In one fell swoop Mercola made a laughing stock out of the supplement industry and anti-vax movement. Two major thorns in the side of big pharma. SMH.

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Mercola is a con artist.

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He is not a con artist. He sells stuff but always informs readers of cheap alternatives. He is great except for this dementia.

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You're correct, he's been a great doctor who has offered free valuable information throughout Covid. I've saved some of his videos and articles and share them with my family and friends. His nebulizing videos are the best - it's kept me alive throughout Covid - I've been attacked by vicious illnesses three times since Fall 2019, before that I was never seriously sick. It's interesting to watch people who know nothing about Dr. Mercola attacking him. There's a reason why he's truly the most censored doctor - because he gave us free advice and kept us alive throughout the scamdemic. After he started defending the Monster Robert Malone, I saw his weak side, which everyone has. He's not the only one who has defended that monster.

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Had a good site for a while with decent content. Then in the middle of the covid scam he said he's being threatened and his site stays up but a lot of content is gone and all articles have a 40 hour time bomb? WTF? Now this? Okay I'm looking forward to seeing how this plays out or if it's even real.

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Not only was Dr. Mercola threatened by the Government but his office was damaged by a hurricane. He's truly the most censored doctor and is number one in that garbage Leftist nonprofit's list of the dirty dozen.

It is unfortunate that he's been brainwashed by these creeps because his advise has helped many folks stay alive throughout Covid, me included. And his products are good. Those celebraring his demise need a reality check - Dr. Mercola has saved lives - how many lives have they saved?

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Actually his products are NOT good. I was getting vitD3 from him for years. After reading this amazing in-depth Substack: https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/vitamin-d-is-rat-poison-the-fraudulent

I contacted them and they admitted that they sourced their vitamins from India and that yes their vitD3 was synthetic. Also their vitC! I canceled all my orders with them!

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That's good to know, I wonder if the Wellness Company uses the same sources. I now buy from a company in Miami Lakes, FL, will ask them where their products are sourced. I never had a bad reaction to Mercola's products but wanted to support a local vitamin company.

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Vitamin D may be poisonous to rats, but it isn't to humans.

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Seriously!? Your critical thinking skills are subpar. Rats are the #1 animal used in experiments to determine if substances are safe for human use. You go right ahead and ingest a synthetic chemical that is a known rat poison, not me! I will err on the side of caution.

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Yes 10 years ago it was a great site. He did real investigations. However, 'covid' was transformative for him and he is a virus pusher. That is zero integrity. At least acknowledge the issue.

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Dr. Mercola has been a staunch supporter of Mr. Anthrax vaccines, Robert Malone, who wanted to test the Anthrax vaccines on other people's kids. But so were other smart people who blocked me when I repeatedly told them that Malone's a monster. It's taken these smart people a while to leave the Malone cult, but publicly they appear to have severed ties with the fake MFM guru. Seems the Q cult was just a primer, interesting that Amazing Polly was a member of it - it encouraged her to do amazing research - I've been following her work for years. She connected Pence to Fauci and Birx - turns out he's worked closely with them in the past. The more you know....

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hello GP

Malone makes a positively hilarious cameo in this short podcast...you will hear him blow a gasket over the virus issue, in the face of hapless Doc Malik. Ivor Cummins also self-actualizes on air, revealing his soul...


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I saw that. What gobbledegook Malone can spew.

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Mercola says he gets his own Vitamin D directly from the sun by running around naked in the Florida sunshine. I would be happy to do that, but I don’t even like Google Earth seeing me in my robe, so there’s that.

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What makes him a con artist? He's been giving us valuable medical advise throughout Covid - for free. Where's the con?

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He is one who kept using the false DMED data even after Tessa interviewed me.

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I knew Malone, Kirsch and the pretend litigator/ attorney Tom Renz continued using the false DMED data, I missed Mercola discussing it. That's shameful. I wonder if Mercola is also funded by Jeff Hanson, Roundtable and other crypto bros🤔gotta keep the scam going!

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It is possible he did not know or understand. That's the damage of a psyop. Renz, Kirsch, Malone, Dundas, and a sunset of the whistleblowers are responsible.

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Perhaps he didn't know or maybe the ego took over. When he became protective of Malone, I thought he had been captured. This post confirms my fears. It's hard to watch the piranhas destroy a movement. I recently came across a video where Dundas is standing behind RFK Jr. (2019) at an event, she's everywhere. Piranhas everywhere.

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"The plan works through the plan."...

Dr. Merc's website had great info for me when doing health web searches pre-2012. My experience is say from 2007/8 or so. After 2012 I did not use him or his site much, just used other sites, no particular reason just 'gut feeling'. Obviously he had a Big Biz orientation, and he did get big $$$. I heard Dr Merc recently on a podcast with Georgi Dinkov, aka Haidut, a proponent of Dr Ray Peat's cellular metabolism ideas. I truly wonder myself if he 'was a psyop' from the beginning, or is it the situation that 'they' got to him.

Then last night I found this link on a health site, and WOW.


Just how many people on the Deep State Payroll? Jeez.....

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Well, I am learned enough to know the esoteric and to reject hyper-materialism. So bring on the new alchemy and Hermes Trismegistus.

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Because you see no alternative because, "Whatever comic book fictional reality goes on in your head" and "hyper-materialism"?

Think harder.

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Yes. Little payoff at this time. Neocons and Zionism and Rockefeller medicine are our immediate enemies. But it is absent from your writings. Zionism and Naziism are a Hegelian dialectic. Two wings of the same genocidal bird. But don’t get too ahead of your audience. Keep in safe “Tucker Carlson Zone.”

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If you're going to tell me to follow your priorities without bothering to see what I've written, I'm just going to block you. That's baiting.

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The concept of hyper-materialism was first introducted to me by John Michael Greer an Arch Druid. He is an excellent author and teacher. I also follow the teachings of Carl Jung and Rudolph Steiner. An appreciation of these teachings would round out your education and assist in your understanding planes of existence. As for comics, I was never allowed to read them as a child as I had good parents. Also, I avoided the last 15 years of woke comic movie programming.

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I grew up in a Neo-Theosophical cult. I'm aware of Jung and Steiner. They don't "round out" education. They ponder about potential fictions, but frighteningly got involved in mass psychology projects like Tavistock and the Nazi cult formation.

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Maybe you will mature into coming full circle after shedding the bs and trauma of your particular cult. I am fine with cults as they are micro-cultures. But why always crazy dudes leading them today unlike in Ancient Greece?

So you understand that there is truth and power in these. Steiner was persecuted by the Nazis as they burned down his church. He was not involved with Tavistok(?) or a Nazi Cult. Steiner, an amazing mystic, created new ways of farming with biodynamics and education with Waldorf Schools.

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"Maybe you will ascend to my wisdom and brilliance..."

You do understand how much like a cunt you sound?

"Steiner was persecuted by the Nazis..."

So was the head of the SS, and thousands of people who helped build the Nazi Party. This is what is known as "consolidation of power," and it doesn't mean they weren't...part of building the power. Steiner spent several years speaking Theosophy to the Lebensreform social movers until they were educated to what was being injected into them.

Jung was the one involved in Tavistock.


The Waldork school provided an alternative to the Prussian model that undid 10% of the damage and ossified the rest. And the Waldork school established the Hegelian dialectic between anthroposophy and Theosophy, which had the disturbing result of mainstreaming the bullshit we're drowning in now. The


Maybe you will mature into coming full circle after...doing enough research that you can have a conversation about Waldorf schools and trafficking networks.

If you've done this little research, but you're speaking down to me, you should take an introspective step and ask what you might not know before talking down to somebody else.

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I totally believe there is much more than matter, that there are such things are psychics and spirits. That doesn't mean everyone claiming to be one is legit, especially those who managed to get a massive audience.

This is a sad day for Mercola and the MFM overall.

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Why do you believe in psychics and spirits?

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Hi Matthew, let me rephrase a bit my thoughts. I believe in the possibility of what is commonly referred to as psychic abilities first, as a theoretical possibility, but more importantly because of 2 experience. My father has known her mother died minutes before the phone call that would tell him that (as witnessed by my atheist brother who I trust a lot). And during an experience with iboga I have seen the finger of my provider through my third eye.

I do apply scientific reasoning and probabilities to various hypothesis, but I don't dismiss much out of hand.

I've never seen a psychic though, I couldn't trust one unless I can have the same extra sensory abilities.

And since I'm talking to you for the first time, please know that I'm grateful for the work you provide tirelessly. Thank you so much. You really help me shape a bit more the world we live in.

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Personal experience in such paranormal phenomena, without any influence of drugs, etc, will do it for me…

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It could be that the psychic is a fraud, but authentic psychics do exists. Attacking Mercola on one the basis of his using a psychic is old and worn tactic. Yawn… science, science, evolution, apes…, Faustian Civilization has nothing new to learn or teach. Meanwhile, Russia has a superior take on mysticism and will do well in their rising civilzation. Oswald Spengler predicted as mich.

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Coincidentally, I've been doing some reading in this area myself recently. It turns out that a think tank research project that helped start off the New Age schtick also had 1) a prototype for stakeholder capitalism in it and 2) a proposal for a legitimacy removal / conferral based strategy to get corporations to follow this new system despite losing profits. The same think tank (SRI intl) pushed for the government to invest in 'psychic' junk like remote viewing. What I found most fascinating was how these supposed social scientists pulled so much from the occult in their paper.

They also darkly hinted that if New Age thinking didn't get people on track with the right reforms, we would be subject to more repressive measures like having our kids drugged, what they called 'happy fascism,' and other forms of coercion, all of which we are clearly seeing now.

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FYI, remote viewing is not space junk by any means.

I am a remote viewer, and if you actually study remote viewing, it is as old as "the hunt" and is well documented to be one of the methods used by shaman to locate animals so their tribe could eat and survive. Additionally, remote viewing programs have been, and are used by many military programs, which to my knowledge, was first brought to public awareness when it was identified that the Russians were way ahead of the Americans in the development and use of remote viewing.

Much chi,

Paul Chek

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Paul, I just researched you, put together a one page profile, printed it out, and it's face up on my desk. Tell me what the piece of paper says or stop making nonsense claims that help intelligence agencies run child raping cults.

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Feb 16
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Those are mainly your "left hand path" folks like the Dragon Orders/serpent cults who've been gatekeeping and gutting religions of their mystical connections for centuries. "Moses" was likely an Egyptian mage who defected and started a serpent cult. There are no gatekeepers anymore...(the cat's out of the bag now) Only shills and parasites that want to prevent people from personal gnosis and keep them chasing dead ends. Read the writings of Hildegard Von Bingon and you'll read accounts that mystics all of the world have seen. The mysteries hide in plain site.

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How’s that vacation going Mathew?

There is nothing random about this revelation. Thanks for getting this info out. With the exception of Malone who is the leader in the MFM clubhouse - Mercola always struck me as a dark force. Too slick with an answer and a pill to fix your every ailment.

Take care of yourself Mathew. You are stirring the pots of evil concoctions.

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The biggest clue that some of these people are frauds is their following on YouTube, FB, and other platforms. Most of us who put out the Truth were censored immediately. For example, when I launched the Medical Truth Podcast last January (2023), one of my first guests was Peter Breggin, M.D., who wrote the book COVID-19 and The Global Predators: We are the Prey; as soon as I posted it on Youtube, I was censored. However, Malone and Mercola are allowed to post. Another recent episode I posted about Geoengineering and Chem Trails was censored.

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It's interesting that "leaders" like Bret Weinstein, Robert Malone, and Steve Kirsch get censored just enough to draw massive crowds to them as their circles scream "CENSORED! OVER THE TARGET!" so loudly, though RTE gets kicked off YouTube, math education videos and all, and nobody in the MFM fusses.

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The implication of some sort of equivalence between Mercola on one hand and Weinstein/Malone/Kirsh (posers/control ops/criminals --take your pick) on the other is a bit troubling.

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Manipulation of perceptions of parasocial leaders has been the key element of the plandemonium!


In 2018, when I spent a little time in Bret Weinstein's discussion group (I left because it was irritating and unproductive), I sent him the draft of that article. I'd already been thinking and talking about it with people for a number of years. He never responded to it, which surprised me because all the other academics I talked with felt I was onto something important. A few days later, his brother Eric talked through a similar notion on a podcast.


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Could you give me a link to a transcript of the Geoengineering piece?

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Sure https://medicaltruthpodcast.com/the-hidden-forces-behind-climate-engineering-an-insightful-discussion-with-jim-lee/ scroll down towards the bottom on this page and you will be able to open up the transcript!

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Thank you!

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Feb 16Edited

I was wondering how the following article appeared on Mercola last week. Seemed out of step with the usual editorial decisions.


[UPDATE: To clarify, this blog post appeared in the Breaking News section of the website. Fuller context and Mercola blog post included in my comment below.]

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If you don't realize it: that section of Mercola's newsletter is merely reporting on (the crap) put out by other "news" sites. Actually one way I (occasionally) keep track of the BS narratives put out by MSM, since I practically never waste time contaminating my mind with those narratives but do monitor just enough to know what the enemy is up to. W/ a little discernment I find I can get a pretty good idea just by reasonable monitoring of read-worthy sources, as I sometimes find RTE to be. Your comment btw, illustrates you are clueless or a shill.

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WTF?! I couldn’t read the whole article due to paywall. Damn, why would he use that as the lede?

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That's not one of the lead stories, it is in the 'breaking news' section which is not commented on by Mercola, meaning he's not saying he agrees with it.

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Poorly played at best.

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Feb 16Edited

Thanks for highlighting that - clarified context.

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A call to arms. Lol.

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To clarify, this appeared in the "Breaking News" section that includes blog posts reporting on current events. The "summary" on the Mercola site appears to be written by Mercola staff as there is no attribution. A link to the study referenced is also included. Presumably Mercola staff select which breaking news stories to include. I found this one to be somewhat out of step with the usual news stories curated by the Mercola website. Below is the blog post in its entirety as of today (Feb 16) - am reproducing it here in not-for-profit format.

Study Suggests Switching Arms for COVID Shots Increases Immunity

February 7, 2023

In a switchover from how multiple-dose vaccines are normally given, researchers are suggesting that changing arms for the second dose will improve the effectiveness of the first two COVID mRNA shots.

Hoping to “modestly improve the body’s immune response” with the new protocol, researchers at Oregon Health & Science University said they followed 947 participants for a year. “The improved response was first made clear three weeks after the second dose, and by 14 months after vaccination, the increase was 1.4-fold,” they reported.

Out of 108 divided into pairs, “there didn’t appear to be much of a difference two weeks after the second dose [but] after three weeks, those who received the doses in alternate arms showed significantly higher SARS-CoV-2 antibody levels.”

Researchers are not announcing a change in protocols yet, “[but] all things being equal, we ought to consider switching up the arms,” they said.



Mercola website disclaimer:

Disclaimer: The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of Dr. Mercola, unless otherwise noted. Individual articles are based upon the opinions of the respective author, who retains copyright as marked. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of Dr. Mercola and his community. Dr. Mercola encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your health care professional before using products based on this content.

If you want to use an article on your site please click here. This content may be copied in full, with copyright, contact, creation and information intact, without specific permission, when used only in a not-for-profit format. If any other use is desired, permission in writing from Dr. Mercola is required.

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Guy Ballard couldnt have been George Washington in his past life.

I was George Washington.

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That's crazy. Me too!

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You guys are small potatoes compared to Victor Hugo (who I was thinking of in relation to that new 3 year prison sentence for criticizing mrna law in France). Hugo got an early ouija board when he was in exile on the island of Jersey and it turns out he was Caesar and lots of earlier personalities, plus a Roman poet had plagiarized HIM, never mind the arrow of time issue. He gave away all his clothes and wore a giant grey blanket so he couldn't entertain and would thus write more.

Seriously, though, I have my suspicions about the recent "spiritual" experiences of people, some I know personally, and I think someone needs to do a catalogue of what tech is out there, patented, and what is conceivably possible, being developed at black sites. Not that I don't think there may be some metaphysical or quantum biological occult aspect, non-fake, to what is going on, at the very least people who believe they have occultic powers or can conjure them (the Bank of America murals with the roiling bodies and woman in the cube exhibit A), but if people are informed about potential fakery, utterly designed to appeal to their weaknesses or mental frailty, then they can (perhaps) assess for themselves if what they've experienced is real. I know quite real medical intuitives, for instance. And there's actually some very weird paranormal evidence, if you sift through all the grift and celebrity and power and fakery, for kids, especially in Buddhist and Hindu cultures, knowing a lot about the recently deceased. Shitloads of hoo ha around this, naturally, manipulated blah blah, but not altogether categorically false. Sad about Mercola. The techno-necromancer got him.

Spirits in Exile: voices from the seances Paperback – July 16, 2021

by Victor Hugo (Author), René de Saint-Denis (Illustrator), R. G. Skinner (Translator)

See all formats and editions

On the island of Jersey, 1852-1855, two years into his nineteen-year political exile, Victor Hugo, family, and friends held seances on an almost-nightly basis. Through the means of a three-footed pedestal table tapping out letters of the alphabet, they conversed with over one-hundred spirits of the dead including such luminaries as Jesus, Galileo, Luther, Socrates, Shakespeare, Napoleon, and Mozart, and even such abstract entities as Idea, Death, and Drama. Recorded here are the words of these spirits at their most serious and philosophic, conveying thoughts that Hugo absorbed and quite often confirmed and endorsed, as if he, himself, held these same views. The overarching theme of these dialogues was metempsychosis, a form of reincarnation, a belief in which Hugo had been obsessed for many years and which found itself amongst past verses of his poetry, and which would be included, to a greater extent, in such future works as Les Contemplations, La Légende des Siècles, and Dieu.

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It's cool that famous dead people choose to get reincarnated, but are still around for seances. But I wish there would appear more often for people outside of revolutionary circles and military intelligence. What causes such a bias?

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Speaking as a professional astrologer, it works just like this:


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The funny thing is that when you read back in history: Blavatsky, the Fox Sisters, so on, it does appear that most claimed paranormal activity was approximately this absurd. Gradually, it got refined over time. Better packaged for consumption.

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There is a legitimate branch to everything. But I prefer not to think of it as paranormal. And my preference for astrology is that it is a rigorous intellectual discipline closely wedded to astronomy. So you’ve really got to stay within the structure if you’re honest about it.

Biggie smalls biggie smalls biggie smalls

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Fascinating Hugo history. Sample of "Spirits" avail on Amaz.

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Was it cold that night of the river crossing?

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My wooden teeth were chattering as I crossed the Delaware

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Me, too. Who knew we had DID?

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Makes me sad. I've learned a great deal of useful information about how to achieve optimal metabolic health from Dr. Mercola over the past fifteen years or so. I'm not surprised, though, as his personality seems ripe for getting sucked into stupidity like this.

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Remember that this is the same game that cults play in general. We do not get many pieces of ordinary education in our schooling. Along comes Scientology or Cult-X with self-help programs that do provide some assistance for some people at the ground floor. And in they go...

This is somewhat like disinformation, or mainsteam media in general. It's not that they lie to you all the time, or give you no news of value. Of course much of it is true or valuable. But you are baited by bias and lack of vision of the full Gell-Mann amnesia effect without doing significant work to gather in the full big picture.

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I found dr berg helpful, always to a degree. His supplements were good but I couldn’t afford them, other than try a few. Found out later, Scientology, claimed his estranged son.

I have a hard time with dr Ana Mihalecea, she went intergalactic or something… it’s a sight to watch

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🎯💯 so well put

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I also learned a lot from Mercola. I like his more recent Ray Peat diet ideas. I’m surprised he went so off the rails with this recent decision.

Would make sense, like Mathew said, if his wife (?) is his handler.

He does promote supplements. It seems like those can be quite toxic. Could that be impairing him mentally?


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I don’t know. He’s into to swilling gallons of orange juice now. He’s off the rails.

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Mercola has recently embraced the wisdom of the late Ray Peat, which loosely coincided with my own reconsideration of keto. So I've been paying attention to Mercola on bioenergetics and increasing CO2. Also eliminating PUFA in the diet, including Omega 3 and 6. In any case, sad to see someone fall victim to the cult of personality. I don't trust anyone, including myself.

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One fact is well known. Mercola has been a major target of the cabal (their henchmen) for quite a while. In fact, as one example--wasn't he designated the #1 Spreader of Disinformation out of the top 12? Yeah, for suggesting that maintaining/optimizing Vit D levels would serve one well during the plandemic. OMG, how scary and "controversial" can you get!? Sheesh, people.

As his former girlfriend has indicated, it's not known what influence Mercola has been subject to, and he merits prayers for his wellbeing. At least those who have followed his work, and in that sense know what he is about.

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He has been an apparent target. But is it possible that he was compromised prior to now and has been an actor the whole time? Given the people I've met in the MFM, and what I've learned about cults, I don't make assumptions.

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I found this very strange coming from Mercola last year. Mercola states that he's got a backup plan and would come back to this country to rebuild it after it collapses. "I've taken that leadership problem" is what he says.

Start at 52min 20 seconds and ends about 52 min 58 seconds.


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I have followed Mercola for a long time. He has made many mistakes in his career and admits to them. He just recently has stopped promoting keto and fasting (which had been a big part of his spiel) and admits that he had been mistaken. Hopefully he will realize how ridiculous this psychic is.

He was definitely targeted and we have no way of seeing behind the scenes what he is being exposed to. The new wife could be the problem here.

Mathew could be correct that Mercola could be an actor. But it would have been a lot of work to prepare for this little moment of weirdness.

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Why not fasting?

I could see not doing keto or Atkins, the grapefruit or whatever other fad diet, but fasting has been around for millennia, so I'm curious why he backed away from fasting.


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From what I can tell from his interviews with Georgi Dinkov (a Ray Peat guy) fasting can be a big stress on the body. Some people can handle it but many people cannot. So fasting is good for some people but the majority of Americans are so unhealthy and stressed that it can de detrimental.

I go back and forth on fasting because, like you said, it has been around for millennia. It didn’t work for me (made me crabby, cold, tired) so I am working’s to reduce my daily stress and improve my mitochondrial health and then I can try it again.

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That sounds sensible. Think it's important to make sure that the body is getting all the minerals/salts it needs during a fast.

I fasted once for a week, just tea and water, and still kept working out, super-heightened senses and hearing. Used to be in super shape. That was decades ago. Didn't feel cold, crabby or tired, but going back to eating again was a little rough on the digestive... and I was ready to eat by day 7 or 8!

For mitochondria, what have you tried and used effectively?

Shilajit? Methylene Blue?

There are a lot of pieces to the health/detox puzzle.

Thanks for taking the time to respond.

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Wow. A week fast is a long one! I had trouble with intermittent fasting and 24 hour water fasts.

For my overall health (especially metabolic/mitochondrial) I am doing my best to reduce stress, meditate, not work out as hard. I have to let go of my fear of gaining weight and be kinder to myself.

As far as supplements go, I have not found any that work for me. I had been using methylene blue and felt no benefit. I also just read this today so it makes me think twice about supplements.


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Omg, me 2. How insane that the blood tests are only testing you for the synthetic vitamin d.

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I’m content to have never given the (so-called) “Medical Freedom Movement” much thought and less credibility.

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Sorry about your brother Mathew. My own story, I’ll try to keep brief. A long time ago when I met my husband he was in a “group”. The leader was his ex wife and she channeled an entity with the aid of her new partner/keeper. I got suckered into it for a while too. Due to various challenging life experiences I’m not very trusting of people which paid off. It wasn’t so much the channeling that turned me off, it was the manipulative, controlling and dysfunctional behaviour of the leaders and within the group. I recognised that it was a cult and got out. It took a lot of persuasion to convince my husband that the group was doing his head in but eventually he left. He copped a lot of flack and negativity from the mini me’s. No one died but a lot of marriages ended. Maybe the relationships needed to end but it also caused fractured families. IMO cults are unhealthy and potentially dangerous.

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Channeling and other unverifiable phenomena are used because disproving ("proof") is an inappropriate concept to apply (proof only exists in math and logic). But there are infinitely many possible powers, and those better used in story telling or to instill knowledge claims with a sense of sanctity should be viewed with extreme skepticism. I appreciate you telling your story because it adds to the correlation between such claims and authoritarian personalities.

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Your work is brilliant, sobering, and maddening. Learning about the New Age web of spooks has sobered my fanciful outlook on the world. Nevertheless, I'd rather pop Red Pills than float with Lucy in the Sky.

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This is something the Bitcoin community needs to think through. Mind control and network agents are not simple to contend with.

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Yes, thanks for that. I'll start some conversations with my Bitcoin Maximalist friends. [If it looks like a cult, feels like a cult…]

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It will challenge a lot of people because all of

* It's simply a public ledger technology with distributed checks,

* It may be invented by intelligence (lots of tech is),

* There may be an adoption game with global stakes,

* This neither solves the $5 wrench attack, nor methods of group psychology and mind control,

are hard for people to swallow. I believe Bitcoin is a productive tech that will be the reserve currency. It attracts LOTS of scams, and looks more parallel to CBDCs than it is. There are STILL many other problems to solve in the world.

P.S. I hope to see you in April in Fort Worth.

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More questions than answers in this rabbit hole. April? Yes!

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Mercola's vibrators cure baldness? Oregon energy collectors to treat depression? Willy Reich selling plots of land in Florida? Crowley being expelled from hell for abusing demons? Sorry, I lost my reading glasses and I think I misunderstood everything. I'll read again with 160% magnification.

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I don't want to explain all this...but I'm still bald.

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And so is Mercola! Still bald.

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“Clay is apparently a Kundalini Yogi somethingorother, just like Russell Brand and David Icke.” The money phrase

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Mercola has reached the age when people around you are wondering “How long will he go around”. Whether we like it or not, he has managed to become one of the most prominent figures in health education. His sharing of knowledge (in both article and interview formats) for free has made him a target of $$-focused businesses, which is no wonder. But the key point is that he (allegedly) has managed to build a strong and recognizable brand which, most probably, has some serious bucks to get hold of. So, the war about Mercola’s money may be a common sense explanation of what is going on really. Time will show.

As for strange (let’s call them non-academic) influences, why don’t we first check the roots of NASA? 100% magic plus extremely disturbing black occultism all over the place, until nowadays, including weird rituals presented publicly. Unfortunately, in our society, which is based on dissatisfaction and restricted access to basics (education, health, law, housing, food), people will appear now and then who create appealing theories or straight fantasies. It has been happening throughout the history, from Salem to “safe and effective” mind control advertising.

Why is it happening? One of the reasons may be that we don’t have basic in-depth life-related sciences education in primary schools. If we had academic-level education about our physiology for 10-year-olds (yes, they are mature enough to understand), serious stuff, not just superficial 10-minute chunks of “read and forget”, everybody would have a much stronger grip on the actual physical existence and outlandish fantasies would be much more difficult.

The same goes for law - it should be taught from early school days, simply because it is the basic of the social life, AND it is enforced despite being never provided.

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Yes on education being a major component of the problem. The Prussian education model opened the door to drone creation and recruitment. It may not be a coincidence that not long after, the occult-drive fantasy UFO religions took off.


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Mathew, that’s a nice collection of resources, thank you for the links.

Excuse me the question, but I have never researched it back in time, may be you have: the “alien” / UFO stuff must have existed way before WW2, considering how the paranormal was then popular. Are you aware of any early developments there?

We now know that “vampirism” was a literary creation specifically located in Romania (for some reason), and it helped fiction to become kind of entrenched in popular perception. Was there anything like that before the Bermuda Triangle?

I find Polly’s https://www.bitchute.com/video/K9UNzmF4JPtb/ review of some UFO-like concepts interesting, but even she won’t go back in history far enough to say, “Here, it started here.”

(Obviously, I don’t mean references in religions, that’s a different story.)

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The LDS church involves a belief in ascending to godliness over other planets. That's an early example on the edge of the UFO religion category.

But ultimately, the first known modern image (not assumed interpretation of a hieroglyph or cave painting) of what we think of as a flying saucer came from a Vril cult seance that I interpret as intelligence [likely British?] planting the idea with a top German engineer. The "flying saucer" trope came from the almost-certainly-hoaxed Kenneth Arnold sighting in 1947.


I have some of them documented, but not all on the graph, yet. But nearly all the modern UFO tropes were introduced in rapid succession just after WW2. This includes the "Men in black" stories. Once you see it all laid out with dates, it becomes more [I'll call it] obvious that these are tropes being planted in the public consciousness, creating the "distorted reality effect" of the Asch conformity experiments.

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Thank you for this summary. It sounds like puzzle pieces falling into their places. With the complexity of UFO stories all around and the number of “reports”, the scale of the thing is amazing, in a sense. I suspected some man-made scenarios (why wouldn’t “real” UFOs appear before the radio/TV era?).

I have no explanation for the “crop circles” story, which looks to me like a stray chip off the general “alien” scenario. But that’s a different story, I guess.

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The crop circle story is an interesting one for so many reasons. I suspect it was testing of directed energy or lasers, and turned into psyops. The book about the two 60 year old men pole vaulting through fields was an obvious farce, IMHO, that fueled the speculative fire.

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I just came across a relatively fresh article on crop circles (UK, 2022), with some photos and a map of where they found them. Maybe it will be of interest to you.


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Yes, I find it similarly hmmm strange, for a lack of a better word. Plenty of photographs, documentaries, reports, and the complexity of some patterns plus apparent geometry. The clean boundary lines close to the ground or intersections, I can’t find any explanation to this with whatever technology we (publicly) know. The only resolution that appeals to me is that… we don’t know how these things are done. Anyway, we don’t have to know everything and obviously what we scientifically “know” is just a tiny speck of dust.

But it was interesting to see that crop circles came to the focus of attention very strongly, stayed on the wave around the time of Däniken’s publications, and… sort of were silenced down. This seems strange, doesn’t it? Apart from the unknowns and the injection of the interest in the supernatural into general consciousness, it could be a publishing goldmine for years. With the current faking technology (from Photoshop to deepfakes and billions of bot-driven media hype), making crop circles the object of worship would be a breeze.

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Mercola seemed to be more and more wishy washy over time. I got to where I’d read his articles but not put much thought into it. So he’s nutted up or disinfo?

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Money. He's always been about money.

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