Thank you for all your hard work. Some of us greatly appreciate your integrity and think the only way forward is to get the absolute truth.

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There is simply no such thing as "the absolute truth" on issues as complex as these. However, calling out the lies and misdirections and political manipulations is absolutely essential, for those of use who want the best available truth.

As for the political outcomes? It's not simple either, because it has much more to do with appearances alliances and narrative control. The mere appearance of falsehood can discredit. The appearance of truth has some power, but so does raw shock. For those incapable of evaluating the evidence themselves (which is most people, including most who hold powerful positions, regardless of their intentions or alignments) the appearance of truth and the allocation of trust has more to do with endorsements and credentials.

Mathew clearly believes in data-driven decision making. It's served him well enough in finance. I think he's learning how the world doesn't generally work that way.

But I'm still cheering him on, and will do what I can to spread this story.

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"I think he's learning how the world doesn't generally work that way."

Why try to speak for me? This is the opposite of what I've said about my finance career, which is that I became the exceptional trader by figuring out who was running scams or where there were structural weaknesses.

This isn't a story of people making decisions that don't fit data. This is a story of politics in a supposed truth movement trying to memory hole the truth. That's the tactic of the system we are up against.

Interpret as you like from there, but don't make it up if you haven't done the reading.

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I appreciate the reply. I'm not trying to speak for you. In finance, you can end-run some of the bullshit by just making money: money talks. Not every sector has that shortcut.

You're welcome to your interpretation of "the story", but I'd like to think of you as broad-minded enough to accommodate the existence of other valid perspectives.

More on how I really feel over here: https://sagehana.substack.com/p/chaos-agents-mathew-crawford-the/comment/11402551

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I think there is always an absolute truth... it might just be so complex and out of reach that we will never really nail it with our resources... best we can hope for is to get close.

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Excellent article Matthew . . shame there is such division in the community . . it would be helpful to all pull in the same direction . . however I will say that alot of people will read & not fully understand these substacks [ myself included ] which is where I find Stew Peters & others more simplistic views quite helpful. We already know "Covid vaccines" are bad - but do the details really matter so much? For most people it's just a binary decision, informed consent - should I take it or not!.

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Ultimately, people should take the time to meditate on how to disconnect from all outside projection of leadership, step up themselves, and also look for it in their own physical community. We need to develop local leadership better. Right now.

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Maybe you can lead us, Mat?

Since you are so brilliant and stuff.

And we can get rid of Kirsch and Renz and Naomi Wolf and Theresa Long and Stew Peters and we can just be all Mathew Crawford all the time.

The Math Superstar in the spotlight.

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What a strange attack based on nothing but a straw man that says that the reason I critique people isn't to police bad behavior, but to be the sole leader. And yet, my message is, "Start leading yourselves."

If all you've got is mad barking, I'll take that as a deep compliment.

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I don't think Sage is very happy with us Mathew. Oh well. It doesn't matter


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That doesn't seem to be what he's wanting, at least from how I interpret what he says. He just wants whoever is talking about crucially important things to be grounded in accurate data.

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"grounded in accurate data". Yes!

To remove the possibility of poisoning the message to the point that

1. it can be dismissed

2. it can taint ongoing messaging from the "group"

A most respectable, sane and rational approach.

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Don’t bother. I’ve read the comments. She isn’t trying to have a reasonable conversation .... just a bunch of cheap shots.

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Sage Hana is Derrick Blanton, but likes the attention of the ambiguous gender game.

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I always though Sage was female, but also always marveled at how damn aggressive this "sage" (who appears to be the antithesis of "One venerated for experience, judgment, and wisdom.") character appeared to be.

Makes sense now.

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Derrick enjoyed speaking with you and found you to be a good person.

Also, el gato enjoys the attention of the ambiguous animal "game".

(Wait until you find out about Vigilant Fox.)

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You okay? Can I get you a tissue?

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Tom Renz wishes you a Merry Christmas, Mark.


(Warning: People wishing you a Merry Christmas may in fact be Chaos Agents.)

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Is this article a little too close to the bone Sage Hana? Strange comment otherwise? Attack the guy who’s highlight that others are pushing knowingly false data, likely for their own agenda/benefit that is going to hurt the MFM in the longer term, very strange indeed

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You're kind of fun, in a stupid sort of way.

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Or maybe just stupid, in a fun sort of way.....


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You sound hysterical.

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Mat, can you please write a post on what your general sense was when you worked on the Human Genome Project?

I watched Frances Collins clip on Charlie Rose back in 2000, and they all seemed super excited and I detected nothing sinister in their eyes.

They all thought they were doing good work to help humanity.

I'm just very fascinated in how things are presented, (mRNA! edit genes! cure cancer!)

And then what actually happens.

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"please write a post on what your general sense was when you worked on the Human Genome Project?"

LOL. Wow, you're fishing.

I didn't even know there was an organized Human Genome Project until 1995 when it was nearly done (the primary steps). I wasn't sure what to do with myself during the Summer between HS and college, so I applied for a Howard Hughes internship at Wash U. and was one of the dozen selected. But I was the opposite of the others---mostly math and little bio. So, I was asked into a statistical genetics lab under a guy named David States (and Pankaj Agarwal) where I was asked to come up with a function that compute the run time algorithm for BLAST.

I finished that in a hour and most most of the summer chasing girls.

What did I think of the HGP? I was a 17 yo kid. I thought, "I guess this is one of those milestones, but it's probably not the career I'm interested in." If I sit and think back, I could probably go a little deeper than that, but it was a weird experience insofar as the lab didn't know what to do with me, so I didn't get much mentorship. I think they thought my project would take me the whole six weeks. I spent some time teaching stats modeling to a few bio professors, time reading in the library, and playing frisbee.

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Thank you, by "fishing", do you mean looking for information as to how research gets done and where it leads?

This is very fascinating to me how a bright person when young are drawn into projects and where they lead.

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A fishing expedition is where there is no known crime or grime, so to tar somebody, an investigator just starts hunting for information to see what they can find and try to make stick.

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But I didn't accuse you of a crime, Mathew.

I asked you a polite and open ended question.

"an investigator just starts hunting for information to see what they can find and try to make stick."

I don't think there is anything wrong with hunting for information, which is largely what your work is concerned with. Isn't that we are all doing, including your acquaintance Mark Kulacz?

And you?

For ex. I'm told that Marc Girardot used to work at Booz Hamilton, which is interesting.

On that note, also, I'm reaching out to Leigh Dundas to ask her about the 1/6 Q-Anon insinuations. But it's not to "make anything stick".

It's because I'm curious about the Operation, same as you.

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I strongly agree.

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It would seem that if they (warriors like Naomi Wolf) come forward NOW with wrong data, the other side will use it to no good end to prove lies like they are so virtuous. Even though we all know THEY are the BIGGEST SCUMMIEST liars ever!!!

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Sadly, our "side" doesn't seem to care about communicating well about data. I've been slammed a few times without explanation, rather than any explanation or conversation. It's baffling. More than that, I worry that it's the work of Chaos Agents, and perhaps even scripted. This is why Hero Ball needs to be abandoned. People are simply going to have to learn as much as they can from many sources, then be local teachers in their communities among those who will listen. Otherwise, we're going to have 20 Heroes with the power to steer the community in directions that fit their interests---which may not be transparently on the table.

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At a Christmas party last night, with a theme of “Festivus” from a Dec. 18th, 1997 show on Seinfeld where an “airing of grievances” around the dinner table about how others disappointed you over the past year. At the party we were to write briefly on a piece of paper something that was disappointing or you had a grievance about!!! I wrote about how I had been perceived as a “conspiracy theorist” by so-called friends who mostly refused to even listen to what I had to say this past year about covid, jabs, injuries etc. However, last night it seemed more ppl were slightly open to discussion on the topics. One lady who works at a pediatric clinic discussed how there had been much sickness among children and hospitalizations. She also discussed how unusual in the spring all the flu & respiratory cases. When I mentioned I believed it was bc of the massive jabbing (Van Bossche) that had led to many variants that normally would have taken a 1,000 years to accumulate plus the damage to immune systems to jabbing kids was unnecessary due to almost no risks with covid. She reverted to “we all have opinions”, but at least she listened for a short while. Perhaps, finally, truth can’t be hidden any longer!

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We do all have opinions, and we should generally listen.

Note: I do not subscribe to Geert's theories beyond a basic point. I think he has contradicted himself at times, and at others completely discarded facts that point to other theories. I no longer believe in the variant emergence in the same way I did previously, and it's not even clear to me that it's the virus causing most of the damage (I have multiple hypotheses without good enough information to choose between them).

Geert should be more skeptically questioned.

I think we may have experience multiple controlled pathogenic releases. Omicron looks very far evolutionarily from SARS-CoV-2 strains prior that the math does not easily work out for sudden emergence. It was also found in GISAID on June 17, 2021, then deleted. Hmmm.

This is why conversation is good. We may be subject to layered psyops and fed one pole at a time to dance around in order to keep us ignorant. For all we know, the coronaviruses are controlled releases along with bacteria as in Operation Sea Spray. It might even be that the bacteria is what makes us sickest. The majority of people who died from symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 died from pneumonia.

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As did those in 1918-19. Very interesting conjecture here, Mathew. Multiple releases in multiple places over time of a not-very-virulent pathogen, combined with magaphoned-from-the-rooftops fear porn after five years of 24/7 TDS. No wonder so many are beleaguered. And wishing saviors. And believing grifters who speak well and appear to be on our team. Were I rich, I would fund the gargantuan task of FOIAing the military. Aaron Siri has done great work in this regard to the "health" agencies.

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The Spanish flu saw 80% die from pneumonia. During C19 pandemic, it's 50%, but I bet it's closer to 80% or even above if we skim out the asymptomatic "positive test" deaths. This is why I took John Cullen seriously, even though I don't think he has fully developed the range of hypotheses or done the work to distinguish between them.

Then there is the Operation Sea Spray story and the fact that Congression reports note numerous suspicious pneumonia outbreaks over the years that hover around military bases. Is it the virus, or is it the bacteria?!

It might very well be that we've been fooled into thinking the damage is mostly the virus (which is perhaps harmful to a small, select population) when the bacteria (plus lack of treatment with antibiotics) is the larger part of the illness.

I remain open to various hypotheses.

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I think they spray us

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I would not have known how common such programs were, but I've grown toward that belief myself (moderate to high probability) and that this is the case. Operation Sea Spray is well documented, but as I worked through Congressional and other documents, there is evidence of dozens to hundreds of similar introductions of biological agents into the American population alone. This doesn't even count the potential that we're doing it to other nations, too.

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I do too! I think it was a aerosoled release of nanoparticles. A bioweapon. I truly think Karen Kingston is on to the truth. Makes the most sense to me. When they isolated the original Wuhan strain from a half dozen people or so, none of them matched. Why? Also, it seems like the vaccines themselves created the variants. She is very disappointed at the weak and misguided arguments that attorneys are making. I am looking forward to who may be stepping up to join her team. She made an announcement on a recent Greg Hunters interview that in January some people are stepping up publicly.


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I agree it’s possible different releases of whatever have occurred. Although Omicron appeared less deadly but more rampant and some felt a blessing. At least last year.

Do you believe the spike protein is the primary toxin that wreaks havoc on the Endothelial tissue all throughout the body that was instructed by mRNA in the jabs to make SP??? This is so evil it’s beyond comprehension. Keep up the good work and thank you! We need to think outside the box that is in another box by now!! Wish I had your kind of expertise bc I feel somewhat helpless except donating here and there. Spreading the word by mouth seems nearly useless so far. People have their world to protect and survive & prob have PTSD without knowing it bc of the constant FEAR propaganda and manipulations!!

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I have (thru my hundreds of hours of reading about spike protein) come to the conclusion it IS a toxin and have never understood why they “chose” it as their antigen target. Nothing I have read about it has shown that it is innocuous. I’m left to conclude it was intentional. What does that say about those who invented this “vaccine”. Hey guys! Let’s teach the human body how to make a toxic protein! Woot! Why didn’t we ever do that before! Genius! I have no words.

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This is pretty disturbing! What our government is up to!

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Did she state her opinion? Maybe she was afraid because it was...umm outdated.

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Or bc she was mandated by her employer or her bf was going through radiation treatments for prostrate ca and felt he NEEDED to because he was at greater risk or she is unaware and listens to MSM mostly. Or bc she couldn’t begin to assimilate what I know as it goes against everything she has been brainwashed to believe about medicine and medical providers.

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Baby steps. Still waiting on the healthcare mandate to be lifted. Chaos agents can and will destroy the whole movement. Limited hangouts all over the place

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Off topic, I know, but that does not sound like a party I would want to attend! 😄 Using the Seinfeld episode as a "theme" seems a bit passive-aggressive, too. 😬

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I honestly hope it's not the efforts of individuals in trying to make a name for themselves that keeps them apart from one another. We must all stand together or surely we will all hang separately.

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On the issue of pushing back against authoritarian global powers, we must stand in a decentralized network. Oversimplistic ideas of "together" beg the question of who chooses the ground. Choosing one ground would inevitably be a losing move.

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Sometimes details are a huge thing, and sometimes they're not.

Maybe we should take the time to parse out what we thing are the key points to stand for... ie, personal sovereignty, liberty, that the fed govt, fed resv, Mil IC, Med IC, and IRS are illegal, anti-human entities, and etc. What think you on that?

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I've noticed that even when I address you directly, you don't respond to me. Perhaps I am being overly whatever, I don't know. It's not that important to me whether you "like" me or not.

But I will say this: Our country was long ago illegally usurped and made into a CORPORATION.

If there's ANYTHING to rally around, I'd say that's it. Don't worry about answering me, it's fine.

But... watch this? Look into it? See ya on the other side, brother.


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You are correct about decentralized network of thinking.....up to a point. But then how will you be able to scale your efforts without some common ground? Build a family/community/etc

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Yep, scripted. Popped into my mind too. Double agents. Chaos agents. I'm old so I like double agent. Not literally like them. 😂😂

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*Our side* definitely need to be wary of all the "Chaos Agents"!


Sure this sounds like a nice Merry Christmas post. But with a Chaos Agent, one must be alert at all times.

Leader Crawford please tell me how to proceed.

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IF ONLY WE COULD GET RID OF ALL THE CHAOS AGENTS (that don't recognize my mesmerizing brilliance) like Ed Dowd, or Naomi Wolf, or Theresa Long, or (now) Steve Kirsch, GET THOSE ASSHOLES OUT THE WAY, then our Hero, MATH BOY would lead us to victory.

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We got your point the first time.

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Why are you trying to insult the author? If he is right about something, and others are wrong, do you expect him to be quiet about it? Is the truth important or not?

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I'm interpretting Derrick's unhinged behavior as a message from some of the larger players. He previously gave me a list of the people who knew his identity. When he calls me "Math boy" he is sharing an insult used among some of them to denigrate me in private emails. I've seen some of these emails, though I can't share them without revealing who passed them to me (even explaining why might reveal the source).

I suspect that Derrick was sent on this mission, but that it's going to be obvious to most people. It will prove to be self-defeating for them.

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Why are you so triggered by this very reasonable post?

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Don’t feed the trolls.

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Details matter, they determine credibility. The devil is in the details.

Mathew, your time, talent, and dedication to truth is appreciated.

We should be alert to those who are compromised.

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I'm not a scientist. I avoided deathvax because anti covid Drs were more believable and logical. To say the least.

Our side gets caught in an exaggeration, ie A FREAKEN LIE, you throw that away.

Be precise, or don't pretend to be scientists.

Matthew is absolutely right in this.

I think those that exaggerate/lie are automatically suspect of infiltrators.

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I hear you about not fully understanding the depth of details .. I don't feel nearly confident explaining what's known and unknown about the DMED data, while getting into the numbers, and how that information came to be, despite Mathew's best attempts to make this info understandable to laypeople. *But, I do know that if he deems the numbers people are running with to be not reliable, and that roads point to the contractor Unissant, then that's important.

And from understanding the meta levels of information much better than the details, it feels really clear that if inaccurate data is presented by a movement that the powerful want to discredit, using that inaccurate data is a gift to the covid criminals and the media who do their work for them.

And if someone shares info that's not accurate, and makes claims that can't be supported (like Stew Peters), then even if they do say some things that are true, it's hard to know what's what. Anything from sources like that need to be double checked, again. I'd rather just go to sources who are super solid to begin with. Like Mathew, and Dr Meryl Nass ...

One binary is to take these "vaccines" or not (not!), but another is - are there strong enough legal cases to bring this entire house of fraud down? There are great and successful cases against mandates, against overriding parental knowledge, etc .. But this might be another level of a powerful strategy ...

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Agree. I think different approaches are good and necessary. I appreciate people going out on a limb to stand for something even if they are found to be wrong or made a mistake. Different personalities, communication styles,and knowledge bases will attract different types of audiences, and I find that part of the solution. Main point is, something is not right. What are we going to do about it?

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I don't understand much. But when someone who lies... I understand that.

Matthew is right. No lies to shock. That is unforgivable. People who operate that way need to be called out.

Essentially, truth is our greatest resource. And we have very few resources in comparison to the cult

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I did not share Died Suddenly with anyone, mostly concerned about children watching it, unsupervised especially, but the only thing I really remember is embalmers questioning why are all these clots occurring. Did it need to be that graphic or take an hour to say? I'm not sure, but I guess it at least started to get some people's attention. I'm not sure there was any intentional lying. But if there was, yes, I believe that's wrong.

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I also did not share that video but for different reasons. I felt all the conspiracy theories should have been kept out of it. It was very sensationalized. Then they put the part In there with Gates which we all know was cut and spliced to make it sound like Gates actually said the vaccines would depopulate. Sorry I don’t have the exact wording he used in that video but it was debunked and then to use it in the movie. I’m trying to convince people we are telling the truth. Using data that is not right or video that’s been edited improperly does not help our case!! It gives the bad guys ammunition against us!! We can’t afford to do that!!

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Yes .. I remember early in the pandemic when I first heard that Bill Gates thing, if we vaccinate, we can get the population down ... I could believe maybe he wanted to depopulate, but not that he would state it so clearly.

(Shameful, cringeworthy confession ... long, long ago, in 2020, I would check Snopes, with some skepticism, but with no idea what lying slime they are.) They had a sensible sounding explanation for why Gates said that .. if families don't loose so many children to preventable diseases, they wouldn't have so many children to begin with. Regardless of if these vaccines do more harm than good, that basic meaning of the statement makes sense. Snopes is probably right on that one. Maybe (maybe), it was even said with anticipation of "conspiracy theorists" jumping on it, only to be easily debunked.

But after that, anyone who made the claim that they want to depopulate and cited that Gates statement, I would consider not a reliable source. Probably many others felt the same ...

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Accuracy is vital. Otherwise we are giving The Opposition ammunition to discredit every claim we make! This is a War of Reality/Truth versus Lies/Fraud. We have to be very careful that we stay on the right side!

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Your comment is right on - that we don't need perfect information to know we're being attacked, that each person contributes to the discussion in their own way, and that it takes skillful means, including beneficial lies, to move the majority. The ends often do justify the means. Details are less important than winning hearts and minds in every emergency situation.

But in this case, important details in DMED provide evidence of fraud and intent, which expands the context of our situation beyond covid to the directed evil of engineered totalitarianism. This changes everything.

People are sleepwalking into totalitarianism because we believe our apparent loss of control and integrity and freedom is random, that everything will return to normal if we are patient. We don't yet see the emergency.

We don't realize we're returning to our multi-thousand years of historically normal slavery and serfdom, after two hundred years of aberrant freedom.

The covid Narrative was carefully planned - it was not "a series of human mistakes and poor judgment, typical of ordinary people doing their best." (Desmet)

Mathew's details of the DMED data plainly show the smoking gun of intent. Everyone should be paying attention. Intent also gives weight to Dr. Breggin's analysis that Desmet, at least inadvertently, is a chaos agent.

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"but do the details really matter so much?"

I agree that they don't matter at all with respect to the questions "Should we research to see if these adverse advents are being caused by the vaccine? And if so, with what rate?" The answer to those questions is obviously "yes," IMO. So the seeming absolute disinterest or aversion to those questions by HHS, Congress and State legislators is enough to tell me that we are probably in a kind of struggle for our very health and survival. Especially is that the case with the coming WHO pandemic management treaty that Biden will sign. If enough Republicans vote to ratify it, God help us!!

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I am not under WHO amendment if it's signed.

It's treason and I view any enforcement as done by ex Americans. I hope they push it.

This saga will come to an ending, one way or the other.

Roman Catholic Church is now mainly in America, and tiny. I don't God is gonna let it go any smaller. I'm content with meeting these traitors.

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I don't think they'll give us any choice in the matter. So contentment it is.

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If you're talking about those who will try to impose WHO amendments on us? If they do here in America, war will break out. I'm not only one saying this.

When force vaxxes were being discussed, people were absolutely talking war.

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I hope you're right only because I suspect that will probably cause the State to back down. Unfortunately, I'm not even totally convinced of that. For all I know, they want the population culled significantly anyway.

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It's A mystery.

I'm Catholic and believe in Fatima, "In the end My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

I also believe in Great Catholic Monarch, Holy Pope. After secret societies in charge of Vatican for last 60 years, great apostasy, 3rd secret being played out.

You get last word.

Peace! And don't take PFIZER DEATHVAX but you already know that!

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Anyone paying attention knows you are correct. The huge numbers in the corrupted DMED data doesn’t match the general population of injuries and deaths we can all observe. I personally know multiple people with varying levels of injury and four people (zero degrees of separation) who have died post vaccine. Hearing loss, balance issues, sore ribcage, pink eye, shingles, myocarditis -- again all zero degrees of separation. I know multiple others dead one degree of separation. Stew Peters is as creepy and dirty as they come. I was stunned that Steve Kirsch got involved with him in Died Suddenly. It would be great if you were on the Alex Jones show.

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I'd need to think hard about whether an appearance on something like Alex Jones would be the right move. There is an obvious risk there where true stories can be branded in the eyes of the middle as "out there". Publications such as the Enquire demonstrate how destructive that can be.

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I don't find Jones credible, although he gives much good info. I don't trust him. David Knight has damning stuff on him.

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No need to be coy with me brother, drop your most persuasive link! I will note though that I don't base my assessment of Jones' character on Jones himself, as I said I base it on Robert Barnes' support of him.

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Grant, my comment was before I saw yours. I'm a lot of things, but coy aint one of them. It was a reply to someone else.

Essentially, Knight indicts Jones of what he Won't talk about. Similar to Sage.

Just one...


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Ah, right on, sorry, I just linked to it from email. So what Barnes has said about that trial contradicts when Knight is saying here. Barnes indicated that AJ complied with discovery in spades, but was railroaded in spite of this. Also, the narrative that Barnes advanced (in service of AJ in the court of public opinion) is that the cover-up regarding Sandy Hook pertained to the misappropriation of funds by school and government officials intended to improve the security infrastructure of Sandy Hook that would have prevented loss of life. Not all the way through the video, I'll keep watching.

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Don't be sirry! Merry Christmas!

So on people criticized, I still listen.

On anybody, listen with critical ear.

Controlled opposition must say truth sometimes.

Saints can make mistakes.

Only one that never gets it wrong? Me😎😎😎😎

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Happy Christmas Mathew. Going on Alex Jones would be preaching to the choir (like Died Suddenly) and would only damage your reputation in my opinion.

Don't get me wrong, I listened to InfoWars every day for years, they seriously got me on track as to what was really going on in the world. They have always been principled - anti-war, anti-fiat money and anti-corruption. I've spoken to Alex before on his show and some of his co-presenters. I think they are genuine people, although they are humans and imperfect and I literally told Alex he was a crap radio host and should focus on making documentaries and let better people be the on-air talent once. Constructive criticism. He wasn't happy with me but David Knight got his own show a week later (as I suggested) so who knows?

Alex is one of the worst interviewers in the universe, he constantly interrupts, puts words in other people's mouths and just can't keep his mouth shut. He's his own worst enemy.

Well-made documentaries with easily clippable facts for viral purposes may be the only way forward. Normies can't handle truth, complicated data or even the evidence of their own eyes. It takes a huge amount of work to wake people up, and even when you finally get that epiphany, most people are so scared they go into ostrich mode and don't want to think about it anymore.

The task is so enormous it may be insurmountable, but I've been at this for two decades now and I haven't given up, because the alternative is too horrific to contemplate. Think 1984 on steroids.

Shoot James Corbett an email, THAT would be a useful interview.


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I'm not worried about preaching to the choir about this topic. I don't think mich of the choir knows the story well.

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Hi mate, happy New Year.

I have given this comment a huge amount of mental space over the last few days. Thank you. It's very important.

I just posted the following on the "Lies are Unbecoming" Sub. I think this pretty much summarizes where I am right now. Your comments are appreciated. I want to be useful and helpful in this. I want the truth and I actually care about our community and about people like yourself. If I have anything wrong, correct me immediately. I'm here to learn. But I'm also not stupid and have given "the resistance" plan after plan over the last three years, all of which got totally ignored and would likely have worked, daggnamit. 🙂

"Incredible, thank you. The truth behind this scam is so complicated, but I believe we are getting there. Many of us are increasingly on the same lines, and I think we are getting close to what happened. As an (ancient) historian by training, I remember telling my lecturer early on that my opinion of "experiencing the past" was basically impossible as historians, but a forensic investigation into the primary, secondary and tertiary evidence could get us close to what actually happened (I thought it would be useful to define my version of "historiography" to my colleagues).

This may be the first case in history where the crime is so "scientific" in nature, that we can pretty much explain EXACTLY what these bastards did. It's almost unbelievable to me. Their own published papers are basically confession statements.

I'm seriously wondering if the infectious clones hypothesis, that Baric and his ilk clearly worked on with MERS - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24043791/ - is the reason you can't order purified SARS-CoV-2 from a virologist company. It's all just sampled BS from tissue. If the real releases were from infectious clone cDNA, then yeah, sampling an entirely synthetic construct in RNA form is going to be kinda difficult. The "Covid doesn't exist" people may actually have a point.

I had kind of worked this out in my own layman-like stupid way over the last few months by really examining the quasi-species swarm theory and the fact that only 10-15% of the population could only be infected by any "variant" (I have come to the conclusion that "herd immunity" is a lot of bollocks - ask me why if you want). I also updated these meanderings on an Igor Chudov thread where I explained that I thought the "sub-variants" were just over-amplified PCR-induced "noise" due to replication incompetence creating "snowflakes" in people, but in enough quantity for it to be statistically meaningful to these so called "virologists". Not bad for someone who has no clue what they are talking about. 😂

The work you, Crawford, Couey, Morey, Ark, etc has been doing is immense. I highly recommend doing a round-table to discuss all your findings (harvard2thebighouse was talking about a lot of this stuff before anyone, but I don't know to what extent he was ill-informed by three letter agencies). Even Ron Unz might be a useful add, as his take is broadly unique (the US attacked China with a bioweapon and the US was aware but China was somehow oblivious, then the Iranian leaders started being killed by it), although I highly doubt he has any knowledge of what we are now talking about (but Unz is a theoretical physicist so he's hardly stupid, just saying).

This would be incredibly productive for our "truth movement", rather than concentrate on what is rapidly becoming "medical freedom movement" and "Substack" drama. 2023 is going to be a dark place for this community if we aren't careful, and if that happens, all the good work all of us have done (writers and commentators) is going to be completely wasted. Mark my words, this always happens in fringe movements that are dangerous to the powers that be. Sleeper cells and bad actors are everywhere. Your options are: become a paranoid freak or get productive. You have been warned. I've seen all this before and it's all so tiresome.

What I would like to see is a timeline of what happened and when. I believe, in terms of "Covid" infections, we can start from Ark's Samoa measles outbreak and move from there. If we can construct a pretty much perfect timeline (to our knowledge) this would probably crack this case open. This would be the perfect tool to share with alt-media and if we could somehow explain it to normies, the jig would be up.

Maybe I'm naive. If you don't have hope then why live, so why not give it a shot. Otherwise there's a digital panoptigon enslavement plantation in your future.

My questions at this stage:

- How are they seeding the infectious clones globally (anecdotally I'm guessing "chemtrails" and am willing to put money on that's why they bothered to track deer Covid cases in the US in the first place)

- Is it the case that they basically got to the point where they can engineer a coronavirus "backbone" to deliver whatever "payload" they want (e.g. measles, spike protein, RSV) via the infectious clone technology? All they appear to be doing effectively, is slicing viruses into segments, then rejoining them with DNA instead of RNA, to make them more replication competent.

- If the Sinovac "vaccine" is purified, inactivated virus, how does that work in this model? Is it just BS, is it the real deal, is it just RNA mush? This has always been my chief argument against the "Covid doesn't exist"/"viruses don't exist crowd".

Anyway, thanks for your time mate. You are an extremely smart guy (takes one to know one 🙂) and I think we need to focus on the achievables rather than the negatives. Just my two cents.

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I agree completely. I've learned more in the last three weeks than I have in the last year about this topic. But I was talking more in terms of the premise than the specifics. And the bottom line is we need to reach the normies.

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James is a genius. Almost as smart as me

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You're a man after my own heart John. 🍻

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Thanks Baboon.

In more ways than one:


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Gorillas are amazing. Thanks. 🙂

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In this game of association it may be wise to avoid AJ show, sure it will reach many people, but those aren't the people that need to be convinced, they already are, and then this information will be associated with a dismisable crowd, and then dismissed.

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FWIW I think you have to assume that risk should you get the opportunity. Alex Jones is attacked mercilessly because he is effective. The more effective you are, the more the cathedral will target you. To be concerned with associating yourself with people who have questionable character like Stew Peters and Patricia Rodriguez is totally sound. I think avoiding folks like AJ just because of how they are perceived by normies isn't as reasonable (assuming you agree that AJ has good character, I defer to Barnes on this, as I do with many things).

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I think the AJ question is a topic-by-topic question (with respect to perception). No matter what anyone tells me, it's something I'd have to meditate on before having a strong opinion about. And while I really like Barnes (he might be my only paid Locals subscription...or one of two, maybe?), I prefer to make decisions that involve anything like game theoretic elements after giving them my own deep thought. This isn't about whether Jones has been generally right in his investigation of secret world powers.

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I certainly understand your concern. It would give you a great deal of exposure. I have been listening to Alex off and on for 15 years. I listen because no one gives the analysis he does. Not sure what to make of him. Either someone is feeding him the future or he is pretty good at seeing what is coming. Your exposure would go up exponentially. Not sure if Alex would want you to correct the “good guys” on his show. But I think he has done stuff like that before. Not sure if you have ever heard of Jeff Rense, but he immediately said that Stew Peters was a Deep State plant. He is also suspicious of Malone - from the beginning.

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Thank you for this. My BS detector has been going off lately with some of the way info is presented on the “freedom fighter” side of this debate. It’s like people are enjoying fantasy role play in an ELE sci-fi novel. It’s creepy.

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"It’s like people are enjoying fantasy role play in an ELE sci-fi novel. It’s creepy."


Instead of being empowered to grow local strength, people are becoming outraged and looking for Heroes to throw in with. This is what a virtual reality game looks like, not an attempt at re-establishing a world of greater liberty, health, and opportunity.

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Damn, you bring up a lot of troubling things, Matthew. I'm sorry they ghosted you. I find you fascinating and very ethical

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Matthew....I can't thank you enough with your substack and the Rounding the Earth podcast.....what a gift to all of us.....thanks for helping me stay sane....... hope you get some time to recharge.... you are invaluable....... this last one was one of my favourites.... https://rumble.com/v21itio-recasting-viral-immunity-and-treatment-round-table-w-dr.-jospeh-lee-and-jon.html

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"A lie that is half truth is the darkest of all lies"

Alfred Lord Tennyson

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I admire you for standing up to the truth. Agree completely that we only hurt ourselves if we intentionally exaggerate findings. Exaggeration of lies is wrong. And so is exaggeration of the truth. At this point, we have to question the motives of anyone, including Kirsch, if he is unwilling to openly discuss and explain why he refuses to engage with you.

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None of us is perfect about all this, but there are simple mistakes and there are mistakes that could unravel everything. I worry that some in our community are approaching the latter.

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Thank you Matthew! In this post you made the situation you describe understandable to me and I so appreciate it!!! In your previous posts I had a hard time following your points on this issue. This post brought your position home for me. I very much appreciate your diligent efforts to bring the truth out! You have remarkable skill and tenacity for the truth even when no reward is forthcoming. Huge gratitude to you! Please always keep attempting to make this important information understandable to people like me. I've been studying the vaccine issue every day for hours for 12 years. My background and education has absolutely nothing to do with analyzing big data sets. I wish it did! Again, thank you! I am going to contact Del Bigtree's group (on their website, I have no special connections) at The Highwire to attempt to inspire them to interview you to get the most accurate take on the DMED data out to the public. I will also contact Mary Holland at CHD as she has been appreciative and has taken action in the past when I make suggestions.

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I want to say I don’t understand why they continue to push the wrong information. I want to believe that everyone in the MFM truly cares about our military and about honesty. I have watched this 11 months of your frustration from the sidelines & cussed and thrown things against the wall on your behalf. I can only imagine your frustration. I almost wonder if your appearance on Alex Jones or perhaps Glenn Beck would be a way to bring this forward. It would be much harder for the idiot brigade(s) to claim they don’t know if you were on there.

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