Nov 17, 2022·edited Nov 17, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Awesome coverage by Gutschi.

I believe the Australian Nonclinical Eval has cryoEM of the Pfizer mRNA-encoded spike on page 37 https://www.tga.gov.au/sites/default/files/foi-2389-06.pdf

This was at the stage where they were still considering four builds. The text doesn't actually make it clear that what we are looking at is from any of them, let alone BNT162b2.

The 30% benchmark for flow cytometry might not correspond to transfection rate since that's essentially a semi-quantitative assay, and might not catch all cells that are producing spike - it could be that the real-world rate is higher at least when all the other stars align and the gods of stainless steel shavings grant their blessing.

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Nov 18, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Thank you for bringing Maria Gutschi’s work to attention. Such an important piece, along with Latypova, and JJ Couey.

Just one quibble: ‘National Security’ is a highly problematic phrase. I would caution against its use here. It has been popularized for very specific messaging from the MIIC and has, and continues to be, used as a justification for all manner of illegality, secrecy, and fraud. I understand the intent of the concern raised here, but this phrase should be thoroughly parsed and must be considered a highly loaded label.

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Completely agreed with respect to "National Security", but it's sometimes hard to navigate the phrases in real time.

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Yup, I hear ya. Keep up the great work.

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Mat, I am commenting here although I have not yet watched this video. Last night’s Chaos Agents presentation was great, I look forward to further material on this line. Can’t find a better place to comment (I did make a note last night at the tail of another Substack).

Information warfare is quite real, and part of the process is their “lies by omission” strategy. What is or is not actually in the jabs, the placebo controls, manufacturing process, etc. “Proprietary secrets” can cover a multitude of CRIMES.

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The economics of large scale crime confound the justice system.

The harder element to process is that extralegal transgressions are war, but most people are unaware of the ongoing war.

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Absolutely correct. The Rule of Law is dead, the system is so inherently tilted towards corporate entities & .gov that it is truly war. So defining the various combatant roles & alliances becomes crucial.

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Very informative and infuriating. Thank you

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They do not even care. The product got EUA, they got the money, seems legit... They don’t care any further, go for the next product to treat let’s say mRNA induced amyloidosis.

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I believe the plan is larger. I believe this is World War E and that all attempts to oversimplify it fail to meet the challenge at hand.

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I think it is globalism, which in their mind is sustainability. It gives them the best steak, mansions (including beach front property), private jets to fly to climate change summits and the masses bug meal, a meager apartment in a block-sized apartment building, one kid, a golfcart size electric vehicle, normalization of destructive vices, and social credit and medical and economic passports. They are neo-Malthusians, do not understand human psychology, and will create dystopia, but they think they are wise in the name of the public good. Real, alternate solutions exist. I think the sociopathy on the vaccine AEs is a freight train out of control driven by a few bad actors and enabled by everyday human vice and the globalist ideology. At some point, I intend to dig into the works of Shakespeare. He must address hubris as well:

"Hubris is defined as excessive pride or arrogance, but in the context of Greek history, it is pride that is in defiance of nature or the gods. Ancient Greek literature puts a strong emphasis on teaching about the dangers of hubris, and that when one presumes to be able to outsmart nature or the gods, it leads to disaster."

As an aside, if I were going to create controlled opposition, it would be someone speculative in conspiracy thinking.

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The future you described is not quite dystopian enough. The end state is that the "common" people are all dead and the genetically enhanced globalists (smarter, healthier, longer-lived) have the planet to themselves with the help of genetically modified humans 2.0 (more passive, less intelligent) to be their slaves. The step before that is our children live in shopping container-sized "casitas" or "pods" with no exit, drugged up and feeding the AI that will replace the need for human labor permanently. Zuckerberg has already showcased this wired-up pod as a "feature" of future living on the metaverse. As you implied, they want to be the new gods of a new world.

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Hubris is a great description. I think it’s a combination of arrogance and hubris.

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You are right, this is more than a farce. This took coordination and planning.

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That’s right for those bigger planners. Not so much for the manufacturers.

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“They don’t even care” has been my catchphrase to family and friends for about a year. They knew all this already, they have the data, they had the unredacted documents, some regulators even asked the right questions, but in the end they just didn’t care. They just went ahead regardless.

This looks to have been a farce from day 1.

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Mathew, are you leaving Substack? Confused.

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Nov 17, 2022·edited Nov 17, 2022Author

No. Why do you ask?

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Because you wrote you were moving to Locals. Or is that just the RTE videos?

Don't want to lose track of your excellent work!

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This is something I'm concerned with. Why is locals a better platform, if it is all locked behind accounts(digital footprint), or a paywall for insider access? How could I share the information that has been, and will be, very important to knowing our enemy so that we can actually make real plans to stop the GloboHomo/WEF/deep state.

One of the biggest issues I have with our society is the worship of currency(not real money) and digital data, over the basic physical reality. I'm at a point where every bit of currency is going into food production, house hardening upgrades, propelling my children into adulthood, and how to defend all of this(this being REAL tangible money). I cannot, and will not, afford a subscription to this guy, and this guy, and this girl, and this other guy - just so I can have a better picture than what our bought and paid for media paint for a reality that I need to destroy in terms of waking up my community members.

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The Daily Greenwald program will, I believe, provide quite a boost to Rumble. Likely good to be re-centering there.

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It is pathetic and cowardly to censor yourself just so you can get your video onto one or another social media video game.

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Impressive as usual.

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Here's a look from a dark-field microscope that magnifies the Pfizer vaccine by 200 times and speeds it up four hundred times. Can anyone explain what we're seeing here? What is this technology and where does it come from?


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Also, the obvious question, is this a hoax?

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This was an excellent conversation, she knows what she knows and what she does not know. Her background provides some additional perspective.

Manufacturing at an industrial scale can be something far more complex than imagined. Science can have an idea, but engineers have to make the thing work. But to start with agents quite likely to cause allergic reactions, that says either ignorance (unlikely) or malicious intent.

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How can they be beneficial if they are toxic chemical weapons?

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...but we will have to be vaccinated to move around freely ...... crazy..... https://gettr.com/comment/c1klhh1143e

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Is there a link to Maria's excellent presentation?

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Loved Maria’s presentation. Stellar. Thank you, all of you.

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Centralized regulation isn’t the issue…

The issue is that global governments, global health agencies, US tech giants, media, and the entertainment industry conspired to coverup every last vestige of the truth…

Centralized regulation wouldn’t have survived this bullshit for a month, if it weren’t for the global conspiracy.


Hang them all.

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Nov 20, 2022·edited Nov 20, 2022

Centralization is an issue; it concentrates power and power does corrupt. Centralization enabled globalist control, making good people bad and bad people worse. See the Stanford Prison Experiment. Centralization most values external control whereas decentralization most values and trusts in self-control. Centralization amplifies mistakes and is not self-correcting. It is Centralization that created globalist power.

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