Thank you for this tremendous honor, Mathew, as well as for helping me viralize the concept of “philanthropath”!

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Jun 29, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

The tax advantages that the non-profits receive are preposterous. A large part of the rich shielding their wealth is involved in these.

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I tweeted about that the other day. The term "kunlangeta" (uncapitalized... they don't deserve it, IMO) has become a regular part of my vocabulary, thanks to you. https://twitter.com/jcomeau_ictx/status/1541606337208918016

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Jun 29, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Kunlangeta...what a great word! Hadn't heard it before this. Still trying to figure out how to pronounce it correctly.

It's definitely a good word to use in connection with justin turdeau...might even be better than my other favored word that I say whenever I see or hear him: Backpfeifengesicht!

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Jun 29, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Philanthropaths, love the term.... I recognized MAA's handprint instantly. Truly worth sharing, thanks for passing it on for those who might have missed it.

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I wrote an essay about this you might find interesting...

It is about the same subject with a different angle based on Franz Kafka's book "Metamorphosis".

The Transhumanists are quite stupid simply because they only see what they want to see.

They are fooled by their own desires... they are blind to anything that contradicts their believe.

Transhumanism is the product of an empty shallow promise that of Immortality.

As is the Jewish Religion the basis of all evil.


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I love RFK Jr's take on Harari: "This character is a war criminal in search of a war."

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For me she goes too far too quickly, immediately jumping to philanthropaths actively seeking to "liquidate" huge swathes of the population. Linking to her own article that in turn has a keystone of proof in some cherry-picked quotes some an Jacques Atteli talk in the eighties, which the actual thrust of which seems to be post-65 euthanasia for those not optimal for society anymore... which sick and misguided to the loss and unhumanity as it is a toned down version of Brave New World philosophies of popping off at 40 (I know it was a dystopia thought-piece and it's reflective on part of human desire which dates at least as far back as witch hunts which generally murdered old widows who were costing the community on parish pensions).

The numbers don't stack up. Global population growth has been dented by a few million at most. 2021 population growth was about 80,000,000 i.e. 1% of the roughly 7,957,798,739 people on the planet. If they're trying to depopluate with the vaccine, which seems her thrust... they're doing a shit job. Even triple or quadrupled mRNA jabbed has a CFR of less than 1%. And half the world hasn't even had one jab of any kind.

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