There is both support and pushback for this article. But I'll note that, so far as I've noticed, nobody has yet challenged any facts.

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Stew is young and passionate on the subject of deadly jabs, but also impatient and inexperienced in the craft of documentary-making. Thankfully, the main point of the film is solid and compelling.

He just needs to learn discipline about tripple-checking everything. Don’t hand out ammunition to the opposition.

Yes, we must hold ourselves to a much higher standard than the MSM. But I’m just grateful that something is cutting through the noise, even if it occasionally stoops down to the sensationalist level of the opposition.

The documentary is a net win for the MFM. How many other similar documentaries have gone viral?

I also didn’t like the happy mood of the song used in the end credits. But it’s nit-picking. Most people don’t even watch end credits, and very few care about the lyrics. Let’s not read so much into it.

Instead, let’s encourage the making of a sequel which will bring the receipts, especially Karen Kingston’s research on Moderna’s mRNA patents and the medical explanation of those strange white fibrous clots.

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"The documentary is a net win for the MFM. How many other similar documentaries have gone viral?"

Don't tell me it's a net win within answering the Impact Analysis. It got pushed through all of the MFM networks. It got viewed by the whole Choir. Nobody has proposed any metrics for success, much less studied them so far as I can tell.

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Do your homework on Lauren Witzke and Stew Peters. She was/is a drug addict by her own admission. Ran for Congress in Delaware not Vermont. Got booted from TruNews with Rick Wiles for nefarious activity. Wholly unqualified to produce good material hence her basement production. Peters is an Eminem wannabe in his past life. Both claim to be Christians; They weren’t then, I hope they are now. IMO: Two clowns trying to make it in the adult world however failing miserably.

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I may have typed Vermont because I was using the Vermont data. Thanks for the correction (and additional info).

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Thanks for doing the tedious research to unravel this knotted up ball of bullshit yarn.

There's a lot that is true mixed in with fear porn nonsense. Trust your gut and own eyes. I'm seeing thrombosis on the rise as well as sudden new allergic reactions. Increase in cancers too.

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Ask Malone to explain that

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If I were to investigate, it would definitely be on Malone. Not Peters, Ruby, etc. why? Listen to Malone speak. He controls the narrative, always has a shaky voice, can’t seem to let anyone speak. He’s never calm, relaxed, assured. It’s as if he has these talking points that he reads from a list. Who handles him? He has a complex history worth unraveling. Especially his apparent expertise on mass psychosis. Nevermind the snake venom theory albeit straight out of biblical prophecy; mere fodder for the eschatological minded. Peters, Ruby, Ardis….they have to hustle for their money. Not Malone. Follow Malone and his money. Therein lies the truth.

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You would investigate Malone rather than elements surrounding the suppression of the largest fraud in world history?

Okay. I won't stop you.

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Malone has published about his participation supporting Reliance Life Science. He was a consultant to them in THEIR development. Not sure about any financial arrangement should that RElCovax development get tested and approved. From his briefing the proposed vaccine would be safer and offer better protection than the current vaccines developed and used in India. What's wrong with a vaccine that works?

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Here Malone says he is only a consultant


Here his name appears as a creator /owner ?


What the hell is he doing if he works for Fauci???

Have you ever heard Malone speak like this?


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He apparently was only a consultant to Reliance. He created the presentation. The final video is Dr Zelenko, not Malone.

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Dec 12, 2022
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I keep hearing the claim that the online world is being run by a big machine that's become good at thinking on its own. And yet, knowing scores of people in A.I., none of them have any examples of tech nearly so far along. I think the idea is a just so story that would stand in as an explanation for what is hard to otherwise explain.

There are certainly technologies that lead the masses, but they've been with us for decades or centuries without the need for artificial computing power at all. Making those invisible is part of the methodology of control. It includes brainwashing and torture, and I do know people who have personally experienced that.

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Finally. Stew Peters exposed. You make more sense than anyone out there right now. Your FTX post last week was a work of art. Thank you.

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So glad to see deep analysis on FTX, don't stop! It may be part and parcel of, and funding for the money laundering hub of many of the plagues we are all trying to fight.

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Alex Berenson has 2 interviews up with a fellow who called FTX fraud a long ways back. Great reads to go along with what was published here.

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As I pointed out to several people about the producer of this "documentary", when I learned it was Stew Peters, I immediately dismissed its worth. Peters has a long sordid history, and to me everything about him immediately screamed snake oil salesman. The same with his rag Red Voice Media. The carelessness with which this film was produced makes me think the poison pills were deliberate and he's fulfilling his role as a chaos agent. Matthew mentions A Midwestern Doctor in this article; he and I had an exchange when he first mentioned the video in one of his articles, after which he credited me with his follow-up deeper dive into a critique of the film and its producer. Many thanks to Matthew for doing an even deeper dive into Peters' history. I always learn things from you.

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I suspect you led me down that trail.

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Same for me!

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I guess the Documentary did cause chaos bc now I am not sure whether the “calamari” effect is unusual or not??? Mostly, I do believe its unusual and different. However, I didn’t doubt it at all prior to this reading just now, although I thought the film was overly dramatic, unprofessionally done at times and not very smooth and polished. If Dr. Ryan Cole says so, I believe him.

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It's an honor to have been of service.

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Last week I was explaining to my wife how SP seems to operate as a disinformation agent who takes some truths and plants poison pills in them so that they can be easily criticized and discounted. I do not trust him at all. Your analysis is spot on and I'm going to share with my friends who are SP consumers.

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SP "consumers" ...exactly.

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Peters works for the very same people that Tony Fauci works for?

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I suspect most people want war at this point. They don’t want to fix the world. They want heads to roll for the crimes against humanity.

That’s what Peters offers: a call to war. A war which we can’t win anyway because the perceived enemy has bigger and better weapons. A war, that even if won by the Medical Freedom Movement by way of punishing the criminals, will not fix the systems that created those criminals. A war which will be the catalyst for further enslavement.

This is our evolutionary test. Do we transcend this madness? Time will tell.

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I think his influence will "peter" out. It's obvious to enough people, it seems to me, what his mission is. It will be like the "snake venom" mania but with a bit more staying power.

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After watching "The Last Narc" on Amazon prime (I believe), I basically suspect most of these documentary makers are CIA.

If you haven't seen that 4-part documentary, it's definitely worth it, with perhaps one of the greatest real-life-story twists at the end that you'll ever see.

Died Suddenly was overdramatized from the start. They literally put a tag at the bottom that what was about to be seen was autopsy video that was unedited, and then proceeded to show a dimly lit laboratory on par with an episode of "X-Files" as some kind of dramatic entrance to an autopsy. It was disgusting and anyone who has ever been around a laboratory knows to call bullshit when they see that on camera. Then when they dove into all the clips of people stroking out on camera with no sources and no dates I started questioning everything I was seeing.

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"I basically suspect most of these documentary makers are CIA."

You're thinking! But you're probably not quite on target. The CIA are more your Ivy League intelligence crowd---gatekeepers to the oligarchs.

It's the Psychological (warfare) Operations Groups (POGs) that handle this sort of thing. These guys look more likely to be part of that, or simply contracted with the POGs.

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When I said CIA, I didn't mean government civilian in the employ of the CIA, I meant more contractor that the CIA can wash their hands of easily. I would expect the civilians and think-tank contractors to be ivy league... but the down-and-dirty people who could get jailed? Aren't those the furthest from ivy-league?

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And the contractor class now apparently include battalions and companies of behavioral scientists focused on propaganda, censorship, behavioral nudging and weaponizing of your social media contacts as gateways for "trusted news."

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Right, and I expect many of those have either direct or indirect ties to social media moderation contractor companies, if not entirely embedded within them.

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It makes me particulary sick about behavioral science experts. I discovered an old colleague of mine on LinkedIN--the only time I had a time out in the doghouse there was on a research article I posted from Dr. Philip McMillan's shop. I looked through my contact list with curiosity in case I was directly reported, read through the firms people were with and then found a suspect or two and detached the contacts. I suddenly had persistent requests to become a contact again by one person, so she outed herself. My colleague was a "trusted contact" perhaps watching my behavior, but also receiving big contract money for reducing vaccine hesitancy. So the rumors are true I learned from a heartbreaking direct experience. I am off LinkedIN.

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That's a disturbing story.

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They enlist all they need like Yale with their "Persuasive messaging to increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake intentions"

Erin K. James; Scott E. Bokemper; Alan S. Gerber; Saad B. Omer; Gregory A. Hubera

The correct title would have been "How to manipulate people into experimental gene therapy injections" LOL.

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Where do you pick this up? Like CIA , gatekeepers...

I'm fascinated by all this. Besides, they're at war with us..

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This is basically off topic per se but I personally would donate a major body organ for Charlie Rose to take charge of ALL OF THIS and begin interviewing everyone! He is clearly without doubt the best interviewer to have ever graced TV - my only complaint in his desperate need to be part of "the crowd" he has compromised himself which is exactly what caused his demise! NO ONE - I repeat no one on the face of this earth can shine that mans shoes - there isn't anyone the man has not met and or interviewed. NO ONE! Who else could possibly make that statement? His knowledge is infinite! I so wish to God he would take on this crusade - no one was there for him when they threw him under the bus - how many others returned after scandals? It could be his last hurrah! He could devote his hour long (former) program to each of these people - I know he's now on Substack but basically replaying previous and legendary interviews!

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Dec 3, 2022
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I wonder how many politicians, key scientists etc have had family members lives threatened?

1958, it was said that Cardinal Siri was elected Pope... He was Catholic.

But he was threatened and turned it down... A freemason then got the votes (but not pope because of divine law) Roncalli....

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LOL. I have to laugh. Everyone freaking out that they have taken some liberties with this "documentary" have apparently forgotten all the "based on real events" movies and tv shows we have had forced down our throats. I work in tv and every darn part of entertainment stretches the truth for profit whether it's music or movies. We have been lied to for 3 years with stuff that is far harder to believe than what stew peters peddles. Let people watch this.. then question it and then realize that the majority of it is true. Then they will say.. wow, I have been lied to for 3 years.. maybe my whole life because big medicine is a fraud.

thanks for your hard work and can i invest with you for that 40,000% return?

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Haha. I have a small amount of unique tangential hollywood experience and let me tell you (well not you) everything (mostly) on TV is scripted narrative framing. From who should marry who to grand-scheme-legislation to de-vilifying nationalities that just last season were portrayed as ultimate evil villains. "Reality" TV included. I tend to agree (I think) obvious mistakes should be edited from this movie. But People who passed out without dying does not negate that verifiably people are dying suddenly at times from these injections.

We don't know vax status of some, so what - we don't know they weren't vaxxed either. The over dramatization is the turn off to me. That and the convenient house call during filming - that felt very disingenuous. Much like 1 2 weeks to stop the spread being announced exactly as Mark Rober was wrapping up his classroom germ spread video.

https://youtu.be/IKQcgLuchVg (8:17)

One wonders what these kids would like with the same experiment while wearing masks. I GUARANTEE it would be WAY worse.

When I 1st saw this in my in-box it seemed beneath MC to address this but I appreciate his take and am eager for clearer understanding of the beef with Renz. BTW, I don't see how the actual video of Renz from that injury or 2nd opinion panel (dont remember which) is a problem. Even if something is jacked with that specific data, there is smoke there. A LOT OF SMOKE. And that means there is fire. And that fire may well lead to deposition and discovery. I for one welcome that.

My early plandemonium reading led me to take a lucrative flyer on a modern medicine stock based on certain bureaucrat's obvious conflict of interest.

I'd be down on a certain subscription type offering by MC for an Investment periodical. Lets call it 40K. 💰

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entertainment stretches the truth for profit whether it's music or movies.

And in the last 3 years entertainment AND medicine AND Academia took the money to scare the shit out of the world to coerce them to demand to be injected with untested and unknown ingredients.

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GREAT analysis. But first: "Eerie psychedelic ambiance music segues into a barrage of conspiracy theory topics"...actually, this is PINK FLOYD! Animals, to be exact! So when Animals started playing, my first thought was, did they get permission or pay royalties for this music to be played in this inflammatory documentary? Why isn't Pink Floyd's record company all over their asses?

If the documentary makers DID get permission to use Pink Floyd...then...that actually makes me suspicious. So we are either dealing with hacks who have no clue that they can't just take music (especially from a major band like Pink Floyd) and put it in their documentary without permission...or...these clowns actually got a corporate stamp of approval on their music choice. Hm.

Beyond that...Stew Peters was a nobody prior to covid and then suddenly shot to fame with this slickly produced online TV show. Do I think he's "controlled opposition"? I think it's highly likely. Everything he puts out poisons the well. Either that, or he's a highly successful hack. Unfortunately, he is doing incredible damage to the credibility of the health freedom movement.

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Anyone who watches a documentary with evocative music and cutaways is asking for it. Better to stick with bullet points and cites. "Just the facts, ma'am."

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When pieces play scary music, it makes it look like sensationalism. Been saying this since 2020.

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Not minutiae. If they are professionals they should know that they can't use music like that without paying royalties for it.

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Your house is still burning down and you're still trying to put the grass fire out in your yard. You need to start talking about the Legal Strategic Offense, like Legal Strategic Boycotts, ALL OF THE TIME!!!! Heck, the spontaneous and unorganized boycott that started against Disney after it went Demonically Woke in February of this year resulted in Disney losing 40% of its stock value and at least $87 Billion in market cap by June!!!!!! That's how this chess game of saving our Republic has to be played out, and not to the exclusion of voting and anything else LEGAL we can do to save it.

By 2005, I'd observed 2 things, abstractions. One, Americans would never save their Republic by "Voting Alone". Two, if conservatives and patriots ever elected their perfect candidate to the presidency, on inauguration day on the podium he would find himself surrounded by NOTHING BUT the most powerful organized crime syndicate in the world. That was almost 18 years ago, probably while you were still in grade or middle school. I apologize if you hadn't entered school yet. Your picture is small and/or you dyed your hair?

In 2000, I also observed about Democrats and Rinos constituted NOTHING BUT 2 families in a huge organized crime syndicate, and I also started using the phrase "Demonic Insanity" to describe Democrats.

Talk about music all you want as an intro, but like everybody else in America except me, stop omitting the Legal Strategic Offense.

I now boycott well more than 300 corporations. I started my first boycott in 08/1975, maybe before you were born, against Levi Strauss & Company when at a stop sign in Robstown, TX the announcer on the AM radio stated Levi's came out in open support of homosexuality. By 2005 I started my Ford and GM boycotts. Since then I've spent about $1 million on new trucks, not a one of them a Ford or GM, and from 1994 to 2005 I loved Ford trucks. When 87 million Americans JUST SHUT THE HECK UP AND DO WHAT THEY ARE TOLD TO DO BY SOMEBODY LIKE ME, and join me in Legal Strategic boycotts, the Disneys, Levis, Fords, GMs and a couple of hundred other Woke corporations are going to learn what a bad idea it is to financially support things that destroy our Republic! That's why I refer to myself, the role I so often play, as a Marine Drill Instructor. Take your orders and follow them. BTW, it takes fewer than 30 seconds to sign a Marketing Survey/Boycott Petition once a person is supplied with a link to the petition. That's 30 seconds out of 86,400 seconds in a 24-hour day.

I started my partial boycott of the Top 3 cellphone providers last January when I cancelled my AT&T account and went with a Talk, Text and 15G internet plan that saved me $75/month, $900/year. Imagine if 87 Million Trump voters, of which I am not one, joined me in this boycott. The executives, directors, shareholders and creditors of the 3 cellphone providers would be HORRIFIED!

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I was put off at the beginning by the spurious association with various strange theories.

I know people who are into the UFO/Bigfoot-style stories and they generally sweetly innocent, but not critical thinkers and are seemingly rather easily manipulated.

This effort was just another in a long line of “alien bases orbiting Jupiter” type of trash that used to fill rags like The National Enquirer.

In my view, it did not make a serious contribution to the Medical Freedom effort, and confirmed my view of Peters, whose breathless “What else could it be but aliens?” style of presentation is a tell that he’s a charlatan at best.

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If you don't believe in Bigfoot's existence, you better go do some more and better research. Contact Dr Jeff Meldrom, I think at Idaho State University, and ask him about the evidence proving the existence of Bigfoot.

You don't know that UFOs exist? HaHaHaHa! And you criticize people who don't agree with you as not being critical thinkers? HaHaHaHa! In your case, "Projection equals confession.". If you want to prove UFOs exist, go listen to the 25 years of research done by Dr Stephen Greer, a trauma room surgeon. He's not a critical thinker; however, he did decide to take a dive off the Timothy Treadwell Cliff when it comes to things not factually based.

Start out by watching Greer's first documentary. I think its is entitled "Sirius Disclosure". If you don't believe in UFOs after researching Greer's evidence, then you fail for the ability to "acquiesce in the judgment of right reason".

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Ok, thanks.

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Dec 5, 2022
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Oh. Okay.

Thank you for diagnosing my “philosophy”.

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Thank you so much for reposting my article!

If this movement wants to succeed, it has to be able to put forward a credible and professional message and it has been fascinating for me to watch the schisms that have emerged between new people to this field who have that type of background and the traditional people in the alt-right field who are used to grabbing people's attention by making provocative claims (which somewhat worries me as I feel the more provocative members are scaring off the more professional and credible members who we need to represent this).

I know a lot of people in this movement either personally or through friends, and it has continually surprised me to see how people I know are good people who are sincerely committed to doing the right thing are accused of being controlled opposition or some other slander (which I take to be reflective of the fact no matter what you do you can't make everyone happy and I am grateful that I've been able to sidestep this issue by being completely anonymous [e.g. my friends who write on here have no idea I'm AMD]).

Because so many people I know have been unfairly slandered, I want to try and give everyone the benefit of the doubt if they are promoting messages that move this forward rather than banwagon them, especially since for our movement to succeed, we have to work together and not be broken apart with infighting.

Assuming I want to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. I feel the common error I see being made over and over in the alternative media is that many of the people who are speaking on this topic have very poor medical knowledge, and as a result they are asserting claims that are nonsensical they would not consider if they had that knowledge.

For example, with watch the water, spike protein is expensive (e.g. I can afford to buy small amounts for a few cell studies but not much more). The idea that it would be possible to mass distribute enough of it in the water supply to poison people (especially given that much of it will breakdown in municipal water) is completely nonsenscial, but if you lack that background and assume it's like putting a highly potent and easy to produce chemical in the water, you could think that argument was justified.

I'm a bit torn on all of this because I recognize that for the movement to be successful, people need to make money off of promoting it in a broadcastable manner so those media personalities are motivated to bring it to the attention of the general public, but at the same time this type of content poisons the well. I specifically wrote that article because I saw the movie, thought it was persuasive, sent it to two of my relatives, prior to fact checking it and then felt a bit burned after I realized things I thought they would have vetted were not vetted and realized no one was aware of the fibrin misfolding issue.

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I think that most of us were scammed by the vids of people circling and seizing. I watched the parts about clots with a vascular surgeon of my acquaintance and was able to ask questions of the surgeon and silence pathologists on the other side (a resident and a chemopathologist). And I did some reading about postmortem clots and lines of zahn and then I understood Dr. Cole's comment about looking through his scope.

For the readers, from my reading and asking:

There are four kinds of clots: 1) emboli, which are unfixed to blood vessel walls, 2) immature thrombi, which are fixed to the wall of a blood vessel and composed of fragile whitish structures and reddish, gelatinous fresh clot, 3) mature thrombi, which are fixed to the wall of a blood vessel

and composed of fibrous, whitish structures and reddish, gelatinous fresh clot, and 4) postmortem clots, which can either look like reddish, gelatinous fresh clot or like red goo topped with chicken fat.

Pathology texts may say that thrombi are friable, but that is only true for immature thrombi. Mature thrombi are rubbery and typically take two weeks to mature from immature thrombi.

In the "Died Suddenly" video, there is one scene where an embalmer was tugging on an obviously mature thrombus, when the thrombus released or broke and embalming fluid gushed forth, splashing the camera.

Embalming fluid will dissolve postmortem clots very easily. But mature thrombi give embalmers some trouble because they tend to block the embalming fluid and cause pumps to overheat and possibly seize up. Mature thrombi can't be dissolved by embalming fluid.

I hope this helps.

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Thanks for your writing & thoughts. I’d drifted away from your Substack as my list grew so large. I’m catching up thanks to this link, and wanted to encourage you. Your point about lack of underlying knowledge is central, something I have been trying to address here & there. Some chemistry-physics- medical knowledge is needed to eliminate many implausible ideas. But tradition is also hard to overcome.

Semmelweis is a fine example. I often use Warren & Marshall with peptic ulcers as my more current example. They were mocked & ignored ... until they weren’t. Paradigm shift happens, albeit slowly.

Keep at it, elaborate more as you are comfortable, there are many avenues to explore.

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Great analysis, MC. Thank you.

Is he an actual counter agent? Or an accidental one acting from an unconscious shadow the good intentioned evil seeking to undermine his credibility, and with it the so-called counter narrative? I had enough previous exposure to most of what was presented to know that the overt intention was so-called good, and likely the overall arc of the show is a reasonably accurate account of what is happening. However: the melodramatic overtly religious histrionics were fatal beyond even the factual mistakes.

Saga Hana expresses in great passion the ambivalence about the Peters' show. (I thought it was going to be worse than it was!) And, like you, also commented on a reasonable list of others who could have made the film, and didn't.

Truly fascinating times! So glad your adding clarity and science based wisdom to this.... what? Ship of fools? Parade of naked emperors? Lizard people in disguise? OMG! So endless. How did old Willy boy put it: "All the world's a stage, and we mere players..."

Again, thank you.

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This is why I focus first on

* Coding/information theory, and

* Impact assessment

I'm taking the perspective of psychological warfare specialists. Under that perspective, the result that is this documentary is the shaking of the jar of ants---desperate radicalization.

Okay, is that the intent or a total accident? You have to make up your own mind, but I'll be presenting further observations in the next article.

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I feel Stewpid Peters was an attention seeking soft target for a well funded controlled opposition we don’t get to see behind the scenes. The Fifth Column of modern information warfare is at play here my friends, as so eloquently pointed out by Jikky 🐭. https://smallwarsjournal.com/jrnl/art/enabling-fifth-column-and-relevancy-unconventional-warfare

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That was my exact and immediate question: for whom was this made. The “choir” doesn’t need it and the “normies” will reject it out of hand- not just for content, but also especially for its overall feel, which almost screams CONSPIRACY weirdness.

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It almost seems intentional; scratch “almost “

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Why criticize Peters with such vitriol when Tony Fauci and Big Pharma have done far worse than the alleged wife beater deserves. Peters is controlled opposition in my opinion, plain and simple, as are Alex Jones, Mike Adams and most so-called conservative and libertarian social media talking heads. Peters is far down the ladder from Fauci and Big Pharma.

This entire article and thread seem to be dominated by people who haven't figured out they can't solve problems by doing nothing LEGAL, other than "Voting Alone" and talking about the problems. As to "Voting Alone", we saw how well that worked earlier this month. Just like it did in 2020, 2018, 2016 and every Federal election in the last 100+ years. You better get smart and adapt Legally because genocide is visiting everybody globally, including here in the United States. If you haven't consider it yet, that's never happened in recorded history, global genocide.

So, where are the Legal Solutions being offered?

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"Legal solutions" in a judiciary system that claims there's "no evidence" without even looking?

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When I used the phrase "legal solutions" I was not referring to any judiciary. In fact, when SCOTUS ignored the Texas case in 12/2020, I stated on VivaBarnesLaw.locals.com, that the Decision Proved Conclusively why we could never save our Republic using that venue. First, only the wealthiest Americans can afford a $1,000+/hour attorney to hand the case. Second, more than half of all Federal judges are Democrats. Three, the DOJ & FBI would do everything in their power to thwart cases.

So when I use the word "legal", I'm mean legal things we can do every day to thwart the criminals running the Federal gov't and Woke corporate America.

That's why I've been boycotting Woke corporations since 08/1975 when at a stop sign in Robstown, TX, the announcer on the AM radio stated that Levi Strauss & Company has come out openly in support of homosexuality. I haven't bought a thing from Levi's in more than 47 years, and when 79 Million disenfranchised adult American 2020 Trump voters decide to join me in LEGAL Strategic Boycotts, we'l create hell on Earth for Woke Corporations, their executives, directors and creditors inside of 1 month, and maybe turn some of them to support conservatives to the exclusion of all other Americans and political causes?

That's the Legal Strategic Offense! Heck, Woke Corporations are destroying the minds of children nationwide.

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I think you mean "economic" not "legal"

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Exactly right.

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Well, I agree with much of that.

But we can criticize Peters AND Fauci, right? It's not either/or.

And because Peters is fomenting so much division - which I think is his primary mission, it seems to me, as controlled op - then we best serve our movement by revealing his rather obvious ploy.

Currently, there are no solutions at the ballot box; but nor are there legal solutions either. I get that there are some successes here and there but the courts are largely stacked against us.

IMO, our primary goal is to educate and wake "normies." If the population remains asleep, nothing much is possible; if they wake up in large percentages, a great deal is possible: legally, at the ballot box and so on.

The key is that they have to be SHOWN what has been happening; and how insanely twisted our planetary reality is right now. They cannot be told; as soon as they are, their programming kicks in.

But the piece that people often miss is that we are currently in the midst of a counterinsurgency: for example, much of what we saw in the 2020 election - and especially in 2022 - is precisely to show the population how corrupted the process has become.

Great changes are coming imo; but the key is that the population has to wake up first.

You might possibly be interested in this: https://mistermicawber.substack.com/p/breaking-the-spell-of-the-warlocks

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The global propaganda masters scream at us to vaccinate, or die. I appreciate those who clearly state that the vaccines are killing millions. Lies that contradict malicious propaganda can save us.

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"Lies that contradict malicious propaganda can save us."

Wow. Really?

What's your thought on what happens as people radicalize?

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Addendum to below: Mes amis, the more I look into this, the more it looks like, at best, Peters is a poor investigator; at worst, controlled opposition, or more charitably, an opportunist. All three of these do NOT mean the person has everthing wrong, or even most things wrong. But therein is the rub, it's exactly the same gambit that started in the Garden of Eden, for indeed the apple was as Gen. 3 says, "the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it." It indeed was true that it was good for food, a nice looking tree, and allowed you to gain...." well, in this case, a slight deviation from the truth, not wisdom, but knowledge of good and evil. And Peters is doing the same here - mixing truth with either bad journalism, outright lies, or perhaps he is indeed controlled opposition. The fasco-Marxists, being the amoral types they are, will stoop to any new low you can imagine, so who knows, it could be any of the above...


Matthew, I really, really appreciate this article. Some quotes are appropos here: The important thing is to never stop questioning.” ‒ Albert Einstein; or “Science is a process for learning about nature in which competing ideas about how the world works are measured against observations.” – Nobel Prize winning physicist Richard Feynman (The Meaning of it All); or “All are sure in their days except the most wise ... He is the wisest philosopher who holds his theory with some doubt.” – Michael Faraday

We MUST "peer review," even in the medical freedom community; your article is Exhibit A. I still need to digest it, but narrowly speaking just to your note above, about what happens when people radicalize? Indeed, what? Then again, what's the alternative? Concede everything away? Of a certainty, background deaths are far above normal, the shots erode the immune system, and worse. If you disagree with that, then there is no need for further discussion; but if so, to answer your question, as people radicalize, what happens? Well, we equip them with peer-reviewed information. They go to school boards and run. They run for local politics. They get off their Brobdignagian arses, turn off Dancing with the Half Naked Stars and the Kartrashians and start communicating... even at the threat of being excommunicated/unfriended on ridiculous Farcebook.

Whether or not you agree, the real Jan. 6 insurrection was the fake election of fake Biden (yeah, he *really* got more votes than Obama did at the height of his popularity while campaigning from his basement; and all those hundreds of thousands of votes that came in at identical times in the middle of the night were valid, ad nauseam). So, as people radicalize, the goal is another Saul Alinksy approach, in reverse. I wouldn't even be averse to one of Alinsky's "fart ins" at some Learjet leftist gala... say the Academy Awards. Everything is non-violent, legal... just creative. And we don't need "lies" as John Visher notes above, for indeed, as Solzhenitsyn wrote, one word of truth outweighs the entire world (in this case, world of Pfizer lies). I don't advocate anything illegal, immoral, violent or fattening. But whether or not Peters is spot on (I haven't seen the video), the fact is that this shot IS killing people, just a Nobel Prize winner and virologist , the late Dr. Luc Montagnier called this, a "death shot" and we better start "preparing to burn the bodies"; or as Dr. Michael Yeadon, PhD in respiratory science ***and former VP for Pfizer, who has NOTHING to gain by coming out*** said "your government is trying to kill you." Or as Dr. Malone has said. Or as Dr. Peter McCullough. Or as Geert van den Bossche. I haven't seen Peters, but with these people, I probably don't need to, as the fact remains, and as the insurance company article published by The Center Square (Indiana) from a Scott Davison, CEO of OneAmerica (a life insurance company) is sounding the alarm over a 40% increase in total deaths among Americans aged 18 to 64 (i.e. working-aged Americans): “We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” the company’s CEO Scott Davison said during an online news conference this week. “The data is consistent across every player in that business. Davison said the increase in deaths represents “huge, huge numbers,” and that’s it’s not elderly people who are dying, but “primarily working-age people 18 to 64” who are the employees of companies that have group life insurance plans through OneAmerica. “And what we saw just in third quarter, we’re seeing it continue into fourth quarter, is that death rates are up 40% over what they were pre-pandemic,” he said. Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic,” he said. “So 40% is just unheard of.”

Radicalize? About time people got radicalized (radical comes from radix, or getting the the root of something) and got off their asses and did something, anything. If Peters has misrepresented the truth, your work is a necessary corrective. Truth doesn't need the dilution of lies. But I DO know, from a freaking 1,750 page paper, double the footnotes - all citing BMJ, Lancet, Malone, NEJM, Johns Hopkins, Stanford Medical School, Yeadon, van den Bossche THAT THIS SHOT IS INDEED KILLING PEOPLE AND DESTROYING IMMUNE SYSTEMS.

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Truth that contradicts malicious propaganda can save us ... and clearly stating with solid, chain - of - custody - verifiable information how the vaccines are killing is ultimately more powerful than muddy claims from people with histories of dishonesty ... After "Watch the Water", (and from a sense of Stew Peters before, including him talking to a mentally unstable Vaccine Police guy who claimed that drinking one's urine can cure covid), I wouldn't trust anything Stew Peters says to be true, even while there's truth mixed in.

Thanks, Mathew, for so many gifts of solid info.

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I wa once citicizing the government when a friend said to me, do you think the government was behind 911? I told him I had no idea but that the government (both parties) deserves every conspiracy theory out there. And they know that, too. All I ask is that we criticize poportionally. And our government deserves the lion's share. They've created this lack of trust. All else is the natural effect, thereof.

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And you haven't seen me commit hundreds of thousands of words to the critique of government?

Also, in case you missed the subtext, I think...I am criticizing the government here. Follow more of the links if that much isn't clear.

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I wasn't criticizing you, Mathew. I was just saying that all of us need to maintain proportionality. I see many trash Fauci without recognizing that congress is just as culpable at this point. Even well-intended idiots should know that the government should be looking into the cause of these clots, even if they would currently guess it's probably not due to spike protein, etc.

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People are very aware Congress has betrayed us. Fauci is just mentioned more.

Some sad people think GOP is going to save us... But they are quickly answered. Very few helped even A little

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Calling someone a "conspiracy theorist" is the N-Word for people who love freedom.

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True, and I use it like Dave Chapelle uses the N-Word.

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I like it. Conspiracies happen all the time

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Numbskull? Numbnuts? Nobody? Nincompoop?

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Yes, the government / pharma / criminals deserve most of the criticism ... but when false info is mixed in with that criticism, it's a gift to the powerful and corrupt. They point to activist info / films like this that are easy to pick apart, put it into their propaganda machine, and build more associations of narrative - critics with sloppy speculating accusers, and the public ends up trusting the media (government), more than the alternative media. That's why anything inaccurate claimed as truth is such a problem. And that's why Rounding the Earth is so awesome.

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I think the much larger part of the problem is how much scarier it is, for many people, to believe their government couldn't care less about them. Many people couldn't even sleep at night if they allowed themselves to believe that. Heck, it's scary for me, too. But I'm not a natural born optimist. Nor am I naturally fearful. I lean more to being depressed or angry rather than fearful.

I go by the evidence available to me. So as horrific as it is to me, my mind can not see any evidence that the government cares one whit about us except to the extent that they need some of us producing to keep the money coming to them. And yet I see lots of evidence that they DON'T care a whit about us. But much of that gets down to what I consider to be common-sense ethics. I see none in the vast majority of government folk.

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.. and then there's the leap to is the government actively trying to hurt us .. that took me awhile to wrap my head around .. and I still feel uncertain about if there's an active depopulation agenda .. not because some psychopaths and delusional "for the greater good"' people aren't capable of trying, but because I have Mathew Crawford - like standards for verifiable information before being sure of very big things. And much info around that comes from sources that have a Stew Peters - like feel of mixing truth with speculation & exaggeration.

But the info about how these injections affect reproduction, and the next generation ... what Naomi Wolf & her team found in the Pfizer docs, what obstetritian James Thorpe says ... and the family trails of eugenics and previous making humans infertile without their consent experiments ...

Guess I've always figured the government doesn't care about us, that they're willing to hurt us in their pursuit of self interest ... I had not until quite late in covid held the heavier, darker thought of their self interest being to directly harm our bodies ...

Yet to end with something hopeful, there are good people everywhere .. Ron Johnson in congress, and some more .. more in the UK Parliament are speaking out after listening to Dr Aseem Malhotra ...

Yet the mechanical, hypocritical, two dimensional caricatures are the ones being heard ...

Thinking of this great piece by Toby Rogers ~ https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/imagine-a-high-school-debate-competition

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To me it doesn't matter if they want to harm us or just don't care IF we're harmed so long as they aren't harmed (career-wise or otherwise). In either case, it's so horrifying that I think there is a large percentage of the population that couldn't even sleep at night if they believed either. If that percentage is large enough, we may never convince enough people to make the relevant difference. I can only hope for the best. I have no EVIDENTIAL reason to be optimistic. I believe in fighting the good fight regardless of the outcome, though. I hope all of the red-pilled are willing to fight regardless of the outcome as well.

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So when criticism of movie comes from other side (I've seen criticism from "our" side, but not the movie.... Paste this and other critical analysis from our side right there next to it.

It'll show we have healthy debates. And maybe controlled opposition inside.

I think this is very good, all of it.

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Hey Mr NeoBolshevik, whose been radicalized by Stew's documentary? The only ones I see radicalize is folks who think like you. And I don't even like Stew Webb! Are you being paid in shekels?

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Whom are you talking to? Me? If so, I submit you need to be on serious antipsychotics.

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Clique777 was replying to Mathew Crawford’s question “What's your thought on what happens as people radicalize?”

And Clique777 is spot on. I also reject the author’s implication that Stew Peters is radicalizing the Medical Freedom Movement. There is zero evidence of that.

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Propaganda radicalizes people. A thousand lies makes them stop, think, talk. The internet is the medium for talk, think, without end. The propagandists are desperately trying to control the internet. If Stew Peters can get millions of views telling a story that contradicts the propaganda, it weakens the propaganda. Coming of age in the last century where global propaganda ruled humanity, every challenge to the controlled narrative gives me hope. I appreciate even the flat earth folks, though I don’t follow their logic.

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If what Stew Peters says can be proven false then it re-enforces the propaganda. That is the classic double edged sword.

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^^ This. Stew Peters with his hyperbolic approach ends up making all of us look like crazy kooks, so NONE of us can get any message across, no matter how much it is based in facts and data.

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2 weeks into the scamdemic I started telling people it was a global deep state operation. Fact. I said don’t trust the vaccines. Fact. They wore the masks and injected the recipe. Stating Facts in a world of liars is pissing in the wind.

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Stating facts or telling lies is pissing into the wind among the suppressed intellectuals of the totalitarian world.

What heals that?


An adventure in rediscovering truth.

Fighting corruption with corruption feeds the rot.

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I am giving thumbs up to you both. See my note at bottom. This shot and everything behind it and associated with it is evil, of that we are all agreed. Let's work to hone the truth thru the "peer review" this thread is showing.

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Agreed. Stew Peters is a big target. If the Satanic forces prove him wrong while deflecting attention from their own dangerous lies, they win converts. Not sure the worshippers of Satan, or even Satan himself, can steer the billions of stories flying around the internet. The control freaks, slave masters, communists, dictators are scared shitless of the internet, at least those with any brains. The internet is not a global village. It is more primitive. The internet is a global savanna.

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Good points, John and TRM. Per TRM, this is why we MUST internally peer review in the health freedom movement. You both make very good, and very important points. While the fasco-Marxist left can lie with impunity, we have to be doubly good. As Churchill said, a lie can get around the world while the truth is still getting it's boots on. BUT, the lie will always fail in the end. Look at the USSR, look at National SOCIALIST Germany under Hitler.

This is a good conversation TRM and John. Thanks, both of you. We all have work to do!

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A savanna comprised of predators and prey.

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Ummm, no. Lies will not save us. Period.

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Then take your booster.

Go lie down beside the dead.

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Rejection of LIES from all sources is just plain smart. I reject government, media, medical lies just like I reject lies from alt-media sources. I'm not about to get a series of experimental gene therapy injections for a disease with an IFR of 0.3 and I don't care who says I should.

I can do a risk/benefit analysis and have. Lies, regardless of source, are not the basis of my RBA.

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That’ll make them think!

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Lies that contradict lies makes people think.

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No. They confuse.

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Confusion is better than belief in a falsehood. Confused people generally hesitate. Pause. Question. Talk. Listen. Refrain from action.

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Disagree. Confusion shuts down thinking. Lies just increase the noise. Lies must be fought with truth - or at least the effort to find out what is true - not more lies.

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The truth will be self evident once people see through all the lies. Why not put all the lies out into the public discourse? It’ll be confusing. People will get so confused they’ll need more naps. Being sleep deprived sucks, it’s actually a form of torture. More confusion, more naps, more talk, more listening. I believe that the great abuses by man stem from being certain about a course of action, based on ignorance and lies.

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When people become confused they wind up looking to whatever authorities they believed in before the confusion set in. People do NOT like being confused. If you want someone to switch belief new authorities (which will initially feel like walking on a rope swing over a deep chasm) the new authorities must be as corruption-proof as possible. Which means calm discussion and refutation of propaganda with supportable data that builds positively over time. While increasing deaths and harms isn’t what we want for proof, as those increase and begin to touch everyone and discussions such as this and the docs out there who have been presenting good data begin to get out to folks, belief in past authority will switch. And we also need to be prepared to deal with a lot of horrified psyches who will be frozen in fear, dismay and anger by the lies they start to realize they’ve been told. It won’t be an immediate happy dance and they will look for reasons to go back to the old authroities in hopes that the data is just a temporary glitch that the old authorities will make right. Sensationalism feels wrong even when it’s right and most folks will find ways to use that to “prove” their old authorities are correct, even when they aren’t.

Propagandists study human psychology very deeply and know just what motivates people in certain directions and what does not. And they know these types of things will pop up. And they also know how to use them. The slower, less sensationalistic methods are harder to subvert to a propagandists’ use so they encourage burying of that factual, calmer method with as much sensationalism and pounding lies as they or their opposition can manage. The way to twist a mind up is to use just enough truth with plausible lies or sensationalism to keep the mind off-guard. Then tell that wobbly mind what to do and it grabs at the authoritative command like a life ring tossed to it. The folks doing this KNOW that. We need to learn how to counter that by knowing what they know. But also by not using the same tricks. We need to stick to truth and integrity.

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I can't upvote your comment, but I agree totally. That's the purpose psy-ops (propaganda) and of Chaos Agents. To keep everyone fearful and off-kilter, then provide the "solution". Much easier to control and throw that life jacket to.(Hegelian Dialect).

We'll see more of this, the closer it becomes time to reveal The Antichrist.

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Wouldn’t that be called truth?

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"Lies that contradict malicious propaganda can save us." Is this a joke?

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No, it's the deep-state motto.

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I don’t deliberately tell untruths myself, though I know I’ve got some things wrong.

The contention is interesting, though. If you could imagine an argument that would wake up 75% of the narrative-adherent people, you’d want to deploy it, yes?

Now further imagine such an argument, but it’s actually not true in a materially important way, but remains compelling and will wake up 75% of the sleeping. The wrinkle is, you KNOW it’s not true. Talking of something you know to be untrue is “lying”.

The question is, would you use that argument? If you wouldn’t, how would you feel about someone else who did use it?

I genuinely don’t know what I’d do. My goal of waking people up is more important than me being able to tell myself “At least I’m not deliberately lying”.

I’d be sorely tempted to deploy it.

Our adversaries aren’t monolithic & neither are we. I’m nothing to do with Stew Peters. He can do whatever he thinks is best, imo.

I don’t think as a group of people there’s an expectation that we all say the same things. We have very different styles of thinking and communication.

I don’t know where I’m going with this….

I guess I was enquiring about what we’re trying to do here, asking whether we’re holding ourselves to too high a standard & pondering whether the end justifies the means.

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Sadly it wasn't meant to be. I'm putting it in the "we're all still learning category." lol

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So, Americans are suppose to do nothing while mRNA vaccines kill them? I don't need to lie myself. Stew Peters, like Alex Jones, Mike Adams and most other conservative social media personalities, have been controlled opposition from the beginning; making them all liars. That's my opinion, but to take Peters to task like Burnett does calls into question his motives. Stew Peters isn't worth anymore time than to know he's controlled opposition.

I read half of Burnett's article before concluding it was written for a purpose and motive not stated explicitly by him. I question his honesty and sincerity.

Why doesn't Burnett write a million word critique of Tony Fauci and Big Pharma? Alex Jones is much more interesting too, so why not detail all of his 28 years of nonsense? Why doesn't Burnett the physician point out that no coronavirus in history survived warm weather for 24 months straight while infecting billions worldwide? Why doesn't Burnett point out that coronavirus outbreaks have historically happened only in the months from December to March?

Why doesn't Burnett talk about graphene oxide and other nano-techs in mRNA vaccines? Why don't you mention some of these known facts?

Go ahead, you and Burnett put out the grass fire in your yard while you Tesla burns you house down.

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"Americans are suppose to do nothing while mRNA vaccines kill them?"

False choice much?

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Who's Burnett?

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Burnett is the MD in the video posted saying these clots are totally normal, nothing to see here.

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Why doesn't Burnett acknowledge that SARS-Cov2 STILL hasn't been isolated as a purified sample and remains just a computerized graphic?

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Quoted you in this piece...thanks for inspiring it...but I disagree with you:


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I don't know about "lies", which implies conscious deceit, but any information, even if ultimately found to be untrue, that challenges the status quo has its validity and usefulness. It opens up a conversation and gives people things to ponder on, which is essential in this critical time. Sticking strictly to the 'evidence based' approach and messaging is a mistake that many people fail to notice.

What many people, including the leaders and many prominent voices in the resistance movement, still fail to understand:

[1] Why science, data, research, or evidence-based approach doesn't mean anything in this war.



[2] Why all the talk about prosecutions, tribunals, and Nuremberg type of trials is all farce, smoke screen, and nonsense:



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The depopulation agenda is well established. Anyone who chalks this up as "conspiracy theory" has not been paying attention. This was well done in the documentary and without hyperbole. For everyone from scientists...

"Society globally has to collectively decide that we need to drastically lower our population very quickly." —Arne Mooers, a Simon Fraser University biodiversity professor and a co-author of the study: Approaching a state-shift in Earth’s biosphere, June 11th, 2012, TerraDaily

...to popes has been warning for decades of this agenda of the secular messianists.

"We must not underestimate the disturbing scenarios that threaten our future, or the powerful new instruments that the “culture of death” has at its disposal." —POPE BENEDICT XVI, Caritas in Veritate, n. 75

"Science can contribute greatly to making the world and mankind more human. Yet it can also destroy mankind and the world unless it is steered by forces that lie outside it…"

—POPE BENEDICT XVI, Spe Salvi, n. 25-26

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Relevant point, because if people can't tell the difference between an inference to a motive and the testimonies about, and videos of, weird clots that embalmers have been seeing since 2021, I doubt they'll ever quit blindly trusting the government in the first place. We have to accept the fact that some people have conditioned themselves to trust "authorities" that play to their comfort zone in one or more senses. The evidence will have to become extreme to wake such folks up. But if it gets to that point, it's probably too late to turn things around (if it's not already).

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More likely, lies will lose us credibility. Especially when they are easily debunked.

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Truth. The whole truth and nothing but the truth. That’s what saves us. That’s what unites us.

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We must have our discernment filters on high at all times. Father Chad Ripperger, psychologist and exorcist, refers to the mixture of lies into truth as ‘rat poison’. Rats gobble up the poison because it is 90% desirable, but die from the 10% lethal poison concealed within.

Thank you for putting in the time to provide this clarity. God provided us with discernment and skepticism for this purpose.

What Does the Bible Say About Leading People Astray?

Matthew 15:14 [14] Let them alone: they are blind, and leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into the pit.  

In the case of sensational broadcasts, the blindness is caused by toxic narcissism and greed. Study the substance and consider the sources as well as their motivations.

There is no shortcut to individual study for validation of information. Those who try are blinded by laziness.

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Matthew, thank you. I want to read more comments before a longer response. Stew Peters is part P.T. Barnum, maybe DIA involved, sprinkles in bits of truth, follows the National Enquirer model, has “boob babes” for props (Jane Ruby), & if you watch Malone’s first interview with him, Malone knew Peters was full of baloney. Steve Kirsch’s participation was troubling. 🎯

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P.T Barnum is a very fitting comparison. I liked the documentary, possibly because I also like circuses, especially the clown show 🤡

Perhaps a better title for the documentary would have been;

Stew Peter’s Grand Scientific and Musical Theater.


Barnum became a small business owner in his early twenties and founded a weekly newspaper before moving to New York City in 1834. He embarked on an entertainment career, first with a variety troupe called "Barnum's Grand Scientific and Musical Theater.”

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“There’s a sucker born every minute.” No one has verified if Barnum said this, but a truism none-the-less.

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I’m sure Stew’s laughing all the way to the bank.

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Well done Mathew. A grear breakdown of the issues.

Stew Peters strikes me like the pizza gate shooter guy or Dan Sirotkin. People who have been caught up in a serious crime and instead of getting their jail term end up performing an acting role for a specific purpose. That is, poisoning the well to lump people asking valid questions in with putative "crazies". It's an age old CIA tactic it appears. The bigger question is why the government thinks it's ok to use public funds to turn the people against each other. It's literally organised crime.

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