"One Ring to Rule Them All." And the original power of that ring was invisibility.

Right now, surreptitious actions are being taken within science, technology, institutions, the media, and lawfare (to name a few) that are largely going unnoticed and invisible because of media propaganda and the thought-stopping accusations of "conspiracy theory." The incantation of "conspiracy theory" is a sort of invisibility spell, isn't it? Say it, and you can blind people.

Relevant to this mindwar is this recent publication: https://stopworldcontrol.com/downloads/GrandJurySummary1.pdf

I notice that Malone once again accuses the masses of being under mass formation psychosis:

"You ask what could possibly go wrong with a top-down, centralized authoritarian diktat response to daily management of a globalized one-world socioeconomic system? If you do not immediately recognize the answer, than you are clearly suffering from mass formation (psychosis), and best of luck adapting to the future which is coming at you like a freight train." https://rwmalonemd.substack.com/p/anarcho-capitalism-and-dr-javier

The above statement by Malone serves to obscure the massive propaganda and mind control that's the cause of any mass formation. We'd do well to remember that Desmet, the origin of the mass formation concept, explicitly and clearly denies that there was any overall guiding conspiracy during Covid. We know this is a blatant and ridiculous falsehood that attempts to hide the massive fear campaign deliberately launched during High Covid.

My contention is that deception and lies function to make what's really happening invisible: one ring to rule them all. We all know that, of course. I think that characters like Malone and Desmet are working to obscure what's happening. Whether this is by choice or by chance, or by sheer incompetence, we can't know for sure.

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He may have said a conspiracy is not required, but his whole theme is how authoritarian regimes use mass formation to manipulate the population, note he doesn’t us the term psychosis, that’s just how Malone has framed it. Desmet has said things along the lines of, a "lack of social bond" in society is an opportunity for a leader to get people to believe outlandish ideas, which is how he sees the pandemic measures that governments have employed. You could probably also call this a form of mind war if you like.

I think the problem most people have with Desmet is they have not read or listened to Desmet directly and just take Malones (or someone else’s) interpretation of Desmet’s work as an accurate representation of the work.

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I've read Desmet's book carefully, twice and more, and took notes.

I believe you (and Desmet) have it backwards when you say, "his whole theme is how authoritarian regimes use mass formation to manipulate the population ...." Authoritarians don't use it; to the extent that mass formation exists, the would-be totalitarians create it, deliberately, through massive propaganda and censorship. Then yes, they use it. But it doesn't spring from the people.

People believed outlandish lies about Covid because lies were pumped into them 24/7 in a media onslaught and because they thought they were getting reliable information from the likes of Anthony Fauci. The real origin of totalitarianism is massive censorship and propaganda (ongoing as we speak) so we have to ask, then, why Desmet hid this true origin from us and wanted us to instead believe that totalitarianism originates in the mass formation of the alienated portion of the population?

The psychological operation was and is to create fear: this is what really happened. Yet Desmet says there was no such operation, and that the real cause of our fear was our own mass formation that existed prior to Covid, which was ripe for us to ourselves amplify (during Covid) and in a sense "do it to ourselves." This is why Desmet emphasizes that mass formation doesn't involve-- in fact, never involves-- an overarching conspiracy. That's the point of his chapter 8 and the Sierpinski triangle. It's all because of our mechanistic thinking. Really?

Desmet seems innocent and my impression is that overall, he is. Either he's way incompetent or else he's being used. Or, a little of both.

Isn't Desmet helping to make the overall conspiracy invisible? And to cloak it with his "mechanistic thinking" which leads to "mass formation"? Because isn't the whole point to keep the operation invisible as long as possible, and confusing the issue (as Desmet does) helps?

Malone is smart enough to understand this.

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If your portrayal of Desmet’s work is accurate (I have no reason to believe it isn’t). It is not quite what he was saying in an interview I watched and his comments afterwards where he explains his ideas about mass formation. I found his ideas interesting at the time (still do). I can’t remember the exact interview, but I think Malone was also on the show or someone introduced the concept to Malone afterwards but it was before Malone appeared on Rogan. I watched Malone explaining Desmet’s ideas to Rogan and thought, he butchering what I had heard said in the earlier interview with Desmet. Next thing I see is “Malone’s mass formation psychosis theory (TM)” everywhere.

I think this is what Malone does. He takes other people’s ideas and amplifies them with his own spin. I’m pretty sure he’s even used some of Mathew Crawford’s ideas at some point. Happy for Mathew to correct me if I’m wrong. Maybe they weren’t originally Mathew’s ideas and just common knowledge, but I first heard about them here on RTE long before Malone started repeating some of them.

I’ve usually heard anything Malone tries to make flavour of the month, long before hand from somebody else, so I don’t really pay much attention to what he has to say these days.

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I think it's highly likely that Malone takes others' ideas and my guess is that someone(s) helps him flesh out those ideas.

Desmet engages in doublespeak. He'll tell us that there was manipulation, so that seems to answer those who claim he said "no conspiracy." But what he means is that the manipulation was after the mass formation that was caused by our mechanistic thinking, so it helps to keep in mind that the origin of totalitarianism, according to Desmet, is our own mechanistic thinking that is then preyed upon.

Desmet explains what happens to us after we're acted upon by those conspiring to make us fearful and submissive and this is why many people agree with him. But what they fail to see is that his real project in the book (which I suspect he was put up to) was to demonstrate that there was no conspiracy, and this greater sin (and intellectual error) far overshadows the lesser accuracies he sets forward.

If everything gets destroyed then they can "build back better." Everything is getting destroyed, and it's because there's a conspiracy to do so (unless we stop it.) None of this is due to our "mechanistic thinking." It's due to a conspiracy which Desmet sees as simply a small conspiracy ("manipulation") but not a grand, overarching, decades-long conspiracy. His project in essence is to make this grand conspiracy disappear, and in its place present our own psychological failings.

Invisibility: one ring to rule them all.

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Agree that Desmet seems to be shifting the blame from the kulangeta to the victim, and 'aways in the right place, right time' Malone follows suit. Can't help but to be suspicious of the two. Though not in total agreement with Lobaczewski and his "Political Ponerology", I think he comes much closer to the mark than Desmet, and that is a major reason as to why the public is less familiar with Lobaczewski. Bombs over target.

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In every emergency situation except this one the first thing responders have always told people is to stay calm.

In this case they did the exact opposite and went out of their way to impart fear and alarm. That is unprecedented and flies in the face of logic and reason.

Unless the goal is to trigger the fight or flight reptilian portion of the brain.

Once triggered everyone will run blindly for the exits. In this case the exits were the authoritarian protocols, mandates, and ultimately the injection.

Once people accepted being penetrated it became a social contract. No different than being initiated in a gang or cult.

Once initiated they become loyal, blind to criticism even in the face of mounting evidence. Skepticism feels like betrayal.

It is crystal clear people were, and still are, deliberately being led. Psychologically owned. Emergency situations are never handled this way.

This was something else entirely.

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This is correct. It is terroristic and criminal plus entirely scripted and coordinated between corporate and high level agencies as planned out i Event 201, the Rockefeller 2010 Operation Lockstep program, WHO, and the previous amendments to local health agencies in nearly every county in the early 2000's when they were doing tests runs with SARs.

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Excellent analysis, and the most shocking of all the aspects of what we just have experienced.

This was planned, gamed, practiced.

Everything was intentional, imho, and that is what explains this stunning behavior.

Once you come to that conclusion then many other questions come to mind.

In the end many of us get to the place where we say there is a Spiritual Battle taking place here on Earth, between those who love & support humanity, and those who would kill & enslave us.

Very wicked & harmful behavior has been ruling all of the "Covid Event."

So in the end you must ask- who had the power to ensure the same narrative & Government responses would be deployed in Nation after Nation?

And, who would want the catastrophes that naturally followed?

It looks like a take down of the Formerly Free World, to me, not of the less developed nations.

If you wanted to grab world control, that would be your first step, I imagine.

Is that what's happening? And our "leaders" are either compromised or in on it? Or is it something even more far fetched?

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Yes, it's true. And if fits the Club of Rome plus New World Oder scripts. Also, the tactics are used for Counterinsurgency psychological operations against a populace to demoralize them. Much of it is published in US Army Field Manual 54 for Counterinsurgency starting at about page 3-25. https://armypubs.army.mil/epubs/DR_pubs/DR_a/pdf/web/fm3_24x2.pdf

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At its most basic level it became obvious the majority of leaders across the spectrum of the so-called free world are totalitarians at heart.

They turned from pretending to be our supposed friendly advocates into ravenous dogs foaming at their mouths for a taste of complete overarching control.

Each country engaging in whatever authoritarian edicts their laws and citizens could be exploited to accept.

It was a sick, demented display of just how twisted our world and corporate leaders are underneath their collective facades.

We can never forget how fragile what little freedoms we have left really are. Question everything.

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This was a ritualistic experiment. Just how far can we push the people. I mention the ritual of masks wearing here: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-i-dont-wear-a-mask

However, I do think that with this lie and other lies, they are told so that they would-be liars can see just how effective their lies can go. That is the true meaning of these lies I would argue

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Undoubtedly they collected much behavioral data which I have no trouble believing is being archived for analysis. As they refine AI it will be incorporated into sophisticated predictive modeling for the purpose of societal control. WEF’s Harari wasn’t entirely wrong when he said humans are hackable. The only defense is to understand the game.

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"WEF’s Harari wasn’t entirely wrong when he said humans are hackable."

The funny thing is these technoweenies have "No hacking/reverse engineering" as part of the licence agreements on all their software. But this is only humans so who cares.

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There are limits. Community is protection to a solid degree. This is why they try so hard to destroy community.

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That is a fantastic observation, Mathew. Happy Thanksgiving! In a few hours I will be dining with in-laws none of whom appreciate my stance on business, politics, guns, covid, injections or Bitcoin. If they don’t poison me I’ll be around after the Holiday for more Substackian catharsis. Hope everyone reading this has a better time today than I. Peace.

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Happy Thanksgiving. GLK.

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Absolutely correct. I will check out your article.

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I think this is called panic. There is no explainable logic to the behaviour of a person in panic.

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To disorient through fear is always the goal of terrorism.

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Search and you will find, knock and it will be opened, ask and you will recieve.

Or, love truth with your whole soul, your whole heart and your whole being.

My life experience is that if I love truth, study, reflect and reconsider, over and over again, always willing for my theories to be wrong, and test the conclusions I've reached with my experiences, then slowly, slowly, I work my way closer to "truth," throughout the process.

And, learn to recognize others who live truth, strive for it themselves, and are reliable sources to work with. In their own searches they find much that will not, and together everyone's discoveries lead us closer to the finding out what is real, or accurate or not.

New discoveries happen all the time and if you really value "honesty," "wisdom," & "truth," just living those qualities as best you can yourself, draws them to you as well, on many occasions.

Honest people are valuable, priceless, really. Now this doesn't help when you are a statistician trying to work with misleading or corrupted data, obviously!

The solution to that problem is not mathematical, but having a well informed enough population to INSIST that our public institutions maintain integrity & openness in their behaviors & responsibilities that we, the People, and our representatives in Congress have charged them with! That of course is difficult now, but we must work towards it, imho. The Covid Coup has shocked awake some competent individuals, I believe, and maybe the days of corruption, obfuscation, & incompetence will begin waning a bit, now?? We can hope!

The courts aren't really helping us a lot, with a few exceptions. But that too will swing back the other way when our People no longer tolerate a system which only protects itself, not us.

"Sea changes" Mr. Crawford. We are looking for sea changes! And inside each person as well.

Thank you for ALL your work, this day before Thanksgiving.

We readers all know where to go, when looking for real information and highly capable analysis of the data/information presented!!

All the best to you, and everyone else working for Truth, in this "hall of mirrors" we are living in, today!

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Happy Thanksgiving.

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And to you too!

Happy Thanksgiving!!

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"The solution to that problem is not mathematical, but having a well informed enough population to INSIST that our public institutions maintain integrity & openness in their behaviors & responsibilities" - Then we are doomed I tells ya. DOOMED.

My species isn't interested in being well informed. They yield to peer pressure (80%), can't question authority (85-90%) and turn into power tripping wankers given power over others (90%).


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Lol, true! But- humans are no different than we ever were, and, despite that we are still here!

; ))

And once in a while we get really good ideas- like Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness, and really push them through- make some waves- upset the Kings and Oligarchs plans for us!

So, glass half empty, half full? No one knows for certain, it's up to us to decide. And the corruption we have been living with is fully exposed right now. That is a plus.

Do your best to tell the truth & wake as many as possible. The rest is in the Universe's hands.


Pay Cash.

Don't submit to mandates.

Exit and build.

Manage your own health.

Call legislators and provide an earful.

Write letters.

Boycott the multinational corporations.

And MSM, of course.

; ))

Every little bit counts.

And, Happy Thanksgiving. We are still here to fight!

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"So, glass half empty, half full? " - In either case it's "Bottoms Up" and get another beer!!

We've stumbled through our own incompetence forever and we're still here but we've never screwed up on a global level like we have this time. Love the list and I'm doing all that and more. The first one, "Pay Cash", is very important. I'd add what Catherine Austin-Fitts said about "stop feeding the beast" and take your money out of the banks and put it in credit unions or public state banks.

Gobble Gobble to you as well. Enjoy the holidays.

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I keep less than 1% of my wealth in banks.

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I count stocks & bonds as being in a bank as they are merged pretty much after Glass-Steagall was repealed. The Dodd-Frank replacement after 2008 was a total joke. Even that was too much for the banking cartel so they got Trump to ditch it.

If you are anywhere near single digits by that definition then that's excellent and way better than me.

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Still less than 1%.

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One way to filter out the lies is by asking the simple questions: "What is the evidence?" , "What is the counter-evidence?" , "Can we independently verify it?" , "Why might it be true or false?". This helps to stick to the (perceived) facts as much as possible.

With climate scare, we see that there is a lot of counter evidence. Especially from independent verifiers. And why it may be false: Because the CO2 has hardly any effect on temperature, and heat releases CO2 from water into the air. We even have a lack of CO2 compared to ancient times.

The problem is that many people are not able to admit that authority figures are often frauds.

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Yes, and to extend with what Mathew is discussing, one must also ask "What is the medium by which the evidence and counter-evidence is being communicated?" "What is the accuracy (error rate) of the medium?" What about evidence and counter-evidence transmitted and re-transmitted across mulitple media? What are those error rates, etc. A first-hand observer's account of an event, as communicated across a medium and then re-transmitted across another is hearsay within hearsay.

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I don't think that one can express errors with a simple "error rate" parameter.

Reporters/journalists can produce accurate reports, but single out certain events and inject false reporting. That is how secret agents first gain trust and then slowly guide a leader/target into a prepared trap. False trust is the basis for manipulation.

Some fraudulent scientists who almost got the Nobel prize for physics, were only caught when other people verified their work. These scientists changed their reports on experiments to match what was expected. In contrary Big Pharma pretend to verify work, and use false reporting to prevent cheap medicine from entering the world. Big Pharma work exactly like secret agents in this case, and create a false trust.

There is also bias with instruments. Satellites gather surface data, and can measure the temperature of the water surface. But not the water temperature underneath. So if sand blown from the desert combined with the sun heats the water-surface extra, there is a sudden spike in temperature. While the water below does not really get hotter.

There was also a problem with satellites descending to a lower orbit over years. They used such satellites to measure sea surface levels. Some "climate scientists" who looked at the data thought that the sea was rising.

The climate scare propaganda already gives scientists a false expectation and false sense of urgency, which causes them to misinterpret data. This means that good scientists can create complete bullshit. And to prevent that, they need to consider/verify all counter-evidence besides the pro-evidence, and investigate the full chains of cause and effect.

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If your complaint is that I didn't explain all aspects of honesty and dishonesty in a single article, you are of course correct..

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Fascinating. Can you please point me to these Nobel Physics Prize nominations?

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The man who almost faked his way to a Nobel Prize (J.H. Schön gets caught in fraud) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfDoml-Db64

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Thanks. Fascinating. (Or should I say "Schön!"?) My brother's organic photovoltaics were real.

Standard model apparently requires electrons have 3 fundamental charges. How does that work for a point, elementary particle?

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I suggest reading,

Boneheads and Brainiacs: Heroes and Scoundrels of the Nobel Prize in Medicine by, Moira Dolan, MD

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This addresses physics? I harbor serious doubts about Murray Gell-Mann's 1969 Nobel Prize in Physics. One-third charges? Makes some sense he was a Millikan professor. Those oil drop experiments found some drops with third charges, though far out in the noise.

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Looking at the pattern of co-authors where there are shenanigans is all that is needed.

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You're Spot On! I think what would help here would be the Socratic Questioning which I just touched on here: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/critical-thinking-and-action-taking-f95

But essentially, it's questions almost about the questions itself

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This mindwar has been going on for quite awhile but was put into over drive after 2012 Smith Mundt Modernization Act and year end NDAA passage. It is probably going to get worse as there is no effort to gain sanity in the open air asylum.

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You are not wrong.

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Assume everything you hear on state-run mainstream media news on any "significant" topic is bombarded with lies, as the news is weaponized to menticide its viewers. Spook commentators can say anthing with total impunity.

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All lies would be easier to handle, economically. A mixture requires work. They aim to make you work.

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The "work" you're referring to requires critically thinking, a skill something sadly defunct for most glued to cable news.

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The State is the absolute reality and the individual himself has objective existence, truth and morality only in his capacity as a member of the State.’ — Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831)

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That's especially the case in a fascist state that uses propaganda to mollify the populace so that all atrocities can remain hidden.

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Yes, I think the pandemic proved we’re all living in a fascist state. What we thought we were living in turned out to be an illusion.

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So if I recall corrected, Bertrand Russell famously said along the lines that we need to tell the population that "snow is black" and we can tell how effective we are when the population believes us:


I would argue that's what we're seeing play out today. These lies are told simply for the fact of creating a narrative and then capturing the attention behind that narrative. It doesn't matter if snow is black or not, but more specifically, can I get people to do X and Y BECAUSE they believe that snow is black?

It's all about the number one currency that we pay daily: attention


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Snow is black in some infrared bands. Why it gets cold so fast after snow covers the ground.

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Ha ha ha. While true I'm sure that "Franky O" meant visible spectrum.

Good one though. I like it.

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I am 100% non-violent and advocate abiding by all laws. But where you say "spend all of your resources checking the lies in hope that the truth will free you" I beg to differ. The issue is, there are more of us than them, the evil, and if people got off their fat, Brobdignagian, lazy arses, we would run rings around them, both financially, and in terms of real fact checking (as opposed to fraud fact checking, like Snopes, Reuters, ad nauseam). And we have people like Musk, who, while not perfect by a long shot, at least is an ally, much like Stalin was in WWII.

But most people are like one woman I knew, who, when I told her about the shot, including fetal material used, said "I know, but I got it cuz I just want to go to Cancun next month." And in that sentence is microcosm of why we are losing.

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Musk seems to be amplifying the Chaos Agents amd suppressing the most honest actors.

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Rather than trying to figure out what is the truth do the opposite. Figure out the lie. Then do not do what the liars are telling you to do.

Example 1: PCR test run to cycle threshold of 45 is valid for infectious viral detection. This was done in 2009 and Kary Mullis explained in great detail why it was just not possible to use his technology that way. In 2020 WHO/FDA/CDC went with excessively high Ct so they are lying.

Example 2: Declaring a vaccine safe based on 2 months of data. The human experimental trials accumulated 2 months of data and based on that they declared it "safe". The fastest vaccine development was 4 years (mumps) and the average was 7 years. How do you compress a 4-7 year development cycle into a 2 month window? You cut out the collection of 95+% of the safety data because that is what takes the vast majority of those 4-7 years.

3) Hiding data. Withholding information is a form of lying. By refusing to release the raw data from the phase 2 human trials nobody could verify their claims. Peter Doshi at BMJ called that one out in January 2021. I can't give informed consent when information is being withheld and I flatly refuse to do so.

There are many others but you get the idea. This puts the onus on them to be transparent and honest because any failure to do so results in us refusing to do what they say.

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Last is more likely. Boston. Lexington and Concord are in the psyche.

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BCT won't change the game... Simply because it's using a network that the same SRF & Billionaires control 100%.

Try another one!

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The billionaires are people who run money capturing networks. You don't think they'll run businesses to steer Vitcoin into their wallets?

Is there an example in history when the oligarchs failed to try capturing some form of money?

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Billionaires are a level down on the hierarchy of the current MONETARY SYSTEM.

My point is that for us - herds of modern moron slaves - the change from physical to electronic(virtual) will just increase the level of modern slavery. Even though it's perfectly clear that we don't care much about that.

Using the current WWW network to run BTC protocol and "thinking" this is a manifestation of "personal financial freedom" or any other sort of monetary panacea is the equivalent of using a new color to repaint the shackles.

If we don't control the hardware... what's the point of a great software?!

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You're pushing conclusions that I've seen pushed. I'm happy to hear the warrants. Without them, it's not particularly persuasive.

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The warrants!!

They control the ISP/POP/NAPs the latency of the grid and the connection bandwidth, what more to you want?!


If what we do is not a threat, they let us play around, once they perceive it as a threat... don't expect to keep playing it (aka having access to the network).

Some ISP already went to block port 8333 (maybe not only because of BTC but they've done it!).

As for the opposite warrants I haven't seen any sort of "personal freedom" from using BTC or any other VCs.

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"What's the point, then?"


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There's also just so much information flowing to people these days in general, in social media feeds etc. I've had that experience many a time, where I'm trying to get someone to open up to an idea, and they'll just come up with some dumb excuse to dismiss it off hand, or assert that "it's already be settled by all the experts".

But I realize it's sort of a protective barrier people put around themselves. Then they get pigeon holed into believe outright lies, and getting them to snap out is extremely difficult.

I think some of this is a consequence of social media, but one does have to wonder if a lot of the noise is a deliberate distraction.

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"cognitive infiltration of the groups that produce conspiracy theories"


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As I mentioned last time, if you start out with a false assumption in the hypothesis, the conclusion will be inaccurate as well. Here, you assume that anything from earth can even travel to Mars or beyond like the magical Voyager probe traveling for 45 years on the same set of super NASA batteries. https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/10/world/nasa-voyager-probes-power-scn/index.html. Or the great telephone call with perfect reception between the alleged astronaut on the plasma energy moon and the always honest Tricky Dick Nixon "Hello Neil and Buzz, I am talking to you by telephone from the Oval Room at the White House" which ,much of the public orgiinally took at face value. https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/telephone-conversation-with-the-apollo-11-astronauts-the-moon Although astute observers with radio transmission knowledge could easily deduce the impossibility of this call, it was only later in the development of modern cell phones (as your comparison noted) that anyone could easily question the veracity of the premise that we could communicate by telephone into "space" in 1969 as claimed by the space agencies and their massively profiting military contractors. The digital binary probability of accuracy in the transmitted code as described in your example is therefore 0%.

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Oh, c’mon. It’s much simpler than that. They lie - and we lie - because lies by a public official are not criminal offences by default. In other words, until splashed against facts and ornamented with personal liability, lies are socially acceptable and accepted. Everybody does it.

A simple solution is actually embedded in legal procedures. Under oath, you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Meaning: 1) no subjective interpretations, 2) no incomplete messages, 3) no irrelevant stories.

Transposing it into an oath of a public official is just a breeze. Why hasn’t it been done? Why don’t voters demand it as a pre-requisite in elections?

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