I have mentally went back to the old one room cabin way of living with my family - depending on each other and finding those close neighbors I can trust - growing our own food - finding our own way - building real assets that are tangible with real value (life giving assets) - living one day at a time. If the plandemic and financial scams showed me anything they just cemented in my mind that there are way too many takers in the world and not enough makers. Way too many charlatans in the plandemic profiting off people on both sides of the jab. Thanks Matthew for letting my borrow your binoculars when needed.

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Ha, I drive a 2000 Subaru to my organic farm job 3 miles away, but could bicycle in a pinch. The car helps me with keeping the couple hundred pounds of donations I organize weekly to the local food pantry so other poor people can have fresh produce in their diet. I turn 60 this year, have no reitrement plan other than the collapsing social security system, which I won't sign up for the CBDC to get.

Thank you for your reality check to people on what to invest in. If I was younger or wealthier, I'd invest a large chunk in MYCOREMEDIATION, as that is one of the very few realistic possibilities for reckoning with the levels of ecological disaster unfolding in the air and land for a thousand miles to the northeast of Ohio and the water heading southwest down the Ohio River. Fungi can be trained to digest plastics and other toxins and were even found inside Chernobyl. The oil companies did a lot of studies early on, so some of this work is already started. But it is a complex field calling for a fair amount of infrastructure to scale up to the level needed.

Investors might also wish to consider investing in Traditional Ecological Knowledge projects, as Indigenous systems of land and resource management are adapted over thousands of years; permaculture just scratches the surface of what is possible. Check Lyla June Johnston's talks for an overview of the terrain. I could go on but I'll leave it at that, with gratitide for your work, Matthew.

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Apologizing in advance for asking, but do you think The Overarching Plan is to pollute privately held productive land, from the largest to the smallest/homestead, so that it can be confiscated under coming pollution-seizure laws, and its owners herded into 15 minute cities? After East Palestine, i have started to doubt the viability of the decentralizing movement. I am not sure derailments have increased, but I am sure that derailments of trains overloaded with catastrophic chemicals have.

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Hi Lone Star - if you are asking me, I would say this. I don't spend too much time with strategic considerations. It got weird trying to figure out 9/11 by trying to think like a psychopath. I figure the greed of the bosses has to be like an addiction - even though it no longer satisfies them, they probably are so deeply invested in their narcisissm that they will grab at whatever they can. With A I, they probably have endless contingency plans available for consideration on a rolling basis as conditions change.

What they can't factor in is human imagination, and other capacities directly sourced from Life. East Palestine is a wake-up to many of us who hoped to get back to the land, reminding us just how resilient the vision we are building toward needs to be. Stay flexible with strategies, connect with like-minded folks, build abundance into whatever you are doing.

I haven't found any safe exit strategies - I considered Nicaragua a few years ago, but the mosquitos alone tipped the scales toward the Midwest US. I have enjoyed being close to the land and am grateful to be 300 miles WEST of the disaster. For me, it's about future generations now, handing on a powerful enough set of regenerative tools that they have the best chance at carving out a loving space on this Earth as this society collapses.

After the passivity of nearly all Americans over the last 20 years in the face of genocidal Middle East wars, our collective morality is utterly degraded. Attending the Greater Reset recently, I just don't think this late red-pill covidiocy wake-up call has enough grounding to do much. As a movement, it's a tad stronger than Occupy I suppose, but about as organized.

I think people who have dealt with preserving their lives through multi-generational genocide will be those that lead the way forward. I try to build mutual support networks with such folks as I can. Blessings -

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Been wondering the same thing. Would like to see more discussion on this.

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Excellent suggestion on mycoremediation! I’ve been trying to the word out anyone who will listen regarding the Ohio ecological disaster. The people are the answer and we have the solutions. Begging the EPA, FEMA, or any politician to fix the situation facing East Palestine and the waterways will only make the matter worse.

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Good post. For me and I think for all of us it needs to have come down to this: I had certain people set aside from the beginning as manipulators - listening to what they said but always with a question as to why I had these reservations. Now we know. It really is that simple. Time to apply those suspicious minds all around. We are living in a matrix invented and promulgated by expert serially abusive manipulators. A complex multidimensional game of GO.

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I learned a lot about Kirsch from the Weinstein podcast with Malone. Enough to know.

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Me too. He's not a bad guy. He's a good guy. But he shoots from the hip and is fast and lose with his reasoning.

Given that he got double jabbed when many of us were already seeing more red flags than the 100 year anniversary of the Chinese communist party, his situational awareness is questionable at best.

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How do you know he was jabbed?

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Said it many times

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He told us he did.

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In other words, you don’t know. Which was my point.

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You are right, a lot of stuff has been said that is not true.

The chaos agents look like resistance fighters but get very little important done and often have issues with other resistance fighters.

Kind of hard to tell who is the good guy and who is the wolf in sheep's clothing these days.

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Maybe hard for a little while but with the speed of momentuous events happening one should be able to separate wheat from chaff

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I came here to say something similar. That was my first exposure to him. It wasn’t so much what he said but how he said it. I read his Substack but hear him interrupting me all the time!

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Constantly interrupting. Never listening to what Malone or Weinstein had to say. Always chomping at the bit to make his next point. All of it comes through in his substack.

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Feb 17, 2023
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I don't think he should invest in Kirsch Capital, either. :0-p

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Feb 17, 2023
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Alex thinks the sun shines out of Trump's bottom and believes his party is innocent. Pushes the partisan divide and rule mission.

Sued Twitter, promised not to settle and then settled without explanation IIRC.

He is an orator but has also achieved little, he also belittles the value of Ivermectin again IIRC.

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If I started listing the limited hangouts and Trojan horses I would be unlikely to be finished listing them in this lifetime. Maybe it would take up all the space on those server farms where we are held hostage?

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Oh boy, soooo true!

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"You be the leader that you need. Step up. You have your own unique set of strengths and skills."

I need a reminder of this often. I am reminded of a Buddhist story, my precis. The Buddha was visiting a village. The people said, some come and tell us to believe this, others come and tell us to believe that, what should we believe? The Buddha replied - make up your own mind.

There is no escape from putting in the effort yourself.

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I’m investing in fixed assets. I bought a lot more land, I’m building up infrastructure on that land, and I’m adding livestock and expanding my garden. Being able to take care of myself is already priceless, and the market for things like eggs, lamb, and heirloom veggies is great.

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Be on the lookout for derailed trains and small plane crashes. 😄

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Yeah, you’re not wrong.

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LOVE the “Fields worth investing in” list. How about also turnkey home gardening systems for dummies, home water purification systems, etc.

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Water filtration may already be a crowded pool, pun intended.

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Fashion the problem then invent the solution?

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Alot of Israeli stocks etc making irrigation or I think hydroponics systems (partly for marijuana growing!) etc... HOWEVER and if you have some land or space, there is nothing to stop you (except the govt...) from having a small greenhouse or hydroponics system doing, for example, those exotic and ridiculously expensive strawberries from Japan etc or other foods....

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There is finally an American company competing with the Israeli tech that condenses water out of the air (I hear they're Israelis who worked on the tech, then moved over to build their own company). That's one of the techs that can do a lot of good in some places.

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Yea! There are TOO MANY stupid businesses that got funded thanks to low interest rates, "social responsibility"/ESG reasons or Silicon Valley being flush with cash and people who want to virtue signal about something... See this alot in emerging markets e.g. the types of business Silicon Valley funded incubators in places like Myanmar etc focused on...

Also see rich Asians being "sold a dream" e.g. owning a western brand-franchise, or premium foods-wine importation or high end F&B etc and not understanding how the financials work, the time horizons needed etc....

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Smart builders understand that when the foundations are weak and the builders take shortcuts that all that remains is BS. There are no two ways around this - but here we are.

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These guys in Bloomington Indiana did just that with their Garden Tower. It has a worm-composting cylinder down the middle that also gives the worms ample access to the soil surrounding it. Drainage at the bottom into a pail allows one to grow efficiently even through a hot Texas summer. I have extensive experience with these, all the way back to when they were hand made, prior to them raising enough capital to do sectional-molding of food-grade plastic.


They're extremely productive as long as you give them a bit of rocket-fuel in the form of a great soil-mix for starters, and some amendments and compost-tea along the way. You'll end-up with a mass of roots for the compost pile at the end of a season, a bunch of worm-castings, new worms if they're managed well, and great memories of all the fresh food you gave to neighbors.

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In Kuala Lumpur, there is an urban farm called e-Farm using tilapia and a greenhouse in the suburbs started by a university student or recent grad:

https://youtu.be/nA8LCDvT2_Y (short tour)

https://youtu.be/NCEQSqaN0fE longer video



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Thanks for the links! Watched the first one so far. That's fantastic what they're integrating. If you're in contact with them, they might benefit from learning about the larvae of the Black Soldier Fly as fish-food. I raised them at a hobby-level in big Home Depot bins and our chickens loved the protein-fat content. They'd gather at the fence when they'd see me heading into the shaded hoop-structure where the bins were, waiting on their daily handfuls of mature grubs.

Matthew Cartwright and his team have taken this to PhD levels of sophistication.




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I will check it out!

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I’m into rainwater capture, in México, which seems to be illegal in parts of the US. I’m in a state with a rainy season, so it all arrives in a couple of months. It’s an engineering problem more than anything else. Up to now, we’ve found rain is cleaner than town or well water. And removing nitrates, in the town water from fertilizer use, is tricky…

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Do you use clay olla pots? I see now they have made specially designed spiked shape ones... Also, you can't use ground water to clean solar panels. You need to use a special soft water OR rely on the rain to clean them - another reason they make no sense in most places or on a large scale...

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No, we use multiple large cisternas of 3000 liters and have an underground tank of > 20,000 liters. It is much larger scale than self-watering plant pots. During the rainy season, we don't need to water trees and plants!

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Valuable information, much appreciated. Kirsch has always rubbed me the wrong way and you have done a great job giving me reasons to back up my general sense of the guy. Didn't realize he was at Rockefeller Foundation. He kind of gives me the same vibes Sean Penn does in a hurricane. Why is he here? Wish Kennedy would decouple from him.

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I do t think RFK is really coupled with him. But I do think Steve tries to foster the relationship and the impression.

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Jeffrey Skoll was Kirsch’s largest donor at his Early Treatment Fund. From Wikipedia on Jeffrey Skoll’s bio: “ In January 2020, Skoll donated $20 million, and an additional $100 million in April, to the Skoll Foundation to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.[30][32] The funds were used to assist with testing, contact tracing, and provide respiratory devices and other medical equipment to countries that couldn't afford it.[29]”

Marc Beniof, of WEF fame and a major player there was also a major donor. Kirsch is in bed with many of our worst enemies.

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Link to Kirsch/Rockefeller Foundation connection?

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Thanks. See my response to MC about Kirsch. He is a clear liability to any movement aspiring to freedom. He needs to be discarded.

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While I do agree, you do realize the link I provided was to this very thread?

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I've had reservations about Kirsh...I nearly joined his substack as paid so I could ask him- Why not fund some autopsies big guy? Seems kind of an obvious move to me...

Excellent post, excellent suggestions...

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I actually did ask him to do that. No response.

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Or a real-time blood bank analysis to quantify the current damage from the vaccines and promote supplements/lifestyle changes for the walking future injured.

Much needed.

Simple to do.

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I wonder if funding autopsies would create a conflict of interest (or appearance thereof). Maybe he could challenge an equally wealthy “pro COVID vaxxer” to split the costs with him.

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Not funding even. Just buy a machine and run the business.

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I wonder if it would make sense for every country to be at least self sufficient in production of Cholecalciferol. A physiological dose of 200ug=8000IU daily requires very little. Wholesale cost is about US$0.50 per person PER year.

Most is made in China and India.

vitaminDwiki.com is a good general source of information

https://cholecalciferol.miraheze.org/wiki/DOI has 100 studies relating to value in current pandemic and general upper airway respiratory illness (my collection).

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Set up a lab to test Vitamin-D3 serum levels and supplement concentrations at cost plus in such a volume that everyone and their ignorant doctor will use the service.

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You had me at : “Pooling the names (and wealth) of wealthy dissidents has a very bad history.”

The old adage is appropriate... ‘For most people it is enough to simply say the stove is hot but there are always some people who love the smell of their burning flesh. ‘

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A few thoughts here, a couple of quick ones.

To start, I have no idea why anyone would listen to Kirsch to begin with. His beliefs and what he's backed over the years are what heavily contributed to leading the world where it is today. He's one of those types that step into the aftermath of a battle and states boldly, "looks as if something uncivil occurred here." Like so many others, I suppose there's nothing wrong with recognizing that your chest has been crushed AFTER an elephant has sat on it, but it's hardly a cutting edge insight.

Where were all of these people on DAY 1, when anyone that had done ANY homework whatsoever, and still could have within a matter of hours, days tops, declaring it all to have been bullshit, ... PSYOP19 that is. I was castigated by just about everyone for even suggesting it.

"Quick point" 2, rather than referring to the perps as the "Globalist Nazi Party," the Globalist Bolshevik Party is far more accurate of a descriptor. As I tell people, we are in the midst of Holodomor II, which will make the original seem like a picnic in contrast.

As to the piece in general, here's what people are COMPLETELY missing out on ...

The stock markets and all of the "official" investment mechanisms, are nothing but a laundering mechanism for the Central Banking Cabal. I'll leave it at that in the interests of brevity.

If you have money to invest, invest it in a small business of your own. If you are too much of a pansy to start one, then invest it in a friend's small business or that of several friends.

Somewhere in our modern American existence we forsook God and turned to the Almighty Mammon as our object of worship and spiritual apple of our eyes! It became all about getting more, "making that money work 'hard' for you." "Not taking any risks." ... as if the Central Banking Cabal's mechanisms are anything but risk in the grand scheme.

And of course punching keys on a keyboard while wearing a suit and tie is "working harder" than someone that works two blue-collar jobs to make ends meet for their family, ... don'cha know.

The goal should be to put as little as possible into the satanic Centralized Banking Cabal's Systems as possible. But instead, we've been trained like circus animals over the decades to ensure that the word "enough" is no longer in our vocabulary, ... as good Christians in fact. (sarcasm intended)

The banking system was not nearly always what it is today, which is a central control mechanism, which if it isn't obvious, then LOL, well ...

It used to more resemble a place where honest monies would go in and out at equal rates for the benefit of both borrower and lender, and not in a usurious manner. Our good buddies, the Babylonian Talmudists, led by the Rothschild family, first starting in Europe, slowly took over the entire enchilada of the westernized banking system, and then some (which is what wars are ultimately about), and turned it into a usurious predatory subversive and oppressive global control mechanism. Over here it went into turbo mode with the establishment of the privately held Federal Reserve in 1913, then with supporting amendments and legislation in subsequent years and then regularly over the course of the next 110 years to date.

At present, and likely never at this point, do we have any choice as to what we use as currency, but we have had up until now at least. the choice as to where to place that currency which we do control. But again, like well-trained circus animals, we've willfully opted to place it where the ringmaster tells us to. ... "for our benefit" of course, and again, with the notion that the primary basis in life is wealth/mammon

Then a jobs structure involving all of the jobs that prop up this satanic beast pays the best, ... gotta reward those that help it gobble up the world don'cha know. Among those would be the financial sector, banking, insurance, etc. in a centralized globally subversive ploy that could only be orchestrated by the minions of Satan and his synagogue. And just like people gladly accepted monies (aka mammon) to kill their fellow humanity recently, we're too ignorant and naive to realize that we're paving our own road to hell, or in fact have already paved our own road to hell.

Best advice for true liberty, if it's even attainable anymore which is incredibly doubtful given the advances in technology to control us, like the animals that they (literally) regard us as, is to put your money/currency/wealth as far away from any "investment" mechanisms that are offered by the establishment as possible.

Food for thought, what if all of the people claiming to be "awake," that had money/wealth, instead of investing it in the contrived markets and institutions of their moral enemies in most cases, instead placed it where it could work for far more localized economies, and were less concerned with amassing as much of it as possible and more concerned about creating healthy moral Christian communities. THAT'S why "Buy Local" will never ultimately win out. It's a buzz word more than it is anything practical.

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Your last paragraph was just what i needed this morning. Very uplifting. Ive gotten myself in a bit of a pickle in the market without Steves help. Went short the Nasdaq in October. Looked like a genius for about a week. Now, not so much.

Thanks for all you do Mat. Not many people would give up successful trading to get into this maddening fight.

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Right now I think having a (relatively) large amount of your wealth on the balance sheet of a 3rd party might not be the wisest choice, irrespective of whose balance sheet it might be.

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Thank you, Matthew, for your clear-eyed, thoughtful explanation of all of this. While I admire some of Steve's work to bring attention to the jab issues, the bull in a china shop analogy is a good one on this "investment", and it's wise to be very cautious about taking advice from someone who fell for the FTX scam, which should have been pretty obvious to anyone who bothered to scratch the surface of that one. This sentence really sums up your advice: "Sometimes, it's best to avoid mistakes without experiencing them."

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The Nasdaq "big picture"...wow. This was a very informative article.

I did enjoy this line, along with the meme:

"I get it: You're anxious. You're scared. You stay up nights wondering what the Nazis have in store. You would love to have some way to grow your capital while passing some of the profits to a worthy cause. You wonder if the world is spinning faster. You wonder why the difference between "The CIA helped murder JFK" and "the Earth is flat" suddenly seem a little blurrier."

As Dr. Trozzi said recently (not verbatim), we have to allow ourselves to laugh, even in the midst of the Apocalypse.

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“I'll wager that Bitcoin out-returns Steve's fund of funds in 2023, too.“

Damn. I wish you’d published this a week ago. Before I front ran the ‘downturn’ in BTC with a short. Haha.

I loved your list of action items that Steve or others could do. More of those musings, please.

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Here's a follow-on to my earlier, tiny comment. For whatever it's worth, this well-written post did not come across as a "hit piece" or an "attack" on Kirsch. It wasn't. As a matter of fact, several investment ideas were offered to Kirsch at no cost. Rather, the author succeeded in challenging his readers to think critically by asking him/her basic questions: "Does this sound like a good idea?", "Why do X when Y is better, writ large?". Source material was also offered along the way. I thought Mathew made his points dispassionately.

I'm not an investor so I wasn't interested in Kirsch's fund anyway. But I appreciated the insights that Mathew offered.

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