I keep thinking I can no longer be surprised and I keep being wrong.

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Good. Risky. Observant. Recall the still hidden numbers of German scientists secretly brought over after the war, and how industrialists in this country profited mightily during wartime. Sort of "nothing new here, nothing to see, just stay the hell out of the way"? Massive corruption is nothing new, and the little pricks of justice that do get through certainly don't stop the rolling thunder of evil, but now the world's populations are pointedly at risk of strip mining them for whatever is left. These guys are a form of alien terraforming, and they like it. Yet we have the option to recognize there is something...everything, beyond all this junk that has yet to be realized and lived but by a rare few. Start with felt recognition that we need not participate in this madness, and find clever ways to not feed the beast and to get "leaders" of any stripe to cooperate for change and clarity. Sounds superficial, but it's not.

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This is probably a long shot speculation, but presumably they could be the tip of the spear for the CIA? If the goal were to distribute a certain gene manipulation drug not very good for the virus intended but good as a kind of depopulation.....

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One criticism: people think CIA too much. That's by design. DoD intelligence apparatus is substantially larger than all the three letter agencies together. If all is subservient to the dollar, then the three letter agencies are expendable, but the military always serves the bankers.

The propaganda programs we are seeing have much more the hallmarks of DoD programs at their core.

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hi mike, i saw a recent video of you discussing how you heard info that made you doubt the whole virus theory, would love to know what this info was?

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Sure. I already had numerous bits of info that only worked if the virus wasn’t circulating or, if it was, it was FAR too lacking in lethality to have contributed to death.

A very detailed analysis by Denis Rancourt in Canada. He focussed only on all causes mortality over 100 weeks in USA. The characteristic signature of death by respiratory virus was absent.

He’s been interviewed by Jerm Warfare & several in the pipe.

Since then, I’ve also seen an interview by Maajid Nawaz of Stuart Wilkie. He shows documentary evidence of how the deaths were brought about (midazolam & morphine).

There’s no missing deaths to ascribe to a new virus.

Now, I went too far in my recent interview.

I don’t take a position broadly on viruses. But I am secure in my assessment of this virus. Either it doesn’t exist or, if it does, it contributes nothing to death. It’s all a PsyOp. Just like the rest of it.

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I have found a set of small signals with respect to the virus, including in the DoD's database. I believe that the spike in the swarm contributed so a small number of excess deaths prior to the official pandemic. But yes, the larger portion of the deaths had to be pushed along.

Also, I think that combination of the virus and vaccine is most important to the process.

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I've heard estimates as high as 100-1, policy and vaccine induced deaths compared to the virus, which I would suggest if true could go much higher this winter with food shortages in grain importing countries. Is that in any way accurate in your estimation?

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Obviously I can’t know with what sequences people are being injected. The working assumption is that the alleged “vaccines” comprise only the sequence of spike protein exquisitely determined by the Wuhan lab. I actually don’t think we’ve been told definitively what is in them. I recollect someone on our side seized & sequenced some residual vaccine samples and did find the same sequence lodged in the public domain.

However, what if that Wuhan sequence is not from a real pathogen? What if they’ve merely told us that this is the sequence but in reality is a synthetic sequence designed to produce diseases in many of those who get injected with it?

That might better explain why there are sequences that match pieces of known toxic proteins like prions.

Because we really don’t know what is in the injections, they could put anything in them & even the technicians wouldn’t know the significance of that which they were manufacturing. A frightening idea.

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In other words, a binary weapon.

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Understood, thank you, Mathew.

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i appreciate you taking the time to answer, i will look into these things when i get up. im still stuck in the uk and its gone 5am.

i wonder if you might have come across my comments in various 'stacks on polio and how it doesnt pass the sniff test, it seems to be highly connected to toxic poisoning, now they are finding it in highly jabbed dense areas where the toxic spike protein is produced

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It's an honor to have you reply, Dr Yeadon.

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they referred to the largest criminal fine in history as 'the price of doing business' they made many times more money than the fine and no one goes to jail - ever.

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While reading the NYPOST, they (FBLie,) made mafia arrests today. Yet those involved with malfeasance, dressed in business suits who murder, are still out murdering people.

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feels weird liking your comment but you know what i mean!

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Oh lordy, do yourself a favor and NEVER ever start investigating corruption inside the UN. It's dirty. REAL dirty. And because the UN is literally above the law, there is no way to reign in that kind of crap.

As for Iraq et al, you're forgetting the most important thing - these countries ARE hugely profitable even today to Pfizer et al - https://reliefweb.int/report/iraq/iraq-receives-almost-3-million-doses-covid-19-vaccine-through-covax-enar

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The UN I've followed for a long time. It's Pharma that I'm wrapping my head around since the start of 2020.

Ultimately, who is footing the bill for vaccines in the Middle East? A combination of international banks and NGOs? I don't think this is about profits, except to keep the corporate machinery going long enough to deliver death.

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Pharma terrorism. Of course.

I'm amazed at how you have an endless vault of topics to keep starting new in-depth series on :)

Are you planning on having Edward Dowd on your podcast? Boy would that be one epic conversation.....

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Has he published any new data, yet, or is he still just talking about a hypothetic market crash based on data others are publishing? I have a lot of priority conversations lined up, but it's been unclear to me why he is in the spotlight, and I still worry that he is the tool of an option pump-and-dump.

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My sense of him is that he is sincere - other individuals who are presumptively legit who have significant interaction with him (e.g. Brook Jackson) have a very favorable impression of him, he is fairly consistent with what he says, his arguments vis a vis covid topics are logical and coherent. He doesn't seem to have typical indicia of bad actors - for instance, he has attention to detail, seems to speak with technical precision, credits others even where it wouldn't be noticed if he didn't (at least in interviews I have listened to), doesn't go out of his way to emphasize himself. Ultimately, it's hard - & definitely very unusual - for someone to be able to passionately articulate, and in a robust or comprehensive or well-argued manner, something which he doesn't genuinely believe in.

As far as I know, he hasn't published new original data in a while.

I lack the background to assess what he opines about market conditions, or if he could be an unwitting accomplice or tool manipulated by others to manipulate the market. He doesn't strike me as the type who could be easily duped or taken advantage of though.

I thought he has unique value because of his pedigree/background - he has credibility in public domain, access to other ppl with 'insider' info not found elsewhere (who allegedly talk to him), and he talks/brings expertise to a dimension of the pharma/vax mess that is very under-covered by everyone else - pharma's manifestation in the market.

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This is not consistent: markets will collapse, and firms will be shorting the market. Pick one. If your counterparty fails, you always lose.

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I can't speak to that, but it does sound problematic

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Ed has a religious impetus, I suspect, to be doing what he does.

I never bought the market collapse because the perpetrators could & would simply write them a big cheque on condition that they ensure their portfolio companies’ CEOs STFU....

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https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/p/how-corruption-dictates-the-practice This is one of a collection of very good analysis about corruption in medicine and pharma. The web is intricately woven.

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The mafia comes across as a bunch of amateurs compared to Big Pharma.

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Pharmafia - giving Mafia a bad name. Or maybe connecting some dots?

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More to come.

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Remember that the US government was in de facto control of the Iraqi government at the time, despite all the trappings of independence. If the Pharmafia was dealing with terrorists, they were doing so with the full knowledge and approval of the US government, just like the afghan soldiers who raped boys in the presence of US troops were not brought to Justice, but the American troops who tried to stop the rapes were disciplined.

The whole Iraqi War operation was corrupt from Day 1 and the source of that corruption was the US government. As bad as Pharma is, they are pikers compared to the USG.

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Mafia is the ONLY word to describe this activity.

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Yes, from the Nazis, to the godfathers, through Serpico to our own international, home grown band of mobsters.

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I would think Big Pharma’s main motive for funding terrorism would be to create a demand for vaccines to protect soldiers and civilians from biological and chemical terrorism.

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I don't follow.

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Terrorists use chemical and biological warfare, which creates a demand for vaccines, which creates more profit for Big Pharma.

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They funded thugs with guns. So far as we know.

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Right. There needs to be a militarized enemy that we can also blame for creating chemical or biological weapons, such as anthrax, regardless of who actually created it.

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We already had Russia, China, and Assad we could blame.

But maybe we need scapegoats in every region. Confuse everyone.

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The more the merrier.

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Great post, thanks. Perhaps we are fortunate to understand once and for all the harmful, murderous, de-evolutionary, anti life, death dealing tactics which are resorted to by our nations. We can finally understand unequivocally the evil manipulations involved. They have finally come home to roost squarely in our own midst as things always will. We can’t change what we cannot understand.

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Wow. Another great article that provides information that the media will never share. Unfortunately under this DOJ these 5 corrupt pharma giants will be protected, not indicted. But possibly one day we can see justice.

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Jeez Louise, it just keeps getting slimier.

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Well said Claydon.

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