Tinnitus and blood clots are the main complaints my medical practitioner is seeing in her practice. The dead patients don't make appointments. Yet, there has been no change in messaging: safe and effective for all people, all the time, from cradle to grave. I overhead another patient saying, "I just haven't been the same since my booster," so some people are aware that they aren't always safe.
I read the twitter account of a person claiming to be a German cardiologist. He estimates, that about 20 to 30 percent of his recent patients are vax side effects, but the hospital forbids him to make safety reports.
The Clot Shots are deadly. No amount of intimidation will be able to hide that fact forever. The news gets worse about the “vaccines “ every day. I personally know three people that have been hospitalized due to the shots and I hear new stories all the time. It will come out.
Is "coming out" precluded by world chaos, like wars or the dollar collapsing---the latter of which might only be staved off by mass wealth consolidation (including from people dying...however that might happen)...and war?
Don’t know the answer, my magic 8 ball is in the shop (sorry to be a smartass, I couldn’t stop myself)…..It feels like we are on a high wire, no net, and windy. Biden and his crew have been an utter disaster…..and it’s only been a year. There are systematic problems that we are not allowed to discuss such as FDA, CDC, FBI, CIA etc- things that need fixing -yesterday -that our politicians are ignoring. I do believe that some of our betters would welcome a “small” war to distract attention. I am not putting this well…..it just feels like another shoe is about to fall….and I cannot even imagine Biden leading us in a war…..but I can see him blundering us into one…..Cheerful, aren’t we?😎
I was thinking it would be a “deadly new variant” but people probably wouldn’t buy that. Mr. Global has come too far to quit now. Maybe a cyber war? Mass electrical outage? I’ve never been so dystopian in my life!
I expected a new deadly variant that would be staged off by the vax, simply because the vax is killing the compliant sheeple and leftist devotees. Seems the opposite of what you'd want, leaving us non-compliant critical thinkers to inherit the earth? Doesn't add up.
Global destabilization will lead to hyperinflation by the end of this year which will be fixed by a Central Bank digital currency administered via a digital passport. With that in place pressure can be applied to force vaccinations for all, for your own good. Then the world will have been restabilized, or reset.
don't need full physical war IMHO, they're happy just letting Germany spend $100bn extra on hardware. Ukraine side-show enough to keep military-industrial complex going for years...
Albeit I just sawy Hilary Clinton compare it to Afghanistan. Hopefully, just a dumb political take. And Russian federation is fairly surgical about the humbling of Ukraine and rest of ex-USSR nations play ball and don't require invasion.
She regurgitated the State Dept. wishful thinking. They are serious about it, and deluded enough to project Ukraine as another Afghanistan for the Soviet Union (which is what the mental midgets mean when they utter, Russia).
Indeed. I am not injected but my husband is. He has not informed me when he got his injection but he didn't really have to - my health deteriorated immediately, and I only found out about his double injection when I asked him about it because I started to get some awful symptoms.
Also, two of my coworkers, men in good health otherwise, have "passed away unexpectedly" shortly after getting the injections...
Yet in Biden's State of the Union Address last night he stated that there is nothing more effective against the virus than the vaccines.
Not one person yelled out, "You lie!"
This just in from Robert Malone's newsletter, written by Clayton Fox, March 2nd. (today):
"Striking evidence comes from California, Georgia, and Illinois, where a third of people dying with COVID had been vaccinated – even some who had received a third booster shot. In the absence of publicly available federal data, the three states offer some of the best numbers on the post-vaccine impact of a pandemic that has claimed 950,000 American lives.
Some health experts say such deaths were predictable. After all, initial reports on the Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson jabs promised vaccine efficacy rates in the 90%-plus range – not perfection. So even if a substantial percentage of the population is vaccinated, vaccinated people will still die. And the vaccines were designed to combat a strain of the virus before the delta and omicron variants appeared, suggesting the new scourges may have played a major role in the vaccines’ disappointing effectiveness…
Yet available state and other statistics suggest just that -- at least when measured against the original Biden standard that the vaccinated "are not going to die": The proportion of fully vaccinated and/or boosted deaths against the number of total deaths is substantial, and appears to have been gradually increasing in recent months at least in several states.
Of the eight states publishing detailed, so-called "breakthrough" death data on the vaccinated to the present, RealClearInvestigations found that Massachusetts – with a substantial 75% fully vaccinated rate – suffered the highest percentage of vaccinated deaths: 55% from January 1 to February 12, 2022.
Even a recent little-publicized and less comprehensive CDC report notes that among those 18 years of age or older across 25 U.S. jurisdictions, from early April to late December 2021, there were approximately 7 million COVID cases and 95,000 deaths among the unvaccinated, versus approximately 3 million cases and 23,000 deaths among the vaccinated. That one in five deaths were associated with the vaccinated, according to the study, suggests protection weaker than the public has been led to believe…
If nothing else, it seems clear that this is not a pandemic of the unvaccinated. A question that remains to be answered is whether public health officials had an obligation to be more forthright about the vaccines’ limitations."
I hope that you are right. I’m concerned about the Swedish study released last Friday indicating that the mRNA shots may indeed change human DNA. Apparently the clot shots were never tested with regard to infertility, cancer, etc. Who knows what else is in store for the people who got the jab…….
Yes, excess mortality rates (in both the Engish and Scottish data) are declining but this may just be the people who were unfortunate to suffer severe cardiac events and strokes having been taken out. My fear is that we now begin to see an incease in excess mortality from cancers, which may take a year or two to begin to become significant.
Read an article regarding some Moderna whistleblowers that claim there are other unknown additives to the vaccine. And the intent of those additions is to cause cancer over the next several decades as well as cause infertility in the next 2 generations. Culling success?! Time will tell.
Or it may have been folks from Pfizer and they stated Moderna would have the same genetics added. Dr. Monica Hughes featured in one of her Substack articles
"The day before visiting, Dad ran into town to get his booster shot because a) Mouth Farms (not its real name) is full of The Unvaccinated and b) he was going to spend time in NYC, The City of the Walking Dead. At this point in time, dad thinks NPIs are ridiculous but is religious in his belief in vaccine efficacy, and the “they don’t stop transmission / but they reduce symptoms / prove it” Fathermouth vs. Guttermouth debate was formally made off-limits in the interests of civility several months prior.
The morning after his arrival, Dad and Guttermouth take a walk out to the other end of the property to look at where the soybeans were (then) recently harvested.
Dad collapses, falls straight on his ass, and says he can’t breathe and his legs have no strength.
Dad recovers after resting on the ground for a few minutes enough to walk back to the house.
Husbandmouth takes Dad to the nearest urgent care, where he is diagnosed with “sudden onset congestive heart failure.” "
To read how this man fared in the hospital after a poor reaction to the booster, read
Me: When my 80 year old Dad had covid and needed hydration, we had a travel nurse come to the house. He isn't covid vaccinated as he was waiting for more time and data. I am sure the hospital would have put him on the standard protocol which would have resulted in the standard outcome for an 80 year old man. He's fine now. Covid was a couple of days of no fun and two weeks of low energy (when he got himself dehydrated).
Hydration: the underrated treatment, if there ever was one.
I remember that time in history when cholera ravaged towns until some wise man said, "Try water and salt," and we found that 80% of cases were cured that way. Yeah.
The bottom line - The Criminal US government together with the rest of the world's criminal governments used it's citizens as LAB RATS for Big Pharma under Criminal mandates. The proof of Criminal intent is hidden in plain sight in their own documents, people need to print and send to their prostitutes selected officials
That's pretty nutty. At what stage does his insurance company think they'll bite the bullet? When they announce full year operating costs? Can they bury that for another year in the accounts? I guess his firing's a matter of timing? Like how Berenson got booted off Twitter for saying something (vaccines are more like temporary therapy at best with bad side-effects than real vaccines) which was then ok to talk about five months later??
So this guy should have stayed his tongue another few months? Hopefully he can get a lawyer, a good payout (good chance if he's quick enough)
and then go back in in a more ethical level when his superiors are fired for being part of the hivemind of this beast (low chance).
or he can just retire and enjoy the money as best he can as the insurance company and the rest of the world deal with the global margin call/liquidation of the next recession (good chance again)
"If we can do this to someone like him, imagine what we can do to you" is the lesson to take home.
Waxing poetical due to having re-read "The Phoenix on the Sword" last night:
Seventy years of the shared delusion that there is this magical fairy dust called "human rights" have made us all idiots. There is power, and there is will, nothing more.
And power is to see your will made real. Replace any belief in rights with that bitter truth, and you cannot be enslaved or caged, neither in spirit or in mind.
Prince or pauper matters not. I'm poor and free because I bow to no will but my own and therefore my soul is not for sale. Believe in rights and you will delude yourself to think that somehow these rights will come swooping in like a god from a machine and save you from oppression. They wont; rights is but the weak gilding their shackles.
I am researching aircraft accidents and such. Do you know why jumbojets and even jetfighters are very safe?
We have machines flying with high speeds in the air, no real breaks, and they can not even stand still. They have tons of fuel, sometimes weapons and everything that can go wrong in a complex system. The instructions are extremely complicated. Yet these jets are safer than cars. Ever wondered how that is possible?
They have to report every problem!
Failure to report any problem will remove them from the job. And if the pilots or engineers have made errors, or could have causes problems, they get training to avoid such errors in the future. They do not get fired for reporting their own mistakes, and that way they and we can learn from their mistakes. So no-one will make these mistakes again. We as a public also can get access to these reports in case of an accident, so we can get confidence in flying these jets.
Can you see the huge difference with Big Pharma? Their system based on secrecy is extremely broken. But there is a proven way how we can fix these things.
Indeed extraordinary because these side effects are so common that everyone knows about them from friends or friends of friends or conversations that they have had. Thus the cover-up, which is so transparent, can only arouse greater suspicions. Also, are they going to ban accounting? Because this is just a health insurer, and they had to go looking for the numbers, but if life and disability insurance takes a major hit, that is going to be hard to hide.
Takes a long time( 10-15 years) to bring down a “Biggie” - Big Tobacco, Big Opiod, etc. It’s really important to push through this. Right now, Big RMNA is being protected by Big Law, Big Gov, and Big Media. Once Big Law sucks everything they can get from Big RMNA, they will start to abandon them and then Feds, little Law, Media, the Folks will take them apart.
I have been doing remediation of contaminated sites for over 30 years and for that period the US EPA and various state environmental regulatory agencies have insisted on removing any residual contamination to meet a 1 X 10-6 cancer risk, and the exposure scenarios they use to derive that risk are WILDLY extrapolated (ultra conservative). Now, if the 120,000 number is close to being correct the bureaucrats in charge of protecting our health are willing to accept without hesitation a 300 times greater risk.
I assume you are in California (Torrance right). There are hundreds of Superfund sites across the country. Superfund is shorthand for the federal Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), a comprehensive environmental cleanup law. I work mostly on the east coast, but I have done several environmental projects in California. As you know, California has the most stringent air emissions standards in the country. The purpose of these regulations is supposed to be protection of health. Considering the standards California has set over the years for emissions etc., when they decided to accept the risks of these vaccines, they just proved human health risks are low on their priority list.
Steve Kirsch is reporting that in hyper liberal California the legislature is debating making dissent against Covid Consensus illegal.
After the actions of Trudeau, and this Ukraine thing I am still convinced America provoked to draw attention away from Covid info, I am inclined to think our elite are in their final stages of imperial collapse.
I believe dissent is already targeted per the recent February 7th. Homeland Security Bulletin,
"The primary terrorism-related threat to the United States continues to stem from lone offenders or small cells of individuals who are motivated by a range of foreign and/or domestic grievances often cultivated through the consumption of certain online content. The convergence of violent extremist ideologies, false or misleading narratives, and conspiracy theories have and will continue to contribute to a heightened threat of violence in the United States."
It's been happening for me too. It's kind of a pain but if you go to the author's post list, then open the post without the tracking cookie/ plain URL then the <3 works
Tinnitus and blood clots are the main complaints my medical practitioner is seeing in her practice. The dead patients don't make appointments. Yet, there has been no change in messaging: safe and effective for all people, all the time, from cradle to grave. I overhead another patient saying, "I just haven't been the same since my booster," so some people are aware that they aren't always safe.
I read the twitter account of a person claiming to be a German cardiologist. He estimates, that about 20 to 30 percent of his recent patients are vax side effects, but the hospital forbids him to make safety reports.
Can you refer me to that account please? Ich kann Deutsch ziemlich gut lesen.
Besser: ich kann ziemlich gut Deutsch lesen (und sprechen).
Dann du könntest selbst die Artikel auf Deutsch suchen.
The Clot Shots are deadly. No amount of intimidation will be able to hide that fact forever. The news gets worse about the “vaccines “ every day. I personally know three people that have been hospitalized due to the shots and I hear new stories all the time. It will come out.
Is "coming out" precluded by world chaos, like wars or the dollar collapsing---the latter of which might only be staved off by mass wealth consolidation (including from people dying...however that might happen)...and war?
That is my real worry.
Don’t know the answer, my magic 8 ball is in the shop (sorry to be a smartass, I couldn’t stop myself)…..It feels like we are on a high wire, no net, and windy. Biden and his crew have been an utter disaster…..and it’s only been a year. There are systematic problems that we are not allowed to discuss such as FDA, CDC, FBI, CIA etc- things that need fixing -yesterday -that our politicians are ignoring. I do believe that some of our betters would welcome a “small” war to distract attention. I am not putting this well…..it just feels like another shoe is about to fall….and I cannot even imagine Biden leading us in a war…..but I can see him blundering us into one…..Cheerful, aren’t we?😎
One doesn't get corruptly installed as head of state to do good deeds, does one? Asking for a friend.
I was thinking it would be a “deadly new variant” but people probably wouldn’t buy that. Mr. Global has come too far to quit now. Maybe a cyber war? Mass electrical outage? I’ve never been so dystopian in my life!
I expected a new deadly variant that would be staged off by the vax, simply because the vax is killing the compliant sheeple and leftist devotees. Seems the opposite of what you'd want, leaving us non-compliant critical thinkers to inherit the earth? Doesn't add up.
I know! That’s why I’m especially concerned about the next shoe, given I’m ungovernable.
Global destabilization will lead to hyperinflation by the end of this year which will be fixed by a Central Bank digital currency administered via a digital passport. With that in place pressure can be applied to force vaccinations for all, for your own good. Then the world will have been restabilized, or reset.
Oh wow, that’s scary!
don't need full physical war IMHO, they're happy just letting Germany spend $100bn extra on hardware. Ukraine side-show enough to keep military-industrial complex going for years...
Albeit I just sawy Hilary Clinton compare it to Afghanistan. Hopefully, just a dumb political take. And Russian federation is fairly surgical about the humbling of Ukraine and rest of ex-USSR nations play ball and don't require invasion.
$hrilary is far too deliberate for dumb political takes.
She regurgitated the State Dept. wishful thinking. They are serious about it, and deluded enough to project Ukraine as another Afghanistan for the Soviet Union (which is what the mental midgets mean when they utter, Russia).
Same! Old saying it's gotta get worse before it gets better comes to mind but I wonder how worse is worse !!
Indeed. I am not injected but my husband is. He has not informed me when he got his injection but he didn't really have to - my health deteriorated immediately, and I only found out about his double injection when I asked him about it because I started to get some awful symptoms.
Also, two of my coworkers, men in good health otherwise, have "passed away unexpectedly" shortly after getting the injections...
Yet in Biden's State of the Union Address last night he stated that there is nothing more effective against the virus than the vaccines.
Not one person yelled out, "You lie!"
This just in from Robert Malone's newsletter, written by Clayton Fox, March 2nd. (today):
"Striking evidence comes from California, Georgia, and Illinois, where a third of people dying with COVID had been vaccinated – even some who had received a third booster shot. In the absence of publicly available federal data, the three states offer some of the best numbers on the post-vaccine impact of a pandemic that has claimed 950,000 American lives.
Some health experts say such deaths were predictable. After all, initial reports on the Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson jabs promised vaccine efficacy rates in the 90%-plus range – not perfection. So even if a substantial percentage of the population is vaccinated, vaccinated people will still die. And the vaccines were designed to combat a strain of the virus before the delta and omicron variants appeared, suggesting the new scourges may have played a major role in the vaccines’ disappointing effectiveness…
Yet available state and other statistics suggest just that -- at least when measured against the original Biden standard that the vaccinated "are not going to die": The proportion of fully vaccinated and/or boosted deaths against the number of total deaths is substantial, and appears to have been gradually increasing in recent months at least in several states.
Of the eight states publishing detailed, so-called "breakthrough" death data on the vaccinated to the present, RealClearInvestigations found that Massachusetts – with a substantial 75% fully vaccinated rate – suffered the highest percentage of vaccinated deaths: 55% from January 1 to February 12, 2022.
Even a recent little-publicized and less comprehensive CDC report notes that among those 18 years of age or older across 25 U.S. jurisdictions, from early April to late December 2021, there were approximately 7 million COVID cases and 95,000 deaths among the unvaccinated, versus approximately 3 million cases and 23,000 deaths among the vaccinated. That one in five deaths were associated with the vaccinated, according to the study, suggests protection weaker than the public has been led to believe…
If nothing else, it seems clear that this is not a pandemic of the unvaccinated. A question that remains to be answered is whether public health officials had an obligation to be more forthright about the vaccines’ limitations."
If the intent of the vaccine is to kill people, some immediately, some slow, then the statement is correct.
True dat, but with some collateral damage. I'd prefer Ivermectin.
euromomo.com and usmortality.com excess mortality say it's getting better already. i.e. if it didn't get you, you're likely in the clear now.
I hope that you are right. I’m concerned about the Swedish study released last Friday indicating that the mRNA shots may indeed change human DNA. Apparently the clot shots were never tested with regard to infertility, cancer, etc. Who knows what else is in store for the people who got the jab…….
Never tested on humans, but likely designed specifically to cause female infertility and cancer. So.
Yes, excess mortality rates (in both the Engish and Scottish data) are declining but this may just be the people who were unfortunate to suffer severe cardiac events and strokes having been taken out. My fear is that we now begin to see an incease in excess mortality from cancers, which may take a year or two to begin to become significant.
Read an article regarding some Moderna whistleblowers that claim there are other unknown additives to the vaccine. And the intent of those additions is to cause cancer over the next several decades as well as cause infertility in the next 2 generations. Culling success?! Time will tell.
Or it may have been folks from Pfizer and they stated Moderna would have the same genetics added. Dr. Monica Hughes featured in one of her Substack articles
Canaries have passed. Shorten lives? vascular and immune damages don't yet seem repair able mechanistically.
Likely just dilatory reporting and the ending of the winter die-off.
Ha. Right.
"The day before visiting, Dad ran into town to get his booster shot because a) Mouth Farms (not its real name) is full of The Unvaccinated and b) he was going to spend time in NYC, The City of the Walking Dead. At this point in time, dad thinks NPIs are ridiculous but is religious in his belief in vaccine efficacy, and the “they don’t stop transmission / but they reduce symptoms / prove it” Fathermouth vs. Guttermouth debate was formally made off-limits in the interests of civility several months prior.
The morning after his arrival, Dad and Guttermouth take a walk out to the other end of the property to look at where the soybeans were (then) recently harvested.
Dad collapses, falls straight on his ass, and says he can’t breathe and his legs have no strength.
Dad recovers after resting on the ground for a few minutes enough to walk back to the house.
Husbandmouth takes Dad to the nearest urgent care, where he is diagnosed with “sudden onset congestive heart failure.” "
To read how this man fared in the hospital after a poor reaction to the booster, read
Not my stack; I'm just a fan.
Me: When my 80 year old Dad had covid and needed hydration, we had a travel nurse come to the house. He isn't covid vaccinated as he was waiting for more time and data. I am sure the hospital would have put him on the standard protocol which would have resulted in the standard outcome for an 80 year old man. He's fine now. Covid was a couple of days of no fun and two weeks of low energy (when he got himself dehydrated).
Hydration: the underrated treatment, if there ever was one.
I remember that time in history when cholera ravaged towns until some wise man said, "Try water and salt," and we found that 80% of cases were cured that way. Yeah.
A priceless reminder. I suspect there may be a reappearance.
Wow, shades of 'Day of the Triffids'. (1962) In today's toxic environment, the film would have been 'canceled' for the off-label use of salt.
But was that an RCT?
The bottom line - The Criminal US government together with the rest of the world's criminal governments used it's citizens as LAB RATS for Big Pharma under Criminal mandates. The proof of Criminal intent is hidden in plain sight in their own documents, people need to print and send to their prostitutes selected officials
1. Pfizer Documents Show FDA Knew of Death Risk https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/dr-michael-yeadon-this-must-stop
2. Premeditated GENOCIDE The FDA and the SEC were aware of "Undesirable Side Effects" of experimental Gene Therapy masqueraded as "Safe and Effective" vaccines. BioNTech SEC Filing: https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/premeditated-genocide-pfizer-mrna
3. "safe and effective" Human Experiment European Medicines Agency's Document https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-truth-about-safety-of-mrna-vaccines
4. Hidden in Plain Sight on NIH Website: The mRNA-LNP Platform’s Lipid Nanoparticle Component Used in Preclinical Vaccine Studies Is Highly Inflammatory https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/hidden-in-plain-sight-on-nih-website
Important Update: Large Bolus of Pfizer Clinical Trials Documents Finally Released by FDA Today
That's pretty nutty. At what stage does his insurance company think they'll bite the bullet? When they announce full year operating costs? Can they bury that for another year in the accounts? I guess his firing's a matter of timing? Like how Berenson got booted off Twitter for saying something (vaccines are more like temporary therapy at best with bad side-effects than real vaccines) which was then ok to talk about five months later??
So this guy should have stayed his tongue another few months? Hopefully he can get a lawyer, a good payout (good chance if he's quick enough)
and then go back in in a more ethical level when his superiors are fired for being part of the hivemind of this beast (low chance).
or he can just retire and enjoy the money as best he can as the insurance company and the rest of the world deal with the global margin call/liquidation of the next recession (good chance again)
He was probably *forced* into signing documents that won't allow him to speak of it again.
"If we can do this to someone like him, imagine what we can do to you" is the lesson to take home.
Waxing poetical due to having re-read "The Phoenix on the Sword" last night:
Seventy years of the shared delusion that there is this magical fairy dust called "human rights" have made us all idiots. There is power, and there is will, nothing more.
And power is to see your will made real. Replace any belief in rights with that bitter truth, and you cannot be enslaved or caged, neither in spirit or in mind.
Prince or pauper matters not. I'm poor and free because I bow to no will but my own and therefore my soul is not for sale. Believe in rights and you will delude yourself to think that somehow these rights will come swooping in like a god from a machine and save you from oppression. They wont; rights is but the weak gilding their shackles.
I am researching aircraft accidents and such. Do you know why jumbojets and even jetfighters are very safe?
We have machines flying with high speeds in the air, no real breaks, and they can not even stand still. They have tons of fuel, sometimes weapons and everything that can go wrong in a complex system. The instructions are extremely complicated. Yet these jets are safer than cars. Ever wondered how that is possible?
They have to report every problem!
Failure to report any problem will remove them from the job. And if the pilots or engineers have made errors, or could have causes problems, they get training to avoid such errors in the future. They do not get fired for reporting their own mistakes, and that way they and we can learn from their mistakes. So no-one will make these mistakes again. We as a public also can get access to these reports in case of an accident, so we can get confidence in flying these jets.
Can you see the huge difference with Big Pharma? Their system based on secrecy is extremely broken. But there is a proven way how we can fix these things.
Good analogy
Indeed extraordinary because these side effects are so common that everyone knows about them from friends or friends of friends or conversations that they have had. Thus the cover-up, which is so transparent, can only arouse greater suspicions. Also, are they going to ban accounting? Because this is just a health insurer, and they had to go looking for the numbers, but if life and disability insurance takes a major hit, that is going to be hard to hide.
“are they going to ban accounting?” 🤣🤣🤣
Takes a long time( 10-15 years) to bring down a “Biggie” - Big Tobacco, Big Opiod, etc. It’s really important to push through this. Right now, Big RMNA is being protected by Big Law, Big Gov, and Big Media. Once Big Law sucks everything they can get from Big RMNA, they will start to abandon them and then Feds, little Law, Media, the Folks will take them apart.
I have been doing remediation of contaminated sites for over 30 years and for that period the US EPA and various state environmental regulatory agencies have insisted on removing any residual contamination to meet a 1 X 10-6 cancer risk, and the exposure scenarios they use to derive that risk are WILDLY extrapolated (ultra conservative). Now, if the 120,000 number is close to being correct the bureaucrats in charge of protecting our health are willing to accept without hesitation a 300 times greater risk.
Wow, that's fascinating. Do you know anything about the superfund (still not quite sure what that means) site in Torrance?
I assume you are in California (Torrance right). There are hundreds of Superfund sites across the country. Superfund is shorthand for the federal Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA), a comprehensive environmental cleanup law. I work mostly on the east coast, but I have done several environmental projects in California. As you know, California has the most stringent air emissions standards in the country. The purpose of these regulations is supposed to be protection of health. Considering the standards California has set over the years for emissions etc., when they decided to accept the risks of these vaccines, they just proved human health risks are low on their priority list.
Incredible that this can happen Matt. They do it right on front of us too.
Steve Kirsch is reporting that in hyper liberal California the legislature is debating making dissent against Covid Consensus illegal.
After the actions of Trudeau, and this Ukraine thing I am still convinced America provoked to draw attention away from Covid info, I am inclined to think our elite are in their final stages of imperial collapse.
Be ready for it.
I believe dissent is already targeted per the recent February 7th. Homeland Security Bulletin,
"The primary terrorism-related threat to the United States continues to stem from lone offenders or small cells of individuals who are motivated by a range of foreign and/or domestic grievances often cultivated through the consumption of certain online content. The convergence of violent extremist ideologies, false or misleading narratives, and conspiracy theories have and will continue to contribute to a heightened threat of violence in the United States."
Hi Mathew. Have you blocked me is something? I can't ♥️ this post.
Just Substack's growing pains, I assume.
It's probably just Substack. Happens randomly.
Have you tried refreshing the page and giving it another go? Works for me.
All sorted now thanks. I tried a different browser. And then it was okay in the original browser 🤔.
Just the CIA messin' with ya. They recently slowed down my internet for an hour after I made an unapproved comment on Biden.
It's been happening for me too. It's kind of a pain but if you go to the author's post list, then open the post without the tracking cookie/ plain URL then the <3 works
Expect talk in Congress of an insurance bailout. Just a mention at first, but gaining steam… from Republicans.
They can keep trying to suppress the facts but eventually they will come out.
You posted at 01:38 hrs EST. Mathew you are working to hard. Thank you.