Propaganda: Richard Gage Draws Parallels Between 9/11 and the COVID-19 Pandemic
The Information Wars Part XXI
Find out more about the Information Wars here.
This past Monday it was my pleasure to host Richard Gage, who is famous for being one of the two or three people acting as Chief Documentarian after the terrorist event on September 11, 2001 that took place in southern Manhattan. Thankfully, there are many more people playing such a role during the Plandemonium. But Richard takes a unique approach, which is not simply to cover the two events, but to draw parallels that bring to life the techniques and toolkits of the propaganda artists.
Our discussion went 2.5 hours, but there is more discussion between us during the second half, and I let Richard know that I'm available to help put a few facts together, if not connect him with the people who can.
When Did You Realize There Were Problems With the 9/11 Narrative?
I was surprised when Richard told me it wasn't until 2006 for him. But I get it—during the 13 years I worked hard in educational technology and school building (substantially harder than I did on Wall Street), I did not take in as much of the world's industrial scale BS as much as I did during most periods of my life.
I personally made several leaps in my understanding of 9/11, and I'm still making more each time I talk to somebody knowledgeable like Richard. Working in finance, I heard about the insider trading (put buying, for instance) and "Don't fly commercial" orders for the Presidential Administration pretty early. These do not necessarily point toward a Matrix-level illusion and inside job. Like many others, I dismissed the hijacker passport found whole on the sidewalk by a cop as planted evidence to make a case, but not necessarily that the event was the level of sham it appears to be.
The Forever Wars in the Middle East added new layers that screamed, "This is a sick and disturbing BS profit game and power play."
More recently, I've learned so much more about the propaganda apparatus run by U.S. intelligence, layered over systems of hypnosis, controlled ignorance, incentives, and organized crime that it's easier to see the Big Picture more clearly.
I'll leave you here with a few videos.
Addendum: Note that I don’t have time to fully sort through which of the evidence in these several videos I consider high/medium/low quality. I have too much on my plate. The pandemic is even more chaotic in that regard, and that’s my primary focus. But do not assume that I endorse everything in any of these videos. As with anything, there is room for discussion and debate, and when there is no transparency, some leads are false leads—some are even planted.
Loose Change
September Clues
The Corbett Report: Who Was Really Behind the 9/11 Attacks?
Last But Not Least
You can find many Richard Gage presentations online, but here is one I just found with James Corbett, who is on my short list of favorite journalists.
It is disappointing that it took Gage until 2006 to see what happened. Architects and Structural Engineers worth their salt should have recognized it immediately because it violated fundamental principles. That said, it is good that he did awaken, and even better that he dedicated himself to digging for and exposing a part of the truth.
As explorations into this topic have developed in the 20+ yrs since the incident, there have been many worthwhile explorations into the ‘how’ question and the ‘why’ question. It’s good to pursue these avenues of thinking, no doubt. However, there is a point where one reaches the end of analyzing the evidence available, and we delve into hypotheses and suppositions. And this can naturally evolve into questions about motivations and ‘who is more right’, etc. Comparing hypotheses is fine and useful, but I would offer that when thinking moves into Camps, subscribing to one hypothesis over another, then we my lose sight of the fundamental observation.
In the case of the WTC, Judy Wood’s exploration raises extremely important questions and concerns, and as regards her examination of the forensic evidence, she is very thorough--more thorough than Richard Gage et. al. There is a point, however, where she moves explicitly into the realm of proposing a hypothesis, some of which fits the observable evidence, and some of which is just a searching for a plausible explanation. That isn’t to say her hypothesis is untenable, but it is also unprovable and untestable (unless someone invents a time machine).
The fundamental observation is that the official narrative is an elaborate lie. The government lied to everyone. They lied and used this lie to justify dismantling the Constitution and attacked our rights to privacy and liberty. The media joined in this lie, amplifying its reach. Scientists supported the lie and produced bogus science and papers to support it. The military acted on this lie, draining the coffers and filling coffins. The weapons contractors profited tremendously, raining cruise missiles on a nation already severely decimated by economic sanctions that had killed millions of children. The judiciary pretended that the right to trial didn’t matter, turned a blind eye to torture and extrajudicial execution. Nearly every pillar of society was affected, damaged severely.
All predicated on an elaborate lie.
The ‘how’ and ‘why’ the towers fell may never be fully unveiled. But the outcomes are known. The tragedy that has unfolded is known.
There is a point where asking ‘how’ and ‘why’ is academic. That is the exploration of theory. I would offer that focus is better spent on the reality of what that event means for us now. What matters is that people understand how deep the deception runs; people that may not have understood the reality of that fateful day, and how far the ripples of that great lie have reached, and how those seemingly unrelated ripples are cast out across the very same pond, Now.
In truth, the great lie of Covid is the descendent of the great lie of 9/11.
Wikileaks dropped the Canadian 5th gen warfare manual, namely psychological operations.
Talks a lot about dealing with stopping insurgences by treating it like stopping a contagion, then goes on to basically explain everything that’s been done to us over the pandemic.