Dec 16, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

I am unable to join although I would like to. Agree writing stuff is not enough. am a physician and am constantly gauging who I can talk to. I am practicing different messages with people I sense are receptive. We need talking points.

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Yes. And first we need to discuss those talking points.

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Dec 17, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Marketing people can make dogsh#t smell like cc cookies. Maybe that’s the expertise we need - (most of us are science people). Start selling ‘natural immunity’ – why in the world would you use toxic vaccines to improve your health.

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I popped my head in at several local restaurants (vaxx passes only) last night and said to the closest occupants "only 52 boosters until this time next year". And for two who were still looking like deers in the headlights I added "Good luck".

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hahahhahaha. This is kiwi as.

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Dec 16, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Matthew, We must be able to find a better forum than Clubhouse. We need a platform that works on things other than phones, don't you think? They apparently have IOS and Android versions but no version that will run on a computer where many of us spend most of our time. Am I missing something? Thanks

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We have many platforms.

Clubhouse is strategy for networking purposes and certain aspects of human communication (voice).

Join Operation Uplift and use any platform you like.

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Thank you for being part of this, Matthew! It's funny you reference McCullough and Kirsch. I was just telling my husband yesterday that I see them as unelected leaders in a movement right now and we are the messengers that need to disseminate this information. We are in a marathon to save our country, not a sprint. We will face road blocks and hurdles but I feel confident in the strength of our mission!!

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They are elected---just not in an official government. They have large followings because they're honest and talented in their own ways. Leadership often simply emerges without formal process. In fact, it's usually better that way.

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Totally agree...better to earn a leadership role through positive actions, truthful speech and honest behavior. Kirsch, Malone, McCullough, you, Jessica Rose, Robert Kennedy, etc. We are surrounded by amazing talent and those of us who follow you are doing our part to try to bring truth to light. I must add that the bravery of this group of amazing leaders is contagious. It helps us, in lesser known roles, to be less afraid to step up and speak out. Thank you!!

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Dec 16, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Hi Mathew. I cannot participate in the Club House chat as I am in Europe, and it will be 2.30 in the morning for me. But I would love to participate in any initiatives you have. Background: I have an M.Sc.Eng. Applied Maths. I wrote my thesis in Neural Networks, but feel woefully ignorant on advanced statistics (but passed Stat 1 w. high grades and have tutored it many times). Focus of my studies were digital signal processing and neural networks. If you can use me in any way, let me know.

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Email OperationUpliftTeam@gmail.com

There is a ton to do that does not involve any statistics.

I'm sure we'll have many Clubhouse talks and other communications. There are forums where we meet and work.

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OK, great! I am sure I can learn the statistics needed if it comes to it - wouldn't mind it at all. Where can I find the fora?

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Dawn, Holy heck, I've never felt so trolled haha -- why? I literally thought someone took my CV and posted it here. Me: MA Appl Math (East Coast US) , thesis in neurobiology & signaling, love love love stats, but a pure tyro -- but have taught it several times (love that!) as an 'adjunct professor'. So, it's cool to meet.....umm....."me"....online. Whudda thunk it, on Matt the Stat Guy's newsletter ;-)

If there's a way for Matt to give you my mail (I shan't do it here in public) to get in touch & compare note, please do so! (Matt, feel free to share.) Else, maybe I'll catch you on Operation Uplift chat channel sometime.

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Haha otherwise my twitter handle is @DawnHoff1976

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Argh. Twitter and Facebook == bridge too far for me. No accounts any more...that ship has sailed.

To get into Operation Uplift, send mail to Matt's team at OperationUpliftTeam@gmail.com. (If Cody sees your mail, he's free to give you mine, as well...) From there, get into the Discord channel. I am still "RDM" there!

Perhaps we'll meet, and Looking forward to nerding out on stats!

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Ahh I know - I left FB this spring, but still addicted to Twitter. Not completely useless though, I wouldn't have found this substack if not for twitter, I also have some very useful Rooms that I follow, with very sensible people

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I hear you… I left STEM Twitter because too much bilge started leaking in through the seams and frankly with a little bit of ADD/ADHD I didn’t need the extra stimulation 😜 I’ve got decades of books on my shelves I need to read and increasingly interesting people around ….once I left it was fairly painless….

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We really must be twins :-) I have slight ADD (no H) too

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Correction ^^^^ it's Telegram, not Discord. Snails ate my brain.

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OK, I thought there was a hashtag missing

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Dec 16, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

I'm in! I can help with econ, game theory, mechanism design, etc. Society currently has an "incentive compatibility problem" which can be flipped on its head to turn against The Elites™.

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I REALLY like this. It will be 1.30 am for me but I'm going to try and come. I've been very concerned about the sense of helplessness expressed by people in my native Britain, and the passivity that's apparent in my adopted country of Portugal. I'm starting a very small activism group on another network. It's composed of very enlightened folk but even there is a reluctance to take action. Unless this ends in the next months there's a need for parallel structures and even if it does, we need to be ready for Next Time.

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I stayed up but I couldn't get in to Clubhouse! I don't use a smartphone but I thought I'd managed to install it on Google play and it took me to what looked like a google meeting ... I ended up in a meeting by myself.

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Dec 16, 2021Liked by Mathew Crawford

Hi. Same here the hour is impossible. Shame I’m on clubhouse all the time and I’m sure many people would love to hear you. I can maybe organize something for a morning hour ? ( were gmt +1)

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Email OperationUpliftTeam@gmail.com

There is a ton to do that does not involve any statistics.

I'm sure we'll have many Clubhouse talks and other communications. There are forums where we meet and work.

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Might be a good idea to get away from google, they are the enemy after all.


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We have multiple email accounts off gmail for different purposes.

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But they're all gmail. Gmail is the problem. The emails get scanned by Google which is part of the apparatus of State.

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A good idea that is running through some of these substacks. My only advice after part-taking in one is that everyone just wants to write. Look I love reading and writing but I really don't think that the people who we are trying to convince of these things are readers. They are certainly not going to read something that doesn't pop up through Apple, CNN, or FB/Meta news.

Most of the sheep have been brainwashed by the news, By video and the audio associated with it on massive repetition. We aren't going to change those minds with mere words. We have to show them. My New Year's Resolution is start making more videos.

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Marxists used to reach each other with flyers in places like student unions and nearby student-frequented establishments, and Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, etc. Guerilla marketing like the "I did that!" stickers of Joe Biden placed on gas pumps has been a start.

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Yes. They did that before cellular phones and the internet. I'm not saying we don't drop written information everywhere but we have to deliver a message that will stick.

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I am unable to join although I would like to. Agree writing stuff is not enough. I as a physician and am constantly gauging who I can talk to. I am practicing different messages with people I sense are receptive. We need talking points.

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I keep getting into exhausting debates with my colleagues.. Why are they exhausting? Because these folks are completely brainwashed. ”If stated on the CDC website it is true. Everything else is misinformation”. There must be proven methods to bring brainwashed people back to reality. Logic is not one of them.

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If you see this discussion btw. Chris Martenson and Matitias Desmet, you cannot reach the true believers. But you can reach those in doubt.


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I'm also in Europe and won't be able to attend but count me in for the resistance part! I would very much appreciate some tools/techniques for communicating any of this. I'm pulling my hair out (metaphorically for now at least) at the 'deer-in-the-headlights' looks I get from people when I try to raise awareness. Many thanks for all you are doing Matthew.

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I find the best way to get people to think about "vax-ports" is to ask them:

"How many shots are you going to take?"

Then follow up with:

"Israel just took away privileges from 1.5 million people for refusing the 3rd injection. They've announced the 4th is coming. Lithuania is the same but announcing the 4th & 5th shots"

And finally leave them with this thought:

"You can say "NO" at zero injections or you can say "NO" at 3, 4, 5 and the result is the same. When you REFUSE you lose all your PRIVILEGES because you have NO RIGHTS. You gave them away when you agreed to the vaccine passport"

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Clubhouse is phone-only app? Shame, tant pis, schade, (as we say in english, french, and german...) I guess I'm grateful it's not an 'Apple Watch only' app! :-)

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Step 1: gather.

Step 2: find privacy.

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Jaysus MC, and what’s step 3? “Think for yourself.”?

Incredibly onerous….

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Thanks so much for a wonderful meeting! I'm all in after finishing a (work in progress) manuscript.

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I got the app on my phone but I'm not familiar with Clubhouse.

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I’m reading Kennedy’s book and it turns my stomach! So much evil! And yes we should reject “The Science”. It’s anything but.

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If I were available, I'd be there! Sadly, I won't be but please continue to post about this and I'll hope to attend the next one!

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