated power (King Salman makes no bones about saying "energy security first is impossible to avoid"), and (2) just began the ending of the petrodollar system. It's game on.
nothing else matters but the end of oil --
that, and the end of as many pregnancies as possible it would seem
Suddenly we hear a lot about “ The Great Reset”. Oh yes, the geniuses are quick on the draw. They’re going to thwart it. Because they’re so brilliant. Such Brave sleuths.
This may seem cynical. Who am I but a mere unwashed, nameless, faceless, non-Ivy League commoner? What the hell would a simpleton citizen taxpayer who once believed in America’s “ vaunted elected government” and impartial justice system having the back of “ We The People” know?
I know that NOBODY has our back and we better get it together. We are not each other’s enemies. We’ve been manipulated to hate each other. The enemy resides within our duplicitous, sold out globalist technocracy. The Great Reset is already at the helm. “ transhumans’r’ Us”
The last notation of you extraordinarily insightful essay named the the holy grail sought by the megalomaniacal cabal.
The ultimate power. Immortality, and not euphemistically, metaphorical or as hyperbole. Literally. The Fourth Reich. Transhumanism.
For those using the term “ Nuremberg 2.0”, it’s a false analogy. Nobody was held accountabale because so many were complicit. Many elites the world over abetted , were of the same mindset . But the real goal was to unluck the secret of life eternal.
Dr. Zev Zelenko, the Orthodox Jewish doctor who created the HCQ/Zithromax/Zinc/Vitamin D Covid therapy may have best summed up the Plandemonium and the many tentacles. “ This is a Holocaust, but everybody is a Jew. The created virus is less toxic than the forced lockdowns, masking,Social distancing, censorship, humiliation, divide, federalized policing, loss of freedom, assets, businesses, injustice and now forced genetic manipulation under the guise of reward for good behavior. I can tell you about those “ rewards”. My family can’t”
I am guilty of using Nuremberg 2.0 as it is basically self explanatory. And no it didn't really work well the first time but hopefully we learn from our mistakes. Thank you for the quote by Dr. Z. What a wonderful man and a tragic loss and end to his life.
I wonder if the military industrial complex, the narco banking complex and the tech medical complex take turns to agitate some scuttlebutt at just the right time to take our eye off the one beginning to be outed for their crimes. Seems like just as news about one of the endless scandals begins to break free, viola, a drone drops some payload somewhere or a big crypto scam is busted and our attention shifts, and the almost exposed scandal is forgotten.