I am a Hungarian citizen. During my life, I read and watched a lot of alternative media. I don't have a very good opinion of the elections. I don't think you have either. 99% of the time, the person who is supported by many people with a lot of money wins the elections. Along with a lot of money comes political power. It's not a choice, it's cheating. We also have this here at Rochild Zrt. Anyone who would represent the nation is kicked out with some false or perceived reason. The bottom line: the winner will always be the candidate who chooses more for the globalists. If, won, then there are no side tracks! Because they kill you. What do many Hungarians want? A just national selection, a kingdom, the seal belongs to the king. Lower House, Upper House, King. This is a bottom-up build. To be studied. Those with large fortunes would not be in political power, they have the economy there, they build national interests there. But, that he has a lot of wealth and wants to be the ruler of the world... the sick man, where are the people who are more numerous than the strange gentlemen...

Én, egy magyarországi polgár vagyok. Az életem során sok alternatív médiát olvastam, néztem.

Nekem a választásokról nincs túl jó véleményem. szerintem önöknek sincs. 99%-ban az a személy nyeri a választásokat, akit sokan támogatnak sok pénzzel. A sok pénz mellé politikai hatalom is párosul. Ez nem választás, ez csalás. Nálunk is ez van, ebben a Rochild Zrt-ben.

Aki a nemzetet képviselné, azt kiütik valamely hamis, vagy vélt indokkal.

A lényeg: mindig a globalistáknak többet kináló jelölt lesz a nyerő.

Ha, nyert, akkor nincs mellékvágányok! Mert megölik.

Sok Magyar mit szeretne? Egy igazságos nemzeti kiválasztást, királyságot, a pecsét a királyt illeti meg.

Alsóház, Felsőház, Király.

Ez, egy alulról történő építkezés.


Nem a nagy vagyonokkal rendelkezők lennének a politikai hatalomban, nekik ott van a gazdaság, ott építenek a nemzeti érdekeket.

De, azt, hogy dugig van vagyonnal, és ő akar lenni a világúra... a beteg ember, hol vannak a népek, akik többen vannak, mint a fura urak..

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NATO – an anti-white and anti-family institution . . .

After the apocalypse of 1945, a number of global organizations have been formed with the aim of maintaining and expanding totalitarian liberalism. One of the earliest organizations formed for this purpose was the war alliance "North Atlantic Treaty Organization", or NATO, which can be seen as the military wing of globalism.

In addition to ensuring that Washington always has international support for its military campaigns, NATO as an institution is explicitly anti-white and explicitly dedicated to "racial justice" for racial aliens living in white countries. As early as 1999, NATO authored reports blaming nationalists for a number of modern problems and warning against the influence of nationalism.

In 2023, the war alliance held a summit at its headquarters in Brussels on race where the alliance's leaders pledged to fight "homogeneous attitudes" and to use NATO's "collective intelligence" for the purpose.

In fact, NATO is so dedicated to its anti-white agenda that it openly advocates that institutions must be reshaped to be "inclusive," in other words, restructured to be more anti-white, and consist of fewer white employees and executives.


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Trump wants war. Now, RFK, Jr (who was only two minutes ago the "peace candidate") also wants war. WTF? A "Unity" ticket for war?!?! No, thanks!!! There are no sane options but to govern ourselves!!!

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Links to your claim that Trump wants war. Thanks.

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Where do you find RFKJ advocating war?

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RFK Jr has been asked numerous times if he'd run with Trump, and he said, flat-out. No.

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And I can't think of a politician who ever said one thing, then did the other.

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Sorry to rain on the parade - it's not happening. You know that RFK Jr. successfully sued and won against Trump who tried to install a golf club near NY that would have decimated the watershed. Trump is so vindictive, you know he'll never let him live that down.

They have nothing in common. Imagine king of the anti-vaxxers joining up with the guy that executed the largest mass murder via vaccination. The guy who wrote the book that exposed Fauci and the guy that gave him Presidential comendation.

Chalk and cheese.

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He also said he would not run independent.

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Definitely not true. He carefully danced around early questions about the obvious choice of him running as an independent. He’s a skilled lawyer.

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Fascinating. Hard to make sense of it all. The Tower of Babel seems to have returned

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Don’t think the lack of booster uptake is not the main driver here, just part of the cacophony.

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Oh no it isn't

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Lol ok

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I doubt RFK Jr will be a good choice for the Republicans in the long run. He's pretty anti-gun and pro indigenous peoples day. He's got a bunch of other beliefs that the right wing won't support but it's too early in the morning right now for me to remember.

I don't think Biden will pick him as VP either because he's too much of a wild card and outside the mainstream. His anti-covid pseudovax opinion won't fit well with Biden's base.

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Should I waste my time reading that article and writing out a thoughtful response to someone who just responded to me with, "Ummm..."

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Dr McCullough is a waste of your time??? REALLY??

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FWIW, I don't click much of any link without a summary if it's not part of my research. There aren't enough hours in the day. It's on you to invite people in where you think there is important content.

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My only comment about a Trump RFKjr ticket is no thank you. I am probably one of the few who has actually read RFK jr. "Climate Crisis" book, and he is a certifiable nutcase. Drill baby Drill, or we are all dead. More than one way to kill off the world's population other than bad vaccines.

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I hear ya! IF Trump chooses RFK Jr, I will for the first time in my life, not vote. RFK Jr is no friend to conservatives. He would happily lock us all up for being "climate deniers."

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Fast-track clot shots Trump is no friend to humanity. And I don't believe RFKJ is a climate alarmist.

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Let's say that we accept the "everything in politics/major world events is orchestrated" hypothesis, which Matthew is making a pretty good case for. Then, let's be real, we have no chance at changing things. We don't have peaceful options. And non-peaceful ones are almost impossible given the power of the institutions that presumably control world events and everything surrounding them.

All we can do is point things out until we die. Is this worth it? I'm slowly coming to the realization that it is not. I think we are wasting our time. Like I said in another answer, I think the most pressing issue, given that we can't escape our world, is objectively knowing if there is another one after we inevitably die. I think the only possible way to come close to this knowledge is knowing if Christianity is true.

This is a bold claim, but I think I can back it up. Real Christians claim, and are willing to be refuted, that there is historical evidence for Jesus' resurrection. I've heard their arguments, and they sound strong to me. Now this changes everything. Because if Christianity is true, this means that the world is orchestrated by evil forces, that it will come to an end, that all other worldviews are wrong by corollary, that we are still in Plato's cave, and that we could be missing out on eternal life by being distracted by current events. Wouldn't trying to nullify the "Christianity is true" hypothesis the most important quest in our ephemeral life?

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I would like to divorce myself from the hypothesis that everything is orchestrated. That's not what I've said or have even thought.

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That's not the hypothesis I stated Matthew. Would you be more inclined to accept this:

everything in politics/major world events is orchestrated". Would also love to hear your opinion on my other train of thought regarding the importance of the Christianity question.

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I don't think that everything is orchestrated. However, I do believe that enough big picture level events are orchestrated that we should lean toward that as a default assumption for any instance.

I have no sense as to why you think the "Christianity is true" model is a falsifiable hypothesis, or why that's an important way to think of the world.

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All of modern so-called science is based ultimately on unfalsifiable hypotheses. The present overall hypothesis is that the universe began a long time ago ... somehow (we do not have an explanation). Life also began somewhere (maybe far, far away) ... a long time ago ... somehow (by spontaneous generation, although we have absolutely no idea how that could happen, as it has never been observed or demonstrated in a laboratory and all evidence is against it). All living things on earth derived from some "simple" origin (although we do not know of any simple forms of life), and proliferated by something called evolution (by chance mutations and a fictitious directing concept called natural selection) until we have our present conditions on Earth. Oh, and the Sun and Earth and all life will someday end, leaving no trace, so that everything will be as though none of it had ever existed. Life is purposeless, meaningless, and ultimately valueless ... so do not question authority, take your shots (as many as required), and just let the elites (who are so much smarter and wiser than you) run the show. If you disagree or object, you will be dealt with accordingly.

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These are my reasons for the importance of the model:

if Christianity is true, this means that the world is orchestrated by evil forces, that it will come to an end, that all other worldviews are wrong by corollary, that we are still in Plato's cave, and that we could be missing out on eternal life by being distracted by current events.

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We could take any mythology that claims ultimate importance and make the same argument of endgame paramount importance, but that's circular reasoning as per hypothesis testing.

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I would push back a little bit on the mythology claim. I just find it weird that Tolkien and C.S. Lewis did not categorize Christianity this way given that mythology was their cup of tea, and keep in mind Lewis was ardent atheist, and top-notch philosopher, up until his mid thirties.

You are right in what you say, however. Other religions/worldviews could make exactly the same argument. I fail to see the circularity though. Just because other worldviews could make same argument doesn't mean the argument is circular or invalid. I think the question becomes: why choose Christianity?

I think it comes down to the historical case the "steel-men" of Christianity make. I've heard it, and to me it seems very falsifiable like alluded to in my other reply below, and also very strong. Also, I don't think there's a current worldview that can claim that God came down and resurrected and left historical evidence for us to find out.

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Why is it falsifiable? If listen to people like William Lane Craig, Licona, the McDowells, Mike Winger, they never make a case outside the realm of falsifiability. They make a purely historical case like when trying to answer the questions "Did Cesar really crossed the Rubicon" or "Did Plato really write what we think he wrote". These are not scientific claims but they are not unfalsifiable either.

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Juan Linde - I’m leaning towards this as well, starting to realize that it’s all a big distraction.

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The amazing thing is that the pattern is described by Jesus in the Parable of the Sower:

"Listen! Behold, a sower went out to sow. And as he sowed, some seed fell along the path, and the birds came and devoured it. Other seed fell on rocky ground, where it did not have much soil, and immediately it sprang up, since it had no depth of soil. And when the sun rose, it was scorched, and since it had no root, it withered away. Other seed fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked it, and it yielded no grain. And other seeds fell into good soil and produced grain, growing up and increasing and yielding thirtyfold and sixtyfold and a hundredfold." And he said, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear."

And he said to them, "Do you not understand this parable?...

...And others are the ones sown among thorns. They are those who hear the word, but the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches and the desires for other things enter in and choke the word, and it proves unfruitful.

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May I suggest reading “Krivda” by Enna Reittort. She has many great podcast interviews out now as well including a 4 part series with Paul Chek. Her research suggests religion, money, politics all follow a pattern for coercion and control. Really fascinating work.

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I agree with her suggestion, but I do think that there may be an exception with real Christianity. I mean the historical argument is very strong. So it could be the case that Religions are used for coercion and control and Christianity is true. All I'm saying is the question is the most important question, I think of all, because of the implications.

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I wonder about this also, though coming from a deep disgust with most of the forms it has taken, but I think it might be an allegory that our chimp minds can comprehend, for an incomprehensible shift in the cosmos. Lee Smolin, the physicist, says the laws of physics might EVOLVE. And I'd been thinking of exhorting all atheists and agnostics and unaffiliated spiritual people to, as a thought experiment, imagine or believe for a few hours that God exists based on this I got from a Patheos push notification while reading about Israel https://www.patheos.com/blogs/freelancechristianity/jesus-and-schroedingers-cat/?utm_medium=push&utm_source=pushly&utm_campaign=3666462 We know something is turning people into zombified, sadistic, pedophilic, human sacrificers, and I'm not at all sure that whatever interdisciplinary lense we focus on that can explain it, nor does some abstract scriptural notion of a dark being. To me at least. Maybe something that knows how to hijack our chakras and cerebral spinal fluid and all the little energetic spirals neuroscientists are finding that swirl around in our brains https://www.livescience.com/health/neuroscience/mysterious-spiral-signals-in-the-human-brain-could-be-key-to-our-cognition


Just as the winged energy of delight

carried you over many chasms early on,

now raise the daringly imagined arch

holding up the astonishing bridges.

Miracle doesn't lie only in the amazing

living through and defeat of danger;

miracles become miracles in the clear

achievement that is earned.

To work with things is not hubris

when building the association beyond words;

denser and denser the pattern becomes

being carried along is not enough.

Take your well-disciplined strengths

and stretch them between two opposing poles.

Because inside human beings

is where God learns.

— Rainer Marie Rilke (1924)

translated by Robert Bly

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Your comment is very thought provoking as are the articles you shared. To me as an atheist/ex-atheist (I really don't know at this point), all of the philosophies/theories about what is going on rest, in the end, upon the minds of very fallible people.

Who is to say that in 500 years, like it has happened before, all of our "knowledge" of what we thought we knew won't be turned "upside-down" by a funny-looking genius?

This is why Christ's resurrection and the Bible are so intriguing to me. Imagine it happened and Bible is true, it means all of the theories we hear and entice us are dead wrong. All that we think about the world and the after life is wrong. But most important, it means that there is a lot of hope in the end, and it is not for everyone.

Now, the most amazing thing, to me at least, is that there are PHD-holding Christians that are willing to lay their case and debate it. They all say the same thing: the events surrounding the resurrection of Christ and the expansion of Christianity are historical facts, and the resurrection is the thing that best explains all those facts. And they all urge you to investigate it yourself and not take it on faith, which is not what I expected.

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I have a free substack book in progress at https://zzzzzzz.substack.com/p/acts-15-truth-unity. The shroud of Turin appears to be strong evidence of Jesus' resurrection. But I don't consider the Bible to be the infallible word of God. Instead, it seems to be the fallible words of angels of God. And Jesus seems to be an angel too. Eternal Hell was not originally in the Bible, but was added by Emperor Justinian over 500 years after Jesus' time. I emphasize Acts 15, because in that chapter the apostles gave their example for us to follow on achieving unity in God's will, which I think is the main lesson for humanity.

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Interesting. If I may, how do you know that eternal hell was added by Justinian?

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She’s definitely NOT the first to say it. I’ve been hearing it since long before RFK, Jr. even announced.

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Would you mind helping out with documentation?

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RFK Jr. has over and over publicly stated his disdain for Trump, even on Iverson’s show. He said he would never run with Trump. He’s said that over. And over. And over.

I take him at his word. I think Trump would welcome him but Kennedy would reject any advances. IF Kennedy “changed his mind” then he confirms that he cannot be trusted (if anyone still actually trusts him). Kennedys problem with Trump is his character. How’s that going to suddenly change? New information comes to light, Trump is suddenly a stable genius? He does not like grabbing pussy after all? Seems unlikely to me.

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Name Kennedy's policy reversals over the past 20 years.

In my Russell Brand article, I'm going to be showing a lot of connections between the men that may surprise you.

I'll set the ante with Peter Thiel.

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I have not paid a lot of attention to Kennedy pre COVID. Since his POTUS announcement he seems to have, on a few occasions, talked about things he’s not well versed on. To his great credit, more often he admits that he needs to do more research or analysis before answering - something foreign to all other politicians.

Kennedy and Trump seem aligned on a lot of their ideas. Not all, but a lot. Enough. Kennedy’s issue with Trump seems personal. If there were some policy differences holding back a partnership I’m sure those could be resolved. But if Kennedy things Trump is actually a deplorable human being, and his words suggest that is the case, then I don’t think there can be a reconciliation. I’d love to be wrong. I’d love for the two political outsiders to team up. The popcorn would be flowing.

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Kennedy is a NE Liberal Democrat. He's somewhat attractive now politically because he's not an obvious raging nutjob (though if you look at what he's written and said over the last 20 years, his policy positions are). Trump is a 70s/80s era NY Democrat, which these days is a solid conservative. They're not that far apart in age and original political world view. But Trump became a heretic by running as a Republican against the anointed Hillary, and then won. And that can never be forgiven.

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I would hate to see RFKJ team up with clot shot promoter, Trump.

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Trump didn't keep his promise to Kennedy to give him an office in the White House once Trump became President. Trump wouldn't even return his calls. Trump then gave Pfizer money after he became President and became Mr. Warp Speed Guy. |

Kennedy was pissed as he should be. There is now bad blood between the two.

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Yep, I’ve read his book - same as you apparently. I don’t blame Kennedy for his position, Trump did him dirty.

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I didn't read his book. I was already following Kennedy and he had talked about that at the time.

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After everything we have learned over decades about the surrepticious power of 3letter agencies, politics, banking, media and govt systems in general---layered atop internet-connected programmable electronic machines rife with controversy, why are we even talking about voting?

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Kennedy is a climate alarmist. His objections to nuclear power are a tip-off that he isn't a good, sober minded candidate on many important issues. I also object to his fierce loyalty to abortion. Only demonic influence could allow such a heinous practice to be so widely accepted and championed,

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I liked RFK, until I understood that he’s a climate alarmist. Then I was out. Zero chance Trump picks him for VP, or that he would even accept. I am concerned that Trump is unable to apologize for pumping the Covid vaccines (all part of his inability to apologize for anything). Biden is a Feinstein-like walking dead. Nicki Haley is too much of a warmonger. DeSantis is struggling with low charisma. The whole thing is a mess. My concern with RFK running is it takes votes from the Republican side (especially if Trump wins, since there are so many never-Trumpers), and then we get Diaper Joe again. How can the country, heck how can the world survive an additional 4 years of this clown, or worse, Cackling Kamala? Horrifying.

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Here's what I suspect on the next fear Campaign: Terrorists get hold of BioWeapons.

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How's that for a Unifying Theory?

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They are going to build them in garages (or in warehouses in California) with ingredients easily sourced from Alibaba?

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That's what they'll you...

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I thought Trump already said a big "NO" to this?

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Politicians talk as politicians talk.

Politcians do as politicians do.

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Bobby says his wife would leave him if he runs with Trump.

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That's the best cover. She does let him...run the world's most organized vaccine safety organization while she tells party guests they have to come with vax cards.

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He explained that party. You do remember Trump asked him to take over sectors of health and fired him after Pfizer paid Trump a cool mil

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How do you reconcile this one, Mathew?

RFK Jr. has said the forced vaccines, the pandemic, were all Trump. Trump gave a Presidential commendation to Fauci, for fuck’s sake. His preformative Kayfabe with Fauci was a masterclass in deception to his base and the wider public in general. Pretend he's anti-vax one day, and then push through the largest forced global mass-vaccination in human history.

This seems to be a recurring fantasy of many people, including yourself.

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Reconciliation happens through Mindwar these days.

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