cute photo of doggies... I have written numerous articles about Vitamin D and Heather Heying has done a great job, which I plan to quote next week.

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Do not hesitate to link! I do not intend to keep a "jealous substack". This is for educational purposes. Maximize it!

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thanks, I already wrote my own and am happy to link to yours and have done so... did this morning whipped up an article about the grrrrrr FDA meeting, they passed of course they did despite almost 140,000 objections from people and MD's and scientists... anyway, https://celiasue.substack.com/p/the-science-vs-bad-science

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Yeah, clearly risk-benefit and public approval aren't part of their process.

What are they going to save moving forward? 3 or 6 or 12 kids? At a cost of $2B and maybe a few hundred or even a few thousand dead after a decade or so (myocarditis in addition to immediate risks)?

If there was a border between Earth and crazy land, we got blindfolded and pushed over it at some point. I don't even seen where that line might have been. But I see bandits. Lots of bandits.

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yes, lots of bandits, crooks, monsters and psychopaths.

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ok my brain is gone from all the stress.. the link is an article today about the FDA & Fauci not Vitamin D, that is next week.

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anyone else a fan of Dr John Campbell?

He just did a quick review of a large observational study on vit D & all cause mortality:


N = 37,079 patients with CVD from the UK

Lower levels of vitamin D, higher rates of death

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We had a half lab half beagle & so wonderful any hint of beagle in a doggie face melts my heart.

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Beagles do have some heart melting faces.

My wife and I are debating among dog breeds at the moment. So many to choose from. Given that we plan a yard of animals including goats and chickens soon, we're leaning toward an Aussie shephard for at least one of them.

After we get our puppies, I plan one full day of lying on the floor while they lick my face. One full day.

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A wonderful breed, smart as can be and a noble ambition but betcha a nickle it starts as one day of pure puppy bliss and becomes a gateway to a lifetime snuggling habit!

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Even those of us who live in the desert should supplement with Vit D, especially as we get older. For a significant part of the year I avoid the sun here in Arizona, so nutrition and supplements are important.

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If somebody doesn't know their 25OHD levels, it's probably best to supplement at least a little.

Mine testing just above 60 earlier this year, so I haven't worried about it, myself. Were I 80 years old, I'd like think differently.

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I'm mid-50s and had mine tested last year. Low end of normal, but in the desert I tend to stay covered and limit time in the sun. Started supplementing after that.

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Some great info here by Ninja Nerd on the mechanisms of Vit D and viral infections https://youtu.be/cT1CaTv5-e4

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There are not only many studies showing the association between vitamin D deficiency and COVID-19 incidence, complications, and mortality, there is also a clinical trial that shows that early calcifediol (25-hydroxyvitamin D) treatment to hospitalized COVID-19 patients significantly reduces intensive care unit admissions: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960076020302764#bib0055

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And best in drop form: https://tinyurl.com/vitdisrael2

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May want to consider adding Vitamin K2 to your nutrient regimen.

"Vitamin K2 has been the subject of many scientific studies for several decades, but it was only the impressive studies of vitamin K2 conducted at the University of Maastricht that drew such attention to its enormous importance to our health.

Vitamin K2 controls the way that the mineral calcium is stored and used in the body. This is performed by the utilisation of vitamin K2-dependent Gla proteins, which can only be activated by vitamin K2.

Although vitamin D3 causes the formation of osteocalcin, only vitamin K2 can activate osteocalcin, the protein that stores calcium in the bones.

Vitamin K2 also activates matrix Gla protein (MGP), which is responsible for the regulation of calcium in the arterial walls. MGP is the most effective inhibitor of arterosclerosis and can only be activated by vitamin K2. A lack of vitamin K2 therefore leads inevitably to hardening of the arteries.

Without activated Gla proteins, calcium migrates uncontrollably from the bones into the arteries, where it promotes arterosclerosis. In the absence of vitamin K2, calcium circulating in the body that has been absorbed from food by vitamin D is also deposited in the soft tissues of the body and in the arteries, leading to arterosclerosis.

Vitamin D3 should therefore always be taken in combination with vitamin K2. These two vitamins work together synergistically and ensure that calcium obtained from food is deposited in the bones and not in the arteries."


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Possibly, but I'd like to include only those things I've personally had time to study, and I have stacks of hundreds or thousands of studies to go through, not to mention my own analysis.

But that's the tragedy of all this. Half the medical world is running interference, rather than working together on simple solutions.

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This isn't specific to Covid but related to the handling of calcium and a necessary synergy in the body.

For now, just an FYI, as the smoke clears (hopefully soon), those just on the D3 trail will expand your understanding of related nutrients and the roles they play.

Once you travel that road, you'll be even more unimpressed with modern medicine.

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unfortunately it's been Nor'eastering outside lately

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