Mar 30, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

At his age, what is he worried about? Why does he want the video removed? At my age, I feel an obligation to speak out...if I lose my job, I could retire if I had to...on a lean budget.

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Not saying it's related to your story... I'm just going to leave this here:

Pfizer Offers Millions in Bribes To Buy the Silence of Outspoken Doctors


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You're a lot nicer than me who would tell him to go pound sand making such an outrageous request to erase history and help protect the liars that buried early treatment. It's a valuable and honest report, done freely with consent and captures so much of the problem that paralyzed the planet. It strikes me like asking to burn books to assuage tyrannical political actors.

It's kind of surprising coming from someone who held such a reasonable view of hackers from the early days. When politicians were hyping the threat posed by hackers he reported HOPE Conferences with the ethical human angle and real portraits of folks who were there. It's reasonable for views to evolve but to rewrite history only serves liars.

As he notes early in the interview people have different motives for distorting the truth and obviously some outside pressure is being applied here. While you may have agreed to his his request to aid the destruction of the historical record it doesn't extend to the broader population who are dedicated to preserving censored content and live by the mantra, see something save something.

An error becomes an irreparable harm when it cannot be corrected; to help Silicon Valley drown us in propaganda like a virtual Ministry of Truth doesn't serve the fundamental aims of a free and open society. Betcha a nickle you can guess what the resistors will do. :~)

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I didn’t understand why the retraction.

Is it fear?

Because the risks are much greater in NOT speaking up. I know, believe me. I get threats. I’m not slightly scared because what’s coming is definitely much worse than death.

“Life free or die: death is not the worst of evils”.

I really believe this is as true now as in any just war.

Please don’t go quiet, any of you. That’s when they come for you & your family.

Best wishes


Dr Mike Yeadon

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Mar 30, 2022·edited Mar 30, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

It's the little things like this, that make me wonder on the progress we think we (as unwilling (at least for me!) Anti-narrative, rebels, invaders, purebloods, what eves you like to call yourself, are actually making on this?

A few other innocuous little tidbits (like independent evidence from multiple sources, confirming the presence of graphene hydroxide and self assembling tech within Pfizers spikeshots, with chain of custody level evidence that was sent to the NZ government and is met with ....silence.) that make me just, honestly, get fairly concerned that we are out maneuvered and a day late, dollar short.

Silence from a government tells me they are not surprised....

People on both sides are battening the hatches....

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Mar 30, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Hydroxychloroquine DID work successfully with hospitalized patients too, in India, Turkey, Greece, and in one US study, wherever it was tried at low therapeutic doses with other treatments needed for late-stage patients. However, HCQ was given in lethally high dosages in hospitalized studies organized by the WHO in order to make it appear as though it were ineffective and dangerous. See http://www.kathydopp.info/COVIDinfo/COVIDTreatments/PharmaVsHCQ

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Mar 30, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

I’d be interested to know the why ? Did he change his mind on being pro treatment or is he concerned about people knowing he was ?

I’m guessing the latter.

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If he is getting cold feet now, I would like to suggest that he's trying to get the monkey off his own back, by passing it on to you. Taking the video down, could be regarded as the civil thing to do. An alternative POV is that by agreeing to accommodate the request you are colluding to alter the historical record yourself. That is, you in effect accept the monkey as your pet.

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Mar 30, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Did he say why he wanted it removed? I cannot imagine you have not asked him. Would be a relevant factoid.

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It is disappointing. I am sure I would do the same as you and take it down. In the beginning, these discussions were a normal accepted response to this none sense. You could easily accidently step in a mess and not realize it. Then slowly come to the realization it takes great amounts of courage to keep walking. I know for myself and many others these steps forward STILL are having a cost. At times my emotions cause me to question this path and this new surreal dystopian existence. But then my rational side again walks through the logic, data and my values and I keep me moving forward.

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Downloaded, will be on Bitchute soon.

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This censoring which can include bribes, and if they don't work, threats. Of course, there have been firings, discrediting, lying, etc. But at the end of the line, murder, or rather, mysterious deaths. It would be good to back and look at the history of pharma censoring, and see where we are today. I recently have been going back and started rereading documentation on the use of Vitamin C. When Dr Klenner wrote his article on Vit. C treating polio in 1949, he was already talking about censoring. I think there is more chatter today about censoring, because of internet, I think more people know about it and are standing up against it, so that gives me some hope. And there are too many people speaking up to try to disappear all of you without suspicion. Yes, the new dissidents need to go back and read the history. We need God on our side for this fight.

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It’s alarming that at this point in the pandemic he would be concerned about this interview. I will definitely be watching it. Thank you.

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The 4918th example of people saying they’ve read 1984 but they never actually read it! Sad. Thankfully it was part of my English exam at school and I studied it inside and out, and it left life long impression on me. To be fair it was 1985 when we studied it, a different time to now.

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On another note I need to go back to look at the list of Chloriquine uses dating back to 1899 because from here in Bedrock it seems that not only has C19 taught us that we shouldn't dare use novel gene therapies as a pseudo-vaccine but that HCQ (or Quercitin) + Zinc negates the need for the annual flu shot.

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Mar 30, 2022·edited Mar 30, 2022

I think your compromising solution to post this blog and then take the video down is very wise. And we should probably thank Mr. Platt for having spoken up for truth at all.

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