In those depressing discussions over this craziness that my wife and I share, I remind her, optimistically, that if something can't go on forever, it won't. She never responds, just looks at me with that "Okay, Boomer" look.

If we've learned anything from the reporting and observations of you and others, it's that this is more than just politics. It is an evil, totalitarian and deliberate power grab thru the use of malevolent psychological manipulation. Those who see themselves as elites have been co-opted, seduced by the narrative that they are the in-group, the cool kids, and they like it. It gives meaning to their otherwise spiritually empty lives. So, they are all-in, and the madness goes on, even to the point of ignoring truth or propagating lies.

Heather Heying, in one of her recent essays in 'Natural Selections' on Substack made the point that their obedience to the orders will not wear well, if history is any indication. It won't end well for many, I'm afraid, but the damage they will do between now and when it must eventually end could be biblical.

Still, we hope. If something can't go on forever, it won't. Will it?

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"Those who see themselves as elites have been co-opted, seduced by the narrative that they are the in-group, the cool kids, and they like it." -- This is my experience as well. There seems to be NOTHING that you can provide these people to sway their mind.

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You've heard Keynes' famous statement about markets, haven't you? The USSR went on for 70 years. Can you outlive something like that?

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I hate to say this, but the only thing to stop this train may be more high-profile deaths like Colin Powell...but guarantee they will switch quickly to another "crisis" to fix.

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Different strokes for different folks. Focus on simple education where possible. As with opening windows, cleaning the nose and mouth, many of the solutions are extremely simple.

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Amazing. It really is. Insane side effects. And we know this. Everybody knows this. Yet the powers that be double down. Why not just pretend all is okay and let the vaccination program wind down.Inexplicable.

My grand hope theory was that the booster uptake numbers would fall off a cliff. I don’t know if i am right about that. Have they? is it too soon to say?

Anyways. You are doing great work.

Thank you.

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My extended family have lined up already for boosters.

I think a lot of people are anxious to get protected again. The ease and relative safety of the annual flu shot campaigns all these years have conditioned their response to accepting covid shots at least once a year. And the CDC et al are happy to endorse delivering both the flu shot and covid shot in one visit this month.

The only safety signal that broke through to any of my family this past year was the media reporting on a spike in myocarditis cases. One person asked us if our sons were vaccinated yet. But since myocarditis seemed to only affect young males and was made to seem like a passing inconvenience, they are all only anxious to get protected again. Several seem flattered by the idea that not just the elderly, but younger people living or working in congregate settings can get boosters sooner rather than later. Early access to a scarce resource makes you feel special.

I sent the link to the recent Rose/McCullough paper on myocarditis to my extended family in a bid to get my young, male nephews off the covid shot train, but my brother and sister refuse to engage me other than to politely reassure me none of them have had an adverse reaction to their covid shots. And now, if they go looking for it, it will have been removed and I'm betting their assumption will be that it was removed for an inaccuracy.

What is protection? Well, even my husband is focused like a laser only on our state health authority's reported ratio of vaccinated covid deaths to unvaccinated covid deaths. Until that number ticks over 1.0, he endorses boosters. His "stopping condition" is calculated by the state, regardless of what Steve Kirsch calculates.

As to the definition of covid deaths in our state... recall that for elections, it's not who votes that counts, it's who counts the votes. Here, it's not who dies that counts, it's who counts the deaths. Or the adverse events.

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I agree. My political beliefs are so entrenched that no amount of evidence to the contrary is going to make me change them.

So how can I expect the vaccinated to change their minds? And make them realise that these vaccinations are dangerous. How is that possible? Too much is made of trying to make people see sense. But humans don’t make sense. So little of what we do makes sense.

I can only imagine that the gathering tragedy will make the difference. And until then it’s either a swollen or broken heart.

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"Don't Believe Everything You Read About Flu Deaths" 01/24/2014 https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:PRuRdC2R8M4J:https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/lawrence-solomon/death-by-influenza_b_4661442.html+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us

"The CDC's decision to play up flu deaths dates back a decade, when it realized the public wasn't following its advice on the flu vaccine. During the 2003 flu season "the manufacturers were telling us that they weren't receiving a lot of orders for vaccine,"Dr. Glen Nowak, associate director for communications at CDC's National Immunization Program, told National Public Radio."

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Short version: "The Origins of the American Public Education System: Horace Mann & the Prussian Model of Obedience" https://youtu.be/HZp7eVJNJuw

Long version: "Examples of Educated People" - John Taylor Gatto on CSPAN in 2009 - Free State Project" https://youtu.be/WpycMRTBrfY

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Official triple-dosing numbers seem to be pretty flat. Perhaps the group-think is split on whether the operative narrative is that this a "vaccine vaccine" or a "flu shot vaccine"(in reality, neither). The amount of force applicable to the already-dosed is obviously limited until they figure out how to finish "reducing" all the "unacceptable" unvaccinated, in the meanwhile - but aside from Israel, no countries seem to be in a hurry. Establishing a globalized norm for the passport is the priority.

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The most stupifying, hubristic thing about the vaccine channelers is that they thought replicating a Spike Protein would be a hole in one. How stupid. How asinine. How dangerous. The idea that they could ingeniously multiply just one part of the suspect virus and call that good is like saying you can eat as much straight sodium as you like or as much straight chlorine as you like because NaOh is necessary for life! But neither biology nor chemistry work that way do they. Their willingness to release the spike protein foreign substance untested into millions of human guinea pigs shows that the creators of this idea are worse than nazi doctors. They literally dont care if people die or are maimed for life because the world is just a petri dish to them and we are all just lab rats.

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I meant NaCl...sorry

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mRNA/Moderna is DARPA's baby, they were going to have mRNA by hook or by crook.

In this video, Michael Specter says "why don't we blow the system up" and Rick Bright characterizes the drive to bring mRNA to the market as "an urgent call for a disruptive entity." This distinctly reminds me of, just prior to 9/11, the PNAC document titled "Rebuilding America's Defenses" where, in order to reinvigorate the defense industry in the new millennium, they cite "the need for a new Pearl Harbor." https://rumble.com/vnd86v-fauci-mrna-vaccines-and-the-connection-to-the-wuhan-institute-of-virology.html

"Moderna: A Company “In Need Of A Hail Mary”" https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/10/investigative-reports/moderna-a-company-in-need-of-a-hail-mary/

It's hubris alright, just not the kind you're thinking of. Don't let them off the hook by ascribing incompetence or inefficiency to what is really malice aforethought and criminal conspiracy. Everything about this screams "foresight," from their actions and statements, like Fauci and Gates' "warnings" that Trump would face a surprise pandemic, to the various wargames and "tabletop exercises" like Event 201, "Stress Tests: An Insight Into Crisis Scenarios, Simulations and Exercises (Unleashing 'Virus Z')," and the European Commission's "Exercise Chimera".

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Remember when Bill Gates smarmily predicted the "next" pandemic would really get our attention?

Marburg Virus thread by KlausSchwabby


More than 12 companies are developing treatments for Marburg virus- a rare disease that has only killed 16 people since 2005.

Primerdesign developed a one-step Real-Time PCR test genesig® in 2018 for Marburg haemorrhagic fever.

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Very intriguing, that Marburg might be used as a scapegoat for vaccine harms. I think that role is actually slotted for Molnupiravir, but Marburg would fit too. I'm inclined to think Marburg is already everywhere. The idea of "discovering" "novel" viruses in Africa that can't be fended off with the immune system, starting from the 70s, is laughable. Second-order vaccine immune-dysregulation effects are obviously a more plausible explanation. But why should science care about the truth.

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Thank you for your work. I finally have something compelling to share with my friends and family who are pondering the booster. Too many believe the safe and effective lie.

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This is an article from Aaron Siri's sub stack. It includes a link to an interview of the first whistleblower by Del Bigtree.


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Makes you wonder what a FOIA against the FDA/CDC for all such communications (concerns regarding vaccine adverse events and/or underreporting) would turn up.

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Does anyone know if the immunity clauses would prevent suits against institutions who thwart VAERS reporting for their own financial best interest?

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I'm beginning to think Pfizer etc must have locked a 'no reporting' clause into their contracts, as they did with Israel apparently.

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The parallels between this and the administration during the Great Depression is staggering. Policies that are internally inconsistent, a willful disregard of the evidence, and an air of being so totally correct, that if only the people did what WE told them it would all be over.


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