It's quite difficult to accept that the entire medical establishment is corrupt and trying to kill you, an integral part of the most corrupt empire in recorded history. How could all those people we had always looked up to, who had dedicated their lives to helping people and saving lives, possibly be involved with something so evil? It wasn't hard to accept a pocket of incompetence uncovered by Erin Olszewski (https://www.bitchute.com/video/3ivASg6BHp1y/), the capture of WHO and Anthony Fauci by Bill Gates and Big Pharma exposed by the Eastern Virginia Medical School and the capture of virtually all of corporate media by those same evil elites. After all, we had learned of the lies and government involvement in all the assassinations of the '60s, the Vietnam War, Iran-Contra, April Glaspie and Desert Storm, WMD and Iraq part 2, Libya and Syria. We could accept corruption at the pinnacle of authority, but surely our own trusted physicians, with whom we had a decades long, seemingly personal relationship, would do what's best for us. Yes, of course some would be ignorant, so I read up about zinc and zinc ionophores, Dr. Zelenko, vitamins C and D. My physician had endorsed a vitamin D supplement, and about that time I tested out at 43 mg/mL. I did a bit more investigation and learned Fauci was taking 6,000 IUs/day, so I did the same.

The first inkling I had that my faith in the medical profession in general was unwarranted was when I asked my Mayo Clinic internist at the end of 2020 whether he'd be willing to prescribe either HCQ or IVM should I become ill with Covid-19. After several days delay, no doubt consulting with the hierarchy, he dodged the question and told me treatment would be up to "the treatment team." That made me uncomfortable, but the Clinic had repaired a hernia, saved me from a PE, cancer and a heart attack. I investigated telemedicine and got prophylactic IVM through that route. When 6 mos. later, I heard Dr. Ardis describe how Remdesevir and ventilators had become "standard of care," I was skeptical. Then I heard Dr. Vliet describe how difficult it had been to force Mayo to continue IVM or discharge a patient, so I investigated Mayo's website on Covid-19 and discovered they were indeed using Remdesevir. About the same time I learned that, through a "carrot and stick" approach, CMS has forced virtually all hospitals and clinics to adopt Remdesevir and ventilation, just as Dr. Ardis had said. Finding it difficult to get more IVM through telemedicine, I ordered HCQ, IVM and doxy OTC from India and started an HCQ prophylactic at the start of flu season.

I continue my journey, no longer an advocate of Medicare for All, unable to support either Democrats, Trump or most Republicans because of foreign/military policy, and Empire (whether globalist or US-centric as Trump wants). The Western system is deeply corrupt, far more corrupt than any "banana republic" at which we point our collective fingers, be it Venezuela, Nicaragua or even El Salvador. I pray for US collapse and a restoration of the values of the Founders in some small group of states or localities.

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You have eloquently captured the zeitgeist. A stoic, dispassionate enquiry along your, and many more I suggest, journey with naive confidence in our institutions.

Until the deceptions, required penetrating the fog of war, were starkly, overwhelmingly vivid. Thank you.

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Simply, most are hyperconformists. That's how they got into the system. The system indoctrinated them to pursue $$$ and the cozy accolades of further conformity. As long as that was consistent with saving lives, great. Now, not so much. That's also what makes Dr. Zelenko, FLCCC, Dr Malone, Dr McCullough et al so remarkable.

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Yes. Straight A students in HS and college tend not to be those who challenge the teacher or school administration. Also, the silos don't help. They're taught to trust the "experts" in other silos.

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I feel a bit like Capt. Yossarian, Catch-22's protagonist, a B-25 bombardier. Everybody knew the Germans were trying to kill them, but Yossarian was alone in believing that most of his superiors and even the unit psychiatrist were trying to get him killed as well.

(The psychiatrist said that if Yossarian willing went on missions, he was crazy and would be grounded, but if he said he didn't want to go on a mission because the Germans would try to kill him, then he was sane and would have to go. Hence the book's title.)

Yossarian was what we call a "conspiracy theorist."

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When I read KV, this masterpiece and CC, I was enlisted AF in a very unpopular war. Your comment brought a much needed wry smile in these our troubled times.

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Cat's Cradle? Ah, yes. KV was writing of bioweapons and arrogance when he invented Ice-9. I'm glad you made it through.

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I did a little more thinking about Ice-9, Covid-19 and the vaccines. The military theory behind GoF and vaccines is that you create a really devastating GoF virus at the same time you create a vaccine for it. Then, you vaccinate the people you want to save and release the virus. Of course, the danger is that you wind up with an Ice-9 event if you don't get the vaccine rolled out fast enough or if people are "hesitant." The Kunlangeta types affiliated with the military, as well as the eugenicists, would consider it a bonus if the independent or rebellious people were killed by the virus while the compliant people who accept the vaccine are indeed saved.

Unfortunately, DARPA didn't consider the thinking of globalist, Maltusian, misanthropic geneticists, who are perfectly fine with a weak virus like SARS-Cov-2 as a "vector" for the distribution of the real bio-weapon, vaccines that instruct the body's cells to make the highly toxic spike protein. Of course, in that scenario it's the compliant ones who are killed or rendered infertile by the vaccine, while the difficult, skeptical types survive. No matter, because the goal of these well intentioned stewards of nature is simply human population reduction in an effort to "save the planet." They hate themselves as much as humanity, so if Gavin Newsom had to take one for the planet, so be it. He's perfectly insane, which is why he took the shot voluntarily. The rest of us sane folks must be forced, like Yossarian. Yup, the greatest Catch there is!

I thought Heller and Vonnegut were just satirists, but turns out they were prophets.

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Any chance you could point in the direction where you bought? In Europe it is non existent

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All Day Chemist dot com. Took 5 weeks. I ordered 100 12 mg and 30 6 mg tabs.

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I DuckDuckGo'ed OTC ivermectin and more or less picked a site at random. Don't remember which one, but it turned out to be in India. I don't think the site I used still exists, but their email receipt directed me to https://www.order-cs.com. I saw some reviews of it later that indicated some shadiness. The product was routed through Germany. I was a bit nervous about having perhaps wasted my money, but the product was delivered and its packaging indicated authenticity. The referenced site above is useless for you except for the phone numbers. You might be able to call them and get an account set up. Sorry can't be more help.

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I was nervous as well, but my order arrived. Have covid now, 2 weeks after my package arrived. Took 1st dose today.

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Glad you received it in time.

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Follow the FLCCC or AAPS treatment protocols, as the IVM works in conjunction with other meds. Good luck to you.

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yes, I'm following the Math+ protocol. I'm also doing 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar diluted in 8 oz of warm water every night.

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Thank you so much. Kudos for taking the risk.

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Are you on Twitter? The people protesting will know who will still prescribe it in person.

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Damn. Once again, you're putting into words what I've known and felt for years. This is amazing writing. I felt resigned and bitter about it for so many years, but now there's a critical mass of people who know it, too, so although things are worse than ever before on that front, things are better than ever before, too. That's the wonder of it all. Maybe the whole world really can rise like a phoenix from the ashes, finally?

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Before the essay switched gears - "staying home sick" is modern society's dumbo's feather, as far as I can make out. I have flaunted the advice three or four times in my working life, it's never mattered as far as workplace transmission. Sped up my recovery, as far as I can tell.

If one sick person is in contact with 10 others, do they collectively defuse the dose so that none of them get sick? Do "superspreader" events actually occur when a certain number of the other 10 were also harboring and shedding near-symptomatic levels of virus, and all tip each other over the edge? Does person-to-person transmission actually occur in the order it is observed, in most cases? How much depends on the sync between innate-immune-managed levels of replication and background environmental concentration of virus, which fluctuates with seasons/ Vitamin D? If two cohabiting individuals are harboring virus at two different rates of innate immune spread, can the one who got it second become symptomatic more quickly, and shed enough virus to "overwrite" the dominate genotype in the one who actually was infected first, going on to lead to an apparent reverse order if the virus is sequenced? Is the general rule "paying attention to a seasonal virus, altering our normal patterns of contact, leads to more seropositive cases (less innate / memory T Cell suppression) per wave"?

These all seem like obvious, intuitive possibilities. The best answer is that we don't know. We've never figured these answers out for influenza or polio and we won't resolve them for coronavirus. The advice "stay home when sick" (aside from when you're flat on your back) has no scientific basis when it comes to seasonal viruses, it's just moral signaling.

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And it signals immoral behaviour. i.e. acquiescing in counter productive behaviour.

Counter productive to the point of lethal. In the covid context.

For early treatment is, as we know, critically important with covid.

'Staying at home' according to govt mandate means staying at home without early treatment. Without Ivermectin of HCQ or even advice on Vit D or airflow, or health generally or the psychological benefits of friends, family, feelings of empowerment.

'Staying home' by govt mandate means quite specifically staying at home until you're so sick you're literally on the verge of critical and a ripe candidate for ICU treatment, Remdesivir and intubation: murder.

Staying at home is tacit concurrence.

Just as is wearing a mask, ineffective at best actually harmful in many instances, always harmful in the wider context.

A mask over the mouth is actually a mask over the eyes, blinding one to reality.

Staying at home in the mandated sense is an ante room to the morgue.

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I've noticed other aspects where questionable assumptions are being made or kept. It seems more as if evidence is being forced to fit a theory than a theory being generated that properly fits all of the evidence.

For instance, when it comes to the spread of SARS-2 (and other respiratory viruses). In the beginning it was all about large droplets and fomites (hence the emphasis on masks and sanitizing) and it has been a long struggle to get acceptance that it can be (and likely primarily is) spread via aerosols, which can hang in the air for days and spread much further than 6 feet. Logically we should then be asking if we can even do anything to fight the spread of aerosols and if the answer is no (as I think it is) then we should focus on treating people as quickly and intensively as we can instead of wasting resources and energy on masks and lockdowns.

Following on from the spread by aerosols, I've noticed that there doesn't seem to be any investigation into just what happens with the aerosol droplets of virions after they get out into the immediate atmosphere around a person. Is it that these aerosols sometimes get carried up into the higher portions of the atmosphere like other aerosols, where they can get carried by the winds or become part of the clouds? Does the virus spread not just via human-to-human interaction but also human to (other animal), animal to animal, animal to human and via the environment (wind, precipitation)? This for instance would seem to account for 3 observed events:

1. the mysterious outbreak aboard an Argentinian fishing vessel in June/July of 2020. Out of the 61 sailors, 57 came down with covid after 35 days at sea following 14 days quarantine before getting on the boat and having tested negative before quarantine (and getting on the boat I believe) and no contact with dry land or any other vessels for those 35 days. Doctors I've spoken to about this though seem unable to think outside of the box of solely human to human transmission and the incubation period (originally 5-14 days) seemingly expands or contracts so as to be able to factor in some human-human interaction that is perceived to be the definitive exposure event. So I've heard it said that the thinking is that the incubation period could be as long as 30+ days "in some cases" based on some observed cases and contact tracing. This feels like looking for the keys under the streetlight only.

2. the outbreak in the Antarctic research station (the virus got carried there on the wind most likely)

3. observation that there were spikes in cases in northern Brazil (in the amazon region) after heavy rains. Part of the theory to explain this is that the virus is caught via indoor spread and that more people are indoors during heavy rains. So far so good, but the question arises, how does the virus get indoors in the first place? Surely it didn't just appear there via magic. What if having been carried aloft into clouds, the virions get concentrated in rain drops and as the drops hit the ground you get new clusters of aerosols with lots of virions and then these aerosols get wafted indoors or infect persons who happen to be outside and then they carry it inside?

This might also explain why SARS-2 (and other respiratory viruses) seem more prone to causing disease during seasons with denser air (cold winter's air) and during precipitation events (rain or snow). For some part of the world, summer is associated with a rainy season (for instance Central America and the southern United States) which is more or less the hurricane/stormy season.

It's also funny how in the recent past it was accepted that you could simply catch a cold if you exposed yourself too much cold weather without adequate protection or even got soaked and didn't dry off properly. How did one catch a cold then if not from some unclean infected person standing 5 feet away? How could one catch a cold being out camping by yourself with only foxes, cardinals, finches, owls, beetles and oak trees for company?

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For Antarctica and the camping example, we're probably carrying our seasonal viruses around all year. If only 1/10^6 gets through innate immunity to actually prompt a cell to lyse, well, it still creates 10^6 new copies. 1 of those goes on to succeed again, maybe in the same respiratory / GI tract, maybe in someone else's. All of this is below what we can detect with serology or isolation, especially sewage isolation which is very low resolution - but it ensures that the virus doesn't die out or at least the decay / half-life is long enough to make it to next season.

When innate immunity wanes with vitamin D fluctuations, the 1/10^6 drops to 1/10^5 in a given population, then you have spread. Eventually you get network effects - innate immunity in person A would still have stopped the virus, but person B shed an extra 10^6 on them and detectable infection resulted. It looks like person to person, but it's only part of the story. Population-wide adaptive immunity then rises and eventually drops the success rate again. Virus wanes back to background rate. This accounts for influenza - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18298852/

Atmospheric transmission and rain overlap with those patterns. I'm a bit wary of the methods but this study suggests long range travel and precipitation from deserts and oceans. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41396-017-0042-4 Again it's probably a network effect. None of the viruses going from sewage to ocean to atmosphere to rain storm would be viable normally - they would look dead in a lab test, as with the recent air suspension study that found a 6 minute half-life, but if they are placed in an environment where other virons are already stressing innate immunity, they create observable patterns of symptoms. That's my take.

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I think they never will. People don't admit error easily and especially when it's shameful and extra especially when there's no real need because they have many others with them to help them refuse to admit it.

Which will be the case, won't it?

Reaching 'the other side' despite and regardless of any history or evidence I'm betting they'll all say 'We weathered that storm, we acted together, we handled it, we went through hell, but we did it - and those maskless malcontents didn't do a thing to help!'

And you/we will be marginalised further and hated for what we're doing now.

Seems to me many think we'll eventually be vindicated and recognised and then loll back and accept the apologies and the applause for our foresight.

Don't kid yourself.

How does that profit them in the least?

What need is there for them to take that track?

On the airborne viruses. This simple article affirms they are ubiquitous and airborne all the way to the troposphere. They don't explicitly say it but the infer that such viruses can be viable. For they say that this transmission explains why genetically similar viruses can be found all over the earth. If we suppose they mean genetically similar viable viruses.

plus I just found a link in your papers to a study that finds they can remain viable.


Thank you for those links. Excellent papers.

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I felt off on Saturday and Sunday, worse on Sunday. Took a home test last night and it was positive. Woke up feeling great today and would have happily gone in public today if it weren't for my positive test last night. Because of my family situation, I'm going to stay isolated for my 5 days and then resume life assuming I'm still well.

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I took flush niacin (only 25 mg multiple times to avoid the flush), 5-HTP and gaba, Vitamin D, lypospheric Vitamin C, and zinc. I also drank 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar diluted in 8 oz warm water.

And today I took a 12 mg tab of ivermectin because of a slight headache (not even aleve worthy).

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Thank you Mathew for sharing your personal account and reflections. I sincerely hope you are back to feeling 100% soon.

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I'm glad you're feeling better. I really appreciate your work and articles. Given the difficulties with test results, why did you feature those so prominently in these two Testomonials? We've all had colds and flus with varied and miserable symptoms, most of which we have forgotten over the years because we didn't chronicle them. Now, of course, we compare each symptom to the well-known and broad list of COVID symptoms. Do we only have colds and flus now if we have symptoms but have negative test results?

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I can't cover all hypotheses in every article. But good science involves documenting everything. Perhaps that documentation will allow me to look back and rethinking something? Unlike literature, not every detail need to be understood to impact the story.

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Good point, thanks for your answer.

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Taking ivermectin prophylactically for 7 months caused “negative” and “inconclusive” PCR test results until a positive rapid test. 5 days of Ivermectin defeated Covid with very minor symptoms. Prophylactic and early treatment with C, D3, Zinc, Quercetin, & Rhinocort (Budesonide) helped keep viral load to a minimum; no cytokine storm; and, little/no inflammation. Staying healthy; not being obese; and, not having comorbidities… surely helped. Manage your health; be proactive & use off-label meds prophylactically, and for EARLY treatment, with cooperating doctors.

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How do you know those prophylactics are the reason for mild/no presentation of disease? I know of plenty of middle-aged people who have done none of those things, who have definitely been exposed (e.g., one of their kids got it, a spouse got it, etc.) and who just did not get sick at all (or had a sniffle). I don't disagree that preparing your terrain as C. Martenson puts it probably helps, but I also know of people who were as healthy as one can be and still got severe disease or even died. (one recent example: Orange County CA deputy district attny Kelly Embry, unvaccinated but apparently very healthy and not obese, died recently from Covid. I suspect given her vocal opposition to vaccines, that she was on a Vit D and other alleged prophylactics.) I think there is a lot we still don't understand and I just don't believe these "truth" statements about prophylactics or even administering Ivermectin, etc. at early onset is necessarily the reason someone does not get severe disease. What the actual truth of the matter remains to be seen but at this point we cannot prove that taking these prophylatics prevents severe disease. I wish we had some robust data on it, but sadly we do not.

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No one knows anything because the tests are complete fraud.

"The tests are not actually authorized for the purpose of evaluating contagiousness.". Rochelle Walensky CDC Director

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We need to start with the basic question: Is covid-1984 actually an infectious disease?

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There have been several accounts of severely ill patients whose family have had to sue the hospital in order to receive IVM. These were people the hospital had written off as not going to survive, very low odds, and they still weren't willing to allow IVM as a last resort. Chilling to think that the hospitals and doctors were willing to let them die. These people recovered quickly after being given IVM. Here's one story.


Here's more of a follow up story about the patient


I think there's enough proof that IVM works and enough proof that one should stay out of hospitals by any means if you catch Covid.

There is some controversy about using IVM/HCQ as a prophylactic but among those practitioners that prescribe them, all stress using them early to maximize your odds of recovery. Maybe most people would survive Covid without IVM but you have no idea if you are in that 1-5% that won't and that's not including the possible side effects from Covid. The minority get these side effects but an IVM protocol can mitigate/prevent them. So why not. There are long Covid practitioners who do prescribe IVM successfully but, like every drug, it doesn't help everyone.

There seems to be a major lost opportunity to determine who dies or is disabled from Covid or the vaccines. Genetic sampling of each group and autopsies should have been done. Sure would be nice to determine who's at risk via a test.

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Somewhere a long time back I saw a report where they stated that in all their patients they couldn't find a single one with Covid that had adequate Vit D levels. Of course that doesn't mean Vit D explains everything. But conversely we can't say that an apparently healthy person with adequate Vit D getting sick even to dying invalidates everything.

I mean reductio ad absurdum: healthy people getting fatally sick all the time - does this mean forsake health?

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I’ve wondered about this myself. Claiming that prophylactics minimize disease is like claiming that the vax keeps one from getting “really sick” (“Imagine how bad it would’ve been!”).

My family (chronically-ill husband, son [24], and I) all got Covid back in December 2020; none of us were supplementing much (let alone taking HCQ or IVM), and none of us got very sick (I wouldn’t have even known I was sick, except our son tested positive and I had the weird, temporary loss of taste). My “boys” were more symptomatic, but it wasn’t a big deal, and the illness didn’t seem to be bi-phasic. And we are certain they had it: both recently tested positive for antibodies and T-cells/lymphocytes (I didn’t bother getting tested).

I have since stocked up on IVM and the recommended supplements, but I wonder why anyone would treat mild symptoms of ANY illness (like a regular cold or flu); symptom-reducing “medicine” does little for actually treating—let alone curing—disease. Experience has taught me that, generally, “less is more”.

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I read that Kelly Embry was C19+, was gardening, and threw a clot...not the typical course for a C19 fatality. She may have had an (undiagnosed) clotting disorder. This virus can still cause clots. IMO, anyone with a positive test should take prophylactic aspirin.

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Didn't know that. One more reason to take it early.

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Knowing is understanding stats and risk... a successful treatment shifts the mean response significantly, but their is still variations around the mean... each treatment has its limits but when applied with others you get an incremental improvement on average ... but even then anomalies occur that can lead to treatment failure...

Quoting one anecdote doesn’t destroy the underlying narrative that prophylactic treatments help...especially in an environment where a Covid death can mean anything from died with to of... delays, complications secondary infections hospital mistreatments etc all affect out comes ... the body is highly resilient but as it takes a few knocks it weakens...

Most trials exclude a vast array of variables to provide a comparison of one or two variables .... in that situation you can get high R2 but put those treatments out in the real world where there are many more variables the R2 drop dramatically.... this in one read why the vaccines show little benefit in reducing cases or death as the proportion of the population vaccinated increases ... its only one small factor in a big puzzle... with many many other variables

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There’s probably a lot of folks on low dose Prozac and regular consumers of Pepcid that didn’t know they were taking probable therapeutics.

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Presumptions and assumptions hardly build a case for claiming that prophylaxis offers little or no benefit.

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You could look at the latest Brazil studies on it. Plenty of robust data if you look.

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The guy that calls himself Health Nerd in the article he is hard to take seriously when he has the fatty man boobs.

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Jan 16, 2022
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Sorry but your suspicions are incorrect. Just so happens I am from Orange County (recently relocated to FL) and have work in the Orange County criminal defense field (and still do remotely) so I know the details. Her husband clearly stated she was not vaxxed and that she died of Covid. The OCGOP couched he announcement in "died of sudden illness" but that sudden illness WAS Covid. I am all about the truth whether it confirms my beliefs or not.

https://www.sfgate.com/california-politics/article/California-Kelly-Ernby-COVID-vaccine-mandate-death-16749684.php https://www.foxla.com/news/oc-deputy-da-vocal-critic-of-vaccine-mandates-dies-of-covid-19

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And I don't want to monopolize the discussion here but according to her husband, she refused to go to the hospital after she got sick. Now I am going to go out on a speculative limb here but could it be that she refused to go to the hospital because, being such a vocal public figure against vaccines, she was afraid of being shamed or excoriated by medical personnel? Possible and if so, sad.

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What would the hospital have done, anyway? I don't share your intuition that she would have been hip to treatment options. I'd like to know how she managed to have a "sudden Covid 19" death, as well.

Other than that I agree with your point that the therapeutics are just as subject to the "it would have been worse without them" fallacy as the vaccines, propping up the mirage of a universally lethal virus.

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No one can make a definitive statement as to the cause of death without an autopsy. Her husband is clearly in a mental prison of his own making. By the way, I should like to see anyone in a court of law defining what covid is. I believe they would have a very hard time.

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Jan 16, 2022
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I certainly don't disagree with someone taking any of the alleged prophylactics that cause no harm. Hell, I take a stack of vitamins (D, K2, Zinc, Quercetin, et al.) on the possibility that they may protect. I think the balance of studies re Ivermectin land on the fence but I cannot come to any conclusions and I see no harm in taking it. **My issue is with the "fact" statement that were it not for these interventions, the presentation of the illness would have been much, much worse, often mimicking, in a sense, the same thing the pro-vaccination crowd says, without convincing evidence. These comments re prophylactics often come from the same people who state, correctly I believe, that Covid is a mild disease for all but the most vulnerable and unhealthy and thus, from the other side of their mouth, implicitly support the Covid is dangerous narrative, while in fact it is not a deadly disease.**

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This is the world we live in. In Australia if you repeat that paragraph and you're a doctor you could be breaking the law, could be disciplined, have been already told not to do it, for all I know could be struck off.

That's terrible, right? It is an awful state of affairs, right? Makes us all look like abject slaves, right?

Then how about this: some 90% of the population doesn't know, doesn't care.

How terrible is that, then? Where are we now?

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Sounds like my protocol. No virus so far.. May I ask your age? Assuming no 💉?

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60+… but healthy. Vax should be for those who want to be a guinea pig in a dangerous experiment… ;)

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This is SO GOOD. Such a clear picture of what's going on. Baby steps is right... Any time I see someone local who begins to question the narrative, or expresses skepticism I grab them into my "information corner". Grassroots, localized progress.


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I am beyond grateful for finding you

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I was able to start treating my Covid with Ivermectin on day 4 of symptoms. Symptom progression stopped at that point but I was still very fatigued for several days. I had already been taking some of the standard supplements like D3, Zinc, and C and supplemented with over the counter decongestants and an albuterol inhaler. I was sick just over 1 year ago, Christmas 2020, so presumably had Alpha or whatever else was around at that time. My treatment was delayed due to having to drive 70 miles to a concierge physician to get an Ivermectin prescription after being turned down by Big Health providers. I'm very late 40s and in fairly good shape with no co-morbidities. By day 10 I had resumed light activities around the house and by 15 I resumed light workouts (though was very fatigued and still with an elevated resting heart rate). I complained about this and one of my coworkers who is a similar age and also runs marathons but does not believe in early treatment said he could not walk up the stairs at 15 days without getting out of breath and could barely run a 5k at 40 days after symptoms started.

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I was able to get Ivermectin from a practitioner via telehealth. She called it in to a pharmacy in another part of the state and they mailed it to me. You can find telehealth practitioners on FLCCC.net. Many physicians will not prescribe hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin because the hospital system they affiliate with will not allow this. These corporations are fearful of going against the CDC, NIH, etc. Add to that there is no profit in either of these inexpensive therapeutics and it adds up to a perfect storm. Unfortunately it is my guess possibly a third or half of those who died from COVID in the USA might not have died had they been treated with these medicines early in their illness.

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Good point. Only fairly recently have I come across Heather and Bret, and really enjoy their podcast. Am grateful they are on board. Their naivete is palpable at times though.

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They are far better at reconsidering ideas than most people. Their educations failed to ruin them?

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Yes, that naïveté was off putting so I only listen to their podcast occasionally now.

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"several decades of American societal dropouts may not be aware that this isn't the first rodeo."

It's very much like talking to your kids in their teens when they always know better. On the bright side they do come to learn the value of experience, it just takes a few good knocks before they're open to listening.

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PD (and others here who have been in this rodeo for some time) - picking up on your comment focused on MC's main point about the true side of our matrix and it not being the first rodeo, we are new to this awakening and wonder how deep this goes; being alerted by the voter theft, finding new sources for illumination, which leads to newer realizations about the deceptive nature of our world, how there is a deep state and many similar instances of control and corruption through most every institution that impacts us - even the Church has shown its true colors by not honoring its most core concepts of faith in our Lord Jesus or honoring each Christian's duty to follow her own conscience even if faulty. MC punts on further discussion to my disappointment, as a recent convert I need to follow that rabbit hole - you follow many, notably absent is A.Berenson (due to his comments re Dr. Malone?), are there any who pick up where MC left?

and Mr. Crawford if you are reading these, please take some time to reveal further - if the number of comments here who pick up on only your covid experience vs. those about this rodeo experience over many decades is an indicator, there are many of us who can use more red-pilling.

God bless you, and all of us here who are working to know the truth - seek and you shall fid


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Spot on. As ever. Thank you for your inputs!

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Mathew Crawford and company,

“If they ignore you, you still win”

I understand you and your associates attached to this email are having difficulty getting some sort of official response of any kind to your concerns of the safety signals of the Covid-19 vaccines and other issues surrounding the disease and the response to it.

Now I don’t mean to give this as legal advice, so don’t take it as such, but I’ve stumbled onto a method that you all might be able to make use of to your advantage. I’ve attached several sources below that argue and claim to explain how to make use of notices and affidavits to elicit a response to your objections and concerns.

It is particularly attractive as it would give everyone, every individual concerned with a given issue with a word processor, something to do from their house.

Their argument is that with notices sent as they outline, using both federal and state constitutional articles, and if they don’t desist then sending affidavits counting as sworn testimony, that the recipient has to respond. They would have to reply point by point explaining where they have constitutional authority, or to rebut your affidavit on matters of fact, within a time limit or the notice and affidavit can be used as evidence before a grand jury, and that they ‘acquiesce’ to everything in your affidavit as true if they ignore it. If they lie in their response it counts as lying under oath.

In short, the argument is that if they ignore you completely it is as good as a confession that you are right or they are breaking the law. The catch is you have to have a solid argument with the truth. They claim to have success getting institutions to relent on a number of issues by sending these; even if they don’t openly respond or acknowledge them, the problem stops. If not they are trying to gain access to the grand juries and the courts. It is a bit more involved than just the usual petition or letter however, and you all would have to pick the addressees of these notices and affidavits.

I know that these sources might not be on your end of the political spectrum, but perhaps their particular method has merit despite your differences. Please share this with anyone who may be interested or you think would benefit from it. Including Steve Kirsch, Robert Malone, Alex Berenson, Jessica Rose, Toby Rogers, Aaron Siri, and, El Gato Malo.

YouTube Channels

- ' Affidavit Mommas ' - (This should have the most concise explanations)

“Notices, Affidavits and the Constitution”


“Notices and Affidavits (How To)/Beginning 101” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pnNRHk5GBVU

Other Website: https://affidavitmommas.com, they also have rumble “Affidavit Mommas 2021”, telegraph and other websites.

- ' Dave Cares for You '

He has a lot of videos and is tied to Josh Barnett below. He seems to have been the first to figure this method out, even though he doesn’t have a formal education.

“How to Destroy the OSHA Mandate with Dave Jose”


Other Website: http://DaveCares.com

- ' Josh Barnett for US Congress ' - (Yes I know, this is not an endorsement)

“How to stop mandatory V’s”

https: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wv40bH4G3bE

Other Website: https://www.barnettforaz.com

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It appears I got struck with the omicron. Several of us from a get together came down on the same day. My sons and husband got covid back in January and I thought I had had a headache and some aches but my family had the fever, fatigue, loss of smell and apparently they got enough of it to have protection from what I have now a year later. We live in tight quarters, there's no quarantining from each other and they're all fine. I have a cough that's driving me nuts but that's all five days later. I am doing all the supplements and HCQ.

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This post is the most peace full explanation of where we find ourselves. It made me realize a few of the rodeos I've been in starting with speaking out at work about GWB's O.I.L. (Operation Iraqi Freedom lol); and a parting of the ways about freedom of speech with long time political pals who reveled in A. Jones banishment from FB. I did have to look up "iatrogenic". . .thanks for that. And regarding most of the rebellious minds like Bret Weinstein, Pierre Kory (and Paul Marik etc.), I'm thinking they only regret that they had but one career to give for their country. I am so grateful for this particular post. Thank you.

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