I discovered your substack two days ago and I've spent hours reading your articles. What a breath of fresh air!
May I suggest, for revenue purposes, you create more paid-only content? I'm subscribed to a lot of things, yet as a user I can't make economic sense between you publishing everything for free, yet people subscribing (maybe there's a lot of people that see it as a donation... who knows).
If you ever feel revenue is not enough, more subscriber-only posts (or comments for paid subscribers) would incentivize me to buy a membership.
Just food for thought. Thanks a lot for the work you do.
Sidenote: I just subscribed for a year, as a tip for the amazing content you did so far.
I do understand that there is research that shows that something like an 85/15 content split optimizes revenue. I don't care to stop and think along those lines at the moment. In my pinned article, I mention some categories of articles that will be behind a paywall, and when I can justify writing more about those topics, I'll probably accidentally optimize better.
For the moment, I think subscribers are here to chip in for the organization and leveraging of time and research.
Hi Mathew, I am glad you are working assiduously on vaccine safety and effectiveness. I focus on vitamin D and early treatment and so can't properly evaluate the growing number of stories about COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness and adverse outcomes. Here are some further items of potential interest:
Eric Starkman on the unseemly haste with which the FDA approved the Pfizer vaccine (360,000 pages of information, 4 months) with links to articles on regulatory capture / corruption due to staff seeking lucrative careers in the companies whose products they assess. https://starkmanapproved.com/outsource-the-fda-to-private-equity/
https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/08/18/more-americans-now-say-government-should-take-steps-to-restrict-false-information-online-than-in-2018/ On the suppression of discussion of vitamin D and early treatment as misinformation in the contest of the majority view (governments, companies and an increasingly desperate subset of the public), in the USA there is a marked diversion in the support for government and big-tech efforts to suppress "misinformation" even if it limits freedom of information. In 2018 Democrats and Republicans had similar levels of support for this. In 2021 the Democrats have increased their support while Republicans have reduced it, so there is now a 2:1 ratio between their levels of support for such censorship.
Washington State editorial https://www.clarkcountytoday.com/opinion/opinion-mandated-vaccinations-who-is-responsible-for-their-risks/ from someone who is struggling to understand what is going on and who expresses very important and I believe totally justified concerns about how the unvaccinated are being blamed for pandemic transmission and resulting harm and death, rather than those suffering from overweight and obesity or who have low vitamin D levels, who suffer most of the harm and death from COVID-19. Likewise why vaccination status is being made the only standard of compliance with the best efforts of society, without regard to (arguably more substantial) infection acquired immunity. Likewise why early treatment is ignored or denigrated. Likewise concerns about vaccinating children. Likewise who is responsible for adverse outcomes in those who were effectively forced into accepting vaccination.
How coronavirus survives for hours in aerosols Chaterjee et al. 2021-08-18 https://aip.scitation.org/doi/full/10.1063/5.0059908 - details of droplets drying out leaving viruses with some moisture floating potentially for hours.
On the "who is responsible" issue, I'm particularly interested in that last question--if an employer forces or strongly coerces vaccination, and then the employee is killed or disabled by the vax, who's going down? We know the vaccine manufacturers aren't, so is the employer prepared to accept responsibility for the lost wages or fatherless/motherless kids' psychotherapy and college educations? Can't wait to see the legal insurrections unfold on that one...
There is a point at which people will decide that the entire system is broken.
The bigger worry is that the authorities likely understand that long before people of good faith who are busy focusing on and worrying about their families.
What does the game theory of such a situation dictate?
I feel like the big push is to get as many vaxxed as possible before the truth becomes obvious to all. Then the "authorities" will all act as though they're as shocked as everyone else and had no idea what was happening, despite folks like you continuously pointing them right to it. I can only imagine what the data looks like that they're NOT showing us.
I'm sending this to my daughter. She just graduated college with degrees in neurosci & psych. She's rather brilliant (if I do say so myself) and a fantastic writer/editor. Plus, she's as passionate about all this as anybody.
Appreciated. Understand that I received a small flood, so it may be days before I contact each person. Many hours of meetings and few hours of sleep...
Yes, I do understand, and I let my daughter know. I imagine you're getting hammered all the way around, considering how many popular personalities have been drawing attention to your posts (Barnes, Bannon, etc.).
Seems we may have complementary skill sets. My reading ability has always been good (college level at age 12), while with mathematics I get in over my head quickly.
I've been bothered by the lack of clear and honest communication about this virus, government response (or lack thereof), the suppression of vaccine alternatives, and the hard push to promote universal vaccination.
My ex husband died from a sudden heart attack after his second vaccination. He was 44. I know it may not have been the vaccine, but it bothers me that the possibility that the vaccine may have contributed to his death was never even mentioned or considered a possibility by his doctors.
I don't know where the truth lies. I appreciate that there are people out there like you with skills that I don't have trying to find it.
While it's a small dataset from which no real conclusions can be drawn, cardiac-related deaths were above expectations in the 6 months report of the Pfizer vax. It certainly should have been considered a possibility.
I discovered your substack two days ago and I've spent hours reading your articles. What a breath of fresh air!
May I suggest, for revenue purposes, you create more paid-only content? I'm subscribed to a lot of things, yet as a user I can't make economic sense between you publishing everything for free, yet people subscribing (maybe there's a lot of people that see it as a donation... who knows).
If you ever feel revenue is not enough, more subscriber-only posts (or comments for paid subscribers) would incentivize me to buy a membership.
Just food for thought. Thanks a lot for the work you do.
Sidenote: I just subscribed for a year, as a tip for the amazing content you did so far.
I do understand that there is research that shows that something like an 85/15 content split optimizes revenue. I don't care to stop and think along those lines at the moment. In my pinned article, I mention some categories of articles that will be behind a paywall, and when I can justify writing more about those topics, I'll probably accidentally optimize better.
For the moment, I think subscribers are here to chip in for the organization and leveraging of time and research.
Hi Mathew, I am glad you are working assiduously on vaccine safety and effectiveness. I focus on vitamin D and early treatment and so can't properly evaluate the growing number of stories about COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness and adverse outcomes. Here are some further items of potential interest:
"Reports of anaphylaxis after coronavirus disease 2019 vaccination, South Korea", 26 February to 30 April 2021 Eunju Lee et al. 2021-08-18 https://www.eurosurveillance.org/content/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2021.26.33.2100694 AstraZeneca higher risk than Pfizer. Women at greater risk than men.
Booster 3rd injection improves protection, but the protection from the first two diminishes over time, so why wouldn't this protection diminish over 3 to 6 months as well? (No references or data.) https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/israel-finds-covid-19-vaccine-booster-significantly-lowers-infection-risk-2021-08-22/
Eric Starkman on Israeli ADE research: https://starkmanapproved.com/covid-and-israels-secret-ade-vaccine-risk-data/ cites "Infection-enhancing anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies recognize both the original Wuhan/D614G strain and Delta variants. A potential risk for mass vaccination?" Nouara Yahi et al. 20201-08-08 https://www.journalofinfection.com/article/S0163-4453(21)00392-3/
Eric Starkman on the unseemly haste with which the FDA approved the Pfizer vaccine (360,000 pages of information, 4 months) with links to articles on regulatory capture / corruption due to staff seeking lucrative careers in the companies whose products they assess. https://starkmanapproved.com/outsource-the-fda-to-private-equity/
https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/08/18/more-americans-now-say-government-should-take-steps-to-restrict-false-information-online-than-in-2018/ On the suppression of discussion of vitamin D and early treatment as misinformation in the contest of the majority view (governments, companies and an increasingly desperate subset of the public), in the USA there is a marked diversion in the support for government and big-tech efforts to suppress "misinformation" even if it limits freedom of information. In 2018 Democrats and Republicans had similar levels of support for this. In 2021 the Democrats have increased their support while Republicans have reduced it, so there is now a 2:1 ratio between their levels of support for such censorship.
Washington State editorial https://www.clarkcountytoday.com/opinion/opinion-mandated-vaccinations-who-is-responsible-for-their-risks/ from someone who is struggling to understand what is going on and who expresses very important and I believe totally justified concerns about how the unvaccinated are being blamed for pandemic transmission and resulting harm and death, rather than those suffering from overweight and obesity or who have low vitamin D levels, who suffer most of the harm and death from COVID-19. Likewise why vaccination status is being made the only standard of compliance with the best efforts of society, without regard to (arguably more substantial) infection acquired immunity. Likewise why early treatment is ignored or denigrated. Likewise concerns about vaccinating children. Likewise who is responsible for adverse outcomes in those who were effectively forced into accepting vaccination.
How coronavirus survives for hours in aerosols Chaterjee et al. 2021-08-18 https://aip.scitation.org/doi/full/10.1063/5.0059908 - details of droplets drying out leaving viruses with some moisture floating potentially for hours.
On the "who is responsible" issue, I'm particularly interested in that last question--if an employer forces or strongly coerces vaccination, and then the employee is killed or disabled by the vax, who's going down? We know the vaccine manufacturers aren't, so is the employer prepared to accept responsibility for the lost wages or fatherless/motherless kids' psychotherapy and college educations? Can't wait to see the legal insurrections unfold on that one...
There is a point at which people will decide that the entire system is broken.
The bigger worry is that the authorities likely understand that long before people of good faith who are busy focusing on and worrying about their families.
What does the game theory of such a situation dictate?
It's not good. It's very bad.
I feel like the big push is to get as many vaxxed as possible before the truth becomes obvious to all. Then the "authorities" will all act as though they're as shocked as everyone else and had no idea what was happening, despite folks like you continuously pointing them right to it. I can only imagine what the data looks like that they're NOT showing us.
I'm sending this to my daughter. She just graduated college with degrees in neurosci & psych. She's rather brilliant (if I do say so myself) and a fantastic writer/editor. Plus, she's as passionate about all this as anybody.
Appreciated. Understand that I received a small flood, so it may be days before I contact each person. Many hours of meetings and few hours of sleep...
Yes, I do understand, and I let my daughter know. I imagine you're getting hammered all the way around, considering how many popular personalities have been drawing attention to your posts (Barnes, Bannon, etc.).
“perhaps I'm a slow worker”
Moment of levity.
When it comes to reading tasks, I truly am.
For some jobs, I'm slow at first, then build a system. Building a system makes everything happen faster.
For calculation/modeling tasks, I'm very fast.
Seems we may have complementary skill sets. My reading ability has always been good (college level at age 12), while with mathematics I get in over my head quickly.
I've been bothered by the lack of clear and honest communication about this virus, government response (or lack thereof), the suppression of vaccine alternatives, and the hard push to promote universal vaccination.
My ex husband died from a sudden heart attack after his second vaccination. He was 44. I know it may not have been the vaccine, but it bothers me that the possibility that the vaccine may have contributed to his death was never even mentioned or considered a possibility by his doctors.
I don't know where the truth lies. I appreciate that there are people out there like you with skills that I don't have trying to find it.
I'm very sorry to hear about your husband. It is stunning that these instances are not receiving more attention.
While it's a small dataset from which no real conclusions can be drawn, cardiac-related deaths were above expectations in the 6 months report of the Pfizer vax. It certainly should have been considered a possibility.