If you ever become injured or even see a x-ray from different perspectives of your spine, I can guarantee you that it will send you down a new road of discovery. What you'll find is how helpful maintaining spine health becomes in your life. Especially when the treatment is so non-intrusive.

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This should be interesting... :) (3rd generation DC here).

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Two of my favorites as a surgeon:

1. All bleeding stops.

2. Let's try this new procedure in humans and if it works we will study it in lab animals.

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Jul 22, 2022·edited Jul 22, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Omg... fabulous. My dad was a duck hunter. Truth be told? He shot, and we consumed, any bird or wild animal that moved. (I picked many a pellet of buckshot out of many a pheasant, chucker, duck & quail, for instance.)

But your illustration of the boat full of surgeons, to "a shot in the dark", is also prescient.

(Good book too. 😉)

Thanks Mathew.

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Was a surgical RN for 22 years. Should have been a plumber or something else😪.

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Chiropractic care has been a lifesaver for me!

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Duck Hunt was one of my favorite Nintendo games. :-)

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Hi Matthew, Thanks for this post, on a subject close to my heart, as I’m sure it is with many others. You will see below why I say this. I wrote this two part article recently exploring similar themes. Included below is a précis of the article, and some feedback from readers. Feel free to share. GM

📃Article: Whistling Past the Graveyard (Part One) — The Crimes & Betrayals of the Medical Establishment, by Greg Maybury.

#DrFauci #Covid #BillGates #BigPharma #WEF #WHO #KlausSchwab #GreatReset #AdverseEvents #AIDS #HIV


📃Article: Whistling Past the Graveyard Part Two: The High Priests of Public Health & Modern Medicine, by Greg Maybury.

#DrFauci #Covid #BillGates #BigPharma #VaccineSideEffects #WEF #WHO #GreatReset #AdverseEvents #AIDS #HIV


Preamble: Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the global conspiracy that is the Covid “pandemic”, is the ease with which the vast majority of those in the medical, healthcare, and allied scientific fields embraced the official dogma and complied with the dictates imposed under its regime.

The stark reality is that the arch-criminal globalist confederacy that is the World Economic Forum—in tandem with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the World Health Organisation—could hardly have imagined much less attempted this monstrous deception without the imprimatur and cooperation of the medical establishment. Along with ditching their solemn oath to ‘do no harm’ and betraying their ethical principles, they've become fully owned chattels of the Big Pharma crime cartel.

In this two part series, from the personal to the political and back again Greg Maybury applies the 'blowtorch to the belly' of this once revered profession. It’s not a pretty sight.

⬇️👀What readers are saying about “Whistling Past the Graveyard”. See above for links to both parts. Forward freely. GM

— ‘You’ve really put down on paper what most of want to but can’t find the words. You certainly have done the homework and speak 100% truth. You’re work is amazing and you deserve much respect as well! God bless you!’

— ‘On the mark, yet mind-bending research and writing from Greg Maybury!’

— ‘Excellent breakdown of both the new “norms” imposed on our fellow citizens by their ‘leaders” whose main objective is the retention of Power over the citizenry no matter the consequences & the demise of the once highly regarded Medical Profession for their complicity!’

— 'A must read piece. Clearly showing that the medical establishment follows the same process with every crime they commit & how the public can so readily drink the kool-aid when it gets served.'

— ‘Awesome read, Greg. You nailed it all! And then some.’

— ‘Greg, I cannot thank you more in words to match the gratitude in my heart. I earned the Ph.D. (Pharmacology) almost one half a century ago (1976). By the end of that academic trek, I knew, viscerally, all of what you have written is true. 🙏 for speaking out’.

— ‘Greg, I applaud you for your contributions to our (still) virtual struggle. We have to have solutions going forward. Before we have solutions agreed, we have to have the problem clearly stated. You contribute so well to that!! Thank you.’

‘[Mr Maybury] I don’t know of a single other commentator etc., that expresses so well, in such a detailed, believable way, the thoughts you present. I have sent off links to your articles [to those friends who still read my emails]. I shall subscribe and support your work.’

— Many thanks to you for sharing. You are inspiration and strength in a world made by a few, dull and weak. I look forward to more of your great articles and stories. Hold your spirit strong cause you are here on the right side of this great thing they call life. Your wisdom and words are much needed to awaken the dormants. Keep up your great work.

— Wow, great piece!…your article is once again a master piece. “Brilliant” . Thx for sharing it and for allowing others to do the same.

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True, funny dead duck story. Skip to 8:35 if you're in a hurry. RIP Ron Shock


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At this point I would put ANY Chiropractor (or witch doctor) before Fauci & Company

And I think I will follow my own knowledge about plants before taking any new Pharma project.

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Awesome illustration. How would all of the stabbers now fit into this duck hunting scenario? The white lab coats all too ready to shove a needle in anyone’s arm?

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Jul 22, 2022·edited Jul 22, 2022

Mathew, what do you think about homeopathy? I researched this topic extensively because I wanted to find the truth... And I am still not 100% sure if I found the truth. But after reading many or most studies about homeopathy, including placebo controlled RCT´s, meta-analyses etc. I came to a (preliminary) conclusion and I am now relatively sure that my conclusion is correct.

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oh man, can not wait for this!

In the 50s, Morris A. Bealle "The Drug Story" and "the House of Rockefeller" are classics when it comes the medical industry.

Fast forward a few decades to Ida Honoroff. And today we have wonderful people like Tom Cowan and an army of others just obliterating the authoritative state of Big Pharma and Big Hospital.

When I saw the "mainstream" medical community go after Martin Kulldorff because of his concern of covid vax I knew the jig was over. Kulldorff was the chief guy who "proved" the safety of vaccines for children back in 2012.

Of course, that "proof" was anything but, however he was the cat's meow in the vax/medical industry. Now he's been sent to Siberia.

It's crazy how corrupt this stuff is.

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I’ve dealt with chiros that were quacks (or maybe just mostly young and poorly educated) and ones that were pretty good and sincerely tried to help using both orthodox and unorthodox methods. One Chiropractor that has been a huge positive influence on my life is Dr. Berg, who has a huge following on YouTube.

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Not involving ducks necessarily, maybe birdies? This was somehow a familiar story… not quite placing why this might resonate: https://www.historydefined.net/eben-byers/

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Wasn't the original early middle English rivalry the barber-surgeons vs. the physicians? Physicians weren't thought competent to use a scalpel. And that's why you have to go to Barber College to cut hair for a living now. Ha! Ok not true. Just good-old rent-seeking now. But the trade unions were strong in those days . . . after the plague.

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