Great collection. My personal favorite: swprs.org , a Swiss group.

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I find Dr. Suneel Dhand a good voice of reason on youtube:


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I subscribed. I'll give him a view.

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Thank you, Mathew. We have found Collective Evolution and it's spinoff The Pulse to be excellent sources of information - very well researched and covering several seemingly unrelated but in fact very related topics. Joe Martino has been highly censored so we follow these stories on Telegram.

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On your recommendation, I will take a look.

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Great timing. Dr. Madhava Setty of this group just released an interesting analysis of the new Pfizer data.

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Ari interviewed me about three months ago. I have enjoyed a few of his episodes. During calmer times, I would likely watch more, and plan to in the future.

I will check out these others. I followed Mina, but Twitter forcibly unfollows for me sometimes...

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I would add Dr Tess Lawrie homepage (bird-group.org) and Dr John Campbell's daily vlog. Dr Campbell impressed me when he spoke about ivermectin as a worthless drug in a conversation with some Canadian pharmacy worker, and next day, having read comments from his listeners, he had an interview with Dr Tess LAwrie and has become an advocate of ivermectin ever since. He has also been advocating vit D since the first days of pandemic, advocates aspiration. He's still in favour of vaccination but has resently started looking into its side effects, too.

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FLCCC Alliance - Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Paul Marik and their team.


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Nutrition expert Dr. Chris Masterjohn has put out some good COVID-related info.


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the science of vaccination with respect to covid-19


and a good daily blog


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Thanks för sharing.

Some of my favourites are corbett report and realclimatescience.com.

Now I also added your blog to the list, it seems to be top notch.

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