Your government taking your money to pay for coercing you to take the deadliest vaccine in history. Stunning.

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Mar 11, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

The US Govt and all the agencies are the enemy of the people. Nothing in that Bill is to help American Citizens. Scary that FDA and the CDC is in on this, IMO this looks like pre meditated murder on the Whole World. Praying people wake up.

Theres a guy who used to work at Blackrock Ed Dowd, he's working on the Wall Street Crowd and many of them took the Jab. I am sure they are mad.

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Mar 11, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

The extent to which the use of the English language has been co-opted and corrupted during my lifetime is truly stunning. Starting with 'vaccine,' more of an advertising slogan intended to revive pleasant thoughts of long-ago injections (and sugar cubes)of polio vaccinations among the elder segment of the population - instead of the minimally tested 'gene therapy' experiment that was being foisted on them.

Than there's the alternative sexuality and transgender co-opting. Define yourself however you wish, but who arrogated you the right to dictate marching orders to the rest of us as to how you'd like to be thought of or addressed? Who allotted you permission to re-define words, including newfound slurs that you have graciously "reimagined" out of formerly acceptable everyday words?

All this, for an alleged alternative sexuality 'problem' that you invented only yesterday?

More insidious for me is the prejudicial shifting. How many times have you heard the term "I'm going to 'share' with you"? How many times does the speaker of those words have two ice cream cones, one of which he wishes to share with you in the true sense of the word? Word, co-opted. No, the intention of the co-opted 'share' is the presumption that the words he then gushes will be worth something to you.

No, Virginia. Never presume this Santa Claus slid down your chimney to 'share' a gift. Look inside the stocking, Virginia. Maybe there's a gold nugget, or maybe there's a bucket of coal.

Question Everything.

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It's taxation for misrepresentation.

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The government got played. The MSM would have promoted its crap for free.

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This amount of information is simply overwhelming. And we're still early in the unfolding disaster...


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Mar 11, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

And we have the audacity to bitch about the corruption in other countries.

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Mar 11, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Thank you.

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Mar 11, 2022Liked by Mathew Crawford

Nice. Well written. So accurate, "just an upscale whore house." Love the quote, very descriptive.

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Mar 11, 2022·edited Mar 11, 2022

The world is politically and morally incorrect in today’s age. Western based social media and mainstream narratives most appear to believe require censorship to exist. Such is the state in 2022. The government seems responsible for introducing a lot of these narratives to create discord and division based on legalized government propaganda. This domestic propaganda was legalized January 2013. This ties directly into your article’s content imho.




This appears to explain policies made with mixed truths concerning CRT, climate change, Covid, monetary policies, etc. It covers all forms of information.

“… its people, its history, and the federal government's policies, through press, publications, radio, motion pictures, the Internet, and other information media, including social media, and through information centers and instructors.”

This was likely thought up in intelligence-based think-tanks over the course of a decade to help deal with controlling information on the Internet. Since the government can’t control information post internet, they flood available information sources with disinformation, which allows them to choose the official narrative amongst the sea of divergent information available in the modern age. The way they explain the official narrative is to appeal to subject matter experts (of their choosing and censor the rest).

As a country and society we must repeal “ 2013 Smith - Mundt Modernization Act - Public Law 112-239”! That is the only way to stop this madness!

Speak to your local government representatives and tell them to repeal “2013 Smith - Mundt Modernization Act - Public Law 112-239”!

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Mar 11, 2022·edited Mar 11, 2022

“Kentucky Representative John Yarmuth is the powerful head of the House Budget Committee,” oh I see. He’s “powerful” but in DC, every schmo is “powerful” in somebody’s estimation. That’s the beauty of the place. And as our gracious host points out, the fawning press are just occupiers of a fancy whorehouse (they have bidets doncha know, and they’ve been to Europe so they know how to use them). DC is littered with them in a tightly controlled society. There are the “powerful” a-holes in Congress, the whores of the media, and then the faceless folks who clean up after them, concoct the foodstuffs, and drive them to and fro from Reagan National.

What strikes me as odd is that while we little people are “shocked” that the press was bought off (again) for propaganda purposes from Congress, everyone forgets that Bill Gates and George Soros do this ALL THE TIME and no one is scandalized in the least. It’s rarely even mentioned.

Which form of purchase power is worse? CEOs are “private” individuals receiving tax breaks for buying (“charitably”) favorable coverage which further enriches them, sounds worse to my finely honed conscience. Especially when their mega-bucks already gets them “nation-state” voting status at various NGOs in Switzerland's diplomatic playgrounds. That’s kind of creepy. But politicians acting like they own the joint for the night is just business as usual.

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We let the softer minded students, who had no idea why they were supposed to be at University, default major to either “journalism” or “political science” so they then could become “Arbiters of Truth for All Fields”. Sounds like a winning strategy to me.

Would be interesting if somebody could gather up enough $$ to pick one of the networks from the info whore menu you listed, and outbid Murthy et al… CNN is pretty seedy, bet they go for cheap.

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(Banned)Mar 11, 2022·edited Mar 11, 2022

Government = Govern (control) Ment (Mind) =Mind control

It isn't really the Government as this is a coordinated attack on all fronts against the unsuspecting gullible...

It really is an act of Biological Terrorism by a group that has planned this for 2000 years and at the frontline of this operation is Klaus Schwab and the WEF Terrorist Organization.

Oh and Klaus Schwab is Henry Kissinger' chosen one it is Kissingers New World Order implemented by Klaus Schwab on behalf of the Rothschild and Rockefeller cabal who are all guilty under current Terrorism laws.

It is after all an act of terrorism.

Here is a declaration of no confidence in the Government.

It is the basis for the legal groundwork necessary to fight.


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Early in the vax saga: RFK Jr and Malone both talked about a CDC policy of the government to promote vaccinations - due to societal benefit or…. Decades-old policy - perhaps well-meaning when it was instituted. If sanity ever returns to our country, obviously this policy needs to go as it has been abused.

Seems likely that redefining the term vaccine to fit the failing Covid jab was part of the policy abuse.

The manipulation and assault on language and its definitions has become a real problem. We’ve seen words like marriage, gender, racism, Nazi, bully, etc redefined - and now vaccine. It all seemed so benign until it affected me personally.

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"It's just an upscale whore house, with modernized techniques."

Paul Craig Roberts coined the term "presstitutes" to more accurately reflect that truth.

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Do you have a source for the NDAA authorizing propaganda claim? If so linking to it in the article would be helpful. I've seen this disputed by at least one independent source I take seriously.

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