I personally watched Risch talk live on TV early on, saying we could have already saved 75,000 lives at that point if we had used HCQ.
But, yeah... the PhD at Yale Medical School and epidemiologist is "fake news," while the IDIOT facsco-Marxist fake fact checker with her degree in 18th C. Belgian Lesbian Musicology knows more. And yeah, the somnolent wokesters actually believe the latter
100%. So does Ivermectin. The good news is that it works against all single strand RNA viruses - so if they try to use other enhanced viruses such as bird flu, Marburg, or Ebola - these will be effective against those and they know it. Also, if these are more deadly it will be harder to hide these truths. This puts them in a predicament.
HCQ does still work, particularly with azithromycin. As of today there are 382 HCQ studies. All stages, pooled effects analysis finds a significant improvement of 25%. If early treatment, then a 62% improvement.
Or one could buy Quercetin and Zinc on Amazon, no prescription needed.
Bioavailable Quercetin has 10 studies, and the all stages, pooled effects results find a significant improvement of 50%. 32% for early treatment.
Zinc has 38 studies, with the all stages, pooled effects results finding a significant improvement of 28%, or 41% with early treatment.
Since Quercetin is a zinc ionophore that pushes zinc (an antiviral) into the cell where it interferes with viral replication, taking both will get effectiveness near 100%.
Of course, since germs are our friends who train our immune system and help the species survive by pruning substandard immune systems (caused by around-the-clock feeding on seed oils, carbs, and sugar = glycation, oxidative stress, lack of autophagy, mitochondrial dysfunction, lack of methylation, membrane instability, inflammation, and insulin resistance), thus doing the right thing (aside from eating right) would be doing nothing, like Sweden. Their covid deaths per capita are 48% lower than ours - without lockdowns, masks, or onerous mandates.
Keep telling the story of the doctors who stood tall from start to finish.
Chang did more with less. Sampras was the best of the era. He had the height for the hammering service game. Agassi had the perfect training from childhood, and his return game was the best of the era. Chang was short for a tennis pro, but rose to #2 in the world by running around the court--making use of every inch of ground.
This site is a gem: more than 2000 studies on more than 40 c19 treatments, aggregated and compared, with links to a meta-analysis page for each treatment and all the individual studies. Updated frequently. c19early.org
Great articles, Matthew. Thank you. Regarding Hydroxychloroquin, as one who suffers from tinnitus, I try to check out ototoixicity. Unfortunately, this drug is known to have that side effect in some people, notwithstanding all of its benefits.
HCQ Confessional: As someone who was diagnosed with Lupus in 2019, the rheumatologist prescribed HCQ everyday as part of the treatment protocol. (Never asked about heart conditions-Sorry, Fauci-before taking it, just said I’d be on it for the rest of my life. ) Interestingly, I had also tested in Late Dec as very low 20s for VitD. I got sick in late Feb 2020 with all the essential COVID symptoms while on HCQ and the doc added doxycycline. As someone with an autoimmune condition it did take me a bit to recover (~4 weeks), but what I find surprising is that I also teach in a large public school (~2700 students) and while others have been repeatedly sick I’ve only had a day or two since 2020 with cold symptoms. Still on the daily HCQ.
I’d love to see what the rate of illness is in those that take HCQ for autoimmune conditions.
As it turns out, nearly every prophylaxis study on HCQ was positive. There were a dozen that were not, but ten of those were on patients with autoimmune conditions.
One of the main issues is difficulties in obtaining Ivermectin. I ordered them from India to family members in Taipei. The evil Taiwan government confiscated it and sent out a warning letter to the recipient of the shipment. This is copied from the illegal Biden regime’s crack down methods.
Dr. Littell is a force to be honored. I knew those other doctors knew what worked! Asking him to prescribe for them when they wouldn’t prescribe for their own patients....that’s the story here. That needs to be on the front pages.
The doctors who fought (and are still fighting) fearlessly against this covid tyranny are my personal heroes. And Dr. George Fareed is at the top of my list.
Thank you. George sent that picture to me, but I forgot to include it. This was a rushed week for me because I'm back to building my education company.
While there is some water management issues they are almost inconsequential to the hard cold fact that Cali has been recieving less and less water due to climate change while at the same time tens of thousands of wells are being drilled sucking out more and more water exponentially. Congress needs to legislate an end to climate change and the Federal reserve needs to print more water!
Yale epidemiologist Harvey Risch, has this to say about hydroxychloroquine, https://www.theepochtimes.com/covid-19-a-pandemic-of-fear-manufactured-by-authorities-yale-epidemiologist_4106244.html?utm_source=partner&utm_campaign=ZeroHedge or see him on Twitter here https://twitter.com/JanJekielek/status/1465833303567745031?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1465833303567745031%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theepochtimes.com%2Fcovid-19-a-pandemic-of-fear-manufactured-by-authorities-yale-epidemiologist_4106244.html ... or here, Or Risch here on Fox: Hydroxychloroquine could save up to 100,000 lives if used for COVID-19: Yale epidemiology professor. And here is Risch, with Peter McCullough, Sept. 2022 with more. https://www.foxnews.com/media/hydroxychloroquine-could-save-lives-ingraham-yale-professor
I personally watched Risch talk live on TV early on, saying we could have already saved 75,000 lives at that point if we had used HCQ.
But, yeah... the PhD at Yale Medical School and epidemiologist is "fake news," while the IDIOT facsco-Marxist fake fact checker with her degree in 18th C. Belgian Lesbian Musicology knows more. And yeah, the somnolent wokesters actually believe the latter
100%. So does Ivermectin. The good news is that it works against all single strand RNA viruses - so if they try to use other enhanced viruses such as bird flu, Marburg, or Ebola - these will be effective against those and they know it. Also, if these are more deadly it will be harder to hide these truths. This puts them in a predicament.
HCQ does still work, particularly with azithromycin. As of today there are 382 HCQ studies. All stages, pooled effects analysis finds a significant improvement of 25%. If early treatment, then a 62% improvement.
Or one could buy Quercetin and Zinc on Amazon, no prescription needed.
Bioavailable Quercetin has 10 studies, and the all stages, pooled effects results find a significant improvement of 50%. 32% for early treatment.
Zinc has 38 studies, with the all stages, pooled effects results finding a significant improvement of 28%, or 41% with early treatment.
Since Quercetin is a zinc ionophore that pushes zinc (an antiviral) into the cell where it interferes with viral replication, taking both will get effectiveness near 100%.
Of course, since germs are our friends who train our immune system and help the species survive by pruning substandard immune systems (caused by around-the-clock feeding on seed oils, carbs, and sugar = glycation, oxidative stress, lack of autophagy, mitochondrial dysfunction, lack of methylation, membrane instability, inflammation, and insulin resistance), thus doing the right thing (aside from eating right) would be doing nothing, like Sweden. Their covid deaths per capita are 48% lower than ours - without lockdowns, masks, or onerous mandates.
Thanks for this one, MC.
Those doctors withstood relentless pressure and stood tall.
They saved lives at great risk to their livelihoods and professional reputations.
They are incredible examples of courage and compassion.
And Michael Chang—-he was so calm all the time! I got all figetty just watching him be so cool under competitive pressure!
Keep telling the story of the doctors who stood tall from start to finish.
Chang did more with less. Sampras was the best of the era. He had the height for the hammering service game. Agassi had the perfect training from childhood, and his return game was the best of the era. Chang was short for a tennis pro, but rose to #2 in the world by running around the court--making use of every inch of ground.
This site is a gem: more than 2000 studies on more than 40 c19 treatments, aggregated and compared, with links to a meta-analysis page for each treatment and all the individual studies. Updated frequently. c19early.org
Great articles, Matthew. Thank you. Regarding Hydroxychloroquin, as one who suffers from tinnitus, I try to check out ototoixicity. Unfortunately, this drug is known to have that side effect in some people, notwithstanding all of its benefits.
It is always important to reference potential side effects of even relatively safe drugs.
HCQ Confessional: As someone who was diagnosed with Lupus in 2019, the rheumatologist prescribed HCQ everyday as part of the treatment protocol. (Never asked about heart conditions-Sorry, Fauci-before taking it, just said I’d be on it for the rest of my life. ) Interestingly, I had also tested in Late Dec as very low 20s for VitD. I got sick in late Feb 2020 with all the essential COVID symptoms while on HCQ and the doc added doxycycline. As someone with an autoimmune condition it did take me a bit to recover (~4 weeks), but what I find surprising is that I also teach in a large public school (~2700 students) and while others have been repeatedly sick I’ve only had a day or two since 2020 with cold symptoms. Still on the daily HCQ.
I’d love to see what the rate of illness is in those that take HCQ for autoimmune conditions.
As it turns out, nearly every prophylaxis study on HCQ was positive. There were a dozen that were not, but ten of those were on patients with autoimmune conditions.
One of the main issues is difficulties in obtaining Ivermectin. I ordered them from India to family members in Taipei. The evil Taiwan government confiscated it and sent out a warning letter to the recipient of the shipment. This is copied from the illegal Biden regime’s crack down methods.
Some naturopaths will compound it for you. I got some in Mexico. I believe the chain pharmacies are still refusing to fill IVM prescriptions.
These stories are soooo important...especially in the face of what may (probably?) be coming next. Thank you!
Dr. Littell is a force to be honored. I knew those other doctors knew what worked! Asking him to prescribe for them when they wouldn’t prescribe for their own patients....that’s the story here. That needs to be on the front pages.
Thank you, Mathew, as always.
Gudrun’s Aunt
The doctors who fought (and are still fighting) fearlessly against this covid tyranny are my personal heroes. And Dr. George Fareed is at the top of my list.
Great article!
My Ivermectin order was also confiscated once by US Customs in New York.
Thanks for this article and I was happy to retweet many.
Here's the picture you were looking for, Mathew. Dr. George Fareed with Pete Sampras: https://www.tennis.com/news/articles/tbt-1995-pete-sampras-and-his-davis-cup-final-heroics-in-moscow
Thank you. George sent that picture to me, but I forgot to include it. This was a rushed week for me because I'm back to building my education company.
Great piece Mathew. Thank you.
The near total suppression of early treatment protocols in “public health” discourse is astounding. And criminal.
Perhaps off-topic, but the following line in the letter by Dr. Fareed's patient caught my eye:
Anybody have insight into this idea, or know where to look for more information on it?
Thanks in advance.
While there is some water management issues they are almost inconsequential to the hard cold fact that Cali has been recieving less and less water due to climate change while at the same time tens of thousands of wells are being drilled sucking out more and more water exponentially. Congress needs to legislate an end to climate change and the Federal reserve needs to print more water!