This is the last straw for me and I love YouTube for the music videos but I've finally canceled my premium membership. I've put up with them canceling lots of channels that I liked but canceling Mathew and Rounding the earth is a bridge too far!

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Bravo! I finally did that about 2 years ago. It took me a while to decide as well. It was the music videos in my long playlists that kept me premium for so long.

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The only way I watch YouBoob since ever is with adblock extensions on PC and using Adblock browser on the phone. Because no one should suffer through the ad-pocalypse. And I won't give my money to a company that abuses it's creators like this.

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The only way I access utube (Linux here) is either by downloading (youtube-dl) or using SMTube for proxy.

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Oh that's cool, I haven't heard of adblock. I have an android, what app do you use?

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Just search Adblock Browser for android in google play store. Install and open youtube from inside the browser. No annoying commercials :)

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That is so great, thank you! 💕

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Google is literally the worst. They are truly what Orwell would have envisioned if he could have seen the future more accurately from a technology perspective.

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I am trying to live a completely Google-free life. It's not easy, but it makes me feel a bit more free.

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wow. I just bought a new computer and it is a chromebook. My email is google, and all my documents are on google. It would be a huge job to find alternatives, especially for the research I do. I try 2 or 3 other search engines, but none has the reach that google has.

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You can still use your Chromebook by not logging in...just use it as a "guest" and the browser won't remember where you went.

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Protonmail is much more private that Google mail. The Protonmail website is a bit slow, but my sister uses the Protonmail app and loves it.

For search, Yandex.com has a lot of links that Google suppresses, and https://search.brave.com/ is pretty good as well.

There are good alternatives for all of the "free" services that charge you by invading your privacy and compiling a dossier on you which is shared with the government, as Edward Snowden documented.

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Protonmail gave up the personal info on a person who threatened Fauci.

Feds arrested him.

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Maybe they were right, because threats of personal violence are a crime. Still, Protonmail is much more private than Google.

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How can you be sure?

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But it is a Swiss email platform.

Why should they give up info to the US Feds if Proton mail markets itself as private?

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i know lots of people on proton but then I have to change all my contact info. I have Brave and one other search engine. Brave has about 1 out of 50 google results. The other just like bing, repeats the same thing on every page. So I just stay with google. So far so good. Thanks for the advice though. I will try that yandex.

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What exactlly is a "crime"? Weren't many crimes committed when the colonies disrespected England?

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so far so good, i have no problems with google. thankfully because i got all my stuff on google

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Great. Wtf are you doing here?

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not everyone is computer smart as obviously you are. thank you for the wonderful encouragement

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I am actually surprised they waited this long.

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Me too, though we did cut YouTube out of two or three more controversial conversations.

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In my opinion, it's not really Youtube (or Twitter, or Facebook) censoring and banning people, it's the CIA and DARPA. The CIA and DARPA are both heavily involved in the plandemic, and they are also heavily involved in "social media", and "big tech" in general. The CIA actually has an office in Silicon Valley called "In-Q-Tel."

Just to give an example of how involved the CIA is in "social media", they are the ones who actually developed Facebook. Facebook was called "LifeLog" while under development by the CIA and DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)

Zuckerberg had nothing to do with developing Facebook, just as Jack Dorsey had nothing to do with developing Twitter. They are just playing a role, much like Elon Musk is.

The funding for "LifeLog" was ended the day before Facebook launched. Regina Dugan, the first female head of DARPA, recently left Facebook.

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This, this, a thousand times this.

There is no "community policy" being run at the level of YouTube. There are YouTube employees that get emails from spooks telling them who they're canceling today.

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I agree that this is probably how it works, primarily, though it has been noted that Facebook directly employs more spooks than did Twitter.

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Just to clarify....Facebook was created by the CIA and DARPA as a voluntary surveillence system.

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Imagine how happy the East German Stasi would have been to have Fakebook.

People posting their location, photos of their families, and plans for the weekend.

Would have saved the Stasi so much time and effort following people around, opening up their mail, and wiretapping them.

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Feb 7, 2023Edited
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You're both right!

The Stasi leadership would love the tool.

The Stasi foot soldiers should see it as threatening their jobs.

This is one of the reasons that I believe the Kunlangeta most push the vaccines at the most educated. They need fewer Mandarins in their new economy!

But this may also be why they fail. Some portion of the educated will cross lines simply out of loss of alignment of future interests.

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Our future will not need smart people. Human intelligence will be obsolete when all thinking is performed by a centralized Ai. Physical hands will be valued over brains. This will be okay because we won't miss what we don't have and we'd not want to think about it anyway.

Twenty years ago, prior to the World Economic Forum, abductees consistently reported to researchers that outer space aliens communicated, "Soon you will all know your place and you will be happy."

We will be like donkeys pushing around a water wheel, algorithmically managed from space. Older donkeys will be repurposed as feed. There will be no waste, no war, no worries, and everyone will be politically correct. Our future will be a Golden Age.

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Good for you. About time. Why help a media outlet that doesn’t like you?

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I don’t understand how they say you violate standards when they have many bad things on there that should definitely be violating standards. What are “their standards”?

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He violated their community double standards.

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Double secret probation standards.

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They don't have any

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For that matter, what is this mysterious 'community' that has these 'standards?'

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The call this "fascism" in the article and in fact they are correct. I describe this on my substack Att Visak, but basically we are now dealing with a merger of fascism and Marxism, what I call fasco-Marxism. In a nutshell, fascism, as defined by its originator Benito Mussolini, and enumerated in his 1932 The Doctrine of Fascism, downloadable here https://sjsu.edu/faculty/wooda/2B-HUM/Readings/The-Doctrine-of-Fascism.pdf defines fascism as the merger of the socialist state with co-opted, crony big biz.

Can you say Google? Amazon? Pfizer? (in Hitler’s Germany, it was IG Farben, Bayer, etc. Same diff). In contrast, Marxism has the state directly own the means of production. Fascism also has nationalism as a hallmark, Marxism internationalism. Otherwise, both are socialist COUSINS.

If a formal architect of fascism can be identified, it is Benito Mussolini, the onetime Marxist editor who, caught up in nationalist fervor, broke with the left as World War I approached and became Italy’s leader in 1922. Mussolini distinguished fascism from liberal capitalism in his 1928 autobiography: "The citizen in the Fascist State is no longer a selfish individual who has the anti-social right of rebelling against any law of the Collectivity. The Fascist State with its corporative conception puts men and their possibilities into productive work and interprets for them the duties they have to fulfill." (p. 280) “Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.” - Benito Mussolini. Verify the quote by reading The Doctrine of Fascism here https://sjsu.edu/faculty/wooda/2B-HUM/Readings/The-Doctrine-of-Fascism.pdf

Similarly, Adolf Hitler, whose National Socialist (Nazi) Party adapted fascism to Germany beginning in 1933, said: "The state should retain supervision and each property owner should consider himself appointed by the state. It is his duty not to use his property against the interests of others among his own people. This is the crucial matter. The Third Reich will always retain its right to control the owners of property." (Barkai 1990, pp. 26–27)

Then why did Hitler invade Russia people ask? I.e, why did the National Socialists (Nazi) invade the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics? Fascism and Marxism are cousins, and just like the Hatfields and McCoys, (e.g., both mostly fought for the Confederates; Roseanna McCoy had a relationship with “Devil” Anse’s sone Johnson, etc.) or the Montague’s and Capulets in Romeo and Juliet. Answer me this: Why did the USSR have a major war, the Ussuri River war, starting in 1969 with China (see https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB49/index2.html for more), with a hundreds killed? Both were communist!! And shortly after this border war, Brezhnev went to Nixon and asked if he nuked Mao, would the US get involved. Nixon said yes, so that was off. BUT BOTH WERE COMMUNIST. Why? Similarly, after the US Vietnam war, Communist China TWICE invaded Communist Vietnam starting in the late 1970s. Why? They were both communist. Later, Communist Vietnam invaded Communist Cambodia. Why? As noted, internecine conflicts are the worst of all.

Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power.” - Benito Mussolini. Verify the quote by reading The Doctrine of Fascism here https://sjsu.edu/faculty/wooda/2B-HUM/Readings/The-Doctrine-of-Fascism.pdf Briefly, fascism is the merger of the socialist state with co-opted, crony big biz (can you say Google? Amazon? Pfizer? Microsoft? ** precisely as defined by Mussolini). Of course, the somnolent wokesters have ZERO clue that Nazi stand for National SOCIALIST German Workers' Party (NSDAP) which adopted explicitly socialist planks - and I do this from memory - Feb. 10, 1920 at its first convention, Munich. *******Fascism and Marxism are cousins********* the former being nationalist/racist, the latter internationalist; the former uses Big Biz as a tool for the socialist state, the latter the gov't owns the means of production directly. Otherwise, meme chose... la misma.... or if you don't like French of Spanish, samma sak på Svenska (same thing) This isn't my opinion, but the stated view of the FOUNDER of fascism. This means that Antifa will be changing their name to Protifa soon... and expect us, Orwell like, to forget the first name existed. Heck, Antifa even functions just like Hitler's Brownshirts, or Mussolini's Blackshirts, even wearing blackshirst, a flag that is a bit similar to the fascists, and Antifa even breaks windows just like Hitler's Brownshirts did during Kristallnacht (Night of the Broken Windows, 1938 where they broke windows of Jewish businesses, starting the holocaust).

“Gleichschaltung” - meaning co-ordination between and among all levels of society was used by the Nazis. And “Hilfswilliger” meant willing assistant. In Germany they were paid. How many run-ins did everyone have with the unpaid KärenMaskkenFührers during the Covid pandemic, who were happy to do it.

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Hitler was originally a member of the German Communist Party, the KPD, whose militant wing called themselves Antifascist Action, or Antifa for short. Given his penchant for street-fighting, this strongly suggests that Hitler and the Brownshirts were originally members, perhaps even the founders, of Antifa.

It is documented that in the Wiemar Republic, Antifa switched sides regularly between the Nazis and the Stalinists, calling their former comrades 'Fascists' each time. When it became clear that the Nazis would seize total power, Antifa joined the Brownshirts en masse, demonstrating that they had no moral or ideological qualms against Nazism.

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Thanks for the history lesson. They never teach this in high school, which is why the Democrats have been taken over by the socialists and most of the rest of us have been asleep.

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The KarenMaskkenFuhrers (I love the name) are on Attila and Our Huns' list.

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Ya, "community standards."

Translation: "We don't like what you said" and therefore we are not going to print it or post it.

That's ok. FYI, Times of Israel does the same kind of thing. I call it Haaretz, dressed up in nicer clothes. If you jump out of the circle of authoritarian leftie think, they use that excuse not to post your reply.

Fortunately, as with YT, there are other platforms.

I note that Google's censorship and search policies certainly have cost them. The competitors, Rumble, Bitchute, Brighton, etc. did not exist until YT began the woke censorship. Some of which is no doubt due to those wishing to suppress or cancel "misinformation" at the US govmt... you know, anything that does not fit "the narrative."

This is ironic, given that the founders escaped from the Soviet Union. You would think they would remember.

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The term "Nazi" refers to Nationalsozialistisch, or "National Socialism," and its overall concept was fascism – a concept that encompassed a corporatist economic system, socialist political system and totalitarian rule. **Fascism is the merger of the SOCIALIST STATE (hint: Nazi = Nat'l SOCIALIST German Workers' Party which adopted explicitly socialist planks Feb. 20, 1920 at its first convention, Munich - and which YOU, dear reader can verify its planks with a simple web search. It differs from its cousin communism, where the latter directly owns the means of production, the former uses big biz to do its dirty work. They also differ with nationalism vs. internationalism. Otherwise, it is the Hatfields and McCoys, **who intermarried** (e.g. Devil Anse married one of the rival family)

Nazi in German is the Nazionale Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei – the National SOCIALIST German Workers Party. Was it just a name, as some try to excuse it? Then why did the Nazi’s introduce the “Reichsarbeitsdienst” – the National Labour Svc that had public work systems; why the “Kraft durch Freude,” where the STATE even took care of the leisure time of workers? The only difference is that the Nazis were socialist, racist nationalists, and the left today are socialist inter-racial globalists. Otherwise, it is identical, including the use of brownshirt street thugs (today's version is Antifa street thugs), Kristallnacht (night of the broken windows - think 1938 vs. all the windows Antifa breaks), Aktion T-4, (a euthanasia programme; notice BLM never protests at Planned Parenthood, THE leading killer of blacks today) etc. etc.

Either way, the common man, justice and truth are squashed.

Here are some of the planks of the Nazis, adopted in Munich on February 24, 1920:

“We ask that the government undertake the obligation above all of providing citizens with adequate opportunity for employment and earning a living… We demand profit sharing in big business… the government must provide an all-around enlargement of our system of public education. . . We demand the education at government expense of gifted children of poor parents. . . . The government must undertake the improvement of public health… permanent recovery of our people can only proceed from within on the foundation of The Common Good Before the Individual Good”

No the Nazis did not advocate public ownership of production, only that the govt oversee and run the economy, as they knew that legal ownership wasn’t what counted, but rather CONTROL. So, private citizens could hold title – as long as the state had the unqualified right to use their property. I.e., de facto socialism, the STATE still controls. Or, as Carl Limbacher wrote in NewsMax, Dec. 5, 2005, “Benito Mussolini's Fascist economic policy, which he called the "mixed economy," tried to combine Marxism with capitalism. What resulted was a dictatorship which allowed limited economic freedom to those favored industries willing to operate under government patronage.” The observant among you will note well the phrase “operate under government patronage.” In fact, private industry was a hostage of the Nazis. They did not hesitate to confiscate Junker's aircraft business, or threaten the others with creating a government-run business to compete with it. BASF was so created. Hitler also did not hesitate to threaten the lives and families of any industrialist who did not cooperate. Speer allegedly did so when he ran the German economy. Why leftists think ANY private citizen would be able to thwart somebody who literally controlled the power of life and death over them is beyond me. Wages of Destruction by Adam Tooze is one book exploring this.

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Youtube has violated my community standards. I tend not to associate with assholes and their "standards" team have no standards to speak of. They just demonetize and ban based on whatever they happen not to like at the moment.

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Your articles are hitting the 🎯 so it’s a badge of honor to be suspended. Otherwise they wouldn’t react so callously. I love that they thought responding on Twitter would improve their image. Just made it more obvious how deceptive they are.

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They didn’t understand anything you said so they thought it was better to ban it...

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I just found you on all of them and added you (Rumble, Odysee / LBRY, BitChute). I don't have a Locals account yet. 💚

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YouTube may only be good now to redirect traffic using we are going LIVE or some benign level of video....generally without any audio as well. Can use it as a Tree for social media if you are creator.

But generally, I wouldn't build up anything of import there.

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Blogspot removed my blog tonight about the vaccine injured.. I changed the title and added it back. Let's see how long it lasts. It says someone flagged it for review. It's pretty disturbing that anyone would flag it vs. learning from the injured. These people doing the censoring on all platforms are just pure evil.


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Well, it's like you live in Canada, or something..... https://gettr.com/post/p27k4f9855f

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