I guess, if we were to zoom out our telescope, we'd understand that what we're seeing in the absolute corruption and rent seeking in the public health bureaucracy is endemic (see what I did there?) to all agencies and function of federal and local governments. In my industries, the corruption of officials by and with real estate developers and builders is almost laughable and not even hidden, and as well, the amount of corruption by and for the agriculture industry is also well documented, beginning with the food pyramid and the "get big or get out" policies and extending even to today.

As a retired soldier, I am well aware of it in the defense industry. It may be the most corrupt and certainly has led to more lives lost (with no sense of shame or responsibility) than the medical corruption.

It's only surprising because we naively believed that health practitioners were true to their oaths--we've always trusted our family doctor. Now, we see the truth, even our doctors are complicit in the rape of our country, it's good people, and it's idealism. The same with the great universities. And, our religious leaders have emaciated themselves, not even relying on government to do it.

Where do we turn now? Did our founders foresee this phenomenon like they did so many others? Did they give us a way and prescribe the tool to fight it? Is there any trustworthy field left? Where do we stand that has solid footing for us to begin to rebuild?

There are good people among us. I just pray there are enough.

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Steve's persistence and tenacity inspire me. This is how you win a fight, even if you lose a battle, occasionally. So my mom was right. This weekend, when we finally solved the issue with her kitchen faucet, she said: "This is how you make things happen: with persistence." The plumber had to come back three times to replace a wall-mounted faucet with a new one (because the first one was positioned too low) and again with a new one (because the second one was faulty and leaked). Finally, the new shining faucet was done as a result of her grit to not let minor issues slip through the cracks. We are with you, Steve, your grit is our grit!

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Nice Freudian slip: the vaccine manufacturers are the public health ministers.

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Nov 1, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Gorski is a genetic dead end sociopath. He’s also a male who enjoys lecturing women that males are aCkSHULLy women. Ask the “skeptic” if men can get pregnant 🤡

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Nov 1, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Jesus told a parable about a widow that kept entreating a corrupt and heartless judge for justice. Eventually, he did provide justice, in order for her to go away.

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Thanks, Mathew. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. ;)

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This level of intellectual dishonesty is astonishing wherever you find it, but for it to be exhibited by people of their "status"... professors and such, I guess it's indicative of the decline, entire fields stooping the level of junior high sophistry. "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it." and such.

It's time to burn it all down and start over, but the real way, not the "build back better" way.

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Mathew this was an amazing article, although sadly by the time I finished it I punched a hole of frustration in my plaster (jk). Nicely done - keep up the amazing work.

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"He answered none of them and instead blocked me."

For the record, you blocked me for giving you some pretty lightweight and purely good-faith challenges to some idea or other you'd posted.

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It appears your hero uses substack so he can both block users and delete posts.

This gives him full power to extinguish critiques of his work and shape discussion so that it feeds into his own narrative.

More that that I do not know except his 41 multiplier is simply tired old rhetoric by him and he stands alone on it and he isn't even qualified on the matter.

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"but I imagine the only thing Gordon gets out of this is a kind of virtue signaling in his socio-political tribal circle, which is to say that with tens of billions of dollars in pharma money washing around, he didn't negotiate well enough."

This is so well put. And, is the only explanation that makes sense for the ordinary folks I encounter in my real life and/or social media life that argue so zealously on behalf of, what you call, the Kunlageta.

Do the people opposing early treatment (HCQ, IVM, zinc, etc.) have studies showing they DON'T work? Has Fauci even commissioned studies for early treatment?

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When I first watched the Dark horse podcast with Bret, Robert, & Steve I guess my first impression of Steve was similar to many but after however many months now I know that Steve & Robert are well acquainted and Friends, colleagues now, and it's just Steve's mannerisms - Steve was instrumental in getting RM's Linked-In acct back up and running. His tenaciousness is well appreciated, he is yet another beacon if truth!!

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Typo here? should understand that the first problem in the vaccine program is that there is no open channel of information between the public and either the vaccine manufacturers are the public health ministers.

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Are you surmising that the vaccines brought so many deaths forward until the 14 day window after dose 2 that it lowered excess deaths in the vaccinated group?

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I would welcome the complete fall. I will not lie.

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