Interesting conversation. When you mentioned Geert, it reminded of when I asked him why he thought primates had not been affected. Given his background and the importance I attach to that particular 500lb gorilla in the room everyone keeps ignoring. I was surprised when he replied 'Who knows and who cares!'

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Interesting [lack of] conversation. Thanks for sharing it. It's another data point.

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I have asked Geert tons of questions on his Substack. He's never answered a single one so I gave up. They weren't dumb questions either.

I'm a layman but have interacted with pretty much all of the world-class scientists and doctors you can probably name. Not a single one of them has ever accused me of being an idiot or asking a stupid question.

Literally the only bad thing that happened was I mentioned once that there was a shortage of D-Dimer tests. I had heard a couple of Doctors say so. It wasn't due to the tests themselves but a shortage of the test tubes due to a supply chain issue. I got chided for that and then instantly apologized to.

I'm disappointed Geert doesn't reply to genuine questions from people who want to learn.

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Molecularly impossible (as fraudster Fauci once said in anger responding to questioning from Rand Paul 😆)

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Possible explanation: you get infection and symptoms in 50% of young healthy volunteers with just 10 TCID50 of SARS-CoV-2. You give 500,000 TCID50 of that virus to macaques and they barely have any symptoms. Wild animals have a much more robust innate immunity than we do, for some reasons.

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I have observed that wild animals appear not suffer from significant levels of any disease including cancer. However, though their captive conspecifics do very occasionally exhibit both, I think it has less to do with robust immunity than it does environmental & food factors, or what is being put inside of them e.g. vaccines and other pharmaceuticals.

I also note that (the admittedly much more genetically homologous) companion & agricultural animal populations appear to show a far higher incidence of disease inc cancel, but it brings me back to what are we feeding them, injecting into them and what does their environmental toxicity look like over innate ability to ward of disease. Seems true of 'wild' humans too or populations of the urbanised that eat healthily and assiduously avoid all pharmaceutical interventions from birth.

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Molecularly impossible (as fraudster Fauci once said in anger responding to questioning from Rand Paul 😆)

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Will have to watch. All sounds pretty adjacent to my post today refining the implications of the BANAL-based counter-argument to the synthetic fingerprint paper, including a pretty map which places "GOF bad" squarely in the official counter-narrative factory bracket. *edit: which, I forgot to link https://unglossed.substack.com/p/refining-the-deep-state-origin-case

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Can you contact me for discussion?

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Watching, it is incredible how on the same page you two are with me in this video. Although I disagree with Couey that RNA instability is fatal to the pandemic narrative, I otherwise agree reality does not resemble a transmission only spread, sustaining the genome that is SARS-CoV-2 for this long implies a DNA master copy to re-release from. I'd especially point to my recap, a few weeks ago, of my argument that "vaccines causing variants" is an op to distract from intentional repeat releases (with updates to the "code") https://unglossed.substack.com/i/79806817/the-vaccine-is-not-causing-variants-it-never-has-caused-variants

"The synthetic origin paper shows what a farce it is to even care about the question [of vaccines causing escape pressure]. All the greek letter variants, from Alpha to the Omicron family (and a few suspicious sequences that never caught off the ground, from Central America and the US) should be considered lab-designed updates to the original DNA<>virus SARS-CoV-2 platform.

In May of this year, I strongly hinted that the entire information campaign to blame the vaccine for causing variants smells like an op; one that at first only applied to the vaccine-skeptic camp but since this summer has been expanded to the mainstream"

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This is now a completely off topic approach by me, but what I didn't like about Delta and Omicron is, that my decades old (printed) lexicon of Antiquity tells me that Delta is represented by a triangular shape and that Omicron comes from pre Greek languages where it was written as an oblong eye shaped form and also had the meaning "eye". I just find these coincidental symbology happenstances so... corny. A pyramid with an eye... Duh... Freemasonry... Like the kitschy coincidence that Covid 19, officially having started not in 2019 but in 2020, can also be read as Covid "AI" für to the position of A and I in the alphabet.*) Also the fact that the Pandemic Health Emergency of Intl Concern, has an acronym that is pronounced as FAKE. Really, come on... I was mentioning this as "Delta", "Omicron" and Geert all three together leave room for doubt.

*) See also: https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-covid-name-abbreviation

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Proof of a targeted bioweapon delivery is to be seen in the summer waves of "covid"; an escaped, vax-initiated coronavirus variant (if there were any) would be in deep seasonal hibernation. Vanden Bossche also strangely changed his original forecast of the escaped variants to hit all and sundry to only the vaxxed being affected. In fact, all and sundry seem to be subject to the effects of the bioweapon; in my circle, between 8 - 10 people fell ill with covid-like disease last August; some, for the second or even third time since early 2020 ("reinfection" explained by code update).

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I've long been skeptical of the allegations that the virus should exhibit seasonality, I would note. As a funny coincidence I'm going through old cov studies and one of the earliest investigations found that June to September and December to February were the hot spots on the calendar https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC347755/ Regarding 2020, it could be that the off-timing of the first B.1 outbreaks diminished spread in the summer, or it could just be that the virus was already on its way to burning out everywhere.

But otherwise I agree. I mean there wasn't anything that happened to Delta's genes before or after Provincetown so the 2021 summer wave prima facie isn't showing us "evolution." So what I would say is that there was probably a pretty good amount of fuel for Delta by summer 2021 in areas that didn't have a spring Alpha wave (which Canada and the US 95 corridor did). I wouldn't say much more about Delta other than that it and all the other VOCs (and a few other not-greek-lettered sequences) were pretty conspicuously co-released in October 2020.

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Interesting, thank you! The June to Sept. claim sounds like a stinker to me: When I was in London in June and July, my hayfever would run riot for sure. As would happen to anyone there suffering from an allergy to pollen.

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Viral spread might not always or even usually correspond to symptomatic infections. A longitudinal swine flu PCR study for example found very little sync with traditional swine flu "seasonality," it was easiest to PCR+ in spring and summer even though pigs usually get pig flu later https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3713829/

So, given that testing exceeds illness in a lot of places before the Omi era, it could be the same for the supposedly "off season" rates of SARS-CoV-2 "cases" (PCR +'s), OTOH the mortality in the US definitely spikes in summer 2021 but that is mostly due to apparent iatrogenic killing of the unvaxxed by hospitals.

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That's horrific.

You somehow equate my writings to support of violence because I think CQ, herbal remedies, antiobiotics, and perhaps a few other treatment techniques helped Chinese patients?

I think I understand why you aren't using an identifiable name.

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Since I am an anti-vaxxer, I don't worry about plagues and viruses. Much of the public has been covinized and brainwashed by pandemitus. My immune system has kept me going and I do not want to interfere with it's clandestine operations by sabotaging it with vaccines and drugs.

Face it...some day something in the body fails and you are history or some freak accident takes you out. There is no rhyme or reason as to why or when. As you age, you gain perspective about life and your impending death.

I am about through wasting time on the fake pandemic and the fake vaccines. This is going to be a 20 year event, at least, of gathering data and burying the dead. And all through the process, we will never get any truth from big pharma, the medical authorities or government.

Those that perpetrated this nonsense will go Scott-free because our congress does not have the balls to follow thorough. Sure, there will be ongoing (forever) investigations, useless committees and perhaps even a few "show trials"...but the pit will not be used and the pendulum will not swing which is exactly what needs to happen. Barring that, until the 1986 vaccines laws are fully rescinded, it's up, up and away for big pharma caused deaths and bigger than ever profits.

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Dr. JJ Couey always so way ahead of the pack. Another riveting interview. You two are a great pairing. And I appreciate how you are connecting the world debt story to the COVID story. For those here who haven't watched yet, highly recommend it is worth your time. It feels like you are making some progress past the same old stuff getting repeated and rehashed everywhere.

My mother worked closely with the containment department at a large pharma for a decade as a technical writer, polisher of all written and presentational materials and animated artwork as well for some of their technical drawings. Containment is a little known and understood part of the industry--filtration, glovebags and hoods, ventilation and so forth. She always reminded me what her engineers would say in talks around the world and in their handbooks she helped produce: be very careful what you filter because then you have concentrated the toxin rather than dissipated it. Then you have to contain and dispose of the filtrate.

I thought of this as Couey was talking about simple purification rather than GoF possibly being the real threat. If it is really about that then it is a principle known and well understood for years that has been leveraged as the bioweapon. At least that is how I understood his insights.

If Dr. Couey hangs out here on your Substack, would be happy to gift him a subscription.

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Ok I’m going to watch. Re Geert I have not heard him say it’s anything but poor vaccines that caused omicron. I remember it was a diplomat that apparently had the mutation, & SA refused to say from which country.

China I’m sure has had many more deaths than we know, remember their Crematoriums were working 24/7. at one point, also reports of dwindling mobile numbers circulating . I don’t trust them with data or this virus. I do think they have been totally underestimated on what they hope to achieve.

On Malone I also remember him inferring Omicron was a release & maybe because it was less serious than delta it could be a good thing.

Australia is currently debating rolling out a fifth dose of C19 vax. If that happens might be a good chance to look for patterns.

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Some of my posts on the merger/lateral transfer of the DoD Chemical and Biological Warfare Program (50 USC 32) to the HHS public health emergency/emergency use authorization program (21 USC 9).




Many of the statutes relate to testing programs targeting urban and suburban populations, and reporting/notice requirements.

Tl;dr - US Gov says (to this day) that its chemical and biological warfare programs stopped in 1969 (bio) and 1975 (chem).


These programs did not stop at all. They just got re-homed under HHS/BARDA/NIH/NIAID/CDC/FDA, with coordinating divisions in DOD/DARPA/DTRA, DHS/FEMA, DOJ, Dept. of State, Dept. of Ag, and many, many other federal agencies.

Key events -

1977/07/30 - Congress and President Carter passed Department of Defense Appropriations Authorization Act of 1978. PL 95-79, 91 Stat. 323. Section 808 addressed DOD use of military personnel as research subjects for biological and chemical weapons under 1969 law, codified at 50 USC 1520; required notice to be given to local officials before subjecting civilian populations to chemical and biological weapons tests; required DOD reporting to Congress. The provision on DOD reporting to Congress was amended in 1982 and repealed in 1996. Other provisions of the law were amended in 1997 to expand experimentation on military personnel, through the NDAA for FY1998 at Section 1078 and the Emergency Use Authorization provisions of the 1997 Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act at Section 402.

1993/11/30 - Congress and President Clinton passed NDAA for FY1994, PL 103-160, 107 Stat. 1547. Section 1703 related to DOD reporting to Congress on chemical and biological weapons testing programs. Codified at 50 USC 1523. Amended 11/18/1997 and 10/17/2006. Repealed 12/23/2016, effective 12/31/2021?? , Also authorized DOD to “enter into agreements with Secretary of HHS to provide support for vaccination programs...in the US through use of the excess peacetime biological weapons defense capability of the DOD.” Codified at 50 USC 1524.

1997/11/18 - National Defense Authorization Act for FY98 - PL 105-85, 111 Stat. 1915. Section 1078, “Restrictions on the use of human subjects for testing of chemical or biological agents,” repealed and replaced a 1977 section of 50 USC Chapter 32, the Chemical and Biological Warfare Program. The 1977 provision (50 USC 1520) had added a requirement that DOD report to Congress about DOD human experimentation programs. In 1997, Congress replaced 1520 with 1520a, purportedly to prohibit DOD conducting experiments on soldiers without the individual soldiers informed consent. It was passed by Congress in response to public outrage over injuries and deaths caused by mandated anthrax injections of soldiers during and after the 1991 Gulf War. However, the authority for federal government experimentation on non-consenting human beings continued; Congress simply transferred the program to the Food Drug and Cosmetics Act, 21 USC 360bbb (see below, passed three days after the NDAA) under declared emergency situations (Emergency Use Authorizations/EUA).

1997/11/21 - Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act - PL 105-115, 11 Stat. 2296. Added new section to Federal Food Drug and Cosmetics Act (21 USC 9) to expand access to investigational drugs and devices during emergency situations (21 USC 360bbb). This was the beginning of the Emergency Use Authorization framework...

1998/10/21 - Congress and President Clinton passed Omnibus Consolidated and Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for FY1999 - PL 105-277, 112 Stat. 2681-358. Title II established the National Pharmaceutical Stockpile, later renamed the Strategic National Stockpile. Appropriated $51,000,000, “to remain available until expended…for pharmaceutical and vaccine stockpiling activities at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.” Division I, Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act of 1998, established prohibitions on chemical weapons. Codified at 18 USC 229 and 22 USC 6701.

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Stunningly relevant information.

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So. You sir are causing brain aches.

Sequence so far has been listening to your John Beaudoin podcast (should have watched to see plots, but was on my roof)

This discussion with Dr JJ

The JJ CHD podcast

then his gigaohm take: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1640932656

I think between these a picture is forming

From Beaudoin we get the pandemic fatalities is largely lockdown neglect + cause of death shiftery

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You can edit a comment. Click on the three dots. This can keep you from having to chain so much together.

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I dunno. The aesthetic of me stumbling around also seems appropriate

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I hear you. Once in a while I use it, too.

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hit post instead of enter… next half next

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So then from JJ, this whole cDNA clone model. Which is very explanatory and compelling.

But I suspect he is over selling the replicative incompetence of a viral quasispeces swarm

I would expect if really as bad as I am getting from this, there would be no rna viruses. Q: How does rhinovirus/flu/rsv persist then?

The fact that its some kind of a genetically distributed swarm that I have no idea the internal size of, ought to convey some kind of replicative stability to the collection as a whole. Gonna guess the ensemble is the biologically relevant quantity more than the individual strands of mrna. There is a whole statistical mechanics/ natural selection element here that could be really fascinating. You should loop Weinstein in on one of these.

But his picture of an initial purified thing that then decays seems to match with initial MD reports (Kory, MWD) of a more severe thing that acted like covid shot adverse events that then decays over time. Which honestly is EXACTLY what I’d want from a bioweapon at least…

Still need to finish the Washbourne/McKernan podcast, but so far sounds like JJ is leading the pack…

Awesome stuff

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All of this relates back to the discussion we were having the other day on SH’s post. A lot of coherence and interesting twists…

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This probably sounds like I’ve finished more of the bottle than I think I have, but if DNA has fidelity through 1:1 replication, does an rna viral quasispecies have some kind of fidelity through something like RAID? OK yes definitely should polish off the bottle.

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Right. Don't think of 1:1 replication, but 1:many.

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Yeah — I have no idea about number scales we’re talking. I would expect order(s) of magnitude more than the colored asterisks in his cartoons… maybe? There is a whole dynamical modeling thing here that I wonder if anyone has really done… You have the fidelity of an individual copy, number of mutations and relation to replicative competance… number of initial particles you start with… If it weren’t for dumbasses trying to kill us and subjugate the world, some fun things to maybe think about…

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Fibonacci rabbits on crack. It's like extreme Pareto mating distributions.

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Your comment about Geert is similar to mine, in that I found it rather strange that the emergence of Omicron was first seen as an anomaly that didn't quite fit with natural evolution, and even at that time lab origin was a pretty concerning reason for Omicron's appearance, especially given that Ba.1, Ba.2, and Ba.3 seemed to have come from some progenitor strain.

With that, I found it strange that most hypotheses didn't take into account this anomalous Omicron emergence, but rather fit it into their working model. As Brian Mowrey used in his recent post (linked here) I am rather cautious of the level of "p-hacking" that may be occurring with people's hypotheses. I don't think I've seen Geert address Omicron in regards to OAS, but rather used it's high level of mutations as affirmation. The same goes for many people who haven't appeared to address Omicron's strange emergence as well.

That's not to say that Omicron is of lab origin, but there's no doubt that it's coming is just as strange as Wuhan's.

In regards to Malone, I think your perception is appropriate. We have to be careful in becoming far too paranoid over who is our enemies and who are our allies. Drawing such hard lines rather than piecing the information together isn't going to help us figure out what's going on.

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You are singing about dancing here with your last paragraph. Conflating two different things:

1. *We*, Goodies and Baddies and comic book shit.

2. "figuring out what's going on

*We* is completely amorphous and if you start asking simple rudimentary questions, say about BIOWEAPON development and WILL YOU STOP IT? or investigate the DOD, you will find people scurrying for the hills with diversions.

Everybody is super quick to lay out what *we* need to be doing. *We need to forgive! *We need to vote for Trump! *We need to build parallel economies. *We need to welcome Dr. Aseem as a hero! *We need to stop questioning (Malone, Geert, Dr. Jay) and fight the real enemy!

and if the real enemy is the DOD, then what?

And there are many who don't want you asking about what happened as that is "divisive".

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Malone is an conundrum sometimes. Can’t help but like the guy. On twitter one day he opined that some journalist had told him he was a target of death threats for speaking out and that he’d better watch his back. He said, “How can I afford security-?-I’m just a middle class guy!?” But he really isn’t a “middle class guy”- he travels constantly, he’s literally everywhere the last year and a half. Owns a beautiful horse farm in Virginia and breeds some gorgeous horses. I guess I just don’t see that as “middle class.” He must have spent tens upon tens of thousands of dollars in travel expenses the last year alone. When I asked him about his middle class status to that remark on Twitter, he responded with “So you must think Fauci is telling the truth.” Total deflection. WTH? He just doesn’t seem honest sometimes. But he’s done a lot of good, so I’ll give him points for that. It’s just strange that he shows up at almost every important conference in almost every country around the country and in Europe and the UK. Who is funding it? Must have more than just “middle class” money…

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Mel you are right, he is not middle class. He is a billionaire which he earned from all his work on mRNA etc.

When he says middle class he may mean "middle" between multi millionaires and Trillionaires and then of course there is "Old Money" which is beyond the current monetary scale.

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Yes, it was an disingenuous comment he made to all of us on Twitter that day and then to reply when questioned with, you must be a fan of Fauci or something to that effect was completely off-putting. And I have to say, that comment has never left my mind. I don’t trust him when it comes down to it. But why should we trust any public figure after this fiasco of the last nearly 3 years, I suppose. No real reason to trust. And yes, he probably has also inherited money from both his parents and Jill’s.

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Trust is a big deal. I don't trust anyone. But it falls into approximately two sets.

Friends or Folks with deep knowledge can be wrong. But not maliciously.


Those who are there to misdirect with intention but seem like reliable people.

You and each of us are the final arbiter of truth or veracity for ourselves. We must own that we too are quite foul-able.

I appreciate your candor and insight.

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In the last almost 3 years, I have learned to "trust no one but God. As for the rest, "you shall know them by their fruits." See Matthew 7:16 and other similar references.

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Fruits are a good guide. I am a gardener with my wife. The problem with fruits in general is it can take many decades for some fruits to mature enough to know what kind they are. Likewise fruits we think are useless until they are all destroyed and we find they filled a nitch no one imagined and we can't do well without. So Fruits are a subtle issue.

Likewise God. With the idea of God comes a host of assumptions. Some good some problematic. The idea of God is like tent of a camel herder. Inside the tent all is well. Then one evening a Camel sticks it head under the tent and helps itself.

Do your best to strip away the many aspects of religion that maybe harboring propaganda that clouds your vision.

Forgive me if I have offended you. That is not my point. I grew up a devout Christian it has taken me a long time to sift the chaff to find the few grains.

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After over 70 years, I have found that the intentions of most people can be sorted out given enough time and evaluation of their actions (words are the least helpful, IMHO) That is the sense in which I assume Christ meant his teaching in Matthew 7:16. We of course must apply it to ourselves as well.

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I imagine he makes a fortune off his Substack

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So in all the bizarro universe we have slid into....2 bits of information keep slipping about in my brain, one needing explanation, and a second one either verification, or to be disproven.

First, look up Helios Farm in Oregon and the petted dairy cows' reaction to visits from recently vaxxed people on Dr. Paul Thomas's Against The Wind.

(The cows developed blood clots in their udders.)

This is one more step from all the women with clots and or abnormal bleeding after close contact with the vaxxed, and I have heard of cases where contact was 10 months after vaccination!


Next, the Moderna Leak. Another line on mRNA designed to cause 2 specific mutations in the daughters of the vaxxed, leading to premature ovarian failure in their daughters, functionally sterilizing the next generation.

Andreas Oehler wrote a great Substack titled "the Lasting Legacy of Trojan Horses" and Igor Chudov added "Allegations of Genetic Harm to Newborn Females Easy to Verify." This information is screaming to be either proven or disproven.

Let's figure out what the bleep is going on, and if we, and other mammals are being GMOed?

And, if so, who, or what, is actually behind the agenda. Aachen Agenda?

In reference to Malone, I do not trust him. But that doesn't mean my suspicion is correct.

He could have been so deep inside for his adult life that all this insanity, (bio-wrapons, forced vaccines, endless warfare, government overreach killing people and bankrupting them,) is normal to him.

But his presentation at CHD'S National Conference seemed more an apology for the bio-weapons industry than anything else, to me, and his recent statement that his most important political work is to save Europe really ticked me off.

What about the US? Where all his contacts lie, and where the heart of the battle is to stop this bio-security fascistic state?

Makes me scratch my head. Don't trust the man an inch!

But still I am grateful he has spoken out at all. So there is that.

And Geet? He is the one screaming the sky is falling, all the time in my eyes. He's right about a lot of his prognoscations, but in his imagination the consequences are always 1000% worse than it actually turns out.

Or at least this is my view.

Another "anomaly" is all the researchers finding graphene, and micro structures in the vaccines and in the vaxxed blood, Vigano's letters which verify this, and the lack of support from others like Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Ryan Cole, etc., on this topic.

What's up with this? If it's going on we should know for certain by now!

There's my list of questions.

Any answers?

And Blessings to everyone working on all of this, you are Heros!!!

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Being wary of Malone's production is a tough mental discipline. Trust in the source cannot be scaled or continuously selected: it is either - or. When he dedicated an entire blog to Mattias Desmet, this question came to me urgently. I didn't want to solve it with one click. The thematic range of his production is qualitatively, quantitatively, including the degree of "digressiveness" far above the limits of dozens of authors I follow.

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His substack output seems more than 1 busy person would be capable of producing. That's noteworthy it seems to me. "You shall know them by their fruits."

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Been thinking this for some time as well. In fact I was thinking he must have an administrative staff to be creating so much content at his age with his travel schedule and presumed competing priorities of wine tasting and horse stall mucking.

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Not to mention his vaccine injury that he maintains still plagued him.

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Just a thought. Having watched your video discussion it occurred to me how convenient it was that the one particular infectious disease that has apparently surged after lockdowns ( and after vaccination) is RSV, for which they just happen to have an mRNA vaccine candidate! Did it really surge ( I know one A&E consultant (U.K.) who says clinically it did in children) or was this another PCR trick?

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I worked for a pharma company that did not own but had marketing responsibilities for an RSV prophylactic drug. (Various companies had been working on a vaccine for RSV but none had ever made it to market.) In about 2018 the manufacturer of this prophylactic unexpectedly took back the marketing rights to it. My first (probably crazy) thought, upon hearing predictions of an RSV surge, was whether that company knew something back in 2018...

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I appreciate your sound take on the recent questions about Malone. I was surprised by the sudden vitriol aimed at him and hadn't followed the rationale. Good, measured perspective on how to take him.

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Excellent reasoned discussion. JJ Couey is whip-smart and clear-sighted, as well as humble. So resonant. Thank you for putting this out there!

One thought: it would seem likely that naturally-evolved RNA viruses have some replication stability that is not shared by hacked ones. That would correlate with persistence of viable virions in human experience through history (even if they may not be super deadly or even impactful to a healthy person).

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It's the purified virions that would have extreme replicability (zero or else very high), whereas the natural swarm need only have virions that replicate a great deal when they do replicate, not necessarily many that replicate.

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I was more focused on viability/durability of the replicated downstream virions, the thought being that the engineered purified clone version might be missing something (due to the hacked construction) that the naturally-evolved virion retains (perhaps an under-appreciated sequence or introns or microRNA), which might lend itself to a degree of greater viability over time. So the hacked virion peters out fairly quickly, but the natural remains viable over a longer time period.

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If you were looking for an excuse as to why the vaccinated were dying en mass, Geert gives an excellent alibi to the jabs

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