"Can you think of anyone aside from vaccine investors who might feel defensive about poison and gaslighting?"

Anyone that is concerned that they would be exposed would have the desire to shut down the truth as quickly as possible.

It is for that very same reason they are blocking you.

It is also for the very same reason that those opposing the Davos Billionaires were murdered..... Thinking McAfee..Brandy Vaughn (denied of course)....Kary Mullis, the various Presidents of Burundi, Swaziland, Tanzania, Ivory Coast and Clintons...Haiti... Epstein & Associates... I'll keep quiet now. By the way the blockchain is a ball and chain IMHO.

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and if you had a few giggles from that, this one will wipe the smile off your face


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Oh, and if you'd like to know how this sordid affair ends, see Jab-berwacky



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Not to worry, With such pushback you can be certain you're on to something big, and at least very close to "the truth". Here's an interesting one, just appearing a day or so ago


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Hi Mathew, is it possible to get your work on pdf? Cheers

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Not for now. Too much going on, and I'd like the option to edit, meaning update, admit to any errors, point out additional or more complete analyses (I'd LOVE to see a risk-benefit analysis, ahem), or whatever else might take place before I'd want to set it all in stone. Right now the work is fast and furious because we're in the position where the authorities have not only refused to do the analysis but make it hard to perform autopsies that would provide higher resolution answers to questions. So, the few willing to step up and do some work are playing catch-up all the time.


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Ok, no worries


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Why do you want it on PDF?

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Forgot to mention Mercola in my comment.

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It occurred to me reading this article (apropos the power of corporations, and your mention of bitcoin) what happens if the stock-market suffers a catastrophic & permanent shock, such as may happen under a variety of feasible scenarios? Does a corporation cease to function/exist if its shares either cannot be valued or traded? Does the power and sociopathy of corporations play such a crucial role (in the perverse incentives & inevitability of self-destruction that we see playing out in medicine, energy, finance, ecology) that such a shock would offer the possibility of redirecting humanity on a sustainable path? If so, should we not welcome such an event, or even seek to facilitate it?

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If Bitcoin succeeds, the large corporations that cannot compete with the global wealth growth rate (technological factor of an economy) will be forced into pieces and the entire problem will disperse rapidly.

But shocks tend to favor those with ready cash. Berkshire Hathaways of the world would buy the lows. Money would be printed to provide liquidity for the banks and their preferred clients to buy more.

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