On another note, I think that requisite to the Covid con was convincing mostly western populations that their health depended on the timely administration of childhood and other vaccines. You can't sell vaccines w/o first selling the construct of epidemics/pandemics. Looking back, the only polio victims I ever encountered were victims of live vaccines. I also recall an epidemic of late onset autism-type behaviors that occurred on my little street, and in the larger Sacramento area, post MMR vaccines. Not sure anyone saw these symptoms for what they were. There were two teens and one child on my block that suddenly began engaging in stereotypic rocking behavior; and I recall seeing kids doing the same thing in the backseat of cars wherever we went. This was so prevalent that we labeled them, "bouncers".

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I CANNOT get through to my daughter in law and son. Their 1.5 year old now has a crooked little mouth and eyes are not equilateral, which is a sure sign of a slight stroke. I HATE these effin childhood vaccines!

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I am so sorry to hear this. I spent many decades of my life living in Japan and was pretty endlessly struck by how healthy Japanese babies and children look. The Japanese government has approved only a very minimal vax schedule. Now back in the U.S., I am surrounded by a generation of people who think ADHD, dyslexia, and a whole range of maladies are common/normal. Somebodies really dropped the ball.

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Find a copy of "Turtles All the Way Down" and try to convince yourself that the programme was unintentional.

The "ball" is in play as intended.

I do not recall any peanut allergies in our schools in the 1950's and 60's either - we could share or swap our PBJ lunches for something different.

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Read it, and about 6 years ago I read “Science for Sale”. When Covid happened, I knew it was bullshit.

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Exactly, PBJ swaps were very common.

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"I'm open to a quality argument that we should be terrified of pandemics. I just haven't seen it made."

You need to be terrified of pandemics because, as Covid shows, they are almost the perfect tool for totalitarian Governments to seize power.

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'totalitarian Governments' are the 'fruiting body' of an organism which conducts most of it's 'business' out of sight of the above ground denizens of this planet. Just as our "leaders" are mere hand puppets of a hidden power, the 'main enemy' of humankind exists within it's own ranks, as a result of an ongoing covert campaign to merge species of vastly different origins.

When Fred Hoyle and Chandra Wickramsingh produced their opus "DISEASES FROM SPACE," even the high regard the two scientists had earned for their career work in astronomy/biology couldn't save them from censure and ridicule from the trance-consensus cult of orthodox science. But their take on 'pandemics' of the past like BLACK PLAQUE was so dynamically superior to the accepted models that only by ignoring it could those crony academics pretend to 'make it go away.' Which their theory kind of did - only to show up ... another day!

“The journey for a bacterium or virus from the interior of a comet to the surface of the Earth is fraught with considerable hazard, and it is likely that only a small fraction of all bacteria and viruses would make the transfer safely. But because of its penchant for huge numbers, biology is well-geared to situations in which many perish, so long as the few survive. If it were not for the terrestrial: atmosphere, safe arrival at the Earth’s surface would not be possible at all. Incoming small particles would impact the hard ground directly, and would be instantly gasified, as they must be on striking the Moon. This is the reason why space-incident bacteria and viruses cannot be found at the surface of the Moon.” = Diseases from Space

Though Hoyle passed away some years ago, his colleague in the "truth conspiracy" Wickramsingh is still at it - his take on the COVID CAPER can be seen here -https://therebellionoftime.substack.com/p/e-clips

The implications of their 'neo-panspermia' doctrine of extraterrestrial origin of disease will make thousands of complicit academic lackeys of the real 'underground' terror running 'TERROR STATES' start to shake and quake, once it is realized that the truth of 'hoo' we are being 'merged' with becomes unconcealable at last.

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Your narrative has a few holes. The atmosphere of the earth protects it very well from stuff falling from space. Very few things reach the surface that are not glowing white hot.

The chance that any other life would share human DNA chemistry is vanishingly slim, the environment must be very similar with the same evolution time to have DNA come into existence. Even if the same ACGT bases were used the sequences would likely mean different things.

So sure there is a chance of rudimentary 'life' from space very small but saying it may be compatible or even directly dangerous with life on earth is not to be taken seriously. A small and real risk could be that it grows and tries to compete with us but it must be better than the life it competes with that has learned to survive in earth conditions for millennia.

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Terrorists indeed.

We should consider that the major world events for the past 100? years have been purposely instigated and choreographed.

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Without any vaccinations in over 50 years (age 74), why would I be scared of any pandemic if I am still doing relatively well health wise? The worst "flu" or virus related sickness I had was back in 1975, but that resulted in staying at home for about 10 days.

Being in a higher risk category (or so the experts claim) I didn't have any covid nonsense, although I had some flu-like/cold like symptoms the same as I ever had, which isn't all that often. I never had a fake PCR test and there was no way that it would ever be accurate anyway.

Besides, I do not believe in virology or viruses or 95% of the medical mafia's mumbo-jumbo.

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Jun 11Edited

100%. Unfortunately, unwinding 100+ years of printed history (lies) is almost impossible. Disease fear is embedded into (most of) our psyches at this point. Logic and facts fail to overcome that. Even where people don’t know why they believe something, they’ll kill you before they’ll let you take that belief away from them. That's where we are (with a small percentage of awakenings).

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At least part of that is that people are inundated with magic acts. If you explain to them how the stage rotated while thunderous music dizzied the audience, more and more of them will accept the reality that the Statue of Liberty did not in fact go anywhere.

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In my experience, that "reality" is so scary to people that they shun the information. A switch is flipped. The moment I saw the big picture (I was admittedly very late to waking up) I had a crisis of conscience--I knew in a moment that the entire world I had known for 50+ years was not what I thought--and thereafter spent months "processing" what this meant and peeling back the veneer. It's a lot to accept, when you can instead "decide" to turn back and pretend it's not happening.

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People can be shocked out of their stupor. Often it only happens at the point of tragedy, when they realize they've been gaslit. Then they're of a state of mind that people think they're crazy.

This is part of the reason why I am going through such pains to go back in history and organize a large set of information that points to the propagandization of history, and illusions that can be laid bare. If you can shock somebody one time prior to tragedy, there is a chance they'll find a state of mind to explore the glitch in the Matrix.

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In addition to Stupor, we also need to factor in "Torpor" as well. At least in the USA, an estimated 88% of the population currently resides in this metabolic state, which, I predict, will greatly reduce the number of those who will be able to respond to any kind of shocking at all. Like it or not, the Eugenicists have won this round. The question is when will we wake up and start pushing them off the ice?

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Yes, torpor. My vocation is working directly with those in this state. Sadly, amongst the many things I’ve learned during this time, there is ever the Iron Law of Oligarchy. “We” will never forever push the Oligarchs off the ice. More will naturally rise on don even better skates.

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Buddy above does think that there are too many humans on the planet, is not apparently aware of the history of the 20th C. eugenics movement, and has likely not read Thomas Malthus or Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal."

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Jun 11Edited

That pretty much happened to me. My tragedy/recognition of the gaslighting was forced experimental “vaccinations” of my kids which never happened, but seemed imminent at the time. It all unraveled from there- still is unraveling.

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History IS propaganda when you look at it a certain way. Like a meme I saw again just the other day: "According to a history book I have here, in every single war in history, the good guys won. It says so right in this book. What are the odds?" :-)

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We had a conversation with an engineer (retired) this evening who is convinced that fossil-fuelled climate change is real and worth treating.

I will spam him tomorrow from my other computer with a couple of memes and articles with references and see if he is willing to take the red pill.

My background in chemistry and medicine will be useful next week to attempt to inform his faith and belief in the beauty of the Covid shots.

As an engineer, he should not be "innumerate" so we may have an opening wedge.

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It is important to build up historical context, too. It was a member of the banking family that established Deutsche Bank who was a Fabian who wrote the first articles proposing Climate Change in the very first issue of the journal he founded to do so. When people begin to see the banking and Rockefeller influences in the story, it becomes easier for them to motivate the act of peaking behind the curtain.

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I can certainly understand your awakening. Don't feel bad. I thought was skeptical enough. I studied history young and realized virtually all of the USA wars were based on lies. I had an "awakening" then like you are experiencing. I realized if the Government will lie you into War, they will lie you into anything.

I am also sadly a victim of the AIDS crisis. I had a friend die of AIDS early and I did a deep dive into it. I realized almost 40 years ago what a lying. murderous scumbag Fauxi is and what a sham our Medical Mafia are.

Take heart. Even after 50 years, I have been amazed at how blatant the Covid lies have been.

You may have been a bit late, but you showed up for the critical scene. Where we go from here may well determine mankind's fate. Thank God you're awake and thank god we have folks like Mathew on our side.

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Thank you Vic 🩷

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What made you see the big picture? Was it a particular piece of information that made sense, or didn't make sense?

A friend of mine suddenly woke up in the middle of the night and said to herself, this doesn't make sense, this is a sham.. She woke up, then woke up. 😄

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Jun 11Edited

It was the crazy idea of untested genetic based “vaccinations.” I was absolute in knowing it was dangerous if not a scam. Until then I was following along with the Covid narrative- all in.

And yes, it was a singular moment for me regarding the big picture--like a hit over the head. Devastating, like a death, but in the same moment, everything made sense for the first time. I knew in my gut I had to follow it through.

I remember my brother in law saying 9/11 was an inside job 20 years ago and I thought he was nuts. No one was saying otherwise. Now I know he was right.

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I lived in Europe for 16 years and at age 65 in 2015 moved back to the states. Not one Swiss doctor ever asked me if I wanted a shot. I was deluged with pressuring me into shots at doctor and drug store when I moved back. It was shocking to me. Coerced into the pneumonia shot and I couldn’t lift my arm for a year. No more injections for me. Saw through the scam immediately thanks to reading Dr. Mercola for years. Only a few of my international friends were awakened. Living in another country made me look at my country through a different lens. People were always criticizing USA to me and pointing out the errors of our ways. I defended my country and said corruption in USA was the exception rather than the rule. Then I moved back and saw the corruption was the rule rather than the exception. Totally awakened and will fight for our freedoms.

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Fundamental "Common sense" goes a long way, if you listen to it.

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So that's interesting, you just knew the genetic nanoparticle injections were not a good idea. I have so many friends and family, intelligent people, who did not know that. I think they were fooled by it being called a vaccine and not a transfection (which is what it was, a genetic therapy). Good for you for knowing that. It is devastating, isn't it? I rl woke up with 9/11, but a year or two after the event when I came across the evidence on my YouTube feed. I was a bit depressed and paranoid for a few months, then I stabilized. It really shattered my sense of safety in my country. Take good care. 💕

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So well put, AL... thank you!

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You're not representative of the population of 74 year Olds though who have been jabbed up for years.

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Not this 70 year-old! Lost a sibling during the polio “epidemic” which was probably caused by my daddy’s love of DDT and no indoor plumbing. She was 12, and the only fatality in our small ranching community. I only figured it out after reading Dr. Suzanne Humphrie’s book. I remember him spraying our ranch house with DDT and seeing the white, milky liquid running down the window screens. It killed mosquitoes, which he hated.

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Matthew, you looked into the whole “viruses don’t exist” argument? It lines up perfectly with your stance here: bacterial, yep, those are very deadly. Viral? I can’t find a deadly one anywhere!

When you start going down the rabbit hole of possibilities, it’s as if, they can make a “viral pandemic” so that they can implement whatever they want: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-it-does-matter

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In your first paragraph, you shift from "viruses don't exist" argument to "I can't find a deadly one" as if these are anything like similar models of reality. I see this bizarre rhetorical transition among people who are either running psyops from within the dissident movement, or are influenced by those people. Asking me a question in the middle of such a transition seems like a recipe for confusion or asking me to take one position that would be confused for another.

When I follow your link, you quote Rancourt saying "do not exist" while being interrupted by Kirsch, but this follows him saying more specifically that he has not seen scientific evidence for viruses causing pandemics.

I'm seen Jerm Warfare do this---shift rhetoric in nearly the same breath to twist one of these two VERY different statements into the other, and even assert that other scientists saying one thing said the other.

This sort of mumble-mumble bullshit needs to stop. After this many repetitions, I do not believe this is an accident. It discredits everyone involved in the dissident movement, shutting down ordinary conversation between partisans in a divide that is intentionally radicalized in a dozen different ways. This sets back any rigorous conversation.

Anyone who cannot write or speak on scientific subjects with greater clarity needs not to be communicating about science.

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Well, lemme clarify: do you believe viruses exist?

Apologies for the grammatical runaround, but to be clear, my whole stance would be to argue that they do not exist and if you’ve looked into this.

I would argue that 1) no viruses- in the sense that we’ve been told - exist and 2) this statement is evident by the fact that no we cannot find any impact of their existence. In fact, one cannot differentiate between a virus getting them sick, stress related sickness, or government spread pathogen.

Hope that helps provide more clarity on my stance, but looking forward to your response.

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No, you have not clarified. You use phrases like "viruses- in the sense that we've been told" without ever defining viruses or explained what "we" or "you" have been told.

I have no idea which of the following models you might subscribe to:

* Viruses (as traditionally defined) do not exist.

* Viruses exist, but do not ever cause disease, and are completely independent of disease.

* Viruses exist, but do not cause disease. They are however correlated with disease, perhaps due to environments that encourage greater replication.

* Viruses sometimes cause disease, but not respiratory illness.

* Viruses sometimes cause respiratory illness, but only in the sense that they alter the behavior of bacteria co-infecting the respiratory tract.

* Something else.

If you do not see the need to use language that distinguishes between these models, you are contageously spreading confusing. If you do not have evidence and warrants that distinguish between these models, you should not push conclusions. You should step back and gather such evidence and warrants, and work on explaining how they distinguish between all the potential internally consistent models that reasonable people might (should) propose.

You are most likely either intentionally spreading confusion, or are acting as a tool of people who are because you haven't spent enough time learning to construct exacting models and test hypotheses. The dissident community is now encircled with agents, tools, and bots just sort of shitting all over rigor in a way that is indistinguishable from malice. Please disengage from that process.

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This is the model I’m referring too:

* Viruses (as traditionally defined) do not exist

I’d like to see if you would agree with this model or not.

My argument is that this model is the most accurate model — which can be supported by your stance on why one should be scared of pandemics.

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So, you think that all the thousands of published experiments that involve viruses are all just faked?

No, I don't agree with that. I'm married to somebody who regularly works with viruses in a lab.

You're saying that you believe that all of the hundreds of thousands (ish?) of scientists who have worked with viruses are all faking it? Or that they misunderstand it all, but you know better than they do?

Have you ever done any wet lab work?

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Is this you?


Your profile says "PharmD", but this linked in profile shows media, and a Top Voices interest in Richard Branson, the guy who just purchased 23AndMe.

Hauwei? Hmmm.

To this point, you've put all the onus on me to further the conversation while demonstrating a lack of ability to clarify the basics of the conversation without me guiding you there. And then you take the most extreme position without giving me any reason why you reject N-thousand published research papers by N-thousand scientists.

We could just as easily discuss whether I'm a brain in a jar, but that's not productive. That is to say that you're broadcasting the message that you're part of a group that's having unproductive conversation. This further affirms my point that you are indistinguishable from a malicious actor.

We're done here, but if you want to see if you can write a cogent argument that viruses don't exist, do that first before pushing the "brain in a jar" "everyone involved is part of the conspiracy" argument.

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You say "show", but your response here does not give me confidence that you have ever been in a lab or dome the work. Not has Christine, as she admitted to me. In my dealings with her, she showed no understanding of even basic science. I have no idea why people like you would point to her, but it tells me that you're easily fooled. Why would you even come to a conclusion about a topic you don't understand on a basic level? Would you lecture people about advanced math because Miles Mathis says pi = 4?! It's nonsense.

You're asking me to respond to nonsense, and it's aggrevating.

It is clearly impossible to prove a negative, which is to say that you're not even writing cogent sentences. Even if "X" has never been demonstrated in a study doesn't mean that "X" has never been done. So even if everything these people say is correct, the logical impossibility of the claim overshoot (and this is grade school level logic) is infuriatingly dumb (especially infuriating to be swarmed by it).

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We Didn’t Need To Find The Cure For Cancer.

We Found The Cause.


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We have all been victimized in one way or another over this so-called pandemic. Most of us are laypersons not well versed in the fields necessary to separate fact from fiction. I’d go so far as to say most medical personnel are in the same boat albeit maybe to a somewhat lesser extent.

Epidemiology, Immunology and Virology are fields whereupon the subject matter is not well understood. Viruses, Exosomes, Cellular Mechanics, DNA, etc., are orders of magnitude higher in complexity than we’ve been able to comprehend. Seems the deeper we look the more we don’t know. But science knows some things. And those things can easily be manipulated to fool us.

The only weapon most of us possess is observational. Recognizing patterns and inconsistencies is important. Sometimes referred to as common sense. Virtually every aspect of every word and action tells a story.

Fear during a crises is well known to be counterproductive yet our leaders launched a mass fear campaign.

Nuremberg and Informed Consent were rendered unimportant. As was freedom, liberty and personal sovereignty. Fear did that.

Ironically most of the key pandemic players were found chronically disobeying their own rules. They were not afraid.

Nobody seemed alarmed when Italy the model for lockdowns admitted they hadn’t parsed who died of vs with covid. Red flag.

Our top health agencies appeared to have forgotten 9th grade Biology and by extension many others forgot it too.

It was unproductive to barrage us with case counts particularly when they included the asymptomatic.

People actually did get sick with peculiar symptoms that are currently unexplained but it was short lived and geographically inconsistent. Strange.

No hard data was given regarding the demographics of the seriously ill. Nor were we given any practical advice. Just avoid people, wear mask, take injections.

PCR tests used for diagnosis were deeply flawed, inconsistently executed, and never meant for the purpose of diagnosis. As such they led to wrong conclusions and mistreatment which undoubtedly killed patients who were then tallied as Covid deaths.

Financial incentives whether to organizations or individuals are a conflict of interest yet we know hospitals and certain individuals received financial rewards while those questioning the narrative or following their own protocols risked loss of license.

Making the injection of any substance (or wearing a gag mask) for any reason conditional to engage in employment, education, travel, or entertainment is a wildly abusive use of force that harmed many who will never receive empathy or restitution. “Covid won’t end until all are vaccinated” is insane logic but a good sales pitch.

The ripple effect of our subjugation triggered a panoply of worldwide draconian measures from leaders clearly salivating for power. Thank God for farmers. Maui RIP. Their sirens must’ve come from the same company as Epstein’s jail cell cameras.

Send in the clowns.

In the midst of this campaign of terror came a smorgasbord of opinions all claiming to set things right! Like a NYC taxi there’s an ass for every seat.

Viruses don’t exist, a hundred years of detailed research is a fraud! Throw out that baby and the bath water Martha, thousands of lab technicians, researchers and PhD scientists have been lyin’ to us all along!! Makes sense, right?

There ain’t no such thing as contagion, Pal. Get that outta your head! When your cute little infant sneezed on you and you got sick it was all a cowinkydink. A fig newton of your imagination. Erase those thoughts. Contagiousness ain’t real! Makes sense, right?

Snake venom, 5G, Fluoride, Blood clots, Bill Gates, Robert Malone. The list is exhaustive. They detonated a fragmentation grenade that effectively destroyed any hope of enough people achieving focus to do a damn thing to stop, punish or prevent bad actors from living their best lives at our expense.

That is why this is my last Substack post. I’ve ended all my accounts. I’m tired of the arguing. I’m tired of the wrongthink. I’m sick of watching logic burn while many defend the fire.

One last point.

Geert Vanden Bossche is lying. There’s no killer variant coming. There’s no such thing as Malone’s “anyone can cook up a killer virus in their garage” theory. Viruses exist. Yes, they do. So what? There’s no such thing as gain of function within the context of what we are told. Contagion is real and can be dangerous to some but is self-limiting. Nobody’s slurping bat soup and infecting the entire world in a few months.

Stop expecting someone else to do your thinking for you. Stop being so gullible. Stop living in fear. Stop voting for assholes. And for God’s sake stop listening to them. Stop fucking up my world.


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Pity you ended a good comment by throwing your toys. All theories, hypothesis, questions, should be able to be aired without someone labelling those who are probably going in the right direction ( they are here at RTE after all) and possibly paying a price for taking this track as having "wrong think" because they don't believe in everything you believe such as viral contagion. Maybe the case for it is not as strong as you think. .Almost nothing is certain in this world so calm down, please,. and realize that our conditioned beliefs run deep & there are far more questions that "science" has not answered & is not even close to answering than those "science" appears to have answered , as helpful as some of that has been.

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All through 2019 I wondered what kind of “October surprise” the Democrats were going to spring on Trump to get him out of office, despite the roaring economy. Going to have to be a doozy, I remember thinking. And then in early ‘20 when all of a sudden the media in lockstep began hyperventilating about a deadly pandemic coming out of China (complete with fake videos of people keeling over in the streets) that would require everyone to stay home and businesses to shut down, and just coincidentally send the economy into a tailspin, it dawned on me that *this* was the October surprise. There are truly no depths they wouldn’t stoop to in order to get/hold power.

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Please do not be mistaken into thinking Trump was against the system. He was trying to play his own game. His greed, skeletons or ignorance of the position he was put into made him an easy puppet. Biden is happy to play the part, perhaps he has been told his son will be sacrificed if he does not do exactly as told, assuming he knows right from wrong any more.

The two party system is ideal for the globalists because they can alternate the governments with minimal propaganda. They just have to swing the 49% to 51% and they have a change of government. This allows them to enact laws that the 49% would not accept and when a law is needed that the current lot will not accept then the leading party is swapped again.

You are correct that the media were tasked (as usual) with changing the party in power and it is easy. You just make the alternative so bad that people vote for the chosen party. I have yet to hear reasonable arguments why Trump or Biden or any of the mainstream presidents was the best the parties could field. Yet any better candidates never get media exposure so they are ignored.

I am rooting for RFK Jr. because he has little loyalty to either party (he got no support) and he has actually fought against the corporations on behalf of the man in the street. Sure he may even turn out to be a deep, deep, deep cover agent of the globalists but we already know Trump and Biden are doing their bidding. Neither has condemned the jabs and that is a clear sign that they are not willing or able to tell the truth. Instead they brag about it hoping to fool their supporters for a little longer.

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Kinda makes you wonder where did Observable, Repeatable, Reproducible go...

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I know nobody who knows anybody who died OF Covid. Zero. I know several who were clearly vax damaged though. (South West England)

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Not discounting that the narrative spinners exaggerate / manipulate fear for control, all of that ...

But the (darkly ironic) reason there may be cause to worry about pandemics now is because (some) engineered pathogens have been created to be excellent at jumping from human to human. That doesn't discount anything you say here, as in the past that capacity didn't exist.

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Arthur Firstenberg's The Invisible Rainbow seems relevant here, because his thesis in it is that the increasing electrification and inundation of the earth's electromagnetic fields with more noise all over the emag spectrum strongly corresponds with growing patterns of influenza, neurodegenerative disorders, diabetes, cancers, obesity —and these not just among humans, but all forms of life on the planet. I cannot do his book justice, and it is heavy with endnotes and citations to track down what you want for further reading. But it also fits in with the larger connection between pandemics, propaganda, and what parts of reality remain occulted from our permitted conceptions of this world.

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Came across a bee late last night when I got into bed. Almost certainly confused and lost. It was night time and the bee should have been in it's hive by that time.

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It’s about branding. Nobody’s heard of Pol Pot’s Killing Fields compared to the Holocaust. The scamdemic marketing and branding - the punishing of skeptics - is right out of The Holocaust playbook.

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Mathew: I fully agree that the idea of pandemics is an instrument of psy-war. I was a subscriber to the New Yorker for decades. I noticed that sometime in the early 2000's they began to publish what I now realize were the opening salvos of the fear porn of the 2020's, including at least one piece specifically about pandemics. Pandemics are simply not possible is this modern world of near universal sanitation, and if they ever occurred they were, as you say, limited in geographical scope, and without exception afflictions of filthy, rat-infested, densely-populated cities.

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I love your compilation of "pandemic negative" events, beginning with the Three Gorges Dam exodus. Reading this, though, I was reminded of the yet to be fully calculated mortality stats among Indian, Sri Lankan and other 'day workers' who found themselves locked-down by their government's response to Covid. I've heard this # is as high as 250,000,000 dead. Funny, how nobody talks about the 'un-alive'ing' of this demographic.

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Where does that 250M number come from? I haven't heard anything like this and I'm curious.

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I've read it in a few places (I will look), and Jordan Peterson has cited it.

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That's more people than have ever died in the whole world in any four year span. Maybe there is a confusion of scale?

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I will investigate. My understanding is that 'day workers' are large, food-insecure populations in Africa, India, Sri Lanka, etc. They are living day to day on the wages/food they earn performing work in urban areas. When they could not enter these zones, they could not work, when they could not work, they did not eat.

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Part of this, for me, is anecdotal. Like a lot of small business owners, I was using Indian IT services. During the lockdowns, I was getting a blow by blow from my services providers. These were middle class people (by Indian standards) who told me that their extended families were "starving out". I also recall reading articles in the Indian Times about great improvements in air quality. This was almost entirely owing to the fact that day workers were not using dung fires to cook the food they did not have. It is my impression that MANY people died. Will look for the stats, though.

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Perhaps 25 000,000 not 250,000,000. India is very populous, but not infinitely populous. 250,000,000 would be over 1/6 of the population or almost 20%. No way that happened.

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Mermaid Chart?

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Encouraging rigorous examination of models. Why not?

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Agreed. I was just curious since I just recently learned about them in Obsidian.

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