Great breakdown, thanks a lot for linking to the latest & your analysis.

Thanks as well for the disappeared Facebook post; we opened this Substack spree a month & a half ago by reminding you raised early awareness on this exclusion shocker (https://openvaet.substack.com/p/pfizerbiontech-c4591001-trial-a-deeper) which should have been sufficient to trigger an audit - but it'll be better with the Facebook post - edited to link here.

People trying to keep you invisible you should carry on, aside for the fact that they are doomed to fail, it makes them a lot easier to spot 😌

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Wise statement at the end .. Like how the media covers heroic doctors, how they'll cover RFK, Jr (running for President!), shows so much about the disgusting transparent manipulation of what calls itself "news" . . . Yet, they are still believed ...

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Excellent piece!

I will add that Dr. Peter Doshi was key to my understanding of the exclusions (and other issues with the Pfizer trial). This link includes his “Everybody knows” speech to a US Senate Committee which is definitely worth a listen (or re-listen). Dr. Doshi has faced tremendous backlash and has been very brave in speaking out on this issue.


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I have not watched it, so thanks for the link.

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I know this isn’t the point of your piece today, but can I just say, I am on Substack, not Twitter. I don’t even read any MSM outlets, mostly just my carefully curated Substack writers. Twitter is akin to reading a trash magazine over a novel. My guilty pleasure is Instagram which is mostly for gardening and border collie inspiration! I’m so careful to chose outlets that are independent minded. And can I say, I’ve learned so much! Recently a friend mentioned how melatonin should only be given in super low doses. Everyone takes it wrong. She said her husbands friend did a study at MIT. (Isn’t this how it goes? I know someone important and this is what they said and that means I believe it 100%?). It just sounded weird to me. So I found the study and READ IT! It was such a frivolous study of only 30 subjects over 9 weeks and didn’t entirely say what she thought. Further, it was funded by the NIH which probably means the NIH was invested in sleep drugs. *I did not confirm. The rest of the study was crap enough for me to disregard it. I NEVER EVER would have done this before. So, let Elon do what elites do. It’s not stopping me from going to the source. And thank you for continuing to offer your independent thoughts on what’s going on around us. I see so clearly now how our minds have been shaped into this false reality. It’s crap. And I’m not into it. Have an excellent weekend!

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I am so far away from Twitter, Facebook, and there's another I can't remember the name of, that I can't remember their names. They're all mainstream media.

The only good information sources are curated Substack writers or YouTube videos from independent providers which provide long-form in-depth interviews with top researchers alongside granular data with links to the source for transparency. The mainstream media never links its sources; you have to trust their credibility.

As you say, the only way to realize how our minds have been shaped by the false reality is

by directly seeing the underlying data with our own eyes. On the common person, from Mein Kampf, "It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously," and, "In the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility." Those together with Lenin's, "A lie told often enough becomes the truth," define propaganda or "psyops," the modern term.

When you see with your own eyes the underlying truth that falsifies the narrative, you ask questions and see more lies. If you then tell someone about your amazing discovery they call you a conspiracy theorist.

Most people still believe the mainstream media "informs." If they looked, they would see, but people work so they have no time to look for themselves, don't know where to look, and don't care enough to look because the processed news is addictive.

It fits their confirmation biases and since it's produced for a 7th-grade reading comprehension level, they can easily remember and repeat it to everyone they know, making the false narratives self-perpetuating and well-protected. Such false narratives may outlast the truth.

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It is interesting that you mention Musk! He is not what he presents himself to be. Manchurian candidate comet to mind. He has not restored the accounts of the people that were banned from the site. If you are familiar with James Corbett of the Corbett Report, go to this documentary about the origins of Mr. Musk and see who he really is. The DOD funded him, still does, and his family background is interesting as well. Just think about a Billionaire tied to the DOD who are behind the covid fraud, and who sends satellites into space for guess who, the DOD. Show me a billionaire and I will show you a crook masquerading as a hero to the masses! Remember the Chek proverb, The big thieves hang the little ones. He is a plant inside in order to mislead and being held up as a defender of free speech, really, just look at what he has actually done on the platform so far and tell me. His tweets are simple with no real content or commitment to anything definitive, just short little phrases. Much ado about nothing. Please watch the Corbett documentary and judge for yourself who he is. Jack.

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Twitter has just banned posts that link to Substack, which tells you all you need to know about Twitter and Musk.

On the subject of Musk, his Green Revolution of electric everything is physically impossible because it would take hundreds of years to mine the minerals required to replace non-renewables, which are oil intensive for mining and transportation.

As for Mars, that is a crackpot idea. The air is less than 1% oxygen, whereas here it's 21%. The planet has no supermarkets, and no internet. Mars has 45 times the radiation of Earth and the average temperature is minus 80 degrees. The moon or under the oceans or Antarctica would make far more sense.

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Should be interesting with Taibbi in the middle of all of this, he has over 400,000 subscribers here between his two stacks.

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Yes, when you pull the curtain back on the "Bluebird wiz" you'll find the DOD.

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Do you have a link to that documentary by Corbett?

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I haven’t watched it yet to be sure, but I think it’s this one: https://www.corbettreport.com/musk/

If it’s not, just go to corbettreport.com and there is a search bar. You can search for Musk.

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Thanks Mathew. The Brooke Jackson case was recently thrown out by a Federal judge. Pfizer was never required to provide any meaningful results from the so-called clinical trials. Katherine Watt over at Bailiwicks New Substack has revealed the legal structure under EUA ( which we are still under ) that provides the framework to eliminate informed consent and other basic rights. Katherine and Sasha predicted months ago that the case would be thrown out for exactly that reason - that no meaningful results were required for the "countermeasures". This certainly looks like a global population cull to me; a war against the weak - what say you?



A link to Dr. Denis Rancourt's latest work which shows 13 million people globally have been killed by the countermeasures:


A video covering the Rancourt paper:


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I think that Moloch is having a panic attack. Yes, people are dying as a result, and will die faster, but I do not think that's the primary goal. The goal is for the parasitic colony to survive. But at any moment, the parasites are going to realize they're competing more with each other. That's when things will get interesting.

I root for Brooke, but was told by her and her lawyers early that her suit is a longshot. So, I'm not watching to get my hopes us, but to support her and them and to observe what gets revealed.

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Thanks. Regarding the trial, there appear to be two camps. Watt and Latypova are saying that Brooke's lawyers approach will always fail, because of the EUA legal structure. The Federal response at the dismissal proves their point. Educate me and tell me if I am wrong: Does it make any sense whatsoever to legally pursue Pfizer when the government says that they did not require Pfizer to produce meaningful results? It appears pointless to me - Brooke's case will ALWAYS be thrown out unless the judge rules that the EUA "laws" are rubbish and illegal. Peace.

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Aside from general thoughts on Constitutional rights (I can pass that high school exam), and a probably imperfect opinion on the interstate commerce clause, assume that the legal domain is outside of my expertise.

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OK. Thanks Mathew. Peace. :-)

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exactky...& what did Latypova declare about fraud: Pfizer gave the DoD what they wanted.

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Yes. I agree. I also agree with Sasha - there was and is Intent To Harm. Peace. :-)

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Wasn't eliminating the "control group" an unmistakable tip-off indicating Pfizer was committing fraud? 🤔

Hence, if fraud was committed the company legally negated their protective "non-indemnity clause" rights, meaning they can be sued for vaccine injuries.

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Except that Pfizer's defence in the Brooke Jackson whistleblower case Pfizer maintains that it can't be charged with fraud because the US government knew all that and still accepted delivery of the product.

That has precedent all the way up to the supreme court. It's called "materiality". If I sell you tungsten and tell you it's gold and you test it and know it is not but you still accept delivery and pay me $2k an ounce then that's on you.

So instead of suing Pfizer you have to sue the contract holder which is DoD. Good luck.

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Can you sue your government for the crime of self-immolation?

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I think we will have to sue the DoD to force them to do their jobs and enforce the contract. Sort of like some union members had to sue their union to force them to do their jobs and protect the rights of the members. 95% unions went along with management's mandated injections demands without even a complaint.

If you need to be sued to make you do your job you should be fired IMHO.

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Fraud vitiates everything.

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Thank you for this stack. Of course nothing in here is surprising. I was reading the verse in my Bible yesterday Ecclesiastes 1:9 What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.

Elon is a little disappointing, although also not surprising. People put too much faith into things that are certain to disappoint.

Life is better when you read the Bible vs reading on Twitter. God Bless and Happy Easter. He is Risen!

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As a retired white collar criminal investigator, I cannot tell you how many times a victim of an online scam, lottery scam, or romance scam (ESPECIALLY romance scams) will never, never, ever, believe the truth, irrespective of how much evidence one presents to them (eg: photos of the perpetrator, financial records, etc). Based on my observations, it's higher than 90%. So, it's best to treat these vaccine/government worshippers as addled and/or developmentally disabled. I would not waste my energy on feeling pity for them, because they would incarcerate us or destroy us if the government told them to do so. Just give them a pitying look when they speak, and then move on.

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It's interesting that you use the word 'worshipper' in this context, given my immediate thought was that deconversion and recognizing a scam are very similar as are remaining in an exploitative religion and succumbing to a scam. To come around to the truth, particularly when it comes from outside one's circle of trusted people, takes a long time of relentless repetition or a crisis moment or through a strategy of Socratic dialogue —and that's either time taken up in the attempt or violence to force the moment, so your advice to move on has wisdom. It probably matters much more when it is someone you love, admire, care for, have fiduciary responsibility over, but the further the disconnection, the greater the disincentive . . .

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Hmmmm. What could the exclusions be? Cough dead cough. It may have been heuristic of me, but 95% accuracy?? Announced within days of mules delivering the last of the needed fraudulent votes. C'mon man. Who's gonna take the shot???

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This is welcome news but I wonder if it will result in any punitive action. My takeaway from listening to Sasha Latypova is that under the PREP Act Pfizer could have put cyanide in the vials with impunity.

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I think they might as well have.

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I think they did

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Your efforts in this seemingly forbidden area are greatly appreciated. I just don't understand how there is not so much more widespread attention to a worldwide scandal.

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The attention is controlled by the media, people are getting it, its just not being reported on. Don't expect a covid19 vaccine death ticker on CNN.

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Cognitive dissonance.

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Eugyppius...why not try this: use Twitter as a teaser. Although you & the long list of “stackers” won’t be able to create a substack link, at least you can still drive readers to your substack by mentioning it. Writing headline teasers will work. Also, I personally don’t use Telegram, open an account there --you can link to substack. Open on Gettr too--it’s a bit too unfiltered, but followings can be built. I have a small Twitter account--never intended to build a following, only to share. In spite of writing headers, Twitter bans at least 30-40% of what i share. i have gotten around it a bit by directing people to the source. Also, i do believe other platforms are quickly expanding that will encourage linking to substack. Daily Clout & HighWire come to mind. Time to have a pow wow with Dan Bongino at Rumble. His audience numbers are slightly under 3 million. Twitter is the snake, as is FB. They bite because they are ordered to do so. If you recall the insane FB IPO, it was clear they had a deep pocketed godfather, using taxpayer dollars to control messaging, manipulate people. The issue you & others have is circulation. While I’m not optimistic about the future of the US, human ingenuity is thriving. Hire someone who will strategize growth reach. Far too many brains like you are too dependent upon a one trick pony.

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"Writing headline teasers will work" - And explain that this primitive but effective "Copy & Paste" is required by Twitter being scared of competition.

PS. This is Matthew's blog not Eugyppius LOL.

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Thanks for making this complex issue understandable to a knave, like myself! How can anyone stand behind these fake vaccines and the continuing push to give these shots and boosters?!?

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This is great Matthew, I'm about to forward this article to some folks

(not sure if I spotted a typo, but "Not things get worse. Much worse."... Should that be "Note things get worse. Much worse."?)

Fantastic analysis as always

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Thanks. Will fix.

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If you scrutinized every drug trial, you would find the vast majority are rife with corruption by any means. It does not matter how the mRNA trials were conducted since it was all for show. No matter how the trials ended or what results emerged, the mRNA substance injections were going to go forward under EUA and other government contractual obligations.

The FDA and CDC were never going to stop the injection parade no matter how many people died in the trials or no matter what other shenanigans were pulled. No court in this country is gonna find fizer or moderna guilty of any wrongdoing...at least nothing that matters beyond the obligatory hand slap. The courts will be bought off or threatened.

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Kinda gotta figure that as the info...(which is coming in droves now)...brings greater clarity to the big picture....means by proxy we should also expect a ramping up of the game plan to distract too many from the reality being exposed.

Short form...."More crap is likely to be hitting the fan real soon, as a distraction."

Not that any of these forensic discoveries has affected my contact list.

No siree....rock solid zombies...chained to their lies and begging for more.

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