"This is leading more and more Singaporeans to question vaccine efficacy, and the logic of the experimental mass inoculation campaign." Obviously these questions mean we need more censorship to preserve the vaccine narrative!

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I was looking at Vermont reports— highly vaccinated, yet big increases compared to last year. They put out a biweekly report on various data— Looking at the biweekly summary reports and taking the delta over the last month (8/27 and 9/24 reports):

Cases: 1610 breakthrough out of 4864 total (33%)

Hospitalizations: 46 breakthrough out of 144 total (32%)

Deaths: 23 breakthrough out of 28 total (82%)

Hospitalizations represent about 3% of cases, breakthrough or not.

CFR a magnitude higher in the breakthrough.


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The use of 'breakthrough' case caught my attention, because I believe the CDC's definition for a "breakthrough" case is an rtPCR <28. At least in my state, the previous standard was (the outrageous!) <40. So, it might very well be the case many of the sick/hospitalized are vaccinated and testing positive at a number that would be considered a 'case' (<40), but not a 'breakthrough' case (<28). Of course, they never release the actual ct data for each incident report, so we're left guessing.

The use of "fully vaccinated" also caught my attention, because you only qualify for that classification if you're 14 days post 2nd does. So, it also might well be the case that many of sick/hospitalized have been jabbed, but were admitted < 14 days after their second dose.

The curves here frighten me. If we're seeing these kinds of numbers in early Fall, I'm apprehensive what the numbers will be when people are spending more time indoors, have lower vitamin D, etc, etc, all the confounding factors that make last fall early winter flu/cold "season".

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I think it’s reasonable to suggest breakthroughs are underrepresented in all categories.

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Thanks! 23 out of 28 were vaccinated??

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It’s perhaps more nuanced, but if you look at the last four weeks in their reports, VT added 28 total deaths to the 2021 total and 23 to the breakthrough deaths. Hence 23 out of the 28 deaths added were breakthrough.

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When @rustler83 was still on Twitter (he is now suspended), he was showing these weirdly scary stats in Scotland as well. The CFR was noticeably higher in vaxxed. I really wish he had started a substack before getting the axe because now I don't know how to find him. He has been effectively silenced.

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But his message is still clear. Dont rely on vaccination. Go to Dr. Mobeen on youtube (elsewhere also as sometimes he gets censored) for hard medical advice in a non-controntational non-antagonistic mind set.

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I suspect diving into the state by state could show similar, but the reporting isn’t simple and the way back machine probably needed in many instances. If only I had the time…

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Hey we are on our own. We have the information from very fine reporting. Save yourself and your family. And stop being distrafct4ed all the time about Covid until they restrict your life.

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You'd think with resultl like that across different states and countries, that medical authorities would be asking the question, "Are these vaccines making our people sicker and perhaps more susceptible to the virus, not less?"

Of course not...

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Med authorities wikll no longer be medical authorities if they do that. GET IT!

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Don’t worry, the increase in cases in Singapore is actually a good thing because now they get natural immunity too! https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2021/09/27/singapore-is-seeing-record-covid-cases-that-may-not-be-a-bad-thing.html

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If the vaccine illness looks much like the Covid illness. And these spikes in infection follow vaccination campaigns…could that be the result of shedding?

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There are serious scientists re-evaluating that possibility. And it is noteworthy that early on there was a sophisticated campaign to make that notion look like nonsense. There is documentation in biodefense literature about "jumping vaccines", so some smart people somewhere believed it was possible to create a vaccine that sheds.

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Always fascinating analysis.

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What does it even mean with covid cases and covid CFR? Is it relevant without autopsies and false positive PCR tests?

To be honest I get fed up with this case counting.

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I agree with you that the metrics are all screwed up, but there are times when we can make use of screwed up metrics. We did that on Wall Street all the time. LIBOR was well understood to be manipulated by smarter people long before that scandal unfolded, but I traded billions of dollars worth of swaps denominated in LIBOR. You just have to learn what you can and cannot do with a statistic on a practical level. In particular, it's important to keep in mind the distinction between accuracy and precision. The regimes that compute cases and deaths within a single nation should be assumed to be more precise than accurate, telling us what we can and cannot do with that data on a practical level.

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I guess that is knowing the rules of the game and they stay the same. But what if the rules of the game is changed along the way as this game seems to do. Is that advertised? Are you tracking that?

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It is becoming obvious to those who can see for themselves that the Vaccines are in fact INFECTING other vaccinated people and the unvaccinated. As well as themselves. Without this becoming the narrative it will get buried in the abyss of information tht circulates.

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So make it go at least semi viral.

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but of course: its Delta

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As you've retweeted this great work, an update:

- cases through the roof since mid-Jan across Asia, finally starting to ease off

- 95% vaxxed including ages 12 to 19, and ages 5 to 11 already over 60% vaxxed

- deaths started rising from Sep/Oct from almost none; total now 1,200 still low globally

- vaccine apartheid: unvaxxed cannot go to offices, restaurants, malls or re-enter the country

- masks everywhere, including when alone outdoors; "living with it" has not been implemented

- "opening up" means only that vaxxed can arrive from selected countries without quarantine

- deaths in the last 5 weeks have been disproportionately vaxxed; was not always the case

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I think CFR was low due to lots of young workers in dormitories being infected. Now with masking off late Jul/Aug, all ages are now catching Covid, hence more older ppl are dying.

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Does the timeline add up with the vaccine? Re: CoronaVac - Lambda -

‘massive vaccination campaigns in countries must be accompanied by strict genomic surveillance.


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From September- The hope now is natural immunity will kick in to compensate, caveat is the individual. I’d be interested to see more blood work done post vaccine as well. https://www.irishtimes.com/news/health/covid-54-of-hospital-patients-with-virus-are-fully-vaccinated-1.4670229

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I’ll just add this for info. ?

Predominance of antibody-resistant SARS-CoV-2 variants in vaccine breakthrough cases from the San Francisco Bay Area, California


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Sep 28, 2021
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You now know. Protect yourself and all those you know and love who will listen to your advice. All you can do. Let the rest go and do their thing.

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