Speaking of 300% and upticks, I’m reminded again of the technique used to make people believe a video started a riot that ended with Libyans killing a US Ambassador.
The initiating statement was “As we work to secure our personnel and facilities, we have confirmed that one of our State Department officers was killed. We are heartbroken by this terrible loss,” Clinton’s press release said. “Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet."
From there, all Hillary Clinton and the rest of the team had to do for a few days was keep repeating that 1. a Video was made, and 2. Americans were killed. Hold up two things together very closely and let people's minds jump the gap to reach your desired conclusion, and you don't have to lie about why your friend Chris died.
Four guys died in Benghazi, at least two of them were CIA? and I still don't know if this was about arms transhipments to Syria to fight Russia there. What difference, at this point, does it make?
The data analysis referenced in the article linked below leads to two critical conclusions about vaccines:
1. Live attenuated vaccines appear to offer more benefit than harm but ultimately deattenuate leading to an outbreak of the disease you are trying to prevent.
2. All other vaccine types appear to cause more harms than benefits.
Seriously, Mathew, why are you spending time on this?
I have no patience for Malone's criticism of Stew Peters. He got the job done while Malone made pretty films with pretty horsies and traveled the world to have important meetings about important stuff.
Are the clots real?
What are you doing about it, Doc, besides criticizing Stew Peters?
Normal blood clots respond to anti-coagulation therapy. These clots do not. How do we help these people? How can we save them? If Peters wasn't the right guy with the proper papers and CV to address the clots, why didn't Malone do something? Why didn't any of them?
Which fraud might that be? Are you saying the fibrous clots aren't real? John O'Looney is lying? The embalmers are lying? Ryan Cole is lying? Did they fake the video?
IMO, the clots are the only issue that matters.
What is the goal of the so-called "health freedom movement"? 'Cause I thought we wanted people to stop getting jabbed. Whether you think our current nightmare can be explained by greed, incompetence, hubris, CYA, and/or groupthink...or...you think we're in the middle of a globalist cull planned for decades...don't we want people to stop getting jabbed?
I suspect even the most dedicated covidian would stop getting jabbed if they knew about those clots. Who the hell wants that crap forming in their veins and arteries? Who the hell wants that crap forming in the veins and arteries of their children? No one does.
Are the fibrous clots real?
Are the fibrous clots new...post jab rollout?
Do the fibrous clots form in vivo...not post mortem?
Are the fibrous clots a consequence of the jabs?
All of these questions have answers.
Why is no one in the "health freedom movement" seriously looking into them?
Are people getting clots? Yes. We've known that since the rollout.
Are the clots shown in the documentary real? How could I know that? The documentary didn't do much to prove the thesis. Some of this I explained in Part 1.
Yes, we've known both the virus and the jabs can cause blood clots, but the clots shown in Died Suddenly are not normal blood clots. They do not break down when exposed to water. They do not respond to anti-coagulation therapy.
Ryan Cole says they are real.
FYI, I remember a few months back when you said in a video interview that you had your doubts about the fibrous clots, but you believed Ryan Cole to be a credible source. I was also skeptical when I first saw an interview of John O'Looney about a year and a half ago. Then, Steve Kirsch addressed them in March of this year. At one point, Kirsch interviewed Ryan Cole about them in an airport.
People are shooting the messenger and ignoring the message. Are the clots real? What can be done to help people? That's what matters to me. I don't care about Stew Peters underage drinking or his colorful past.
I'm not a fan of Dr. Drew, but he invited Ryan Cole onto his show last week to talk about the vaxx side effects. They talk about the clots.
I think Mat is trying to delineate truth from emotional manipulation. Both can be present at the same time and serve goals that are diametrically opposed to each other. It's important, very important actually to attempt to disentangle the two. In my opinion, we would have all been much better served if Stew would have avoided emotion altogether - no music, no Bigfoot, no crafty editing. Just show the damn clots and that's enough. It could have been a 10 minute doc. But then, I suppose without emotional hooks no one would want to watch it. The question, then, I suppose is why did Stew choose the particular emotional hooks he did? In my view, he chose manipulative hooks (ones that detracted from the truth being presented) for some reason.
I don't disagree with you. I feel the same way about the pretty Headwinds films. We're in the middle of a global crisis and they're riding horsies and dining al fresco.
Are the clots real?
I've heard about them for a year and half.
Why was this left to Stew Peters?
Why are people criticizing the film and trashing Peters and ignoring the clots? (I refer you to Malone's first substack article on the subject.)
Steve Kirsch was promoting the embalmers story several months ago. He could easily have thrown $15K at the subject and made a better movie. I know some of his commenters were suggesting more or less that, at the time. If he exercised any creative control over it I'm sure it would be much less manipulative and more factually grounded, because that's his style. (Whether he gets it right, and on what, is a separate issue.)
I agree with you. None of them did. Which is why I find their attacks on Stew Peters disturbing. The fibrous clots are real or they're not. The fibrous clots are caused by the shots or they're not. It isn't hard.
Calm down...you keep referring to Dr Cole about the clots but you're missing the KEY DIFFERENCE in what he told Drew. The clots he showed were from LIVING PATIENTS not dead people like the embalmers were exhibiting.
Oh, honey, don't tell me to calm down. Cole has received post mortem clots as well. And, yes, chain of custody is very important. That's why I keep asking if the clots are real.
Why was the first instinct of so many to attacks Stew Peters (to bring up underage drinking ffs) and ignore the clots?
While I do not agree with Christine Massey's interpretation of the outcome from her own FOIA requests, I did read some of the email messages she's posted that Kirsch clearly mischaracterized and did not post. From reading some of those conversations "behind the scenes" regarding some of the dissonance occurring within the Medical Freedom Movement(s), I've come to conclude that I no longer trust Steve Kirsch. I stopped my paid subscription to his Substack, and I've stopped going to it. I trust my intuition and my heart in the matter, and it's been a matter of connecting dots among various responses I've had when reading his posts, his comments, and his interactions with people both "big" and "little."
Mathew, I know you are a diplomatic sort of person —at least, that is my impression of how you come across. I also know you are a fighter —also an impression, but one that comes across loudly. It is a healthy combination, because when both are united with wisdom, a person progresses in their training and their life experiences towards being guardians of those whom they love. I think that's something coming across plainly in your own advice to work outwards from one's self in building community, trust, and profitable exchange. So, I can tell that you are being diplomatic while also saying things plainly, encouraging your readers to make their own conclusions about who among the larger and more extended movement-families is worth continuing to listen to, give respect/time towards, and contribute their energy/resources. Being a virtual nobody, I am not ashamed to say I have lost faith in someone whom I once supported and listened to. I understand others do suffer repercussions for their stances, as you suggest when commenting on the zealous who've not yet figured out the con game among the "con gang."
I'm very much into a lot of fringe and bizarre and outlandish, absurdist things, and that openness allows me opportunities to listen to authentic believers, outrageous scammers, misunderstood renegades, wonky beggars —all kinds of folks are worth listening to and conversing with. So it's not out of a desire for a normal and ordinary resistance that I'll say you're right to be suspicious and concerned with Died Suddenly. It's out of experience in seeing through the veil and smoke, in knowing all too well how distrust of the mainstream, the governments (deep or surface), the conventional leads us to embracing hopes and nightmares peddled by people whose hearts and intentions stay shielded. guarded and occluded.
Stew seems to fit the Trump-archetype. He throws a little bit of truth out mixed in with a whole lot of garbage that is either a) serving no purpose whatsoever, b) serving his own ego, c) serving his master(s) or d) both b and c. This man is not a servant of truth as far as I can tell.
My feeling is that he is primarily serving his master(s). Moreover, I believe that his master(s) tie in with the globalists at some level and there is one thing the globalists seem incredibly anxious to get on with - that is, the devolution of the US into violence. It's easy to see that is what they want now to take their reset to the next stage. BUT! It can't be just any violence. After all, they might have gotten that if they had continued to push vaccine mandates and passports. No, they need violence they can readily take advantage of in order to maintain control. So, they divide and conquer, splitting off groups that they feel they can turn enough people against and then fan the flames as if their lives depended on it. Well, their lives do depend on it. If they can't get this fire to a roar soon the truth will find its way into the hearts and minds of too many of us. So, all that to say, I believe the purpose of Stew Peters is to damage the MFM and create a splinter group of pissed off people that just might get violent in a way that benefits the globalists. They hope to get a two-fer with him, or maybe you could say a Stew-fer.
There is plenty of truth, and even good topic priorities on the Stew Peters Show. This is part of my complaint along with the radicalizing atmosphere. They talk about child trafficking, medical kidnapping, insane government policies, early treatment meds, vaccine harms, and so on. I question some of the guests and takes at times, but that's simple debate. My worry is what strikes me as emotional steering toward radicalization, and that's where truth may be sacrificed (intentionally or otherwise).
I was a little taken aback that Dr David Martin had nothing but praise for Stew in this recent interview. Although he didn't dwell on the subject, he seemed convinced that we're in for mass casualties.
As for Steve, I'm not sure what to think. His latest post seems to indicate he's given up on trying to directly influence key decision-makers with hard evidence and logic, which was his ostensible strategy ever since he showed up. Now he's turning to direct public outreach, possibly influenced by the "success" of Died Suddenly. (I was about to abbreviate it "DS" but then... seems those initials are already claimed!)
If so, expect his messaging to become more exaggerated and inflammatory. Because that's how public outreach is done, everybody agrees. The general public is presumptively stupid and complacent on average, and one must aim for the center of mass.
We can ask two kinds of questions about that strategy: is it moral? is it effective? I'm certainly open to reasoning which would tie these two axes, but I don't grant that such a relationship is obvious.
This worries me. If Steve's aim is riling up an emotionally driven crowd, then we're more likely to see a bloody civil war prior to the bankruptcy of the military-banking complex. The profit obtained through such a war may float them forward.
I don't think Steve's trying to give Bill Gates his civil war, but I can understand how frustrated he must be after being so thoroughly stonewalled with his good-faith appeals to experts and fellow members of the executive class. Might be unintended consequences. He's always struck me a just a bit politically naïve.
Do you think that is one of the probability branches they are hoping for? This type of subject has come up frequently in the Market Ticker.org forum (Denninger) over the past 2 years because overbthere the relationship to geopolitics was always a part of the mix even if Karl doesn't have the patience for the depopulation arguments.
As someone who used Pink Floyd extensively in my own stage performance, I can tell you from speaking to their lawyers that they do not grant rights to anyone for anything.
I will be looking to see if they take action. A standard copyright infringement takedown may serve its own purpose, boosting the notoriety of the doc and further radicalizing. The copyright owners need not be covert cooperators for this to work. (But if they were, that's just more control over the timing.)
But Roger Waters performs and appears for free at so many events where human rights abuses are protested. He has issues of political prisoners in his concerts especially Julian Assange for over a decade & Roger will speak at NYC Free Assange rally Saturday 1pm UK Consulate 2nd Ave @ 47th
Stellar work, very important work, going to have to read one or two more times. I appreciate this in depth deep style of writing. Stars and beers for you.
"II will take this moment to point out that part of the broader discussion is about "splitting the Medical Freedom community".
You may need another chapter in your book.. Andrew Huff claimed he suing FBI for harassment using Thonas Renz as his "whistleblower" attorney... small world, eh?
While I appreciate a more nuanced and entirely accurate rendition of vax events, I did like "Died Suddenly." It might be like throwing paint against the wall, but something will stick, and it's a thick wall. I have a few contacts in the other echo chamber. According to one representative person the vaccine worked because the people who got the vaccine didn't get covid, only people who did not get the vaccine. Not getting covid is the big deal--hard to imagine really when there are mountains of other issues but that's the way that echo chamber thinks. I got covid and wasn't vaccinated and so that is proof I'm wrong. Thick wall and thick skulls to penetrate even a little bit. The pro-vaccinated world is filled with people who are literally terrified of the chicken pox and the common cold. Died suddenly makes the point that you can get bad, very bad clots from the vaccines, and that is actually worse than covid.
I think your point about small groups figuring out how to communicate with high trust / high fidelity information flows is key. Everyone is spooked that everyone else are spooks. Malone probably is associated with the CIA. So maybe that's not the point (ad hominem isn't always missing the point, in fact walking that line is what makes it tempting).
The focus has to be what we are building, a positive story. What do you think about what jordan peterson is doing with ARC? https://www.arcforum.com/about/
Surely bitcoin and downstream crypto tech gives hope to a decentralized future of builders.
The geometry of the solution to the hegelian dialectic exists in this space, of decentralized units each trying to build a better world for everyone and communicate their progress in an open way.
One more thing: I scrubbed through that icky music video you linked, and while it's telling a coherent dystopian sci-fi story visually, it's clearly a musical pastiche or montage. My guess is it's a "megamix" of the bands songs. Pop songs just aren't 15 minutes long, and the styles and instrumentation and vocalists keep changing throughout.
Either way, that the summary track includes the plainly violent Marxist message concerns me---particularly with the tone of Peters's show, and the socialism promotion. It feels like there is a distinct emotional "play" in all of this.
I do hope Colleen takes you up on this. I respect her work and think she could probably have a civil and productive conversation. Some of the other people on your list, not so much.
I understand your frustration with the DMED work and its outcome. Science and politics are never comfortable allies. And it seems one of the two reliably comes out on top... but I digress. The desired outcome may have been obtained by different means, with less "exposure".
Most people on the open invite list will ignore the invitation. I'm not even reaching out, though I'm sure most or all will find out. It's easy to just ignore it if they're not interested, which is fine. I don't know Colleen, so I can't guess if she'll be interested.
One problem I have with the documentary is that I can think of enumerable permutations of information that would be Pareto improvements according to my Impact Analysis framework.
Speaking of 300% and upticks, I’m reminded again of the technique used to make people believe a video started a riot that ended with Libyans killing a US Ambassador.
The initiating statement was “As we work to secure our personnel and facilities, we have confirmed that one of our State Department officers was killed. We are heartbroken by this terrible loss,” Clinton’s press release said. “Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet."
From there, all Hillary Clinton and the rest of the team had to do for a few days was keep repeating that 1. a Video was made, and 2. Americans were killed. Hold up two things together very closely and let people's minds jump the gap to reach your desired conclusion, and you don't have to lie about why your friend Chris died.
Four guys died in Benghazi, at least two of them were CIA? and I still don't know if this was about arms transhipments to Syria to fight Russia there. What difference, at this point, does it make?
God bless you and keep you, Mathew.
The data analysis referenced in the article linked below leads to two critical conclusions about vaccines:
1. Live attenuated vaccines appear to offer more benefit than harm but ultimately deattenuate leading to an outbreak of the disease you are trying to prevent.
2. All other vaccine types appear to cause more harms than benefits.
Source: https://open.substack.com/pub/tobyrogers/p/why-im-an-abolitionist?r=z7a89&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
Thanks. I'll go back and link Toby's article in.
Seriously, Mathew, why are you spending time on this?
I have no patience for Malone's criticism of Stew Peters. He got the job done while Malone made pretty films with pretty horsies and traveled the world to have important meetings about important stuff.
Are the clots real?
What are you doing about it, Doc, besides criticizing Stew Peters?
Normal blood clots respond to anti-coagulation therapy. These clots do not. How do we help these people? How can we save them? If Peters wasn't the right guy with the proper papers and CV to address the clots, why didn't Malone do something? Why didn't any of them?
Why am I concerned with what might be the largest fraud in the history of the world?
Dunno. I'll go reflect on my priorities.
Which fraud might that be? Are you saying the fibrous clots aren't real? John O'Looney is lying? The embalmers are lying? Ryan Cole is lying? Did they fake the video?
IMO, the clots are the only issue that matters.
What is the goal of the so-called "health freedom movement"? 'Cause I thought we wanted people to stop getting jabbed. Whether you think our current nightmare can be explained by greed, incompetence, hubris, CYA, and/or groupthink...or...you think we're in the middle of a globalist cull planned for decades...don't we want people to stop getting jabbed?
I suspect even the most dedicated covidian would stop getting jabbed if they knew about those clots. Who the hell wants that crap forming in their veins and arteries? Who the hell wants that crap forming in the veins and arteries of their children? No one does.
Are the fibrous clots real?
Are the fibrous clots new...post jab rollout?
Do the fibrous clots form in vivo...not post mortem?
Are the fibrous clots a consequence of the jabs?
All of these questions have answers.
Why is no one in the "health freedom movement" seriously looking into them?
Why was this left to Stew Peters?
It only works if the clots aren't real.
Which fraud?
It might help to read the article.
Sorry. I've read too many articles. I read your first article a few days ago. I'm done.
Are the clots real?
Are people getting clots? Yes. We've known that since the rollout.
Are the clots shown in the documentary real? How could I know that? The documentary didn't do much to prove the thesis. Some of this I explained in Part 1.
Yes, we've known both the virus and the jabs can cause blood clots, but the clots shown in Died Suddenly are not normal blood clots. They do not break down when exposed to water. They do not respond to anti-coagulation therapy.
Ryan Cole says they are real.
FYI, I remember a few months back when you said in a video interview that you had your doubts about the fibrous clots, but you believed Ryan Cole to be a credible source. I was also skeptical when I first saw an interview of John O'Looney about a year and a half ago. Then, Steve Kirsch addressed them in March of this year. At one point, Kirsch interviewed Ryan Cole about them in an airport.
People are shooting the messenger and ignoring the message. Are the clots real? What can be done to help people? That's what matters to me. I don't care about Stew Peters underage drinking or his colorful past.
I'm not a fan of Dr. Drew, but he invited Ryan Cole onto his show last week to talk about the vaxx side effects. They talk about the clots.
Point in fact it was Ardis who suggested that the embalmers clots may not be real. Ardis got burned by stew several months ago.
I saw that interview with Ardis. He says he called embalmers in Dallas (as I recall), and they claimed they hadn't seen them.
Are the clots real or not?
I don't know.
That's why I keep asking.
And they keep talking about Stew Peters.
I think Mat is trying to delineate truth from emotional manipulation. Both can be present at the same time and serve goals that are diametrically opposed to each other. It's important, very important actually to attempt to disentangle the two. In my opinion, we would have all been much better served if Stew would have avoided emotion altogether - no music, no Bigfoot, no crafty editing. Just show the damn clots and that's enough. It could have been a 10 minute doc. But then, I suppose without emotional hooks no one would want to watch it. The question, then, I suppose is why did Stew choose the particular emotional hooks he did? In my view, he chose manipulative hooks (ones that detracted from the truth being presented) for some reason.
I don't disagree with you. I feel the same way about the pretty Headwinds films. We're in the middle of a global crisis and they're riding horsies and dining al fresco.
Are the clots real?
I've heard about them for a year and half.
Why was this left to Stew Peters?
Why are people criticizing the film and trashing Peters and ignoring the clots? (I refer you to Malone's first substack article on the subject.)
Steve Kirsch was promoting the embalmers story several months ago. He could easily have thrown $15K at the subject and made a better movie. I know some of his commenters were suggesting more or less that, at the time. If he exercised any creative control over it I'm sure it would be much less manipulative and more factually grounded, because that's his style. (Whether he gets it right, and on what, is a separate issue.)
But he didn't.
I agree with you. None of them did. Which is why I find their attacks on Stew Peters disturbing. The fibrous clots are real or they're not. The fibrous clots are caused by the shots or they're not. It isn't hard.
Calm down...you keep referring to Dr Cole about the clots but you're missing the KEY DIFFERENCE in what he told Drew. The clots he showed were from LIVING PATIENTS not dead people like the embalmers were exhibiting.
The chain of custody is completely different.
Oh, honey, don't tell me to calm down. Cole has received post mortem clots as well. And, yes, chain of custody is very important. That's why I keep asking if the clots are real.
Why was the first instinct of so many to attacks Stew Peters (to bring up underage drinking ffs) and ignore the clots?
While I do not agree with Christine Massey's interpretation of the outcome from her own FOIA requests, I did read some of the email messages she's posted that Kirsch clearly mischaracterized and did not post. From reading some of those conversations "behind the scenes" regarding some of the dissonance occurring within the Medical Freedom Movement(s), I've come to conclude that I no longer trust Steve Kirsch. I stopped my paid subscription to his Substack, and I've stopped going to it. I trust my intuition and my heart in the matter, and it's been a matter of connecting dots among various responses I've had when reading his posts, his comments, and his interactions with people both "big" and "little."
Mathew, I know you are a diplomatic sort of person —at least, that is my impression of how you come across. I also know you are a fighter —also an impression, but one that comes across loudly. It is a healthy combination, because when both are united with wisdom, a person progresses in their training and their life experiences towards being guardians of those whom they love. I think that's something coming across plainly in your own advice to work outwards from one's self in building community, trust, and profitable exchange. So, I can tell that you are being diplomatic while also saying things plainly, encouraging your readers to make their own conclusions about who among the larger and more extended movement-families is worth continuing to listen to, give respect/time towards, and contribute their energy/resources. Being a virtual nobody, I am not ashamed to say I have lost faith in someone whom I once supported and listened to. I understand others do suffer repercussions for their stances, as you suggest when commenting on the zealous who've not yet figured out the con game among the "con gang."
I'm very much into a lot of fringe and bizarre and outlandish, absurdist things, and that openness allows me opportunities to listen to authentic believers, outrageous scammers, misunderstood renegades, wonky beggars —all kinds of folks are worth listening to and conversing with. So it's not out of a desire for a normal and ordinary resistance that I'll say you're right to be suspicious and concerned with Died Suddenly. It's out of experience in seeing through the veil and smoke, in knowing all too well how distrust of the mainstream, the governments (deep or surface), the conventional leads us to embracing hopes and nightmares peddled by people whose hearts and intentions stay shielded. guarded and occluded.
A rich source in the sordid hidtory of vaccination is "Dissolving Illusions," by Suzanne Humphries, M.D., and Roman Bystrianyk. A good read.
Stew seems to fit the Trump-archetype. He throws a little bit of truth out mixed in with a whole lot of garbage that is either a) serving no purpose whatsoever, b) serving his own ego, c) serving his master(s) or d) both b and c. This man is not a servant of truth as far as I can tell.
My feeling is that he is primarily serving his master(s). Moreover, I believe that his master(s) tie in with the globalists at some level and there is one thing the globalists seem incredibly anxious to get on with - that is, the devolution of the US into violence. It's easy to see that is what they want now to take their reset to the next stage. BUT! It can't be just any violence. After all, they might have gotten that if they had continued to push vaccine mandates and passports. No, they need violence they can readily take advantage of in order to maintain control. So, they divide and conquer, splitting off groups that they feel they can turn enough people against and then fan the flames as if their lives depended on it. Well, their lives do depend on it. If they can't get this fire to a roar soon the truth will find its way into the hearts and minds of too many of us. So, all that to say, I believe the purpose of Stew Peters is to damage the MFM and create a splinter group of pissed off people that just might get violent in a way that benefits the globalists. They hope to get a two-fer with him, or maybe you could say a Stew-fer.
There is plenty of truth, and even good topic priorities on the Stew Peters Show. This is part of my complaint along with the radicalizing atmosphere. They talk about child trafficking, medical kidnapping, insane government policies, early treatment meds, vaccine harms, and so on. I question some of the guests and takes at times, but that's simple debate. My worry is what strikes me as emotional steering toward radicalization, and that's where truth may be sacrificed (intentionally or otherwise).
I was a little taken aback that Dr David Martin had nothing but praise for Stew in this recent interview. Although he didn't dwell on the subject, he seemed convinced that we're in for mass casualties.
"I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can no longer believe you." -Nietzche
As for Steve, I'm not sure what to think. His latest post seems to indicate he's given up on trying to directly influence key decision-makers with hard evidence and logic, which was his ostensible strategy ever since he showed up. Now he's turning to direct public outreach, possibly influenced by the "success" of Died Suddenly. (I was about to abbreviate it "DS" but then... seems those initials are already claimed!)
If so, expect his messaging to become more exaggerated and inflammatory. Because that's how public outreach is done, everybody agrees. The general public is presumptively stupid and complacent on average, and one must aim for the center of mass.
We can ask two kinds of questions about that strategy: is it moral? is it effective? I'm certainly open to reasoning which would tie these two axes, but I don't grant that such a relationship is obvious.
This worries me. If Steve's aim is riling up an emotionally driven crowd, then we're more likely to see a bloody civil war prior to the bankruptcy of the military-banking complex. The profit obtained through such a war may float them forward.
I don't think Steve's trying to give Bill Gates his civil war, but I can understand how frustrated he must be after being so thoroughly stonewalled with his good-faith appeals to experts and fellow members of the executive class. Might be unintended consequences. He's always struck me a just a bit politically naïve.
Do you think that is one of the probability branches they are hoping for? This type of subject has come up frequently in the Market Ticker.org forum (Denninger) over the past 2 years because overbthere the relationship to geopolitics was always a part of the mix even if Karl doesn't have the patience for the depopulation arguments.
Which "they"?
I don't know what people/factions prefer war and which prefer waiting for their adversaries to bankrupt.
I get what you mean but in my mind they are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
I suspect it's a calculated risk on his part.
As someone who used Pink Floyd extensively in my own stage performance, I can tell you from speaking to their lawyers that they do not grant rights to anyone for anything.
I will be looking to see if they take action. A standard copyright infringement takedown may serve its own purpose, boosting the notoriety of the doc and further radicalizing. The copyright owners need not be covert cooperators for this to work. (But if they were, that's just more control over the timing.)
But Roger Waters performs and appears for free at so many events where human rights abuses are protested. He has issues of political prisoners in his concerts especially Julian Assange for over a decade & Roger will speak at NYC Free Assange rally Saturday 1pm UK Consulate 2nd Ave @ 47th
Stellar work, very important work, going to have to read one or two more times. I appreciate this in depth deep style of writing. Stars and beers for you.
"II will take this moment to point out that part of the broader discussion is about "splitting the Medical Freedom community".
You may need another chapter in your book.. Andrew Huff claimed he suing FBI for harassment using Thonas Renz as his "whistleblower" attorney... small world, eh?
While I appreciate a more nuanced and entirely accurate rendition of vax events, I did like "Died Suddenly." It might be like throwing paint against the wall, but something will stick, and it's a thick wall. I have a few contacts in the other echo chamber. According to one representative person the vaccine worked because the people who got the vaccine didn't get covid, only people who did not get the vaccine. Not getting covid is the big deal--hard to imagine really when there are mountains of other issues but that's the way that echo chamber thinks. I got covid and wasn't vaccinated and so that is proof I'm wrong. Thick wall and thick skulls to penetrate even a little bit. The pro-vaccinated world is filled with people who are literally terrified of the chicken pox and the common cold. Died suddenly makes the point that you can get bad, very bad clots from the vaccines, and that is actually worse than covid.
I think your point about small groups figuring out how to communicate with high trust / high fidelity information flows is key. Everyone is spooked that everyone else are spooks. Malone probably is associated with the CIA. So maybe that's not the point (ad hominem isn't always missing the point, in fact walking that line is what makes it tempting).
The focus has to be what we are building, a positive story. What do you think about what jordan peterson is doing with ARC? https://www.arcforum.com/about/
I'm working on what I can, in the Colombian Andes. When I have time documenting what I can (solutions focused, Regenerative Agriculture Framework: https://peakd.com/hive-122315/@ecoinstant/the-real-solutions
Surely bitcoin and downstream crypto tech gives hope to a decentralized future of builders.
The geometry of the solution to the hegelian dialectic exists in this space, of decentralized units each trying to build a better world for everyone and communicate their progress in an open way.
Quick look at arc: I hadn't seen it. Teaching principles is good. Tell everyone that the website isn't the community. They must build that.
Regenerative ag is great where possible. Some people miss the need for cow poop I. The process due to fear of AGW. Sigh.
Working on a business, so I'll have to look at the Westphalia article another time.
Thank you.
Yes, because he gets PAID every time someone plays Pink Floyd, and it never gets associated with anything but itself
One more thing: I scrubbed through that icky music video you linked, and while it's telling a coherent dystopian sci-fi story visually, it's clearly a musical pastiche or montage. My guess is it's a "megamix" of the bands songs. Pop songs just aren't 15 minutes long, and the styles and instrumentation and vocalists keep changing throughout.
Either way, that the summary track includes the plainly violent Marxist message concerns me---particularly with the tone of Peters's show, and the socialism promotion. It feels like there is a distinct emotional "play" in all of this.
Will the Stew Crew get a copyright takedown from AWOLNATION's publisher's lawyers? Similar questions as the Pink Floyd unauthorized use raises.
Talk about incitement language...wow...Stew and Karen Kingston
I do hope Colleen takes you up on this. I respect her work and think she could probably have a civil and productive conversation. Some of the other people on your list, not so much.
I understand your frustration with the DMED work and its outcome. Science and politics are never comfortable allies. And it seems one of the two reliably comes out on top... but I digress. The desired outcome may have been obtained by different means, with less "exposure".
Most people on the open invite list will ignore the invitation. I'm not even reaching out, though I'm sure most or all will find out. It's easy to just ignore it if they're not interested, which is fine. I don't know Colleen, so I can't guess if she'll be interested.
One problem I have with the documentary is that I can think of enumerable permutations of information that would be Pareto improvements according to my Impact Analysis framework.