cute photo of doggies... I have written numerous articles about Vitamin D and Heather Heying has done a great job, which I plan to quote next week.

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anyone else a fan of Dr John Campbell?

He just did a quick review of a large observational study on vit D & all cause mortality:


N = 37,079 patients with CVD from the UK

Lower levels of vitamin D, higher rates of death

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We had a half lab half beagle & so wonderful any hint of beagle in a doggie face melts my heart.

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Even those of us who live in the desert should supplement with Vit D, especially as we get older. For a significant part of the year I avoid the sun here in Arizona, so nutrition and supplements are important.

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Some great info here by Ninja Nerd on the mechanisms of Vit D and viral infections https://youtu.be/cT1CaTv5-e4

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There are not only many studies showing the association between vitamin D deficiency and COVID-19 incidence, complications, and mortality, there is also a clinical trial that shows that early calcifediol (25-hydroxyvitamin D) treatment to hospitalized COVID-19 patients significantly reduces intensive care unit admissions: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960076020302764#bib0055

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May want to consider adding Vitamin K2 to your nutrient regimen.

"Vitamin K2 has been the subject of many scientific studies for several decades, but it was only the impressive studies of vitamin K2 conducted at the University of Maastricht that drew such attention to its enormous importance to our health.

Vitamin K2 controls the way that the mineral calcium is stored and used in the body. This is performed by the utilisation of vitamin K2-dependent Gla proteins, which can only be activated by vitamin K2.

Although vitamin D3 causes the formation of osteocalcin, only vitamin K2 can activate osteocalcin, the protein that stores calcium in the bones.

Vitamin K2 also activates matrix Gla protein (MGP), which is responsible for the regulation of calcium in the arterial walls. MGP is the most effective inhibitor of arterosclerosis and can only be activated by vitamin K2. A lack of vitamin K2 therefore leads inevitably to hardening of the arteries.

Without activated Gla proteins, calcium migrates uncontrollably from the bones into the arteries, where it promotes arterosclerosis. In the absence of vitamin K2, calcium circulating in the body that has been absorbed from food by vitamin D is also deposited in the soft tissues of the body and in the arteries, leading to arterosclerosis.

Vitamin D3 should therefore always be taken in combination with vitamin K2. These two vitamins work together synergistically and ensure that calcium obtained from food is deposited in the bones and not in the arteries."


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unfortunately it's been Nor'eastering outside lately

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