Jun 2, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Yikes. A long while ago I read heavily in science fiction. So much of it seemed weird and implausible. Until 40-50 years into the future it becomes reality.

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Jun 2, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

“Does it creep anyone else out that Joss Whedon's Avengers story involves a villain who kills half the people in the universe?”


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“The truly inexplicable popularity of Oprah”


Thanks for always throwing in that bit of humor.


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Jun 2, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

The biggest mystery to me among the many Covid mysteries is why so many people rushed out to get a version 1.0 drug injected into their shoulder, including Steve Kirsch. I’m intrigued that Mathew now seems focused on this issue.

I know about all the propaganda and recently watched a clip of the Today show hosts getting vaccinated on live TV. Since when do people - especially those with Kirsch’s intellect - become so easily influenced by media? I had thought that media influence was waning given the smaller audiences versus pre-Internet. So that’s why I’m mystified.

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Even the Great Barrington Declaration folks were like "Sure, just a hundred million jabs and we're free."

I don't get it, either. It's like we all live in different universes. Glad Steve came around.

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Jun 3, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

the terror campaigns that world governments waged against the people was pretty

intense, if you were,nt alert to this nefarious plan lots of people would be fooled and

were, its sickening to see still how many will do what the tyrants say

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I was initially all for the vaccine when it came out under Trump’s presidency. Why would I distrust it? But when the REAL president walked off into the sunset leaving us with a babbling idiot, I failed to trust anything. Add to this the free crispy creams, burgers, beer, why were they pushing it? Churches closed down while liquor stores open, small business closed while large corporate companies remained open. Fake covid deaths not really occurring in empty hospitals. The world became clown world in an instant. The vaccine quickly became the enemy in my eyes. At first a ticket to freedom (that was a good portion of brainwashing) now we can work! Now we can travel! See grandma!!! No thank you....and it was sometime before we learned just how experimental the vaccine was. In fact, I begged my 88 year old father get the vaccine so when I flew out to see him (me, unvaccinated) I’d know I was going to infect him. He ended up passing days after turning 89 and after my visit. Yep, heart issue. The trust in the vaccine initially was common I believe.

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Correction, with my father vaccinated, I’d know I would not infect him.

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Did Steve really come around? Lately I’m not really sure whose side he is on…

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Jun 2, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

I was in Oakland, blocks from the Cypress structure, when the Loma Prieta struck in 1989. I was sitting at my computer when the room shifted in one huge jolt. I tried to get out of the chair to the doorway as that was the action we had been drilled to take back in the proverbial day, but felt pinned by the next jolt. My three large dogs panicked and then started leaping and trying to bite the air itself. I'd lived in California for most of my life and usually people would just make remarks like "did the earth move for you?" with complete blaseness when there was a quake. This quake felt phenomenologically and emotionally and cognitively different.

They say that the coolest thing about experiencing totality during a total eclipse is the anomie of it as it is experienced in the body. Covid was a dark ANOMIE, every other disease outbreak had been contained during our lifetimes, this was singular and utterly novel, unimaginable. I'm not at all surprised or mystified that people took the shots, though I'm sure people had very different reasons for doing it based on their epistemologies. Risk/benefit thinking changes a lot for people who are older and don't feel as immortal anymore for instance. Watch cancer ravage your friends or relatives, or watch cognitive impairment take someone's mind, and your sense of what disease means changes tremendously. Maybe the media and decades of pharma ads got certain demographics, but I don't think people's reasons for taking it were all born of the media.

I have been thinking that epistemology may be the way to wake people up. How do you know what you know? Whom and what do you trust? What have you experienced that has led you to what conclusions? With education being a patchwork of commodified dumpster fires perhaps people haven't ever thought about those questions.

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Good analysis. Many many were sucked under by the rip tide of the initial fear of a deadly virus, the promise of sterilizing immunity, and immediate compulsion in healthcare and other corporate sectors. That along with the government and media hype snared many naive of "conspiracy theories."

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“I have have been thinking that epistemology may be the way to wake people up. How do you know what you know? Whom and what do you trust? What have you experienced that has led you to what conclusions? With education being a patchwork of commodified dumpster fires perhaps people haven't ever thought about those questions.“

Great comment. Thanks.

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I think that most people (particularly people in the upper middle class) have throughout their lives viewed the medical orthodoxy as being trustworthy. Simple as that. Until Covid came around they were not forced to look the beast squarely in the eye.

Most still have not, unfortunately.

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Yes. The great divide in my extended family is that the Ivy leaguers buy into anything the government says however my redneck side always are suspicious.

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The high elites-a lot of Hollywood although some were not warned-politicians, royalty, etc., did not get jabbed. Falsely portrayed they have. Adams of NYC has just given exemption from vax to the various elites. It’s finally spoken…

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I met Jim Channon in the 1980s and was convinced by his presentation on the First Earth Battalion in Philadelphia. I have some slides from it. I was also involved with the Global Nonviolent Peaceforce - quite different. Thanks for this blast from the past.

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I believe Channon was that special kind of moderately high IQ psychopath who could be convincing.

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Here’s a Real mathematician gone Hawaii, if you care to spend 30 mns looking at totally different values....

The Art of Life



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Love it!

Mathew, it's wild how you weave these different narrative strands, which often echo various stages and pursuits from my own path :)

I don't always agree with some of your articles but I mightily appreciate your voice and your contributions!

When is the DMED story going to blow up???

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Jun 2, 2022·edited Jun 2, 2022Author

The DMED story will blow up when somebody with large reach gets the guts to blow it up. I've talked with several hundred people about it. Maybe 97% of them think it's the right story and that it's huge. Yet, oddly, the people you would think would most want to pursue it seem to be letting it go.

I talked with some of the whistleblowers earlier in the week, and there was a tremendous amount of miscommunication previously. I'm working with them to restore all the proper channels of communication. This had to do with lawyer swapping at a time when I wasn't informed, which is its own frustrating story. But I am hearing good things about Todd Callander, and am trying to talk with him soon. I'm also working on an article for CHD.

I've given numerous interviews that are not yet out in the public. Some are weeks old and I hope to see them published soon.

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There seems to be a lot of this going around. Edward Dowd, for example, thinks that the insurance industry is going to blow the whistle any day now, given that all cause mortality is off the charts post early '21. Yet nothing has happened. D'Souza releases 2000 Mules to blanket MSM indifference (or worse). Steve Kirsch has beaten the drum every day for weeks at the scandalous vaccine injury numbers, but so far no one with institutional 'credibility' has decided to engage.

I think primarily it is a lack of courage and where that explanation does not satisfy there is probably a fair amount of shoulder shrugging despair, along the lines of "What's the use? - the fix is in. They control the media and the courts, so it is tilting at windmills." See the recent Durham trial verdict for an example.

It is discouraging if you let it be.

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"I think primarily it is a lack of courage and where that explanation does not satisfy there is probably a fair amount of shoulder shrugging despair..."

Yes, and I think normalcy bias plays a big role. People's psyches aren’t prepared to handle something huge and horrific outside of their normal daily dealings with life. The defense mechanism is to cling to a normalcy bias and reject incoming senses that indicate anything major needs to be assimilated and dealt with.


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According to ukcolumn Yesterday, june 3rd, a CEO (?), told that the vaccinated in the Company do not want to work in same locations as unvaccinated and will quit if they have to, so the Company has had to act accordingly, meaning appartheid towards unvaccinated is happening on the floor.....

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On the other hand the story on the highwire june 3rd tells a different story....

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I also need to clarify the ukcolumn bit. They were talking about an American insurance Company, not their own...

Sorry about that...

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I still believe shining light on the PCR test is the best way forward. All one needs to do is expose the making of the primers. Fraud in silico!

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There are N win conditions for some not small value of N. Pick one and do the work. The problem getting any one of them moved forward is immense. Our "side" of this does not even communicate well at all, much less cooperate, and maybe 80% of all routes within the system are captured meaning that a great deal of time is waste trying to move the ball forward.

Pick a piece that you can move forward and push.

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is setting up a common lore court to deal with everything covid an option

after all it is crimes against we the people the charges should be bought

before a peoples court, the admiralty courts have not worked , fizzer has

been convicted multiple x,s for fraud paid billions in fines and yet are still free

to do it all again, there is no justice there, we the people MUST demand


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Robert Malone discussed this (frightening) document in January 2022. Some themes are similar…


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Thank you for this..

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Jun 4, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Ugh. More confusing, humbling, emotionally baffling mentions of names I'd thought were, at worst, overly speculative about 2012, and annoyingly marketing their stuff too much (something energetically seemed off),

in context of them being at the root of the dystopian horror the world will become,


the people doing workshops about 2012, energy, meditation, etc,

get their way??

It was quite strange to hear Dr Zelenko mention Barbara Marx Hubbard as if she was on par with CEOs of Pfizer, etc. (Interview with Mark Crispin Miller).

But, I want to know ... And along the way of course are people who mean well. Maybe the full truth of the who's who of intentional evil / domination and meaning well (besides the Faucis of the world), will never (all) be known.

Mathew, I so appreciate your work and integrity and not-jumping-to-conclusions-ness. I can trust that whatever you say, you've found the roots of, or acknowledge that the roots are tangled / hard to follow.

It's interesting (and perhaps more?), that Yuval Noah Harari is into Vipassana meditation . . .


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This clairvoyance/vipassana/meditation/nde...etc issue is a very difficult topic. I’ve studied it for nearly thirty yrs (which doesn’t mean much), but found that many of these people (though most are honnest) seem to live too much in the “upper spheres”. As I wrote elsewhere in this thread you need to be well grounded when delving into this area. Importantly there’s a movement from the “materialistic spirituality” (transhumanism) aiming to discredit true spirituality. Harari might very well do vipassana meditation which could give him immense powers of concentrating abbilities but, this does not at all mean he is spiritual. The true mark of spirituality is empathy and heart, treating your peer as your brother/sister, difficult task and we all fail in this, time and time again..many writers and teachers have gone into the field for profit and to have power over others. This is clearly pointed out in Gopi Krishnas writings (died 1984). I Think more than 90% dabbling with these techniques are not really spiritual.

My five...

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I hear you .. yet it's quite a stretch to go from "there's an integrity gap in some of these new age 'leaders' / movements, with more about profit and abilities than empathy and heart", to "these are the people behind murderous movements that seek to depopulate and / or force genetic or even technical alteration of the entire human race without their consent".

But, hey ... I was once naive enough to think this "vaccination" program was about pharma making money ... always more to learn ...

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You’d be surprised at how spiritually arrogant some people, that have grown up in this milieu may become - and they themselves are totally blind to it - it takes hard work in “self knowledge” (or biting the dust Big time = also called “spiritual emergency” by Stanislav Groff) to weed out or see your Dark side, as it does for all of us, it can just get incredibly attenuated when your energy rises - I’ve tried it. Politicians also walk on an immense “benevolent” cloud of selfimportance because of all the attention they get (There’s a former minister from the government in my country who describes all this in a radio show he has) that’s energy too, though here it comes from without.

Many of us are moving towards a new level of consciousness and psychology will be the Big thing in the future. Seen from that perspective everything that goes on right now is complete logic to me. The gene therapy and transhumanist agenda targets the evolutionary energy in man - exactly (blood and spinal fluid). ....again.. my five...

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Jun 2, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

FYI : I follow Suspicious Observers, which may well be a pseudoscience cult, I am humble about such things given my level of scientific ability .. I have sympathy for enthusiastic amateurs who see issues with accepted knowledge - the trick is never to be too attached, just curious.

They look at data, the pole shift theory is based on 12,000 disaster cycle which they attribute to a pole shift, due to galactic magnetic currents, resulting in earth's weakening magnetic field and an uneven earth core, solar eruptions etc. They have their youtube channel and websites if anyone interested in looking further - I would say the Cayce or spiritualist movement is not driving contemporary interest in disaster cycles or pole shifts, but flaws in science models, gatekeeping, typical gaps in scientific knowledge, this is a summary video from Suspicious Observers it begins in rather more sensationalist tone that I would like - but best introduction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ihwoIlxHI3Q

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People examine the pole shift theory for different reasons. My point is that these men infiltrated the A.R.E. specifically, and used Cayce's words specifically.

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worlds in collision by velikovsky explains alot of this also thomas chan,s the adam and eve

story is a great read describing a micronova, a extinction level event occuring every 12,800

yrs, the vedas has some passages regarding this all interesting stuff

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deletedJun 3, 2022·edited Jun 3, 2022
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doug vogt has an interesting aside to this, the polar ice caps are a few hundred feet thicker than they were 100yrs ago, so a worse case scenario could see the polar plates

unbalanced and rocking / sliding for thousands of miles, all set of by the pressure of a

micronova, the poles are already moving as you say, i,d really like see what all the jackasses have seen at the southern pole, the third reich found and explored this

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Jan 10, 2023·edited Apr 22, 2023

I don't believe Doug Vogt on climate. He says, for example, that volcanoes and earthquakes are increasing. They are not increasing, not according to the data. Also, volcanic eruptions have no significant effect on the alternating phases of global warming and cooling.

His simplistic understanding of how the sun causes the 30-year global warming and cooling phases is wrong. Sunspot activity does have a near-perfect correlation with global warming and cooling, but he misunderstands the mechanism.

The polar ice caps are not decreasing by a few hundred feet, because the Polar Arctic has no ice cap, just ten feet or so of floating sea ice which melts by about 75% each summer and then refreezes each winter.

Conversely, the Polar Antarctic has an average ice cap 1.3 miles thick which may naturally increase or decrease by a hundred feet or so depending on where you are on this large continent. It doesn't do much melting because the average temperature is minus 71 degrees Fahrenheit, which is why the oceans are rising only 7 inches per 100 years, and not the 20 feet per 100 years as the IPCC's flawed computer models say.

Human-caused CO2, by the way, has absolutely no effect on and no correlation with global warming or cooling. Although it is a trace greenhouse gas, it's an insignificant minor fraction of one percent (0.04%) of the atmosphere. Furthermore, CO2 is saturated in the atmosphere so if you could quadruple it (but you can't) there would be zero effect (See top of page 18; https://arxiv.org/pdf/2006.03098.pdf) The real greenhouse gas which you don't hear much about is water vapor which comprises 95% of all greenhouse gases.

Climate change is another false narrative (there are others) designed to transfer wealth upwards and bring on global totalitarianism. Researchers still disproving the covid narrative are beating a dead horse; they should now be focused on debunking the climate change narrative. Exactly as with covid, the actual climate change data is completely different from what the government and the media are saying. For example, "97% of climate change scientists believe that..." is a fraudulent statement based on cherry-picked data. The correct calculation is closer to 2%.

You can't understand the false covid narrative unless you also understand the false climate-change narrative, as well as the others. This whole thing is far more sophisticated than people realize.

What I am saying is if the CDC and pharma come clean on the covid narrative (and why would they?), nothing will change, it won't matter.

As for Vogt's "Theory of Multidimensional Reality" and his work decoding Hebrew Scriptures, both are extremely impressive.

Here is the actual mechanism of global warming which alternates every 30 years with global cooling - the latest global warming phase ended in 1998; Sunspots are areas of increased magnetic activity, and high sunspot activity increases the strength of the solar wind, which envelops the earth and blocks cosmic rays (alpha particles, protons, electrons). Being blocked the cosmic rays do not create as many isotopes (B10, C12) in the upper atmosphere as they would otherwise. And those isotopes thus do not create as many ions in the lower atmosphere - which then do not cause water vapor to turn into clouds, which would otherwise block solar radiation and reflect heat back into space. So sunspots are tightly correlated with a warming period. No humans or CO2 are involved.

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The doublestar porrima in sagitarius was supposed to converge in 2008 according to all textbooks and scientists...it happened in 2005...they were 3 yrs off....

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Not to worry, the aliens are planning to scoot us all away before it happens.

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Jun 2, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

I wish Robert Barnes hadn't just gone on a well deserved vacation, but will pass to him when he gets back ~ meanwhile this fits into much of the Hush Hush series he's done. You may have seen the thread and reporting on Fort Bragg in NC. https://twitter.com/ColumbiaBugle/status/1532362110063284226?s=20&t=9_IMC0zy6Y-M5dADP8ZvYQ

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Please do put me in touch with Barnes if you have his email. At this point, I want the DMED info in the hands of a high integrity, high quality lawyer who will FOIA. I will post the FOIA instructions soon for anyone who will do it.

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FWIW, Barnes directs his Locals members who are looking for help to contact him at his business email: rbarnes@barneslawllc.com . I have to assume he has a staff member filter and prioritize the large quantity of mail he receives, but it is his business account so I imagine all mail gets proper attention. May be worth a try. Phone numbers also available: https://barneslawllc.com/contact/ Hope it helps.

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Jun 5, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

So your life story starts with your escape from a woo-woo super-soldier training program? That explains a lot! The kinds of things government officials can believe just goes to show that they're just regular ass people like the rest of us. When I was studying in Egypt I remember trying to get some BJJ training in. I quickly learned that Hosni Mubarak's government didn't allow novel martial arts out of fear that they could be used to overthrow the government (at least that's what I was told by the kick boxer I was training with). All of the sudden something clicked. I remembered visiting the white house in the 90s and seeing "nun-chucks" listed as weapons that were expressly forbidden to be brought onto the premises. I realized then that these dumb asses actually believe in this woo-woo shit, like a ninja assassin would be able to take down a head of state.

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Jun 2, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Retiring in Hawaii sounds nice, until everyone does it, and then it becomes hell on earth.

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Yep. LA was wonderful once as well - about a hundred years ago.

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Borders. Love 'em or lose 'em.

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Well this got juicy. Can’t wait for more!

“Political Ponerology” claims that garden variety psychopaths tend to be 1 in 10. Them there are pretty high odds. 😬

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The current events evolved over a hundred years. At this point, it's hard to imagine how the sequence can be reversed and the table turned over.

The demonic puppet-masters control everything, including the worldwide money supply. With a flick of the switch, they can create catastrophes, blackouts (blaming “the Russians,” “the Chinese,” or just solar flares, while causing mass extinction), plagues from chemtrails using drones and from 5G and “vaccines,” which are already in operation, WW3 on TV (it is under construction, ensuring martial law in the future), UFOs "landing" and "aliens" attacking the Earth. For the time being, they seem content with false pandemics exacerbated by common poisonings with 5G, chemtrails, and the "covid" moves (the muzzle, the “tests,” the lockdowns, and the lethal injections), gently accelerating the path towards artificial famine by burning up food processing plants, slaughtering poultry based on another non-existent disease ("bird flu" is also "diagnosed" with the fraudulent PCR test). The upcoming food riots will also ensure martial law, geared towards disarming the population, the introduction of full digital control (digital ID and central crypto currency), and central control over “food” that will likely be not much more than Soylent Green. While DEWs and 5G can be used for crowd control, the monsters are likely to sit back and enjoy the show of mobs attacking and killing each other.

It’s an old strategy to create a problem that you offer to solve. The diseased and starving survivors will gladly embrace the technocrats’ “solution,” which will turn people into cyborg zombies so that they “will be happy and own nothing,” including their own bodies and minds.

False hope is also disseminated by those, who offer “treatments” to recover from the impact of the lethal injections. Do you really think that the extremely versatile contents in the vials have been developed over decades in order to be treatable? The vials contain military-grade bioweapons and tracking/control nano-devices, with kill switches generously included for the “useless eaters.”

What can be done?

Logically, the only hope might arise from the enforcers realizing that they will also become victims once their usefulness wears out. Both police and the armed forces can be replaced with drones and robots, while most of the “scientists” who have assisted in the worldwide genocide will become either loose ends or dispensable as representatives of fake science. Science, including R&D, will be transferred to AI (recently, AI managed to developed several hundred untreatable bioweapons in an hour) that is already nearly completely set up for the purpose, based on the level of worldwide surveillance.

Without enforcers, the evil plan cannot be carried out in full, but with graphene oxide and lethal injections in so many people and satellites and 5G installations all over the place, there will still be a lot of victims, but perhaps not the total annihilation of mankind.

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"The demonic puppet-masters control everything, including the worldwide money supply."

Buy Bitcoin.

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That had to be done 2-3 years ago; the finish line is close. Cryptos have been test runs for central bank digital "currencies," ensuring complete control over the people.

Intentional blackouts are in the plans, which doesn't bode well for cryptos. Also, as all home-grown food will be banned, so will all alternative methods of payment. And it can happen any moment.

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"Cryptos have been test runs for central bank digital "currencies," ensuring complete control over the people."

No. This is a meme that is a psy-op.

Lumping all cryptos together is like lumping all humans together and then saying "all good" or "all bad".

Bitcoin is decentralized money.

CBDCs are centralized fiat currency.

The distinction is stark and meaningful in every way.

But we will have to do work to keep Bitcoin effectively decentralized. It is an algorithm that allows for the solution to the prisoners dilemma (Byzantine General's problem), but by no means guarantees it in practice. Learn what this means and help guarantee it. That is the road to victory.

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You haven't addressed the problem with long blackouts...

Time will tell the rest and I hate to be just about always right...

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Yes, there is the problem where a small number of people withhold electricity from the rest. I suspect that is also the moment a bloody Civil War begins both among those in power and those without. It's almost as big a risk for them as it is for us. It involves dropping all pretenses.

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Some resistence, perhaps. Civil war, unlikely, unless the enforcers switch sides, but I can't imagine they are intelligent and/or well-meaning enough to do that, even when their lives will depend on it.

Trouble will come from all sides, with food riots on top, but possibly WW3 on TV, martial law, aliens, and new mass poisonings labeled as "pandemics."

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So maybe this covid episode is a trial run to see how many are accepting of the vaccines, and how the ensuing excess mortality is viewed. Thus, an unexpected additional reason for vaccination databases, and to eliminate from the public mindset that alternate safe treatments could possibly exist.

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Rima Lebow commented on Steve Kirsch's zoom meeting claiming her husband was murdered for speaking out.

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I don't know the circumstances, but I would not call it impossible. The timing is suspicious given that the genetic distance between SC2 and omicron puts them splitting in 2017 when both Stubblebine and a very healthy Channon died.

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