Thank you, Mathew and Liam. This is wonderful!! And by God, artists need to speak out already!!

Also, I feel compelled to very immodestly add that ... ummm. ... *some* artists have been speaking up before COVID even started. (I am only allowing myself to be immodest because we have camaraderie and a sense of humor, and, maaaaaan, it was lonely to speak up about it back then!)

I released this particular album in 2017, and most songs on it are much older than that.



(Sorry.... my modesty is now kicking in)

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Yes, some Old Dissidents had instincts of shenanigans from the start, and that includes some artists. You were my first Substack subscription primarily because I recognized your ability to see through illusions.

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Thank you Mathew!!! You remain one of my favorite thinkers, and I can completely relate to the practice of thinking things through from a place of curiosity and uncertainty about the outcome, without being attached to talking points. I think it's beautiful!!

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If you’re going to include rap, then you have to include Mesus, Gates of Hell, going off on Bill Gates. Calling out the vaccines and Epsteins island..


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Great stuff guys. May art lead us out of the mess that science ($cience) lead us in to.

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Art, honor, passion, philosophy, economics, and every pursuit and aspect of the human spirit. The next era can be quite beautiful. But we must build it.

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What a lovely write up to wake up to.

A compounding benefit to getting out there and speaking out is that in the last three days, I’ve had numerous theatre practitioners and a few artists making contact, each of us feeling isolated in our bubbles and rejected from our perspective communities but realizing how rich and vast the network of dissenting artists actually is. It has given me a renewed sense of camaraderie and purpose.

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Eva K Bartlett's interview on the Donetsk referendum- https://youtu.be/UpkiN06jdiE

From her excellent channel https://www.youtube.com/c/EvaKBartlett/videos

She's been in Ukraine documenting the proxy conflict, I believe, since the beginning.

For those who haven't followed Ukraine, it began 8 years ago when Ukraine had 2 offers on the table for 15 billion in economic aid. One from the West (WTO/World Bank/etc.) with requirements for privatizing and selling off national assets, brutal austerity, open borders and easy business access for the West, and one from Russia with no strings attached, just a set interest rate and repayment schedule. Yanukovych was going to take the Russian offer, so we "color revolutioned" them with a violent coup with snipers, arms, money, and training furnished by the US. We put the neo-nazis in charge.

Russia never "annexed" or captured anything. Areas with large Russian populations voted to join Russia of their own volition, and for good reason. Ukraine has been war-crime-ing these areas mercilessly for years, under the supervision of their actor/comedian puppet Zelensky, for the sole purpose of provoking Russia into a military entanglement (somewhat reminiscent of Afghanistan).

You can see exactly what's going on in Ms Bartlett's channel.

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I started making pandemic memes & wallpapers last November without any design or software experience. Dr Kevin McCairn often featured them on his streams.

On Twitter, I hit a brick wall with shadowbanning & then recently got suspended without warning or facility to appeal...

Anyone know a less censorious platform where an aspiring creative person can express themselves? Gettr seems like a dead platform for someone just starting out...

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I'm not a social media guru, but if you email me dank memes about narcissistic scientists and maybe some other topics, I'm happy to use them. Sign them as you like. :)

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Here's some of your man, Dan Wilson:


It was the anarchy of the McCairnDojo meme folder which got me into memes :-). But some are not for the politically sensitive.


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Rumble, Odysee are both good for video. For text you can try Gab, or even just build something here at Substack!!!

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Thanks for the tips. Robert Malone does a meme selection every few days on substack - so I suppose it can be done here.

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Hey Mathew,

The lady who sang ‘ABCDEF…You’, must be this lady : Sara Gonzalez


She’s got a really nice voice……. And I can’t get the song out of my head now!


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Thanks for the ID on her.

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WONDERFUL WONDERFUL WONDERFUL!!! I’ve been compiling my own “Dystopian Ditties for the Musically Triggered” list on ytube. 😂 Now I can add all the ones from this post. So uplifting to know of even MORE ARTISTS.

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Any interest in combining lists?

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https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_xzAQL-Tbd60oIdaem1r6DUQrKEjy_jC. Your list is more plentiful, but just in case you see something new.... I’m not on Spotify but will add your songs to my list if I can find them in ytube

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Sure! I’m actually saving some of yours to my list. I have to get into Ytube to make it public. I’ll be back and will give you my link

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The artists are speaking out for a very long time... ever since Woody Guthrie...

But maybe you are educated @ Wall street you never listened to them.

The Smiths spoke out in "Headmasters Ritual"...

Bob Dylan spoke out...

John Lennon... of all Artists you don't mention spoke out against the Government and got killed..

Frank Zappa.

NEW MODEL ARMY is one Band you probably never heard of.,..

Their entire Music is Rebellion.

One month ago I put out a list of rebellion songs.


Some four years ago I put out this song


Ând the absolute best anti covid song is this


Rap isn't art... it is pimps with bigmouths that have $ signs as eyeballs & sing of whores & bitches.

The Smiths - Bigmouth Strikes Again


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Artists have spoken out for a long time. But, not re COVID. Very few. And, older 'rebels' complied totally. Neil Young jumps to mind. But, add all the SNL 'comedians' (not really anymore though, right?). Talk show hosts. Actors. All stood up and spoke for big corps and the man.

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Neil Young never was a rebel... he was and is a hippie.

Never trust a Hippie.

This is not and has never been about Covid.

Covid is a hoax designed to scare you into taking the Jabs.

Inside those Jabs is a Technology developed by Elon Musk DARPA Harvard Wyss Foundation (Chelsea owner Hansjörg Wyss & Klaus Schwab ).

This technology consists of Magnetically activated self assembling Graphene Oxide / Dioxide Nanoparticles that form a kind of net around your brain.

They record your Brainwaves similar to an EEG.

They can also program your Brain.

Neural Lace is the name.

It is part of the most dangerous weapon against humanity:







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Artists might be speaking out. But the entertainers contracted to the industry aren't.

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Gotta start somewhere

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Thank you! We need more of this.

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Been wondering where all the protest songs were. Can I still wear my Kardashian t-shirt or has the culture changed?

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I think many of us have wondered if there would be a "99 Red Baloons/Luftballoons" or a "Right Here, Right Now" to mark the moment. I don't think so, though I could be wrong. The world has become fragmented subcultures outside of a few large media players who are too controlled to speak out. Even Kelly Clarkson gets hushed up when she starts to talk about being offered millions to do what she doesn't think is right. But...she does hush up, right?

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The protest songs are everywhere. The messaging has been controlled since the early 1960’s. You won’t find them hyped up or advertised, like Woodstock.

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In the old days Dylan didn't just sing songs, there was direct action. The media then, too, was establishment owned and controlled. Concerts raised money and the Mobe organized and performed guerilla theater and political actions such as throwing dollar bills onto the floor of the New York Stock Exchange and levitating the Pentagon. The National Mobilization Committee coordinated mass protests. October 15th Moratorium Day protests had over 100,000 people on Boston Common. A month later 500,000 people marched on Washington. There were riots in Chicago.

"If you don't like the news, why not go out and make your own?" - Abbie Hoffman.

Where now is the global outrage over a terrorist totalitarian takeover? It's like everyone has been drugged.

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And now, those 500,000 march to the doctor's office and get their jabs, and the riots in Chicago are orchestrated by multi-millionaire con men.

Maybe it was always that way, and we just believed otherwise.

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Yes, seems like everyone cut their hair.

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God bless every one of you brave artists who are turning your backs on the Elite Liars who control so much in our corrupt world system.

May God bless you all a Thousandfold for using your talents to spread the Truth❣️

Truth Warriors & Freedom Fighters & Whistleblowers are the Real Heroes today.


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Wow, some of these songs are really good!

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