I like it. I am a private person who has always shuddered at the idea of putting my head above the parapet, but thinking about it, I realize each of us can exercise leadership in our personal interactions with our fellow human beings. It is easy to do this, and it costs nothing. Simply treat everyone we encounter with dignity, kindness, generosity, and love. Joy is infectious. Building relationships thusly builds trust, and building trust builds community. You are right on the money that hard times are ahead, but we will survive by working creatively together. We nobodys are smarter and more generous than the morons currently in charge. I'm with you that education is crucial; this love of learning is deep within my genetic endowment, generations deep. Attaining optimal health is crucial, too. It is mostly a matter of doing the opposite of what the government says. Building soil health is essential, too. In the 32 years we've resided on this little plot of land, soil organisms have built 2-3 inches of topsoil by my speeding up the process of soil building by giving them nutrients in the form of recyclable plant material. Plants, especially the trees, bring minerals up from deep in the soil. The leaves, when they fall, make those minerals available to the feeder roots, assisted by the fungal symbionts.

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Many of the private and shy (I'm one) have to overcome something to maximize leadership, and bringing them into the fold will add something new.

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I love this...and the diagrams are amazing!

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Warning - leadership may be easy to do until the cancel culture comes down hard on you - just a caution. The political arena of the US is psychologically damaging - by intent. Harass people until they lose their cool. So, expect to be harassed and walk away before losing your cool, and then return to the mud-slinging battlefield.

The propaganda machine has trained the younger generations to expect to have a mentor for their superhero team who guides them. Children who are raised in an authoritarian system will seek out authoritarian leaders as adults who will tell them what to do. Making decisions for oneself being too scary - "who would be liable if it doesn't work? Oneself? Oh, no, we can't have that. We have to be able to blame someone else for our life's issues."

People have been taught to blame and whine and wait for a hero to speak up and tell everyone what to do. The powers in control then squash anyone who is sticking out their neck and speaking up.

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Feb 5, 2023Edited
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yes, I agree, well said. Combine our two thoughts - my caution is that keeping a low profile would be helpful as the powers that be squash people who seem to gain a following. So your description is perfect. We need local networks focused on local sustainability. Tackling the political agenda would get political pushback and not get as far with real world building an alternative structure.

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My brother told me we could not have a scientific discussion as we are not qualified. We both have a law degree, only one of us understood what it was we were studying... I'm fascinated by soil, I have a no dig plot for 20 years, leaves are fantastic, worms love them.

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Me too-on everything you have said so beautifully; thank you...

Also, here are some more things adding to symbiosis in my gardens : companion planting: Hugelkultur, green manures, mycorrhizae and more...The meek-ly fungal and bacterial symbiosis is under appreciated, as are we introverts.

I have been surprised to see people take up actions in the same manner as I am doing, and I feel that the joy it brings to me is somehow drawing others to see the inherent value.

Just a simple example: In the 1970's I began a lifetime passionate motorcycle affair as a woman who just wanted to ride and was not influenced to do so by anyone else...Since then, so many women have come up to me saying they started riding seeing me ride. For me, riding was never about recruiting or influencing others; it was just a flow state and somehow others sensed that.

There is more to humans than the reductionist views of these soul-less matter manipulators. They are stuck in a limited Newtonian view of a world; we are Quantum potentialities that are ready to collapse wave functions. Let us create, the time is now to leave the old view behind. Any fellow New Englanders want to connect?

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What a beautiful way to view our current circumstance ❤️

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First of all Mathew, you are a somebody and I have read your substacks for a while now, so I can say that with certainty. Secondly, your idea of gathering people who think alike, who question the narrative, who have leadership skills is a brilliant idea. I live in the UK and would love to have access to such a group. There are many controversial topics on the table these days, in the UK including 15 minute cities, CBDC, strikes by teachers, border patrol, postal workers, train staff, civil servants, nurses, paramedics/ambulance staff. The government is stoically ignoring all the strikers, as if they did not exist. We know of two in top gov’t jobs are WEF puppets. The concerns are growing, and yet, I only have substack and twitter and other social media outlets to interact with like minded people. I did attend the Better Way Conference in Bath, England last year. It was a tonic. Finally, I admire what you are doing and please know you are a somebody💕

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They won't all think alike, and that's not the worst thing in the world. But they must be committed to building leadership networks. But they will likely lean heavily toward people who have some vision about the problems that we face.

Thank you, and Cheers.

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Don't they have a 'stand in park' close to you Mary? albeit they have fizzled out of late

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Also, Mary Ann, from further afield, aren't there the People's Health Alliances & People's Food & Farm Alliances springing up in the UK in various cities? I can't remember the young woman's name who started the PHA, but she is a natural leader who also believes in distributed networks, not a cult of personality for herself.

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I'm going to affectionately start referring to him as America's favorite math teacher <3

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Thank you for taking a leap of faith with me Mathew, I know hosting and meeting so many strangers in person was WAY out of your comfort zone and I appreciate that you pushed past your discomfort and did it anyway. Delighted to be part of this journey.

For those of you who want to tune in live tomorrow or join the live-audio conversation, please download a copy of Clubhouse (or revive your dormant Clubhouse account) and come say hello. If you're on Twitter, please retweet/quote-tweet the above announcement and help us reach a larger audience.

We appreciate all the folks who came on out to Austin for the dinner, and are bummed to miss those who nearly made it to our evening of thought-criminal conversations at Fogo de Chao. We will host more of these soon, and we'd be honored to see you at the next one.

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Nailed it... I had a dream about my friend who I told about your dinner. I have to be more pro-active about getting you guys to meet. :) Sending a message soon (email).

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The idea that you're "just another nobody" is really pretty funny because it's so not true. You are obviously one-of-a-kind, and in a good way.

You might be the perfect person to be one of the leaders of nobody's leadership network, where everyone is a leader.

It's worth a try! Nothing else seems to work.

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Compliment appreciated. If I can get other people to realize they're leaders, I'll feel accomplished.

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Before FEDs infiltrated, Anonymous was a great exercise in leaderless, distributed network.. there was a favorite quote in the hive, "Great leaders don't create followers they create more leaders." It can work really well & be awesome as a community based system for operating and empowering folks traditionally on the sidelines.

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M. Scott Peck, a Psychologist who was assigned to look into the My Lai massacre in Vietnam, said likewise that following is immature and that a duty of leaders is to help followers become leaders.

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Bring a leader isn’t a STATUS; it’s an ACTION — being in the lead, means taking the steps required to fulfil the TASK. Leadership requires SEEING them ACTING.

You’re doing both right here, M. If others follow YOU, you’re IN THE LEAD.

If others follow your modelling leadership: SEEING for themselves and ACTING independently in their own contexts... you’re facilitating the formation of LEADERS.

A movement is seeded.

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Rev. 11:15 says Man's governments will become God's governments. It doesn't say we commoners can't help make that happen.

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I really, really like the sound of this. I think, to some degree, this is starting to happen everywhere. People are starting to wrest back their sovereignty in all sorts of ways, big and small. We are learning to look for the leaders in our midst. Even the small acts inspire those who have been touched by the hopelessness. Good luck with your endeavour, from down here at the tip of Africa.

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Thank you Matthew. This looks good.

Check this out, re: Distributed Networks:


I am confident that you will do a fantastic job.

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I will take a look, thanks.

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Thanks. I expect that, as a real mathematician, you have this much better worked out. I look forward to its development.

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Technically, I'm not a real mathematician. Never got the degree or published, but I'm fairly handy with problem solving on the discrete math side in particular. I'm more a modeler than anything.

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Great. Better yet. I am excited to see where this idea goes.

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David Schmidt

Thanks for posting the link re ' Distributed Networks'. I've read the (brilliant) description and tabled the podcast to listen later. I also subscribed to your Substack. Peace to you & Greetings from Detroit!

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Thank you, Michelle! B.t.w., it's "tt," not "dt," just so do not mistakenly send replies to that Eric Schmidt guy. Oh, right, he gets everything anyway.

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The Catholic church has a principle something like what you are describing. It's called subsidiarity. It means that all issues should be managed at the lowest level of society possible. So, the vast majority of issues should be dealt with in the family. Then, only if that is inadequate do you move to the local community (i.e. the neighborhood), then to the town or city, then the state, and then, only if there is no other way, the national government. It's the model we used to follow in the US, in fact our government was set up to act this way, until we let the federal government usurp so much power, even reaching into the family to override the authority of parents (think our current education system, run by the Department of Education out of Washington, and the schools role in changing the gender of kids without their parents knowledge.) If we are to survive the "reset" we have to go back to this earlier model. The problem is, most people no longer have intact families, nor do many even know who their neighbors are. There has been a many generations long effort to destroy these very basic building blocks of society, and it's been very effective. I'm lucky enough to live where a very intentional community has already formed, and where a home-schooling co-op and other community groups already exist. We are making plans. Everyone needs this.

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@Deo. Regarding "(think our current education system, run by the Department of Education out of Washington, and the schools role in changing the gender of kids without their parents knowledge.)" that's why I favor homeschooling. By the way, where is your intentional community etc?

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Is it listed at IC.org?

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No. I didn’t realize there was such a thing as official intentional communities. What we are doing is a little different than that. I guess I need to use different terminology.

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I had filed the following away in file called: Leaders

Reading what you wrote reminded me of it:



Grand Theft World 072 | Special Guest Matthew Ehret


Why Richard Grove's Autonomy Course Stands Out

Matthew Ehret - Aug 26




It seems that Richard Grove would be a good facilitator for finding / empowering some functional leaders?

Whistleblower Richard Grove: Creator of “Autonomy”

No Lies Radio Live Streaming Published March 12, 2022


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I will take a look, thanks.

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I am a builder and would like to attend the conference in Miami.

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Matthew, Looks like a great idea -- and what is the downside? I would join but will be flying at that time. But fingers crossed that there will be more such events/

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Ok Mathew, this inspires me enough to upgrade to paid status. HOPE is such a wonderful thing!

I am a retired system architect and would like to bring my architecture skills to this table. Not many people have heard of this specialty as it is only about 20 years old although the Air Force started the initial concept in the 1980's (and no, it is not specific to defense). I'll do may best to tune in this afternoon

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"Distributed network" looks a lot like a mesh network...just sayin'

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If those at the conference could come up with some material about how we got here and maybe something about possible solutions, then some intrepid volunteers could book conference rooms at local libraries, advertise, however possible, workshops, and lead them. Any controversy attracted would be free advertising.


non-violence should be stressed

nothing done in secret

strategies for dealing with provocateurs should be prepared

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OK, fuck it. I was going to start on my own with a local group first, but if I can get the clubhouse app to send me the SMS required for installation, I'll maybe join in. So far 4 tries, no luck.

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John (jc) Comeau

I'm very interested in finding a local group in Southeast Michigan. Problem is: HOW does one find like-minded individuals locally? I mean people are SOOO divided and Covidians escalate toward anger quickly. I just don't know how to tell who is who to start a conversation with beyond NOT approaching anyone wearing a mask or proudly wearing Vax status as badge of honor on their social media.. I only find like-minded peeps on these type of forums and it seems rude to ask, " Hey! Anyone from Southeast Michigan want to talk about how our tyranical government is off the rails & is killing us? I'll bring the coffee. " I think it extremely important that we have local community groups for networking, I just am stymied at how to find or start one. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Peace!

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Thanks for your post. The issue of relocalizing is huge and daunting - FreedomCells.org is a fledgling attempt at online networking for local organizing, related to the Greater Reset conferences and their local activation hubs. We actually went down to Texas for a their Medical Freedom conference but still found it hard to network - even awake people are flummoxed as to how to connect in person anymore! And still so much of this is being funneled through online portals which have their own complexities and weirdness - getting apps that don't work or demand my privacy be sacrificed are just a couple of the dumb things I keep stumbling over. I too have been planning to just put up some flyers at the local library in the small town I live in, here in northern Indiana to meet for talking circles. Fort Wayne, which is an hour away from me, has some very nice cafes and should be a hub for organizing something of this sort.

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I like what Bush and Broze are doing, generally, but I hear you---we need to train methods of networking, too.

I hope to have those guys on my podcast sometime. I went to one of their events in Buda last year (and for three hours the end of this year's Greater Reset to give a hug to my friend Rebecca, the documentarian). It does seem that some of the people have made progress with townsteading.

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Michelle, it certainly is difficult.

They have intentionally atomized and isolated us. For all the imperfections, this is what a society made of strong families was able to accomplish. For young people who also should be looking to find a potential, good spouse---this is an added challenge that many experience. This is not meant to discourage you though. If you are to be married, it a fantastic calling if you do it properly. A good spouse is an invaluable co-defense and co-creator. You will enjoy the benefits of many children as you grow old. And certainly--as a society--we can use the children.

I have had, cautiously speaking, some success in parishes. Some of my best friends accumulated over the years I have met there. It makes sense, prayer and the Sacraments are powerfully efficacious beyond human understanding and, in a natural and informatic analysis alone, do work as filters for your castle walls as well as acting as fortifying sentries guarding the parapets.

But, I warn you, you can encounter some real difficult actors and bad situations there too. Those gargoyles near the tops of the cathedrals are apt reminders that demons work there as well, and perhaps especially as you go "higher up." The tools of the faith will save you, but--again--be ready to exercise them.

Reading and literature are great. They provide balm for the lonely times. Reading good stuff (not just entertainment) continually makes us all more interesting, is a protective guide for improving your "vision" and filters, and it will help in community building.

There is no easy way around this. Avoid haste or thinking to easily that you have "found it," whatever 'it' is. Disappointments are the essential sculpting process. Life is not meant for the weak, that is what I discovered.

I do not know if you wanted a homily. Sorry. I did not intend for it to come of condescending in any way. It sounds like you are asking intelligent questions about this stuff sooner than I did. That is fantastic and is a very hopeful sign that you can and will be successful.

If none of this applied, just ignore me. (But please do check out a podcast or Substack article or two.)

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David Schmidt

All sage advice. Thank you. I am 60 years young and was not able to have children. I'm a huge lover of reading and gardening. I'm Christian & although I pray these days like a whirling Dervish on steroids....I haven't been to a church in many years. Perhaps I'll start at my local parish. Thank you for you kind and well-thought reply!

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You are welcome, Michelle. I understand. From my perspective (a Catholic) the local parishes, their spirituality (I won't get into that here) and their civic life, have been profoundly damaged---just as is seen in the general society that flows from the spiritual society and individual souls. Nevertheless, you have some significant personal powers for doing good for "The Building" as well as for yourself.

I will write ans article for Substack where I offer my suggestions for reading. I planned, as described in my podcast on the "Empty Bookcase," to do so by now. Thanks for reminding me of the opportunity and giving me the provocation to get busy. That is all such suggestions are, suggestions. There is an enormous amount that I am sure that I have not yet encountered, let alone read. I am still learning. But this is where we start, each individually at first. The agglutination of clear-minded people into networks will--and already is--happening. This progression is natural when people start to remove the things that ruined our clarity: the Media, entertainment and toxic fantasies; consumerist and lifestyle distractions; empty promises of careerism and glamor and--of course the real poisons--pornography and anti-natalist ideologies in all of their crafted manifestations.

We are already well into the civilizational destruction. It did not just happen. But we can, and I am confident that a successful surmounting of the obstacles and enemies ahead. Triumph is assured. Getting there will take effort, sagacity, courage, right prayer and activity. Passivity is not the same as legitimate "rest;" nor is "quietism" nor are the other falsities that we are sold as impersonators of true contemplation.

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Exactly! I lived up north in Grand Traverse area for a while. Did find one neighbor who was on board with the concept. However, now back in the south, I am at a loss. Being in a "tech central" city, there must be more of us. But as I am retired, it is hard to find them - on the other hand, I have time to actually work on things. I suspect the serious leader-locals are hiding in some portion of the internet that I haven't found.

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I think a lot of us are hungry for this, which is why I was happy to see Matthew's post this morning. Perhaps we can begin to use the internet to begin to organize on a local level again.

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Hi John. I never liked the "Clubhouse" thing. Steve Kirsch started that with his vaccine site, after the Zoom meetings, and I was disappointed. It probably has good features so I do not want to trash it, but it is just that it is "App"-bound and I get excluded.

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I found Mathew on Clubhouse, and listened to some great conversation. But it is very hit and miss

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I believe you have to use your cell phone for the Clubhouse app.

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I use the Clubdeck app from my PC. I dislike using too many phone apps for social media.

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The way everyone can become a distributed leader is simply taking responsibility in your local space as the opportunity presents itself, that is, to step up when action is helpful or required. That depends on proper parenting which I've noticed Europeans and the Japanese do much better than Canadians, Chinese, and Americans, who hang back and wait to be told what to do. These latter seem afraid to take the risk of executive decision-making. I speculate this may be because the Kardashians have replaced John Wayne.

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There is zero doubt that a lot of important aspects of education and emotionality is downstream of culture.

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Cultural values may stifle or create character but character can rise above and modify culture - unless it's the culture of standardized control required by centralized technology.

Centralized control is game over for Humanity and is being deployed as agile decentralized fifth-generation warfare, using our minds to control both culture and character via thoughts, emotions, behavior, and language. Essentially, mind parasites have been implanted that affect our decision-making. Our brain structures are being walled off by cognitive dissonance.

We've become contented cows commuting to the fields in the morning and returning to the barn in the evening, for milking and eventual slaughter.

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